path: root/svx/source
diff options
authorNoel Grandin <>2023-05-08 12:56:36 +0200
committerNoel Grandin <>2023-05-09 13:53:47 +0200
commitc9b0a6010e96d22844cdab6c1e8e67fbf14ab142 (patch)
tree6e296f1fca94ad4ffe92a811bd5262fb8abe508e /svx/source
parent38a658f3f064e1f0dc28cd7f69d800f78115c8df (diff)
merge GalleryFileStorage with GalleryBinaryEngine
Change-Id: Id948627873db9c646d1a81784dd16f6aa1c2063b Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'svx/source')
6 files changed, 795 insertions, 819 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/gallery2/gallery1.cxx b/svx/source/gallery2/gallery1.cxx
index fbdf46acd6fd..8dad889b6a8c 100644
--- a/svx/source/gallery2/gallery1.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/gallery2/gallery1.cxx
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ GalleryTheme* GalleryThemeEntry::createGalleryTheme(Gallery* pGallery)
return new GalleryTheme(pGallery,this);
-std::unique_ptr<GalleryBinaryEngine> GalleryThemeEntry::createGalleryStorageEngine(GalleryObjectCollection& mrGalleryObjectCollection)
+std::unique_ptr<GalleryFileStorage> GalleryThemeEntry::createGalleryStorageEngine(GalleryObjectCollection& mrGalleryObjectCollection)
return mpGalleryStorageEngineEntry->createGalleryStorageEngine(mrGalleryObjectCollection, bReadOnly);
diff --git a/svx/source/gallery2/gallerybinaryengine.cxx b/svx/source/gallery2/gallerybinaryengine.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 009fe113f210..000000000000
--- a/svx/source/gallery2/gallerybinaryengine.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,811 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at .
- */
-#include <svx/unomodel.hxx>
-#include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>
-#include <svx/galtheme.hxx>
-#include <galobj.hxx>
-#include <gallerybinaryengine.hxx>
-#include <svx/galleryobjectcollection.hxx>
-#include <svx/gallery1.hxx>
-#include <osl/thread.hxx>
-#include "codec.hxx"
-#include "gallerydrawmodel.hxx"
-#include <vcl/cvtgrf.hxx>
-#include <vcl/filter/SvmWriter.hxx>
-#include <sal/log.hxx>
-#include <com/sun/star/ucb/ContentCreationException.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSet.hpp>
-#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContentAccess.hpp>
-#include <comphelper/fileformat.h>
-#include <comphelper/graphicmimetype.hxx>
-#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
-#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
-#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
-#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
-#include <unotools/datetime.hxx>
-#include <unotools/ucbstreamhelper.hxx>
-#include <unotools/streamwrap.hxx>
-#include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
-#include <ucbhelper/content.hxx>
-#include <tools/vcompat.hxx>
-using namespace ::com::sun::star;
- const GalleryStorageLocations& rGalleryBinaryStorageLocations,
- GalleryObjectCollection& rGalleryObjectCollection, bool bReadOnly)
- : maGalleryStorageLocations(rGalleryBinaryStorageLocations)
- , mrGalleryObjectCollection(rGalleryObjectCollection)
- , mbReadOnly(bReadOnly)
- , m_bDestDirRelative(false)
- ImplCreateSvDrawStorage();
-GalleryBinaryEngine::~GalleryBinaryEngine() { clearSotStorage(); }
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::setDestDir(const OUString& rDestDir, bool bRelative)
- m_aDestDir = rDestDir;
- m_bDestDirRelative = bRelative;
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::clearSotStorage() { m_aSvDrawStorageRef.clear(); }
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::ImplCreateSvDrawStorage()
- try
- {
- m_aSvDrawStorageRef
- = new SotStorage(false, GetSdvURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- mbReadOnly ? StreamMode::READ : StreamMode::STD_READWRITE);
- // #i50423# ReadOnly may not been set though the file can't be written (because of security reasons)
- if ((m_aSvDrawStorageRef->GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE) && !mbReadOnly)
- m_aSvDrawStorageRef = new SotStorage(
- false, GetSdvURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- StreamMode::READ);
- }
- catch (const css::ucb::ContentCreationException&)
- {
- TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("svx", "failed to open: " << GetSdvURL().GetMainURL(
- INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
- << "due to");
- }
-const tools::SvRef<SotStorage>& GalleryBinaryEngine::GetSvDrawStorage() const
- return m_aSvDrawStorageRef;
-bool GalleryBinaryEngine::implWrite(const GalleryTheme& rTheme, const GalleryThemeEntry* pThm)
- INetURLObject aPathURL(GetThmURL());
- aPathURL.removeSegment();
- aPathURL.removeFinalSlash();
- DBG_ASSERT(aPathURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid, "invalid URL");
- if (FileExists(aPathURL) || CreateDir(aPathURL))
- {
-#ifdef UNX
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- GetThmURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::COPY_ON_SYMLINK | StreamMode::TRUNC));
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- GetThmURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
- if (pOStm)
- {
- writeGalleryTheme(*pOStm, rTheme, pThm);
- pOStm.reset();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::insertObject(const SgaObject& rObj, GalleryObject* pFoundEntry,
- sal_uInt32 nInsertPos)
- if (pFoundEntry)
- {
- GalleryObject aNewEntry;
- // update title of new object if necessary
- if (rObj.GetTitle().isEmpty())
- {
- std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> pOldObj(implReadSgaObject(pFoundEntry));
- if (pOldObj)
- {
- const_cast<SgaObject&>(rObj).SetTitle(pOldObj->GetTitle());
- }
- }
- else if (rObj.GetTitle() == "__<empty>__")
- const_cast<SgaObject&>(rObj).SetTitle("");
- implWriteSgaObject(rObj, nInsertPos, &aNewEntry);
- pFoundEntry->nOffset = aNewEntry.nOffset;
- }
- else
- implWriteSgaObject(rObj, nInsertPos, nullptr);
