path: root/svx/source
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authorRüdiger Timm <>2004-07-12 12:46:55 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2004-07-12 12:46:55 +0000
commitf5a1e9230ec05c631f44f4140c61a5db8d98e98f (patch)
tree43ccf0b61ee1343bf4cf85118639d213c46246f1 /svx/source
parent8f9bc157e6049012db5ac1ffb734dfc3e5247783 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS cellborders (1.1.4); FILE ADDED
2004/05/27 14:39:18 fme #i29552# Collapsing table borders
Diffstat (limited to 'svx/source')
1 files changed, 1567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx b/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ddb15f63c73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/framelink.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1567 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: framelink.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: 1.2 $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-07-12 13:46:55 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "framelink.hxx"
+#include <math.h>
+#ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX
+#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
+#include "borderline.hxx"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Define to select the drawing mode of thin dotted lines.
+ 0 = Draw lines using an own implementation (recommended). Draws always
+ little dots in an appropriate distance.
+ 1 = Draw dotted lines using vcl/LineInfo. Results in dashed lines instead
+ of dotted lines, which may look ugly for diagonal lines.
+ */
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <vcl/lineinfo.hxx>
+namespace svx {
+namespace frame {
+// ============================================================================
+// ============================================================================
+namespace {
+typedef std::vector< Point > PointVec;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Link result structs for horizontal and vertical lines and borders.
+/** Result struct used by the horizontal/vertical frame link functions.
+ This struct is used to return coordinate offsets for one end of a single
+ line in a frame border, i.e. the left end of the primary line of a
+ horizontal frame border.
+ 1) Usage for horizontal lines
+ If this struct is returned by the lclLinkHorFrameBorder() function, each
+ member refers to the X coordinate of one edge of a single line end in a
+ horizontal frame border. They specify an offset to modify this coordinate
+ when the line is painted. The values in this struct may change a
+ rectangular line shape into a line with slanted left or right border, which
+ is used to connect the line with diagonal lines.
+ Usage for a left line end: Usage for a right line end:
+ mnOffs1 mnOffs1
+ <-------> <------->
+ +-------------------------------+
+ | the original horizontal line |
+ +-------------------------------+
+ <-------> <------->
+ mnOffs2 mnOffs2
+ 2) Usage for vertical lines
+ If this struct is returned by the lclLinkVerFrameBorder() function, each
+ member refers to the Y coordinate of one edge of a single line end in a
+ vertical frame border. They specify an offset to modify this coordinate
+ when the line is painted. The values in this struct may change a
+ rectangular line shape into a line with slanted top or bottom border, which
+ is used to connect the line with diagonal lines.
+ Usage for a top line end: mnOffs1 ^ ^ mnOffs2
+ | +-------+ |
+ v | | v
+ | |
+ | |
+ the original vertical line ---> | |
+ | |
+ | |
+ ^ | | ^
+ | +-------+ |
+ Usage for a bottom line end: mnOffs1 v v mnOffs2
+ */
+struct LineEndResult
+ long mnOffs1; /// Offset for top or left edge, dependent of context.
+ long mnOffs2; /// Offset for bottom or right edge, dependent of context
+ inline explicit LineEndResult() : mnOffs1( 0 ), mnOffs2( 0 ) {}
+ inline void Swap() { std::swap( mnOffs1, mnOffs2 ); }
+ inline void Negate() { mnOffs1 = -mnOffs1; mnOffs2 = -mnOffs2; }
+/** Result struct used by the horizontal/vertical frame link functions.
+ This struct contains the linking results for one end of a frame border,
+ including both the primary and secondary line ends.
+ */
+struct BorderEndResult
+ LineEndResult maPrim; /// Result for primary line.
+ LineEndResult maSecn; /// Result for secondary line.
+ inline void Negate() { maPrim.Negate(); maSecn.Negate(); }
+/** Result struct used by the horizontal/vertical frame link functions.
+ This struct contains the linking results for both frame border ends, and
+ therefore for the complete frame border.
+ */
+struct BorderResult
+ BorderEndResult maBeg; /// Result for begin of border line (left or top end).
+ BorderEndResult maEnd; /// Result for end of border line (right or bottom end).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Link result structs for diagonal lines and borders.
+/** Result struct used by the diagonal frame link functions.
+ This struct contains the linking results for one line of a diagonal frame
+ border.
+ */
+struct DiagLineResult
+ long mnLClip; /// Offset for left border of clipping rectangle.
+ long mnRClip; /// Offset for right border of clipping rectangle.
+ long mnTClip; /// Offset for top border of clipping rectangle.
+ long mnBClip; /// Offset for bottom border of clipping rectangle.
+ inline explicit DiagLineResult() : mnLClip( 0 ), mnRClip( 0 ), mnTClip( 0 ), mnBClip( 0 ) {}
+/** Result struct used by the diagonal frame link functions.
+ This struct contains the linking results for one diagonal frame border.
+ */
+struct DiagBorderResult
+ DiagLineResult maPrim; /// Result for primary line.
+ DiagLineResult maSecn; /// Result for secondary line.
+/** Result struct used by the diagonal frame link functions.
+ This struct contains the linking results for both diagonal frame borders.
+ */
+struct DiagBordersResult
+ DiagBorderResult maTLBR; /// Result for top-left to bottom-right frame border.
+ DiagBorderResult maBLTR; /// Result for bottom-left to top-right frame border.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** A helper struct containing two points of a line.
+ */
+struct LinePoints
+ Point maBeg; /// Start position of the line.
+ Point maEnd; /// End position of the line.
+ explicit LinePoints( const Point& rBeg, const Point& rEnd ) :
+ maBeg( rBeg ), maEnd( rEnd ) {}
+ explicit LinePoints( const Rectangle& rRect, bool bTLBR ) :
+ maBeg( bTLBR ? rRect.TopLeft() : rRect.TopRight() ),
+ maEnd( bTLBR ? rRect.BottomRight() : rRect.BottomLeft() ) {}
+// ============================================================================
+/** Rounds and casts a double value to a long value. */
+inline long lclD2L( double fValue )
+ return static_cast< long >( (fValue < 0.0) ? (fValue - 0.5) : (fValue + 0.5) );
+/** Converts a width in twips to a width in another map unit (specified by fScale). */
+sal_uInt16 lclScaleValue( long nValue, double fScale, sal_uInt16 nMaxWidth )
+ // convert any width except 0 to at least 1 unit
+ return nValue ? static_cast< sal_uInt16 >( std::min< long >( std::max(
+ static_cast< long >( nValue * fScale + 0.25 ), 1L ), nMaxWidth ) ) : 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Line width offset calculation.
+/** Returns the start offset of the single/primary line across the frame border.
+ All following lclGet*Beg() and lclGet*End() functions return sub units to
+ increase the computational accuracy, where 256 sub units are equal to
+ 1 map unit of the used OutputDevice.
+ The following pictures show the upper end of a vertical frame border and
+ illustrates the return values of all following lclGet*Beg() and lclGet*End()
+ functions. The first picture shows a single frame border, the second picture
+ shows a double frame border.
+ The functions regard the reference point handling mode of the passed border
+ style.
+ All returned offsets are relative to the middle position of the frame
+ border (offsets left of the middle are returned negative, offsets right
+ of the middle are returned positive).
+ All returned offsets are relative to the begin of the frame border
+ (lclGetBeg() always returns 0).
+ All returned offsets are relative to the end of the frame border
+ (lclGetEnd() always returns 0).
