path: root/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
diff options
authorJoerg Sievers <>2008-06-16 11:19:07 +0000
committerJoerg Sievers <>2008-06-16 11:19:07 +0000
commit5c94a8213a881a66aa00c059aa29caf8de0808bc (patch)
tree9dabf5fcc79a54c3875c0b4826270ab59d54ecb6 /testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
parent3d9ef5bb71315c27f78e41b3ef7eb2c4507ac978 (diff)
Creating clean testautomation modul with changed structure which will be included into the CWS process.
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/framework/tools/includes/')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/ b/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..29f16758f189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/framework/tools/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.1 $
+'* last change: $Author: jsi $ $Date: 2008-06-16 12:19:06 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : tools for options tests
+sub GetPathList ( ls1 () as String, ls2 () as String, ls3 () as String )
+ Dim lsInterim ( 50 ) as String
+ Dim i as Integer
+ Dim sList as String
+ Dim bNewCreate as Boolean
+ '///routine to get the correct comparison list for path-options
+ '///+ if the list does not exist => CreatePathList
+ '///+ you can find the lists for all languages in separate files
+ '///+[TesttoolPath]\framework\options\input\paths_[LanguageCode].txt
+ ls1 (0) = 0 : ls2 (0) = 0 : ls3 (0) = 0
+ sList = gTesttoolPath + "framework\optional\input\options\paths_" + iSprache + ".txt"
+ sList = convertpath( sList )
+ if App.Dir ( sList ) = "" then
+ bNewCreate = TRUE
+ CreatePathList
+ else
+ bNewCreate = FALSE
+ end if
+ if bAsianLan = TRUE then
+ select case iSystemSprache
+ case 01, 33, 34, 39, 46, 49
+ ListRead ( lsInterim (), sList, "utf8" )
+ case else
+ if bNewCreate = FALSE then
+ CreatePathList
+ endif
+ ListRead ( lsInterim (), sList, "utf8" )
+ end select
+ else
+ ListRead ( lsInterim (), sList , "utf8" )
+ end if
+ for i = 1 to ListCount ( lsInterim () )
+ ListAppend ( ls1 (), Left ( lsInterim (i), Instr ( lsInterim (i), ";" ) - 1 ) )
+ ListAppend ( ls2 (), Mid ( lsInterim (i), Len ( lsInterim (i) ) - 2, 1 ) )
+ ListAppend ( ls3 (), Right ( lsInterim (i), 1 ) )
+ next i
+end sub
+sub CreatePathList
+ Dim i as Integer, iNum as Integer
+ Dim sType as String, sVario as String, sList as String
+ Dim lsInterim ( 50 ) as String
+ '///create the comparison list for path-options
+ '///+[TesttoolPath]\framework\options\input\paths_[LanguageCode].txt
+ sList = ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "framework\optional\input\options\paths_" + iSprache + ".txt" )
+ call hNewDocument()
+ ToolsOptions
+ hToolsOptions ( "StarOffice", "Paths" )
+ for i=1 to Typ.GetItemCount
+ Kontext "TabPfade"
+ if i=1 then
+ Typ.TypeKeys "<Down>"
+ Typ.TypeKeys "<Home>"
+ else
+ Typ.TypeKeys "<Down>"
+ end if
+ sType = Typ.GetSelText
+ if Bearbeiten.IsEnabled then
+ Bearbeiten.Click
+ Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
+ if OeffnenDlg.Exists then
+ sVario = 1
+ iNum = 1
+ OeffnenDlg.Cancel
+ end if
+ Kontext "PfadeAuswaehlen"
+ if PfadeAuswaehlen.Exists then
+ sVario = 2
+ iNum = Pfade.GetItemCount
+ PfadeAuswaehlen.Cancel
+ end if
+ else
+ sVario = 0
+ iNum = 0
+ end if
+ ListAppend ( lsInterim(), sType + ";" + sVario + ";" + iNum )
+ next i
+ if bAsianLan = FALSE then
+ Warnlog "The file for comparison does not exists. The file will be written!"
+ Warnlog "Please check : " + sList
+ ListWrite ( lsInterim(), sList )
+ else
+ Warnlog "The file for comparison does not exists. The file will be written!"
+ Warnlog "Please check : " + sList
+ ListWrite ( lsInterim(), sList, "utf8" )
+ end if
+end sub
+function URLGraphicCheck ( bRelativ as Boolean, sFile as String )
+ Dim sGraphicPath, sTestString, sDummy as String
+ Dim lsFile ( 200 ) as String
+ Dim i as Integer
+ '///check if the pathname of a linked file is relative or not ( only for func_LoadSaveGeneral_2 )
+ sGraphicPath = ( "/share/gallery/photos/desert1.jpg" )
+ ListRead ( lsFile(), sFile )
+ for i=1 to ListCount ( lsFile() )
+ if Instr( lsFile(i), "IMG SRC" ) <> 0 then
+ sTestString = lsFile(i)
+ i=1000
+ end if
+ next i
+ if bRelativ = TRUE then
+ if Instr( sTestString, "../.." ) = 0 then
+ Warnlog "Bug => The path is not relativ!"
