path: root/sfx2/source
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2006-11-22 09:57:32 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2006-11-22 09:57:32 +0000
commite877102f8fd4e413c1107c18bd9580d9c9db6d42 (patch)
treefccd0ac096ca66fcf54e2e1dfe642feeff60beb8 /sfx2/source
parent3e0653255b6053c88e728d013115fbf51abb5016 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS asyncdialogs (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2006/11/01 09:22:56 pb fix: #i66952# syntax error after resync 2006/07/16 11:11:24 pb fix: #i57125# warning free code 2006/03/01 08:59:47 pb fix: #i57125# class DocumentInserter replaces SfxApplication::InsertDocument[s]Dialog
Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/source')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/source/doc/docinsert.cxx b/sfx2/source/doc/docinsert.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ada080da04f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfx2/source/doc/docinsert.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: docinsert.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2006-11-22 10:57:32 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to
+ * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
+ *
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "app.hxx"
+#include "docinsert.hxx"
+#include "docfile.hxx"
+#include "fcontnr.hxx"
+#include "filedlghelper.hxx"
+#include "openflag.hxx"
+#include "passwd.hxx"
+#include "sfxsids.hrc"
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ControlActions.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ExtendedFilePickerElementIds.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/ListboxControlActions.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/TemplateDescription.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilePickerControlAccess.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/lang/IllegalArgumentException.hpp>
+#ifndef _URLOBJ_HXX
+#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#include <svtools/itemset.hxx>
+#include <svtools/eitem.hxx>
+#include <svtools/intitem.hxx>
+#include <svtools/stritem.hxx>
+#include <svtools/svstdarr.hxx>
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs;
+using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+// implemented in 'sfx2/source/appl/appopen.cxx'
+extern ULONG CheckPasswd_Impl( SfxObjectShell* pDoc, SfxItemPool &rPool, SfxMedium* pFile );
+// =======================================================================
+namespace sfx2 {
+// =======================================================================
+// =======================================================================
+// DocumentInserter
+// =======================================================================
+ sal_Int64 _nFlags, const String& _rFactory, bool _bEnableMultiSelection ) :
+ m_sDocFactory ( _rFactory )
+ , m_bMultiSelectionEnabled ( _bEnableMultiSelection )
+ , m_nDlgFlags ( _nFlags | SFXWB_INSERT | WB_3DLOOK )
+ , m_nError ( ERRCODE_NONE )
+ , m_pFileDlg ( NULL )
+ , m_pItemSet ( NULL )
+ , m_pURLList ( NULL )
+ delete m_pFileDlg;
+void DocumentInserter::StartExecuteModal( const Link& _rDialogClosedLink )
+ m_aDialogClosedLink = _rDialogClosedLink;
+ m_nError = ERRCODE_NONE;
+ DELETEZ( m_pURLList );
+ if ( !m_pFileDlg )
+ {
+ sal_Int64 nFlags = m_bMultiSelectionEnabled ? ( m_nDlgFlags | SFXWB_MULTISELECTION )
+ : m_nDlgFlags;
+ m_pFileDlg = new FileDialogHelper( nFlags, m_sDocFactory );
+ }
+ m_pFileDlg->StartExecuteModal( LINK( this, DocumentInserter, DialogClosedHdl ) );
+SfxMedium* DocumentInserter::CreateMedium()
+ SfxMedium* pMedium = NULL;
+ if ( !m_nError && m_pItemSet && m_pURLList && m_pURLList->Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_pURLList->Count() == 1, "DocumentInserter::CreateMedium(): invalid URL list count" );
+ String sURL = *( m_pURLList->GetObject(0) );
+ pMedium = new SfxMedium(
+ SFX_APP()->GetFilterMatcher().GetFilter4FilterName( m_sFilter ), m_pItemSet );
+ pMedium->UseInteractionHandler( TRUE );
+ SfxFilterMatcher* pMatcher = NULL;
+ if ( m_sDocFactory.Len() )
+ pMatcher = new SfxFilterMatcher( m_sDocFactory );
+ else
+ pMatcher = new SfxFilterMatcher();
+ const SfxFilter* pFilter = NULL;
+ sal_uInt32 nError = pMatcher->DetectFilter( *pMedium, &pFilter, FALSE );
+ if ( nError == ERRCODE_NONE && pFilter )
+ pMedium->SetFilter( pFilter );
+ else
+ DELETEZ( pMedium );
+ if ( pMedium && CheckPasswd_Impl( 0, SFX_APP()->GetPool(), pMedium ) == ERRCODE_ABORT )
+ pMedium = NULL;
+ DELETEZ( pMatcher );
+ }
+ return pMedium;
+SfxMediumList* DocumentInserter::CreateMediumList()
+ SfxMediumList* pMediumList = new SfxMediumList;
+ if ( !m_nError && m_pItemSet && m_pURLList && m_pURLList->Count() > 0 )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 i = 0;
+ sal_Int32 nCount = m_pURLList->Count();
+ for ( ; i < nCount; ++i )
+ {
+ String sURL = *( m_pURLList->GetObject( static_cast< USHORT >(i) ) );
+ SfxMedium* pMedium = new SfxMedium(
+ SFX_APP()->GetFilterMatcher().GetFilter4FilterName( m_sFilter ), m_pItemSet );
+ pMedium->UseInteractionHandler( TRUE );
+ SfxFilterMatcher aMatcher( m_sDocFactory );