+ |<- lclGetEnd()
+ |<- lclGetBeforeBeg() |<- lclGetPrimEnd()
+ | |
+ ||<- lclGetBeg() ||<- lclGetBehindEnd()
+ || ||
+ |#################################|
+ direction of | #################################
+ the frame | #################################
+ border is | #################################
+ vertical | #################################
+ v #################################
+ |
+ |<- middle of the frame border
+ lclGetDistEnd() ->||<- lclGetSecnBeg()
+ ||
+ lclGetBeg() ->| lclGetDistBeg() ->| || |<- lclGetEnd()
+ | | || |
+ lclGetBeforeBeg()->|| lclGetPrimEnd() ->|| || ||<- lclGetBehindEnd()
+ || || || ||
+ |######################| |#############|
+ direction of | ###################### #############
+ the frame | ###################### #############
+ border is | ###################### #############
+ vertical | ###################### | #############
+ v ###################### | #############
+ primary line | secondary line
+ |
+ |<- middle of the frame border
+ @return
+ The start offset of the single/primary line relative to the reference
+ position of the frame border (sub units; 0 for invisible or one pixel
+ wide single frame styles).
+ */
+long lclGetBeg( const Style& rBorder )
+ long nPos = 0;
+ switch( rBorder.GetRefMode() )
+ {
+ case REFMODE_CENTERED: if( rBorder.Prim() ) nPos = -128 * (rBorder.GetWidth() - 1); break;
+ case REFMODE_END: if( rBorder.Prim() ) nPos = -256 * (rBorder.GetWidth() - 1); break;
+ }
+ return nPos;
+/** Returns the end offset of the single/secondary line across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The end offset of the single/secondary line relative to the
+ reference position of the frame border (sub units; 0 for invisible or one
+ pixel wide single frame styles). */
+long lclGetEnd( const Style& rBorder )
+ long nPos = 0;
+ switch( rBorder.GetRefMode() )
+ {
+ case REFMODE_CENTERED: if( rBorder.Prim() ) nPos = 128 * (rBorder.GetWidth() - 1); break;
+ case REFMODE_BEGIN: if( rBorder.Prim() ) nPos = 256 * (rBorder.GetWidth() - 1); break;
+ }
+ return nPos;
+/** Returns the end offset of the primary line across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The end offset of the primary line relative to the reference
+ position of the frame border (sub units; the end of the primary line in a
+ double frame style, otherwise the same as lclGetEnd()). */
+inline long lclGetPrimEnd( const Style& rBorder )
+{ return rBorder.Prim() ? (lclGetBeg( rBorder ) + 256 * (rBorder.Prim() - 1)) : 0; }
+/** Returns the start offset of the secondary line across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The start offset of the secondary line relative to the reference
+ position of the frame border (sub units; 0 for single/invisible border
+ styles). */
+inline long lclGetSecnBeg( const Style& rBorder )
+{ return rBorder.Secn() ? (lclGetEnd( rBorder ) - 256 * (rBorder.Secn() - 1)) : 0; }
+/** Returns the start offset of the distance space across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The start offset of the distance space relative to the reference
+ position of the frame border (sub units; 0 for single/invisible border
+ styles). */
+inline long lclGetDistBeg( const Style& rBorder )
+{ return rBorder.Secn() ? (lclGetBeg( rBorder ) + 256 * rBorder.Prim()) : 0; }
+/** Returns the end offset of the distance space across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The end offset of the distance space relative to the reference
+ position of the frame border (sub units; 0 for single/invisible border
+ styles). */
+inline long lclGetDistEnd( const Style& rBorder )
+{ return rBorder.Secn() ? (lclGetEnd( rBorder ) - 256 * rBorder.Secn()) : 0; }
+/** Returns the offset before start of single/primary line across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The offset directly before start of single/primary line relative
+ to the reference position of the frame border (sub units; a value one less
+ than lclGetBeg() for visible frame styles, or 0 for invisible frame style). */
+inline long lclGetBeforeBeg( const Style& rBorder )
+{ return rBorder.Prim() ? (lclGetBeg( rBorder ) - 256) : 0; }
+/** Returns the offset behind end of single/secondary line across the frame border.
+ @descr See description of lclGetBeg() for an illustration.
+ @return The offset directly behind end of single/secondary line relative
+ to the reference position of the frame border (sub units; a value one
+ greater than lclGetEnd() for visible frame styles, or 0 for invisible frame
+ style). */
+inline long lclGetBehindEnd( const Style& rBorder )
+{ return rBorder.Prim() ? (lclGetEnd( rBorder ) + 256) : 0; }
+// ============================================================================
+// Linking functions
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Linking of single horizontal line ends.
+/** Calculates X offsets for the left end of a single horizontal frame border.
+ See DrawHorFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ X coordinates of the left line end.
+ */
+void lclLinkLeftEnd_Single(
+ LineEndResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rLFromTR, const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB, const DiagStyle& rLFromBR )
+ // both vertical and diagonal frame borders are double
+ if( rLFromT.Secn() && rLFromB.Secn() && rLFromTR.Secn() && rLFromBR.Secn() )
+ {
+ // take left position of upper and lower secondary start
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = GetBLDiagOffset( lclGetBeg( rBorder ), lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromTR ), rLFromTR.GetAngle() );
+ rResult.mnOffs2 = GetTLDiagOffset( lclGetEnd( rBorder ), lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromBR ), rLFromBR.GetAngle() );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // both vertical frame borders are double
+ if( rLFromT.Secn() && rLFromB.Secn() )
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = (!rLFromTR.Secn() && !rLFromBR.Secn() && (rLFromT.GetWidth() == rLFromB.GetWidth())) ?
+ // don't overdraw vertical borders with equal width
+ lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT ) :
+ // take leftmost start of both secondary lines (#46488#)
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = std::min( lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromT ), lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromB ) );
+ // single border with equal width coming from left
+ else if( !rLFromL.Secn() && (rLFromL.Prim() == rBorder.Prim()) )
+ // draw to connection point
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = 0;
+ // single border coming from left
+ else if( !rLFromL.Secn() && rLFromL.Prim() )
+ {
+ if( rLFromL.Prim() == rBorder.Prim() )
+ // draw to reference position, if from left has equal width
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = 0;
+ else
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = (rLFromL < rBorder) ?
+ // take leftmost start of both frame borders, if from left is thinner
+ std::min( lclGetBeg( rLFromT ), lclGetBeg( rLFromB ) ) :
+ // do not overdraw vertical, if from left is thicker
+ std::max( lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT ), lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromB ) );
+ }
+ // no border coming from left
+ else if( !rLFromL.Prim() )
+ // don't overdraw vertical borders with equal width
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = (rLFromT.GetWidth() == rLFromB.GetWidth()) ?
+ lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT ) :
+ std::min( lclGetBeg( rLFromT ), lclGetBeg( rLFromB ) );
+ // double frame border coming from left and from top
+ else if( rLFromT.Secn() )
+ // do not overdraw the vertical double frame border
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT );
+ // double frame border coming from left and from bottom
+ else if( rLFromB.Secn() )
+ // do not overdraw the vertical double frame border
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromB );
+ // double frame border coming from left, both vertical frame borders are single or off
+ else
+ // draw from leftmost start of both frame borders, if from left is not thicker
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = (rLFromL <= rBorder) ?
+ std::min( lclGetBeg( rLFromT ), lclGetBeg( rLFromB ) ) :
+ std::max( lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT ), lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromB ) );
+ // bottom-left point is equal to top-left point (results in rectangle)
+ rResult.mnOffs2 = rResult.mnOffs1;
+ }
+/** Calculates X offsets for the left end of a primary horizontal line.
+ See DrawHorFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ X coordinates of the left end of the primary line.
