path: root/testautomation/graphics
diff options
authorWolfram Garten [wg] <>2010-10-05 10:47:28 +0200
committerWolfram Garten [wg] <>2010-10-05 10:47:28 +0200
commit6c63542884a9cbcb1cd84ef8aada2ef8bb9f0919 (patch)
treee2b837cdd86fd24978de2e7e3ddbbf015deb7cf9 /testautomation/graphics
parent4aeb28e164818788a395d4634bc4ac0cfb406745 (diff)
i114918,[Automation]: consolidate test files in graphics area
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/graphics')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 4704 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15a99c0d3f23..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,725 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-testcase tiFileSaveAs
- dim sFileName as string ' test document & new created doc
- ' dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
- dim sTemp as string
- dim sFilter (50) as string
- dim i as integer
- dim x as integer
- dim y as integer
- dim Exlist(100) as string ' files to be deleted
- dim sFile as string ' filename to export
- dim sPath as string ' filename to export
- if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- ExtensionString = "odp"
- else
- ExtensionString = "odg"
- end if
- sFilter (0) = 0 ' initalize ;-)...
- sFileName = "graphics\required\input\tbo_alf_." + ExtensionString ' this is the file with all features
- sFile = "isas_" ' this is the filename of the export files
- sPath = ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/"+gApplication+"\"+ gPlatform) ' this is the export path
- if dir (sPath) = "" then
- app.mkdir (sPath)
- end if
- if gSamePC = TRUE then ' delete export directory
- GetFileList ( sPath, sFile+"*", Exlist() )
- if KillFileList ( Exlist() ) <> TRUE then
- Warnlog "Couldn't delete all Files in Output-Export-Directory, the followings are still there:"
- for i=1 to ListCount ( Exlist() )
- printlog " <> " + Exlist(i)
- next i
- end if
- end if
- Call hFileOpen ( ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + sFileName) )
- WaitSlot (3000)
- ' to use the helper fileSaveAs functions i get alll available filters...
- FileSaveAs
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- for i = 0 to 5
- if i=0 then x = Dateityp.GetItemCount
- if (i) then ' set border, whenm start from beginning/end
- y = i ' set filter from beginning
- else
- y = x-3 ' set filter from end
- end if
- ListAppend(sFilter(), Dateityp.GetItemText (y))
- next i
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- y = ListCount(sFilter())
- if gtSYSName = "Linux" then y=y-1
- '#i45961# - last part of filter-list deactivated due to BUG - FHA
- 'TODO: JSI->FHA please verify if this special handling needed after the issue has been fixed.
- for i = 1 to y
- sFileName = sPath + sFile + (i)
- hFileSaveAsWithFilter (sFileName, sFilter(i), TRUE )
- kontext
- if messagebox.exists then
- messagebox.Yes ' to go on ....
- end if
- printlog " saved with filter ("+i+"/"+y+"): "+ sFilter(i)
- next i
- ' TODO TBO: small check, if correct filter was used!
- WaitSlot (3000)
- fileclose
- WaitSlot (3000)
- kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.exists then
- printlog "Messagebox about informationloss... :-) that's OK: 'Text in the messagebox: "+Messagebox.GetText+"'"
- Messagebox.YES
- end if
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------
- hNewDocument
- sFilter (0) = 0
- sFileName = sPath
- GetFileList ( sFileName, sFile + "*", sFilter() )
- ' call hNewDocument
- x = ListCount ( sFilter() )
- for i = 1 to x
- printlog "("+i+"/"+x+"): "+sFilter(i)
- hFileOpen ( sFilter(i) )
- WaitSlot (3000)
- If hIsNamedDocLoaded (sFilter(i)) Then
- printlog " used filter: " + hGetUsedFilter()
- else
- sTemp = left(right(sFilter(i),2),1)
- if ( (sTemp = "t") OR (sTemp = "o") ) then
- printlog "document is --- TEMPLATE?! --- "
- else
- qaErrorlog "#116563# document didn't get loaded "
- end if
- end if
- hCloseDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- next i
- ' Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFileReload
- Dim DokumentPfad$
- Dim Datei$
- if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- ExtensionString = "odp"
- else
- ExtensionString = "odg"
- end if
- Datei$= (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/version1." + ExtensionString))
- if app.dir(ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/")) = "" then
- app.mkdir (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/"))
- end if
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hFileSaveAsKill (Datei$)
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
- Call hFileOpen (Datei$)
- WaitSlot (2000)
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- WaitSlot (2000)
- FileReload
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- sleep 2
- Messagebox.No
- WaitSlot (2000)
- FileReload
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- sleep 2
- Messagebox.Yes
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
- if Dir (Datei$) <> "" AND gSamePC = TRUE then kill Datei$
-testcase tiFileVersion
- Dim DokumentPfad$
- Dim Datei$
- if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- ExtensionString = "odp"
- else
- ExtensionString = "odg"
- end if
- Datei$= (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/erwin." + ExtensionString))
- 'if dir (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/")) = "" then
- if dir (Datei$) = "" then app.mkdir (ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/"))
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hFileSaveAsKill (Datei$)
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
- Call hFileOpen (Datei$)
- WaitSlot (1000)
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- WaitSlot (1000)
- try
- FileVersions
- catch
- Warnlog "- File / Versions not accessible!"
