path: root/svx/source/sdr
diff options
authorRüdiger Timm <>2003-11-24 15:44:37 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2003-11-24 15:44:37 +0000
commit644dd4954feddfcd194aeba614221ea9f23c23fd (patch)
tree2d422de4fdcb6708c40d04b86176d790a533c894 /svx/source/sdr
parent86ad40f56e4adca2c064aebd72a14fe582320eb9 (diff)
2003/10/16 08:27:46 aw #111111# 2003/10/07 12:11:40 aw #111097# 2003/08/19 16:46:14 aw #111096# 2003/07/30 16:05:29 aw #110094# Further DrawingLayer adaptions 2003/07/25 16:31:39 aw #110094# Changed Paint() to DoPaintObject() for identifying reasons 2003/07/25 10:13:13 aw #110094# Further changes 2003/07/24 14:25:28 aw #110094# Adaptions for DrawingLayer changes 2003/07/01 14:45:25 aw #110094# Necessary changes for GCC 2003/06/30 13:26:50 aw #110094#
Diffstat (limited to 'svx/source/sdr')
1 files changed, 552 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/sdr/contact/objectcontactofpageview.cxx b/svx/source/sdr/contact/objectcontactofpageview.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac391048d7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svx/source/sdr/contact/objectcontactofpageview.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: objectcontactofpageview.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2003-11-24 16:44:37 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/objectcontactofpageview.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVDPAGV_HXX
+#include <svdpagv.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVDPAGE_HXX
+#include <svdpage.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/displayinfo.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVDMODEL_HXX
+#include <svdmodel.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontact.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVDVIEW_HXX
+#include <svdview.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/viewcontact.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/animation/objectanimator.hxx>
+#ifndef _XOUTX_HXX
+#include <xoutx.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/event/eventhandler.hxx>
+namespace sdr
+ namespace contact
+ {
+ // internal access to SdrPageView
+ SdrPageView& ObjectContactOfPageView::GetPageView() const
+ {
+ return mrPageView;
+ }
+ // internal access to SdrPage of SdrPageView
+ SdrPage* ObjectContactOfPageView::GetSdrPage() const
+ {
+ return GetPageView().GetPage();
+ }
+ ObjectContactOfPageView::ObjectContactOfPageView(SdrPageView& rPageView)
+ : ObjectContact(),
+ mrPageView(rPageView),
+ mpRememberedStartPage(0L)
+ {
+ }
+ // The destructor. When PrepareDelete() was not called before (see there)
+ // warnings will be generated in debug version if there are still contacts
+ // existing.
+ ObjectContactOfPageView::~ObjectContactOfPageView()
+ {
+ }
+ // Update Draw Hierarchy data. Take care of everything that is inside
+ // of rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea(), that is the necessary part.
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::EnsureValidDrawHierarchy(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
+ {
+ // get StartNode
+ SdrPage* pStartPage = GetSdrPage();
+ // test for start point change
+ if(pStartPage != mpRememberedStartPage)
+ {
+ // Clear whole DrawHierarchy, needs complete rebuild
+ ClearDrawHierarchy();
+ // remember new StartPoint
+ mpRememberedStartPage = pStartPage;
+ // build hierarchy for local draw page. This will include the
+ // MasterPages as sub-hierarchy of the DrawPage because
+ // ViewContactOfSdrPage::GetObjectCount() and ::GetViewContact()
+ // support that.
+ ViewContact& rViewContact = pStartPage->GetViewContact();
+ // Get the ViewObjectContact for this ViewContact and this DrawContact. This creates such an object
+ // on demand and adds it to the ViewObjectContactList of the ViewContact.
+ ViewObjectContact& rViewObjectContact = rViewContact.GetViewObjectContact(*this);
+ // set parent at ViewObjectContact. For pages, there is no parent.
+ rViewObjectContact.SetParent(0L);
+ // build sub-hierarchy
+ if(rViewContact.GetObjectCount())
+ {
+ rViewObjectContact.BuildDrawHierarchy(*this, rViewContact);
+ }
+ // Add to list
+ maDrawHierarchy.Append(&rViewObjectContact);
+ // set DrawHierarchy valid
+ mbDrawHierarchyValid = sal_True;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no new StartPoint, is the invalid flag set which means
+ // somewhere the sub-hierarchy is invalid?
+ if(!IsDrawHierarchyValid())
+ {
+ // Yes, check the sub-hierarchies
+ const sal_uInt32 nCount(maDrawHierarchy.Count());
+ for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); a < nCount; a++)
+ {
+ ViewObjectContact& rVOContact = *(maDrawHierarchy.GetObject(a));
+ rVOContact.CheckDrawHierarchy(*this);
+ }
+ // set DrawHierarchy valid
+ mbDrawHierarchyValid = sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create and set the ExpandPaintClipRegion. This needs to be done before
+ // any of the objects gets really painted because it relies on the invalidated
+ // and not painted state of the single objects.