+ */
+void lclLinkLeftEnd_Prim(
+ LineEndResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rLFromTR, const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB, const DiagStyle& rLFromBR )
+ // double diagonal frame border coming from top right
+ if( rLFromTR.Secn() )
+ {
+ // draw from where secondary diagonal line meets the own primary
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = GetBLDiagOffset( lclGetBeg( rBorder ), lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromTR ), rLFromTR.GetAngle() );
+ rResult.mnOffs2 = GetBLDiagOffset( lclGetPrimEnd( rBorder ), lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromTR ), rLFromTR.GetAngle() );
+ }
+ // no or single diagonal frame border - ignore it
+ else
+ {
+ // double frame border coming from top
+ if( rLFromT.Secn() )
+ // draw from left edge of secondary vertical
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = lclGetSecnBeg( rLFromT );
+ // double frame border coming from left (from top is not double)
+ else if( rLFromL.Secn() )
+ // do not overdraw single frame border coming from top
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = (rLFromL.GetWidth() == rBorder.GetWidth()) ?
+ 0 : lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT );
+ // double frame border coming from bottom (from top and from left are not double)
+ else if( rLFromB.Secn() )
+ // draw from left edge of primary vertical from bottom
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = lclGetBeg( rLFromB );
+ // no other frame border is double
+ else
+ // do not overdraw vertical frame borders
+ rResult.mnOffs1 = std::max( lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromT ), lclGetBehindEnd( rLFromB ) );
+ // bottom-left point is equal to top-left point (results in rectangle)
+ rResult.mnOffs2 = rResult.mnOffs1;
+ }
+/** Calculates X offsets for the left end of a secondary horizontal line.
+ See DrawHorFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ X coordinates of the left end of the secondary line.
+ */
+void lclLinkLeftEnd_Secn(
+ LineEndResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rLFromTR, const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB, const DiagStyle& rLFromBR )
+ /* Recycle lclLinkLeftEnd_Prim() function with mirrored horizontal borders. */
+ lclLinkLeftEnd_Prim( rResult, rBorder.Mirror(), rLFromBR, rLFromB, rLFromL.Mirror(), rLFromT, rLFromTR );
+ rResult.Swap();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Linking of horizontal frame border ends.
+/** Calculates X offsets for the left end of a horizontal frame border.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawHorFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ X coordinates of the left end of the line(s) in the frame border.
+ */
+void lclLinkLeftEnd(
+ BorderEndResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rLFromTR, const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB, const DiagStyle& rLFromBR )
+ if( rBorder.Secn() )
+ {
+ // current frame border is double
+ lclLinkLeftEnd_Prim( rResult.maPrim, rBorder, rLFromTR, rLFromT, rLFromL, rLFromB, rLFromBR );
+ lclLinkLeftEnd_Secn( rResult.maSecn, rBorder, rLFromTR, rLFromT, rLFromL, rLFromB, rLFromBR );
+ }
+ else if( rBorder.Prim() )
+ {
+ // current frame border is single
+ lclLinkLeftEnd_Single( rResult.maPrim, rBorder, rLFromTR, rLFromT, rLFromL, rLFromB, rLFromBR );
+ }
+ else
+ DBG_ERRORFILE( "lclLinkLeftEnd - called for invisible frame style" );
+/** Calculates X offsets for the right end of a horizontal frame border.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawHorFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ X coordinates of the right end of the line(s) in the frame border.
+ */
+void lclLinkRightEnd(
+ BorderEndResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rRFromTL, const Style& rRFromT, const Style& rRFromR, const Style& rRFromB, const DiagStyle& rRFromBL )
+ /* Recycle lclLinkLeftEnd() function with mirrored vertical borders. */
+ lclLinkLeftEnd( rResult, rBorder, rRFromTL.Mirror(), rRFromT.Mirror(), rRFromR, rRFromB.Mirror(), rRFromBL.Mirror() );
+ rResult.Negate();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Linking of horizontal and vertical frame borders.
+/** Calculates X offsets for all line ends of a horizontal frame border.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawHorFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ X coordinates of both ends of the line(s) in the frame border. To get
+ the actual X coordinates to draw the lines, these offsets have to be
+ added to the X coordinates of the reference points of the frame border
+ (the offsets may be negative).
+ */
+void lclLinkHorFrameBorder(
+ BorderResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rLFromTR, const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB, const DiagStyle& rLFromBR,
+ const DiagStyle& rRFromTL, const Style& rRFromT, const Style& rRFromR, const Style& rRFromB, const DiagStyle& rRFromBL )
+ lclLinkLeftEnd( rResult.maBeg, rBorder, rLFromTR, rLFromT, rLFromL, rLFromB, rLFromBR );
+ lclLinkRightEnd( rResult.maEnd, rBorder, rRFromTL, rRFromT, rRFromR, rRFromB, rRFromBL );
+/** Calculates Y offsets for all line ends of a vertical frame border.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawVerFrameBorder() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for the
+ Y coordinates of both ends of the line(s) in the frame border. To get
+ the actual Y coordinates to draw the lines, these offsets have to be
+ added to the Y coordinates of the reference points of the frame border
+ (the offsets may be negative).
+ */
+void lclLinkVerFrameBorder(
+ BorderResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rTFromBL, const Style& rTFromL, const Style& rTFromT, const Style& rTFromR, const DiagStyle& rTFromBR,
+ const DiagStyle& rBFromTL, const Style& rBFromL, const Style& rBFromB, const Style& rBFromR, const DiagStyle& rBFromTR )
+ /* Recycle lclLinkHorFrameBorder() function with correct parameters. The
+ frame border is virtually mirrored at the top-left to bottom-right
+ diagonal. rTFromBR and rBFromTL are mirrored to process their primary
+ and secondary lines correctly. */
+ lclLinkHorFrameBorder( rResult, rBorder,
+ rTFromBL, rTFromL, rTFromT, rTFromR, rTFromBR.Mirror(),
+ rBFromTL.Mirror(), rBFromL, rBFromB, rBFromR, rBFromTR );
+// ============================================================================
+#if 0
+// Not used anymore, but not deleted for possible future usage.
+/** Returns the relative Y offset of the intercept point of 2 diagonal borders.
+ @param nTLBROffs
+ Width offset (sub units) across the top-left to bottom-right frame border.
+ @param fTLBRAngle
+ Inner angle between horizontal and top-left to bottom-right frame border.
+ @param nBLTROffs
+ Width offset (sub units) across the bottom-left to top-right frame border.
+ @param fBLTRAngle
+ Inner angle between horizontal and bottom-left to top-right frame border.
+ @return
+ Offset (sub units) relative to the Y position of the centered intercept
+ point of both diagonal frame borders.
+ */
+long lclGetDiagDiagOffset( long nTLBROffs, double fTLBRAngle, long nBLTROffs, double fBLTRAngle )
+ double fASin = sin( fTLBRAngle );
+ double fACos = cos( fTLBRAngle );
+ double fAX = -nTLBROffs * fASin;
+ double fAY = nTLBROffs * fACos;
+ double fRAX = fACos;
+ double fRAY = fASin;
+ double fBSin = sin( fBLTRAngle );
+ double fBCos = cos( fBLTRAngle );
+ double fBX = nBLTROffs * fBSin;
+ double fBY = nBLTROffs * fBCos;
+ double fRBX = fBCos;
+ double fRBY = -fBSin;
+ double fKA = (fRBX * (fBY - fAY) - fRBY * (fBX - fAX)) / (fRBX * fRAY - fRAX * fRBY);
+ return lclD2L( fAY + fKA * fRAY );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Linking of diagonal frame borders.
+/** Calculates clipping offsets for a top-left to bottom-right frame border.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawDiagFrameBorders() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for all
+ borders of the reference rectangle containing the diagonal frame border.