- goto endsub
- endcatch
- Kontext "Versionen"
- Call DialogTest ( Versionen )
- Speichern.Click
- Kontext "VersionskommentarEingeben"
- Call DialogTest ( VersionskommentarEingeben )
- VersionskommentarEingeben.Cancel
- Kontext "Versionen"
- Versionen.Close
- Call hCloseDocument
- ' if Dir (Datei$) <> "" AND gSamePC = TRUE then kill Datei$
-testcase tiFilePassword
- goto endsub
- Dim DokumentPfad$
- Dim Datei$
- dim sFileName as string ' test document & new created doc
- ' dim sFormula as string ' container for formula to create document with
- dim e as string
- dim sTemp as string
- dim sFilter (50) as string
- dim i as integer
- dim x as integer
- dim y as integer
- dim Exlist(100) as string ' files to be deleted
- dim sFileIn as string ' filename to import
- dim sFile as string ' filename to export
- dim sPath as string ' and path to export
- if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- ExtensionString = "odp"
- else
- ExtensionString = "odg"
- end if
- sFile = "isp__" ' this is the filename of the export files
- sPath = ConvertPath ( gOfficePath + "user/work/graphics/required/"+gApplication+"\"+ gPlatform+"\") ' this is the export path
- mkdir (sPath)
- if dir (sPath) = "" then app.mkdir (sPath)
- sFileIn = (sPath + sFile + "." + ExtensionString)
- if gSamePC = TRUE then ' delete export directory
- GetFileList ( sPath, sFile+"*", Exlist() )
- if KillFileList ( Exlist() ) <> TRUE then
- Warnlog "Couldnt delete all Files in Output-Export-Directory, the followings are still there:"
- for i=1 to ListCount ( Exlist() )
- printlog " <> " + Exlist(i)
- next i
- end if
- end if
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FileSaveAs
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Datei$ = ConvertPath ( sFileIn )
- printlog " will use the file: "+Datei$
- if Dir (Datei$) <> "" then
- kill Datei$
- end if
- Passwort.Check
- Dateiname.SetText Datei$
- Speichern.Click
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Passwort"
- PasswortName.SetText "12345"
- PasswortBestaetigen.Settext "54321"
- Passwort.OK
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists(1) then
- Messagebox.OK
- else
- Warnlog "- Wrong password not recognized"
- end if
- Kontext "Passwort"
- PasswortName.SetText "12345"
- PasswortBestaetigen.SetText "12345"
- Passwort.OK
- sleep 2
- FileClose
- sleep 2
- FileOpen
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Dateiname.SetText Datei$
- Oeffnen.Click
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "PasswordFileOpen"
- PasswortName.SetText "34567"
- try
- PasswordFileOpen.OK
- catch
- Printlog "- Wrong password not accepted"
- endcatch
- Kontext
- if Not Messagebox.Exists(1) then
- Warnlog "Wrong password while loading not recognized"
- else
- Messagebox.OK
- printlog "Wrong password on loading ok - recogniced"
- end if
- WaitSlot (3000)
- Kontext "PasswordFileOpen"
- PasswortName.SetText "12345"
- PasswordFileOpen.OK
- WaitSlot (5000)
- FileSaveAs
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Dateiname.SetText Datei$
- if (Passwort.IsChecked <> TRUE) then
- Warnlog "Password has to be checked! :-("
- end if
- Speichern.Click
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists(5) then
- Messagebox.Yes
- end if
- Kontext "Passwort"
- if (Passwort.Exists(5) = FALSE)then
- Warnlog "- Password dialog Didn't pop up after pressing save"
- else
- Kontext "Passwort"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- PasswortName.SetText "a12345"
- PasswortBestaetigen.SetText "a12345"
- Passwort.OK
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FileClose
- WaitSlot (1000)
- end if
- FileOpen
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- Dateiname.SetText Datei$
- Oeffnen.Click
- Kontext "PasswordFileOpen"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- PasswortName.SetText "a12345"
- PasswordFileOpen.OK
- WaitSlot (5000)
- FileSaveAs
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Dateiname.SetText Datei$
- if (Passwort.IsChecked <> TRUE) then
- Warnlog "Password has to be checked! :-("
- end if
- Passwort.UnCheck
- Speichern.Click
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists(5) then Messagebox.Yes
- Kontext "Passwort"
- if (Passwort.Exists(5))then
- Warnlog "- Password dialog didn't pop up after pressing save"
- Kontext "Passwort"
- password.cancel
- FileClose
- else
- hCloseDocument
- end if
-testcase tiFileTemplates
- Call hNewDocument
- FileTemplatesOrganize
- Kontext "DVVerwalten"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call DialogTest (DVVerwalten)
- sleep 1
- PopuplisteLinks.Select 2
- WaitSlot (1000)
- PopuplisteRechts.Select 2
- WaitSlot (1000)
- WelcheDatei.Click
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "Oeffnendlg"
- Call DialogTest (OeffnenDlg)
- sleep 1
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "DVVerwalten"
- DVVerwalten.Close
- if gtSYSName = "Solaris x86" then
- qaErrorLog "#i62423# - FileTemplatesAddressBookSource outcommented under x86. - FHA"
- else
- FileTemplatesAddressBookSource
- Printlog "- AddressBookAssignment"
- kontext "AddressBookSource"
- Call DialogTest (AddressBookSource)
- Administrate.Click
- kontext "AddressSourceAutopilot"
- AddressSourceAutopilot.Cancel
- kontext "AddressBookSource"
- AddressBookSource.Cancel
- end if
- FileTemplatesSave
- Printlog "- Save template"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "Dokumentvorlagen"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (Dokumentvorlagen)
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Verwalten.Click
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "DVVerwalten"
- Call DialogTest (DVVerwalten)
- WaitSlot (3000)
- DVVerwalten.Close
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "Dokumentvorlagen"
- sleep 1
- Dokumentvorlagen.Cancel
- WaitSlot (1000)
- try
- FileTemplatesEdit
- Printlog "- Edit template"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (OeffnenDlg)
- WaitSlot (1000)
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- catch
- Warnlog "- There are problems with File-Template-Save"
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-'******************* M A T H dito *************************
-testcase tmFileNewFromTemplate
- Call hNewDocument
- FileNewFromTemplate
- WaitSlot (5000)
- Kontext "TemplateAndDocuments"
- if TemplateAndDocuments.NotExists then
- Warnlog "Dialog Templates and Documents are not up!"
