path: root/svx/source/dialog/hangulhanjadlg.cxx
diff options
authorVladimir Glazounov <>2003-04-17 16:41:50 +0000
committerVladimir Glazounov <>2003-04-17 16:41:50 +0000
commite374cca24eb46bb46a146aca3598d2aeeaa7ad95 (patch)
tree9a159538928108ac2d67c1ec1972598515b7986b /svx/source/dialog/hangulhanjadlg.cxx
parent714ec42c0ba75d0a048fb6a62b34cb1f8a1b705f (diff)
2003/04/11 09:55:52 tl #105688# checkbox initially checked now 2003/04/03 11:59:39 tl #105688# Hangul/Hanja conversion 2003/04/02 16:13:41 fs #108038# corrected mouse rect for the manually-painted radio buttons 2003/03/28 09:42:47 fs #108038# implementation of the 'Find' behaviour 2003/03/27 15:54:13 fs #108038# ongoing implementations 2003/03/19 08:51:43 fs #108038# further implementations - should be in a usable shape now 2003/03/14 16:57:10 fs initial checkin: wrapper for Hangul/Hanja-conversion (not yet finished)
Diffstat (limited to 'svx/source/dialog/hangulhanjadlg.cxx')
1 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/hangulhanjadlg.cxx b/svx/source/dialog/hangulhanjadlg.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb8312bf454c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/hangulhanjadlg.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: hangulhanjadlg.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-04-17 17:41:50 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "hangulhanjadlg.hxx"
+#include "hangulhanjadlg.hrc"
+#include "commonlingui.hxx"
+#include "dialmgr.hxx"
+#include "dialogs.hrc"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vcl/controllayout.hxx>
+#define HHC HangulHanjaConversion
+namespace svx
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eSimpleConversion;
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eHangulBracketed;
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eHanjaBracketed;
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eRubyHanjaAbove;
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eRubyHanjaBelow;
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eRubyHangulAbove;
+ using HangulHanjaConversion::eRubyHangulBelow;
+ using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace
+ {
+ class FontSwitch
+ {
+ private:
+ OutputDevice& m_rDev;
+ public:
+ inline FontSwitch( OutputDevice& _rDev, const Font& _rTemporaryFont )
+ :m_rDev( _rDev )
+ {
+ m_rDev.Push( PUSH_FONT );
+ m_rDev.SetFont( _rTemporaryFont );
+ }
+ inline ~FontSwitch( )
+ {
+ m_rDev.Pop( );
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ //= PseudoRubyText
+ //=========================================================================
+ /** a class which allows to draw two texts in a pseudo-ruby way (which basically
+ means one text above or below the other, and a little bit smaller)
+ */
+ class PseudoRubyText
+ {
+ public:
+ enum RubyPosition
+ {
+ eAbove, eBelow
+ };
+ protected:
+ const String m_sPrimaryText;
+ const String m_sSecondaryText;
+ const RubyPosition m_ePosition;
+ public:
+ PseudoRubyText( const String& _rPrimary, const String& _rSecondary, const RubyPosition _ePosition );
+ public:
+ void Paint( OutputDevice& _rDevice, const Rectangle& _rRect, USHORT _nTextStyle,
+ Rectangle* _pPrimaryLocation = NULL, Rectangle* _pSecondaryLocation = NULL,
+ ::vcl::ControlLayoutData* _pLayoutData = NULL );
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PseudoRubyText::PseudoRubyText( const String& _rPrimary, const String& _rSecondary, const RubyPosition _ePosition )
+ :m_sPrimaryText( _rPrimary )
+ ,m_sSecondaryText( _rSecondary )
+ ,m_ePosition( _ePosition )
+ {
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void PseudoRubyText::Paint( OutputDevice& _rDevice, const Rectangle& _rRect, USHORT _nTextStyle,
+ Rectangle* _pPrimaryLocation, Rectangle* _pSecondaryLocation, ::vcl::ControlLayoutData* _pLayoutData )
+ {
+ bool bLayoutOnly = NULL != _pLayoutData;
+ MetricVector* pTextMetrics = bLayoutOnly ? &_pLayoutData->m_aUnicodeBoundRects : NULL;
+ String* pDisplayText = bLayoutOnly ? &_pLayoutData->m_aDisplayText : NULL;
+ Size aPlaygroundSize( _rRect.GetSize() );
+ // the font for the secondary text:
+ Font aSmallerFont( _rDevice.GetFont() );
+ // heuristic: 80% of the original size
+ aSmallerFont.SetHeight( (long)( 0.8 * aSmallerFont.GetHeight() ) );