+ */
+void lclLinkTLBRFrameBorder(
+ DiagBorderResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const Style& rTLFromB, const Style& rTLFromR, const Style& rBRFromT, const Style& rBRFromL )
+ bool bIsDbl = rBorder.Secn() != 0;
+ rResult.maPrim.mnLClip = lclGetBehindEnd( rTLFromB );
+ rResult.maPrim.mnRClip = (bIsDbl && rBRFromT.Secn()) ? lclGetEnd( rBRFromT ) : lclGetBeforeBeg( rBRFromT );
+ rResult.maPrim.mnTClip = (bIsDbl && rTLFromR.Secn()) ? lclGetBeg( rTLFromR ) : lclGetBehindEnd( rTLFromR );
+ rResult.maPrim.mnBClip = lclGetBeforeBeg( rBRFromL );
+ if( bIsDbl )
+ {
+ rResult.maSecn.mnLClip = rTLFromB.Secn() ? lclGetBeg( rTLFromB ) : lclGetBehindEnd( rTLFromB );
+ rResult.maSecn.mnRClip = lclGetBeforeBeg( rBRFromT );
+ rResult.maSecn.mnTClip = lclGetBehindEnd( rTLFromR );
+ rResult.maSecn.mnBClip = rBRFromL.Secn() ? lclGetEnd( rBRFromL ) : lclGetBeforeBeg( rBRFromL );
+ }
+/** Calculates clipping offsets for a bottom-left to top-right frame border.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawDiagFrameBorders() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for all
+ borders of the reference rectangle containing the diagonal frame border.
+ */
+void lclLinkBLTRFrameBorder(
+ DiagBorderResult& rResult, const Style& rBorder,
+ const Style& rBLFromT, const Style& rBLFromR, const Style& rTRFromB, const Style& rTRFromL )
+ bool bIsDbl = rBorder.Secn() != 0;
+ rResult.maPrim.mnLClip = lclGetBehindEnd( rBLFromT );
+ rResult.maPrim.mnRClip = (bIsDbl && rTRFromB.Secn()) ? lclGetEnd( rTRFromB ) : lclGetBeforeBeg( rTRFromB );
+ rResult.maPrim.mnTClip = lclGetBehindEnd( rTRFromL );
+ rResult.maPrim.mnBClip = (bIsDbl && rBLFromR.Secn()) ? lclGetEnd( rBLFromR ) : lclGetBeforeBeg( rBLFromR );
+ if( bIsDbl )
+ {
+ rResult.maSecn.mnLClip = rBLFromT.Secn() ? lclGetBeg( rBLFromT ) : lclGetBehindEnd( rBLFromT );
+ rResult.maSecn.mnRClip = lclGetBeforeBeg( rTRFromB );
+ rResult.maSecn.mnTClip = rTRFromL.Secn() ? lclGetBeg( rTRFromL ) : lclGetBehindEnd( rTRFromL );
+ rResult.maSecn.mnBClip = lclGetBeforeBeg( rBLFromR );
+ }
+/** Calculates clipping offsets for both diagonal frame borders.
+ This function can be used for single and double frame borders.
+ See DrawDiagFrameBorders() function for a description of all parameters.
+ @param rResult
+ (out-param) The contained values (sub units) specify offsets for all
+ borders of the reference rectangle containing the diagonal frame
+ borders.
+ */
+void lclLinkDiagFrameBorders(
+ DiagBordersResult& rResult, const Style& rTLBR, const Style& rBLTR,
+ const Style& rTLFromB, const Style& rTLFromR, const Style& rBRFromT, const Style& rBRFromL,
+ const Style& rBLFromT, const Style& rBLFromR, const Style& rTRFromB, const Style& rTRFromL )
+ lclLinkTLBRFrameBorder( rResult.maTLBR, rTLBR, rTLFromB, rTLFromR, rBRFromT, rBRFromL );
+ lclLinkBLTRFrameBorder( rResult.maBLTR, rBLTR, rBLFromT, rBLFromR, rTRFromB, rTRFromL );
+// ============================================================================
+// Drawing functions
+// ============================================================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Simple helper functions
+/** Converts sub units to OutputDevice map units. */
+inline long lclToMapUnit( long nSubUnits )
+ return ((nSubUnits < 0) ? (nSubUnits - 127) : (nSubUnits + 128)) / 256;
+/** Converts a point in sub units to an OutputDevice point. */
+inline Point lclToMapUnit( long nSubXPos, long nSubYPos )
+ return Point( lclToMapUnit( nSubXPos ), lclToMapUnit( nSubYPos ) );
+/** Returns a polygon constructed from a vector of points. */
+inline Polygon lclCreatePolygon( const PointVec& rPoints )
+ return Polygon( static_cast< USHORT >( rPoints.size() ), &rPoints[ 0 ] );
+/** Returns a polygon constructed from the four passed points. */
+Polygon lclCreatePolygon( const Point& rP1, const Point& rP2, const Point& rP3, const Point& rP4 )
+ PointVec aPoints;
+ aPoints.reserve( 4 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP1 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP2 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP3 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP4 );
+ return lclCreatePolygon( aPoints );
+/** Returns a polygon constructed from the five passed points. */
+Polygon lclCreatePolygon( const Point& rP1, const Point& rP2, const Point& rP3, const Point& rP4, const Point& rP5 )
+ PointVec aPoints;
+ aPoints.reserve( 5 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP1 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP2 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP3 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP4 );
+ aPoints.push_back( rP5 );
+ return lclCreatePolygon( aPoints );
+/** Returns a polygon constructed from the two passed line positions. */
+inline Polygon lclCreatePolygon( const LinePoints& rPoints1, const LinePoints& rPoints2 )
+ return lclCreatePolygon( rPoints1.maBeg, rPoints1.maEnd, rPoints2.maEnd, rPoints2.maBeg );
+/** Sets the color of the passed frame style to the output device.
+ Sets the line color and fill color in the output device.
+ @param rDev
+ The output device the color has to be set to. The old colors are pushed
+ onto the device's stack and can be restored with a call to
+ OutputDevice::Pop(). Please take care about the correct calling order
+ of Pop() if this function is used with other functions pushing
+ something onto the stack.
+ @param rStyle
+ The border style that contains the line color to be set to the device.
+ */
+void lclSetColorToOutDev( OutputDevice& rDev, const Style& rStyle, const Color* pForceColor )
+ rDev.SetLineColor( pForceColor ? *pForceColor : rStyle.GetColor() );
+ rDev.SetFillColor( pForceColor ? *pForceColor : rStyle.GetColor() );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Generic drawing functions.