- goto endsub
- end if
- Call DialogTest (TemplateAndDocuments)
- WaitSlot (5000)
- try
- TemplateAndDocuments.Cancel
- catch
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (5000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmFileOpen
- call hNewDocument
- FileOpen
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- UebergeordneterOrdner.Click
- Standard.Click
- NurLesen.check
- Call DialogTest ( OeffnenDlg )
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmFileClose
- printlog "- File Close"
- hNewDocument ' just for the records: I open ONE document
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- WaitSlot (2000)
- FileClose
- Kontext ' Expecting "Modified, do you want to close?"
- if active.exists (5) then
- printlog " Ok, active came up: " + active.gettext
- Active.Cancel ' No, not this time
- else
- warnlog "active missing (1)"
- end if
- WaitSlot (2000)
- FileClose
- Kontext
- Active.Yes ' but now - records: this document is closed
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( SpeichernDlg )
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- FileClose ' now the office gets closed! (if there were no modifications!)
- Kontext
- Active.No
- WaitSlot (2000)
-testcase tmFileSave
- hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- FileSave
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Standard.Click
- Call DialogTest (SpeichernDlg)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Standard.Click
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmFileSaveAs
- hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- FileSaveAs
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- if (SpeichernDlg.exists (5) = FALSE) then
- warnlog "FileSaveAs dialog is not visible"
- end if
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Passwort.check
- Passwort.uncheck
- Standard.Click
- kontext "NeuerOrdner"
- neuerordner.cancel
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Call DialogTest (SpeichernDlg)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmFileSaveAll
- printlog "- File SaveAll"
- hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- Printlog " open 2. window"
- hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- Printlog " call save all"
- FileSaveAll
- Printlog " cancel 1. save"
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- Printlog " cancel 2. save"
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- try
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- printlog "smth had been typed in the starting window (just a hint ;-) )"
- catch
- printlog "--------- no other window wants to get saved. :-)"
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Printlog " hCloseDocument both"
- Call hCloseDocument
- sleep 2
- Printlog " first closed"
- Call hCloseDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Printlog " second closed"
- WaitSlot (5000)
-testcase tmFileProperties
- printlog "- File Properties"
- Call hNewDocument
- FileProperties
- Kontext
- active.SetPage TabDokument
- Kontext "TabDokument"
- Call DialogTest ( TabDokument )
- Kontext
- active.SetPage TabDokumentInfo
- Kontext "TabDokumentInfo"
- Call DialogTest ( TabDokumentInfo )
- 'Deactivating this part because of #i95523#:
- 'Kontext
- 'active.SetPage TabBenutzer
- 'Kontext "TabBenutzer"
- 'Call DialogTest ( TabBenutzer )
- 'Infofelder.Click
- ' Kontext "InfonamenBearbeiten"
- ' Call DialogTest (InfonamenBearbeiten)
- 'InfonamenBearbeiten.Cancel
- Kontext
- active.SetPage TabInternet
- Kontext "TabInternet"
- Call DialogTest (TabInternet)
- TabInternet.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmFilePrinterSetting
- printlog "- File Printersettings"
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (3000)
- FilePrintersettings
- kontext
- if active.exists(5) then
- active.ok
- qaerrorlog "There is no printer available - please install one on your system!"
- end if
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "DruckerEinrichten"
- Call DialogTest (DruckerEinrichten)
- sleep 2
- DruckerEinrichten.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdFileExport
- goto endsub
- dim x as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (3000)
- FileExport
- Kontext "ExportierenDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( ExportierenDlg )
- UebergeordneterOrdner.Click
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- x=Dateityp.getitemcount
- if x <> 18 then warnlog "the number of filters is not 18, it is: " + x
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
-testcase tmFileExit
- goto endsub
- printlog "- File Close"
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- try
- FileExit "SynchronMode", TRUE
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "MessageBox"
- if MessageBox.Exists(1) then ' this is the messagebox from the first window!
- Printlog MessageBox.GetText
- try
- MessageBox.OK
- catch
- MessageBox.No
- endcatch
- end if
- Kontext "MessageBox"
- if MessageBox.Exists(1) then
- Warnlog "MsgBox popped up and there were no changes in the document"
- Printlog MessageBox.GetText
- try
- MessageBox.OK
- catch
- MessageBox.No
- endcatch
- end if
- catch
- printlog "this exit is wanted :-)"
- endcatch
- try
- WaitSlot (20000)
- call hStartTheOffice ' from
- catch
- printlog "catch AGAIN"
- endcatch
- Kontext "SD_Praesentation"
- if SD_Praesentation.exists (2) then
- ViewToolbarsPresentation
- end if
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index c199ab998524..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-testcase tiEditUndoRedo
- hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- EditUndo
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditRedo
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditRepeat
- goto endsub 'Quaste, ask FHA
- Call hNewDocument
- gMouseClick 50,50
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 30, 10, 70, 30 )
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 20, 20, 60, 40 )
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 80, 50, 40, 20 )
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextArrangeBringBackward
- WaitSlot (2000)
- try
- EditRepeat
- catch
- Warnlog " Menu entry is disabled #i26129#"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditCutPasteCopySelectall
- Call hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- EditCut
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditPaste
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditCopy
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditPaste
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditSelectAll
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditCut
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditPaste
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditDeleteContents
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditPasteSpecial
- Call hNewDocument
- SetClipboard "This is a Text in the Clipboard"
- EditPasteSpecial
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "InhaltEinfuegen"
- DialogTest ( InhaltEinfuegen )
- InhaltEinfuegen.Cancel
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditSearchAndReplace
- Call hNewDocument
- try
- EditSearchAndReplace
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "FindAndReplace"
- DialogTest ( FindAndReplace )
- More.Click
- SimilaritySearch.Check ' culprint for errors if not resetted !