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::removeObject(const std::unique_ptr<GalleryObject>& pEntry)
- if (mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().empty())
- KillFile(GetSdgURL());
- if (SgaObjKind::SvDraw == pEntry->eObjKind)
- GetSvDrawStorage()->Remove(
- pEntry->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE));
-std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> GalleryBinaryEngine::implReadSgaObject(GalleryObject const* pEntry)
- std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> pSgaObj;
- if (pEntry)
- {
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pIStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- GetSdgURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::READ));
- if (pIStm)
- {
- sal_uInt32 nInventor;
- // Check to ensure that the file is a valid SGA file
- pIStm->Seek(pEntry->nOffset);
- pIStm->ReadUInt32(nInventor);
- if (nInventor == COMPAT_FORMAT('S', 'G', 'A', '3'))
- {
- pIStm->Seek(pEntry->nOffset);
- switch (pEntry->eObjKind)
- {
- case SgaObjKind::Bitmap:
- pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectBmp());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::Animation:
- pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectAnim());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::Inet:
- pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectINet());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::SvDraw:
- pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectSvDraw());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::Sound:
- pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectSound());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (pSgaObj)
- {
- ReadSgaObject(*pIStm, *pSgaObj);
- pSgaObj->ImplUpdateURL(*pEntry->m_oStorageUrl);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pSgaObj;
-bool GalleryBinaryEngine::implWriteSgaObject(const SgaObject& rObj, sal_uInt32 nPos,
- GalleryObject* pExistentEntry)
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- GetSdgURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::WRITE));
- bool bRet = false;
- if (pOStm)
- {
- const sal_uInt32 nOffset = pOStm->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
- rObj.WriteData(*pOStm, m_aDestDir);
- if (!pOStm->GetError())
- {
- GalleryObject* pEntry;
- if (!pExistentEntry)
- {
- pEntry = new GalleryObject;
- if (nPos < mrGalleryObjectCollection.size())
- {
- mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().emplace(
- mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().begin() + nPos, pEntry);
- }
- else
- mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().emplace_back(pEntry);
- }
- else
- pEntry = pExistentEntry;
- pEntry->m_oStorageUrl = rObj.GetURL();
- pEntry->nOffset = nOffset;
- pEntry->eObjKind = rObj.GetObjKind();
- bRet = true;
- }
- }
- return bRet;
-bool GalleryBinaryEngine::readModel(const GalleryObject* pObject, SdrModel& rModel)
- tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
- bool bRet = false;
- const INetURLObject aURL(ImplGetURL(pObject));
- if (
- {
- const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xInputStream(
- xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::READ));
- if ( && !xInputStream->GetError())
- {
- xInputStream->SetBufferSize(STREAMBUF_SIZE);
- bRet = GallerySvDrawImport(*xInputStream, rModel);
- xInputStream->SetBufferSize(0);
- }
- }
- return bRet;
-SgaObjectSvDraw GalleryBinaryEngine::insertModel(const FmFormModel& rModel,
- const INetURLObject& rUserURL)
- INetURLObject aURL(implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind::SvDraw, rUserURL));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
- bool bRet = false;
- if (
- {
- const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xOutputStream(
- xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
- if ( && !xOutputStream->GetError())
- {
- SvMemoryStream aMemoryStream(65535, 65535);
- FmFormModel* pFormModel = const_cast<FmFormModel*>(&rModel);
- pFormModel->BurnInStyleSheetAttributes();
- {
- uno::Reference<io::XOutputStream> xDocOut(
- new utl::OOutputStreamWrapper(aMemoryStream));
- if (
- (void)SvxDrawingLayerExport(pFormModel, xDocOut);
- }
- aMemoryStream.Seek(0);
- xOutputStream->SetBufferSize(16348);
- GalleryCodec aCodec(*xOutputStream);
- aCodec.Write(aMemoryStream);
- xOutputStream->SetBufferSize(0);
- xOutputStream->Commit();
- bRet = !xOutputStream->GetError();
- }
- }
- if (bRet)
- {
- SgaObjectSvDraw aObjSvDraw(rModel, aURL);
- return aObjSvDraw;
- }
- return SgaObjectSvDraw();
-bool GalleryBinaryEngine::readModelStream(const GalleryObject* pObject,
- tools::SvRef<SotTempStream> const& rxModelStream)
- const INetURLObject aURL(ImplGetURL(pObject));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
- bool bRet = false;
- if (
- {
- const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xInputStream(
- xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::READ));
- if ( && !xInputStream->GetError())
- {
- sal_uInt32 nVersion = 0;
- xInputStream->SetBufferSize(16348);
- if (GalleryCodec::IsCoded(*xInputStream, nVersion))
- {
- SvxGalleryDrawModel aModel;
- if (aModel.GetModel())
- {
- if (GallerySvDrawImport(*xInputStream, *aModel.GetModel()))
- {
- aModel.GetModel()->BurnInStyleSheetAttributes();
- {
- uno::Reference<io::XOutputStream> xDocOut(
- new utl::OOutputStreamWrapper(*rxModelStream));
- SvxDrawingLayerExport(aModel.GetModel(), xDocOut);
- }
- }
- bRet = (rxModelStream->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE);
- }
- }
- xInputStream->SetBufferSize(0);
- }
- }
- return bRet;
-GalleryBinaryEngine::insertModelStream(const tools::SvRef<SotTempStream>& rxModelStream,
- const INetURLObject& rUserURL)
- INetURLObject aURL(implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind::SvDraw, rUserURL));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
- if (
- {
- const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xOutputStream(
- xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
- if ( && !xOutputStream->GetError())
- {
- GalleryCodec aCodec(*xOutputStream);
- xOutputStream->SetBufferSize(16348);
- aCodec.Write(*rxModelStream);
- if (!xOutputStream->GetError())
- {
- xOutputStream->Seek(0);
- SgaObjectSvDraw aObjSvDraw(*xOutputStream, aURL);
- return aObjSvDraw;
- }
- }
- }
- return SgaObjectSvDraw();
-INetURLObject GalleryBinaryEngine::implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind eObjKind,
- const INetURLObject& rUserURL,
- ConvertDataFormat nFormat)
- INetURLObject aDir(rUserURL);
- INetURLObject aInfoFileURL(rUserURL);
- INetURLObject aNewURL;
- sal_uInt32 nNextNumber = 1999;
- char const* pExt = nullptr;
- bool bExists;
- aDir.Append(u"dragdrop");
- CreateDir(aDir);
- aInfoFileURL.Append(u"sdddndx1");
- // read next possible number
- if (FileExists(aInfoFileURL))
- {
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pIStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- aInfoFileURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::READ));
- if (pIStm)
- {
- pIStm->ReadUInt32(nNextNumber);
- }
- }
- pExt = comphelper::GraphicMimeTypeHelper::GetExtensionForConvertDataFormat(nFormat);
- do
- {
- // get URL
- if (SgaObjKind::SvDraw == eObjKind)
- {
- OUString aFileName = "gallery/svdraw/dd" + OUString::number(++nNextNumber % 99999999);
- aNewURL = INetURLObject(aFileName, INetProtocol::PrivSoffice);
- bExists = false;
- for (auto const& pObject : mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList())
- {
- if (*pObject->m_oStorageUrl == aNewURL)
- {
- bExists = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- OUString aFileName = "dd" + OUString::number(++nNextNumber % 999999);
- if (pExt)
- aFileName += OUString(pExt, strlen(pExt), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
- aNewURL = aDir;
- aNewURL.Append(aFileName);
- bExists = FileExists(aNewURL);
- }
- } while (bExists);
- // write updated number
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- aInfoFileURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::WRITE));
- if (pOStm)
- {
- pOStm->WriteUInt32(nNextNumber);
- }
- return aNewURL;
-SgaObjectBmp GalleryBinaryEngine::insertGraphic(const Graphic& rGraphic, const GfxLink& aGfxLink,
- const ConvertDataFormat& nExportFormat,
- const INetURLObject& rUserURL)
- const INetURLObject aURL(implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind::Bitmap, rUserURL, nExportFormat));
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(
- ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
- bool bRet = false;
- if (pOStm)
- {
- pOStm->SetVersion(SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_50);
- if (ConvertDataFormat::SVM == nExportFormat)
- {
- GDIMetaFile aMtf(rGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile());
- SvmWriter aWriter(*pOStm);
- aWriter.Write(aMtf);
- bRet = (pOStm->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE);
- }
- else
- {
- if (aGfxLink.GetDataSize() && aGfxLink.GetData())
- {
- pOStm->WriteBytes(aGfxLink.GetData(), aGfxLink.GetDataSize());
- bRet = (pOStm->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE);
- }
- else
- bRet = (GraphicConverter::Export(*pOStm, rGraphic, nExportFormat) == ERRCODE_NONE);
- }
- pOStm.reset();
- }
- if (bRet)
- {
- const SgaObjectBmp aObjBmp(aURL);
- return aObjBmp;
- }
- return SgaObjectBmp();
-SgaObjectSvDraw GalleryBinaryEngine::updateSvDrawObject(const GalleryObject* pEntry)
- if (GetSvDrawStorage().is())
- {
- const OUString aStmName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(*pEntry->m_oStorageUrl));
- tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> pIStm
- = GetSvDrawStorage()->OpenSotStream(aStmName, StreamMode::READ);
- if ( && !pIStm->GetError())
- {
- pIStm->SetBufferSize(16384);
- SgaObjectSvDraw aNewObj(*pIStm, *pEntry->m_oStorageUrl);
- pIStm->SetBufferSize(0);
- return aNewObj;
- }
- }
- return SgaObjectSvDraw();
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::updateTheme()
- ::utl::TempFileNamed aTmp;
- INetURLObject aInURL(GetSdgURL());
- INetURLObject aTmpURL(aTmp.GetURL());
- DBG_ASSERT(aInURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid, "invalid URL");
- DBG_ASSERT(aTmpURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid, "invalid URL");
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pIStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- aInURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::READ));
- std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pTmpStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
- aTmpURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
- if (pIStm && pTmpStm)
- {
- for (const auto& i : mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList())
- {
- GalleryObject* pEntry = i.get();
- std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> pObj;
- switch (pEntry->eObjKind)
- {
- case SgaObjKind::Bitmap:
- pObj.reset(new SgaObjectBmp());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::Animation:
- pObj.reset(new SgaObjectAnim());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::Inet:
- pObj.reset(new SgaObjectINet());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::SvDraw:
- pObj.reset(new SgaObjectSvDraw());
- break;
- case SgaObjKind::Sound:
- pObj.reset(new SgaObjectSound());
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (pObj)
- {
- pIStm->Seek(pEntry->nOffset);
- ReadSgaObject(*pIStm, *pObj);
- pEntry->nOffset = pTmpStm->Tell();
- WriteSgaObject(*pTmpStm, *pObj);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- OSL_FAIL("File(s) could not be opened");
- }
- pIStm.reset();
- pTmpStm.reset();
- CopyFile(aTmpURL, aInURL);
- KillFile(aTmpURL);
- ErrCode nStorErr = ERRCODE_NONE;
- try
- {
- tools::SvRef<SotStorage> aTempStorageRef(
- new SotStorage(false, aTmpURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- StreamMode::STD_READWRITE));
