path: root/sw/inc
diff options
authordennisroczek <>2017-03-13 12:12:16 +0000
committerMichael Stahl <>2017-03-22 11:30:04 +0000
commitb49b79ae27911f88032efe97b46ee2fc3b747d30 (patch)
treef416dd63cdd765743097aaa7b75203692b9c5de1 /sw/inc
parentd06dfe25d5c7cdbee94ddba8423090e9851f279a (diff)
fix typo: bee --> be or been
* Removed old comment cruft * clean up some indentation Change-Id: I0ddbd66aec0f27d7563dc4c2cfa2e095a48cda46 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Michael Stahl <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/inc')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/sw/inc/doc.hxx b/sw/inc/doc.hxx
index e2d2c1751010..cf7b340bcda4 100644
--- a/sw/inc/doc.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/doc.hxx
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDoc :
Timer should not be members of the model
- Idle maOLEModifiedIdle; //< Timer for update modified OLE-Objects
+ Idle maOLEModifiedIdle; //< Timer for update modified OLE-Objects
SwDBData maDBData; //< database descriptor
OUString msTOIAutoMarkURL; //< URL of table of index AutoMark file
std::vector<OUString> m_PatternNames; //< Array for names of document-templates
@@ -277,25 +277,24 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDoc :
// Pointer
SwFrameFormat *mpDfltFrameFormat; //< Default formats.
- SwFrameFormat *mpEmptyPageFormat; //< Format for the default empty page
- SwFrameFormat *mpColumnContFormat; //< Format for column container
+ SwFrameFormat *mpEmptyPageFormat; //< Format for the default empty page
+ SwFrameFormat *mpColumnContFormat; //< Format for column container
SwCharFormat *mpDfltCharFormat;
- SwTextFormatColl *mpDfltTextFormatColl; //< Defaultformatcollections
+ SwTextFormatColl *mpDfltTextFormatColl; //< Defaultformatcollections
SwGrfFormatColl *mpDfltGrfFormatColl;
- SwFrameFormats *mpFrameFormatTable; //< Format table
+ SwFrameFormats *mpFrameFormatTable; //< Format table
SwCharFormats *mpCharFormatTable;
SwFrameFormats *mpSpzFrameFormatTable;
SwSectionFormats *mpSectionFormatTable;
- SwFrameFormats *mpTableFrameFormatTable; //< For tables
+ SwFrameFormats *mpTableFrameFormatTable; //< For tables
SwTextFormatColls *mpTextFormatCollTable; //< FormatCollections
SwGrfFormatColls *mpGrfFormatCollTable;
- SwTOXTypes *mpTOXTypes; //< Tables/indices
- SwDefTOXBase_Impl * mpDefTOXBases; //< defaults of SwTOXBase's
+ SwTOXTypes *mpTOXTypes; //< Tables/indices
+ SwDefTOXBase_Impl * mpDefTOXBases; //< defaults of SwTOXBase's
- SwDBManager *mpDBManager; /**< Pointer to the DBManager for
- evaluation of DB-fields. */
+ SwDBManager *mpDBManager; //< Pointer to the DBManager for evaluation of DB-fields.
SwNumRule *mpOutlineRule;
SwFootnoteInfo *mpFootnoteInfo;
@@ -303,27 +302,27 @@ class SW_DLLPUBLIC SwDoc :
SwFootnoteIdxs *mpFootnoteIdxs;
- SwDocShell *mpDocShell; //< Ptr to SfxDocShell of Doc.
- SfxObjectShellLock mxTmpDocShell; //< A temporary shell that is used to copy OLE-Nodes
+ SwDocShell *mpDocShell; //< Ptr to SfxDocShell of Doc.
+ SfxObjectShellLock mxTmpDocShell; //< A temporary shell that is used to copy OLE-Nodes
- SwAutoCorrExceptWord *mpACEWord; /**< For the automated takeover of
- auto-corrected words that are "re-corrected". */
- SwURLStateChanged *mpURLStateChgd; //< SfxClient for changes in INetHistory
- SvNumberFormatter *mpNumberFormatter;//< NumFormatter for tables / fields
+ SwAutoCorrExceptWord *mpACEWord; /**< For the automated takeover of
+ auto-corrected words that are "re-corrected". */
+ SwURLStateChanged *mpURLStateChgd; //< SfxClient for changes in INetHistory
+ SvNumberFormatter *mpNumberFormatter; //< NumFormatter for tables / fields
- mutable SwNumRuleTable *mpNumRuleTable; //< List of all named NumRules.