- WaitSlot (1000)
- SimilaritySearchFor.Click
- Kontext "Aehnlichkeitssuche"
- DialogTest (Aehnlichkeitssuche )
- Aehnlichkeitssuche.Cancel
- Kontext "FindAndReplace"
- SimilaritySearch.UnCheck
- More.Click
- FindAndReplace.Close
- catch
- Warnlog "EditSearchAndReplace caused an error"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditDuplicate
- Call hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- EditSelectAll
- EditDuplicate
- Kontext "Duplizieren"
- Call DialogTest ( Duplizieren )
- Duplizieren.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tEditPoints
- Call hNewDocument
- call hTBOtypeInDoc
- FormatEditPoints
- EditGluePoints
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditFields
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- InsertFieldsDateFix
- WaitSlot (1000)
- gMouseDoubleClick 10,10
- hTypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
- hTypeKeys "<Tab>" ' With a Tab catches we always the Object
- hTypeKeys "<F2>" ' Here we enter Edit-Mode and therefore also the right place
- hTypeKeys "<Home>" ' Here we enter Edit-Mode and therefore also the right place
- try
- EditFieldsDraw
- Kontext "FeldbefehlBearbeitenDraw"
- Call DialogTest ( FeldbefehlBearbeitenDraw )
- FeldbefehlBearbeitenDraw.Close
- catch
- Warnlog "- Slot could not be accessed"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdEditDeleteSlide
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertSlide
- WaitSlot (2000)
- hTypekeys "<Pagedown>"
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Navigator"
- sleep (2)
- if Navigator.exists then
- printlog "Navigator: open :-)"
- else
- printlog "Navigator: NOT available :-( Will be opened now!"
- ViewNavigator
- end if
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
- if Liste.GetItemCount<>2 Then
- Warnlog "- No slide inserted"
- Kontext "Navigator"
- Navigator.Close
- Call hCloseDocument
- goto endsub
- else
- Liste.Select 2
- Kontext "Navigator"
- Navigator.Close
- end if
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditDeleteSlide
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditLinks
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- try
- if Link.Exists then
- Link.Check
- else
- Warnlog "- Link in Insert graphic is not working"
- end if
- Dateiname.settext Convertpath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\stabler.tif")
- Oeffnen.Click
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists=True Then
- Warnlog Messagebox.GetText
- Messagebox.Ok
- end if
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- Link.Check
- Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp")
- Oeffnen.Click
- kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists( 2 ) then
- Warnlog Messagebox.GetText
- Messagebox.OK
- sleep 1
- end if
- catch
- Warnlog "Insert graphic caused errors"
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (2000)
- try
- EditLinksDraw
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "VerknuepfungenBearbeiten"
- Call DialogTest ( VerknuepfungenBearbeiten )
- VerknuepfungenBearbeiten.Close
- WaitSlot (1000)
- catch
- Warnlog "- EditLinks could not be executed, could be the graphic was not imported"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditImageMap
- Call hNewDocument
- EditImageMap
- Kontext "ImageMapEditor"
- if ImageMapEditor.Exists( 5 ) then
- printlog "- ImageMap exists"
- DialogTest ( ImageMapEditor )
- try
- ImageMapEditor.Close
- Printlog "ImageMap closed using the close button"
- catch
- EditImageMap
- Printlog "ImageMap closed using menue 'edit-imagemap'"
- endcatch
- else
- warnlog "ImageMap didn't come up!"
- end if
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditObjectProperties
- dim i as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertFloatingFrame
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "TabEigenschaften"
- FrameName.SetText "Hello"
- Inhalt.SetText ConvertPath ( gTesttoolpath + "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp" )
- WaitSlot (2000)
- TabEigenschaften.OK
- WaitSlot (2000)
- gMouseDoubleClick 1,1
- hTypekeys "<tab>"
- kontext
- WaitSlot (2000)
- EditObjectProperties
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "TabEigenschaften"
- DialogTest ( TabEigenschaften )
- Oeffnen.Click
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( OeffnenDlg )
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- Kontext "TabEigenschaften"
- TabEigenschaften.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditObjectEdit
- dim i as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertObjectOLEObject
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "OLEObjektEinfuegen"
- ObjektTyp.Select 1
- OLEObjektEinfuegen.OK
- WaitSlot (1000)
- gMouseClick 20,1
- hTypekeys "<tab>"
- EditObjectEdit
- ' try EditObjectEdit again, to see, if it is in edit mode !
- WaitSlot (2000)
- try
- ContextNameObject
- warnlog " Couldn't get into edit mode!"