- GetSvDrawStorage()->CopyTo(aTempStorageRef.get());
- nStorErr = GetSvDrawStorage()->GetError();
- }
- catch (const css::ucb::ContentCreationException&)
- {
- TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("svx", "failed to open: "
- << aTmpURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
- << "due to");
- }
- if (nStorErr == ERRCODE_NONE)
- {
- clearSotStorage();
- CopyFile(aTmpURL, GetSdvURL());
- ImplCreateSvDrawStorage();
- }
- KillFile(aTmpURL);
-void GalleryBinaryEngine::insertFileOrDirURL(const INetURLObject& rFileOrDirURL,
- std::vector<INetURLObject>& rURLVector)
- INetURLObject aURL;
- try
- {
- ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt(rFileOrDirURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- uno::Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment>(),
- comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
- bool bFolder = false;
- aCnt.getPropertyValue("IsFolder") >>= bFolder;
- if (bFolder)
- {
- uno::Sequence<OUString> aProps{ "Url" };
- uno::Reference<sdbc::XResultSet> xResultSet(
- aCnt.createCursor(aProps, ::ucbhelper::INCLUDE_DOCUMENTS_ONLY));
- uno::Reference<ucb::XContentAccess> xContentAccess(xResultSet, uno::UNO_QUERY);
- if (
- {
- while (xResultSet->next())
- {
- aURL.SetSmartURL(xContentAccess->queryContentIdentifierString());
- rURLVector.push_back(aURL);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- rURLVector.push_back(rFileOrDirURL);
- }
- catch (const ucb::ContentCreationException&)
- {
- }
- catch (const uno::RuntimeException&)
- {
- }
- catch (const uno::Exception&)
- {
- }
-SvStream& GalleryBinaryEngine::writeGalleryTheme(SvStream& rOStm, const GalleryTheme& rTheme,
- const GalleryThemeEntry* pThm)
- const INetURLObject rRelURL1 = rTheme.GetParent()->GetRelativeURL();
- const INetURLObject rRelURL2 = rTheme.GetParent()->GetUserURL();
- const sal_uInt32 rId = rTheme.GetId();
- sal_uInt32 nCount = mrGalleryObjectCollection.size();
- bool bRel;
- rOStm.WriteUInt16(0x0004);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOStm, pThm->GetThemeName(),
- rOStm.WriteUInt32(nCount).WriteUInt16(osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
- for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
- {
- const GalleryObject* pObj = mrGalleryObjectCollection.getForPosition(i);
- OUString aPath;
- if (SgaObjKind::SvDraw == pObj->eObjKind)
- {
- aPath = GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(*pObj->m_oStorageUrl);
- bRel = false;
- }
- else
- {
- aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- aPath = aPath.copy(
- 0, std::min(rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
- aPath.getLength()));
- bRel = aPath == rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- if (bRel
- && (pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
- .getLength()
- > (rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength() + 1)))
- {
- aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- aPath = aPath.copy(
- std::min(rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
- aPath.getLength()));
- }
- else
- {
- aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- aPath = aPath.copy(
- 0,
- std::min(rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
- aPath.getLength()));
- bRel = aPath == rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- if (bRel
- && (pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
- .getLength()
- > (rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength()
- + 1)))
- {
- aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- aPath = aPath.copy(std::min(
- rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
- aPath.getLength()));
- }
- else
- aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
- }
- }
- if (!m_aDestDir.isEmpty())
- {
- bool aFound = aPath.indexOf(m_aDestDir) != -1;
- aPath = aPath.replaceFirst(m_aDestDir, "");
- if (aFound)
- bRel = m_bDestDirRelative;
- else
- SAL_WARN("svx", "failed to replace destdir of '" << m_aDestDir << "' in '" << aPath
- << "'");
- }
- rOStm.WriteBool(bRel);
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOStm, aPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
- rOStm.WriteUInt32(pObj->nOffset).WriteUInt16(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(pObj->eObjKind));
- }
- // more recently, a 512-byte reserve buffer is written,
- // to recognize them two sal_uInt32-Ids will be written.
- rOStm.WriteUInt32(COMPAT_FORMAT('G', 'A', 'L', 'R'))
- .WriteUInt32(COMPAT_FORMAT('E', 'S', 'R', 'V'));
- const sal_uInt64 nReservePos = rOStm.Tell();
- std::unique_ptr<VersionCompatWrite> pCompat(new VersionCompatWrite(rOStm, 2));
- rOStm.WriteUInt32(rId).WriteBool(pThm->IsNameFromResource()); // From version 2 and up
- pCompat.reset();
- // Fill the rest of the buffer.
- const tools::Long nRest
- = std::max(tools::Long(512 - (rOStm.Tell() - nReservePos)), tools::Long(0));
- if (nRest)
- {
- std::unique_ptr<char[]> pReserve(new char[nRest]);
- memset(pReserve.get(), 0, nRest);
- rOStm.WriteBytes(pReserve.get(), nRest);
- }
- return rOStm;
-DateTime GalleryBinaryEngine::getModificationDate() const
- ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt(GetThmURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
- uno::Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment>(),
- comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
- util::DateTime aDateTimeModified;
- DateTime aDateTime(DateTime::EMPTY);
- aCnt.getPropertyValue("DateModified") >>= aDateTimeModified;
- ::utl::typeConvert(aDateTimeModified, aDateTime);
- return aDateTime;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorage.cxx b/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorage.cxx
index e8ce87ac3ecc..1838520ec60a 100644
--- a/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorage.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorage.cxx
@@ -17,8 +17,795 @@
* the License at .
