path: root/starmath/source/node.cxx
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authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:07:07 +0000
commitd791366863cf9659a01b171ce0e727bfe2f28cdf (patch)
treec44591abc4bf9e7207814d6d9a7756c37657249a /starmath/source/node.cxx
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'starmath/source/node.cxx')
1 files changed, 2490 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/starmath/source/node.cxx b/starmath/source/node.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3680c6883500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/starmath/source/node.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,2490 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: node.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 16:57:26 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef _SV_GEN_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/gen.hxx>
+#ifndef _FRACT_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/fract.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_COLOR_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/color.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_METRIC_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/metric.hxx>
+#include <vcl/lineinfo.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXMODULE_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/module.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_POLY_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/poly.hxx>
+#ifndef _XPOLY_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/xpoly.hxx>
+#ifndef _XOUTX_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/xoutx.hxx>
+#ifndef XCHAR_HXX
+#include "xchar.hxx"
+#endif //USE_POLYGON
+#ifndef NODE_HXX
+#include "node.hxx"
+#ifndef SYMBOL_HXX
+#include "symbol.hxx"
+#ifndef _SMMOD_HXX
+#include "smmod.hxx"
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+// define this to draw rectangles for debugging
+//#define SM_RECT_DEBUG
+// SmTmpDevice
+// A little class that behaves like a "const OutputDevice &" object but
+// allows for font changes. The original font will be restored in the
+// destructor! (Thus logically it's "const".)
+// It's main purpose is to allow for the "const" in the 'OutputDevice'
+// argument in the 'Arrange' functions.
+// In fact we need to change the font in the 'OutputDevice' to the one
+// of the node to calculate sizes (rectangles) for text.
+class SmTmpDevice
+ OutputDevice &rOutDev;
+ // disallow use of copy-constructor and assignment-operator
+ SmTmpDevice(const SmTmpDevice &rTmpDev);
+ SmTmpDevice & operator = (const SmTmpDevice &rTmpDev);
+ SmTmpDevice(OutputDevice &rTheDev);
+ ~SmTmpDevice() { rOutDev.Pop(); }
+ void SetFont(const Font &rNewFont) { rOutDev.SetFont(rNewFont); }
+ // conversion operator that allows only const member-functions from
+ // 'OutputDevice' to be called. (Thus only the font can be changed
+ // via the above 'SetFont')
+ operator const OutputDevice & () const { return rOutDev; }
+SmTmpDevice::SmTmpDevice(OutputDevice &rTheDev) :
+ rOutDev(rTheDev)
+ rOutDev.SetMapMode( MAP_100TH_MM ); //Immer fuer 100% fomatieren
+SmNode::SmNode(SmNodeType eNodeType, const SmToken &rNodeToken)
+ eType = eNodeType;
+ eScaleMode = SCALE_NONE;
+ aNodeToken = rNodeToken;
+SmNode * SmNode::GetLeftMost()
+ // returns leftmost node of current subtree.
+ //! (this assumes the one with index 0 is always the leftmost subnode
+ //! for the current node).
+ SmNode *pNode = GetNumSubNodes() > 0 ?
+ GetSubNode(0) : NULL;
+ return pNode ? pNode->GetLeftMost() : this;
+void SmNode::SetPhantom(BOOL bIsPhantomP)
+ if (! (Flags() & FLG_VISIBLE))
+ bIsPhantom = bIsPhantomP;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetPhantom(bIsPhantom);
+void SmNode::SetColor(const Color& rColor)
+ if (! (Flags() & FLG_COLOR))
+ GetFont().SetColor(rColor);
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetColor(rColor);
+void SmNode::SetAttribut(USHORT nAttrib)
+ if ( nAttrib == ATTR_BOLD && !(Flags() & FLG_BOLD)
+ || nAttrib == ATTR_ITALIC && !(Flags() & FLG_ITALIC))
+ nAttributes |= nAttrib;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetAttribut(nAttrib);
+void SmNode::ClearAttribut(USHORT nAttrib)
+ if ( nAttrib == ATTR_BOLD && !(Flags() & FLG_BOLD)
+ || nAttrib == ATTR_ITALIC && !(Flags() & FLG_ITALIC))
+ nAttributes &= ~nAttrib;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->ClearAttribut(nAttrib);
+void SmNode::SetFont(const SmFace &rFace)
+ if (!(Flags() & FLG_FONT))
+ GetFont() = rFace;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetFont(rFace);
+void SmNode::SetFontSize(const Fraction &rSize, USHORT nType)
+ //! 'rSize' is in units of pts
+ Size aSize;
+ if (!(Flags() & FLG_SIZE))
+ {
+ Fraction aVal (SmPtsTo100th_mm(rSize.GetNumerator()),
+ rSize.GetDenominator());
+ long nHeight = (long) aVal;
+ aSize = GetFont().GetSize();
+ aSize.Width() = 0;
+ switch(nType)
+ {
+ aSize.Height() = nHeight;
+ break;
+ aSize.Height() += nHeight;
+ break;
+ aSize.Height() -= nHeight;
+ break;
+ aSize.Height() = (long) (Fraction(aSize.Height()) * rSize);
+ break;
+ if (rSize != Fraction(0L))
+ aSize.Height() = (long) (Fraction(aSize.Height()) / rSize);
+ break;
+ }
+ // check the requested size against maximum value
+ static int __READONLY_DATA nMaxVal = SmPtsTo100th_mm(128);
+ if (aSize.Height() > nMaxVal)
+ aSize.Height() = nMaxVal;
+ GetFont().SetSize(aSize);
+ }
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetFontSize(rSize, nType);
+void SmNode::SetSize(const Fraction &rSize)
+ GetFont() *= rSize;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetSize(rSize);
+void SmNode::SetRectHorAlign(RectHorAlign eHorAlign)
+ if (!(Flags() & FLG_HORALIGN))
+ eRectHorAlign = eHorAlign;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->SetRectHorAlign(eHorAlign);
+void SmNode::PrepareAttributes()
+ GetFont().SetWeight((Attributes() & ATTR_BOLD) ? WEIGHT_BOLD : WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ GetFont().SetItalic((Attributes() & ATTR_ITALIC) ? ITALIC_NORMAL : ITALIC_NONE);
+void SmNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ bIsDebug = TRUE;
+ bIsDebug = FALSE;
+ bIsPhantom = FALSE;
+ nFlags = 0;
+ nAttributes = 0;
+ switch (rFormat.GetHorAlign())
+ { case AlignLeft: eRectHorAlign = RHA_LEFT; break;
+ case AlignCenter: eRectHorAlign = RHA_CENTER; break;
+ case AlignRight: eRectHorAlign = RHA_RIGHT; break;
+ }
+ GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_MATH);
+ GetFont().SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL);
+ GetFont().SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE);
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ int nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->Prepare(rFormat);
+void SmNode::ToggleDebug() const
+ // toggle 'bIsDebug' in current subtree
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ SmNode *pThis = (SmNode *) this;
+ pThis->bIsDebug = bIsDebug ? FALSE : TRUE;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ int nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = pThis->GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->ToggleDebug();
+#ifdef MAC
+#pragma segment FrmNode_02
+void SmNode::Move(const Point& rPosition)
+ if (rPosition.X() == 0 && rPosition.Y() == 0)
+ return;
+ SmRect::Move(rPosition);
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->Move(rPosition);
+void SmNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+void SmNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point &rPosition) const
+ if (IsPhantom())
+ return;
+ const SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ { Point aOffset (pNode->GetTopLeft() - GetTopLeft());
+ pNode->Draw(rDev, rPosition + aOffset);
+ }
+ if (!IsDebug())
+ return;
+ SmRect::Draw(rDev, rPosition, nRFlags);
+const SmNode * SmNode::FindTokenAt(USHORT nRow, USHORT nCol) const
+ // returns (first) ** visible ** (sub)node with the tokens text at
+ // position 'nRow', 'nCol'.
