path: root/sw/inc
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authorAttila Bakos (NISZ) <>2021-11-03 15:39:32 +0100
committerLászló Németh <>2021-11-24 11:51:07 +0100
commiteabcfb3f18a6944d9ad89cecd3eb3ca7a2259cf3 (patch)
treed1c66ab6056a467e3fc07bdbf6f07e179cb9e678 /sw/inc
parentbecd76743fd7a3ae84404f26b1afb60b923cabb2 (diff)
tdf#129183 sw: textboxes in group shapes - part 3
Grouping/ungrouping nested groups works now. Manual test: 1. Insert Shape. 2. Right-click on selected shape, Add Text Box (and some text). 3. Insert a new shape. 4. Select and group the two shapes. 3. Insert a third shape. 4. Select and group the shape and the previously grouped shapes. The text box remains in the nested shape group. Details: 1) tdf#144271 memory leak of SwTextBoxHelper, by replacing the textbox structure vector with std::unordered map, and rethinking of the ownership of the objects. If a SwFrameFormat dies, and that is a FLYFRMFMT, it will be deleted from the textbox node and the FrameFormat table in the doc too, and the drawing will be stay as it was before. If the dying format is a drawing, all the textboxes, and the node will be deleted. 2) Introducing the new UNO property TextBoxContent, which is needed for writerfilter/xmloff later to set a new textbox for the shape via UNO. 3) Missing parameters are present now for syncing the textbox parameters. 4) Introducing a new function namely the handleGroupTextBox() to do the tasks simply with all textboxes in a group shape. This can handle nested groups as well (group in a group). Known issues: now copy of nested group objects is implemented but not enabled, because it causes an assert. Change-Id: I931886eda01c7a3db93098de10f5e5f48f2f217b Reviewed-on: Tested-by: László Németh <> Reviewed-by: László Németh <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/inc')
3 files changed, 51 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/sw/inc/textboxhelper.hxx b/sw/inc/textboxhelper.hxx
index 2e5b27cfccb0..10841ed8626c 100644
--- a/sw/inc/textboxhelper.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/textboxhelper.hxx
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <map>
+#include <unordered_map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
@@ -60,12 +61,16 @@ public:
/// the original text in the shape will be copied to the frame
/// The textbox is created for the shape given by the pObject parameter.
static void create(SwFrameFormat* pShape, SdrObject* pObject, bool bCopyText = false);
+ /// Sets the given textframe as textbox for the given (group member) shape.
+ static void set(SwFrameFormat* pShape, SdrObject* pObject,
+ css::uno::Reference<css::text::XTextFrame> xNew);
/// Destroy a TextBox for a shape. If the format has more textboxes
/// like group shapes, it will destroy only that textbox what belongs
/// to the given pObject shape.
static void destroy(const SwFrameFormat* pShape, const SdrObject* pObject);
/// Get interface of a shape's TextBox, if there is any.
- static css::uno::Any queryInterface(const SwFrameFormat* pShape, const css::uno::Type& rType);
+ static css::uno::Any queryInterface(const SwFrameFormat* pShape, const css::uno::Type& rType,
+ SdrObject* pObj = nullptr);
/// Sync property of TextBox with the one of the shape.
static void syncProperty(SwFrameFormat* pShape, sal_uInt16 nWID, sal_uInt8 nMemberID,
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ public:
/// Sets the surround to through for the textframe of the given shape,
/// not to interfere with the layout. Returns true on success.
- static bool setWrapThrough(SwFrameFormat* pShape);
+ static bool setWrapThrough(SwFrameFormat* pShape, SdrObject* pObj = nullptr);
/// Sets the anchor of the associated textframe of the given shape, and
/// returns true on success.
@@ -100,15 +105,20 @@ public:
/// returns true on success.
static bool doTextBoxPositioning(SwFrameFormat* pShape, SdrObject* pObj);
+ /// Sets the correct size of textframe depending on the given SdrObject.
+ static bool setTextBoxSize(const SwFrameFormat* pShape, SdrObject* pObj);
/// Returns true if the anchor different for the given shape, and the
/// associated textframe of the given shape.
/// Note: In case of AS_CHAR anchor the anchor type must be different,
/// because if not, layout breaks, but this situation also handled by
/// this function, and returns true in that case too.
- static std::optional<bool> isAnchorTypeDifferent(const SwFrameFormat* pShape);
+ static std::optional<bool> isAnchorTypeDifferent(const SwFrameFormat* pShape,
+ SdrObject* pObj = nullptr);
/// Returns true if the given shape has a valid textframe.
- static bool isTextBoxShapeHasValidTextFrame(const SwFrameFormat* pShape);
+ static bool isTextBoxShapeHasValidTextFrame(const SwFrameFormat* pShape,
+ SdrObject* pObj = nullptr);
// Returns true on success. Synchronize z-order of the text frame of the given textbox
// by setting it one level higher than the z-order of the shape of the textbox.