- catch
- printlog "Reached edit mode - ok :-)"
- gMouseClick 20,1
- endcatch
- EditSelectAll
- EditObjectSaveCopyAs
- Kontext "SpeichernDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( SpeichernDlg )
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Active"
- if Active.Exists(2) then Active.No
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditPlugIn
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertObjectPlugin
- Kontext "PlugInEinfuegen"
- ' DialogTest ( PlugInEinfuegen)
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- ' Call DialogTest ( OeffnenDlg )
- if OeffnenDlg.exists (5) then
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- else
- warnlog "Open file dialog didn't come up"
- end if
- WaitSlot (5000)
- Kontext "PlugInEinfuegen"
- if PlugInEinfuegen.exists then
- DateiUrl.SetText (ConvertPath ( gTesttoolpath + "graphics\required\input\" ))
- Optionen.SetText "Fiddler's Green"
- Optionen.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
- Optionen.TypeKeys "<SHIFT><END>"
- Optionen.TypeKeys "<delete>"
- PlugInEinfuegen.Ok
- else
- warnlog "Insert plugin isn't visible"
- end if
- WaitSlot (5000)
- kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- warnlog "Messagebox: " + Messagebox.gettext
- Messagebox.ok
- end if
- EditPlugIn
- printlog "Editplugin works!"
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiEditHyperlink
- hNewDocument
- InsertHyperlink
- kontext "HyperlinkDialog"
- if ( HyperlinkDialog.exists( 2 ) ) then
- Kontext "Hyperlink"
- Auswahl.MouseDown 50, 5
- Auswahl.MouseUp 50, 5
- Auswahl.typekeys "<PAGEDOWN><PAGEUP>"
- Auswahl.typekeys "<TAB>"
- sleep( 1 )
- Kontext "TabHyperlinkInternet"
- 'Workaround to get rid of a Focusing-problem...
- NameText.Typekeys "alal <RETURN>"
- NameText.Typekeys "<MOD1 A><DELETE>"
- TabHyperlinkInternet.Typekeys "<TAB>", 6
- TabHyperlinkInternet.Typekeys "<LEFT>", 3
- 'End of workaround...
- Internet.Check 'Just to make sure the radio-button is addressable.
- ZielUrl.Settext ""
- Uebernehmen.Click()
- kontext "HyperlinkDialog"
- HyperlinkDialog.Close()
- hTypeKeys "<TAB><F2>"
- EditSelectAll
- try
- EditHyperlinkDraw
- Kontext "HyperlinkDialog"
- if ( HyperlinkDialog.Exists( 1 ) ) then
- HyperlinkDialog.Close()
- else
- Warnlog "- Hyperlinkdialog not up"
- end if
- catch
- Warnlog "- Not able to edit Hyperlink!"
- endcatch
- else
- warnlog( "Failed to open <HyperlinkDialog>" )
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ada1beaaea4..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-testcase tiViewNavigator
- Call hNewDocument
- Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
- if Not NavigatorDraw.Exists Then
- ViewNavigator
- end if
- Kontext "NavigatorDraw"
- Call DialogTest ( NavigatorDraw )
- try
- Kontext "Navigator"
- Navigator.Close
- catch
- Errorlog " Navigator wasn't closed, second try with Menu"
- ViewNavigator
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiViewZoom
- Call hNewDocument
- UseBindings
- ViewZoom
- Kontext "Massstab"
- DialogTest ( Massstab )
- Massstab.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiViewToolbar
- Call hNewDocument
- ViewToolbarsThreeDSettings
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsThreeDSettings
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsAlign
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsAlign
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsTools
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsTools
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsBezier
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsBezier
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsFontwork
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsFontwork
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ' if gApplication = "IMPRESS" then
- ' ViewToolbarsPresentation ' only in impress, not draw
- ' ViewToolbarsPresentation
- ' endif
- ViewToolbarsFormControls
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsFormControls
- WaitSlot (1000)
- '-----------------
- ViewToolbarsFormDesign
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsFormDesign
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsFormNavigation
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsFormNavigation
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsGluepoints
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsGluepoints
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsInsert
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsInsert
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsGraphic
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsGraphic
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsMediaPlayback
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsMediaPlayback
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsOptionbar
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsOptionbar
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsPicture
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsPicture
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsStandard
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsStandard
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsStandardView
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsStandardView
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsHyperlinkbar
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsHyperlinkbar
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsColorBar
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsColorBar
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewToolbarsCustomize
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext
- try
- Messagebox.SetPage TabCustomizeMenu ' 1 ------------------
- catch
- warnlog "couldn't switch to tabpage 'Menus'"
- endcatch
- Kontext "TabCustomizeMenu"
- if TabCustomizeMenu.exists(5) then
- Call DialogTest ( TabCustomizeMenu )
- Menu.typeKeys("<down>")
- Entries.typeKeys("<down>")
- sleep 2
- BtnNew.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "MenuOrganiser"
- Call DialogTest ( MenuOrganiser )
- MenuOrganiser.cancel
- sleep 1
- Kontext "TabCustomizeMenu"
- TabCustomizeMenu.Close
- end if
- sleep (1)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiViewDisplayQuality
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen 20,20,40,40
- try
- ViewQualityBlackWhite
- Printlog "- Quality set to black and white"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Slot could not be accessed"
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (1000)
- try
- ViewQualityGreyscale
- Printlog "- View quality set to greyscale"
- catch
