path: root/svx/source
diff options
authorRüdiger Timm <>2003-11-24 15:45:11 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2003-11-24 15:45:11 +0000
commit45197bfe8c373ab41abea42f4bd67cdfdac91076 (patch)
tree86f9152f2e753910a4724b0971f45b2d42721553 /svx/source
parentedc21bb5fe9ceba6cfa27532fe877efa47eb0099 (diff)
2003/10/23 14:37:31 aw #111111# Changed GetBoundRect() to GetCurrentBoundRect() and GetLastBoundRect() 2003/10/07 12:11:45 aw #111097# 2003/08/19 16:46:37 aw #111096#
Diffstat (limited to 'svx/source')
1 files changed, 615 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/sdr/contact/viewcontactofgraphic.cxx b/svx/source/sdr/contact/viewcontactofgraphic.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6914a11b0c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svx/source/sdr/contact/viewcontactofgraphic.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,615 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: viewcontactofgraphic.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2003-11-24 16:45:11 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/viewcontactofgraphic.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVDOGRAF_HXX
+#include <svdograf.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/animation/ainfographic.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/displayinfo.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/viewobjectcontact.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/contact/objectcontact.hxx>
+#include <svx/sdr/event/eventhandler.hxx>
+#include "svdstr.hrc"
+#ifndef _SVDGLOB_HXX
+#include <svdglob.hxx>
+namespace sdr
+ namespace event
+ {
+ class AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent : public BaseEvent
+ {
+ // the ViewContactOfGraphic to work with
+ sdr::contact::ViewContactOfGraphic& mrVCOGraphic;
+ public:
+ // basic constructor.
+ AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent(
+ EventHandler& rEventHandler, sdr::contact::ViewContactOfGraphic& rVCOGraphic);
+ // destructor
+ virtual ~AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent();
+ // the called method if the event is triggered
+ virtual void ExecuteEvent();
+ };
+ AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent::AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent(
+ EventHandler& rEventHandler, sdr::contact::ViewContactOfGraphic& rVCOGraphic)
+ : BaseEvent(rEventHandler),
+ mrVCOGraphic(rVCOGraphic)
+ {
+ }
+ AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent::~AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent()
+ {
+ mrVCOGraphic.ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent(this);
+ }
+ void AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent::ExecuteEvent()
+ {
+ mrVCOGraphic.DoAsynchGraphicLoading();
+ }
+ } // end of namespace event
+} // end of namespace sdr
+namespace sdr
+ namespace contact
+ {
+ // Test graphics state and eventually trigger a SwapIn event or an Asynchronous
+ // load event. Return value gives info if SwapIn was triggered.
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::ImpPrepareForPaint(
+ DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo, const ViewObjectContact& rAssociatedVOC)
+ {
+ sal_Bool bRetval(sal_False);
+ if(!rDisplayInfo.IsDraftGraphic())
+ {
+ SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj = GetGrafObject();
+ // 2nd part should not be necessary when all graphics creationg instances set
+ // the SwapState correctly. It was there for historical reasons since before
+ // the SwapState could be set it was simply 'tried' to SwapIn a GRAPHIC_NONE
+ if(rGrafObj.IsSwappedOut() /*|| (GRAPHIC_NONE == rGrafObj.GetGraphicType())*/)
+ {
+ if(rGrafObj.IsLinkedGraphic())
+ {
+ // update graphic link
+ rGrafObj.ImpUpdateGraphicLink();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // SwapIn needs to be done. Decide if it can be done asynchronious.
+ sal_Bool bSwapInAsynchronious(sal_False);
+ ObjectContact& rObjectContact = rAssociatedVOC.GetObjectContact();
+ // only when allowed from configuration
+ if(rObjectContact.IsAsynchronGraphicsLoadingAllowed())
+ {
+ // direct output or vdev output (PageView buffering)
+ if(rDisplayInfo.OutputToWindow() || rDisplayInfo.OutputToVirtualDevice())
+ {
+ // only when no metafile recording
+ if(!rDisplayInfo.OutputToRecordingMetaFile())
+ {
+ // allow asynchronious loading
+ bSwapInAsynchronious = sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bSwapInAsynchronious)
+ {
+ // maybe it's on the way, then do nothing
+ if(!mpAsynchLoadEvent)
+ {
+ // Trigger asynchronious SwapIn.
+ sdr::event::TimerEventHandler& rEventHandler = rObjectContact.GetEventHandler();
+ mpAsynchLoadEvent = new sdr::event::AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent(
+ rEventHandler, *this);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // SwapIn direct
+ rGrafObj.ForceSwapIn();
+ bRetval = sal_True;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // it is not swapped out, somehow it was loaded. In that case, forget
+ // about an existing triggered event
+ if(mpAsynchLoadEvent)
+ {
+ // just delete it, this will remove it from the EventHandler and
+ // will trigger ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent from the destructor
+ delete mpAsynchLoadEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bRetval;
+ }
+ // method to create a AnimationInfo. Needs to give a result if
+ // SupportsAnimation() is overloaded and returns sal_True.