+#include <svx/unomodel.hxx>
+#include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>
+#include <svx/galtheme.hxx>
+#include <galobj.hxx>
#include <galleryfilestorage.hxx>
+#include <svx/galleryobjectcollection.hxx>
+#include <svx/gallery1.hxx>
+#include <osl/thread.hxx>
+#include "codec.hxx"
+#include "gallerydrawmodel.hxx"
+#include <vcl/cvtgrf.hxx>
+#include <vcl/filter/SvmWriter.hxx>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/ContentCreationException.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSet.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContentAccess.hpp>
+#include <comphelper/fileformat.h>
+#include <comphelper/graphicmimetype.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
+#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
+#include <comphelper/diagnose_ex.hxx>
+#include <tools/datetime.hxx>
+#include <unotools/datetime.hxx>
+#include <unotools/ucbstreamhelper.hxx>
+#include <unotools/streamwrap.hxx>
+#include <unotools/tempfile.hxx>
+#include <ucbhelper/content.hxx>
+#include <tools/vcompat.hxx>
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+ const GalleryStorageLocations& rGalleryBinaryStorageLocations,
+ GalleryObjectCollection& rGalleryObjectCollection, bool bReadOnly)
+ : maGalleryStorageLocations(rGalleryBinaryStorageLocations)
+ , mrGalleryObjectCollection(rGalleryObjectCollection)
+ , mbReadOnly(bReadOnly)
+ , m_bDestDirRelative(false)
+ ImplCreateSvDrawStorage();
+GalleryFileStorage::~GalleryFileStorage() { clearSotStorage(); }
+void GalleryFileStorage::setDestDir(const OUString& rDestDir, bool bRelative)
+ m_aDestDir = rDestDir;
+ m_bDestDirRelative = bRelative;
+void GalleryFileStorage::clearSotStorage() { m_aSvDrawStorageRef.clear(); }
+void GalleryFileStorage::ImplCreateSvDrawStorage()
+ try
+ {
+ m_aSvDrawStorageRef
+ = new SotStorage(false, GetSdvURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ mbReadOnly ? StreamMode::READ : StreamMode::STD_READWRITE);
+ // #i50423# ReadOnly may not been set though the file can't be written (because of security reasons)
+ if ((m_aSvDrawStorageRef->GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE) && !mbReadOnly)
+ m_aSvDrawStorageRef = new SotStorage(
+ false, GetSdvURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ StreamMode::READ);
+ }
+ catch (const css::ucb::ContentCreationException&)
+ {
+ TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("svx", "failed to open: " << GetSdvURL().GetMainURL(
+ INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
+ << "due to");
+ }
+const tools::SvRef<SotStorage>& GalleryFileStorage::GetSvDrawStorage() const
+ return m_aSvDrawStorageRef;
+bool GalleryFileStorage::implWrite(const GalleryTheme& rTheme, const GalleryThemeEntry* pThm)
+ INetURLObject aPathURL(GetThmURL());
+ aPathURL.removeSegment();
+ aPathURL.removeFinalSlash();
+ DBG_ASSERT(aPathURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid, "invalid URL");
+ if (FileExists(aPathURL) || CreateDir(aPathURL))
+ {
+#ifdef UNX
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ GetThmURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::COPY_ON_SYMLINK | StreamMode::TRUNC));
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ GetThmURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
+ if (pOStm)
+ {
+ writeGalleryTheme(*pOStm, rTheme, pThm);
+ pOStm.reset();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void GalleryFileStorage::insertObject(const SgaObject& rObj, GalleryObject* pFoundEntry,
+ sal_uInt32 nInsertPos)
+ if (pFoundEntry)
+ {
+ GalleryObject aNewEntry;
+ // update title of new object if necessary
+ if (rObj.GetTitle().isEmpty())
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> pOldObj(implReadSgaObject(pFoundEntry));
+ if (pOldObj)
+ {
+ const_cast<SgaObject&>(rObj).SetTitle(pOldObj->GetTitle());
+ }
+ }
+ else if (rObj.GetTitle() == "__<empty>__")
+ const_cast<SgaObject&>(rObj).SetTitle("");
+ implWriteSgaObject(rObj, nInsertPos, &aNewEntry);
+ pFoundEntry->nOffset = aNewEntry.nOffset;
+ }
+ else
+ implWriteSgaObject(rObj, nInsertPos, nullptr);
+void GalleryFileStorage::removeObject(const std::unique_ptr<GalleryObject>& pEntry)
+ if (mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().empty())
+ KillFile(GetSdgURL());
+ if (SgaObjKind::SvDraw == pEntry->eObjKind)
+ GetSvDrawStorage()->Remove(
+ pEntry->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE));
+std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> GalleryFileStorage::implReadSgaObject(GalleryObject const* pEntry)
+ std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> pSgaObj;
+ if (pEntry)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pIStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ GetSdgURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::READ));
+ if (pIStm)
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nInventor;
+ // Check to ensure that the file is a valid SGA file
+ pIStm->Seek(pEntry->nOffset);
+ pIStm->ReadUInt32(nInventor);
+ if (nInventor == COMPAT_FORMAT('S', 'G', 'A', '3'))
+ {
+ pIStm->Seek(pEntry->nOffset);
+ switch (pEntry->eObjKind)
+ {
+ case SgaObjKind::Bitmap:
+ pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectBmp());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::Animation:
+ pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectAnim());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::Inet:
+ pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectINet());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::SvDraw:
+ pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectSvDraw());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::Sound:
+ pSgaObj.reset(new SgaObjectSound());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pSgaObj)
+ {
+ ReadSgaObject(*pIStm, *pSgaObj);
+ pSgaObj->ImplUpdateURL(*pEntry->m_oStorageUrl);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return pSgaObj;
+bool GalleryFileStorage::implWriteSgaObject(const SgaObject& rObj, sal_uInt32 nPos,
+ GalleryObject* pExistentEntry)