+/** Draws a thin (1 pixel wide) line, optionally dotted, into the passed output device. */
+void lclDrawThinLine( OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rBeg, const Point& rEnd, bool bDotted )
+ if( bDotted && (rBeg != rEnd) )
+ {
+// using LineInfo for dotted lines looks ugly and does not work well for diagonal lines
+ LineInfo aLineInfo( LINE_DASH, 1 );
+ aLineInfo.SetDotCount( 1 );
+ aLineInfo.SetDotLen( 1 );
+ aLineInfo.SetDistance( 3 );
+ rDev.DrawLine( rBeg, rEnd, aLineInfo );
+ }
+ Point aBeg( rDev.LogicToPixel( rBeg ) );
+ Point aEnd( rDev.LogicToPixel( rEnd ) );
+ if( bDotted && (aBeg != aEnd) )
+ {
+ bool bHor = Abs( aEnd.X() - aBeg.X() ) > Abs( aEnd.Y() - aBeg.Y() );
+ const Point& rBegPos( bHor ? ((aBeg.X() < aEnd.X()) ? aBeg : aEnd) : ((aBeg.Y() < aEnd.Y()) ? aBeg : aEnd ) );
+ const Point& rEndPos( (rBegPos == aBeg) ? aEnd : aBeg );
+ long nAlongBeg = bHor ? rBegPos.X() : rBegPos.Y();
+ long nAcrssBeg = bHor ? rBegPos.Y() : rBegPos.X();
+ long nAlongSize = (bHor ? rEndPos.X() : rEndPos.Y()) - nAlongBeg;
+ long nAcrssSize = (bHor ? rEndPos.Y() : rEndPos.X()) - nAcrssBeg;
+ double fGradient = static_cast< double >( nAcrssSize ) / nAlongSize;
+ PointVec aPoints;
+ aPoints.reserve( (nAlongSize + 1) / 2 );
+ for( long nAlongIdx = 0; nAlongIdx <= nAlongSize; nAlongIdx += 2 )
+ {
+ long nAl = nAlongBeg + nAlongIdx;
+ long nAc = nAcrssBeg + lclD2L( fGradient * nAlongIdx );
+ aPoints.push_back( Point( bHor ? nAl : nAc, bHor ? nAc : nAl ) );
+ }
+ rDev.Push( PUSH_MAPMODE );
+ rDev.SetMapMode( MAP_PIXEL );
+ rDev.DrawPixel( lclCreatePolygon( aPoints ) );
+ rDev.Pop(); // map mode
+ }
+ else
+ rDev.DrawLine( rBeg, rEnd );
+/** Draws a thin (1 pixel wide) line, optionally dotted, into the passed output device. */
+inline void lclDrawThinLine( OutputDevice& rDev, const LinePoints& rPoints, bool bDotted )
+ lclDrawThinLine( rDev, rPoints.maBeg, rPoints.maEnd, bDotted );
+/** Draws a polygon with four points into the passed output device. */
+inline void lclDrawPolygon( OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rP1, const Point& rP2, const Point& rP3, const Point& rP4 )
+ rDev.DrawPolygon( lclCreatePolygon( rP1, rP2, rP3, rP4 ) );
+/** Draws a polygon specified by two borders into the passed output device. */
+inline void lclDrawPolygon( OutputDevice& rDev, const LinePoints& rPoints1, const LinePoints& rPoints2 )
+ rDev.DrawPolygon( lclCreatePolygon( rPoints1, rPoints2 ) );
+// ============================================================================
+// Drawing of horizontal frame borders.
+/** Draws a horizontal thin or thick line into the passed output device.
+ The X coordinates of the edges of the line are adjusted according to the
+ passed LineEndResult structs. A one pixel wide line can be drawn dotted.
+ */
+void lclDrawHorLine(
+ OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rLPos, const LineEndResult& rLRes,
+ const Point& rRPos, const LineEndResult& rRRes,
+ long nTOffs, long nBOffs, bool bDotted )
+ LinePoints aTPoints( rLPos + lclToMapUnit( rLRes.mnOffs1, nTOffs ), rRPos + lclToMapUnit( rRRes.mnOffs1, nTOffs ) );
+ if( nTOffs == nBOffs )
+ lclDrawThinLine( rDev, aTPoints, bDotted );
+ else
+ {
+ LinePoints aBPoints( rLPos + lclToMapUnit( rLRes.mnOffs2, nBOffs ), rRPos + lclToMapUnit( rRRes.mnOffs2, nBOffs ) );
+ lclDrawPolygon( rDev, aTPoints, aBPoints );
+ }
+/** Draws a horizontal frame border into the passed output device.
+ @param rLPos
+ The top-left or bottom-left reference point of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param rRPos
+ The top-right or bottom-right reference point of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param rBorder
+ The frame style used to draw the border.
+ @param rResult
+ The X coordinates of the edges of all lines of the frame border are
+ adjusted according to the offsets contained here.
+ */
+void lclDrawHorFrameBorder(
+ OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rLPos, const Point& rRPos,
+ const Style& rBorder, const BorderResult& rResult, const Color* pForceColor )
+ DBG_ASSERT( rBorder.Prim(), "svx::frame::lclDrawHorFrameBorder - line not visible" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( rLPos.X() <= rRPos.X(), "svx::frame::lclDrawHorFrameBorder - wrong order of line ends" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( rLPos.Y() == rRPos.Y(), "svx::frame::lclDrawHorFrameBorder - line not horizontal" );
+ if( rLPos.X() <= rRPos.X() )
+ {
+ lclSetColorToOutDev( rDev, rBorder, pForceColor );
+ lclDrawHorLine( rDev, rLPos, rResult.maBeg.maPrim, rRPos, rResult.maEnd.maPrim,
+ lclGetBeg( rBorder ), lclGetPrimEnd( rBorder ), rBorder.Dotted() );
+ if( rBorder.Secn() )
+ lclDrawHorLine( rDev, rLPos, rResult.maBeg.maSecn, rRPos, rResult.maEnd.maSecn,
+ lclGetSecnBeg( rBorder ), lclGetEnd( rBorder ), rBorder.Dotted() );
+ rDev.Pop(); // colors
+ }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Drawing of vertical frame borders.
+/** Draws a vertical thin or thick line into the passed output device.
+ The Y coordinates of the edges of the line are adjusted according to the
+ passed LineEndResult structs. A one pixel wide line can be drawn dotted.
+ */
+void lclDrawVerLine(
+ OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rTPos, const LineEndResult& rTRes,
+ const Point& rBPos, const LineEndResult& rBRes,
+ long nLOffs, long nROffs, bool bDotted )
+ LinePoints aLPoints( rTPos + lclToMapUnit( nLOffs, rTRes.mnOffs1 ), rBPos + lclToMapUnit( nLOffs, rBRes.mnOffs1 ) );
+ if( nLOffs == nROffs )
+ lclDrawThinLine( rDev, aLPoints, bDotted );
+ else
+ {
+ LinePoints aRPoints( rTPos + lclToMapUnit( nROffs, rTRes.mnOffs2 ), rBPos + lclToMapUnit( nROffs, rBRes.mnOffs2 ) );
+ lclDrawPolygon( rDev, aLPoints, aRPoints );
+ }
+/** Draws a vertical frame border into the passed output device.
+ @param rTPos
+ The top-left or top-right reference point of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param rBPos
+ The bottom-left or bottom-right reference point of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param rBorder
+ The frame style used to draw the border.
+ @param rResult
+ The Y coordinates of the edges of all lines of the frame border are
+ adjusted according to the offsets contained here.
+ */
+void lclDrawVerFrameBorder(
+ OutputDevice& rDev, const Point& rTPos, const Point& rBPos,
+ const Style& rBorder, const BorderResult& rResult, const Color* pForceColor )
+ DBG_ASSERT( rBorder.Prim(), "svx::frame::lclDrawVerFrameBorder - line not visible" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( rTPos.Y() <= rBPos.Y(), "svx::frame::lclDrawVerFrameBorder - wrong order of line ends" );
+ DBG_ASSERT( rTPos.X() == rBPos.X(), "svx::frame::lclDrawVerFrameBorder - line not vertical" );
+ if( rTPos.Y() <= rBPos.Y() )
+ {
+ lclSetColorToOutDev( rDev, rBorder, pForceColor );
+ lclDrawVerLine( rDev, rTPos, rResult.maBeg.maPrim, rBPos, rResult.maEnd.maPrim,
+ lclGetBeg( rBorder ), lclGetPrimEnd( rBorder ), rBorder.Dotted() );
+ if( rBorder.Secn() )
+ lclDrawVerLine( rDev, rTPos, rResult.maBeg.maSecn, rBPos, rResult.maEnd.maSecn,
+ lclGetSecnBeg( rBorder ), lclGetEnd( rBorder ), rBorder.Dotted() );
+ rDev.Pop(); // colors
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+// Drawing of diagonal frame borders, incudes clipping functions.
