path: root/sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx
diff options
authorThomas Lange <>2009-08-14 13:56:56 +0000
committerThomas Lange <>2009-08-14 13:56:56 +0000
commita6e4f39c82a75fb2684d3563b9c2a7af3518d2bc (patch)
tree586e8f59b9b2c1c2e0c06db0300bee4db1313524 /sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx
parent6f114639ebbd358fbe45f389e838595fea1cf88b (diff)
#i101242# new print UI
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx b/sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx
index 53b00bff4f07..86bcefa5d455 100644
--- a/sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/swprtopt.hxx
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
-#include <vcl/print.hxx>
#include <tools/multisel.hxx>
#include <printdata.hxx>
@@ -46,10 +45,9 @@
-class SwPageFrm;
class SwPrtOptions : public SwPrintData
@@ -96,49 +94,5 @@ public:
-class SwPrintUIOptions : public vcl::PrinterOptionsHelper
- OutputDevice* mpLast;
- // pages valid for printing (according to the current settings)
- // and their respective start frames (see getRendererCount in unotxdoc.cxx)
- // This set of pages does NOT depend on the 'PageRange' that is used as a printing option!
- std::set< sal_Int32 > aValidPages; // the set of possible pages (see StringRangeEnumerator::getRangesFromString )
- std::map< sal_Int32, const SwPageFrm * > aValidStartFrms; // the map of start frames for those pages
- // vector of pages and their order to be printed (duplicates and any order allowed!)
- // (see 'render' in unotxdoc.cxx)
- std::vector< sal_Int32 > aPagesToPrint;
- // for prospect printing: the pairs of pages to be printed together on a single prospect page.
- // -1 indicates a half page to be left empty.
- std::vector< std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 > > aPagePairs;
- SwPrintUIOptions( BOOL bWeb );
- bool processPropertiesAndCheckFormat( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& i_rNewProp );
- typedef std::map< sal_Int32, const SwPageFrm * > ValidStartFramesMap_t;
- typedef std::vector< std::pair< sal_Int32, sal_Int32 > > PagePairsVec_t;
- std::set< sal_Int32 > & GetValidPagesSet() { return aValidPages; }
- const std::set< sal_Int32 > & GetValidPagesSet() const { return aValidPages; }
- ValidStartFramesMap_t & GetValidStartFrms() { return aValidStartFrms; }
- const ValidStartFramesMap_t & GetValidStartFrms() const { return aValidStartFrms; }
- // used for 'normal' printing
- std::vector< sal_Int32 > & GetPagesToPrint() { return aPagesToPrint; }
- const std::vector< sal_Int32 > & GetPagesToPrint() const { return aPagesToPrint; }
- // used for prospect printing only
- PagePairsVec_t & GetPagePairsForProspectPrinting() { return aPagePairs; }
- const PagePairsVec_t & GetPagePairsForProspectPrinting() const { return aPagePairs; }
- bool IsPrintLeftPages() const;
- bool IsPrintRightPages() const;
#endif //_SWPRTOPT_HXX