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ GetSdgURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::WRITE));
+ bool bRet = false;
+ if (pOStm)
+ {
+ const sal_uInt32 nOffset = pOStm->Seek(STREAM_SEEK_TO_END);
+ rObj.WriteData(*pOStm, m_aDestDir);
+ if (!pOStm->GetError())
+ {
+ GalleryObject* pEntry;
+ if (!pExistentEntry)
+ {
+ pEntry = new GalleryObject;
+ if (nPos < mrGalleryObjectCollection.size())
+ {
+ mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().emplace(
+ mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().begin() + nPos, pEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList().emplace_back(pEntry);
+ }
+ else
+ pEntry = pExistentEntry;
+ pEntry->m_oStorageUrl = rObj.GetURL();
+ pEntry->nOffset = nOffset;
+ pEntry->eObjKind = rObj.GetObjKind();
+ bRet = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+bool GalleryFileStorage::readModel(const GalleryObject* pObject, SdrModel& rModel)
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
+ bool bRet = false;
+ const INetURLObject aURL(ImplGetURL(pObject));
+ if (
+ {
+ const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xInputStream(
+ xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::READ));
+ if ( && !xInputStream->GetError())
+ {
+ xInputStream->SetBufferSize(STREAMBUF_SIZE);
+ bRet = GallerySvDrawImport(*xInputStream, rModel);
+ xInputStream->SetBufferSize(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+SgaObjectSvDraw GalleryFileStorage::insertModel(const FmFormModel& rModel,
+ const INetURLObject& rUserURL)
+ INetURLObject aURL(implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind::SvDraw, rUserURL));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
+ bool bRet = false;
+ if (
+ {
+ const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xOutputStream(
+ xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
+ if ( && !xOutputStream->GetError())
+ {
+ SvMemoryStream aMemoryStream(65535, 65535);
+ FmFormModel* pFormModel = const_cast<FmFormModel*>(&rModel);
+ pFormModel->BurnInStyleSheetAttributes();
+ {
+ uno::Reference<io::XOutputStream> xDocOut(
+ new utl::OOutputStreamWrapper(aMemoryStream));
+ if (
+ (void)SvxDrawingLayerExport(pFormModel, xDocOut);
+ }
+ aMemoryStream.Seek(0);
+ xOutputStream->SetBufferSize(16348);
+ GalleryCodec aCodec(*xOutputStream);
+ aCodec.Write(aMemoryStream);
+ xOutputStream->SetBufferSize(0);
+ xOutputStream->Commit();
+ bRet = !xOutputStream->GetError();
+ }
+ }
+ if (bRet)
+ {
+ SgaObjectSvDraw aObjSvDraw(rModel, aURL);
+ return aObjSvDraw;
+ }
+ return SgaObjectSvDraw();
+bool GalleryFileStorage::readModelStream(const GalleryObject* pObject,
+ tools::SvRef<SotTempStream> const& rxModelStream)
+ const INetURLObject aURL(ImplGetURL(pObject));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
+ bool bRet = false;
+ if (
+ {
+ const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xInputStream(
+ xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::READ));
+ if ( && !xInputStream->GetError())
+ {
+ sal_uInt32 nVersion = 0;
+ xInputStream->SetBufferSize(16348);
+ if (GalleryCodec::IsCoded(*xInputStream, nVersion))
+ {
+ SvxGalleryDrawModel aModel;
+ if (aModel.GetModel())
+ {
+ if (GallerySvDrawImport(*xInputStream, *aModel.GetModel()))
+ {
+ aModel.GetModel()->BurnInStyleSheetAttributes();
+ {
+ uno::Reference<io::XOutputStream> xDocOut(
+ new utl::OOutputStreamWrapper(*rxModelStream));
+ SvxDrawingLayerExport(aModel.GetModel(), xDocOut);
+ }
+ }
+ bRet = (rxModelStream->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE);
+ }
+ }
+ xInputStream->SetBufferSize(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return bRet;
+GalleryFileStorage::insertModelStream(const tools::SvRef<SotTempStream>& rxModelStream,
+ const INetURLObject& rUserURL)
+ INetURLObject aURL(implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind::SvDraw, rUserURL));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorage> xSotStorage(GetSvDrawStorage());
+ if (
+ {
+ const OUString aStreamName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(aURL));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> xOutputStream(
+ xSotStorage->OpenSotStream(aStreamName, StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
+ if ( && !xOutputStream->GetError())
+ {
+ GalleryCodec aCodec(*xOutputStream);
+ xOutputStream->SetBufferSize(16348);
+ aCodec.Write(*rxModelStream);
+ if (!xOutputStream->GetError())
+ {
+ xOutputStream->Seek(0);
+ SgaObjectSvDraw aObjSvDraw(*xOutputStream, aURL);
+ return aObjSvDraw;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return SgaObjectSvDraw();
+INetURLObject GalleryFileStorage::implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind eObjKind,
+ const INetURLObject& rUserURL,
+ ConvertDataFormat nFormat)
+ INetURLObject aDir(rUserURL);
+ INetURLObject aInfoFileURL(rUserURL);
+ INetURLObject aNewURL;
+ sal_uInt32 nNextNumber = 1999;
+ char const* pExt = nullptr;
+ bool bExists;
+ aDir.Append(u"dragdrop");
+ CreateDir(aDir);
+ aInfoFileURL.Append(u"sdddndx1");
+ // read next possible number
+ if (FileExists(aInfoFileURL))
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pIStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ aInfoFileURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::READ));
+ if (pIStm)
+ {
+ pIStm->ReadUInt32(nNextNumber);
+ }
+ }
+ pExt = comphelper::GraphicMimeTypeHelper::GetExtensionForConvertDataFormat(nFormat);
+ do
+ {
+ // get URL
+ if (SgaObjKind::SvDraw == eObjKind)
+ {
+ OUString aFileName = "gallery/svdraw/dd" + OUString::number(++nNextNumber % 99999999);
+ aNewURL = INetURLObject(aFileName, INetProtocol::PrivSoffice);
+ bExists = false;
+ for (auto const& pObject : mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList())
+ {
+ if (*pObject->m_oStorageUrl == aNewURL)
+ {
+ bExists = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OUString aFileName = "dd" + OUString::number(++nNextNumber % 999999);
+ if (pExt)
+ aFileName += OUString(pExt, strlen(pExt), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US);