+/** Returns the drawing coordinates for a diagonal thin line.
+ This function can be used for top-left to bottom-right and for bottom-left
+ to top-right lines.
+ @param rRect
+ The reference rectangle of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param bTLBR
+ true = top-left to bottom-right; false = bottom-left to top-right.
+ @param nDiagOffs
+ Width offset (sub units) across the diagonal frame border.
+ @return
+ A struct containg start and end position of the diagonal line.
+ */
+LinePoints lclGetDiagLineEnds( const Rectangle& rRect, bool bTLBR, long nDiagOffs )
+ LinePoints aPoints( rRect, bTLBR );
+ bool bVert = rRect.GetWidth() < rRect.GetHeight();
+ double fAngle = bVert ? GetVerDiagAngle( rRect ) : GetHorDiagAngle( rRect );
+ // vertical top-left to bottom-right borders are handled mirrored
+ if( bVert && bTLBR )
+ nDiagOffs = -nDiagOffs;
+ long nTOffs = bTLBR ? GetTLDiagOffset( 0, nDiagOffs, fAngle ) : GetTRDiagOffset( 0, nDiagOffs, fAngle );
+ long nBOffs = bTLBR ? GetBRDiagOffset( 0, nDiagOffs, fAngle ) : GetBLDiagOffset( 0, nDiagOffs, fAngle );
+ // vertical bottom-left to top-right borders are handled with exchanged end points
+ if( bVert && !bTLBR )
+ std::swap( nTOffs, nBOffs );
+ (bVert ? aPoints.maBeg.Y() : aPoints.maBeg.X()) += lclToMapUnit( nTOffs );
+ (bVert ? aPoints.maEnd.Y() : aPoints.maEnd.X()) += lclToMapUnit( nBOffs );
+ return aPoints;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Clipping functions for diagonal frame borders.
+/** Limits the clipping region to the inner area of a rectange.
+ Takes the values from the passed DiagLineResult struct into account. They
+ may specify to not clip one or more borders of a rectangle.
+ @param rDev
+ The output device with the clipping region to be modified. The old
+ clipping region is pushed onto the device's stack and can be restored
+ with a call to OutputDevice::Pop(). Please take care about the correct
+ calling order of Pop() if this function is used with other functions
+ pushing something onto the stack.
+ @param rRect
+ The reference rectangle of the diagonal frame borders.
+ @param rResult
+ The result struct containing modifies for each border of the reference
+ rectangle.
+ */
+void lclPushDiagClipRect( OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, const DiagLineResult& rResult )
+ // PixelToLogic() regards internal offset of the output device
+ Rectangle aClipRect( rRect );
+ aClipRect.Left() += lclToMapUnit( rResult.mnLClip );
+ aClipRect.Top() += lclToMapUnit( rResult.mnTClip );
+ aClipRect.Right() += lclToMapUnit( rResult.mnRClip );
+ aClipRect.Bottom() += lclToMapUnit( rResult.mnBClip );
+ // output device would adjust the rectangle -> invalidate it before
+ if( (aClipRect.GetWidth() < 1) ||(aClipRect.GetHeight() < 1) )
+ aClipRect.SetEmpty();
+ rDev.IntersectClipRegion( aClipRect );
+/** Excludes inner area of a crossing double frame border from clipping region.
+ This function is used to modify the clipping region so that it excludes the
+ inner free area of a double diagonal frame border. This makes it possible
+ to draw a diagonal frame border in one step without taking care of the
+ crossing double frame border.
+ @param rDev
+ The output device with the clipping region to be modified. The old
+ clipping region is pushed onto the device's stack and can be restored
+ with a call to OutputDevice::Pop(). Please take care about the correct
+ calling order of Pop() if this function is used with other functions
+ pushing something onto the stack.
+ @param rRect
+ The reference rectangle of the diagonal frame borders.
+ @param bTLBR
+ The orientation of the processed frame border (not the orientation of
+ the crossing frame border).
+ @param bCrossStyle
+ The style of the crossing frame border. Must be a double frame style.
+ */
+void lclPushCrossingClipRegion( OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, bool bTLBR, const Style& rCrossStyle )
+ DBG_ASSERT( rCrossStyle.Secn(), "lclGetCrossingClipRegion - use only for double styles" );
+ LinePoints aLPoints( lclGetDiagLineEnds( rRect, !bTLBR, lclGetPrimEnd( rCrossStyle ) ) );
+ LinePoints aRPoints( lclGetDiagLineEnds( rRect, !bTLBR, lclGetSecnBeg( rCrossStyle ) ) );
+ Region aClipReg;
+ if( bTLBR )
+ {
+ aClipReg = lclCreatePolygon(
+ aLPoints.maBeg, aLPoints.maEnd, rRect.BottomRight(), rRect.BottomLeft(), rRect.TopLeft() );
+ aClipReg.Union( lclCreatePolygon(
+ aRPoints.maBeg, aRPoints.maEnd, rRect.BottomRight(), rRect.TopRight(), rRect.TopLeft() ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aClipReg = lclCreatePolygon(
+ aLPoints.maBeg, aLPoints.maEnd, rRect.BottomLeft(), rRect.TopLeft(), rRect.TopRight() );
+ aClipReg.Union( lclCreatePolygon(
+ aRPoints.maBeg, aRPoints.maEnd, rRect.BottomLeft(), rRect.BottomRight(), rRect.TopRight() ) );
+ }
+ rDev.IntersectClipRegion( aClipReg );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Drawing functions for diagonal frame borders.
+/** Draws a diagonal thin or thick line into the passed output device.
+ The clipping region of the output device is modified according to the
+ passed DiagLineResult struct. A one pixel wide line can be drawn dotted.
+ */
+void lclDrawDiagLine(
+ OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, bool bTLBR,
+ const DiagLineResult& rResult, long nDiagOffs1, long nDiagOffs2, bool bDotted )
+ lclPushDiagClipRect( rDev, rRect, rResult );
+ LinePoints aLPoints( lclGetDiagLineEnds( rRect, bTLBR, nDiagOffs1 ) );
+ if( nDiagOffs1 == nDiagOffs2 )
+ lclDrawThinLine( rDev, aLPoints, bDotted );
+ else
+ lclDrawPolygon( rDev, aLPoints, lclGetDiagLineEnds( rRect, bTLBR, nDiagOffs2 ) );
+ rDev.Pop(); // clipping region
+/** Draws a diagonal frame border into the passed output device.
+ The lines of the frame border are drawn interrupted, if the style of the
+ crossing frame border is double.
+ @param rRect
+ The reference rectangle of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param bTLBR
+ The orientation of the diagonal frame border.
+ @param rBorder
+ The frame style used to draw the border.
+ @param rResult
+ Offsets (sub units) to modify the clipping region of the output device.
+ @param rCrossStyle
+ Style of the crossing diagonal frame border.