+ endif
+ if Instr( sTestString, "file:///" ) <> 0 then
+ Warnlog "Bug => The relativ path contains 'file:///'"
+ endif
+ else
+ if Instr( sTestString, "file:///" ) = 0 then
+ Warnlog "Bug => The path is relativ!"
+ endif
+ if Instr( sTestString, "../.." ) <> 0 then
+ Warnlog "Bug => The nonrelativ path ( file:/// ) is not correct. It contains '../..'!"
+ endif
+ end if
+ if Instr( sTestString, sGraphicPath ) = 0 then
+ Warnlog "Wrong path to file, the graphic-part in filename is not correct!"
+ endif
+end function
+sub DialogTestForViewOptions
+ FormatParagraph
+ '///Dialog test for view options
+ Kontext
+ active.SetPage TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende
+ Active.SetPage TabAusrichtungAbsatz
+ active.SetPage TabTextfluss
+ try
+ active.SetPage TabAsianTypography
+ catch
+ endcatch
+ active.SetPage TabNumerierungAbsatz
+ active.SetPage TabTabulator
+ active.SetPage TabInitialen
+ active.SetPage TabUmrandung
+ active.SetPage TabHintergrund
+ kontext "TabHintergrund"
+ TabHintergrund.Close
+ EditSearchAndReplace
+ Kontext "SuchenUndErsetzenWriter"
+ SuchenUndErsetzenWriter.Close
+end sub
+sub DialogTextForViewOptions_move
+ Dim xPos, yPos, xSize, ySize
+ '///Dialog test for view options
+ Kontext "NavigatorWriter"
+ if Not NavigatorWriter.Exists then
+ EditNavigator
+ endif
+ Kontext "Navigator"
+ xPos = Navigator.GetPosX
+ yPos = Navigator.GetPosY
+ xSize = Navigator.GetSizeX
+ ySize = Navigator.GetSizeY
+ Navigator.Move 10, 10
+ Sleep 1
+ Navigator.Move 50, 50
+ Sleep 1
+ Navigator.Size 200, 150
+ Sleep 1
+ Navigator.Size 150, 80
+ Sleep 1
+ Navigator.Size xSize, ySize
+ Sleep 1
+ Navigator.Move xPos, yPos
+ Sleep 1
+ Navigator.Close
+end sub
+sub MouseTestForViewOptions
+ '///mouse test for view options
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.MouseMove 50, 50
+ DocumentWriter.OpenContextMenu
+ Sleep 1
+ Kontext "DocumentWriter"
+ DocumentWriter.MouseMove 50, 70
+ hMenuClose
+end sub
+sub Make3D
+ '///test with 3D-objects when 3D-options are changed ( view page )
+ gApplication = "IMPRESS"
+ call hNewDocument()
+ WL_SD_Wuerfel
+ Sleep 1
+ Kontext "Documentimpress"
+ DocumentImpress.MouseDown 50, 50
+ DocumentImpress.MouseMove 30, 60
+ DocumentImpress.MouseUp 30, 60
+ Sleep 3
+ call hCloseDocument()
+ gApplication = "WRITER"
+end sub
+sub hResetAutosave()
+ ' this sub resets the autosave feature to 15 minutes with confirmation and
+ ' disables the feature entirely afterwards.
+ printlog( " * Resetting autosave feature to defaults" )
+ ToolsOptions
+ hToolsOptions( "LoadSave" , "General" )
+ AutomatischSpeichern.check
+ Minuten.setText( "15" )
+ AutomatischSpeichern.unCheck
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg"
+ ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK
+end sub
+sub DeleteColor( cColorName as String )
+ 'Deletes a color by name. The color is selected in the listbox
+ 'and should - if it exists - be visible in the entryfield above the list.
+ 'If this is not the case the color probably not exists and thus
+ 'cannot be deleted.
+ 'Remember i18n, only use this sub for colors you created yourself!
+ dim iItems as Integer 'Number of listed colors
+ dim i as Integer 'counter
+ dim bExists as Boolean 'TRUE if color has been successfully deleted
+ dim iPos as Integer 'Position of the deleted color
+ dim sColor as string
+ printlog "DeleteColor:: - Trying to delete color: '" + cColorName + "'"
+ Kontext "TabFarben"
+ bExists = FALSE
+ iItems = Farbe.getItemCount
+ i = 0
+ while ((i<iItems) AND (NOT bExists))
+ sColor = Farbe.getItemText(i+1)
+ if (sColor = cColorName) then
+ Loeschen.Click
+ Kontext "Active"
+ if Active.Exists then
+ printlog active.getText
+ Active.Yes
+ else
+ qaErrorlog "No warning about deleting the color."
