path: root/sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx
diff options
authorPhilipp Lohmann [pl] <Philipp.Lohmann@Oracle.COM>2011-02-14 16:17:22 +0100
committerPhilipp Lohmann [pl] <Philipp.Lohmann@Oracle.COM>2011-02-14 16:17:22 +0100
commit1fb042333fe6287756ff1fac11d18cd7c150730d (patch)
tree595de5d187177832ce656d7832af9dce9dce2d99 /sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx
parent5b3e910e926c7dd1e8dcfe8e0a5c6cb5bd17480a (diff)
parentcd0d6a5a6775f197fdb7e78b54c8133074a7a236 (diff)
rebase to DEV300_m100
Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx b/sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx
index 0e263a58b90e..8c06e1233297 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/inc/workwin.hxx
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ class SfxWorkWindow;
struct SfxObjectBar_Impl
- USHORT nId; // Resource - und ConfigId der Toolbox
- USHORT nMode; // spezielle Sichtbarkeitsflags
- USHORT nPos;
- USHORT nIndex;
+ sal_uInt16 nId; // Resource - und ConfigId der Toolbox
+ sal_uInt16 nMode; // spezielle Sichtbarkeitsflags
+ sal_uInt16 nPos;
+ sal_uInt16 nIndex;
sal_Bool bDestroy;
String aName;
SfxInterface* pIFace;
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ struct SfxObjectBar_Impl
// Dieser struct h"alt alle relevanten Informationen "uber die Statuszeile bereit.
struct SfxStatBar_Impl
- BOOL bOn;
- BOOL bTemp;
+ sal_uInt16 nId;
+ sal_Bool bOn;
+ sal_Bool bTemp;
SfxStatBar_Impl() :
- bOn(TRUE),
- bTemp(FALSE)
+ bOn(sal_True),
+ bTemp(sal_False)
@@ -106,15 +106,15 @@ struct SfxChild_Impl
Window* pWin;
Size aSize;
SfxChildAlignment eAlign;
- USHORT nVisible;
- BOOL bResize;
- BOOL bCanGetFocus;
- BOOL bSetFocus;
+ sal_uInt16 nVisible;
+ sal_Bool bResize;
+ sal_Bool bCanGetFocus;
+ sal_Bool bSetFocus;
SfxChild_Impl( Window& rChild, const Size& rSize,
- SfxChildAlignment eAlignment, BOOL bIsVisible ):
- pWin(&rChild), aSize(rSize), eAlign(eAlignment), bResize(FALSE),
- bCanGetFocus( FALSE ), bSetFocus( FALSE )
+ SfxChildAlignment eAlignment, sal_Bool bIsVisible ):
+ pWin(&rChild), aSize(rSize), eAlign(eAlignment), bResize(sal_False),
+ bCanGetFocus( sal_False ), bSetFocus( sal_False )
@@ -126,34 +126,34 @@ class SfxChildWinController_Impl : public SfxControllerItem
SfxWorkWindow* pWorkwin;
- SfxChildWinController_Impl( USHORT nId, SfxWorkWindow *pWin );
- virtual void StateChanged( USHORT nSID, SfxItemState eState,
+ SfxChildWinController_Impl( sal_uInt16 nId, SfxWorkWindow *pWin );
+ virtual void StateChanged( sal_uInt16 nSID, SfxItemState eState,
const SfxPoolItem* pState );
struct SfxChildWin_Impl
- USHORT nSaveId; // die ChildWindow-Id
- USHORT nInterfaceId; // der aktuelle Context
- USHORT nId; // aktuelle Id
+ sal_uInt16 nSaveId; // die ChildWindow-Id
+ sal_uInt16 nInterfaceId; // der aktuelle Context
+ sal_uInt16 nId; // aktuelle Id
SfxChildWindow* pWin;
- BOOL bCreate;
+ sal_Bool bCreate;
SfxChildWinInfo aInfo;
SfxChild_Impl* pCli; // != 0 bei direkten Children
- USHORT nVisibility;
- BOOL bEnable;
- BOOL bDisabled;
+ sal_uInt16 nVisibility;
+ sal_Bool bEnable;
+ sal_Bool bDisabled;
SfxChildWin_Impl( sal_uInt32 nID ) :
- nSaveId((USHORT) (nID & 0xFFFF) ),
- nInterfaceId((USHORT) (nID >> 16)),
+ nSaveId((sal_uInt16) (nID & 0xFFFF) ),
+ nInterfaceId((sal_uInt16) (nID >> 16)),
- bCreate(FALSE),
+ bCreate(sal_False),
- nVisibility( FALSE ),
- bEnable( TRUE ),
- bDisabled( FALSE )
+ nVisibility( sal_False ),
+ bEnable( sal_True ),
+ bDisabled( sal_False )
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ DECL_PTRARRAY( SfxChildWindows_Impl, SfxChildWin_Impl*, 2, 2 )
struct SfxObjectBarList_Impl
std::deque<SfxObjectBar_Impl> aArr;
- USHORT nAct;
