path: root/solenv
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2001-04-19 12:46:35 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2001-04-19 12:46:35 +0000
commitea65fb1e6ad851d64d0e8fe9757bed3eb02708c8 (patch)
tree1633518170ef1e4eb3228fa7c2cac9e4fdd0ab79 /solenv
parent43c09a061b3e10c9716e619349e3277994562355 (diff)
First revision of perl buld tool
Diffstat (limited to 'solenv')
1 files changed, 450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/solenv/bin/ b/solenv/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe58c880df58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/solenv/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+use Cwd;
+# #
+# Globale Variablen #
+# #
+$QuantityToBuild = 0;
+%DependenciesHash = ();
+%DepsArchive = ();
+%BuildQueue = ();
+%PathHash = ();
+%PlatformHash = ();
+%DeadDependencies = ();
+%ParentDepsHash = ();
+@UnresolvedParents = ();
+%DeadParents = ();
+$CurrentPrj = "";
+$StandDir = GetStandDir();
+$QuantityToBuild = GetQuantityToBuild();
+$BuildAllParents = HowToBuild();
+$dmake = GetDmakeCommando();
+@TotenEltern = keys %DeadParents;
+if (($BuildAllParents) && ($#TotenEltern != -1)) {
+ my ($DeadPrj);
+ print "\nWARNING! Project(s):\n\n";
+ foreach $DeadPrj (@TotenEltern) {
+ print "$DeadPrj\n";
+ };
+ print "\nnot found and couldn't be built. Correct the build.lst's.\n";
+# #
+# Procedures #
+# #
+# Remove project to build ahead from dependencies and make an array
+# of all from given project dependent projects
+sub BuryDeadParent {
+ #my ($ExclPrj, $i, $Prj, $DependenciesHash);
+ #$ExclPrj = $_[0];
+ #$DependenciesHash = $_[1];
+ #foreach $Prj (keys $DependenciesHash) {
+ # PrjDepsLoop:
+ # foreach $i (0 .. $#{$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}) {
+ # #print $Prj, " $i ", ${$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}[$i], "\n";
+ # if (${$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}[$i] eq $ExclPrj) {
+ # splice (@{$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}, $i, 1);
+ # $i = 0;
+ # last PrjDepsLoop;
+ # };
+ # };
+ #};
+# Get dependencies of current and all parent projects
+sub GetParentDeps {
+ my ($ParentsString, @DepsArray, $Prj, $Parent, @TotenEltern);
+ $ParentsString = GetParentsString(".");
+ @DepsArray = GetDependenciesArray($ParentsString);
+ @UnresolvedParents = @DepsArray;
+ $ParentDepsHash{$CurrentPrj} = [@DepsArray];
+ ResolveParentsLoop:
+ while ($Prj = pop(@UnresolvedParents)) {
+ my (@DepsArray);
+ if (!($ParentsString = GetParentsString($StandDir.$Prj))) {
+ $DeadParents{$Prj} = 1;
+ $ParentDepsHash{$Prj} = [];
+ next ResolveParentsLoop;
+ };
+ @DepsArray = GetDependenciesArray($ParentsString);
+ $ParentDepsHash{$Prj} = [@DepsArray];
+ foreach $Parent (@DepsArray) {
+ if (!defined($ParentDepsHash{$Parent})) {
+ push (@UnresolvedParents, $Parent);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ print "\n";
+ @TotenEltern = keys %DeadParents;
+ foreach $Parent (@TotenEltern) {
+ BuryDeadParent($Parent, %ParentDepsHash);
+ };
+# Build everything that should be built
+sub BuildAll {
+ if ($BuildAllParents) {
+ GetParentDeps();
+ };
+ GetPrjDeps(".");
+ BuildDependent();
+# Start build given project
+sub MakeDir {
+ my ($DirToBuild, $BuildDir, $error, );
+ $DirToBuild = $_[0];
+ $BuildDir = CorrectPath($StandDir.$PathHash{$DirToBuild});
+ if ($ENV{GUI} eq "UNX") {
+ use Cwd 'chdir';
+ };
+ chdir ($BuildDir);
+ print $BuildDir, "\n";
+ cwd();