@@ -177,6 +187,26 @@ public:
/// Undo the effect of saveLinks() + individual resetLink() calls.
static void restoreLinks(std::set<ZSortFly>& rOld, std::vector<SwFrameFormat*>& rNew,
SavedLink& rSavedLinks);
+ /// The following actions are implemented for groupshapes with textboxes too.
+ /// The selected action will be done for all of the group member textboxes.
+ enum GroupTextBoxActionType
+ {
+ };
+ /// Does the selected action with ALL textboxes in the group.
+ /// Parameters:
+ /// - pGroupShapeFormat: The frame format of the group shape where the textboxes belongs to.
+ /// - pGroupObject: The drawing object for the group.
+ /// - eActionType: The action what the function is supposed to do.
+ /// WARN: This function will run recursive! ALL textboxes of the group will be handled by
+ /// the desired action!
+ static void handleTextBoxGroup(SwFrameFormat* pGroupShapeFormat,
+ GroupTextBoxActionType eActionType,
+ SdrObject* pGroupObject = nullptr);
/// Textboxes are basically textframe + shape pairs. This means one shape has one frame.
@@ -185,27 +215,15 @@ public:
/// it can have multiple textboxes.
class SwTextBoxNode
- // One TextBox-entry
- struct SwTextBoxElement
- {
- // The textframe format
- SwFrameFormat* m_pTextBoxFormat;
- // The Draw object where the textbox belongs to
- SdrObject* m_pDrawObject;
- // This is for indicating if the textbox is in special case: for example during undo.
- bool m_bIsActive;
- };
- // This vector stores the textboxes what belongs to this node
- std::vector<SwTextBoxElement> m_pTextBoxes;
+ // This map stores the textboxes what belongs to this node
+ std::unordered_map<const SdrObject*, SwFrameFormat*> m_pTextBoxTable;
// This is the pointer to the shape format, which has this node
// (and the textboxes)
SwFrameFormat* m_pOwnerShapeFormat;
// Not needed.
SwTextBoxNode() = delete;
// ctor
SwTextBoxNode(SwFrameFormat* pOwnerShapeFormat);
// dtor
@@ -224,24 +242,24 @@ public:
// Parameters:
// pDrawObject: The shape which have the textbox to be deleted.
void DelTextBox(const SdrObject* pDrawObject);
+ void DelTextBox(SwFrameFormat* pTextBox);
// This will return with the frame format of the textbox what belongs
// to the given shape (pDrawObject)
SwFrameFormat* GetTextBox(const SdrObject* pDrawObject) const;
- // Is this textbox has special state, undo for example?
- bool IsTextBoxActive(const SdrObject* pDrawObject) const;
- // Setters for the state flag.
- void SetTextBoxInactive(const SdrObject* pDrawObject);
- void SetTextBoxActive(const SdrObject* pDrawObject);
// If this is a group shape, that returns true.
- bool IsGroupTextBox() const;
+ bool IsGroupTextBoxShape() const;
// This returns with the shape what this class belongs to.
SwFrameFormat* GetOwnerShape() { return m_pOwnerShapeFormat; };
// This will give the current number of textboxes.
- size_t GetTextBoxCount() const { return m_pTextBoxes.size(); };
+ size_t GetTextBoxCount() const { return m_pTextBoxTable.size(); };
+ // Gives a const reference to the text box table, useful for undo and grouping.
+ const std::unordered_map<const SdrObject*, SwFrameFormat*>& GetTextBoxTable() const
+ {
+ return m_pTextBoxTable;
+ };
diff --git a/sw/inc/unomid.h b/sw/inc/unomid.h
index d249b32fc25a..5b6e8a0cb6cd 100644
--- a/sw/inc/unomid.h
+++ b/sw/inc/unomid.h
@@ -151,6 +151,10 @@
// SwFormatFollowTextFlow
+// TextBox
+#define MID_TEXTBOX 0
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sw/inc/unoprnms.hxx b/sw/inc/unoprnms.hxx
index 7ef5d0a58cd7..1e16bc413d01 100644
--- a/sw/inc/unoprnms.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/unoprnms.hxx
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
#define UNO_NAME_FOOTER_RIGHT_MARGIN "FooterRightMargin"
#define UNO_NAME_TEXT_RANGE "TextRange"
#define UNO_NAME_TEXT_BOX "TextBox"
+#define UNO_NAME_TEXT_BOX_CONTENT "TextBoxContent"
#define UNO_NAME_NAME "Name"
#define UNO_NAME_CHAR_STYLE_NAME "CharStyleName"
#define UNO_NAME_ANCHOR_CHAR_STYLE_NAME "AnchorCharStyleName"