+ sdr::animation::AnimationInfo* ViewContactOfGraphic::CreateAnimationInfo()
+ {
+ sdr::animation::AnimationInfo* pRetval = 0L;
+ SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj = GetGrafObject();
+ if(GRAPHIC_BITMAP == rGrafObj.GetGraphicType() && rGrafObj.IsAnimated())
+ {
+ pRetval = new sdr::animation::AInfoGraphic(GetGrafObject());
+ }
+ if(!pRetval)
+ {
+ // something went wrong
+ DBG_ERROR("ViewContactOfGraphic::CreateAnimationInfo(): no anim, but SupportsAnimation (!)");
+ pRetval = new sdr::animation::AInfoDummy();
+ }
+ return pRetval;
+ }
+ // For draft object display
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::PaintGraphicDraft(
+ DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo, Rectangle& rPaintRectangle, const ViewObjectContact& rAssociatedVOC)
+ {
+ sal_Bool bRetval(sal_False);
+ SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj = GetGrafObject();
+ // paint a shadowed frame in object size, not filled
+ Rectangle aUnrotatedRectangle;
+ rGrafObj.TakeUnrotatedSnapRect(aUnrotatedRectangle);
+ const GeoStat& rGeometric = rGrafObj.GetGeoStat();
+ bRetval = PaintShadowedFrame(rDisplayInfo, rPaintRectangle, aUnrotatedRectangle, rGeometric, sal_False);
+ // draw a draft bitmap
+ Bitmap aDraftBitmap(ResId(BMAP_GrafikEi, ImpGetResMgr()));
+ Rectangle aBitmapOutRect;
+ bRetval |= PaintDraftBitmap(rDisplayInfo, aBitmapOutRect, aUnrotatedRectangle, rGeometric, aDraftBitmap);
+ rPaintRectangle.Union(aBitmapOutRect);
+ // Build the text for the draft object
+ XubString aDraftText = rGrafObj.GetFileName();
+ if(!aDraftText.Len())
+ {
+ aDraftText = rGrafObj.GetName();
+ // if loading add a hint for that
+ if(mpAsynchLoadEvent)
+ {
+ aDraftText.AppendAscii(" ...");
+ }
+ }
+ if(aDraftText.Len())
+ {
+ OutputDevice* pOutDev = rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice();
+ const Size aBitmapSize(pOutDev->PixelToLogic(aDraftBitmap.GetSizePixel()));
+ if(aUnrotatedRectangle.GetWidth() > aBitmapSize.Width())
+ {
+ // calc a rectangle right from graphic
+ Rectangle aRightRectangle(aUnrotatedRectangle);
+ aRightRectangle.Left() += aBitmapSize.Width();
+ // Paint DraftText
+ Rectangle aTextOutRect;
+ bRetval |= PaintDraftText(rDisplayInfo, aTextOutRect, aRightRectangle, rGeometric, aDraftText, rGrafObj.IsLinkedGraphic());
+ rPaintRectangle.Union(aTextOutRect);
+ }
+ }
+ // If there is text in the object below, render it, too.
+ if(rGrafObj.HasText())
+ {
+ // force only text paint at SdrObject
+ rGrafObj.SdrTextObj::DoPaintObject_Wrapper(
+ *rDisplayInfo.GetExtendedOutputDevice(),
+ *rDisplayInfo.GetPaintInfoRec());
+ bRetval = sal_True;
+ rPaintRectangle.Union(rGrafObj.SdrTextObj::GetCurrentBoundRect());
+ }
+ return bRetval;
+ }
+ // For empty Graphic PresObj display
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::PaintGraphicPresObj(
+ DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo, Rectangle& rPaintRectangle, const ViewObjectContact& rAssociatedVOC)
+ {
+ sal_Bool bRetval(sal_False);
+ OutputDevice* pOutDev = rDisplayInfo.GetOutputDevice();
+ MapMode aDstMapMode(pOutDev->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit());
+ rPaintRectangle = GetPaintRectangle();
+ Point aPos(rPaintRectangle.Center());
+ Size aSize;
+ // get size of the graphic in output device units
+ SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj = GetGrafObject();
+ const MapMode& rGrafMapMode = rGrafObj.GetGrafPrefMapMode();
+ const Size& rGrafPrefSize = rGrafObj.GetGrafPrefSize();
+ if(MAP_PIXEL == rGrafMapMode.GetMapUnit())
+ {
+ aSize = pOutDev->PixelToLogic(rGrafPrefSize, aDstMapMode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aSize = pOutDev->LogicToLogic(rGrafPrefSize, rGrafMapMode, aDstMapMode);
+ }
+ // calculate upper left position for painting the graphic
+ aPos.X() -= (aSize.Width() >> 1);
+ aPos.Y() -= (aSize.Height() >> 1);
+ if(aPos.X() >= rPaintRectangle.Left() && aPos.Y() >= rPaintRectangle.Top())
+ {
+ // centered graphic fits inside object
+ if(GRAPHIC_BITMAP == rGrafObj.GetGraphicType())
+ {
+ rGrafObj.DrawGraphic(pOutDev, aPos, aSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const sal_uInt32 nOldDrawMode(pOutDev->GetDrawMode());
