path: root/sw/source/ui/misc/num.cxx
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:15:01 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2000-09-18 16:15:01 +0000
commit7b0b5cdfeed656b279bc32cd929630d5fc25878b (patch)
tree5b89fb8497d7329d26c43f109bb014c54ffb0e8c /sw/source/ui/misc/num.cxx
parentd791366863cf9659a01b171ce0e727bfe2f28cdf (diff)
initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'sw/source/ui/misc/num.cxx')
1 files changed, 1000 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sw/source/ui/misc/num.cxx b/sw/source/ui/misc/num.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c8c209a7130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sw/source/ui/misc/num.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1000 @@
+ *
+ * $RCSfile: num.cxx,v $
+ *
+ * $Revision: $
+ *
+ * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:45 $
+ *
+ * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
+ * either of the following licenses
+ *
+ * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
+ *
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
+ * =============================================
+ * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
+ * =================================================
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
+ * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+ * License at
+ *
+ * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
+ * obligations concerning the Software.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
+ *
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+#include "ui_pch.hxx"
+#pragma hdrstop
+#define _NUM_CXX
+#ifndef _UIPARAM_HXX
+#include <uiparam.hxx>
+#ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX
+#include <hintids.hxx>
+#ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/msgbox.hxx>
+#ifndef _URLOBJ_HXX //autogen
+#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXAPP_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
+#ifndef _SFXIMGMGR_HXX //autogen
+#include <sfx2/imgmgr.hxx>
+#ifndef _GALLERY_HXX_
+#include <svx/gallery.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/brshitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_LRSPITEM_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/lrspitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_IMPGRF_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/impgrf.hxx>
+#ifndef _SVX_CHARMAP_HXX //autogen
+#include <svx/charmap.hxx>
+#ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX //autogen
+#include <vcl/menu.hxx>
+#include <svx/dialogs.hrc>
+#ifndef _SVX_NUMITEM_HXX //autogen wg. SvxNumBulletItem
+#include <svx/numitem.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWVSET_HXX //autogen
+#include <swvset.hxx>
+#ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX
+#include <swmodule.hxx>
+#ifndef _WRTSH_HXX
+#include <wrtsh.hxx>
+#ifndef _DOCSH_HXX
+#include <docsh.hxx>
+#ifndef _WVIEW_HXX
+#include <wview.hxx>
+#ifndef _UITOOL_HXX
+#include <uitool.hxx>
+#ifndef _WDOCSH_HXX
+#include <wdocsh.hxx>
+#ifndef _UIITEMS_HXX
+#include <uiitems.hxx>
+#ifndef _DOCSTYLE_HXX
+#include <docstyle.hxx>
+#ifndef _CHARFMT_HXX
+#include <charfmt.hxx>
+#ifndef _UINUMS_HXX
+#include <uinums.hxx>
+#ifndef _POOLFMT_HXX
+#include <poolfmt.hxx>
+#ifndef _SHELLRES_HXX
+#include <shellres.hxx>
+#ifndef _OUTLINE_HXX
+#include <outline.hxx>
+#ifndef _NUM_HXX
+#include <num.hxx>
+#ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX
+#include <viewopt.hxx>
+#ifndef _FRMMGR_HXX
+#include <frmmgr.hxx>
+#ifndef _MISC_HRC
+#include <misc.hrc>
+#ifndef _FRMUI_HRC
+#include <frmui.hrc>
+#ifndef _NUM_HRC
+#include <num.hrc>
+#ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC
+#include <globals.hrc>
+#ifndef _HELPID_H
+#include <helpid.h>
