path: root/solenv/bin
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2008-08-18 09:48:40 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2008-08-18 09:48:40 +0000
commit68c7e82cef9fc89fa3d744309bbd32e4a7cc8da5 (patch)
treeb1690d01fecbf89cc989f4038009e669dd3e67c9 /solenv/bin
parent9c8faa9b331c3326568b0c6c234db5e3042cd0fb (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS native180 (1.23.82); FILE MERGED
2008/08/05 14:00:01 is #i91954# prepare products for msp usage
Diffstat (limited to 'solenv/bin')
1 files changed, 178 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
index 62e948a73a56..5a1e617d0d73 100644
--- a/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
+++ b/solenv/bin/modules/installer/windows/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# $RCSfile:,v $
-# $Revision: 1.23 $
+# $Revision: 1.24 $
# This file is part of
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ sub get_component_from_assigned_file
sub generate_unique_filename_for_filetable
- my ($fileref, $component) = @_;
+ my ($fileref, $component, $uniquefilenamehashref) = @_;
# This new filename has to be saved into $fileref, because this is needed to find the source.
# The filename sbasic.idx/OFFSETS is changed to OFFSETS, but OFFSETS is not unique.
@@ -296,7 +296,17 @@ sub generate_unique_filename_for_filetable
installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$uniquefilename); # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
- if (( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$component/$uniquefilename"}) ))
+ # Reading unique filename with help of "Component_" in File table from old database
+ if (( $installer::globals::updatedatabase ) && ( exists($uniquefilenamehashref->{"$component/$uniquefilename"}) ))
+ {
+ $uniquefilename = $uniquefilenamehashref->{"$component/$uniquefilename"}; # syntax of $value: ($uniquename;$shortname)
+ if ( $uniquefilename =~ /^\s*(.*?)\;\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $uniquefilename = $1; }
+ $lcuniquefilename = lc($uniquefilename);
+ $installer::globals::alluniquefilenames{$uniquefilename} = 1;
+ $installer::globals::alllcuniquefilenames{$lcuniquefilename} = 1;
+ return $uniquefilename;
+ }
+ elsif (( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$component/$uniquefilename"}) ))
# If we have a FTK mapping for this component/file, use it.
$installer::globals::savedmapping{"$component/$uniquefilename"} =~ m/^(.*);/;
@@ -372,7 +382,7 @@ sub generate_unique_filename_for_filetable
sub generate_filename_for_filetable
- my ($fileref, $shortnamesref) = @_;
+ my ($fileref, $shortnamesref, $uniquefilenamehashref) = @_;
my $returnstring = "";
@@ -381,7 +391,15 @@ sub generate_filename_for_filetable
installer::pathanalyzer::make_absolute_filename_to_relative_filename(\$filename); # making /registry/schema/org/openoffice/VCL.xcs to VCL.xcs
my $shortstring;
- if (( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"}) ))
+ # Reading short string with help of "FileName" in File table from old database
+ if (( $installer::globals::updatedatabase ) && ( exists($uniquefilenamehashref->{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"}) ))
+ {
+ my $value = $uniquefilenamehashref->{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"}; # syntax of $value: ($uniquename;$shortname)
+ if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\;\s*(.*?)\s*$/ ) { $shortstring = $2; } # already collected in function "collect_shortnames_from_old_database"
+ else { $shortstring = $filename; }
+ }
+ elsif (( $installer::globals::prepare_winpatch ) && ( exists($installer::globals::savedmapping{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"}) ))
$installer::globals::savedmapping{"$fileref->{'componentname'}/$filename"} =~ m/.*;(.*)/;
if ($1 ne '')
@@ -457,11 +475,47 @@ sub get_fileversion
sub get_sequence_for_file
- my ($number, $onefile) = @_;
+ my ($number, $onefile, $fileentry, $allupdatesequenceshashref, $allupdatefileorderhashref, $allfilecomponents) = @_;
my $sequence = "";
- if (( $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'} ) && ( $installer::globals::use_packages_for_cabs ))
+ if ( $installer::globals::updatedatabase )
+ {
+ if ( exists($allupdatesequenceshashref->{$onefile->{'uniquename'}}) )
+ {
+ $sequence = $allupdatesequenceshashref->{$onefile->{'uniquename'}};
+ $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'} = $sequence;
+ # Collecting all used sequences, to guarantee, that no number is unused
+ $installer::globals::allusedupdatesequences{$sequence} = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $installer::globals::updatesequencecounter++;
+ $sequence = $installer::globals::updatesequencecounter;
+ $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'} = $sequence;
+ # $onefile->{'assignedcabinetfile'} = $installer::globals::pffcabfilename; # assigning to cabinet file for "post final files"
+ # Collecting all new files
+ $installer::globals::newupdatefiles{$sequence} = $onefile;
+ # Saving in sequence hash
+ $allupdatefileorderhashref->{$sequence} = $onefile->{'uniquename'};
+ # If the new file is part of an existing component, this must be changed now. All files
+ # of one component have to be included in one cabinet file. But because the order must
+ # not change, all new files have to be added to new components.