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::ExpandPaintClipRegion(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
+ {
+ if(rDisplayInfo.GetPaintInfoRec() && rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice())
+ {
+ OutputDevice* pOut = rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice();
+ if(OUTDEV_WINDOW == pOut->GetOutDevType())
+ {
+ Window* pWin = (Window*)pOut;
+ Region aExpandRegion;
+ // For this purpose test against visible area, not against
+ // paint rectangle. Thus, Remember DrawArea and set visible area instead.
+ Region aOriginalDrawArea = rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea();
+ Point aEmptyPoint;
+ Rectangle aVisiblePixel(aEmptyPoint, pOut->GetOutputSizePixel());
+ Region aVisibleLogic = Region(pOut->PixelToLogic(aVisiblePixel));
+ rDisplayInfo.SetRedrawArea(aVisibleLogic);
+ for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); a < maDrawHierarchy.Count(); a++)
+ {
+ ViewObjectContact& rVOContact = *(maDrawHierarchy.GetObject(a));
+ // Recursively Build Clip Region for ViewObjectContacts
+ rVOContact.BuildClipRegion(rDisplayInfo, aExpandRegion);
+ }
+ if(!(aExpandRegion.IsEmpty() || aExpandRegion.IsNull()))
+ {
+ // expand the ClipRegion
+ pWin->ExpandPaintClipRegion(aExpandRegion);
+ // also expand the DrawArea, more needs to be redrawn now.
+ aOriginalDrawArea.Union(aExpandRegion.GetBoundRect());
+ }
+ // restore original DrawArea
+ rDisplayInfo.SetRedrawArea(aOriginalDrawArea);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // The PreRenderer
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::PreRender(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
+ {
+ // get and remember OutputDevices
+ OutputDevice* pOriginalOutDev = rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice();
+ ExtOutputDevice* pOriginalExtOutDev = rDisplayInfo.GetExtendedOutputDevice();
+ // compare size of maPreRenderDevice with size of visible area
+ if(maPreRenderDevice.GetOutputSizePixel() != pOriginalOutDev->GetOutputSizePixel())
+ {
+ maPreRenderDevice.SetOutputSizePixel(pOriginalOutDev->GetOutputSizePixel());
+ }
+ // Also compare the MapModes for zoom/scroll changes
+ if(maPreRenderDevice.GetMapMode() != pOriginalOutDev->GetMapMode())
+ {
+ maPreRenderDevice.SetMapMode(pOriginalOutDev->GetMapMode());
+ }
+ // replace values at rDisplayInfo for rendering to PreRenderDevice
+ pOriginalExtOutDev->SetOutDev(&maPreRenderDevice);
+ rDisplayInfo.SetOutputDevice(&maPreRenderDevice);
+ // paint in PreRenderDevice
+ DoProcessDisplay(rDisplayInfo);
+ // set back to old OutDev, restore rDisplayInfo
+ pOriginalExtOutDev->SetOutDev(pOriginalOutDev);
+ rDisplayInfo.SetOutputDevice(pOriginalOutDev);
+ }
+ // Pre-Process the whole displaying.
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::PreProcessDisplay(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
+ {
+ // call parent to ensure a valid draw hierarchy.
+ ObjectContact::PreProcessDisplay(rDisplayInfo);
+ // also expand the paint clip region in the pre-paint phase
+ if(IsDrawHierarchyValid())
+ {
+ ExpandPaintClipRegion(rDisplayInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ // Process the whole displaying
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::ProcessDisplay(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
+ {
+ SdrPage* pStartPage = GetSdrPage();
+ if(IsDrawHierarchyValid()
+ && pStartPage
+ && rDisplayInfo.GetPaintInfoRec()
+ && rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice()
+ && maDrawHierarchy.Count())
+ {
+ // First look if pre-rendering should be done. If Yes, use it. If no,
+ // do a normal ProcessDisplay() using DoProcessDiaply(). The second one
+ // is called in any case, maybe for pre-rendering or for direct output.