+ // let's calculate the size of our two texts
+ Rectangle aPrimaryRect = _rDevice.GetTextRect( _rRect, m_sPrimaryText, _nTextStyle );
+ Rectangle aSecondaryRect;
+ {
+ FontSwitch aFontRestore( _rDevice, aSmallerFont );
+ aSecondaryRect = _rDevice.GetTextRect( _rRect, m_sSecondaryText, _nTextStyle );
+ }
+ // position these rectangles properly
+ // x-axis:
+ sal_Int32 nCombinedWidth = ::std::max( aSecondaryRect.GetWidth(), aPrimaryRect.GetWidth() );
+ // the rectangle where both texts will reside is as high as possible, and as wide as the
+ // widest of both text rects
+ aPrimaryRect.Left() = aSecondaryRect.Left() = _rRect.Left();
+ aPrimaryRect.Right() = aSecondaryRect.Right() = _rRect.Left() + nCombinedWidth;
+ if ( TEXT_DRAW_RIGHT & _nTextStyle )
+ {
+ // move the rectangles to the right
+ aPrimaryRect.Move( aPlaygroundSize.Width() - nCombinedWidth, 0 );
+ aSecondaryRect.Move( aPlaygroundSize.Width() - nCombinedWidth, 0 );
+ }
+ else if ( TEXT_DRAW_CENTER & _nTextStyle )
+ {
+ // center the rectangles
+ aPrimaryRect.Move( ( aPlaygroundSize.Width() - nCombinedWidth ) / 2, 0 );
+ aSecondaryRect.Move( ( aPlaygroundSize.Width() - nCombinedWidth ) / 2, 0 );
+ }
+ // y-axis:
+ sal_Int32 nCombinedHeight = aPrimaryRect.GetHeight() + aSecondaryRect.GetHeight();
+ // align to the top, for the moment
+ aPrimaryRect.Move( 0, _rRect.Top() - aPrimaryRect.Top() );
+ aSecondaryRect.Move( 0, aPrimaryRect.Top() + aPrimaryRect.GetHeight() - aSecondaryRect.Top() );
+ if ( TEXT_DRAW_BOTTOM & _nTextStyle )
+ {
+ // move the rects to the bottom
+ aPrimaryRect.Move( 0, aPlaygroundSize.Height() - nCombinedHeight );
+ aSecondaryRect.Move( 0, aPlaygroundSize.Height() - nCombinedHeight );
+ }
+ else if ( TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER & _nTextStyle )
+ {
+ // move the rects to the bottom
+ aPrimaryRect.Move( 0, ( aPlaygroundSize.Height() - nCombinedHeight ) / 2 );
+ aSecondaryRect.Move( 0, ( aPlaygroundSize.Height() - nCombinedHeight ) / 2 );
+ }
+ // 'til here, everything we did assumes that the secondary text is painted _below_ the primary
+ // text. If this isn't the case, we need to correct the rectangles
+ if ( eAbove == m_ePosition )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nVertDistance = aSecondaryRect.Top() - aPrimaryRect.Top();
+ aSecondaryRect.Move( 0, -nVertDistance );
+ aPrimaryRect.Move( 0, nCombinedHeight - nVertDistance );
+ }
+ // now draw the texts
+ // as we already calculated the precise rectangles for the texts, we don't want to
+ // use the alignment flags given - within it's rect, every text is centered
+ USHORT nDrawTextStyle( _nTextStyle );
+ _rDevice.DrawText( aPrimaryRect, m_sPrimaryText, nDrawTextStyle, pTextMetrics, pDisplayText );
+ {
+ FontSwitch aFontRestore( _rDevice, aSmallerFont );
+ _rDevice.DrawText( aSecondaryRect, m_sSecondaryText, nDrawTextStyle, pTextMetrics, pDisplayText );
+ }
+ // outta here
+ if ( _pPrimaryLocation )
+ *_pPrimaryLocation = aPrimaryRect;
+ if ( _pSecondaryLocation )
+ *_pSecondaryLocation = aSecondaryRect;
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ //= RubyRadioButton
+ //=========================================================================
+ class RubyRadioButton :public RadioButton
+ ,protected PseudoRubyText
+ {
+ public:
+ RubyRadioButton(
+ Window* _pParent,
+ const ResId& _rId, // the text in the resource will be taken as primary text
+ const String& _rSecondary, // this will be the secondary text which will be printed somewhat smaller
+ const PseudoRubyText::RubyPosition _ePosition );
+ protected:
+ virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& _rRect );
+ };
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ RubyRadioButton::RubyRadioButton( Window* _pParent, const ResId& _rId,
+ const String& _rSecondary, const PseudoRubyText::RubyPosition _ePosition )
+ :RadioButton( _pParent, _rId )
+ ,PseudoRubyText( RadioButton::GetText(), _rSecondary, _ePosition )
+ {
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void RubyRadioButton::Paint( const Rectangle& _rRect )
+ {
+ HideFocus();
+ // calculate the size of the radio image - we're to paint our text _after_ this image
+ DBG_ASSERT( !GetImage(), "RubyRadioButton::Paint: images not supported!" );