+ //! (there should be exactly one such node if any)
+ if ( IsVisible()
+ && nRow == GetToken().nRow
+ && nCol >= GetToken().nCol && nCol < GetToken().nCol + GetToken().aText.Len())
+ return this;
+ else
+ {
+ USHORT nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nNumSubNodes; i++)
+ { const SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
+ if (!pNode)
+ continue;
+ const SmNode *pResult = pNode->FindTokenAt(nRow, nCol);
+ if (pResult)
+ return pResult;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+const SmNode * SmNode::FindRectClosestTo(const Point &rPoint) const
+ long nDist = LONG_MAX;
+ const SmNode *pResult = 0;
+ if (IsVisible())
+ pResult = this;
+ else
+ {
+ USHORT nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < nNumSubNodes; i++)
+ { const SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
+ if (!pNode)
+ continue;
+ long nTmp;
+ const SmNode *pFound = pNode->FindRectClosestTo(rPoint);
+ if (pFound && (nTmp = pFound->OrientedDist(rPoint)) < nDist)
+ { nDist = nTmp;
+ pResult = pFound;
+ // quit immediately if 'rPoint' is inside the *should not
+ // overlap with other rectangles* part.
+ // This (partly) serves for getting the attributes in eg
+ // "bar overstrike a".
+ // ('nDist < 0' is used as *quick shot* to avoid evaluation of
+ // the following expression, where the result is already determined)
+ if (nDist < 0 && pFound->IsInsideRect(rPoint))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pResult;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ for (USHORT i = 0; i < GetNumSubNodes(); i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ delete pNode;
+void SmStructureNode::SetSubNodes(SmNode *pFirst, SmNode *pSecond, SmNode *pThird)
+ if (pFirst)
+ aSubNodes.Put(0, pFirst);
+ if (pSecond)
+ aSubNodes.Put(1, pSecond);
+ if (pThird)
+ aSubNodes.Put(2, pThird);
+void SmStructureNode::SetSubNodes(const SmNodeArray &rNodeArray)
+ aSubNodes = rNodeArray;
+void SmTableNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ // arranges all subnodes in one column
+ Point rPosition;
+ USHORT nWidth = 0;
+ USHORT nHeight = 0;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ // make distance depend on font size
+ long nDist = +(rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_VERTICAL)
+ * GetFont().GetSize().Height()) / 100L;
+ if (nSize < 1)
+ return;
+ // arrange subnodes and get maximum width of them
+ long nMaxWidth = 0,
+ nTmp;
+ for (i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ { pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ if ((nTmp = pNode->GetItalicWidth()) > nMaxWidth)
+ nMaxWidth = nTmp;
+ }
+ Point aPos;
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(nMaxWidth, 0));
+ for (i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ { if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ { const SmRect &rNodeRect = pNode->GetRect();
+ const SmNode *pCoNode = pNode->GetLeftMost();
+ SmTokenType eType = pCoNode->GetToken().eType;
+ RectHorAlign eHorAlign = eType == TTEXT ?
+ RHA_LEFT : pCoNode->GetRectHorAlign();
+ aPos = rNodeRect.AlignTo(*this, RP_BOTTOM,
+ eHorAlign, RVA_BASELINE);
+ if (i)
+ aPos.Y() += nDist;
+ pNode->MoveTo(aPos);
+ ExtendBy(rNodeRect, nSize > 1 ? RCP_NONE : RCP_ARG);
+ }
+ }
+void SmLineNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ //! wir verwenden hier den 'FNT_VARIABLE' Font, da er vom Ascent und Descent
+ //! ia besser zum Rest der Formel passt als der 'FNT_MATH' Font.
+ GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE);
+ Flags() |= FLG_FONT;
+void SmLineNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ // arranges all subnodes in one row with some extra space between
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect());
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ USHORT nSize = GetNumSubNodes();
+ for (i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ // provide an empty rectangle with alignment parameters for the "current"
+ // font (in order to make "a^1 {}_2^3 a_4" work correct, that is, have the
+ // same sub-/supscript positions.)
+ //! be sure to use a character that has explicitly defined HiAttribut
+ //! line in rect.cxx such as 'a' in order to make 'vec a' look same to
+ //! 'vec {a}'.
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, C2S("a"),
+ GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+ // make sure that the rectangle occupies (almost) no space
+ SetWidth(1);
+ SetItalicSpaces(0, 0);
+ if (nSize < 1)
+ return;
+ // make distance depend on font size
+ long nDist = +(rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_HORIZONTAL)
+ * GetFont().GetSize().Height()) / 100L;
+ Point aPos;
+ for (i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ {
+ aPos = pNode->AlignTo(*this, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ // no horizontal space before first node
+ if (i)
+ aPos.X() += nDist;
+ pNode->MoveTo(aPos);
+ ExtendBy(*pNode, i ? RCP_XOR : RCP_ARG);
+ }
+void SmExpressionNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ // as 'SmLineNode::Arrange' but keeps alignment of leftmost subnode
+ DBG_ASSERT(GetNumSubNodes() > 0, "Sm: keine subnodes");
+ SmLineNode::Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ // copy alignment of leftmost subnode if any
+ //! (this assumes its the one with index 0)
+ SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(0);
+ if (pNode)
+ SetRectHorAlign(pNode->GetRectHorAlign());
+void SmUnHorNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ BOOL bIsPostfix = GetToken().eType == TFACT;
+ SmNode *pOper = GetSubNode(bIsPostfix ? 1 : 0),
+ *pBody = GetSubNode(bIsPostfix ? 0 : 1);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pOper, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ pOper->SetSize(Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR), 100));
+ pOper->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ Point aPos = pOper->AlignTo(*pBody, bIsPostfix ? RP_RIGHT : RP_LEFT,
+ // add a bit space between operator and argument
+ // (worst case -{1 over 2} where - and over have almost no space inbetween)
+ long nDelta = pOper->GetFont().GetSize().Height() / 20;
+ if (bIsPostfix)
+ aPos.X() += nDelta;
+ else
+ aPos.X() -= nDelta;
+ pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
+ long nOldBot = GetBottom();
+ ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_XOR);
+ // workaround for Bug 50865: "a^2 a^+2" have different baselines
+ // for exponents (if size of exponent is large enough)
+ SetBottom(nOldBot);
+void SmRootNode::GetHeightVerOffset(const SmRect &rRect,
+ long &rHeight, long &rVerOffset) const
+ // calculate height and vertical offset of root sign suitable for 'rRect'
+ rVerOffset = (rRect.GetBottom() - rRect.GetAlignB()) / 2;
+ rHeight = rRect.GetHeight() - rVerOffset;
+ DBG_ASSERT(rHeight >= 0, "Sm : Ooops...");
+ DBG_ASSERT(rVerOffset >= 0, "Sm : Ooops...");
+Point SmRootNode::GetExtraPos(const SmRect &rRootSymbol,
+ const SmRect &rExtra) const
+ const Size &rSymSize = rRootSymbol.GetSize();
+ Point aPos = rRootSymbol.GetTopLeft()
+ + Point((rSymSize.Width() * 70) / 100,
+ (rSymSize.Height() * 52) / 100);
+ // from this calculate topleft edge of 'rExtra'
+ aPos.X() -= rExtra.GetWidth() + rExtra.GetItalicRightSpace();
+ aPos.Y() -= rExtra.GetHeight();
+ // if there's enough space move a bit less to the right
+ // examples: "nroot i a", "nroot j a"
+ // (it looks better if we don't use italic-spaces here)
+ long nX = rRootSymbol.GetLeft() + (rSymSize.Width() * 30) / 100;
+ if (aPos.X() > nX)
+ aPos.X() = nX;
+ return aPos;
+void SmRootNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ //! pExtra needs to have the smaller index than pRootSym in order to
+ //! not to get the root symbol but the pExtra when clicking on it in the
+ //! GraphicWindow. (That is because of the simplicity of the algorithm
+ //! that finds the node corresponding to a mouseclick in the window.)