+ */
+void lclDrawDiagFrameBorder(
+ OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, bool bTLBR,
+ const Style& rBorder, const DiagBorderResult& rResult, const Style& rCrossStyle,
+ const Color* pForceColor, bool bDiagDblClip )
+ DBG_ASSERT( rBorder.Prim(), "svx::frame::lclDrawDiagFrameBorder - line not visible" );
+ bool bClip = bDiagDblClip && rCrossStyle.Secn();
+ if( bClip )
+ lclPushCrossingClipRegion( rDev, rRect, bTLBR, rCrossStyle );
+ lclSetColorToOutDev( rDev, rBorder, pForceColor );
+ lclDrawDiagLine( rDev, rRect, bTLBR, rResult.maPrim, lclGetBeg( rBorder ), lclGetPrimEnd( rBorder ), rBorder.Dotted() );
+ if( rBorder.Secn() )
+ lclDrawDiagLine( rDev, rRect, bTLBR, rResult.maSecn, lclGetSecnBeg( rBorder ), lclGetEnd( rBorder ), rBorder.Dotted() );
+ rDev.Pop(); // colors
+ if( bClip )
+ rDev.Pop(); // clipping region
+/** Draws both diagonal frame borders into the passed output device.
+ The lines of each frame border is drawn interrupted, if the style of the
+ other crossing frame border is double.
+ @param rRect
+ The reference rectangle of the diagonal frame borders.
+ @param rTLBR
+ The frame style of the top-left to bottom-right frame border.
+ @param rBLTR
+ The frame style of the bottom-left to top-right frame border.
+ @param rResult
+ Offsets (sub units) to modify the clipping region of the output device.
+ */
+void lclDrawDiagFrameBorders(
+ OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect,
+ const Style& rTLBR, const Style& rBLTR, const DiagBordersResult& rResult,
+ const Color* pForceColor, bool bDiagDblClip )
+ DBG_ASSERT( (rRect.GetWidth() > 1) && (rRect.GetHeight() > 1), "svx::frame::lclDrawDiagFrameBorders - rectangle too small" );
+ if( (rRect.GetWidth() > 1) && (rRect.GetHeight() > 1) )
+ {
+ bool bDrawTLBR = rTLBR.Prim() != 0;
+ bool bDrawBLTR = rBLTR.Prim() != 0;
+ bool bFirstDrawBLTR = rTLBR.Secn() != 0;
+ if( bDrawBLTR && bFirstDrawBLTR )
+ lclDrawDiagFrameBorder( rDev, rRect, false, rBLTR, rResult.maBLTR, rTLBR, pForceColor, bDiagDblClip );
+ if( bDrawTLBR )
+ lclDrawDiagFrameBorder( rDev, rRect, true, rTLBR, rResult.maTLBR, rBLTR, pForceColor, bDiagDblClip );
+ if( bDrawBLTR && !bFirstDrawBLTR )
+ lclDrawDiagFrameBorder( rDev, rRect, false, rBLTR, rResult.maBLTR, rTLBR, pForceColor, bDiagDblClip );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace
+// ============================================================================
+// Classes
+// ============================================================================
+#define SCALEVALUE( value ) lclScaleValue( value, fScale, nMaxWidth )
+void Style::Clear()
+ Set( Color(), 0, 0, 0 );
+void Style::Set( sal_uInt16 nP, sal_uInt16 nD, sal_uInt16 nS )
+ /* nP nD nS -> mnPrim mnDist mnSecn
+ --------------------------------------
+ any any 0 nP 0 0
+ 0 any >0 nS 0 0
+ >0 0 >0 nP 0 0
+ >0 >0 >0 nP nD nS
+ */
+ mnPrim = nP ? nP : nS;
+ mnDist = (nP && nS) ? nD : 0;
+ mnSecn = (nP && nD) ? nS : 0;
+void Style::Set( const Color& rColor, sal_uInt16 nP, sal_uInt16 nD, sal_uInt16 nS )
+ maColor = rColor;
+ Set( nP, nD, nS );
+void Style::Set( const SvxBorderLine& rBorder, double fScale, sal_uInt16 nMaxWidth, bool bUseDots )
+ maColor = rBorder.GetColor();
+ USHORT nPrim = rBorder.GetOutWidth();
+ USHORT nDist = rBorder.GetDistance();
+ USHORT nSecn = rBorder.GetInWidth();
+ if( !nSecn ) // no or single frame border
+ {
+ Set( SCALEVALUE( nPrim ), 0, 0 );
+ mbDotted = bUseDots && (0 < nPrim) && (nPrim < 10);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Set( SCALEVALUE( nPrim ), SCALEVALUE( nDist ), SCALEVALUE( nSecn ) );
+ mbDotted = false;
+ // Enlarge the style if distance is too small due to rounding losses.
+ sal_uInt16 nPixWidth = SCALEVALUE( nPrim + nDist + nSecn );
+ if( nPixWidth > GetWidth() )
+ mnDist = nPixWidth - mnPrim - mnSecn;
+ // Shrink the style if it is too thick for the control.
+ while( GetWidth() > nMaxWidth )
+ {
+ // First decrease space between lines.
+ if( mnDist )
+ --mnDist;
+ // Still too thick? Decrease the line widths.
+ if( GetWidth() > nMaxWidth )
+ {
+ if( mnPrim && (mnPrim == mnSecn) )
+ {
+ // Both lines equal - decrease both to keep symmetry.
+ --mnPrim;
+ --mnSecn;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Decrease each line for itself
+ if( mnPrim )
+ --mnPrim;
+ if( (GetWidth() > nMaxWidth) && mnSecn )
+ --mnSecn;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void Style::Set( const SvxBorderLine* pBorder, double fScale, sal_uInt16 nMaxWidth, bool bUseDots )
+ if( pBorder )
+ Set( *pBorder, fScale, nMaxWidth, bUseDots );
+ else
+ {
+ Clear();
+ mbDotted = false;
+ }
+Style& Style::ScaleSelf( double fScale, sal_uInt16 nMaxWidth )
+ Set( SCALEVALUE( mnPrim ), SCALEVALUE( mnDist ), SCALEVALUE( mnSecn ), mbDotted );
+ return *this;
+Style Style::Scale( double fScale, sal_uInt16 nMaxWidth ) const
+ return Style( *this ).ScaleSelf( fScale, nMaxWidth );
+Style& Style::MirrorSelf()
+ if( mnSecn )
+ std::swap( mnPrim, mnSecn );
+ if( meRefMode != REFMODE_CENTERED )
+ return *this;
+Style Style::Mirror() const
+ return Style( *this ).MirrorSelf();
+bool operator==( const Style& rL, const Style& rR )
+ return (rL.Prim() == rR.Prim()) && (rL.Dist() == rR.Dist()) && (rL.Secn() == rR.Secn()) &&
+ (rL.GetColor() == rR.GetColor()) && (rL.GetRefMode() == rR.GetRefMode()) && (rL.Dotted() == rR.Dotted());
+bool operator<( const Style& rL, const Style& rR )
+ // different total widths -> rL<rR, if rL is thinner
+ sal_uInt16 nLW = rL.GetWidth();
+ sal_uInt16 nRW = rR.GetWidth();
+ if( nLW != nRW ) return nLW < nRW;
+ // one line double, the other single -> rL<rR, if rL is single
+ if( (rL.Secn() == 0) != (rR.Secn() == 0) ) return rL.Secn() == 0;
+ // both lines double with different distances -> rL<rR, if distance of rL greater
+ if( (rL.Secn() && rR.Secn()) && (rL.Dist() != rR.Dist()) ) return rL.Dist() > rR.Dist();
+ // both lines single and 1 unit thick, only one is dotted -> rL<rR, if rL is dotted
+ if( (nLW == 1) && (rL.Dotted() != rR.Dotted()) ) return rL.Dotted();
+ // seem to be equal
+ return false;
+// ============================================================================
+// Various helper functions
+// ============================================================================
+double GetHorDiagAngle( long nWidth, long nHeight )
+ return atan2( static_cast< double >( Abs( nHeight ) ), static_cast< double >( Abs( nWidth ) ) );
+// ============================================================================
