path: root/svx
diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2019-03-27 15:54:24 +0000
committerCaolán McNamara <>2019-03-27 22:47:44 +0100
commit74e1112a546b1d116f30161952c35819e4b72f84 (patch)
treece751984add2bf59fa4e83f96f875abc03cb58ee /svx
parent9c047d066811e2227948e4d03c2fd8a94087b38c (diff)
move LineListBox beside last consumer
Change-Id: Ie683784a9f4ecfb0015bf7ae79769238719a6376 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <> Tested-by: Caolán McNamara <>
Diffstat (limited to 'svx')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbcontrl.cxx b/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbcontrl.cxx
index 7d38f60d1e12..52de39344894 100644
--- a/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbcontrl.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/tbxctrls/tbcontrl.cxx
@@ -281,6 +281,322 @@ public:
virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) override;
+ class LineListBox final : public ListBox
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef Color (*ColorFunc)(Color);
+ typedef Color (*ColorDistFunc)(Color, Color);
+ LineListBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle = WB_BORDER );
+ virtual ~LineListBox() override;
+ virtual void dispose() override;
+ /** Set the width in Twips */
+ void SetWidth( long nWidth )
+ {
+ long nOldWidth = m_nWidth;
+ m_nWidth = nWidth;
+ UpdateEntries( nOldWidth );
+ }
+ void SetNone( const OUString& sNone )
+ {
+ m_sNone = sNone;
+ }
+ using ListBox::InsertEntry;
+ /** Insert a listbox entry with all widths in Twips. */
+ void InsertEntry(const BorderWidthImpl& rWidthImpl,
+ SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, long nMinWidth = 0,
+ ColorFunc pColor1Fn = &sameColor,
+ ColorFunc pColor2Fn = &sameColor,
+ ColorDistFunc pColorDistFn = &sameDistColor);
+ SvxBorderLineStyle GetEntryStyle( sal_Int32 nPos ) const;
+ SvxBorderLineStyle GetSelectEntryStyle() const;
+ void SetSourceUnit( FieldUnit eNewUnit ) { eSourceUnit = eNewUnit; }
+ const Color& GetColor() const { return aColor; }
+ private:
+ void ImpGetLine(long nLine1, long nLine2, long nDistance,
+ Color nColor1, Color nColor2, Color nColorDist,
+ SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, BitmapEx& rBmp);
+ using Window::ImplInit;
+ void UpdatePaintLineColor(); // returns sal_True if maPaintCol has changed
+ virtual void DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt ) override;
+ void UpdateEntries( long nOldWidth );
+ sal_Int32 GetStylePos( sal_Int32 nListPos, long nWidth );
+ const Color& GetPaintColor() const
+ {
+ return maPaintCol;
+ }
+ Color GetColorLine1( sal_Int32 nPos );
+ Color GetColorLine2( sal_Int32 nPos );
+ Color GetColorDist( sal_Int32 nPos );
+ LineListBox( const LineListBox& ) = delete;
+ LineListBox& operator =( const LineListBox& ) = delete;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ImpLineListData>> m_vLineList;
+ long m_nWidth;
+ OUString m_sNone;
+ ScopedVclPtr<VirtualDevice> aVirDev;
+ Size aTxtSize;
+ Color const aColor;
+ Color maPaintCol;
+ FieldUnit eSourceUnit;
+ };
+ SvxBorderLineStyle LineListBox::GetSelectEntryStyle() const
+ {
+ SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle = SvxBorderLineStyle::SOLID;