+static BOOL bLastRelative = FALSE;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+SwNumPositionTabPage::SwNumPositionTabPage(Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rSet) :
+ SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_NUM_POSITION ), rSet ),
+ aLevelGB( this, ResId(GB_LEVEL )),
+ aLevelLB( this, ResId(LB_LEVEL )),
+ aPositionGB( this, ResId(GB_POSITION )),
+ aAlignFT( this, ResId(FT_ALIGN )),
+ aAlignLB( this, ResId(LB_ALIGN )),
+ aDistBorderFT( this, ResId(FT_BORDERDIST )),
+ aDistBorderMF( this, ResId(MF_BORDERDIST )),
+ aDistNumFT( this, ResId(FT_NUMDIST )),
+ aDistNumMF( this, ResId(MF_NUMDIST )),
+ aRelativeCB( this, ResId(CB_RELATIVE )),
+ aIndentFT( this, ResId(FT_INDENT )),
+ aIndentMF( this, ResId(MF_INDENT )),
+ aStandardPB( this, ResId(PB_STANDARD )),
+ aPreviewGB( this, ResId(GB_PREVIEW )),
+ aPreviewWIN( this, ResId(WIN_PREVIEW )),
+ bInInintControl(FALSE),
+ pActNum(0),
+ pOutlineDlg(0),
+ pSaveNum(0)
+ FreeResource();
+ SetExchangeSupport();
+ aPreviewWIN.SetBackground(Wallpaper(Color(COL_TRANSPARENT)));
+ aRelativeCB.Check();
+ aAlignLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwNumPositionTabPage, EditModifyHdl));
+ Link aLk = LINK(this, SwNumPositionTabPage, DistanceHdl);
+ aDistBorderMF.SetUpHdl(aLk);
+ aDistNumMF.SetUpHdl(aLk);
+ aIndentMF.SetUpHdl(aLk);
+ aDistBorderMF.SetDownHdl(aLk);
+ aDistNumMF.SetDownHdl(aLk);
+ aIndentMF.SetDownHdl(aLk);
+ aDistBorderMF.SetLoseFocusHdl(aLk);
+ aDistNumMF.SetLoseFocusHdl(aLk);
+ aIndentMF.SetLoseFocusHdl(aLk);
+ aLevelLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwNumPositionTabPage, LevelHdl));
+ aRelativeCB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwNumPositionTabPage, RelativeHdl));
+ aStandardPB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwNumPositionTabPage, StandardHdl));
+ // Ebenen einfuegen
+ for(USHORT i = 1; i <= MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ aLevelLB.InsertEntry(String::CreateFromInt32(i));
+ String sEntry(String::CreateFromAscii("1 - "));
+ sEntry += String::CreateFromInt32(MAXLEVEL);
+ aLevelLB.InsertEntry(sEntry);
+ aLevelLB.SelectEntry(sEntry);
+ aRelativeCB.Check(bLastRelative);
+ aPreviewWIN.SetPositionMode();
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+ delete pActNum;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:06-------------------
+void SwNumPositionTabPage::InitControls()
+ bInInintControl = TRUE;
+ BOOL bRelative = aRelativeCB.IsChecked() && aRelativeCB.IsEnabled();
+// SetMinDist();
+ BOOL bSingleSelection = aLevelLB.GetSelectEntryCount() == 1 && USHRT_MAX != nActNumLvl;
+ aDistBorderMF.Enable(bSingleSelection || bRelative || 0 != pOutlineDlg);
+ SwTwips nWidth = pWrtSh->GetAnyCurRect(RECT_FRM).Width();
+ aDistBorderMF.SetMax(aDistBorderMF.Normalize( nWidth ), FUNIT_TWIP );
+ aDistNumMF .SetMax(aDistNumMF .Normalize( nWidth ), FUNIT_TWIP );
+ aIndentMF .SetMax(aIndentMF .Normalize( nWidth ), FUNIT_TWIP );
+ SwTwips nLast2 = nWidth /2;
+ aDistBorderMF.SetLast( aDistBorderMF.Normalize( nLast2 ), FUNIT_TWIP );
+ aDistNumMF .SetLast( aDistNumMF .Normalize( nLast2 ), FUNIT_TWIP );
+ aIndentMF .SetLast( aIndentMF .Normalize( nLast2 ), FUNIT_TWIP );
+ BOOL bSetDistEmpty = FALSE;
+// BOOL bSameDistBorder= TRUE;
+ BOOL bSameDistBorderNum = TRUE;
+ BOOL bSameDist = TRUE;
+ BOOL bSameIndent = TRUE;
+ BOOL bSameAdjust = TRUE;
+ const SwNumFmt* aNumFmtArr[MAXLEVEL];
+ const SwFmtVertOrient* pFirstOrient = 0;
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+// SwTwips nFirstLSpace = 0;
+ long nFirstBorderText = 0;
+ long nFirstBorderTextRelative = -1;
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ aNumFmtArr[i] = &pActNum->Get(i);
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ if(USHRT_MAX == nLvl)
+ {
+ nLvl = i;
+ pFirstOrient = aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetGrfOrient();
+// nFirstLSpace = nLvl > 0 ?
+// aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace() - aNumFmtArr[nLvl - 1]->GetAbsLSpace():
+// aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace();
+ nFirstBorderText = nLvl > 0 ?
+ aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetFirstLineOffset() -
+ aNumFmtArr[nLvl - 1]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[nLvl - 1]->GetFirstLineOffset():
+ aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetFirstLineOffset();
+ }
+ if( i > nLvl)
+ {
+ if(bRelative)
+ {
+ if(nFirstBorderTextRelative == -1)
+ nFirstBorderTextRelative =
+ (aNumFmtArr[i]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[i]->GetFirstLineOffset() -
+ aNumFmtArr[i - 1]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[i - 1]->GetFirstLineOffset());
+ else
+ bSameDistBorderNum &= nFirstBorderTextRelative ==
+ (aNumFmtArr[i]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[i]->GetFirstLineOffset() -
+ aNumFmtArr[i - 1]->GetAbsLSpace() + aNumFmtArr[i - 1]->GetFirstLineOffset());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bSameDistBorderNum &=
+ aNumFmtArr[i]->GetAbsLSpace() - aNumFmtArr[i]->GetFirstLineOffset() ==
+ aNumFmtArr[i - 1]->GetAbsLSpace() - aNumFmtArr[i - 1]->GetFirstLineOffset();
+// bSameDistBorder &= aNumFmtArr[i]->GetAbsLSpace() == aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace();
+ }
+ bSameDist &= aNumFmtArr[i]->GetCharTextOffset() == aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetCharTextOffset();
+ bSameIndent &= aNumFmtArr[i]->GetFirstLineOffset() == aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetFirstLineOffset();
+ bSameAdjust &= aNumFmtArr[i]->GetAdjust() == aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAdjust();
+ }
+ }
+// else
+// aNumFmtArr[i] = 0;
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ if(bSameDistBorderNum)
+// if(bSameDistBorder)
+ {
+ long nDistBorderNum;
+ if(bRelative)
+ {
+ nDistBorderNum = (long)aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace()+ aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetFirstLineOffset();
+ if(nLvl)
+ nDistBorderNum -= (long)aNumFmtArr[nLvl - 1]->GetAbsLSpace()+ aNumFmtArr[nLvl - 1]->GetFirstLineOffset();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nDistBorderNum = (long)aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace()+ aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetFirstLineOffset();
+ }
+ aDistBorderMF.SetValue(aDistBorderMF.Normalize(nDistBorderNum),FUNIT_TWIP);
+// aDistBorderMF.SetValue(aDistBorderMF.Normalize(
+// bRelative ? (long)nFirstLSpace : (long)aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAbsLSpace()),
+ }
+ else
+ bSetDistEmpty = TRUE;
+ if(bSameDist)
+ aDistNumMF .SetValue(aDistNumMF.Normalize(aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetCharTextOffset()), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ else
+ aDistNumMF.SetText(aEmptyStr);
+ if(bSameIndent)
+ aIndentMF.SetValue(aIndentMF.Normalize(-aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetFirstLineOffset()), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ else
+ aIndentMF.SetText(aEmptyStr);
+ if(bSameAdjust)
+ {
+ USHORT nPos = 1; // zentriert
+ if(aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAdjust() == SVX_ADJUST_LEFT)
+ nPos = 0;
+ else if(aNumFmtArr[nLvl]->GetAdjust() == SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT)
+ nPos = 2;
+ aAlignLB.SelectEntryPos(nPos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aAlignLB.SetNoSelection();