+ sal_uInt16 nAct;
- SfxObjectBar_Impl operator[] ( USHORT n )
+ SfxObjectBar_Impl operator[] ( sal_uInt16 n )
{ return aArr[n]; }
SfxObjectBar_Impl Actual()
{ return aArr[nAct]; }
@@ -258,15 +258,15 @@ protected:
Window* pWorkWin;
SfxShell* pConfigShell;
Window* pActiveChild;
- USHORT nUpdateMode;
- USHORT nChilds;
- USHORT nOrigMode;
- BOOL bSorted : 1;
- BOOL bDockingAllowed : 1;
- BOOL bInternalDockingAllowed : 1;
- BOOL bAllChildsVisible : 1;
- BOOL bIsFullScreen : 1;
- BOOL bShowStatusBar : 1;
+ sal_uInt16 nUpdateMode;
+ sal_uInt16 nChilds;
+ sal_uInt16 nOrigMode;
+ sal_Bool bSorted : 1;
+ sal_Bool bDockingAllowed : 1;
+ sal_Bool bInternalDockingAllowed : 1;
+ sal_Bool bAllChildsVisible : 1;
+ sal_Bool bIsFullScreen : 1;
+ sal_Bool bShowStatusBar : 1;
sal_Int32 m_nLock;
rtl::OUString m_aStatusBarResName;
rtl::OUString m_aLayoutManagerPropName;
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ protected:
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::lang::XComponent > m_xLayoutManagerListener;
- void CreateChildWin_Impl(SfxChildWin_Impl*,BOOL);
+ void CreateChildWin_Impl(SfxChildWin_Impl*,sal_Bool);
void RemoveChildWin_Impl(SfxChildWin_Impl*);
void Sort_Impl();
void AlignChild_Impl( Window& rWindow, const Size& rNewSize,
SfxChildAlignment eAlign );
SfxChild_Impl* FindChild_Impl( const Window& rWindow ) const;
- virtual BOOL RequestTopToolSpacePixel_Impl( SvBorder aBorder );
+ virtual sal_Bool RequestTopToolSpacePixel_Impl( SvBorder aBorder );
virtual Rectangle GetTopRect_Impl();
SvBorder Arrange_Impl();
virtual void SaveStatus_Impl(SfxChildWindow*, const SfxChildWinInfo&);
@@ -295,14 +295,14 @@ public:
{ return *pBindings; }
Window* GetWindow() const
{ return pWorkWin; }
- Rectangle GetFreeArea( BOOL bAutoHide ) const;
- void SetDockingAllowed(BOOL bSet)
+ Rectangle GetFreeArea( sal_Bool bAutoHide ) const;
+ void SetDockingAllowed(sal_Bool bSet)
{ bDockingAllowed = bSet; }
- void SetInternalDockingAllowed(BOOL bSet)
+ void SetInternalDockingAllowed(sal_Bool bSet)
{ bInternalDockingAllowed = bSet; }
- BOOL IsDockingAllowed() const
+ sal_Bool IsDockingAllowed() const
{ return bDockingAllowed; }
- BOOL IsInternalDockingAllowed() const
+ sal_Bool IsInternalDockingAllowed() const
{ return bInternalDockingAllowed; }
SfxWorkWindow* GetParent_Impl() const
{ return pParent; }
@@ -311,64 +311,64 @@ public:
// Methoden f"ur alle Child-Fenster
void DataChanged_Impl( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt );
void ReleaseChild_Impl( Window& rWindow );
- SfxChild_Impl* RegisterChild_Impl( Window& rWindow, SfxChildAlignment eAlign, BOOL bCanGetFocus=FALSE );
+ SfxChild_Impl* RegisterChild_Impl( Window& rWindow, SfxChildAlignment eAlign, sal_Bool bCanGetFocus=sal_False );
void ShowChilds_Impl();
void HideChilds_Impl();
void Close_Impl();
- BOOL PrepareClose_Impl();
- virtual void ArrangeChilds_Impl( BOOL bForce = TRUE );
+ sal_Bool PrepareClose_Impl();
+ virtual void ArrangeChilds_Impl( sal_Bool bForce = sal_True );
void DeleteControllers_Impl();
void SaveStatus_Impl();
- void HidePopups_Impl(BOOL bHide, BOOL bParent=FALSE, USHORT nId=0);
+ void HidePopups_Impl(sal_Bool bHide, sal_Bool bParent=sal_False, sal_uInt16 nId=0);
void ConfigChild_Impl(SfxChildIdentifier,
- SfxDockingConfig, USHORT);
- void MakeChildsVisible_Impl( BOOL bVis );
+ SfxDockingConfig, sal_uInt16);
+ void MakeChildsVisible_Impl( sal_Bool bVis );
void ArrangeAutoHideWindows( SfxSplitWindow *pSplit );
- BOOL IsAutoHideMode( const SfxSplitWindow *pSplit );
+ sal_Bool IsAutoHideMode( const SfxSplitWindow *pSplit );
void EndAutoShow_Impl( Point aPos );
- void SetFullScreen_Impl( BOOL bSet ) { bIsFullScreen = bSet; }