- Warnlog "- View quality greyscale could not be accessed"
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (1000)
- try
- ViewQualityColour
- Printlog "- View quality set to colour"
- catch
- Warnlog "- View quality colour could not be accessed"
- endcatch
- Call hClosedocument
-testcase tiViewLayer
- Call hNewDocument
- ViewLayer
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewLayer
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tViewGrid
- Call hNewDocument
- ViewGridVisible
- ViewGridUse
- ViewGridFront
- ViewGridVisible
- ViewGridUse
- ViewGridFront
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tViewSnapLines
- Call hNewDocument
- ViewSnapLinesVisible
- ViewSnapLinesUse
- ViewSnapLinesFront
- ViewSnapLinesVisible
- ViewSnapLinesUse
- ViewSnapLinesFront
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e1aa6db3cd1..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-testcase tiInsertSlide
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertSlide
- WaitSlot (2000)
- hTypekeys "<Pagedown>"
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertDuplicateSlide
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 30, 40, 40, 50 )
- InsertDuplicateSlide
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertField
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertFieldsTimeFix
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "OK Time Fix"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 1
- InsertFieldsDateFix
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "OK Date Fix"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 1
- InsertFieldsTimeVariable
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "OK Time Variabel"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 1
- InsertFieldsDateVariable
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "OK Date Variabel"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 1
- InsertFieldsAuthorDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "OK Author"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 1
- InsertFieldsPageNumberDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "OK Page number"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 1
- InsertFieldsFileName
- WaitSlot (1000) 'sleep 1
- printlog "OK File name"
- EditSelectAll
- hTypekeys "<Delete>"
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertSpecialCharacter
- Call hNewDocument
- hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a testtext",30,40,60,50)
- sleep 2
- InsertSpecialCharacterDraw
- Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
- if ( Sonderzeichen.exists( 2 ) ) then
- Call DialogTest (Sonderzeichen)
- hCloseDialog( Sonderzeichen, "Cancel" )
- else
- warnlog( "<Special Characters> dialog not open" )
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertHyperlink
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertHyperlink
- kontext "HyperlinkDialog"
- if ( HyperlinkDialog.exists( 2 ) ) then
- Kontext "TabHyperlinkInternet"
- Auswahl.MouseDown 50, 5
- Auswahl.MouseUp 50, 5
- Auswahl.typekeys "<PAGEDOWN><PAGEUP>"
- Auswahl.typekeys "<TAB>"
- 'Workaround to get rid of a Focusing-problem...
- NameText.Typekeys "alal <RETURN>"
- NameText.Typekeys "<MOD1 A><DELETE>"
- TabHyperlinkInternet.Typekeys "<TAB>", 6
- TabHyperlinkInternet.Typekeys "<LEFT>", 3
- 'End of workaround...
- Internet.Check
- ZielUrl.SetText( "" )
- Uebernehmen.Click()
- kontext "HyperlinkDialog"
- HyperlinkDialog.Close()
- else
- warnlog "Failed to open <HyperlinkDialog>"
- end if
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertGraphic
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- WaitSlot (2000) '
- try
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- if Link.exists then
- Link.Check
- else
- Warnlog "Linking grafik doesn't work :-("
- end if
- if Preview.exists then
- Preview.Check
- else
- Warnlog "Preview of graphic doesn't work :-("
- end if
- DialogTest (GrafikEinfuegenDlg)
- Dateiname.settext Convertpath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\stabler.tif")
- catch
- Warnlog "Insert graphic doesn't work :-("
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertObjectSound
- goto endsub ' disabled for final, because always wrong (TZ 01/2002)
- 'TODO: TBO: enhance!
- Call hNewDocument
- try
- InsertObjectSound
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- ' Call Dialogtest (OeffnenDlg) ' just be sure to check one pth and one open dialog : TZ 28.11.201
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- catch
- printlog "'Insert -> Object -> Sound' not available. TestDevelopmentInProgress (TDIP) ;-)"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertObjectVideo
- goto endsub
- 'TODO: TBO: enhance!
- Call hNewDocument
- try
- InsertObjectVideo
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- ' Call Dialogtest (OeffnenDlg)
- WaitSlot (1000)
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- catch
- printlog "'Insert -> Object -> Video' not available. (TDIP) ;-)"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertChart
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertChart
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if ( Messagebox.Exists( 2 ) ) then
- Warnlog Messagebox.GetText
- hCloseDialog( Messagebox, "OK" )
- end if
- gMouseClick 1,1
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertObjectOLEObjects
- hNewDocument
- InsertObjectOLEObject
- Kontext "OLEObjektEinfuegen"
- ' Call Dialogtest ( OLEObjektEinfuegen )
- ' NeuErstellen.Check ' is default value
- Call DialogTest (OLEObjektEinfuegen, 1)
- AusDateiErstellen.Check
- Call DialogTest (OLEObjektEinfuegen, 2)
- Kontext "OeffnenDlG"
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- Kontext "OLEObjektEinfuegen"
- OLEObjektEinfuegen.Cancel
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertSpreadsheet
- if gtSYSName = "Linux" then
- printlog "Linux = wont test tiInsertSpreadsheet"
- goto endsub
- endif
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- InsertSpreadsheetDraw
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists (5) then
- Warnlog Messagebox.GetText
- hCloseDialog( Messagebox, "ok" )
- end if
- gMouseClick 1,1
- sleep 1
- hTypekeys "<Tab><Delete>"
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertFormula
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertObjectFormulaDraw
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if ( Messagebox.Exists( 2 ) ) then
- Warnlog Messagebox.GetText
- hCloseDialog( Messagebox, "ok" )
- end if
- gMouseClick 1,1
- sleep 1
- hTypekeys "<Tab><Delete>"
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertFloatingFrame
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertFloatingFrame
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext "TabEigenschaften"
- Dialogtest (TabEigenschaften)
- Oeffnen.Click
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- hCloseDialog( OeffnenDlg, "Cancel" )
- Kontext "TabEigenschaften"
- TabEigenschaften.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertFile
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- InsertFileDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- ' Call Dialogtest ( OeffnenDLG )
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertPlugin
- call hNewDocument
- InsertObjectPlugIn
- Kontext "PluginEinfuegen"
- if PluginEinfuegen.exists (5) then
- call Dialogtest (PluginEinfuegen)
- Durchsuchen.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists (5) Then
- Warnlog Messagebox.GetText
- Messagebox.OK
- else
- printlog "No Messagebox :-)"
- end if
- Kontext "OeffnenDlG"
- if OeffnenDlG.exists (5) then
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- end if
- Kontext "PluginEinfuegen"
- if PluginEinfuegen.exists (5) then PluginEinfuegen.Cancel
- else
- warnlog "Insert Plugin does not work :-("
- end if
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertScan
- goto endsub
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertScanRequest ' as long as there is no scanner available, nothing happens
- WaitSlot (1000)
- InsertScanSelectSource
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "Not testable, not translatable, just callable, because of systemdialog :-("
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiInsertSnappointLine
- Call hNewDocument
- InsertSnapPointLine
- Kontext "NeuesFangobjekt"
- DialogTest ( NeuesFangobjekt )
- NeuesFangobjekt.Cancel
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdInsertLayer
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ViewLayer
- InsertLayer
- Kontext "EbeneEinfuegenDlg"
- DialogTest ( EbeneEinfuegenDlg )
- EbeneEinfuegenDlg.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aefb701a861..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,808 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-' #1 tiFormatDefault
-' #1 tiFormatLine
-' #1 tdFormatArea
-' #1 tiFormatText
-' #1 tiFormatPositionAndSize
-' #1 tiFormatCharacter
-' #1 tiFormatControlForm
-' #1 tiFormatDimensions
-' #1 tiFormatConnector
-' #1 tiFormat3D_Effects
-' #1 tiFormatNumberingBullets
-' #1 tiFormatCaseCharacter
-' #1 tiFormatParagraph
-' #1 tiFormatPage
-' #1 tiFormatStylesAndFormatting
-' #1 tiFormatStylesSlideDesign
-' #1 tiFormatFontwork
-' #1 tiFormatGroup
-' #1 hWalkTheStyles
-testcase tiFormatDefault
- Call hNewDocument
- gMouseClick 50,50
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- FormatStandardDraw
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatLine
- hNewDocument
- gMouseClick 50,50
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- FormatLine
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLinie
- kontext "TabLinie"
- Call DialogTest ( TabLinie )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLinienstile
- kontext "TabLinienstile"
- Call DialogTest ( TabLinienstile )
- Kontext "NameDLG"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienstile"
- Aendern.Click
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienstile"
- Loeschen.Click
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- kontext "TabLinienstile"
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- call Dialogtest (OeffnenDLG)
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienstile"
- Kontext "SpeichernDLG"
- call Dialogtest (SpeichernDLG)
- SpeichernDLG.Cancel
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLinienenden
- kontext "TabLinienenden"
- Call DialogTest ( TabLinienenden )
- Hinzufuegen.Click
- Kontext "NameDLG"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienenden"
- Aendern.Click
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- try
- Messagebox.OK
- catch
- 'print "TabLinienenden"
- endcatch
- kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienenden"
- Loeschen.Click
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- kontext "TabLinienenden"
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- call Dialogtest (OeffnenDLG)
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienenden"
- Kontext "SpeichernDLG"
- call Dialogtest (SpeichernDLG)
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabLinienenden"
- TabLinienenden.cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdFormatArea
- Call hNewDocument
- gMouseClick 50,50
- Call hRechteckErstellen (15,15,65,65)
- gMouseClick 30,30
- FormatArea
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabArea
- Kontext "TabArea"
- Call DialogTest ( TabArea )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabSchatten
- kontext "TabSchatten"
- Anzeigen.Check
- Call DialogTest ( TabSchatten )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFarben
- kontext "TabFarben"
- 1
- Farbmodell.Select 1
- Call DialogTest ( TabFarben,1 )
- Farbmodell.Select 2
- Call DialogTest ( TabFarben,2 )
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- Messagebox.OK
- kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabFarben"
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- kontext "TabFarben"
- sleep 1
- Kontext "SpeichernDLG"
- call Dialogtest (SpeichernDLG)
- SpeichernDlg.Cancel
- sleep 1
- kontext "TabFarben"
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- call Dialogtest (OeffnenDLG)
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- Kontext "TabFarben"
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFarbverlaeufe
- kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe"
- Call DialogTest ( TabFarbverlaeufe )
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe"
- Aendern.Click
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe"
- try
- kontext "Messagebox"
- catch
- warnlog "nobody cares about deleting a gradient :-("
- endcatch
- kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe"
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- call Dialogtest (OeffnenDLG)
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- kontext "TabFarbverlaeufe"
- Kontext "SpeichernDLG"
- call Dialogtest (SpeichernDLG)
- SpeichernDLG.Cancel
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabSchraffuren
- kontext "TabSchraffuren"
- Call DialogTest ( TabSchraffuren)
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabSchraffuren"
- Aendern.Click
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.Cancel
- kontext "TabSchraffuren"
- kontext "Messagebox"
- kontext "TabSchraffuren"