+long GetTLDiagOffset( long nVerOffs, long nDiagOffs, double fAngle )
+ return lclD2L( nVerOffs / tan( fAngle ) + nDiagOffs / sin( fAngle ) );
+long GetBLDiagOffset( long nVerOffs, long nDiagOffs, double fAngle )
+ return lclD2L( -nVerOffs / tan( fAngle ) + nDiagOffs / sin( fAngle ) );
+long GetBRDiagOffset( long nVerOffs, long nDiagOffs, double fAngle )
+ return -lclD2L( -nVerOffs / tan( fAngle ) - nDiagOffs / sin( fAngle ) );
+long GetTRDiagOffset( long nVerOffs, long nDiagOffs, double fAngle )
+ return -lclD2L( nVerOffs / tan( fAngle ) - nDiagOffs / sin( fAngle ) );
+// ============================================================================
+bool CheckFrameBorderConnectable( const Style& rLBorder, const Style& rRBorder,
+ const Style& rTFromTL, const Style& rTFromT, const Style& rTFromTR,
+ const Style& rBFromBL, const Style& rBFromB, const Style& rBFromBR )
+ return // returns 1 AND (2a OR 2b)
+ // 1) only, if both frame borders are equal
+ (rLBorder == rRBorder)
+ &&
+ (
+ (
+ // 2a) if the borders are not double, at least one of the vertical must not be double
+ !rLBorder.Secn() && (!rTFromT.Secn() || !rBFromB.Secn())
+ )
+ ||
+ (
+ // 2b) if the borders are double, all other borders must not be double
+ rLBorder.Secn() &&
+ !rTFromTL.Secn() && !rTFromT.Secn() && !rTFromTR.Secn() &&
+ !rBFromBL.Secn() && !rBFromB.Secn() && !rBFromBR.Secn()
+ )
+ );
+// ============================================================================
+// Drawing functions
+// ============================================================================
+void DrawHorFrameBorder( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rLPos, const Point& rRPos, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rLFromTR, const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB, const DiagStyle& rLFromBR,
+ const DiagStyle& rRFromTL, const Style& rRFromT, const Style& rRFromR, const Style& rRFromB, const DiagStyle& rRFromBL,
+ const Color* pForceColor )
+ if( rBorder.Prim() )
+ {
+ BorderResult aResult;
+ lclLinkHorFrameBorder( aResult, rBorder,
+ rLFromTR, rLFromT, rLFromL, rLFromB, rLFromBR,
+ rRFromTL, rRFromT, rRFromR, rRFromB, rRFromBL );
+ lclDrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, rLPos, rRPos, rBorder, aResult, pForceColor );
+ }
+void DrawHorFrameBorder( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rLPos, const Point& rRPos, const Style& rBorder,
+ const Style& rLFromT, const Style& rLFromL, const Style& rLFromB,
+ const Style& rRFromT, const Style& rRFromR, const Style& rRFromB,
+ const Color* pForceColor )
+ /* Recycle complex version of the DrawHorFrameBorder() function with empty diagonals. */
+ const DiagStyle aNoStyle;
+ DrawHorFrameBorder(
+ rDev, rLPos, rRPos, rBorder,
+ aNoStyle, rLFromT, rLFromL, rLFromB, aNoStyle,
+ aNoStyle, rRFromT, rRFromR, rRFromB, aNoStyle,
+ pForceColor );
+void DrawHorFrameBorder( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rLPos, const Point& rRPos, const Style& rBorder, const Color* pForceColor )
+ if( rBorder.Prim() )
+ lclDrawHorFrameBorder( rDev, rLPos, rRPos, rBorder, BorderResult(), pForceColor );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DrawVerFrameBorder( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rTPos, const Point& rBPos, const Style& rBorder,
+ const DiagStyle& rTFromBL, const Style& rTFromL, const Style& rTFromT, const Style& rTFromR, const DiagStyle& rTFromBR,
+ const DiagStyle& rBFromTL, const Style& rBFromL, const Style& rBFromB, const Style& rBFromR, const DiagStyle& rBFromTR,
+ const Color* pForceColor )
+ if( rBorder.Prim() )
+ {
+ BorderResult aResult;
+ lclLinkVerFrameBorder( aResult, rBorder,
+ rTFromBL, rTFromL, rTFromT, rTFromR, rTFromBR,
+ rBFromTL, rBFromL, rBFromB, rBFromR, rBFromTR );
+ lclDrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, rTPos, rBPos, rBorder, aResult, pForceColor );
+ }
+void DrawVerFrameBorder( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rTPos, const Point& rBPos, const Style& rBorder,
+ const Style& rTFromL, const Style& rTFromT, const Style& rTFromR,
+ const Style& rBFromL, const Style& rBFromB, const Style& rBFromR,
+ const Color* pForceColor )
+ /* Recycle complex version of the DrawVerFrameBorder() function with empty diagonals. */
+ const DiagStyle aNoStyle;
+ DrawVerFrameBorder(
+ rDev, rTPos, rBPos, rBorder,
+ aNoStyle, rTFromL, rTFromT, rTFromR, aNoStyle,
+ aNoStyle, rBFromL, rBFromB, rBFromR, aNoStyle,
+ pForceColor );
+void DrawVerFrameBorder( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rTPos, const Point& rBPos, const Style& rBorder, const Color* pForceColor )
+ if( rBorder.Prim() )
+ lclDrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, rTPos, rBPos, rBorder, BorderResult(), pForceColor );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void DrawVerFrameBorderSlanted( OutputDevice& rDev,
+ const Point& rTPos, const Point& rBPos, const Style& rBorder, const Color* pForceColor )
+ DBG_ASSERT( rTPos.Y() < rBPos.Y(), "svx::frame::DrawVerFrameBorderSlanted - wrong order of line ends" );
+ if( rBorder.Prim() && (rTPos.Y() < rBPos.Y()) )
+ {
+ if( rTPos.X() == rBPos.X() )
+ {
+ DrawVerFrameBorder( rDev, rTPos, rBPos, rBorder, pForceColor );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const LineEndResult aRes;
+ Style aScaled( rBorder );
+ aScaled.ScaleSelf( 1.0 / cos( GetVerDiagAngle( rTPos, rBPos ) ) );
+ lclSetColorToOutDev( rDev, aScaled, pForceColor );
+ lclDrawVerLine( rDev, rTPos, aRes, rBPos, aRes,
+ lclGetBeg( aScaled ), lclGetPrimEnd( aScaled ), aScaled.Dotted() );
+ if( aScaled.Secn() )
+ lclDrawVerLine( rDev, rTPos, aRes, rBPos, aRes,
+ lclGetSecnBeg( aScaled ), lclGetEnd( aScaled ), aScaled.Dotted() );
+ rDev.Pop(); // colors
+ }
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+void DrawDiagFrameBorders(
+ OutputDevice& rDev, const Rectangle& rRect, const Style& rTLBR, const Style& rBLTR,
+ const Style& rTLFromB, const Style& rTLFromR, const Style& rBRFromT, const Style& rBRFromL,
+ const Style& rBLFromT, const Style& rBLFromR, const Style& rTRFromB, const Style& rTRFromL,
+ const Color* pForceColor, bool bDiagDblClip )
+ if( rTLBR.Prim() || rBLTR.Prim() )
+ {
+ DiagBordersResult aResult;
+ lclLinkDiagFrameBorders( aResult, rTLBR, rBLTR,
+ rTLFromB, rTLFromR, rBRFromT, rBRFromL, rBLFromT, rBLFromR, rTRFromB, rTRFromL );
+ lclDrawDiagFrameBorders( rDev, rRect, rTLBR, rBLTR, aResult, pForceColor, bDiagDblClip );
+ }
+// ============================================================================
+} // namespace frame
+} // namespace svx