+ }
+ if(TRUE == bSetDistEmpty)
+ aDistBorderMF.SetText(aEmptyStr);
+ bInInintControl = FALSE;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 12:21-------------------
+/*void SwNumPositionTabPage::SetMinDist()
+ // JP 03.04.97: Bug 32903 - MinWert fuer DistBorderMF setzen
+ // ggfs. den akt. NumLevel anpassen
+ USHORT nStart = 0;
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ SwTwips nMinVal = 0;
+ BOOL bInit = FALSE;
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ if(USHRT_MAX == nTmpLvl)
+ {
+ nTmpLvl = i;
+ const SwNumFmt& rNumFmt = pActNum->Get( nTmpLvl );
+ nMinVal = - rNumFmt.GetFirstLineOffset();
+ if( nTmpLvl )
+ nMinVal -= pActNum->Get( nTmpLvl - 1 ).GetAbsLSpace();
+ }
+ const SwNumFmt& rAktNumFmt = pActNum->Get( nStart );
+ if( rAktNumFmt.GetAbsLSpace() < nMinVal )
+ {
+ bInit = TRUE;
+ SwNumFmt aNumFmt( rAktNumFmt );
+ aNumFmt.SetAbsLSpace( nMinVal );
+ pActNum->Set( nStart, aNumFmt );
+ }
+ }
+ nMask <<=1;
+ }
+ if(!aRelativeCB.IsChecked() && aRelativeCB.IsEnabled())
+ nMinVal = 0;
+ nMinVal = aDistBorderMF.Normalize( nMinVal );
+ aDistBorderMF.SetMin( nMinVal, FUNIT_TWIP );
+ aDistBorderMF.SetFirst( nMinVal, FUNIT_TWIP );
+ if(bInit)
+ InitControls();
+ */
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+void SwNumPositionTabPage::ActivatePage(const SfxItemSet& rSet)
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ UINT16 nTmpNumLvl =
+ pOutlineDlg ? pOutlineDlg->GetActNumLevel() : 0;
+// ((SwNumBulletTabDialog*)GetTabDialog())->GetActNumLevel();
+ const SfxItemSet* pExampleSet = GetTabDialog()->GetExampleSet();
+ if(pExampleSet && pExampleSet->GetItemState(FN_PARAM_NUM_PRESET, FALSE, &pItem))
+ {
+ bPreset = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue();
+ }
+ //
+ bModified = (!pActNum->GetNumFmt( 0 ) || bPreset);
+ if(*pActNum != *pSaveNum ||
+ nActNumLvl != nTmpNumLvl )
+ {
+ *pActNum = *pSaveNum;
+ nActNumLvl = nTmpNumLvl;
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ aLevelLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aLevelLB.SetNoSelection();
+ aLevelLB.SelectEntryPos( MAXLEVEL, nActNumLvl == USHRT_MAX);
+ if(nActNumLvl != USHRT_MAX)
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ aLevelLB.SelectEntryPos( i, TRUE);
+ nMask <<= 1 ;
+ }
+ aLevelLB.SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ InitControls();
+ }
+ aRelativeCB.Enable(1 != nActNumLvl);
+ aPreviewWIN.Invalidate();
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+int SwNumPositionTabPage::DeactivatePage(SfxItemSet *pSet)
+ if(pOutlineDlg)
+ pOutlineDlg->SetActNumLevel(nActNumLvl);
+// else
+// ((SwNumBulletTabDialog*)GetTabDialog())->SetActNumLevel(nActNumLvl);
+ if(pSet)
+ FillItemSet(*pSet);
+ return TRUE;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+BOOL SwNumPositionTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ if(pOutlineDlg)
+ *pOutlineDlg->GetNumRule() = *pActNum;
+ else if(bModified && pActNum)
+ {
+ *pSaveNum = *pActNum;
+ rSet.Put(SwUINumRuleItem( *pSaveNum ));
+ rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_NUM_PRESET, FALSE));
+ }
+ return bModified;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+void SwNumPositionTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet )
+ const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
+ if(pOutlineDlg)
+ {
+ pSaveNum = pOutlineDlg->GetNumRule();
+ aLevelLB.EnableMultiSelection(FALSE);
+ }