+ const SfxFilter* pFilter = NULL;
+ sal_uInt32 nError = aMatcher.DetectFilter( *pMedium, &pFilter, FALSE );
+ if ( nError == ERRCODE_NONE && pFilter )
+ pMedium->SetFilter( pFilter );
+ else
+ DELETEZ( pMedium );
+ if( pMedium && CheckPasswd_Impl( 0, SFX_APP()->GetPool(), pMedium ) != ERRCODE_ABORT )
+ pMediumList->Insert( pMedium );
+ else
+ delete pMedium;
+ }
+ }
+ return pMediumList;
+void impl_FillURLList( sfx2::FileDialogHelper* _pFileDlg, SvStringsDtor*& _rpURLList )
+ DBG_ASSERT( _pFileDlg, "DocumentInserter::fillURLList(): invalid file dialog" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( !_rpURLList, "DocumentInserter::fillURLList(): URLList already exists" );
+ Sequence < ::rtl::OUString > aPathSeq = _pFileDlg->GetMPath();
+ if ( aPathSeq.getLength() )
+ {
+ _rpURLList = new SvStringsDtor;
+ if ( aPathSeq.getLength() == 1 )
+ {
+ ::rtl::OUString sFileURL( aPathSeq[0] );
+ String* pURL = new String( sFileURL );
+ _rpURLList->Insert( pURL, 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INetURLObject aPathObj( aPathSeq[0] );
+ aPathObj.setFinalSlash();
+ for ( USHORT i = 1; i < aPathSeq.getLength(); ++i )
+ {
+ if ( i == 1 )
+ aPathObj.Append( aPathSeq[i] );
+ else
+ aPathObj.setName( aPathSeq[i] );
+ String* pURL = new String( aPathObj.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::NO_DECODE ) );
+ _rpURLList->Insert( pURL, _rpURLList->Count() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+IMPL_LINK( DocumentInserter, DialogClosedHdl, sfx2::FileDialogHelper*, EMPTYARG )
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_pFileDlg, "DocumentInserter::DialogClosedHdl(): no file dialog" );
+ m_nError = m_pFileDlg->GetError();
+ if ( ERRCODE_NONE == m_nError )
+ impl_FillURLList( m_pFileDlg, m_pURLList );
+ Reference < XFilePicker > xFP = m_pFileDlg->GetFilePicker();
+ Reference < XFilePickerControlAccess > xCtrlAccess( xFP, UNO_QUERY );
+ if ( )
+ {
+ // always create a new itemset
+ m_pItemSet = new SfxAllItemSet( SFX_APP()->GetPool() );
+ short nDlgType = m_pFileDlg->GetDialogType();
+ bool bHasPassword = (
+ TemplateDescription::FILESAVE_AUTOEXTENSION_PASSWORD == nDlgType
+ // check, wether or not we have to display a password box
+ if ( bHasPassword && m_pFileDlg->IsPasswordEnabled() )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Any aValue = xCtrlAccess->getValue( ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::CHECKBOX_PASSWORD, 0 );
+ sal_Bool bPassWord = sal_False;
+ if ( ( aValue >>= bPassWord ) && bPassWord )
+ {
+ // ask for the password
+ SfxPasswordDialog aPasswordDlg( NULL );
+ aPasswordDlg.ShowExtras( SHOWEXTRAS_CONFIRM );
+ short nRet = aPasswordDlg.Execute();
+ if ( RET_OK == nRet )
+ {
+ String aPasswd = aPasswordDlg.GetPassword();
+ m_pItemSet->Put( SfxStringItem( SID_PASSWORD, aPasswd ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DELETEZ( m_pItemSet );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch( IllegalArgumentException ){}
+ }
+ if ( SFXWB_EXPORT == ( m_nDlgFlags & SFXWB_EXPORT ) )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Any aValue = xCtrlAccess->getValue( ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::CHECKBOX_SELECTION, 0 );
+ sal_Bool bSelection = sal_False;
+ if ( aValue >>= bSelection )
+ m_pItemSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_SELECTION, bSelection ) );
+ }
+ catch( IllegalArgumentException )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR( "FileDialogHelper_Impl::execute: caught an IllegalArgumentException!" );
+ }
+ }
+ // set the read-only flag. When inserting a file, this flag is always set
+ if ( SFXWB_INSERT == ( m_nDlgFlags & SFXWB_INSERT ) )
+ m_pItemSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_DOC_READONLY, sal_True ) );
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ( TemplateDescription::FILEOPEN_READONLY_VERSION == nDlgType ) )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Any aValue = xCtrlAccess->getValue( ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::CHECKBOX_READONLY, 0 );
+ sal_Bool bReadOnly = sal_False;
+ if ( ( aValue >>= bReadOnly ) && bReadOnly )
+ m_pItemSet->Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_DOC_READONLY, bReadOnly ) );
+ }
+ catch( IllegalArgumentException )
+ {
+ DBG_ERROR( "FileDialogHelper_Impl::execute: caught an IllegalArgumentException!" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( TemplateDescription::FILEOPEN_READONLY_VERSION == nDlgType )
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Any aValue = xCtrlAccess->getValue( ExtendedFilePickerElementIds::LISTBOX_VERSION,
+ ControlActions::GET_SELECTED_ITEM_INDEX );
+ sal_Int32 nVersion = 0;
+ if ( ( aValue >>= nVersion ) && nVersion > 0 )
+ // open a special version; 0 == current version
+ m_pItemSet->Put( SfxInt16Item( SID_VERSION, (short)nVersion ) );
+ }
+ catch( IllegalArgumentException ){}
+ }
+ }
+ m_sFilter = m_pFileDlg->GetRealFilter();
+ if ( m_aDialogClosedLink.IsSet() )
+ m_aDialogClosedLink.Call( m_pFileDlg );
+ return 0;
+// =======================================================================
+} // namespace sfx2
+// =======================================================================