path: root/solenv/bin
diff options
authorMichael Stahl <>2013-04-12 21:21:17 +0200
committerMichael Stahl <>2013-04-15 14:53:28 +0200
commitd8b8530d4b920618e188bdfbe8e17d0a150df692 (patch)
tree326b402669fcfd32f4388e27587f881e28c28c10 /solenv/bin
parent127840be1180075b1b082bb0cf46a0eb3561c3e2 (diff)
remove, whatever that is
Change-Id: I3fb41fe649f68f82566e465ba4fa2de52e6201ac
Diffstat (limited to 'solenv/bin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/solenv/bin/ b/solenv/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99bd4a17391f..000000000000
--- a/solenv/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
-# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-# This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
-# with this work for additional information regarding copyright
-# ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
-# License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-# the License at .
-# Description: ??
-# external modules
-use Text::ParseWords;
-# global vars
-@params = ();
-# set debug mode here:
-# Define known parameter exceptions
-%knownpara = ( 'echo', [ '/TEST', 'QQQ', 'CCC', 'uno:' ],
- 'cl', [ '-clr:', '-Z' ],
- 'csc', [ '-target:' ],
- 'lib', [ 'OUT:', 'EXTRACT:','out:', 'def:', 'machine:' ],
- 'link', [ 'BASE:', 'DEBUG', 'DLL', 'LIBPATH', 'MACHINE:',
- 'SUBSYSTEM', 'STACK', 'out:', 'map:', 'ENTRY:',
- 'implib:', 'delayload:', 'def', 'COMMENT:' ],
- 'regmerge', [ '/UCR' ],
- 'rc', [ '-D' ],
- 'rsc', [ '-DOOO_' ] );
-# procedures
-# Function name: myCygpath
-# Description: Transform POSIX path to DOS path
-# Arguments: 1. Variable (string) with one token
-# 2. optional - if set remove spaces and shorten to 8.3
-# representation.
-# Return value: Reformatted String
-sub myCygpath {
- my $posixpath = shift;
- my $shortenpath = shift || '';
- my $dospath;
- if ( $posixpath =~ / / and $shortenpath ) {
- chomp( $dospath = qx{cygpath -d "$posixpath"} );
- # "cygpath -d" returns "" if the file doesn't exist.
- if ($dospath eq "") {
- $dospath = ".";
- print(STDERR "Error: Path: $posixpath:\nhas a problem! Probably nonexistent filename with space.\n");
- if ( (defined $debug_light) or (defined $debug) ) {
- die "exiting ...\n";
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ( $posixpath =~ /^\// ) {
- chomp( $dospath = qx{cygpath -w "$posixpath"} );
- } else {
- $dospath = $posixpath;
- $dospath =~ s/\//\\/g;
- }
- }
- return $dospath;
-# Function name: WinFormat
-# Description: Format variables to Windows Format.
-# Arguments: 1. Variable (string) with one token
-# Return value: Reformatted String
-sub WinFormat {
- my $variable = shift @_;
- my( $d1, $d1_prefix, $d2 );
- $variable =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables
- $variable =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg ; # expand the variables twice!
- # Include paths or parameters with filenames
- if ( $variable =~ /\A(-D[\w\.]*=)[\'\"]?((?:\/?[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates -D<something>=<path>, sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\ninclude (-D<something>=<path>) path:\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- if ( $d2 ne "" ) {
- $d2 =~ s/\\/\\\\/g ;
- }
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(-?\w[\w\.]*=)[\'\"]?((?:\/?[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates [-]X<something>=<path>, sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\ninclude ([-]<something>=<path>) path:\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(--\w[\w\.\-]*=)[\'\"]?((?:\/?[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates --<something>=<path>, sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\ninclude (--<something>=<path>) path:\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(-\w[\w\.]*:)[\'\"]?((?:\/?[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates -X<something>:<path>, sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\nFound (-<something>:<path>):\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(-\w+:)(.*)\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates -X<something>:<NO-path>, and prevents translating of these.
- # option -> $1, rest -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\nFound (-<something>:<no-path>):\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(\w+:)[\'\"]?\/\/\/((?:\/?[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # See iz35982 for the reason for the special treatment of this switch.
- # This regex evaluates <something>:///<path>, sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\nFound (<something>:///<path>):\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1."///";
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- $d2 =~ s/\\/\//g ;
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(-\w)[\'\"]?((?:\/[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates -X<path>, sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\ninclude (-X<absolute path>) path:\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- } elsif ( $variable =~ /\A(-F[ARdemopr])[\'\"]?((?:\/[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?\Z/ ) {
- # This regex evaluates -FX<path> (MSVC switches for output naming), sometimes with quotes or "/" at the end
- # option -> $1, filename without quotes -> $2
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\ncompiler naming (-FX<absolute path>) path:\n$variable\n"); }
- $d1_prefix = $1;
- $d1 = $2;
- $d2 = myCygpath($2,1);
- } else {
- $d2 = "";
- }
- if ( $d2 ne "" ) {
- # Found a parameter
- $d1 =~ s/\+/\\\+/ ;
- $d1 =~ s/\./\\\./ ;
- $variable =~ s/$d1/$d2/ ;
- } else {
- # Found no parameter, assume a path
- $variable =~ s/:/;/g;
- $variable =~ s/([;]|\A)(\w);/$1$2:/g; # get back the drives
- # Search for posix path ;entry; (The regex accepts valid paths with at least one /)
- # and replace with DOS path, accept quotes.