+ $error = system ("$dmake");
+ if (!$error) {
+ RemoveFromDependencies($DirToBuild);
+ } else {
+ print "Error $error occurred while making $BuildDir\n";
+ exit();
+ };
+# Make dependeCheck if project should be built when all parent projects are built
+sub GetParentsString {
+ my ($ParentPrjs, @Arr, $PrjDir);
+ $PrjDir = $_[0];
+ if (!open (PrjBuildFile, $PrjDir."/prj/build.lst")) {
+ return "";
+ };
+ @Arr = <PrjBuildFile>;
+ $Arr[0] =~ /(\:)([\t | \s]+)/;
+ $ParentPrjs = $';
+ close PrjBuildFile;
+ return $';
+# Check if project should be built when all parent projects are built
+sub HowToBuild {
+ my ($i);
+ foreach $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
+ if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-all/) {
+ splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
+ return 1;
+ };
+ };
+ return 0;
+# Getting hashes of all internal dependencies and additional
+# infos for given project
+sub GetPrjDeps {
+ my ($dummy);
+ open (PrjBuildFile, "prj/build.lst");
+ BuildLstLoop:
+ while (<PrjBuildFile>) {
+ s/\r\n//;
+ if ($_ =~ /nmake/) {
+ my ($Platform, $Dependencies, $Dir, $DirAlias, @Array);
+ $Dependencies = $';
+ $dummy = $`;
+ $dummy =~ /(\w+)\t([\w | \\ | \.]+)/;
+ $Dir = $2;
+ $Dependencies =~ /(\t\-\t)(\w+)/; #(\t)(\S+)(\s)/;
+ $Platform = $2;
+ $Dependencies = $';
+ while ($Dependencies =~ /,(\w+)/) {
+ $Dependencies = $';
+ };
+ $Dependencies =~ /(\s)(\S+)(\s)/;
+ $DirAlias = $2;
+ if (!CheckPlatform($Platform)) {
+ $DeadDependencies{$DirAlias} = 1;
+ next BuildLstLoop;
+ };
+ $PlatformHash{$DirAlias} = 1;
+ $Dependencies = $';
+ @Array = GetDependenciesArray($Dependencies);
+ $DependenciesHash{$DirAlias} = [@Array];
+ $BuildQueue{$DirAlias} = 1;
+ $PathHash{$DirAlias} = $Dir;
+ };
+ };
+ %DepsArchive = %DependenciesHash;
+ foreach $Dir (keys %DeadDependencies) {
+ if (!IsHashNative($Dir)) {
+ RemoveFromDependencies($Dir);
+ delete $DeadDependencies{$Dir};
+ };
+ };
+ BuildDependent();
+# Convert path from abstract (with '\' and/or '/' delimiters)
+# to system-dependent
+sub CorrectPath {
+ $_ = $_[0];
+ if ($ENV{GUI} eq "UNX") {
+ s/\\/\//g;
+ } elsif ( ($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") ||
+ ($ENV{GUI} eq "WIN") ||
+ ($ENV{GUI} eq "MAC") ||
+ ($ENV{GUI} eq "OS2")) {
+ s/\//\\/g;
+ } else {
+ die "\nNo environment set\n";
+ };
+ return $_;
+# Get platform-dependent dmake commando
+sub GetDmakeCommando {
+ my ($dmake, $arg);
+ # Setting platform-dependent aliases for dmake
+ if ($ENV{GUI} eq "UNX") {
+ $dmake = "_dmake";
+ } elsif ( ($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") ||
+ ($ENV{GUI} eq "WIN") ||
+ ($ENV{GUI} eq "MAC") ||
+ ($ENV{GUI} eq "OS2")) {
+ $dmake = "dmake";
+ } else {
+ die "\nNo environment set\n";
+ };
+ $dmake .= " ".$ENV{PROFULLSWITCH};
+ while ($arg = pop(@ARGV)) {
+ $dmake .= " "."$arg";
+ };
+ return $dmake;
+# Procedure returns quantity of folders to be built syncronously
+sub GetQuantityToBuild {
+ my ($i);
+ foreach $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
+ if ($ARGV[$i] =~ /^-PP/) {
+ splice(@ARGV, $i, 1);
+ return $';
+ };
+ };
+# Procedure retrieves list of projects to be built from build.lst
+sub GetStandDir {
+ my ($StandDir);
+ do {
+ if (open(PrjBuildFile, "prj/build.lst")) {
+ $StandDir = cwd();
+ $StandDir =~ /(\w+$)/;
+ $StandDir = $`;
+ $CurrentPrj = $1;
+ close(PrjBuildFile);
+ return $StandDir;
+ };
+ }
+ while (chdir(".."));
+ die "Found no project to build\n";