+ mutable SwNumRuleTable *mpNumRuleTable; //< List of all named NumRules.
// Hash map to find numrules by name
mutable std::unordered_map<OUString, SwNumRule *, OUStringHash> maNumRuleMap;
- SwPagePreviewPrtData *mpPgPViewPrtData; //< Indenting / spacing for printing of page view.
+ SwPagePreviewPrtData *mpPgPViewPrtData; //< Indenting / spacing for printing of page view.
SwPaM *mpExtInputRing;
- IStyleAccess *mpStyleAccess; //< handling of automatic styles
- SwLayoutCache *mpLayoutCache; /**< Layout cache to read and save with the
- document for a faster formatting */
+ IStyleAccess *mpStyleAccess; //< handling of automatic styles
+ SwLayoutCache *mpLayoutCache; /**< Layout cache to read and save with the
+ document for a faster formatting */
- IGrammarContact *mpGrammarContact; //< for grammar checking in paragraphs during editing
+ IGrammarContact *mpGrammarContact; //< for grammar checking in paragraphs during editing
// table of forbidden characters of this document
rtl::Reference<SvxForbiddenCharactersTable> mxForbiddenCharsTable;
@@ -354,16 +353,14 @@ private:
bool mbInXMLImport : 1; //< TRUE: During xml import, attribute portion building is not necessary.
bool mbUpdateTOX : 1; //< TRUE: After loading document, update TOX.
bool mbInLoadAsynchron : 1; //< TRUE: Document is in the process of being loaded asynchronously.
- bool mbIsAutoFormatRedline : 1; //< TRUE: Redlines are recorded by Autoformat.
- bool mbOLEPrtNotifyPending : 1; /**< TRUE: Printer has changed. At creation of
- View
+ bool mbIsAutoFormatRedline : 1; //< TRUE: Redlines are recorded by Autoformat.
+ bool mbOLEPrtNotifyPending : 1; /**< TRUE: Printer has changed. At creation of View
notification of OLE-Objects PrtOLENotify() is required. */
bool mbAllOLENotify : 1; //< True: Notification of all objects is required.
- bool mbInsOnlyTextGlssry : 1; //< True: insert 'only text' glossary into doc
+ bool mbInsOnlyTextGlssry : 1; //< True: insert 'only text' glossary into doc
bool mbContains_MSVBasic : 1; //< True: MS-VBasic exist is in our storage
bool mbClipBoard : 1; //< TRUE: this document represents the clipboard
- bool mbColumnSelection : 1; /**< TRUE: this content has bee created by a column selection
- (clipboard docs only) */
+ bool mbColumnSelection : 1; //< TRUE: this content has been created by a column selection (clipboard docs only)
bool mbIsPrepareSelAll : 1;
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
@@ -440,7 +437,7 @@ private:
enum DocumentType {
- DOCTYPE_MSWORD //This doc model comes from MS Word
+ DOCTYPE_MSWORD // This doc model comes from MS Word
DocumentType meDocType;
DocumentType GetDocumentType(){ return meDocType; }
@@ -584,7 +581,7 @@ public:
// OLE ???
bool IsOLEPrtNotifyPending() const { return mbOLEPrtNotifyPending; }
inline void SetOLEPrtNotifyPending( bool bSet = true );
- void PrtOLENotify( bool bAll ); //All or only marked
+ void PrtOLENotify( bool bAll ); // All or only marked
#ifdef DBG_UTIL
bool InXMLExport() const { return mbXMLExport; }
@@ -862,7 +859,6 @@ public:
void ReplaceCompatibilityOptions( const SwDoc& rSource );
/** Replace all user defined document properties with xSourceDocProps.
Convenince function used by ReplaceDocumentProperties to skip some UNO calls.
void ReplaceUserDefinedDocumentProperties( const css::uno::Reference< css::document::XDocumentProperties >& xSourceDocProps );
@@ -933,9 +929,8 @@ public:
void BroadcastStyleOperation(const OUString& rName, SfxStyleFamily eFamily,
SfxHintId nOp);
- /** The html import sometimes overwrites the
- page sizes set in the page descriptions. This function is used to
- correct this. */
+ /** The html import sometimes overwrites the page sizes set in
+ the page descriptions. This function is used to correct this. */
void CheckDefaultPageFormat();
// Methods for tables/indices