+ Size aImageSize = GetRadioImage( GetSettings(), 0 ).GetSizePixel();
+ aImageSize.Width() = CalcZoom( aImageSize.Width() );
+ aImageSize.Height() = CalcZoom( aImageSize.Height() );
+ Rectangle aOverallRect( Point( 0, 0 ), GetOutputSizePixel() );
+ aOverallRect.Left() += aImageSize.Width() + 4; // 4 is the separator between the image and the text
+ // inflate the rect a little bit (because the VCL radio button does the same)
+ Rectangle aTextRect( aOverallRect );
+ ++aTextRect.Left(); --aTextRect.Right();
+ ++aTextRect.Top(); --aTextRect.Bottom();
+ // calculate the text flags for the painting
+ WinBits nStyle = GetStyle( );
+ // the horizontal alignment
+ if ( nStyle & WB_RIGHT )
+ nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_RIGHT;
+ else if ( nStyle & WB_CENTER )
+ nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_CENTER;
+ else
+ nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_LEFT;
+ // the vertical alignment
+ if ( nStyle & WB_BOTTOM )
+ nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_BOTTOM;
+ else if ( nStyle & WB_VCENTER )
+ nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_VCENTER;
+ else
+ nTextStyle |= TEXT_DRAW_TOP;
+ // mnemonics
+ if ( 0 == ( nStyle & WB_NOLABEL ) )
+ // paint the ruby text
+ Rectangle aPrimaryTextLocation, aSecondaryTextLocation;
+ PseudoRubyText::Paint( *this, aTextRect, nTextStyle, &aPrimaryTextLocation, &aSecondaryTextLocation );
+ // the focus rectangle is to be painted around both texts
+ Rectangle aCombinedRect( aPrimaryTextLocation );
+ aCombinedRect.Union( aSecondaryTextLocation );
+ SetFocusRect( aCombinedRect );
+ // let the base class paint the radio button
+ // for this, give it the proper location to paint the image (vertically centered, relative to our text)
+ Rectangle aImageLocation( Point( 0, 0 ), aImageSize );
+ sal_Int32 nTextHeight = aSecondaryTextLocation.Bottom() - aPrimaryTextLocation.Top();
+ aImageLocation.Top() = aPrimaryTextLocation.Top() + ( nTextHeight - aImageSize.Height() ) / 2;
+ aImageLocation.Bottom() = aImageLocation.Top() + aImageSize.Height();
+ SetStateRect( aImageLocation );
+ DrawRadioButtonState( );
+ // mouse clicks should be recognized in a rect which is one pixel larger in each direction, plus
+ // includes the image
+ aCombinedRect.Left() = aImageLocation.Left(); ++aCombinedRect.Right();
+ --aCombinedRect.Top(); ++aCombinedRect.Bottom();
+ SetMouseRect( aCombinedRect );
+ // paint the focus rect, if necessary
+ if ( HasFocus() )
+ ShowFocus( aTextRect );
+ }
+ //=========================================================================
+ //= HangulHanjaConversionDialog
+ //=========================================================================
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HangulHanjaConversionDialog::HangulHanjaConversionDialog( Window* _pParent, HHC::ConversionDirection _ePrimaryDirection )
+ :ModalDialog( _pParent, SVX_RES( RID_SVX_MDLG_HANGULHANJA ) )
+ ,m_pPlayground( new SvxCommonLinguisticControl( this ) )
+ ,m_aFind ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( PB_FIND ) )
+ ,m_aSuggestions ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( LB_SUGGESTIONS ) )
+ ,m_aFormat ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( FT_FORMAT ) )
+ ,m_aSimpleConversion( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_SIMPLE_CONVERSION ) )
+ ,m_aHangulBracketed ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_HANJA_HANGUL_BRACKETED ) )
+ ,m_aHanjaBracketed ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_HANGUL_HANJA_BRACKETED ) )
+ ,m_aConversion ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( FT_CONVERSION ) )
+ ,m_aHangulOnly ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( CB_HANGUL_ONLY ) )
+ ,m_aHanjaOnly ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( CB_HANJA_ONLY ) )
+ ,m_aReplaceByChar ( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( CB_REPLACE_BY_CHARACTER ) )
+ ,m_pIgnoreNonPrimary( NULL )
+ ,m_bDocumentMode( true )
+ {
+ // special creation of the 4 pseudo-ruby radio buttons
+ String sSecondaryHangul( ResId( STR_HANGUL ) );
+ String sSecondaryHanja( ResId( STR_HANJA ) );