+ else if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_ACT_NUMBER, FALSE, &pItem))
+ pSaveNum = ((SwUINumRuleItem*)pItem)->GetNumRule();
+ nActNumLvl =
+ pOutlineDlg ? pOutlineDlg->GetActNumLevel() : 0;
+// ((SwNumBulletTabDialog*)GetTabDialog())->GetActNumLevel();
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ aLevelLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ aLevelLB.SetNoSelection();
+ if(nActNumLvl == USHRT_MAX)
+ {
+ aLevelLB.SelectEntryPos( MAXLEVEL, TRUE);
+ }
+ else
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ aLevelLB.SelectEntryPos( i, TRUE);
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ aLevelLB.SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_CHILD_LEVELS, FALSE, &pItem))
+ bHasChild = ((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue();
+ if(!pActNum)
+ pActNum = new SwNumRule(*pSaveNum);
+ else if(*pSaveNum != *pActNum)
+ *pActNum = *pSaveNum;
+ aPreviewWIN.SetNumRule(pActNum);
+ InitControls();
+ bModified = FALSE;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 10:02-------------------
+SfxTabPage* SwNumPositionTabPage::Create( Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet)
+ return new SwNumPositionTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet);
+/*-----------------04.12.97 12:51-------------------
+void SwNumPositionTabPage::SetWrtShell(SwWrtShell* pSh)
+ pWrtSh = pSh;
+ const SwRect& rPrtRect = pWrtSh->GetAnyCurRect(RECT_PAGE);
+ aPreviewWIN.SetPageWidth(rPrtRect.Width());
+ FieldUnit eMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(0 != PTR_CAST(SwWebView, &pWrtSh->GetView()));
+ if(eMetric == FUNIT_MM)
+ {
+ aDistBorderMF .SetDecimalDigits(1);
+ aDistNumMF .SetDecimalDigits(1);
+ aIndentMF .SetDecimalDigits(1);
+ }
+ aDistBorderMF .SetUnit( eMetric );
+ aDistNumMF .SetUnit( eMetric );
+ aIndentMF .SetUnit( eMetric );
+/*-----------------03.12.97 11:06-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwNumPositionTabPage, EditModifyHdl, Edit *, pEdit )
+ USHORT nStart = 0;
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ SwNumFmt aNumFmt(pActNum->Get(i));
+ USHORT nPos = aAlignLB.GetSelectEntryPos();
+ SvxAdjust eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_CENTER;
+ if(nPos == 0)
+ eAdjust = SVX_ADJUST_LEFT;
+ else if(nPos == 2)
+ aNumFmt.SetAdjust( eAdjust );
+ pActNum->Set(i, aNumFmt);
+ }
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ SetModified();
+ return 0;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 11:11-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwNumPositionTabPage, LevelHdl, ListBox *, pBox )
+ USHORT nSaveNumLvl = nActNumLvl;
+ nActNumLvl = 0;
+ if(pBox->IsEntryPosSelected( MAXLEVEL ) &&
+ (pBox->GetSelectEntryCount() == 1 || nSaveNumLvl != 0xffff))
+ {
+ nActNumLvl = 0xFFFF;
+ pBox->SetUpdateMode(FALSE);
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++ )
+ pBox->SelectEntryPos( i, FALSE );
+ pBox->SetUpdateMode(TRUE);
+ }
+ else if(pBox->GetSelectEntryCount())
+ {
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++ )
+ {
+ if(pBox->IsEntryPosSelected( i ))
+ nActNumLvl |= nMask;
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ pBox->SelectEntryPos( MAXLEVEL, FALSE );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nActNumLvl = nSaveNumLvl;
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ for( USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++ )
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ pBox->SelectEntryPos(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ nMask <<=1;