+# Build the entire project according to queue of dependencies
+sub BuildDependent {
+ my ($Prj);
+ while ($Prj = PickPrjToBuild()) {
+ MakeDir($Prj);
+ $Prj = "";
+ };
+# Picks project which can be build now from hash and deletes it from hash
+sub PickPrjToBuild {
+ my ($Prj);
+ $Prj = FindUndepPrj();
+ delete $DependenciesHash{$Prj};
+ return $Prj;
+# Make a decision if the project should be built on this platform
+sub CheckPlatform {
+ my ($Platform);
+ $Platform = $_[0];
+ if ($Platform eq "all") {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif (($ENV{GUI} eq "WNT") &&
+ (($Platform eq "w") || ($Platform eq "n"))) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif (($ENV{GUI} eq "WIN") && ($Platform eq "w")) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif (($ENV{GUI} eq "UNX") && ($Platform eq "u")) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif (($ENV{GUI} eq "MACOSX") && ($Platform eq "m")) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif (($ENV{GUI} eq "OS2") && ($Platform eq "p")) {
+ return 1;
+ };
+ return 0;
+# Find undependent project
+sub FindUndepPrj {
+ my ($Prj, @Prjs, @PrjDeps, $i);
+ @Prjs = keys %DependenciesHash;
+ if ($#Prjs != -1) {
+ PrjLoop:
+ foreach $Prj (@Prjs) {
+ if (IsHashNative($Prj)) {
+ next PrjLoop;
+ };
+ @PrjDeps = @{$DependenciesHash{$Prj}};
+ if ($#PrjDeps == -1) {
+ return $Prj;
+ };
+ };
+ # If there are only dependent projects in hash - generate error
+ print "\nError: projects";
+ DeadPrjLoop:
+ foreach $Prj (keys %DependenciesHash) {
+ if (IsHashNative($Prj)) {
+ next DeadPrjLoop;
+ };
+ $i = 0;
+ print "\n", $Prj, " depends on:";
+ foreach $i (0 .. $#{$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}) {
+ print " ", ${$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}[$i];
+ };
+ };
+ print "\nhave dead or circular dependencies\n\n";
+ exit ();
+ };
+# Check if given entry is HASH-native, that is not a user-defined data
+sub IsHashNative {
+ my ($Prj);
+ $Prj = $_[0];
+ if ($Prj =~ /^HASH\(0x[\d | a | b | c | d | e | f]{6,}\)/) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ };
+# Remove project to build ahead from dependencies and make an array
+# of all from given project dependent projects
+sub RemoveFromDependencies {
+ my ($ExclPrj, $i, $Prj);
+ $ExclPrj = $_[0];
+ foreach $Prj (keys %DependenciesHash) {
+ PrjDepsLoop:
+ foreach $i (0 .. $#{$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}) {
+ #print $Prj, " $i ", ${$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}[$i], "\n";
+ if (${$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}[$i] eq $ExclPrj) {
+ splice (@{$DependenciesHash{$Prj}}, $i, 1);
+ $i = 0;
+ last PrjDepsLoop;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+# Getting array of dependencies from the string given
+sub GetDependenciesArray {
+ my ($DepString, @Dependencies, $ParentPrj);
+ @Dependencies = ();
+ $DepString = $_[0];
+ while (!($DepString =~ /^NULL/)) {
+ $DepString =~ /(\S+)(\s)/;
+ $ParentPrj = $1;
+ $DepString = $';
+ if ($ParentPrj =~ /(\S+)(\.)(\w)/) {
+ $ParentPrj = $1;
+ if (CheckPlatform($3)) {
+ push(@Dependencies, $ParentPrj);
+ };
+ } else {
+ push(@Dependencies, $ParentPrj);
+ };
+ };
+ return @Dependencies;
+# Getting current directory list
+sub GetDirectoryList {
+ my ($Path);
+ $Path = $_[0];
+ opendir(CurrentDirList, $Path);
+ @DirectoryList = readdir(CurrentDirList);
+ closedir(CurrentDirList);
+ return @DirectoryList;