+ if(DoPreRender(rDisplayInfo))
+ {
+ // Get OutputDevice
+ OutputDevice* pOut = rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice();
+ // update pre-rendered VirtualDevice
+ PreRender(rDisplayInfo);
+ // calculate the to-be-refreshed rectangle
+ Rectangle aPaintRect(rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea().GetBoundRect());
+ Rectangle aPaintRectPixel = pOut->LogicToPixel(aPaintRect);
+ // paint using prepared, pre-rendered VirtualDevice
+ sal_Bool bMapModeWasEnabledDest(pOut->IsMapModeEnabled());
+ sal_Bool bMapModeWasEnabledSource(maPreRenderDevice.IsMapModeEnabled());
+ pOut->EnableMapMode(sal_False);
+ maPreRenderDevice.EnableMapMode(sal_False);
+ Size aPaintSizePixel = aPaintRectPixel.GetSize();
+ pOut->DrawOutDev(
+ aPaintRectPixel.TopLeft(), aPaintSizePixel,
+ aPaintRectPixel.TopLeft(), aPaintSizePixel,
+ maPreRenderDevice);
+ pOut->EnableMapMode(bMapModeWasEnabledDest);
+ maPreRenderDevice.EnableMapMode(bMapModeWasEnabledSource);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // paint direct
+ DoProcessDisplay(rDisplayInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ // after paint take care of the evtl. scheduled asynchronious commands.
+ // Do this by resetting the timer contained there. Thus, after the paint
+ // that timer will be triggered and the events will be executed.
+ if(HasEventHandler())
+ {
+ sdr::event::TimerEventHandler& rEventHandler = GetEventHandler();
+ if(!rEventHandler.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ rEventHandler.Restart();
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DBG_UTIL
+ // Do some test painting for the given rectangles
+ if(sal_False && rDisplayInfo.GetPaintInfoRec() && rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice())
+ {
+ OutputDevice* pOut = rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice();
+ pOut->SetFillColor();
+ pOut->SetLineColor(COL_RED);
+ pOut->DrawRect(rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea().GetBoundRect());
+ sal_Bool bWasEnabled(pOut->IsMapModeEnabled());
+ pOut->EnableMapMode(sal_False);
+ // Test ExpandPaintClipRegion
+ Point aEmptyPoint;
+ Rectangle aVisiblePixel(aEmptyPoint, pOut->GetOutputSizePixel());
+ pOut->Push( PUSH_CLIPREGION );
+ if(OUTDEV_WINDOW == pOut->GetOutDevType())
+ {
+ Window* pWin = (Window*)pOut;
+ Region aExpandRegion(pOut->PixelToLogic(aVisiblePixel));
+ pWin->ExpandPaintClipRegion(aExpandRegion);
+ }
+ sal_uInt32 nTime(Time::GetSystemTicks());
+ pOut->SetLineColor(Color(sal_uInt8(nTime), sal_uInt8(nTime >> 3), sal_uInt8(nTime >> 6)));
+ pOut->DrawRect(aVisiblePixel);
+ pOut->Pop();
+ pOut->EnableMapMode(bWasEnabled);
+ }
+#endif DBG_UTIL
+ }
+ // Decide if to PreRender
+ sal_Bool ObjectContactOfPageView::DoPreRender(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo) const
+ {
+ return (rDisplayInfo.IsPreRenderingAllowed()
+ && !rDisplayInfo.OutputToPrinter()
+ && !rDisplayInfo.OutputToVirtualDevice()
+ && !rDisplayInfo.OutputToRecordingMetaFile());
+ }
+ // Process the whole displaying
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::DoProcessDisplay(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo)
+ {
+ // test if ControlLayer is to be painted
+ SdrPage* pStartPage = GetSdrPage();
+ const SdrModel& rModel = *(pStartPage->GetModel());
+ const SdrLayerAdmin& rLayerAdmin = rModel.GetLayerAdmin();
+ const sal_uInt32 nControlLayerId = rLayerAdmin.GetLayerID(rLayerAdmin.GetControlLayerName(), sal_False);
+ SetOfByte aProcessLayers = rDisplayInfo.GetProcessLayers();
+ sal_Bool bDrawControlLayer(aProcessLayers.IsSet((sal_uInt8)nControlLayerId));
+ ViewObjectContact& rDrawPageVOContact = *(maDrawHierarchy.GetObject(0L));
+ // visualize entered group when that feature is switched on and it's not
+ // a print output
+ sal_Bool bVisualizeEnteredGroup(DoVisualizeEnteredGroup() && !rDisplayInfo.OutputToPrinter());
+ // Always save original DRawMode, it's used by the renderers
+ // when they need to paint into a bitmap.