+ }
+ }
+ aRelativeCB.Enable(1 != nActNumLvl);
+ SetModified();
+ InitControls();
+ return 0;
+/*-----------------03.12.97 12:24-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwNumPositionTabPage, DistanceHdl, MetricField *, pFld )
+ if(bInInintControl)
+ return 0;
+ long nValue = pFld->Denormalize(pFld->GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP));
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ SwNumFmt aNumFmt( pActNum->Get( i ) );
+ if(pFld == &aDistBorderMF)
+ {
+ if(aRelativeCB.IsChecked() && aRelativeCB.IsEnabled())
+ {
+ if(0 == i)
+ {
+ long nTmp = aNumFmt.GetFirstLineOffset();
+ aNumFmt.SetAbsLSpace( USHORT(nValue - nTmp));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long nTmp = pActNum->Get( i - 1 ).GetAbsLSpace() +
+ pActNum->Get( i - 1 ).GetFirstLineOffset() -
+ pActNum->Get( i ).GetFirstLineOffset();
+ aNumFmt.SetAbsLSpace( USHORT(nValue + nTmp));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aNumFmt.SetAbsLSpace( (short)nValue - aNumFmt.GetFirstLineOffset());
+ }
+ }
+ else if(pFld == &aDistNumMF)
+ {
+ aNumFmt.SetCharTextOffset( (short)nValue );
+ }
+ else if(pFld == &aIndentMF)
+ {
+ //jetzt muss mit dem FirstLineOffset auch der AbsLSpace veraendert werden
+ long nDiff = nValue + aNumFmt.GetFirstLineOffset();
+ long nAbsLSpace = aNumFmt.GetAbsLSpace();
+ aNumFmt.SetAbsLSpace(USHORT(nAbsLSpace + nDiff));
+ aNumFmt.SetFirstLineOffset( -(short)nValue );
+ }
+ pActNum->Set( i, aNumFmt );
+ }
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ SetModified();
+// SetMinDist();
+ if(!aDistBorderMF.IsEnabled())
+ aDistBorderMF.SetText(aEmptyStr);
+ return 0;
+/*-----------------04.12.97 12:35-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwNumPositionTabPage, RelativeHdl, CheckBox *, pBox )
+ BOOL bOn = pBox->IsChecked();
+// SetMinDist();
+ BOOL bSingleSelection = aLevelLB.GetSelectEntryCount() == 1 && USHRT_MAX != nActNumLvl;
+ BOOL bSetValue = FALSE;
+ long nValue = 0;
+ if(bOn || bSingleSelection)
+ {
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
+ bSetValue = TRUE;
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ const SwNumFmt &rNumFmt = pActNum->Get(i);
+ if(bFirst)
+ {
+ nValue = rNumFmt.GetAbsLSpace();
+ if(bOn && i)
+ nValue -= pActNum->Get(i - 1).GetAbsLSpace();
+ }
+ else
+ bSetValue = nValue == rNumFmt.GetAbsLSpace() - pActNum->Get(i - 1).GetAbsLSpace();
+ bFirst = FALSE;
+ }
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bSetValue)
+ aDistBorderMF.SetValue(aDistBorderMF.Normalize(nValue), FUNIT_TWIP);
+ else
+ aDistBorderMF.SetText(aEmptyStr);
+ aDistBorderMF.Enable(bOn || bSingleSelection||0 != pOutlineDlg);
+ bLastRelative = bOn;
+ return 0;
+/*-----------------05.12.97 15:33-------------------
+IMPL_LINK( SwNumPositionTabPage, StandardHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG )
+ USHORT nMask = 1;
+ for(USHORT i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++)
+ {
+ if(nActNumLvl & nMask)
+ {
+ SwNumFmt aNumFmt( pActNum->Get( i ) );
+ SwNumRule aTmpNumRule(pWrtSh->GetUniqueNumRuleName(),
+ );
+ SwNumFmt aTempFmt(aTmpNumRule.Get( i ));
+ aNumFmt.SetAbsLSpace( aTempFmt.GetAbsLSpace());
+ aNumFmt.SetCharTextOffset( aTempFmt.GetCharTextOffset() );
+ aNumFmt.SetFirstLineOffset( aTempFmt.GetFirstLineOffset() );
+ pActNum->Set( i, aNumFmt );
+ }
+ nMask <<= 1;
+ }
+ InitControls();
+ SetModified();
+ return 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void SwNumPositionTabPage::SetModified(BOOL bRepaint)