+ if(0L != (nOldDrawMode & DRAWMODE_GRAYBITMAP ))
+ {
+ // If GRAYBITMAP is used, render MetaFiles with gray, too
+ sal_uInt32 nNewDrawMode(nOldDrawMode);
+ pOutDev->SetDrawMode(nNewDrawMode);
+ }
+ // paint graphic
+ rGrafObj.DrawGraphic(pOutDev, aPos, aSize);
+ // restore DrawMode
+ pOutDev->SetDrawMode(nOldDrawMode);
+ }
+ // set parameters
+ bRetval = sal_True;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // paint a shadowed frame in object size, filled
+ Rectangle aUnrotatedRectangle;
+ rGrafObj.TakeUnrotatedSnapRect(aUnrotatedRectangle);
+ const GeoStat& rGeometric = rGrafObj.GetGeoStat();
+ bRetval = PaintShadowedFrame(rDisplayInfo, rPaintRectangle, aUnrotatedRectangle, rGeometric, sal_True);
+ }
+ // If there is text in the object below, render it, too.
+ if(rGrafObj.HasText())
+ {
+ // force only text paint at SdrObject
+ rGrafObj.SdrTextObj::DoPaintObject_Wrapper(
+ *rDisplayInfo.GetExtendedOutputDevice(),
+ *rDisplayInfo.GetPaintInfoRec());
+ bRetval = sal_True;
+ rPaintRectangle.Union(rGrafObj.SdrTextObj::GetCurrentBoundRect());
+ }
+ return bRetval;
+ }
+ // Decide if graphic should be painted as draft
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::DoPaintGraphicDraft(DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo) const
+ {
+ SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj = GetGrafObject();
+ if(rGrafObj.IsSwappedOut())
+ {
+ return sal_True;
+ }
+ if(GRAPHIC_DEFAULT == rGrafObj.GetGraphicType() || GRAPHIC_NONE == rGrafObj.GetGraphicType())
+ {
+ return sal_True;
+ }
+ if(rGrafObj.IsEmptyPresObj())
+ {
+ return sal_True;
+ }
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ void ViewContactOfGraphic::StopGettingViewed()
+ {
+ // call parent
+ ViewContactOfTextObj::StopGettingViewed();
+ // If there is an event triggered and no one is visualizing this object,
+ // get rid of the event
+ if(mpAsynchLoadEvent)
+ {
+ // just delete it, this will remove it from the EventHandler and
+ // will trigger ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent from the destructor
+ delete mpAsynchLoadEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ ViewContactOfGraphic::ViewContactOfGraphic(SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj)
+ : ViewContactOfTextObj(rGrafObj),
+ mpAsynchLoadEvent(0L)
+ {
+ }
+ ViewContactOfGraphic::~ViewContactOfGraphic()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(0L == mpAsynchLoadEvent,
+ "ViewContactOfGraphic destructor: mpAsynchLoadEvent is not empty, call PrepareDelete() before deleting (!)");
+ }
+ // Prepare deletion of this object. Tghis needs to be called always
+ // before really deleting this objects. This is necessary since in a c++
+ // destructor no virtual function calls are allowed. To avoid this problem,
+ // it is required to first call PrepareDelete().
+ void ViewContactOfGraphic::PrepareDelete()
+ {
+ // call parent
+ ViewContactOfTextObj::PrepareDelete();
+ // evtl. delete the asynch loading event
+ if(mpAsynchLoadEvent)
+ {
+ // just delete it, this will remove it from the EventHandler and
+ // will trigger ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent from the destructor
+ delete mpAsynchLoadEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ // When ShouldPaintObject() returns sal_True, the object itself is painted and
+ // PaintObject() is called.
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::ShouldPaintObject(
+ DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo, const ViewObjectContact& rAssociatedVOC)
+ {
+ // Test if its a empty presobj, those should not be printed
+ if(GetGrafObject().IsEmptyPresObj() && rDisplayInfo.OutputToPrinter())
+ {
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ // return parent
+ return ViewContactOfTextObj::ShouldPaintObject(rDisplayInfo, rAssociatedVOC);
+ }
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::PaintObject(
+ DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo, Rectangle& rPaintRectangle,
+ const ViewObjectContact& rAssociatedVOC)
+ {
+ sal_Bool bRetval(sal_False);
+ // Test graphics state and eventually trigger a SwapIn event or an Asynchronous
+ // load event. Return value gives info if SwapIn was triggered.