+ SmNode *pExtra = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pRootSym = GetSubNode(1),
+ *pBody = GetSubNode(2);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pRootSym, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ long nHeight,
+ nVerOffset;
+ GetHeightVerOffset(*pBody, nHeight, nVerOffset);
+ nHeight += rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ROOT)
+ * GetFont().GetSize().Height() / 100L;
+ pRootSym->AdaptToX(rDev, pBody->GetItalicWidth());
+ pRootSym->AdaptToY(rDev, nHeight);
+ pRootSym->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ Point aPos = pRootSym->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_LEFT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ //! overrride calulated vertical position
+ aPos.Y() = pRootSym->GetTop() + pBody->GetBottom() - pRootSym->GetBottom();
+ aPos.Y() -= nVerOffset;
+ pRootSym->MoveTo(aPos);
+ if (pExtra)
+ { pExtra->SetSize(Fraction(rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX), 100));
+ pExtra->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ aPos = GetExtraPos(*pRootSym, *pExtra);
+ pExtra->MoveTo(aPos);
+ }
+ SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
+ ExtendBy(*pRootSym, RCP_THIS);
+ if (pExtra)
+ ExtendBy(*pExtra, RCP_THIS, (BOOL) TRUE);
+void SmBinHorNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pLeft = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pOper = GetSubNode(1),
+ *pRight = GetSubNode(2);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pLeft != NULL, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pOper != NULL, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pRight != NULL, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ pOper->SetSize(Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_OPERATOR), 100));
+ pLeft ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ pOper ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ pRight->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ const SmRect &rOpRect = pOper->GetRect();
+ long nDist = (rOpRect.GetWidth() *
+ rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_HORIZONTAL)) / 100L;
+ SmRect::operator = (*pLeft);
+ Point aPos;
+ aPos = pOper->AlignTo(*this, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.X() += nDist;
+ pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
+ ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_XOR);
+ aPos = pRight->AlignTo(*this, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.X() += nDist;
+ pRight->MoveTo(aPos);
+ ExtendBy(*pRight, RCP_XOR);
+void SmBinVerNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pNum = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pLine = GetSubNode(1),
+ *pDenom = GetSubNode(2);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNum, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pLine, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pDenom, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ BOOL bIsTextmode = rFormat.IsTextmode();
+ if (bIsTextmode)
+ {
+ Fraction aFraction(rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_INDEX), 100);
+ pNum ->SetSize(aFraction);
+ pLine ->SetSize(aFraction);
+ pDenom->SetSize(aFraction);
+ }
+ pNum ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ pDenom->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ long nFontHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height(),
+ nExtLen = nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_FRACTION) / 100L,
+ nThick = nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_STROKEWIDTH) / 100L,
+ nWidth = Max(pNum->GetItalicWidth(), pDenom->GetItalicWidth()),
+ nNumDist = bIsTextmode ? 0 :
+ nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_NUMERATOR) / 100L,
+ nDenomDist = bIsTextmode ? 0 :
+ nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_DENOMINATOR) / 100L;
+ pLine->AdaptToX(rDev, nWidth + 2 * nExtLen);
+ pLine->AdaptToY(rDev, nThick);
+ pLine->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ // get horizontal alignment for numerator
+ const SmNode *pLM = pNum->GetLeftMost();
+ RectHorAlign eHorAlign = pLM->GetToken().eType == TTEXT ?
+ RHA_LEFT : pLM->GetRectHorAlign();
+ // move numerator to its position
+ Point aPos = pNum->AlignTo(*pLine, RP_TOP, eHorAlign, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.Y() -= nNumDist;
+ pNum->MoveTo(aPos);
+ // get horizontal alignment for denominator
+ pLM = pDenom->GetLeftMost();
+ eHorAlign = pLM->GetToken().eType == TTEXT ?
+ RHA_LEFT : pLM->GetRectHorAlign();
+ // move denominator to its position
+ aPos = pDenom->AlignTo(*pLine, RP_BOTTOM, eHorAlign, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.Y() += nDenomDist;
+ pDenom->MoveTo(aPos);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pNum);
+ ExtendBy(*pDenom, RCP_NONE).ExtendBy(*pLine, RCP_NONE, pLine->GetCenterY());
+double Det(const Point &rHeading1, const Point &rHeading2)
+ // gibt den Wert der durch die beiden Punkte gebildeten Determinante
+ // zurck
+ return rHeading1.X() * rHeading2.Y() - rHeading1.Y() * rHeading2.X();
+BOOL IsPointInLine(const Point &rPoint1,
+ const Point &rPoint2, const Point &rHeading2)
+ // ergibt TRUE genau dann, wenn der Punkt 'rPoint1' zu der Gerade gehrt die
+ // durch den Punkt 'rPoint2' geht und den Richtungsvektor 'rHeading2' hat
+ DBG_ASSERT(rHeading2 != Point(), "Sm : 0 vector");
+ BOOL bRes = FALSE;
+ const double eps = 5.0 * DBL_EPSILON;
+ double fLambda;
+ if (labs(rHeading2.X()) > labs(rHeading2.Y()))
+ {
+ fLambda = (rPoint1.X() - rPoint2.X()) / (double) rHeading2.X();
+ bRes = fabs(rPoint1.Y() - (rPoint2.Y() + fLambda * rHeading2.Y())) < eps;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fLambda = (rPoint1.Y() - rPoint2.Y()) / (double) rHeading2.Y();
+ bRes = fabs(rPoint1.X() - (rPoint2.X() + fLambda * rHeading2.X())) < eps;
+ }
+ return bRes;
+USHORT GetLineIntersectionPoint(Point &rResult,
+ const Point& rPoint1, const Point &rHeading1,
+ const Point& rPoint2, const Point &rHeading2)
+ DBG_ASSERT(rHeading1 != Point(), "Sm : 0 vector");
+ DBG_ASSERT(rHeading2 != Point(), "Sm : 0 vector");
+ USHORT nRes = 1;
+ const double eps = 5.0 * DBL_EPSILON;
+ // sind die Richtumgsvektoren linear abhngig ?
+ double fDet = Det(rHeading1, rHeading2);
+ if (fabs(fDet) < eps)
+ {
+ nRes = IsPointInLine(rPoint1, rPoint2, rHeading2) ? USHRT_MAX : 0;
+ rResult = nRes ? rPoint1 : Point();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // hier achten wir nicht auf Rechengenauigkeit
+ // (das wrde aufwendiger und lohnt sich hier kaum)
+ double fLambda = ( (rPoint1.Y() - rPoint2.Y()) * rHeading2.X()
+ - (rPoint1.X() - rPoint2.X()) * rHeading2.Y())
+ / fDet;
+ rResult = Point(rPoint1.X() + fLambda * rHeading1.X(),
+ rPoint1.Y() + fLambda * rHeading1.Y());
+ }
+ return nRes;
+SmBinDiagonalNode::SmBinDiagonalNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken)
+: SmStructureNode(NBINDIAGONAL, rNodeToken)
+ bAscending = FALSE;
+ SetNumSubNodes(3);
+void SmBinDiagonalNode::GetOperPosSize(Point &rPos, Size &rSize,
+ const Point &rDiagPoint, double fAngleDeg) const
+ // gibt die Position und Gre fr den Diagonalstrich zurck.
+ // Vor.: das SmRect des Nodes gibt die Begrenzung vor(!), mu also selbst
+ // bereits bekannt sein.
+ const double fPi = 3.1415926535897932384626433;
+ double fAngleRad = fAngleDeg / 180.0 * fPi;
+ long nRectLeft = GetItalicLeft(),
+ nRectRight = GetItalicRight(),
+ nRectTop = GetTop(),
+ nRectBottom = GetBottom();
+ Point aRightHdg (100, 0),
+ aDownHdg (0, 100),
+ aDiagHdg (100.0 * cos(fAngleRad), -100.0 * sin(fAngleRad));
+ long nLeft, nRight, nTop, nBottom; // Rnder des Rechtecks fr die
+ // Diagonale
+ Point aPoint;
+ if (IsAscending())
+ {
+ //
+ // obere rechte Ecke bestimmen
+ //
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aRightHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ //
+ // gibt es einen Schnittpunkt mit dem oberen Rand ?
+ if (aPoint.X() <= nRectRight)
+ {
+ nRight = aPoint.X();
+ nTop = nRectTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // es mu einen Schnittpunkt mit dem rechten Rand geben!
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectRight, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ nRight = nRectRight;
+ nTop = aPoint.Y();
+ }
+ //
+ // untere linke Ecke bestimmen
+ //
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectLeft, nRectBottom), aRightHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ //
+ // gibt es einen Schnittpunkt mit dem unteren Rand ?
+ if (aPoint.X() >= nRectLeft)
+ {
+ nLeft = aPoint.X();
+ nBottom = nRectBottom;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // es mu einen Schnittpunkt mit dem linken Rand geben!