+ bModified = TRUE;
+ if(bRepaint)
+ {
+ aPreviewWIN.SetLevel(nActNumLvl);
+ aPreviewWIN.Invalidate();
+ }
+/* */
+/* */
+SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog::SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog(Window* pParent,
+ const SfxItemSet* pSwItemSet, SwWrtShell & rSh) :
+ SfxTabDialog(pParent, SW_RES(DLG_SVXTEST_NUM_BULLET), pSwItemSet, FALSE, &aEmptyStr),
+ rWrtSh(rSh),
+ nRetOptionsDialog(USHRT_MAX),
+ sRemoveText(ResId(ST_RESET))
+ FreeResource();
+ GetUserButton()->SetText(sRemoveText);
+ GetUserButton()->SetHelpId(HID_NUM_RESET);
+ GetUserButton()->SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog, RemoveNumberingHdl));
+ if(!rWrtSh.GetCurNumRule())
+ GetUserButton()->Enable(FALSE);
+ AddTabPage(RID_SVXPAGE_PICK_SINGLE_NUM, &SvxSingleNumPickTabPage::Create, 0);
+ AddTabPage(RID_SVXPAGE_PICK_BULLET, &SvxBulletPickTabPage::Create, 0);
+ AddTabPage(RID_SVXPAGE_PICK_NUM, &SvxNumPickTabPage::Create, 0);
+ AddTabPage(RID_SVXPAGE_PICK_BMP, &SvxBitmapPickTabPage::Create, 0);
+ AddTabPage(RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS, &SvxNumOptionsTabPage::Create, 0);
+ AddTabPage(RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_POSITION,&SvxNumPositionTabPage::Create, 0);
+/*-----------------07.02.97 12.08-------------------
+/*-----------------07.02.97 14.48-------------------
+void SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog::PageCreated(USHORT nPageId, SfxTabPage& rPage)
+ //Namen der Vorlagen und Metric setzen
+ String sNumCharFmt; GetDocPoolNm( RES_POOLCHR_NUM_LEVEL, sNumCharFmt );
+ String sBulletCharFmt; GetDocPoolNm( RES_POOLCHR_BUL_LEVEL, sBulletCharFmt );
+ switch ( nPageId )
+ {
+ ((SvxNumPickTabPage&)rPage).SetCharFmtNames(sNumCharFmt, sBulletCharFmt);
+ break;
+ ((SvxBulletPickTabPage&)rPage).SetCharFmtName(sBulletCharFmt);
+ break;
+ {
+ ((SvxNumOptionsTabPage&)rPage).SetCharFmts(sNumCharFmt, sBulletCharFmt);
+ ListBox& rCharFmtLB = ((SvxNumOptionsTabPage&)rPage).GetCharFmtListBox();
+ // Zeichenvorlagen sammeln
+ rCharFmtLB.Clear();
+ rCharFmtLB.InsertEntry( ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aStrNone );
+ SwDocShell* pDocShell = rWrtSh.GetView().GetDocShell();
+ ::FillCharStyleListBox(rCharFmtLB, pDocShell);
+ FieldUnit eMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(0 != PTR_CAST(SwWebDocShell, pDocShell));
+ ((SvxNumOptionsTabPage&)rPage).SetMetric(eMetric);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ SwDocShell* pDocShell = rWrtSh.GetView().GetDocShell();
+ FieldUnit eMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(0 != PTR_CAST(SwWebDocShell, pDocShell));
+ ((SvxNumPositionTabPage&)rPage).SetMetric(eMetric);
+// ((SvxNumPositionTabPage&)rPage).SetWrtShell(&rWrtSh);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+/*-----------------17.02.97 16.52-------------------
+short SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog::Ok()
+ short nRet = SfxTabDialog::Ok();
+ pExampleSet->ClearItem(SID_PARAM_NUM_PRESET);
+ return nRet;
+/* -----------------02.12.98 08:35-------------------
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------*/
+IMPL_LINK(SwSvxNumBulletTabDialog, RemoveNumberingHdl, PushButton*, EMPTYARG)
+ EndDialog(RET_USER);
+ return 0;
+ Source Code Control System - Update
+ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
+ Revision 1.198 2000/09/18 16:05:58 willem.vandorp
+ OpenOffice header added.