+ endif
+ printlog " - successfully deleted color @ " + (i+1) + "/" + iItems
+ bExists = TRUE
+ else
+ inc (i)
+ endif
+' if FarbName.getText = cColorName then
+ wend
+ iPos = i+1
+ if bExists then
+ 'The userdefined colors usually are appended to the list. If they are
+ 'somewhere else this might be a bug.
+ if iItems <> iPos then
+ warnlog " The color was not located at the end of the list."
+ printlog " The Order of the list might be corrupted"
+ end if
+ else
+ 'Inform that the color did not exist. This usually is perfectly ok.
+ printlog " (The color was not deleted, it was not found)"
+ endif
+end sub
+sub modifyColorRGB_PGUP( iColor as Integer )
+ 'The current color's values are set to maximum (255) for RGB
+ printlog "modifyColorRGB_PGUP:: - change the color by pressing PAGE UP in RGB listboxes."
+ Kontext "TabFarben"
+ Farbe.Select(iColor)
+ R.TypeKeys("<PageUp>")
+ G.TypeKeys("<PageUp>")
+ B.TypeKeys("<PageUp>")
+ printlog("modifyColorRGB_PGUP:: - press 'modify'")
+ Aendern.Click
+ Sleep (1)
+end sub
+sub createNewColor( aColor() as String )
+ ' INPUT : array: (1): Name; (2): Red value; (3): Green value; (4): Blue value
+ 'The desired color is selected by name and created.
+ 'If it already exists, there is a problem
+ printlog( "createNewColor:: - adding a color to the list: '" + aColor(1) + "'"
+ Kontext "TabFarben"
+ FarbName.setText(aColor(1))
+ R.SetText(aColor(2))
+ G.SetText(aColor(3))
+ B.SetText(aColor(4))
+ Sleep(1)
+ Hinzufuegen.Click
+ Sleep(1)
+ Kontext "DuplicateNameWarning"
+ if DuplicateNameWarning.Exists then
+ warnlog "createNewColor:: - Color already exists."
+ DuplicateNameWarning.OK
+ Kontext "NameDlg"
+ if NameDlg.Exists then
+ printlog "createNewColor:: - Naming dialog shown. Good, cancelling"
+ NameDlg.Cancel
+ else
+ warnlog "createNewColor:: - Naming dialog didn't came up."
+ end if
+ else
+ printlog "createNewColor:: - New color has been created"
+ end if
+end sub
+sub getColorRGB( aColor() as String )
+ ' INPUT : array with index 1-4 that will get deleted
+ ' OUTPUT: array: (1): Name; (2): Red value; (3): Green value; (4): Blue value
+ 'A RGB color always has four attributes:
+ 'The name and the three RGB values (0...255)
+ printlog "GetColorRGB:: - determining the current color"
+ FarbModell.Select(1)
+ aColor(1) = FarbName.GetText
+ aColor(2) = R.GetText
+ aColor(3) = G.GetText
+ aColor(4) = B.GetText
+ printlog( "GetColorRGB:: N =" + aColor(1) )
+ printlog( "GetColorRGB:: R =" + aColor(2) )
+ printlog( "GetColorRGB:: G =" + aColor(3) )
+ printlog( "GetColorRGB:: B =" + aColor(4) )
+end sub
+sub compareTwoColorsRGB( aColor() as String )
+ ' INPUT : array: (1): Name; (2): Red value; (3): Green value; (4): Blue value
+ ' and a selected color
+ 'Comparision of two colors. Tested values are:
+ 'Name and three RGB values
+ 'aColor is the expected value, bColor is the current color
+ dim i as Integer
+ dim bColor(4) as String
+ printlog "compareTwoColorsRGB:: - compare saved default color with the current"
+ call getColorRGB(bColor())
+ for i = 1 to 4
+ if aColor(i) <> bColor(i) then
+ warnlog "compareTwoColorsRGB:: "+"("+i+") Expected: '" + aColor(i) + "' found: '" + bColor(i) + "'"
+ else
+ printlog "compareTwoColorsRGB:: "+"("+i+") OK"
+ endif
+ next i
+end sub
+sub ModifyColorRGB( aColor() as String )
+ 'A RGB color always has four attributes:
+ 'The name and the three RGB values (0...255)
+ Kontext "TabFarben"
+ FarbName.SetText( aColor( 1 ) )
+ FarbModell.Select( 1 )
+ R.SetText( aColor( 2 ) )
+ G.SetText( aColor( 3 ) )
+ B.SetText( aColor( 4 ) )
+ Aendern.Click
+end sub