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ nLeft = nRectLeft;
+ nBottom = aPoint.Y();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // obere linke Ecke bestimmen
+ //
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aRightHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ //
+ // gibt es einen Schnittpunkt mit dem oberen Rand ?
+ if (aPoint.X() >= nRectLeft)
+ {
+ nLeft = aPoint.X();
+ nTop = nRectTop;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // es mu einen Schnittpunkt mit dem linken Rand geben!
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectLeft, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ nLeft = nRectLeft;
+ nTop = aPoint.Y();
+ }
+ //
+ // untere rechte Ecke bestimmen
+ //
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectLeft, nRectBottom), aRightHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ //
+ // gibt es einen Schnittpunkt mit dem unteren Rand ?
+ if (aPoint.X() <= nRectRight)
+ {
+ nRight = aPoint.X();
+ nBottom = nRectBottom;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // es mu einen Schnittpunkt mit dem rechten Rand geben!
+ GetLineIntersectionPoint(aPoint,
+ Point(nRectRight, nRectTop), aDownHdg,
+ rDiagPoint, aDiagHdg);
+ nRight = nRectRight;
+ nBottom = aPoint.Y();
+ }
+ }
+ rSize = Size(nRight - nLeft + 1, nBottom - nTop + 1);
+ rPos.X() = nLeft;
+ rPos.Y() = nTop;
+void SmBinDiagonalNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ //! die beiden Argumente mssen in den Subnodes vor dem Operator kommen,
+ //! damit das anklicken im GraphicWindow den FormulaCursor richtig setzt
+ //! (vgl SmRootNode)
+ SmNode *pLeft = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pRight = GetSubNode(1);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pLeft, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pRight, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(GetSubNode(2)->GetType() == NPOLYLINE, "Sm : falscher Nodetyp");
+ SmPolyLineNode *pOper = (SmPolyLineNode *) GetSubNode(2);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pOper, "Sm : NULL pointer");
+ //! some routines being called extract some info from the OutputDevice's
+ //! font (eg the space to be used for borders OR the font name(!!)).
+ //! Thus the font should reflect the needs and has to be set!
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ pLeft->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ pRight->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ // implizit die Weite (incl Rand) des Diagonalstrichs ermitteln
+ pOper->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ long nDelta = pOper->GetWidth() * 8 / 10;
+ // TopLeft Position vom rechten Argument ermitteln
+ Point aPos;
+ aPos.X() = pLeft->GetItalicRight() + nDelta + pRight->GetItalicLeftSpace();
+ if (IsAscending())
+ aPos.Y() = pLeft->GetBottom() + nDelta;
+ else
+ aPos.Y() = pLeft->GetTop() - nDelta - pRight->GetHeight();
+ pRight->MoveTo(aPos);
+ // neue Baseline bestimmen
+ long nBaseline = IsAscending() ? (pLeft->GetBottom() + pRight->GetTop()) / 2
+ : (pLeft->GetTop() + pRight->GetBottom()) / 2;
+ Point aLogCenter ((pLeft->GetItalicRight() + pRight->GetItalicLeft()) / 2,
+ nBaseline);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pLeft);
+ ExtendBy(*pRight, RCP_NONE);
+ // Position und Gre des Diagonalstrich ermitteln
+ Size aSize;
+ GetOperPosSize(aPos, aSize, aLogCenter, IsAscending() ? 60.0 : -60.0);
+ // die Gre setzen
+ pOper->AdaptToX(rDev, aSize.Width());
+ pOper->AdaptToY(rDev, aSize.Height());
+ // und diese wirksam machen
+ pOper->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
+ ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_NONE, nBaseline);
+void SmSubSupNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ "Sm: falsche Anzahl von subnodes");
+ SmNode *pBody = GetBody();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ long nOrigHeight = pBody->GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ const SmRect &rBodyRect = pBody->GetRect();
+ SmRect::operator = (rBodyRect);
+ // line that separates sub- and supscript rectangles
+ long nDelimLine = SmFromTo(GetAlignB(), GetAlignT(), 0.4);
+ Point aPos;
+ long nDelta, nDist;
+ // iterate over all possible sub-/supscripts
+ SmRect aTmpRect (rBodyRect);
+ for (int i = 0; i < SUBSUP_NUM_ENTRIES; i++)
+ { SmSubSup eSubSup = (SmSubSup) i; // cast
+ SmNode *pSubSup = GetSubSup(eSubSup);
+ if (!pSubSup)
+ continue;
+ // switch position of limits if we are in textmode
+ if (rFormat.IsTextmode() && (GetToken().nGroup & TGLIMIT))
+ switch (eSubSup)
+ { case CSUB: eSubSup = RSUB; break;
+ case CSUP: eSubSup = RSUP; break;
+ }
+ // prevent sub-/supscripts from diminishing in size
+ // (as would be in "a_{1_{2_{3_4}}}")
+ if (GetFont().GetSize().Height() > rFormat.GetBaseSize().Height() / 3)
+ {
+ USHORT nIndex = (eSubSup == CSUB || eSubSup == CSUP) ?
+ Fraction aFraction ( rFormat.GetRelSize(nIndex), 100 );
+ pSubSup->SetSize(aFraction);
+ }
+ pSubSup->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ BOOL bIsTextmode = rFormat.IsTextmode();
+ nDist = 0;
+ //! be sure that CSUB, CSUP are handled before the other cases!
+ switch (eSubSup)
+ { case RSUB :
+ case LSUB :
+ if (!bIsTextmode)
+ nDist = nOrigHeight
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUBSCRIPT) / 100L;
+ aPos = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(aTmpRect,
+ eSubSup == LSUB ? RP_LEFT : RP_RIGHT,
+ aPos.Y() += nDist;
+ nDelta = nDelimLine - aPos.Y();
+ if (nDelta > 0)
+ aPos.Y() += nDelta;
+ break;
+ case RSUP :
+ case LSUP :
+ if (!bIsTextmode)
+ nDist = nOrigHeight
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_SUPERSCRIPT) / 100L;
+ aPos = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(aTmpRect,
+ eSubSup == LSUP ? RP_LEFT : RP_RIGHT,
+ aPos.Y() -= nDist;
+ nDelta = aPos.Y() + pSubSup->GetHeight() - nDelimLine;
+ if (nDelta > 0)
+ aPos.Y() -= nDelta;
+ break;
+ case CSUB :
+ if (!bIsTextmode)
+ nDist = nOrigHeight
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LOWERLIMIT) / 100L;
+ aPos = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(rBodyRect, RP_BOTTOM,
+ aPos.Y() += nDist;
+ break;
+ case CSUP :
+ if (!bIsTextmode)
+ nDist = nOrigHeight
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_UPPERLIMIT) / 100L;
+ aPos = pSubSup->GetRect().AlignTo(rBodyRect, RP_TOP,
+ aPos.Y() -= nDist;
+ break;
+ default :
+ DBG_ASSERT(FALSE, "Sm: unbekannter Fall");
+ }
+ pSubSup->MoveTo(aPos);
+ ExtendBy(*pSubSup, RCP_THIS, (BOOL) TRUE);
+ // update rectangle to which RSUB, RSUP, LSUB, LSUP
+ // will be aligned to
+ if (eSubSup == CSUB || eSubSup == CSUP)
+ aTmpRect = *this;
+ }
+void SmBraceNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pLeft = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pBody = GetSubNode(1),
+ *pRight = GetSubNode(2);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pLeft, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pRight, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ BOOL bIsScaleNormal = rFormat.IsScaleNormalBrackets(),
+ bScale = pBody->GetHeight() > 0 &&
+ (GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT || bIsScaleNormal),
+ bIsABS = GetToken().eType == TABS;
+ long nFaceHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ // bergre in % ermitteln
+ USHORT nPerc = 0;
+ if (!bIsABS && bScale)
+ { // im Fall von Klammern mit bergre...
+ int nIndex = GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT ?
+ nPerc = rFormat.GetDistance(nIndex);
+ }
+ // ermitteln der Hhe fr die Klammern
+ long nBraceHeight;
+ if (bScale)
+ {
+ nBraceHeight = pBody->GetType() == NBRACEBODY ?