+ m_pHanjaAbove.reset( new RubyRadioButton( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_HANGUL_HANJA_ABOVE ), sSecondaryHanja, PseudoRubyText::eAbove ) );
+ m_pHanjaBelow.reset( new RubyRadioButton( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_HANGUL_HANJA_BELOW ), sSecondaryHanja, PseudoRubyText::eBelow ) );
+ m_pHangulAbove.reset( new RubyRadioButton( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_HANJA_HANGUL_ABOVE ), sSecondaryHangul, PseudoRubyText::eAbove ) );
+ m_pHangulBelow.reset( new RubyRadioButton( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( RB_HANJA_HANGUL_BELOW ), sSecondaryHangul, PseudoRubyText::eBelow ) );
+ // since these 4 buttons are not created within the other members, they have a wrong initial Z-Order
+ // correct this
+ m_pHanjaAbove->SetZOrder( &m_aHanjaBracketed, WINDOW_ZORDER_BEHIND );
+ m_pHanjaBelow->SetZOrder( m_pHanjaAbove.get(), WINDOW_ZORDER_BEHIND );
+ m_pHangulAbove->SetZOrder( m_pHanjaBelow.get(), WINDOW_ZORDER_BEHIND );
+ m_pHangulBelow->SetZOrder( m_pHangulAbove.get(), WINDOW_ZORDER_BEHIND );
+ // VCL automatically sets the WB_GROUP bit, if the previous sibling (at the moment of creation)
+ // is no radion button
+ m_pHanjaAbove->SetStyle( m_pHanjaAbove->GetStyle() & ~WB_GROUP );
+ // the "Find" button and the word input control may not have the proper distance/extensions
+ // -> correct this
+ Point aDistance = LogicToPixel( Point( 3, 0 ), MAP_APPFONT );
+ sal_Int32 nTooLargeByPixels =
+ // right margin of the word input control
+ ( m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetPosPixel().X()
+ + m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetSizePixel().Width()
+ )
+ // minus left margin of the find button
+ - m_aFind.GetPosPixel().X()
+ // plus desired distance between the both
+ + aDistance.X();
+ // make the word input control smaller
+ Size aSize = m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetSizePixel();
+ aSize.Width() -= nTooLargeByPixels;
+ m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().SetSizePixel( aSize );
+ // additionall, the playground is not wide enough (in it's default size)
+ sal_Int32 nEnlargeWidth = 0;
+ {
+ FixedText aBottomAnchor( m_pPlayground.get(), ResId( FT_RESIZE_ANCHOR ) );
+ Point aAnchorPos = aBottomAnchor.GetPosPixel();
+ nEnlargeWidth = aAnchorPos.X() - m_pPlayground->GetActionButtonsLocation().X();
+ }
+ m_pPlayground->Enlarge( nEnlargeWidth, 0 );
+ // insert our controls into the z-order of the playground
+ m_pPlayground->InsertControlGroup( m_aFind, m_aFind, SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eLeftRightWords );
+ m_pPlayground->InsertControlGroup( m_aSuggestions, m_aHanjaOnly, SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eSuggestionLabel );
+ m_pPlayground->InsertControlGroup( m_aReplaceByChar, m_aReplaceByChar, SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eActionButtons );
+ m_pPlayground->SetButtonHandler( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eClose, LINK( this, HangulHanjaConversionDialog, OnClose ) );
+ m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, HangulHanjaConversionDialog, OnSuggestionModified ) );
+ m_aSuggestions.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, HangulHanjaConversionDialog, OnSuggestionSelected ) );
+ if ( HangulHanjaConversion::eHangulToHanja == _ePrimaryDirection )
+ {
+ m_aHanjaOnly.Enable( sal_False );
+ m_pIgnoreNonPrimary = &m_aHangulOnly;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_aHangulOnly.Enable( sal_False );
+ m_pIgnoreNonPrimary = &m_aHanjaOnly;
+ }
+ m_pIgnoreNonPrimary->Check();
+ // initial focus
+ FocusSuggestion( );
+ // initial control values
+ m_aSimpleConversion.Check();
+ FreeResource();
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HangulHanjaConversionDialog::~HangulHanjaConversionDialog( )
+ {
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::FillSuggestions( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& _rSuggestions )
+ {
+ m_aSuggestions.Clear();
+ const ::rtl::OUString* pSuggestions = _rSuggestions.getConstArray();
+ const ::rtl::OUString* pSuggestionsEnd = _rSuggestions.getConstArray() + _rSuggestions.getLength();
+ while ( pSuggestions != pSuggestionsEnd )
+ m_aSuggestions.InsertEntry( *pSuggestions++ );