- BOOL IsFullScreen_Impl() const { return bIsFullScreen; }
+ void SetFullScreen_Impl( sal_Bool bSet ) { bIsFullScreen = bSet; }
+ sal_Bool IsFullScreen_Impl() const { return bIsFullScreen; }
// Methoden f"ur Objectbars
virtual void UpdateObjectBars_Impl();
void ResetObjectBars_Impl();
- void SetObjectBar_Impl( USHORT nPos, sal_uInt32 nResId,
+ void SetObjectBar_Impl( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_uInt32 nResId,
SfxInterface *pIFace, const String* pName=0 );
- Window* GetObjectBar_Impl( USHORT nPos, sal_uInt32 nResId );
- FASTBOOL KnowsObjectBar_Impl( USHORT nPos ) const;
- BOOL IsVisible_Impl();
- void MakeVisible_Impl( BOOL );
- void SetObjectBarVisibility_Impl( USHORT nVis );
- BOOL IsContainer_Impl() const;
- void Lock_Impl( BOOL );
- void NextObjectBar_Impl( USHORT nPos );
- USHORT HasNextObjectBar_Impl( USHORT nPos, String* pStr=0 );
- void SetObjectBarCustomizeMode_Impl( BOOL );
+ Window* GetObjectBar_Impl( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_uInt32 nResId );
+ bool KnowsObjectBar_Impl( sal_uInt16 nPos ) const;
+ sal_Bool IsVisible_Impl();
+ void MakeVisible_Impl( sal_Bool );
+ void SetObjectBarVisibility_Impl( sal_uInt16 nVis );
+ sal_Bool IsContainer_Impl() const;
+ void Lock_Impl( sal_Bool );
+ void NextObjectBar_Impl( sal_uInt16 nPos );
+ sal_uInt16 HasNextObjectBar_Impl( sal_uInt16 nPos, String* pStr=0 );
+ void SetObjectBarCustomizeMode_Impl( sal_Bool );
// Methoden f"ur ChildWindows
void UpdateChildWindows_Impl();
void ResetChildWindows_Impl();
- void SetChildWindowVisible_Impl( sal_uInt32, BOOL, USHORT );
- void ToggleChildWindow_Impl(USHORT,BOOL);
- BOOL HasChildWindow_Impl(USHORT);
- BOOL KnowsChildWindow_Impl(USHORT);
- void ShowChildWindow_Impl(USHORT, BOOL bVisible, BOOL bSetFocus);
- void SetChildWindow_Impl(USHORT, BOOL bOn, BOOL bSetFocus);
- SfxChildWindow* GetChildWindow_Impl(USHORT);
+ void SetChildWindowVisible_Impl( sal_uInt32, sal_Bool, sal_uInt16 );
+ void ToggleChildWindow_Impl(sal_uInt16,sal_Bool);
+ sal_Bool HasChildWindow_Impl(sal_uInt16);
+ sal_Bool KnowsChildWindow_Impl(sal_uInt16);
+ void ShowChildWindow_Impl(sal_uInt16, sal_Bool bVisible, sal_Bool bSetFocus);
+ void SetChildWindow_Impl(sal_uInt16, sal_Bool bOn, sal_Bool bSetFocus);
+ SfxChildWindow* GetChildWindow_Impl(sal_uInt16);
virtual void InitializeChild_Impl(SfxChildWin_Impl*);
SfxSplitWindow* GetSplitWindow_Impl(SfxChildAlignment);
- BOOL IsVisible_Impl( USHORT nMode ) const;
- void DisableChildWindow_Impl( USHORT nId, BOOL bDisable );
- BOOL IsFloating( USHORT nId );
+ sal_Bool IsVisible_Impl( sal_uInt16 nMode ) const;
+ void DisableChildWindow_Impl( sal_uInt16 nId, sal_Bool bDisable );
+ sal_Bool IsFloating( sal_uInt16 nId );
void ChangeWindow_Impl( Window *pNew );
void SetActiveChild_Impl( Window *pChild );
Window* GetActiveChild_Impl();
- virtual BOOL ActivateNextChild_Impl( BOOL bForward = TRUE );
+ virtual sal_Bool ActivateNextChild_Impl( sal_Bool bForward = sal_True );
bool AllowChildWindowCreation_Impl( const SfxChildWin_Impl& i_rCW ) const;
// Methoden f"ur StatusBar
- void SetTempStatusBar_Impl( BOOL bSet );
+ void SetTempStatusBar_Impl( sal_Bool bSet );
void ResetStatusBar_Impl();
void SetStatusBar_Impl(sal_uInt32 nResId, SfxShell *pShell, SfxBindings& );
void UpdateStatusBar_Impl();
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class SfxFrameWorkWin_Impl : public SfxWorkWindow
SfxFrame* pFrame;
SfxFrameWorkWin_Impl( Window* pWin, SfxFrame* pFrm, SfxFrame* pMaster );
- virtual void ArrangeChilds_Impl( BOOL bForce = TRUE );
+ virtual void ArrangeChilds_Impl( sal_Bool bForce = sal_True );
virtual void UpdateObjectBars_Impl();
virtual Rectangle GetTopRect_Impl();