+ # $onefile->{'componentname'} = $file{'Component_'};
+ $onefile->{'componentname'} = $onefile->{'componentname'} . "_pff"; # pff for "post final file"
+ $fileentry->{'Component_'} = $onefile->{'componentname'};
+ if ( ! exists($allfilecomponents->{$fileentry->{'Component_'}}) ) { $allfilecomponents->{$fileentry->{'Component_'}} = 1; }
+ $onefile->{'PostFinalFile'} = 1;
+ # $installer::globals::pfffileexists = 1;
+ # The sequence for this file has changed. It has to be inserted at the end of the files collector.
+ $installer::globals::insert_file_at_end = 1;
+ $installer::globals::newfilescollector{$sequence} = $onefile; # Adding new files to the end of the filescollector
+ $installer::globals::newfilesexist = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (( $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'} ) && ( $installer::globals::use_packages_for_cabs ))
$sequence = $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'};
@@ -519,6 +573,88 @@ sub generate_registry_keypath
return $keypath;
+# Check, if in an update process files are missing. No removal
+# of files allowed for Windows Patch creation.
+# Also logging all new files, that have to be included in extra
+# components and cab files.
+sub check_file_sequences
+ my ($allupdatefileorderhashref) = @_;
+ # All used sequences stored in %installer::globals::allusedupdatesequences
+ # Maximum sequence number of old database stored in $installer::globals::updatelastsequence
+ # All new files stored in %installer::globals::newupdatefiles
+ my $infoline = "";
+ my @missing_sequences = ();
+ my @really_missing_sequences = ();
+ for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $installer::globals::updatelastsequence; $i++ )
+ {
+ if ( ! exists($installer::globals::allusedupdatesequences{$i}) ) { push(@missing_sequences, $i); }
+ }
+ if ( $#missing_sequences > -1 )
+ {
+ # Missing sequences can also be caused by files included in merge modules. This files are added later into the file table.
+ # Therefore now it is time to check the content of the merge modules.
+ for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#missing_sequences; $j++ )
+ {
+ my $filename = $allupdatefileorderhashref->{$missing_sequences[$j]};
+ # Is this a file from a merge module? Then this is no error.
+ if ( ! exists($installer::globals::mergemodulefiles{$filename}) )
+ {
+ push(@really_missing_sequences, $missing_sequences[$j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $#really_missing_sequences > -1 )
+ {
+ my $errorstring = "";
+ for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#really_missing_sequences; $j++ )
+ {
+ my $filename = $allupdatefileorderhashref->{$really_missing_sequences[$j]};
+ $errorstring = "$errorstring$filename (Sequence: $really_missing_sequences[$j])\n";
+ }
+ $infoline = "ERROR: Files are removed compared with update database.\nThe following files are missing:\n$errorstring";
+ push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ installer::exiter::exit_program($infoline, "check_file_sequences");
+ }
+ # Searching for new files
+ my $counter = 0;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %installer::globals::newupdatefiles )
+ {
+ my $onefile = $installer::globals::newupdatefiles{$key};
+ $counter++;
+ if ( $counter == 1 )
+ {
+ $infoline = "\nNew files compared to the update database:\n";
+ push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ }
+ $infoline = "$onefile->{'Name'} ($onefile->{'gid'}) Sequence: $onefile->{'assignedsequencenumber'}\n";
+ push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ }
+ if ( $counter == 0 )
+ {
+ $infoline = "Info: No new file compared with update database!\n";