+ ((SmBracebodyNode *) pBody)->GetBodyHeight()
+ : pBody->GetHeight();
+ nBraceHeight += 2 * (nBraceHeight * nPerc / 100L);
+ }
+ else
+ nBraceHeight = nFaceHeight;
+ // Abstand zum Argument
+ nPerc = bIsABS ? 0 : rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSPACE);
+ long nDist = nFaceHeight * nPerc / 100L;
+ // sofern erwnscht skalieren der Klammern auf die gewnschte Gre
+ if (bScale)
+ {
+ Size aSize (pLeft->GetFont().GetSize());
+ DBG_ASSERT(pRight->GetFont().GetSize() == aSize,
+ "Sm : unterschiedliche Fontgren");
+ aSize.Width() = Min((long) nBraceHeight * 60L / 100L,
+ rFormat.GetBaseSize().Height() * 3L / 2L);
+ xub_Unicode cChar = pLeft->GetToken().cMathChar;
+ if (cChar != MS_LINE && cChar != MS_DLINE)
+ pLeft ->GetFont().SetSize(aSize);
+ cChar = pRight->GetToken().cMathChar;
+ if (cChar != MS_LINE && cChar != MS_DLINE)
+ pRight->GetFont().SetSize(aSize);
+ pLeft ->AdaptToY(rDev, nBraceHeight);
+ pRight->AdaptToY(rDev, nBraceHeight);
+ }
+ pLeft ->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ pRight->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ // damit auch "\(a\) - (a) - left ( a right )" vernnftig aussieht
+ RectVerAlign eVerAlign = bScale ? RVA_CENTERY : RVA_BASELINE;
+ Point aPos;
+ aPos = pLeft->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_LEFT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
+ aPos.X() -= nDist;
+ pLeft->MoveTo(aPos);
+ aPos = pRight->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
+ aPos.X() += nDist;
+ pRight->MoveTo(aPos);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
+ ExtendBy(*pLeft, RCP_THIS).ExtendBy(*pRight, RCP_THIS);
+void SmBracebodyNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ USHORT nNumSubNodes = GetNumSubNodes();
+ if (nNumSubNodes == 0)
+ return;
+ // arrange arguments
+ for (i = 0; i < nNumSubNodes; i += 2)
+ GetSubNode(i)->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ // build reference rectangle with necessary info for vertical alignment
+ SmRect aRefRect (*GetSubNode(0));
+ for (i = 0; i < nNumSubNodes; i += 2)
+ {
+ SmRect aTmpRect (*GetSubNode(i));
+ Point aPos = aTmpRect.AlignTo(aRefRect, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aTmpRect.MoveTo(aPos);
+ aRefRect.ExtendBy(aTmpRect, RCP_XOR);
+ }
+ nBodyHeight = aRefRect.GetHeight();
+ // scale separators to required height and arrange them
+ BOOL bScale = GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT || rFormat.IsScaleNormalBrackets();
+ long nHeight = bScale ? aRefRect.GetHeight() : GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ int nIndex = GetScaleMode() == SCALE_HEIGHT ?
+ USHORT nPerc = rFormat.GetDistance(nIndex);
+ if (bScale)
+ nHeight += 2 * (nHeight * nPerc / 100L);
+ for (i = 1; i < nNumSubNodes; i += 2)
+ {
+ SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i);
+ pNode->AdaptToY(rDev, nHeight);
+ pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ }
+ // horizontal distance between argument and brackets or separators
+ long nDist = GetFont().GetSize().Height()
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_BRACKETSPACE) / 100L;
+ SmNode *pLeft = GetSubNode(0);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pLeft);
+ for (i = 1; i < nNumSubNodes; i++)
+ {
+ BOOL bIsSeparator = i % 2 != 0;
+ RectVerAlign eVerAlign = bIsSeparator ? RVA_CENTERY : RVA_BASELINE;
+ SmNode *pRight = GetSubNode(i);
+ Point aPosX = pRight->AlignTo(*pLeft, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign),
+ aPosY = pRight->AlignTo(aRefRect, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
+ aPosX.X() += nDist;
+ pRight->MoveTo(Point(aPosX.X(), aPosY.Y()));
+ ExtendBy(*pRight, bIsSeparator ? RCP_THIS : RCP_XOR);
+ pLeft = pRight;
+ }
+void SmVerticalBraceNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pBody = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pBrace = GetSubNode(1),
+ *pScript = GetSubNode(2);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBrace, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pScript, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ pBody->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ // Groesse wie bei Grenzen fuer diesen Teil
+ pScript->SetSize( Fraction( rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_LIMITS), 100 ) );
+ // etwas hoehere Klammern als normal
+ pBrace ->SetSize( Fraction(3, 2) );
+ long nItalicWidth = pBody->GetItalicWidth();
+ if (nItalicWidth > 0)
+ pBrace->AdaptToX(aTmpDev, nItalicWidth);
+ pBrace ->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ pScript->Arrange(aTmpDev, rFormat);
+ // die relativen Position und die Abstaende zueinander bestimmen
+ RectPos eRectPos;
+ long nFontHeight = pBody->GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ long nDistBody = nFontHeight * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSIZE),
+ nDistScript = nFontHeight;
+ if (GetToken().eType == TOVERBRACE)
+ {
+ eRectPos = RP_TOP;
+ nDistBody = - nDistBody;
+ nDistScript *= - rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_UPPERLIMIT);
+ }
+ {
+ eRectPos = RP_BOTTOM;
+ nDistScript *= + rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_LOWERLIMIT);
+ }
+ nDistBody /= 100L;
+ nDistScript /= 100L;
+ Point aPos = pBrace->AlignTo(*pBody, eRectPos, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.Y() += nDistBody;
+ pBrace->MoveTo(aPos);
+ aPos = pScript->AlignTo(*pBrace, eRectPos, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.Y() += nDistScript;
+ pScript->MoveTo(aPos);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
+ ExtendBy(*pBrace, RCP_THIS).ExtendBy(*pScript, RCP_THIS);
+#ifdef MAC
+#pragma segment FrmNode_03
+SmNode * SmOperNode::GetSymbol()
+ SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(0);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNode, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
+ if (pNode->GetType() == NSUBSUP)
+ pNode = ((SmSubSupNode *) pNode)->GetBody();
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNode, "Sm: NULL pointer!");
+ return pNode;
+long SmOperNode::CalcSymbolHeight(const SmNode &rSymbol,
+ const SmFormat &rFormat) const
+ // returns the font height to be used for operator-symbol
+ long nHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ SmTokenType eType = GetToken().eType;
+ if (eType == TLIM || eType == TLIMINF || eType == TLIMSUP)
+ return nHeight;
+ if (!rFormat.IsTextmode())
+ {
+ // set minimum size ()
+ nHeight += (nHeight * 20L) / 100L;
+ nHeight += nHeight
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSIZE) / 100L;
+ nHeight = nHeight * 686L / 845L;
+ }
+ // correct user-defined symbols to match height of sum from StarMath
+ // font
+ if (rSymbol.GetToken().eType == TSPECIAL)
+ nHeight = nHeight * 845L / 686L;
+ return nHeight;
+void SmOperNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pOper = GetSubNode(0);
+ SmNode *pBody = GetSubNode(1);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pOper, "Sm: Subnode fehlt");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: Subnode fehlt");
+ SmNode *pSymbol = GetSymbol();
+ pSymbol->SetSize(Fraction(CalcSymbolHeight(*pSymbol, rFormat),
+ pSymbol->GetFont().GetSize().Height()));
+ pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ pOper->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ long nOrigHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height(),
+ nDist = nOrigHeight
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_OPERATORSPACE) / 100L;
+ Point aPos = pOper->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_LEFT, RHA_CENTER, /*RVA_CENTERY*/RVA_MID);
+ aPos.X() -= nDist;
+ pOper->MoveTo(aPos);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
+ ExtendBy(*pOper, RCP_THIS);
+void SmAlignNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ // setzt im ganzen subtree (incl aktuellem node) das alignment
+ DBG_ASSERT(GetNumSubNodes() > 0, "Sm: SubNode fehlt");
+ SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(0);
+ RectHorAlign eHorAlign;
+ switch (GetToken().eType)
+ {
+ case TALIGNL: eHorAlign = RHA_LEFT; break;
+ case TALIGNC: eHorAlign = RHA_CENTER; break;
+ case TALIGNR: eHorAlign = RHA_RIGHT; break;
+ }
+ SetRectHorAlign(eHorAlign);
+ pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ SmRect::operator = (pNode->GetRect());
+void SmAttributNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pAttr = GetSubNode(0),
+ *pBody = GetSubNode(1);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pBody, "Sm: Body fehlt");
+ DBG_ASSERT(pAttr, "Sm: Attribut fehlt");
+ pBody->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ if (GetScaleMode() == SCALE_WIDTH)
+ pAttr->AdaptToX(rDev, pBody->GetItalicWidth());
+ pAttr->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ // get relative position of attribut
+ RectVerAlign eVerAlign;
+ long nDist = 0;
+ switch (GetToken().eType)
+ { case TUNDERLINE :
+ eVerAlign = RVA_ATTRIBUT_LO;
+ break;
+ break;
+ default :
+ eVerAlign = RVA_ATTRIBUT_HI;
+ if (pBody->GetType() == NATTRIBUT)
+ nDist = GetFont().GetSize().Height()
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_ORNAMENTSPACE) / 100L;
+ }
+ Point aPos = pAttr->AlignTo(*pBody, RP_ATTRIBUT, RHA_CENTER, eVerAlign);
+ aPos.Y() -= nDist;
+ pAttr->MoveTo(aPos);
+ SmRect::operator = (*pBody);
+ ExtendBy(*pAttr, RCP_THIS, (BOOL) TRUE);
+void SmFontNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ //! prepare subnodes first
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ int nFnt = -1;
+ switch (GetToken().eType)
+ {
+ case TFIXED: nFnt = FNT_FIXED; break;
+ case TSANS: nFnt = FNT_SANS; break;
+ case TSERIF: nFnt = FNT_SERIF; break;
+ }
+ if (nFnt != -1)
+ { GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(nFnt);
+ SetFont(GetFont());
+ }
+ //! prevent overwrites of this font by 'Arrange' or 'SetFont' calls of
+ //! other font nodes (those with lower depth in the tree)
+ Flags() |= FLG_FONT;
+void SmFontNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(1);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNode, "Sm: SubNode fehlt");
+ switch (GetToken().eType)
+ { case TSIZE :
+ pNode->SetFontSize(aFontSize, nSizeType);
+ break;
+ case TSANS :
+ case TSERIF :
+ case TFIXED :
+ pNode->SetFont(GetFont());
+ break;
+ case TUNKNOWN : break; // no assertion on "font <?> <?>"
+ case TPHANTOM : SetPhantom(TRUE); break;
+ case TBOLD : SetAttribut(ATTR_BOLD); break;
+ case TITALIC : SetAttribut(ATTR_ITALIC); break;
+ case TNBOLD : ClearAttribut(ATTR_BOLD); break;
+ case TNITALIC : ClearAttribut(ATTR_ITALIC); break;
+ case TBLACK : SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK)); break;
+ case TWHITE : SetColor(Color(COL_WHITE)); break;
+ case TRED : SetColor(Color(COL_RED)); break;
+ case TGREEN : SetColor(Color(COL_GREEN)); break;
+ case TBLUE : SetColor(Color(COL_BLUE)); break;
+ case TCYAN : SetColor(Color(COL_CYAN)); break;
+ case TMAGENTA : SetColor(Color(COL_MAGENTA)); break;
+ case TYELLOW : SetColor(Color(COL_YELLOW)); break;
+ default:
+ DBG_ASSERT(FALSE, "Sm: unbekannter Fall");
+ }
+ pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ SmRect::operator = (pNode->GetRect());
+void SmFontNode::SetSizeParameter(const Fraction& rValue, USHORT Type)
+ nSizeType = Type;
+ aFontSize = rValue;
+SmPolyLineNode::SmPolyLineNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken)
+: SmGraphicNode(NPOLYLINE, rNodeToken)
+ aPoly.SetSize(2);
+ nWidth = 0;
+void SmPolyLineNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nWidth)
+ aToSize.Width() = nWidth;
+void SmPolyLineNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nHeight)
+ GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
+ aToSize.Height() = nHeight;
+void SmPolyLineNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ //! some routines being called extract some info from the OutputDevice's
+ //! font (eg the space to be used for borders OR the font name(!!)).
+ //! Thus the font should reflect the needs and has to be set!
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ long nBorderwidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
+ //
+ // Das Polygon mit den beiden Endpunkten bilden
+ //
+ DBG_ASSERT(aPoly.GetSize() == 2, "Sm : falsche Anzahl von Punkten");
+ Point aPointA, aPointB;
+ if (GetToken().eType == TWIDESLASH)
+ {
+ aPointA.X() = nBorderwidth;
+ aPointA.Y() = aToSize.Height() - nBorderwidth;
+ aPointB.X() = aToSize.Width() - nBorderwidth;
+ aPointB.Y() = nBorderwidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(GetToken().eType == TWIDEBACKSLASH, "Sm : unerwartetes Token");
+ aPointA.X() =
+ aPointA.Y() = nBorderwidth;
+ aPointB.X() = aToSize.Width() - nBorderwidth;
+ aPointB.Y() = aToSize.Height() - nBorderwidth;
+ }
+ aPoly.SetPoint(aPointA, 0);
+ aPoly.SetPoint(aPointB, 1);
+ long nThick = GetFont().GetSize().Height()
+ * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_STROKEWIDTH) / 100L;
+ nWidth = nThick + 2 * nBorderwidth;
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aToSize.Width(), aToSize.Height()));
+void SmPolyLineNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point &rPosition) const
+ if (IsPhantom())
+ return;
+ long nBorderwidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
+ LineInfo aInfo;
+ aInfo.SetWidth(nWidth - 2 * nBorderwidth);
+ Point aOffset (Point() - aPoly.GetBoundRect().TopLeft()
+ + Point(nBorderwidth, nBorderwidth)),
+ aPos (rPosition + aOffset);
+ ((Polygon &) aPoly).Move(aPos.X(), aPos.Y());
+ Color aOldCol (rDev.GetLineColor());
+ rDev.SetLineColor( GetFont().GetColor() );
+ rDev.DrawPolyLine(aPoly, aInfo);
+ rDev.SetLineColor( aOldCol );
+ if (!IsDebug())
+ return;
+ SmRect::Draw(rDev, rPosition, nRFlags);
+void SmPolygonNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nWidth)
+ aToSize.Width() = nWidth;
+void SmPolygonNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nHeight)
+ GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
+ aToSize.Height() = nHeight;
+void SmPolygonNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ //! some routines being called extract some info from the OutputDevice's
+ //! font (eg the space to be used for borders OR the font name(!!)).
+ //! Thus the font should reflect the needs and has to be set!
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ long nBorderWidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
+ // das Polygon der gewaehlten FontSize anpassen
+ Size aSize (rDev.GetFont().GetSize()),
+ aOrigSize (aPolygon.GetOrigFontSize());
+ double fScaleY = (double) aSize.Height() / aOrigSize.Height(),
+ fScaleX = aSize.Width() ?