- # iz28717 Accept ',' as path seperator.
- while ( $variable =~ /(?:[;,]|\A)[\'\"]?([\w\.\-\+ ~]*(?:\/[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+\/?)[\'\"]?(?:[;,]|\Z)/ ) {
- # Normal paths
- $d1 = $1;
- $d2 = myCygpath($d1);
- if ( defined $debug ) {
- print(STDERR "WinFormat:\nFull path:\n$variable\nTranslated part:$d2\n");
- }
- $d1 =~ s/\+/\\\+/ ;
- $variable =~ s/$d1/$d2/ ;
- }
- }
- # Sanity check for -X<path>
- if ( $variable =~ /-\w[\'\"]?(?:(?:\/[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+)/ ) {
- print(STDERR "Error: WinFormat: Not converted -X/... type switch in :$variable:.\n");
- if ( (defined $debug_light) or (defined $debug) ) { die "\nNot processed -X/...\n"; }
- }
- # Sanity check for [-]X<something>(:|=)<path> case
- if ( $variable =~ /\A-?\w[\w\.]*[=:][\'\"]?(?:\/[\w\.\-\+ ~]+)+/ ) {
- print(STDERR "Error: WinFormat: Not converted [-]X<something>(=|:)/<path> type switch in :$variable:.\n");
- if ( (defined $debug_light) or (defined $debug) ) { die "\nNot processed [-]X<something>(=|:)/...\n"; }
- }
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "WinFormat:\nresult:$variable\n");};
- return $variable;
-# Function name: replace_cyg
-# Description: Process all arguments and change them to Windows Format.
-# Arguments: Reference to array with arguments
-# Return value: -
-sub replace_cyg {
- my $args = shift;
- my( @cmd_file, @cmd_temp );
- my $atchars;
- foreach my $para ( @$args )
- {
- if ( $para =~ "^@" ) {
- # it's a command file
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "----------------------------\n");};
- # Workaround, iz28717, keep number of @'s.
- $para =~ s/(^\@+)//;
- $atchars = $1;
- $filename = $para;
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "filename = $filename \n");};
- # open this command file for reading
- open(CMD, "$filename");
- while ( <CMD> ) {
- # Remove DOS lineendings. Bug in Cygwin / Perl?
- $_ =~ s/\r//g;
- # Remove lineendings and trailing spaces. ( Needed by &parse_line )
- $_ =~ s/\n$//g;
- $_ =~ s/\s+$//g;
- # Fill all tokens into array
- @cmd_temp = &parse_line('\s+', 1, $_ );
- if ( $#cmd_temp > -1 ) {
- push( @cmd_file, @cmd_temp);
- }
- }
- close(CMD);
- # reformat all tokens
- replace_cyg(\@cmd_file);
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "Tokens processed:\n");};
- foreach $i (@cmd_file) {
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "!".$i."!\n");};
- }
- # open this filename for writing (truncate) Textmode?
- open(CMD, '>', $filename);
- # write all tokens back into this file
- print(CMD join(' ', @cmd_file));
- close(CMD);
- # convert '@filename' to dos style
- $para = WinFormat( $para );
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "----------------------------\n");};
- if ( (defined $debug_light) or (defined $debug) ) { print(STDERR "\nParameter in File:".join(' ', @cmd_file).":\n");}
- $para = $atchars.$para;
- } else {
- # it's just a parameter
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "\nParameter:---${para}---\n");};
- # If $tmp1 is empty then $para is a parameter.
- my $is_no_para = 1;
- # remove .exe and convert to lower case
- $shortcommand = lc $command ;
- $shortcommand =~ s/\.exe$//;
- $shortcommand =~ /([^\/]+$)/;
- $shortcommand = $1;
- foreach $i (@{$knownpara{$shortcommand}}) {
- if( $para =~ /$i/ ) {
- $is_no_para = 0;
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "Is parameter exception for ${shortcommand}: ${para}:\n" );};
- last;
- }
- }
- if( $is_no_para ) {
- $para = WinFormat($para);
- }
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "Converted line:${para}:\n" );};
- } # else
- } # foreach loop
-# Function name: replace_cyg_env
-# Description: Process selected environment variables and change
-# them to Windows Format.
-# Arguments: -
-# Return value: -
-sub replace_cyg_env {
- @affected_vars = (
- );
- foreach my $one_var ( @affected_vars )
- {
- my $this_var = $ENV{ $one_var };
- if ( defined $this_var )
- {
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "ENV $one_var before: ".$ENV{ $one_var}."\n" );};
- $ENV{ $one_var } = WinFormat( $this_var );
- if ( defined $debug ) { print(STDERR "ENV $one_var after : ".$ENV{ $one_var}."\n" );};
- }
- }
-# main
-@params = @ARGV;
-$command = shift(@params);
-while ( $command =~ /^-/ )
- if ( $command eq "-env" )
- {
- replace_cyg_env;
- }
- $command = shift(@params);
-if ( (defined $debug_light) or (defined $debug) ) { print( STDERR "Command: $command\n" ); }
-if ( (defined $debug_light) or (defined $debug) ) { print(STDERR "\n---------------------\nExecute: $command @params\n----------------\n");};
-exec( "$command", @params) or die( "\nError: executing $command failed!\n" );