+ // select the first suggestion, and fill in the suggestion edit field
+ String sFirstSuggestion;
+ if ( m_aSuggestions.GetEntryCount() )
+ {
+ sFirstSuggestion = m_aSuggestions.GetEntry( 0 );
+ m_aSuggestions.SelectEntryPos( 0 );
+ }
+ m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().SetText( sFirstSuggestion );
+ m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().SaveValue();
+ OnSuggestionModified( &m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl() );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetIgnoreHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->SetButtonHandler( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eIgnore, _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetIgnoreAllHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->SetButtonHandler( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eIgnoreAll, _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetChangeHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->SetButtonHandler( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eChange, _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetChangeAllHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->SetButtonHandler( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eChangeAll, _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetFindHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_aFind.SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetConversionFormatChangedHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_aSimpleConversion.SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ m_aHangulBracketed.SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ m_aHanjaBracketed.SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ m_pHanjaAbove->SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ m_pHanjaBelow->SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ m_pHangulAbove->SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ m_pHangulBelow->SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetClickByCharacterHdl( const Link& _rHdl )
+ {
+ m_aReplaceByChar.SetClickHdl( _rHdl );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IMPL_LINK( HangulHanjaConversionDialog, OnSuggestionSelected, void*, NOTINTERESTEDIN )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().SetText( m_aSuggestions.GetSelectEntry() );
+ OnSuggestionModified( NULL );
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IMPL_LINK( HangulHanjaConversionDialog, OnSuggestionModified, void*, NOTINTERESTEDIN )
+ {
+ m_aFind.Enable( m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetSavedValue() != m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetText() );
+ bool bSameLen = m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetText().Len() == m_pPlayground->GetCurrentText().Len();
+ m_pPlayground->EnableButton( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eChange, m_bDocumentMode && bSameLen );
+ m_pPlayground->EnableButton( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eChangeAll, m_bDocumentMode && bSameLen );
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ IMPL_LINK( HangulHanjaConversionDialog, OnClose, void*, NOTINTERESTEDIN )
+ {
+ Close();
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ String HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetCurrentString( ) const
+ {
+ return m_pPlayground->GetCurrentText( );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::FocusSuggestion( )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GrabFocus();
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace
+ {
+ void lcl_modifyWindowStyle( Window* _pWin, WinBits _nSet, WinBits _nReset )
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( 0 == ( _nSet & _nReset ), "lcl_modifyWindowStyle: set _and_ reset the same bit?" );
+ if ( _pWin )
+ _pWin->SetStyle( ( _pWin->GetStyle() | _nSet ) & ~_nReset );
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetCurrentString( const String& _rNewString,
+ const Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& _rSuggestions, bool _bOriginatesFromDocument )
+ {
+ m_pPlayground->SetCurrentText( _rNewString );
+ bool bOldDocumentMode = m_bDocumentMode;
+ m_bDocumentMode = _bOriginatesFromDocument; // before FillSuggestions!