+ (double) aSize.Width() / aOrigSize.Width() : fScaleY;
+ aPolygon.ScaleBy(fScaleX / aPolygon.GetScaleX(), fScaleY / aPolygon.GetScaleY());
+ long nTmp;
+ if ((nTmp = aToSize.Width()) > 0)
+ // Breite anpassen und dabei Platz fr Rand links und rechts lassen
+ // (das resultierende SmRect soll den Rand beinhalten und trotzdem
+ // nicht breiter als gewnscht sein)
+ aPolygon.AdaptToX(aTmpDev, Max(nTmp - 2L * nBorderWidth, 10L));
+ if ((nTmp = aToSize.Height()) > 0)
+ // wie oben jedoch mit oberen und unterem Rand
+ aPolygon.AdaptToY(aTmpDev, Max(nTmp - 2L * nBorderWidth, 10L));
+ if (aPolygon.GetChar() == xub_Unicode('\0'))
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect());
+ else
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, aPolygon, nBorderWidth));
+void SmPolygonNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point &rPosition) const
+ if (IsPhantom())
+ return;
+ rDev.SetFillColor(GetFont().GetColor());
+ rDev.SetLineColor();
+ // calculate offset to position the polygon centered within the
+ // surrounding rectangle of the node
+ // (the root sign will be positioned right within the rectangle in order
+ // to attach the horizontal bar easily)
+ Size aPolySize (aPolygon.GetBoundRect(rDev).GetSize()),
+ aRectSize (GetRect().GetSize());
+ Point aOffset ((aRectSize.Width() - aPolySize.Width()) /
+ (aPolygon.GetChar() == MS_SQRT ? 1 : 2),
+ (aRectSize.Height() - aPolySize.Height()) / 2);
+ aPolygon.Draw(rDev, rPosition + aOffset);
+ rDev.Pop();
+ if (!IsDebug())
+ return;
+ SmRect::Draw(rDev, rPosition, nRFlags);
+void SmRootSymbolNode::DrawBar(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point &rPosition) const
+ // get polygon and rectangle
+ SmPolygon aBarPoly = SmPolygon(MS_BAR);
+ // extra length to close small (wedge formed) gap between root-sign and
+ // horizontal bar
+ long nExtraLen = aBarPoly.GetBoundRect(rDev).GetSize().Height() / 2;
+ aBarPoly.AdaptToX((OutputDevice &) rDev, nBodyWidth + nExtraLen);
+ aBarPoly.ScaleBy( 1.0, (double) GetFont().GetSize().Height()
+ / aBarPoly.GetOrigFontSize().Height());
+ Point aDrawPos (rPosition);
+ aDrawPos.X() -= nExtraLen;
+ aDrawPos = rDev.PixelToLogic(rDev.LogicToPixel(aDrawPos));
+ rDev.SetFillColor(GetFont().GetColor());
+ rDev.SetLineColor();
+ aBarPoly.Draw(rDev, aDrawPos);
+ rDev.Pop();
+void SmRootSymbolNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nHeight)
+ // etwas extra Lnge damit der horizontale Balken spter ber dem
+ // Argument positioniert ist
+ SmPolygonNode::AdaptToY(rDev, nHeight + nHeight / 10L);
+void SmRootSymbolNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point &rPosition) const
+ if (IsPhantom())
+ return;
+ // draw root-sign itself
+ SmPolygonNode::Draw(rDev, rPosition);
+ // get offset for horizontal bar
+ long nPolyHeight = GetPolygon().GetBoundRect(rDev).GetSize().Height();
+ Point aBarOffset (GetWidth(), (GetHeight() - nPolyHeight) / 2);
+ DrawBar(rDev, rPosition + aBarOffset);
+ if (!IsDebug())
+ return;
+ SmRect::Draw(rDev, rPosition, nRFlags);
+void SmRectangleNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nWidth)
+ aToSize.Width() = nWidth;
+void SmRectangleNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nHeight)
+ GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
+ aToSize.Height() = nHeight;
+void SmRectangleNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ long nFontHeight = GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ long nWidth = aToSize.Width(),
+ nHeight = aToSize.Height();
+ if (nHeight == 0)
+ nHeight = nFontHeight / 30;
+ if (nWidth == 0)
+ nWidth = nFontHeight / 3;
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ // add some borderspace
+ ULONG nBorderWidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
+ //nWidth += nBorderWidth;
+ nHeight += 2 * nBorderWidth;
+ //! use this method in order to have 'SmRect::HasAlignInfo() == TRUE'
+ //! and thus having the attribut-fences updated in 'SmRect::ExtendBy'
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(nWidth, nHeight));
+void SmRectangleNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point &rPosition) const
+ if (IsPhantom())
+ return;
+ rDev.SetFillColor(GetFont().GetColor());
+ rDev.SetLineColor();
+ rDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ ULONG nBorderWidth = GetFont().GetBorderWidth();
+ // get rectangle and remove borderspace
+ Rectangle aTmp (AsRectangle() + rPosition - GetTopLeft());
+ aTmp.Left() += nBorderWidth;
+ aTmp.Right() -= nBorderWidth;
+ aTmp.Top() += nBorderWidth;
+ aTmp.Bottom() -= nBorderWidth;
+ DBG_ASSERT(aTmp.GetHeight() > 0 && aTmp.GetWidth() > 0,
+ "Sm: leeres Rechteck");
+ //! avoid GROWING AND SHRINKING of drawn rectangle when constantly
+ //! increasing zoomfactor.
+ // This is done by shifting it's output-position to a point that
+ // corresponds exactly to a pixel on the output device.
+ Point aPos (rDev.PixelToLogic(rDev.LogicToPixel(aTmp.TopLeft())));
+ aTmp.SetPos(aPos);
+ rDev.DrawRect(aTmp);
+ rDev.Pop();
+ if (!IsDebug())
+ return;
+ SmRect::Draw(rDev, rPosition, nRFlags);
+void SmTextNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ aText = GetToken().aText;
+ GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(GetFontDesc());
+ if (GetFont().GetItalic() == ITALIC_NORMAL)
+ Attributes() |= ATTR_ITALIC;
+ if (GetFont().GetWeight() == WEIGHT_BOLD)
+ Attributes() |= ATTR_BOLD;
+void SmTextNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ PrepareAttributes();
+ USHORT nSizeDesc = GetFontDesc() == FNT_FUNCTION ?
+ GetFont() *= Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(nSizeDesc), 100);
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, aText, GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+void SmTextNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point& rPosition) const
+ if (IsPhantom() || aText.Len() == 0 || aText.GetChar(0) == xub_Unicode('\0'))
+ return;
+ rDev.Push(PUSH_FONT);
+ rDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ Point aPos (rPosition);
+ aPos.Y() += GetBaselineOffset();
+ // auf Pixelkoordinaten runden
+ aPos = rDev.PixelToLogic( rDev.LogicToPixel(aPos) );
+ rDev.DrawStretchText(aPos, GetWidth(), aText);
+ rDev.Pop();
+ if (!IsDebug())
+ return;
+ SmRect::Draw(rDev, rPosition, nRFlags);
+void SmMatrixNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ Point aPosition,
+ aOffset;
+ SmNode *pNode;
+ int i, j;
+ // initialize array that is to hold the maximum widhts of all
+ // elements (subnodes) in that column.
+ long *pColWidth = new long[nNumCols];
+ for (j = 0; j < nNumCols; j++)
+ pColWidth[j] = 0;
+ // arrange subnodes and calculate the aboves arrays contents
+ for (i = GetNumSubNodes() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i))
+ { pNode->Arrange(rDev, rFormat);
+ int nCol = i % nNumCols;
+ pColWidth[nCol]
+ = Max(pColWidth[nCol], pNode->GetItalicWidth());
+ }
+ // norm distance from which the following two are calcutated
+ const int nNormDist = 3 * GetFont().GetSize().Height();
+ // define horizontal and vertical minimal distances that seperate
+ // the elements
+ long nHorDist = nNormDist * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXCOL) / 100L,
+ nVerDist = nNormDist * rFormat.GetDistance(DIS_MATRIXROW) / 100L;
+ // build array that holds the leftmost position for each column
+ long *pColLeft = new long[nNumCols];
+ long nX = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < nNumCols; j++)
+ { pColLeft[j] = nX;
+ nX += pColWidth[j] + nHorDist;
+ }
+ Point aPos, aDelta;
+ SmRect aLineRect;
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect());
+ for (i = 0; i < nNumRows; i++)
+ { aLineRect = SmRect();
+ for (j = 0; j < nNumCols; j++)
+ { SmNode *pNode = GetSubNode(i * nNumCols + j);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pNode, "Sm: NULL pointer");
+ const SmRect &rNodeRect = pNode->GetRect();
+ // align all baselines in that row if possible
+ aPos = rNodeRect.AlignTo(aLineRect, RP_RIGHT, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.X() += nHorDist;
+ // get horizontal alignment
+ const SmNode *pCoNode = pNode->GetLeftMost();
+ SmTokenType eType = pCoNode->GetToken().eType;
+ RectHorAlign eHorAlign = eType == TTEXT ?