+ sal_Int32 nPos = GetSelectedEntryPos();
+ {
+ if (!m_sNone.isEmpty())
+ nPos--;
+ nStyle = GetEntryStyle( nPos );
+ }
+ return nStyle;
+ }
+ void LineListBox::ImpGetLine( long nLine1, long nLine2, long nDistance,
+ Color aColor1, Color aColor2, Color aColorDist,
+ SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, BitmapEx& rBmp )
+ {
+ //TODO, rather than including the " " text to force
+ //the line height, better would be do drop
+ //this calculation and draw a bitmap of height
+ //equal to normal text line and center the
+ //line within that
+ long nMinWidth = GetTextWidth("----------");
+ Size aSize = CalcSubEditSize();
+ aSize.setWidth( std::max(nMinWidth, aSize.Width()) );
+ aSize.AdjustWidth( -(aTxtSize.Width()) );
+ aSize.AdjustWidth( -6 );
+ aSize.setHeight( aTxtSize.Height() );
+ // SourceUnit to Twips
+ if ( eSourceUnit == FieldUnit::POINT )
+ {
+ nLine1 /= 5;
+ nLine2 /= 5;
+ nDistance /= 5;
+ }
+ // Paint the lines
+ aSize = aVirDev->PixelToLogic( aSize );
+ long nPix = aVirDev->PixelToLogic( Size( 0, 1 ) ).Height();
+ sal_uInt32 n1 = nLine1;
+ sal_uInt32 n2 = nLine2;
+ long nDist = nDistance;
+ n1 += nPix-1;
+ n1 -= n1%nPix;
+ if ( n2 )
+ {
+ nDist += nPix-1;
+ nDist -= nDist%nPix;
+ n2 += nPix-1;
+ n2 -= n2%nPix;
+ }
+ long nVirHeight = n1+nDist+n2;
+ if ( nVirHeight > aSize.Height() )
+ aSize.setHeight( nVirHeight );
+ // negative width should not be drawn
+ if ( aSize.Width() <= 0 )
+ return;
+ Size aVirSize = aVirDev->LogicToPixel( aSize );
+ if ( aVirDev->GetOutputSizePixel() != aVirSize )
+ aVirDev->SetOutputSizePixel( aVirSize );
+ aVirDev->SetFillColor( aColorDist );
+ aVirDev->DrawRect( tools::Rectangle( Point(), aSize ) );
+ aVirDev->SetFillColor( aColor1 );
+ double y1 = double( n1 ) / 2;
+ svtools::DrawLine( *aVirDev, basegfx::B2DPoint( 0, y1 ), basegfx::B2DPoint( aSize.Width( ), y1 ), n1, nStyle );
+ if ( n2 )
+ {
+ double y2 = n1 + nDist + double( n2 ) / 2;
+ aVirDev->SetFillColor( aColor2 );
+ svtools::DrawLine( *aVirDev, basegfx::B2DPoint( 0, y2 ), basegfx::B2DPoint( aSize.Width(), y2 ), n2, SvxBorderLineStyle::SOLID );
+ }
+ rBmp = aVirDev->GetBitmapEx( Point(), Size( aSize.Width(), n1+nDist+n2 ) );
+ }
+ LineListBox::LineListBox( vcl::Window* pParent, WinBits nWinStyle ) :
+ ListBox( pParent, nWinStyle ),
+ m_nWidth( 5 ),
+ m_sNone( ),
+ aVirDev( VclPtr<VirtualDevice>::Create() ),
+ aColor( COL_BLACK ),
+ maPaintCol( COL_BLACK )
+ {
+ aTxtSize.setWidth( GetTextWidth( " " ) );
+ aTxtSize.setHeight( GetTextHeight() );
+ eSourceUnit = FieldUnit::POINT;
+ aVirDev->SetLineColor();
+ aVirDev->SetMapMode( MapMode( MapUnit::MapTwip ) );
+ UpdatePaintLineColor();
+ }
+ LineListBox::~LineListBox()
+ {
+ disposeOnce();
+ }
+ void LineListBox::dispose()
+ {
+ m_vLineList.clear();
+ ListBox::dispose();
+ }
+ sal_Int32 LineListBox::GetStylePos( sal_Int32 nListPos, long nWidth )
+ {
+ if (!m_sNone.isEmpty())
+ nListPos--;
+ sal_Int32 n = 0;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ size_t nCount = m_vLineList.size();
+ while ( nPos == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND && i < nCount )
+ {
+ auto& pData = m_vLineList[ i ];
+ if ( pData->GetMinWidth() <= nWidth )
+ {