+ push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ }
# Collecting further conditions for the component table.
# This is used by multilayer products, to enable installation
@@ -559,12 +695,33 @@ sub get_tree_condition_for_component
+# Collecting all short names, that are
+# already used by the old database
+sub collect_shortnames_from_old_database
+ my ($uniquefilenamehashref, $shortnameshashref) = @_;
+ foreach my $key ( keys %{$uniquefilenamehashref} )
+ {
+ my $value = $uniquefilenamehashref->{$key}; # syntax of $value: ($uniquename;$shortname)
+ if ( $value =~ /^\s*(.*?)\;\s*(.*?)\s*$/ )
+ {
+ my $shortstring = $2;
+ $shortnameshashref->{$shortstring} = 1; # adding the shortname to the array of all shortnames
+ }
+ }
# Creating the file File.idt dynamically
sub create_files_table
- my ($filesref, $allfilecomponentsref, $basedir, $allvariables) = @_;
+ my ($filesref, $allfilecomponentsref, $basedir, $allvariables, $uniquefilenamehashref, $allupdatesequenceshashref, $allupdatefileorderhashref) = @_;
installer::logger::include_timestamp_into_logfile("Performance Info: File Table start");
@@ -589,6 +746,8 @@ sub create_files_table
# my @shortnames = ();
my %shortnames = ();
+ if ( $installer::globals::updatedatabase ) { collect_shortnames_from_old_database($uniquefilenamehashref, \%shortnames); }
installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@filetable, "file");
installer::windows::idtglobal::write_idt_header(\@filehashtable, "filehash");
@@ -603,7 +762,7 @@ sub create_files_table
if (( $styles =~ /\bJAVAFILE\b/ ) && ( ! ($allvariables->{'JAVAPRODUCT'} ))) { next; }
$file{'Component_'} = get_file_component_name($onefile, $filesref);
- $file{'File'} = generate_unique_filename_for_filetable($onefile, $file{'Component_'});
+ $file{'File'} = generate_unique_filename_for_filetable($onefile, $file{'Component_'}, $uniquefilenamehashref);
$onefile->{'uniquename'} = $file{'File'};
$onefile->{'componentname'} = $file{'Component_'};
@@ -613,7 +772,7 @@ sub create_files_table
if ( ! exists($allfilecomponents{$file{'Component_'}}) ) { $allfilecomponents{$file{'Component_'}} = 1; }
- $file{'FileName'} = generate_filename_for_filetable($onefile, \%shortnames);
+ $file{'FileName'} = generate_filename_for_filetable($onefile, \%shortnames, $uniquefilenamehashref);
$file{'FileSize'} = get_filesize($onefile);
@@ -627,8 +786,9 @@ sub create_files_table
# $file{'Attributes'} = "16384"; # Sourcefile is packed
# $file{'Attributes'} = "8192"; # Sourcefile is unpacked
+ $installer::globals::insert_file_at_end = 0;
- $file{'Sequence'} = get_sequence_for_file($counter, $onefile);
+ $file{'Sequence'} = get_sequence_for_file($counter, $onefile, \%file, $allupdatesequenceshashref, $allupdatefileorderhashref, \%allfilecomponents);
$onefile->{'sequencenumber'} = $file{'Sequence'};
@@ -638,7 +798,7 @@ sub create_files_table
push(@filetable, $oneline);
- push(@allfiles, $onefile);
+ if ( ! $installer::globals::insert_file_at_end ) { push(@allfiles, $onefile); }
# Collecting all component conditions
if ( $onefile->{'ComponentCondition'} )
@@ -769,6 +929,12 @@ sub create_files_table
$infoline = "\nCreated idt file: $filehashtablename\n";
push(@installer::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
+ # Now the new files can be added to the files collector (only in update packaging processes)
+ if ( $installer::globals::newfilesexist )
+ {
+ foreach my $seq (sort keys %installer::globals::newfilescollector) { push(@allfiles, $installer::globals::newfilescollector{$seq}) }
+ }
return \@allfiles;