path: root/svx/source/dialog
diff options
authorKurt Zenker <>2001-03-28 12:14:51 +0000
committerKurt Zenker <>2001-03-28 12:14:51 +0000
commit3a74f0bd159affc5695fc3dff7d8f52c214d17e3 (patch)
tree3177ff542a80a14ecc9026393f38988368e426fd /svx/source/dialog
parent8aeb3f1fceee5842b9496a4bdedac882ba6858ee (diff)
Merge SRC626: 28.03.01 - 16:15:31 (NoBranch)
Diffstat (limited to 'svx/source/dialog')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/rubydialog.src b/svx/source/dialog/rubydialog.src
index df41ab793ece..40716ed1c0b8 100644
--- a/svx/source/dialog/rubydialog.src
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/rubydialog.src
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: rubydialog.src,v $
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2001-03-13 16:57:24 $
+ * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2001-03-28 13:14:51 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Auto detection";
Text[ french ] = "Auto detection";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Auto detection";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Reconocimiento automtico";
Text[ italian ] = "Auto detection";
Text[ danish ] = "Auto detection";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Auto detection";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Automatiskt igenknnande";
Text[ polish ] = "Automatyczne rozpoznanie";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Auto detection";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Auto detection";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "F";
Text[ korean ] = "Auto detection";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Auto detection";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զʶ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ѧO";
Text[ turkish ] = "Auto detection";
Text[ arabic ] = " ";
@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Adjust";
Text[ french ] = "Adjust";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Adjust";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Alineacin";
Text[ italian ] = "Adjust";
Text[ danish ] = "Adjust";
Text[ swedish ] = "Justering";
Text[ polish ] = "Wyrwnanie";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Adjust";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Adjust";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "zu";
Text[ korean ] = "Adjust";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Adjust";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
Text[ turkish ] = "Adjust";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ spanish ] =
- "Links" ;
- "Zentriert" ;
- "Rechts" ;
+ "Izquierda" ;
+ "Centrado" ;
+ "Derecha" ;
"0 1 0" ;
"1 2 1" ;
@@ -290,9 +290,9 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ swedish ] =
- "Links" ;
- "Zentriert" ;
- "Rechts" ;
+ "Till vnster" ;
+ "Centrerat" ;
+ "Till hger" ;
"0 1 0" ;
"1 2 1" ;
@@ -314,9 +314,9 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ japanese ] =
- "Links" ;
- "Zentriert" ;
- "Rechts" ;
+ "" ;
+ "" ;
+ "E" ;
"0 1 0" ;
"1 2 1" ;
@@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ chinese_simplified ] =
- "Links" ;
- "Zentriert" ;
- "Rechts" ;
+ "" ;
+ "" ;
+ "" ;
"0 1 0" ;
"1 2 1" ;
@@ -369,22 +369,22 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text [ ENGLISH ] = "Character style for ruby text" ;
Text[ english_us ] = "Character Style for ruby text";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ russian ] = "Character style for ruby text";
+ Text[ russian ] = " ruby";
Text[ greek ] = " 'Ruby'";
Text[ dutch ] = "Character style for ruby text";
Text[ french ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Character style for ruby text";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Estilo de carcter para texto ruby";
Text[ italian ] = "Character style for ruby text";
Text[ danish ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ polish ] = "Character style for ruby text";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Teckenformatmall fr ruby-text";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Styl znakw tekstu ruby";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Character style for ruby text";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ޕp̫";
Text[ korean ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Character style for ruby text";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ƴעŵַʽ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "`Ÿr˦";
Text[ turkish ] = "Character style for ruby text";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Character style for ruby text";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ruby text";
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ spanish ] =
- < "<Keine>" ; > ;
+ < "<ninguno>" ; > ;
StringList [ italian ] =
@@ -438,11 +438,11 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ swedish ] =
- < "<Keine>" ; > ;
+ < "<Ingen>" ; > ;
StringList [ polish ] =
- < "<Keine>" ; > ;
+ < "<Brak>" ; > ;
StringList [ portuguese_brazilian ] =
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ japanese ] =
- < "<Keine>" ; > ;
+ < "<Ȃ>" ; > ;
StringList [ korean ] =
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
StringList [ chinese_simplified ] =
- < "<Keine>" ; > ;
+ < "<>" ; > ;
StringList [ chinese_traditional ] =
@@ -485,15 +485,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Stylist";
Text[ french ] = "Stylist";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Stylist";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Estilista";
Text[ italian ] = "Stylist";