+ if ( nListPos == n )
+ nPos = static_cast<sal_Int32>(i);
+ n++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return nPos;
+ }
+ void LineListBox::InsertEntry(
+ const BorderWidthImpl& rWidthImpl, SvxBorderLineStyle nStyle, long nMinWidth,
+ ColorFunc pColor1Fn, ColorFunc pColor2Fn, ColorDistFunc pColorDistFn )
+ {
+ m_vLineList.emplace_back(new ImpLineListData(
+ rWidthImpl, nStyle, nMinWidth, pColor1Fn, pColor2Fn, pColorDistFn));
+ }
+ SvxBorderLineStyle LineListBox::GetEntryStyle( sal_Int32 nPos ) const
+ {
+ ImpLineListData* pData = (0 <= nPos && static_cast<size_t>(nPos) < m_vLineList.size()) ? m_vLineList[ nPos ].get() : nullptr;
+ return pData ? pData->GetStyle() : SvxBorderLineStyle::NONE;
+ }
+ void LineListBox::UpdatePaintLineColor()
+ {
+ const StyleSettings& rSettings = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+ Color aNewCol( rSettings.GetWindowColor().IsDark()? rSettings.GetLabelTextColor() : aColor );
+ bool bRet = aNewCol != maPaintCol;
+ if( bRet )
+ maPaintCol = aNewCol;
+ }
+ void LineListBox::UpdateEntries( long nOldWidth )
+ {
+ SetUpdateMode( false );
+ UpdatePaintLineColor( );
+ sal_Int32 nSelEntry = GetSelectedEntryPos();
+ sal_Int32 nTypePos = GetStylePos( nSelEntry, nOldWidth );
+ // Remove the old entries
+ while ( GetEntryCount( ) > 0 )
+ ListBox::RemoveEntry( 0 );
+ // Add the new entries based on the defined width
+ if (!m_sNone.isEmpty())
+ ListBox::InsertEntry( m_sNone );
+ sal_uInt16 n = 0;
+ sal_uInt16 nCount = m_vLineList.size( );
+ while ( n < nCount )
+ {
+ auto& pData = m_vLineList[ n ];
+ if ( pData->GetMinWidth() <= m_nWidth )
+ {
+ BitmapEx aBmp;
+ ImpGetLine( pData->GetLine1ForWidth( m_nWidth ),
+ pData->GetLine2ForWidth( m_nWidth ),
+ pData->GetDistForWidth( m_nWidth ),
+ GetColorLine1( GetEntryCount( ) ),
+ GetColorLine2( GetEntryCount( ) ),
+ GetColorDist( GetEntryCount( ) ),
+ pData->GetStyle(), aBmp );
+ ListBox::InsertEntry(" ", Image(aBmp));
+ if ( n == nTypePos )
+ SelectEntryPos( GetEntryCount() - 1 );
+ }
+ else if ( n == nTypePos )
+ SetNoSelection();
+ n++;
+ }
+ SetUpdateMode( true );
+ Invalidate();
+ }
+ Color LineListBox::GetColorLine1( sal_Int32 nPos )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nStyle = GetStylePos( nPos, m_nWidth );
+ return GetPaintColor( );
+ auto& pData = m_vLineList[ nStyle ];
+ return pData->GetColorLine1( GetColor( ) );
+ }
+ Color LineListBox::GetColorLine2( sal_Int32 nPos )
+ {
+ sal_Int32 nStyle = GetStylePos( nPos, m_nWidth );
+ return GetPaintColor( );
+ auto& pData = m_vLineList[ nStyle ];
+ return pData->GetColorLine2( GetColor( ) );
+ }
+ Color LineListBox::GetColorDist( sal_Int32 nPos )
+ {
+ Color rResult = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetFieldColor();
+ sal_Int32 nStyle = GetStylePos( nPos, m_nWidth );
+ return rResult;
+ auto& pData = m_vLineList[ nStyle ];
+ return pData->GetColorDist( GetColor( ), rResult );
+ }
+ void LineListBox::DataChanged( const DataChangedEvent& rDCEvt )
+ {
+ ListBox::DataChanged( rDCEvt );
+ if( ( rDCEvt.GetType() == DataChangedEventType::SETTINGS ) && ( rDCEvt.GetFlags() & AllSettingsFlags::STYLE ) )
+ UpdateEntries( m_nWidth );
+ }
class SvxLineWindow_Impl : public svtools::ToolbarPopup