+ aNewURL = aDir;
+ aNewURL.Append(aFileName);
+ bExists = FileExists(aNewURL);
+ }
+ } while (bExists);
+ // write updated number
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ aInfoFileURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::WRITE));
+ if (pOStm)
+ {
+ pOStm->WriteUInt32(nNextNumber);
+ }
+ return aNewURL;
+SgaObjectBmp GalleryFileStorage::insertGraphic(const Graphic& rGraphic, const GfxLink& aGfxLink,
+ const ConvertDataFormat& nExportFormat,
+ const INetURLObject& rUserURL)
+ const INetURLObject aURL(implCreateUniqueURL(SgaObjKind::Bitmap, rUserURL, nExportFormat));
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pOStm(
+ ::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(aURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
+ bool bRet = false;
+ if (pOStm)
+ {
+ pOStm->SetVersion(SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_50);
+ if (ConvertDataFormat::SVM == nExportFormat)
+ {
+ GDIMetaFile aMtf(rGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile());
+ SvmWriter aWriter(*pOStm);
+ aWriter.Write(aMtf);
+ bRet = (pOStm->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (aGfxLink.GetDataSize() && aGfxLink.GetData())
+ {
+ pOStm->WriteBytes(aGfxLink.GetData(), aGfxLink.GetDataSize());
+ bRet = (pOStm->GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE);
+ }
+ else
+ bRet = (GraphicConverter::Export(*pOStm, rGraphic, nExportFormat) == ERRCODE_NONE);
+ }
+ pOStm.reset();
+ }
+ if (bRet)
+ {
+ const SgaObjectBmp aObjBmp(aURL);
+ return aObjBmp;
+ }
+ return SgaObjectBmp();
+SgaObjectSvDraw GalleryFileStorage::updateSvDrawObject(const GalleryObject* pEntry)
+ if (GetSvDrawStorage().is())
+ {
+ const OUString aStmName(GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(*pEntry->m_oStorageUrl));
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorageStream> pIStm
+ = GetSvDrawStorage()->OpenSotStream(aStmName, StreamMode::READ);
+ if ( && !pIStm->GetError())
+ {
+ pIStm->SetBufferSize(16384);
+ SgaObjectSvDraw aNewObj(*pIStm, *pEntry->m_oStorageUrl);
+ pIStm->SetBufferSize(0);
+ return aNewObj;
+ }
+ }
+ return SgaObjectSvDraw();
+void GalleryFileStorage::updateTheme()
+ ::utl::TempFileNamed aTmp;
+ INetURLObject aInURL(GetSdgURL());
+ INetURLObject aTmpURL(aTmp.GetURL());
+ DBG_ASSERT(aInURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid, "invalid URL");
+ DBG_ASSERT(aTmpURL.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid, "invalid URL");
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pIStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ aInURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE), StreamMode::READ));
+ std::unique_ptr<SvStream> pTmpStm(::utl::UcbStreamHelper::CreateStream(
+ aTmpURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ StreamMode::WRITE | StreamMode::TRUNC));
+ if (pIStm && pTmpStm)
+ {
+ for (const auto& i : mrGalleryObjectCollection.getObjectList())
+ {
+ GalleryObject* pEntry = i.get();
+ std::unique_ptr<SgaObject> pObj;
+ switch (pEntry->eObjKind)
+ {
+ case SgaObjKind::Bitmap:
+ pObj.reset(new SgaObjectBmp());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::Animation:
+ pObj.reset(new SgaObjectAnim());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::Inet:
+ pObj.reset(new SgaObjectINet());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::SvDraw:
+ pObj.reset(new SgaObjectSvDraw());
+ break;
+ case SgaObjKind::Sound:
+ pObj.reset(new SgaObjectSound());
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (pObj)
+ {
+ pIStm->Seek(pEntry->nOffset);
+ ReadSgaObject(*pIStm, *pObj);
+ pEntry->nOffset = pTmpStm->Tell();
+ WriteSgaObject(*pTmpStm, *pObj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ OSL_FAIL("File(s) could not be opened");
+ }
+ pIStm.reset();
+ pTmpStm.reset();
+ CopyFile(aTmpURL, aInURL);
+ KillFile(aTmpURL);
+ ErrCode nStorErr = ERRCODE_NONE;
+ try
+ {
+ tools::SvRef<SotStorage> aTempStorageRef(
+ new SotStorage(false, aTmpURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ StreamMode::STD_READWRITE));
+ GetSvDrawStorage()->CopyTo(aTempStorageRef.get());
+ nStorErr = GetSvDrawStorage()->GetError();
+ }
+ catch (const css::ucb::ContentCreationException&)
+ {
+ TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("svx", "failed to open: "
+ << aTmpURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
+ << "due to");
+ }
+ if (nStorErr == ERRCODE_NONE)
+ {
+ clearSotStorage();
+ CopyFile(aTmpURL, GetSdvURL());
+ ImplCreateSvDrawStorage();
+ }
+ KillFile(aTmpURL);
+void GalleryFileStorage::insertFileOrDirURL(const INetURLObject& rFileOrDirURL,
+ std::vector<INetURLObject>& rURLVector)
+ INetURLObject aURL;
+ try
+ {
+ ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt(rFileOrDirURL.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ uno::Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment>(),
+ comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
+ bool bFolder = false;
+ aCnt.getPropertyValue("IsFolder") >>= bFolder;
+ if (bFolder)
+ {
+ uno::Sequence<OUString> aProps{ "Url" };
+ uno::Reference<sdbc::XResultSet> xResultSet(
+ aCnt.createCursor(aProps, ::ucbhelper::INCLUDE_DOCUMENTS_ONLY));
+ uno::Reference<ucb::XContentAccess> xContentAccess(xResultSet, uno::UNO_QUERY);
+ if (
+ {
+ while (xResultSet->next())
+ {
+ aURL.SetSmartURL(xContentAccess->queryContentIdentifierString());
+ rURLVector.push_back(aURL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ rURLVector.push_back(rFileOrDirURL);
+ }
+ catch (const ucb::ContentCreationException&)
+ {
+ }
+ catch (const uno::RuntimeException&)
+ {
+ }
+ catch (const uno::Exception&)
+ {
+ }
+SvStream& GalleryFileStorage::writeGalleryTheme(SvStream& rOStm, const GalleryTheme& rTheme,
+ const GalleryThemeEntry* pThm)
+ const INetURLObject rRelURL1 = rTheme.GetParent()->GetRelativeURL();
+ const INetURLObject rRelURL2 = rTheme.GetParent()->GetUserURL();
+ const sal_uInt32 rId = rTheme.GetId();
+ sal_uInt32 nCount = mrGalleryObjectCollection.size();
+ bool bRel;
+ rOStm.WriteUInt16(0x0004);
