path: root/sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx
diff options
authorMiklos Vajna <>2015-10-08 21:41:23 +0200
committerMiklos Vajna <>2015-10-09 08:05:43 +0200
commit1d5f31378ae9a0047c48b51bc0934a7d4fa41026 (patch)
treed92852db40b6701956954efbf649950ce386f6e2 /sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx
parentc7e4e197892319831de6b7a2fd007844237058c1 (diff)
sot: prefix members of StgEntry
Change-Id: I02896b167f000972f36c81847f39fc8b1e5396d3
Diffstat (limited to 'sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx b/sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx
index 35ad8259881c..3972f80f3985 100644
--- a/sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx
+++ b/sot/source/sdstor/stgelem.hxx
@@ -108,21 +108,21 @@ enum StgEntryTime { // time codes:
class StgEntry
{ // directory entry
- sal_uInt16 nName[ 32 ]; // 00 name as WCHAR
- sal_uInt16 nNameLen; // 40 size of name in bytes including 00H
- sal_uInt8 cType; // 42 entry type
- sal_uInt8 cFlags; // 43 0 or 1 (tree balance?)
- sal_Int32 nLeft; // 44 left node entry
- sal_Int32 nRight; // 48 right node entry
- sal_Int32 nChild; // 4C 1st child entry if storage
- ClsId aClsId; // 50 class ID (optional)
- sal_Int32 nFlags; // 60 state flags(?)
- sal_Int32 nMtime[ 2 ]; // 64 modification time
- sal_Int32 nAtime[ 2 ]; // 6C creation and access time
- sal_Int32 nPage1; // 74 starting block (either direct or translated)
- sal_Int32 nSize; // 78 file size
- sal_Int32 nUnknown; // 7C unknown
- OUString aName; // Name as Compare String (ascii, upper)
+ sal_uInt16 m_nName[ 32 ]; // 00 name as WCHAR
+ sal_uInt16 m_nNameLen; // 40 size of name in bytes including 00H
+ sal_uInt8 m_cType; // 42 entry type
+ sal_uInt8 m_cFlags; // 43 0 or 1 (tree balance?)
+ sal_Int32 m_nLeft; // 44 left node entry
+ sal_Int32 m_nRight; // 48 right node entry
+ sal_Int32 m_nChild; // 4C 1st child entry if storage
+ ClsId m_aClsId; // 50 class ID (optional)
+ sal_Int32 m_nFlags; // 60 state flags(?)
+ sal_Int32 m_nMtime[ 2 ]; // 64 modification time
+ sal_Int32 m_nAtime[ 2 ]; // 6C creation and access time
+ sal_Int32 m_nPage1; // 74 starting block (either direct or translated)
+ sal_Int32 m_nSize; // 78 file size
+ sal_Int32 m_nUnknown; // 7C unknown
+ OUString m_aName; // Name as Compare String (ascii, upper)
bool Init(); // initialize the data
bool SetName( const OUString& ); // store a name (ASCII, up to 32 chars)
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ public:
sal_Int32 Compare( const StgEntry& ) const; // compare two entries
bool Load( const void* pBuffer, sal_uInt32 nBufSize, sal_uInt64 nUnderlyingStreamSize );
void Store( void* );
- StgEntryType GetType() const { return (StgEntryType) cType; }
- sal_Int32 GetStartPage() const { return nPage1; }
- void SetType( StgEntryType t ) { cType = (sal_uInt8) t; }
- sal_Int32 GetSize() const { return nSize; }
- void SetSize( sal_Int32 n ) { nSize = n; }
- const ClsId& GetClassId() const { return aClsId; }
+ StgEntryType GetType() const { return (StgEntryType) m_cType; }
+ sal_Int32 GetStartPage() const { return m_nPage1; }
+ void SetType( StgEntryType t ) { m_cType = (sal_uInt8) t; }
+ sal_Int32 GetSize() const { return m_nSize; }
+ void SetSize( sal_Int32 n ) { m_nSize = n; }
+ const ClsId& GetClassId() const { return m_aClsId; }
void SetClassId( const ClsId& );
sal_Int32 GetLeaf( StgEntryRef ) const;
void SetLeaf( StgEntryRef, sal_Int32 );