+ RHA_LEFT : pCoNode->GetRectHorAlign();
+ // caculate horizontal position of element depending on column
+ // and horizontal alignment
+ switch (eHorAlign)
+ { case RHA_LEFT:
+ aPos.X() = rNodeRect.GetLeft() + pColLeft[j];
+ break;
+ case RHA_CENTER:
+ aPos.X() = rNodeRect.GetLeft() + pColLeft[j]
+ + pColWidth[j] / 2
+ - rNodeRect.GetItalicCenterX();
+ break;
+ case RHA_RIGHT:
+ aPos.X() = rNodeRect.GetLeft() + pColLeft[j]
+ + pColWidth[j] - rNodeRect.GetItalicWidth();
+ break;
+ }
+ pNode->MoveTo(aPos);
+ aLineRect.ExtendBy(rNodeRect, RCP_XOR);
+ }
+ aPos = aLineRect.AlignTo(*this, RP_BOTTOM, RHA_CENTER, RVA_BASELINE);
+ aPos.Y() += nVerDist;
+ // move 'aLineRect' and rectangles in that line to final position
+ aDelta.X() = 0; // since horizontal alignment is already done
+ aDelta.Y() = aPos.Y() - aLineRect.GetTop();
+ aLineRect.Move(aDelta);
+ for (j = 0; j < nNumCols; j++)
+ if (pNode = GetSubNode(i * nNumCols + j))
+ pNode->Move(aDelta);
+ ExtendBy(aLineRect, RCP_NONE);
+ }
+ delete [] pColLeft;
+ delete [] pColWidth;
+void SmMatrixNode::SetRowCol(USHORT nMatrixRows, USHORT nMatrixCols)
+ nNumRows = nMatrixRows;
+ nNumCols = nMatrixCols;
+SmMathSymbolNode::SmMathSymbolNode(const SmToken &rNodeToken)
+: SmSpecialNode(NMATH, rNodeToken, FNT_MATH)
+ xub_Unicode cChar = GetToken().cMathChar;
+ if ((xub_Unicode) '\0' != cChar)
+ SetText( cChar );
+void SmMathSymbolNode::AdaptToX(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nWidth)
+ // Scale charwidth to mach 'nWidth' while keeping the height
+ // (that is: actually the font width will be scaled)
+ // Since there is no function to do this, we try to approximate
+ // it:
+ //
+ Font &rFace = GetFont();
+ Size aFntSize (rFace.GetSize());
+ //! however the result is a bit better with 'nWidth' as initial
+ //! font width
+ aFntSize.Width() = nWidth;
+ rFace.SetSize(aFntSize);
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(rFace);
+ // get denominator of error factor for width
+ long nDenom = SmRect(aTmpDev, NULL, GetText(),
+ GetFont().GetBorderWidth()).GetItalicWidth();
+ // scale fontwidth with this error factor
+ aFntSize.Width() *= nWidth;
+ aFntSize.Width() /= nDenom ? nDenom : 1;
+ GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
+void SmMathSymbolNode::AdaptToY(const OutputDevice &rDev, ULONG nHeight)
+ GetFont().FreezeBorderWidth();
+ Font &rFace = GetFont();
+ Size aFntSize (rFace.GetSize());
+ // da wir nur die Hhe skalieren wollen msen wir hier ggf die Fontweite
+ // ermitteln um diese beizubehalten.
+ if (aFntSize.Width() == 0)
+ {
+ OutputDevice &rDevNC = (OutputDevice &) rDev;
+ rDevNC.Push(PUSH_FONT);
+ rDevNC.SetFont(rFace);
+ aFntSize.Width() = rDev.GetFontMetric().GetSize().Width();
+ rDevNC.Pop();
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT(aFntSize.Width() != 0, "Sm: ");
+ //! however the result is a bit better with 'nHeight' as initial
+ //! font height
+ aFntSize.Height() = nHeight;
+ rFace.SetSize(aFntSize);
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(rFace);
+ // get denominator of error factor for height
+ long nDenom = SmRect(aTmpDev, NULL, GetText(),
+ GetFont().GetBorderWidth()).GetHeight();
+ // scale fontwidth with this error factor
+ aFntSize.Height() *= nHeight;
+ aFntSize.Height() /= nDenom ? nDenom : 1;
+ GetFont().SetSize(aFntSize);
+void SmMathSymbolNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ "Sm : falsches CHARSET fr Zeichen aus dem StarMath Font");
+ Flags() |= FLG_FONT | FLG_ITALIC;
+void SmMathSymbolNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ const XubString &rText = GetText();
+ if (rText.Len() == 0 || rText.GetChar(0) == xub_Unicode('\0'))
+ { SmRect::operator = (SmRect());
+ return;
+ }
+ PrepareAttributes();
+ GetFont() *= Fraction (rFormat.GetRelSize(SIZ_TEXT), 100);
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rText, GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+void SmSpecialNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ SmSym *pSym;
+ SmModule *pp = SM_MOD1();
+ Size aOldSize = GetFont().GetSize();
+ if (pSym = pp->GetSymSetManager()->GetSymbol(GetToken().aText))
+ { SetText( pSym->GetCharacter() );
+ GetFont() = pSym->GetFace();
+ if (GetFont().GetName().EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii("StarMath"))
+ }
+ else
+ { SetText( GetToken().aText );
+ GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE);
+ }
+ GetFont().SetSize(aOldSize);
+ //! eigentlich sollten nur WEIGHT_NORMAL und WEIGHT_BOLD vorkommen...
+ //! In der sms-Datei gibt es jedoch zB auch 'WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT'
+ //! daher vergleichen wir hier mit > statt mit != .
+ //! (Langfristig sollte die Notwendigkeit fr 'PrepareAttribut', und damit
+ //! fr dieses hier, mal entfallen.)
+ if (GetFont().GetWeight() > WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ SetAttribut(ATTR_BOLD);
+ if (GetFont().GetItalic() != ITALIC_NONE)
+ SetAttribut(ATTR_ITALIC);
+ Flags() |= FLG_FONT;
+void SmSpecialNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ PrepareAttributes();
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, GetText(), GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+void SmSpecialNode::Draw(OutputDevice &rDev, const Point& rPosition) const
+ //! since this chars might come from any font, that we may not have
+ //! set to ALIGN_BASELINE yet, we do it now.
+ ((SmSpecialNode *)this)->GetFont().SetAlign(ALIGN_BASELINE);
+ SmTextNode::Draw(rDev, rPosition);
+void SmGlyphSpecialNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ PrepareAttributes();
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, GetText(),
+ GetFont().GetBorderWidth()).AsGlyphRect());
+void SmPlaceNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ GetFont().SetColor(COL_GRAY);
+void SmPlaceNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ PrepareAttributes();
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, GetText(), GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+void SmErrorNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ GetFont().SetColor(COL_RED);
+void SmErrorNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ PrepareAttributes();
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ const XubString &rText = GetText();
+ DBG_ASSERT(rText.Len() == 1 && rText.GetChar(0) == (xub_Unicode) MS_ERROR,
+ "Sm : Text ist kein ERROR Symbol");
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, rText, GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+void SmBlankNode::IncreaseBy(const SmToken &rToken)
+ switch(rToken.eType)
+ {
+ case TBLANK: nNum += 4; break;
+ case TSBLANK: nNum += 1; break;
+ }
+void SmBlankNode::Prepare(const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmNode::Prepare(rFormat);
+ //! hier mu/sollte es lediglich nicht der StarMath Font sein,
+ //! damit fr das in Arrange verwendete Zeichen ein "normales"
+ //! (ungecliptes) Rechteck erzeugt wird.
+ GetFont() = rFormat.GetFont(FNT_VARIABLE);
+void SmBlankNode::Arrange(const OutputDevice &rDev, const SmFormat &rFormat)
+ SmTmpDevice aTmpDev ((OutputDevice &) rDev);
+ aTmpDev.SetFont(GetFont());
+ // Abstand von der Fonthhe abhngig machen
+ // (damit er beim skalieren (zB size *2 {a ~ b}) mitwchst)
+ long nDist = GetFont().GetSize().Height() / 10L,
+ nSpace = nNum * nDist;
+ // ein SmRect mit Baseline und allem drum und dran besorgen
+ SmRect::operator = (SmRect(aTmpDev, &rFormat, XubString(xub_Unicode(' ')),
+ GetFont().GetBorderWidth()));
+ // und dieses auf die gewnschte Breite bringen
+ SetItalicSpaces(0, 0);
+ SetWidth(nSpace);