+ write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOStm, pThm->GetThemeName(),
+ rOStm.WriteUInt32(nCount).WriteUInt16(osl_getThreadTextEncoding());
+ for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
+ {
+ const GalleryObject* pObj = mrGalleryObjectCollection.getForPosition(i);
+ OUString aPath;
+ if (SgaObjKind::SvDraw == pObj->eObjKind)
+ {
+ aPath = GetSvDrawStreamNameFromURL(*pObj->m_oStorageUrl);
+ bRel = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ aPath = aPath.copy(
+ 0, std::min(rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
+ aPath.getLength()));
+ bRel = aPath == rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ if (bRel
+ && (pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
+ .getLength()
+ > (rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength() + 1)))
+ {
+ aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ aPath = aPath.copy(
+ std::min(rRelURL1.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
+ aPath.getLength()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ aPath = aPath.copy(
+ 0,
+ std::min(rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
+ aPath.getLength()));
+ bRel = aPath == rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ if (bRel
+ && (pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE)
+ .getLength()
+ > (rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength()
+ + 1)))
+ {
+ aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ aPath = aPath.copy(std::min(
+ rRelURL2.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE).getLength(),
+ aPath.getLength()));
+ }
+ else
+ aPath = pObj->m_oStorageUrl->GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!m_aDestDir.isEmpty())
+ {
+ bool aFound = aPath.indexOf(m_aDestDir) != -1;
+ aPath = aPath.replaceFirst(m_aDestDir, "");
+ if (aFound)
+ bRel = m_bDestDirRelative;
+ else
+ SAL_WARN("svx", "failed to replace destdir of '" << m_aDestDir << "' in '" << aPath
+ << "'");
+ }
+ rOStm.WriteBool(bRel);
+ write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOUString(rOStm, aPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
+ rOStm.WriteUInt32(pObj->nOffset).WriteUInt16(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(pObj->eObjKind));
+ }
+ // more recently, a 512-byte reserve buffer is written,
+ // to recognize them two sal_uInt32-Ids will be written.
+ rOStm.WriteUInt32(COMPAT_FORMAT('G', 'A', 'L', 'R'))
+ .WriteUInt32(COMPAT_FORMAT('E', 'S', 'R', 'V'));
+ const sal_uInt64 nReservePos = rOStm.Tell();
+ std::unique_ptr<VersionCompatWrite> pCompat(new VersionCompatWrite(rOStm, 2));
+ rOStm.WriteUInt32(rId).WriteBool(pThm->IsNameFromResource()); // From version 2 and up
+ pCompat.reset();
+ // Fill the rest of the buffer.
+ const tools::Long nRest
+ = std::max(tools::Long(512 - (rOStm.Tell() - nReservePos)), tools::Long(0));
+ if (nRest)
+ {
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> pReserve(new char[nRest]);
+ memset(pReserve.get(), 0, nRest);
+ rOStm.WriteBytes(pReserve.get(), nRest);
+ }
+ return rOStm;
+DateTime GalleryFileStorage::getModificationDate() const
+ ::ucbhelper::Content aCnt(GetThmURL().GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE),
+ uno::Reference<ucb::XCommandEnvironment>(),
+ comphelper::getProcessComponentContext());
+ util::DateTime aDateTimeModified;
+ DateTime aDateTime(DateTime::EMPTY);
+ aCnt.getPropertyValue("DateModified") >>= aDateTimeModified;
+ ::utl::typeConvert(aDateTimeModified, aDateTime);
+ return aDateTime;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorageentry.cxx b/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorageentry.cxx
index abbc6efcaea1..b7de500f66e3 100644
--- a/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorageentry.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/gallery2/galleryfilestorageentry.cxx
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ void GalleryFileStorageEntry::setStorageLocations(INetURLObject& rURL)
-std::unique_ptr<GalleryBinaryEngine> GalleryFileStorageEntry::createGalleryStorageEngine(
+std::unique_ptr<GalleryFileStorage> GalleryFileStorageEntry::createGalleryStorageEngine(
GalleryObjectCollection& mrGalleryObjectCollection, bool& bReadOnly)
- return std::make_unique<GalleryBinaryEngine>(*mpGalleryStorageLocations,
- mrGalleryObjectCollection, bReadOnly);
+ return std::make_unique<GalleryFileStorage>(*mpGalleryStorageLocations,
+ mrGalleryObjectCollection, bReadOnly);
void GalleryFileStorageEntry::CreateUniqueURL(const INetURLObject& rBaseURL, INetURLObject& aURL)
diff --git a/svx/source/gallery2/galtheme.cxx b/svx/source/gallery2/galtheme.cxx
index 1c034b2a769b..1fd04b454249 100644
--- a/svx/source/gallery2/galtheme.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/gallery2/galtheme.cxx
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include <svx/galtheme.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpage.hxx>
#include <svx/galleryobjectcollection.hxx>
-#include <gallerybinaryengine.hxx>
+#include <galleryfilestorage.hxx>
#include <galobj.hxx>
#include <svx/gallery1.hxx>
#include "gallerydrawmodel.hxx"
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ bool GalleryTheme::InsertFileOrDirURL(const INetURLObject& rFileOrDirURL, sal_uI
bool bRet = false;
std::vector< INetURLObject > aURLVector;
- GalleryBinaryEngine::insertFileOrDirURL(rFileOrDirURL, aURLVector);
+ GalleryFileStorage::insertFileOrDirURL(rFileOrDirURL, aURLVector);
for( const auto& rURL : aURLVector )
bRet = bRet || InsertURL( rURL, nInsertPos );
diff --git a/svx/source/unogallery/unogalitem.cxx b/svx/source/unogallery/unogalitem.cxx
index c3725b5fba1e..c08e182a46aa 100644
--- a/svx/source/unogallery/unogalitem.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/unogallery/unogalitem.cxx
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
#include "unogalitem.hxx"
#include "unogaltheme.hxx"
-#include <gallerybinaryengine.hxx>
+#include <galleryfilestorage.hxx>
#include <svx/galtheme.hxx>
#include <svx/galmisc.hxx>
#include <svx/fmmodel.hxx>