+ sal_Bool bSwapInDone = ImpPrepareForPaint(rDisplayInfo, rAssociatedVOC);
+ sal_Bool bSwapInExclusiveForPrinting = (bSwapInDone && rDisplayInfo.OutputToPrinter());
+ if(DoPaintGraphicDraft(rDisplayInfo))
+ {
+ if(GetGrafObject().IsEmptyPresObj())
+ {
+ // Draw empty Graphic PresObj
+ bRetval = PaintGraphicPresObj(rDisplayInfo, rPaintRectangle, rAssociatedVOC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Draw as draft
+ bRetval = PaintGraphicDraft(rDisplayInfo, rPaintRectangle, rAssociatedVOC);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // call parent
+ bRetval = ViewContactOfTextObj::PaintObject(rDisplayInfo, rPaintRectangle, rAssociatedVOC);
+ }
+ // If graphic was only swapped in for printing, swap out again
+ if(bSwapInExclusiveForPrinting)
+ {
+ GetGrafObject().ForceSwapOut();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if was swapped in, animation may be possible now.
+ if(bSwapInDone)
+ {
+ // check existing animation. This may create or delete an AnimationInfo.
+ CheckAnimationFeatures();
+ if(maVOCList.Count() > 1L)
+ {
+ // more VOCs then only rAssociatedVOC use this object. Tell them about the
+ // change. Since we want no extra-redraw of rAssociatedVOC, i do not call
+ // ActionCanged() here, but invalidate the single VOCs except the current one.
+ for(sal_uInt32 a(0L); a < maVOCList.Count(); a++)
+ {
+ ViewObjectContact* pCandidate = maVOCList.GetObject(a);
+ DBG_ASSERT(pCandidate, "ViewContact::GetViewObjectContact() invalid ViewObjectContactList (!)");
+ if(pCandidate != &rAssociatedVOC)
+ {
+ pCandidate->ActionChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return bRetval;
+ }
+ // React on removal of the object of this ViewContact,
+ // DrawHierarchy needs to be changed
+ void ViewContactOfGraphic::ActionRemoved()
+ {
+ // call parent
+ ViewContactOfTextObj::ActionRemoved();
+ // If an event is triggered, get rid of it since object is no longer
+ // visible
+ if(mpAsynchLoadEvent)
+ {
+ // just delete it, this will remove it from the EventHandler and
+ // will trigger ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent from the destructor
+ delete mpAsynchLoadEvent;
+ }
+ }
+ sal_Bool ViewContactOfGraphic::SupportsAnimation() const
+ {
+ // Is animation allowed?
+ if(!GetGrafObject().IsGrafAnimationAllowed())
+ {
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ // Is the graphica animated at all?
+ if(!GetGrafObject().IsAnimated())
+ {
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ // Is bitmap type?
+ if(GRAPHIC_BITMAP != GetGrafObject().GetGraphicType())
+ {
+ return sal_False;
+ }
+ // It's a bitmap and it's animated and animation is allowed.
+ return sal_True;
+ }
+ // This is the call from the asynch graphic loading. This may only be called from
+ // AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent::ExecuteEvent(). Do load the graphics. The event will
+ // be deleted (consumed) and ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent will be called.
+ void ViewContactOfGraphic::DoAsynchGraphicLoading()
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(mpAsynchLoadEvent,
+ "ViewContactOfGraphic::DoAsynchGraphicLoading: I did not trigger a event, why am i called (?)");
+ // swap it in
+ SdrGrafObj& rGrafObj = GetGrafObject();
+ rGrafObj.ForceSwapIn();
+ // Invalidate paint area and check existing animation (which may have changed).
+ ActionChanged();
+ }
+ // This is the call from the destructor of the asynch graphic loading event.
+ // No one else has to call this. It is needed to let this object forget about
+ // the event. The parameter allows checking for the correct event.
+ void ViewContactOfGraphic::ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent(sdr::event::AsynchGraphicLoadingEvent* pEvent)
+ {
+ DBG_ASSERT(mpAsynchLoadEvent,
+ "ViewContactOfGraphic::ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent: I did not trigger a event, why am i called (?)");
+ DBG_ASSERT(mpAsynchLoadEvent == pEvent,
+ "ViewContactOfGraphic::ForgetAsynchGraphicLoadingEvent: Forced to forget another event then i have scheduled (?)");
+ // forget event
+ mpAsynchLoadEvent = 0L;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace contact
+} // end of namespace sdr
+// eof