Text[ danish ] = "Stylist";
Text[ swedish ] = "Stylist";
Text[ polish ] = "Stylista";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Stylist";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Stylist";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ؽ";
Text[ korean ] = "Stylist";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Stylist";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "U˦";
Text[ turkish ] = "Stylist";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -510,15 +510,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = ":";
Text[ dutch ] = "Preview:";
Text[ french ] = "Preview:";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Preview:";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Previsualizacin:";
Text[ italian ] = "Preview:";
Text[ danish ] = "Preview:";
Text[ swedish ] = "Frhandsvisning:";
Text[ polish ] = "Podgld:";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Preview:";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Preview:";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ޭ:";
Text[ korean ] = "Preview:";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Preview:";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ԥ:";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "wG";
Text[ turkish ] = "Preview:";
Text[ arabic ] = ":";
@@ -540,15 +540,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Apply";
Text[ french ] = "Apply";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Apply";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Aplicar";
Text[ italian ] = "Apply";
Text[ danish ] = "Apply";
Text[ swedish ] = "Apply";
Text[ polish ] = "Zastosuj";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Apply";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Apply";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "OK";
Text[ korean ] = "Apply";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Apply";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M";
Text[ turkish ] = "Apply";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -565,15 +565,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = "";
Text[ dutch ] = "Close";
Text[ french ] = "Close";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Close";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Cerrar";
Text[ italian ] = "Close";
Text[ danish ] = "Close";
Text[ swedish ] = "Stng";
Text[ polish ] = "Zamknij";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Close";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Close";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "‚";
Text[ korean ] = "Close";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Close";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ر";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "";
Text[ turkish ] = "Close";
Text[ arabic ] = "";
@@ -587,24 +587,24 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text = "Basistext";
Text [English] = "Basis text";
- Text[ english_us ] = "Basis text";
+ Text[ english_us ] = "Base text";
Text[ portuguese ] = "Basis text";
Text[ russian ] = " ";
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Basis text";
Text[ french ] = "Basis text";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Basis text";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Texto base";
Text[ italian ] = "Basis text";
Text[ danish ] = "Basis text";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Basis text";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Bastext";
Text[ polish ] = "Tekst podstawowy";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Basis text";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Basis text";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "Ώە";
Text[ korean ] = "Basis text";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Basis text";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Dr";
Text[ turkish ] = "Basis text";
- Text[ arabic ] = "Basis text";
+ Text[ arabic ] = " ";
String ST_RUBY
@@ -616,15 +616,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = " Ruby";
Text[ dutch ] = "Ruby text";
Text[ french ] = "Ruby text";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Ruby text";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Texto ruby";
Text[ italian ] = "Ruby text";
Text[ danish ] = "Ruby text";
- Text[ swedish ] = "Ruby text";
- Text[ polish ] = "Ruby text";
+ Text[ swedish ] = "Ruby-text";
+ Text[ polish ] = "Tekst Ruby";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ruby text";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Ruby text";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "ޕ";
Text[ korean ] = "Ruby text";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ruby text";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ƴע";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "`Ÿ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Ruby text";
Text[ arabic ] = "Ruby text";
@@ -635,15 +635,15 @@ ModelessDialog RID_SVXDLG_RUBY
Text[ greek ] = " ";
Text[ dutch ] = "Ruby";
Text[ french ] = "Ruby";
- Text[ spanish ] = "Ruby";
+ Text[ spanish ] = "Carcter fontico gua";
Text[ italian ] = "Ruby";
Text[ danish ] = "Ruby";
Text[ swedish ] = "Ruby";
Text[ polish ] = "Diakrytyczny znak wiodcy";
Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ruby";
- Text[ japanese ] = "Ruby";
+ Text[ japanese ] = "";
Text[ korean ] = "Ruby";
- Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ruby";
+ Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ƴע";
Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "`Ÿ";
Text[ turkish ] = "Ruby";
Text[ arabic ] = "Ruby";