+ FillSuggestions( _rSuggestions );
+ m_pPlayground->EnableButton( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eIgnoreAll, m_bDocumentMode );
+ // all other buttons have been implicitly enabled or disabled during filling in the suggestions
+ // switch the def button depending if we're working for document text
+ if ( bOldDocumentMode != m_bDocumentMode )
+ {
+ Window* pOldDefButton = NULL;
+ Window* pNewDefButton = NULL;
+ if ( m_bDocumentMode )
+ {
+ pOldDefButton = &m_aFind;
+ pNewDefButton = m_pPlayground->GetButton( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eChange );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pOldDefButton = m_pPlayground->GetButton( SvxCommonLinguisticControl::eChange );
+ pNewDefButton = &m_aFind;
+ }
+ DBG_ASSERT( WB_DEFBUTTON == ( pOldDefButton->GetStyle( ) & WB_DEFBUTTON ),
+ "HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetCurrentString: wrong previous default button (1)!" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( 0 == ( pNewDefButton->GetStyle( ) & WB_DEFBUTTON ),
+ "HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetCurrentString: wrong previous default button (2)!" );
+ lcl_modifyWindowStyle( pOldDefButton, 0, WB_DEFBUTTON );
+ lcl_modifyWindowStyle( pNewDefButton, WB_DEFBUTTON, 0 );
+ // give the focus to the new def button temporarily - VCL is somewhat peculiar
+ // in recognizing a new default button
+ sal_uInt32 nSaveFocusId = Window::SaveFocus();
+ pNewDefButton->GrabFocus();
+ Window::EndSaveFocus( nSaveFocusId );
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ String HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetCurrentSuggestion( ) const
+ {
+ return m_pPlayground->GetWordInputControl().GetText();
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetByCharacter( sal_Bool _bByCharacter )
+ {
+ m_aReplaceByChar.Check( _bByCharacter );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sal_Bool HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetByCharacter( ) const
+ {
+ return m_aReplaceByChar.IsChecked();
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetUseBothDirections( sal_Bool _bBoth ) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_pIgnoreNonPrimary, "HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetUseBothDirections: where's the check box pointer?" );
+ m_pIgnoreNonPrimary->Check( !_bBoth );
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sal_Bool HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetUseBothDirections( ) const
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT( m_pIgnoreNonPrimary, "HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetUseBothDirections: where's the check box pointer?" );
+ return m_pIgnoreNonPrimary ? !m_pIgnoreNonPrimary->IsChecked( ) : sal_True;
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetConversionFormat( HHC::ConversionFormat _eType )
+ {
+ switch ( _eType )
+ {
+ case HHC::eSimpleConversion: m_aSimpleConversion.Check(); break;
+ case HHC::eHangulBracketed: m_aHangulBracketed.Check(); break;
+ case HHC::eHanjaBracketed: m_aHanjaBracketed.Check(); break;
+ case HHC::eRubyHanjaAbove: m_pHanjaAbove->Check(); break;
+ case HHC::eRubyHanjaBelow: m_pHanjaBelow->Check(); break;
+ case HHC::eRubyHangulAbove: m_pHangulAbove->Check(); break;
+ case HHC::eRubyHangulBelow: m_pHangulBelow->Check(); break;
+ default:
+ DBG_ERROR( "HangulHanjaConversionDialog::SetConversionFormat: unknown type!" );
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ HHC::ConversionFormat HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetConversionFormat( ) const
+ {
+ if ( m_aSimpleConversion.IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eSimpleConversion;
+ if ( m_aHangulBracketed.IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eHangulBracketed;
+ if ( m_aHanjaBracketed.IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eHanjaBracketed;
+ if ( m_pHanjaAbove->IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eRubyHanjaAbove;
+ if ( m_pHanjaBelow->IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eRubyHanjaBelow;
+ if ( m_pHangulAbove->IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eRubyHangulAbove;
+ if ( m_pHangulBelow->IsChecked() )
+ return HHC::eRubyHangulBelow;
+ DBG_ERROR( "HangulHanjaConversionDialog::GetConversionFormat: no radio checked?" )
+ return HHC::eSimpleConversion;
+ }
+} // namespace svx