+ Revision 1.197 2000/07/27 21:16:39 jp
+ opt: get template names direct from the doc and don't load it from the resource
+ Revision 1.196 2000/06/30 15:08:15 os
+ #76568# CreateFromInt32
+ Revision 1.195 2000/05/23 19:22:35 jp
+ Bugfixes for Unicode
+ Revision 1.194 2000/04/18 15:08:17 os
+ Revision 1.193 2000/03/03 15:17:02 os
+ StarView remainders removed
+ Revision 1.192 2000/02/11 14:56:31 hr
+ #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool )
+ Revision 1.191 1999/08/19 14:26:00 OS
+ #67374# embedded graphics in numberings
+ Rev 1.190 19 Aug 1999 16:26:00 OS
+ #67374# embedded graphics in numberings
+ Rev 1.189 23 Apr 1999 16:09:20 OS
+ #64476# Differenz zu numpages.cxx
+ Rev 1.188 14 Apr 1999 08:57:14 OS
+ #64476# noch ein Problem behoben
+ Rev 1.187 13 Apr 1999 16:04:20 OS
+ #64473# CheckBox an der richtigen Stelle enablen/disablen
+ Rev 1.186 08 Apr 1999 13:30:58 OS
+ #64476# SetMinDist wird nicht mehr gebraucht
+ Rev 1.185 19 Mar 1999 07:38:10 OS
+ #62656# Abstand Num->Text jetzt richtig
+ Rev 1.184 18 Mar 1999 09:25:40 OS
+ #63049# gemogelte Anzeige der Numerierungseinzuege
+ Rev 1.183 02 Dec 1998 09:20:56 OS
+ #58263# Entfernen-Button fuer Numerierungen
+ Rev 1.182 17 Nov 1998 10:57:20 OS
+ #58263# Numerierungs-Tabseiten aus dem Svx
+ Rev 1.181 03 Nov 1998 07:25:04 OS
+ #58263# Numerierungsdialog in den Svx
+ Rev 1.180 12 Oct 1998 13:17:26 OS
+ #57760# Fontgroesse fuer das Beispiel eleganter ermitteln
+ Rev 1.179 22 Sep 1998 10:04:02 OS
+ #56894# vollstaendig fuer fortlaufende Num. veraendern
+ Rev 1.178 08 Sep 1998 17:01:42 OS
+ #56134# Metric fuer Text und HTML getrennt
+ Rev 1.177 06 Aug 1998 21:41:14 JP
+ Bug #54796#: neue NumerierungsTypen (WW97 kompatibel)
+ Rev 1.176 18 Jul 1998 14:50:46 OS
+ richtige Ebenenanzahl fuer vollst. Numerierung #53233#
+ Rev 1.175 09 Jul 1998 14:03:12 OS
+ Kapitelnumerierung jetzt TabDialog
+ Rev 1.174 07 Jul 1998 11:31:08 OS
+ InitControls: erst Min/Max setzen, dann Inhalte setzn
+ Rev 1.173 07 Jul 1998 09:16:40 OS
+ DisableItem ist nicht zulaessig #52134#
+ Rev 1.172 04 Jul 1998 15:44:10 OS
+ Grafikhoehe und Ausrichtung richtig anzeigen #52140#
+ Rev 1.171 25 Jun 1998 11:26:48 OS
+ RelLSpace ausbgebaut #51379#
+ Rev 1.170 24 Jun 1998 09:00:44 OS
+ MS-Optimierungs-GPF #51425#
+ --------------------------------------------------------------------*/