+ rDisplayInfo.SaveOriginalDrawMode();
+ // Visualize entered groups: Set to ghosted as default
+ // start. Do this only for the DrawPage, not for MasterPages
+ if(bVisualizeEnteredGroup)
+ {
+ rDisplayInfo.SetGhostedDrawMode();
+ }
+ // Clear ControlLayer
+ if(bDrawControlLayer)
+ {
+ // clear for normal paint
+ aProcessLayers.Clear((sal_uInt8)nControlLayerId);
+ }
+ // Draw DrawPage without controls
+ if(!aProcessLayers.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // standard paint
+ rDisplayInfo.SetProcessLayers(aProcessLayers);
+ rDisplayInfo.SetTemporaryPaintPage(sal_True);
+ rDrawPageVOContact.PaintObjectHierarchy(rDisplayInfo);
+ }
+ // Draw DrawPage, Controls only
+ if(bDrawControlLayer)
+ {
+ // paint ControlLayer
+ aProcessLayers.ClearAll();
+ aProcessLayers.Set((sal_uInt8)nControlLayerId);
+ rDisplayInfo.SetProcessLayers(aProcessLayers);
+ rDisplayInfo.SetTemporaryPaintPage(sal_False);
+ rDrawPageVOContact.PaintObjectHierarchy(rDisplayInfo);
+ }
+ // Visualize entered groups: Reset to original DrawMode
+ if(bVisualizeEnteredGroup)
+ {
+ rDisplayInfo.RestoreOriginalDrawMode();
+ }
+ // Test if paint was interrupted. If Yes, we need to invalidate the
+ // PageView where the paint region was defined
+ if(!rDisplayInfo.DoContinuePaint())
+ {
+ Rectangle aRect = rDisplayInfo.GetRedrawArea().GetBoundRect();
+ GetPageView().InvalidateAllWin(aRect);
+ }
+ // If a ObjectAnimator exists, execute it. This will only do anything
+ // if the ObjectAnimator's timer is not yet running and if there are
+ // events scheduled.
+ if(HasObjectAnimator())
+ {
+ GetObjectAnimator().Execute();
+ }
+ }
+ // test if visualizing of entered groups is switched on at all
+ sal_Bool ObjectContactOfPageView::DoVisualizeEnteredGroup() const
+ {
+ SdrView& rView = GetPageView().GetView();
+ return rView.DoVisualizeEnteredGroup();
+ }
+ // Get the active group (the entered group). To get independent
+ // from the old object/view classes return values use the new
+ // classes.
+ ViewContact* ObjectContactOfPageView::GetActiveGroupContact() const
+ {
+ SdrObjList* pActiveGroupList = GetPageView().GetObjList();
+ ViewContact* pRetval = 0L;
+ if(pActiveGroupList)
+ {
+ if(pActiveGroupList->ISA(SdrPage))
+ {
+ // It's a Page itself
+ pRetval = &(((SdrPage*)pActiveGroupList)->GetViewContact());
+ }
+ else if(pActiveGroupList->GetOwnerObj())
+ {
+ // Group object
+ return &(pActiveGroupList->GetOwnerObj()->GetViewContact());
+ }
+ }
+ if(!pRetval)
+ {
+ if(GetSdrPage())
+ {
+ // use page of associated SdrPageView
+ pRetval = &(GetSdrPage()->GetViewContact());
+ }
+ }
+ return pRetval;
+ }
+ // Invalidate given rectangle at the window/output which is represented by
+ // this ObjectContact.
+ void ObjectContactOfPageView::InvalidatePartOfView(const Rectangle& rRectangle) const
+ {
+ // invalidate all associated windows.
+ GetPageView().InvalidateAllWin(rRectangle);
+ }
+ // Get info about the need to visualize GluePoints
+ sal_Bool ObjectContactOfPageView::AreGluePointsVisible() const
+ {
+ return GetPageView().GetView().ImpIsGlueVisible();
+ }
+ // check if text animation is allowed.
+ sal_Bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsTextAnimationAllowed() const
+ {
+ SdrView& rView = GetPageView().GetView();
+ const SvtAccessibilityOptions& rOpt = rView.getAccessibilityOptions();
+ return rOpt.GetIsAllowAnimatedText();
+ }
+ // check if graphic animation is allowed.
+ sal_Bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsGraphicAnimationAllowed() const
+ {
+ SdrView& rView = GetPageView().GetView();
+ const SvtAccessibilityOptions& rOpt = rView.getAccessibilityOptions();
+ return rOpt.GetIsAllowAnimatedGraphics();
+ }
+ // check if asynchronious graphis loading is allowed. Default is sal_False.
+ sal_Bool ObjectContactOfPageView::IsAsynchronGraphicsLoadingAllowed() const
+ {
+ SdrView& rView = GetPageView().GetView();
+ return rView.IsSwapAsynchron();
+ }
+ } // end of namespace contact
+} // end of namespace sdr
+// eof