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- call Dialogtest (OeffnenDLG)
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- kontext "TabSchraffuren"
- Kontext "SpeichernDLG"
- call Dialogtest (SpeichernDLG)
- SpeichernDLG.Cancel
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabBitmap
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- Call DialogTest ( TabBitmap )
- sleep 1
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.cancel
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- try
- Aendern.Click
- Kontext "NameDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( NameDlg )
- NameDlg.cancel
- catch
- WarnLog "Control is disabled - modify bitmap"
- endcatch
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- Import.Click
- try
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- Call DialogTest ( GrafikEinfuegenDlg )
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Cancel
- catch
- Warnlog "Insert graphic does not work"
- endcatch
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- kontext "Messagebox"
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- Kontext "OeffnenDLG"
- call Dialogtest (OeffnenDLG)
- OeffnenDLG.Cancel
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- Kontext "SpeichernDLG"
- call Dialogtest (SpeichernDLG)
- SpeichernDLG.Cancel
- kontext "TabBitmap"
- TabBitmap.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatText
- Call hNewDocument
- FormatTextDraw
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabText
- Kontext "TabText"
- DialogTest ( TabText )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLauftext
- Kontext "TabLauftext"
- DialogTest ( TabLauftext )
- TabLauftext.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatPositionAndSize
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- ContextPositionAndSize
- Kontext
- Messagebox.setpage TabPositionAndSize
- Kontext "TabPositionAndSize"
- call Dialogtest ( TabPositionAndSize )
- kontext "PositionPosition"
- PositionPosition.TypeKeys ("<right>", 2)
- kontext "SizePosition"
- SizePosition.TypeKeys ("<down>", 2)
- Kontext
- Messagebox.setPage TabDrehung
- Kontext "TabDrehung"
- call Dialogtest ( TabDrehung )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.setpage TabSchraegstellen
- Kontext "TabSchraegstellen"
- call Dialogtest ( TabSchraegstellen )
- TabSchraegstellen.cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatCharacter
- Call hNewDocument
- FormatCharacter
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFont
- kontext "TabFont"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest ( TabFont )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFontEffects
- kontext "TabFontEffects"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest ( TabFontEffects )
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabFontPosition
- Kontext "TabFontPosition"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest ( TabFontPosition )
- sleep 2
- TabFontPosition.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatControlForm
- printlog "testcase: check if controls are available"
- printlog "open new document"
- Call hNewDocument
- 'click in the document to get the focus into the document
- if ( UCase(gApplication) = "DRAW" ) then
- Kontext "DocumentDraw"
- DocumentDraw.MouseDown(50,50)
- DocumentDraw.MouseUp(50,50)
- else 'Impress
- Kontext "DocumentImpress"
- DocumentImpress.MouseDown(50,50)
- DocumentImpress.MouseUp(50,50)
- endif
- printlog "open the form controls toolbar"
- call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",true)
- kontext "FormControls"
- printlog "insert a PushButton"
- Pushbutton.Click
- Sleep 1
- gMouseMove (50, 20,70, 40)
- printlog "open the control properties dialog"
- FormatControl
- Kontext "ControlPropertiesDialog"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "close the control properties dialog"
- ControlPropertiesDialog.Close
- printlog "open the form properties dialog"
- FormatForm
- Kontext "ControlPropertiesDialog"
- WaitSlot (1000)
- printlog "close the form properties dialog"
- ControlPropertiesDialog.Close
- printlog "close the form control toolbar"
- call hToolbarSelect("FormControls",false)
- printlog "close application"
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatDimensions
- Call hNewDocument
- FormatDimensioning
- Kontext "Bemassung"
- DialogTest ( Bemassung )
- Bemassung.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatConnector
- Call hNewDocument
- FormatConnector
- Kontext "Verbinder"
- DialogTest ( Verbinder )
- Verbinder.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormat3D_Effects
- Call hNewDocument
- Format3D_Effects
- Kontext "Drei_D_Effekte"
- Call DialogTest ( Drei_D_Effekte,1 )
- Geometrie.Click
- Call DialogTest ( Drei_D_Effekte,2 )
- Darstellung.Click
- Call DialogTest ( Drei_D_Effekte,3 )
- Beleuchtung.Click
- Call DialogTest ( Drei_D_Effekte,4 )
- Texturen.Click
- Call DialogTest ( Drei_D_Effekte,5 )
- Material.Click
- Call DialogTest ( Drei_D_Effekte,6 )
- Kontext "Drei_D_Effekte"
- Drei_D_Effekte.Close
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatNumberingBullets
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000)
- FormatNumberingBulletsDraw
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabBullet
- Kontext "TabBullet"
- Call DialogTest ( TabBullet )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabNumerierungsart
- Kontext "TabNumerierungsart"
- Call DialogTest ( TabNumerierungsart )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabGrafiken
- Kontext "TabGrafiken"
- Call DialogTest ( TabGrafiken )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabPositionNumerierung
- Kontext "TabPositionNumerierung"
- Call DialogTest ( TabPositionNumerierung )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
- Kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
- Call DialogTest ( TabOptionenNumerierung )
- Numerierung.Select 9 ' last one always ? -> graphics
- TabOptionenNumerierung.MouseDown 50,60
- TabOptionenNumerierung.MouseUp 50,60
- Auswahl.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
- hMenuSelectNr (1)
- sleep 3
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- sleep 1
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
- Kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
- sleep 1
- try
- Auswahl.TypeKeys "<SPACE>"
- hMenuSelectNr (2)
- hMenuSelectNr (3)
- Sleep 2
- catch
- warnlog "couldn't do something :-) (1)"
- Exceptlog
- Call hMenuClose
- endcatch
- TabOptionenNumerierung.Cancel
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatCaseCharacter
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("testit",20,20,50,30)
- sleep 1
- hTypeKeys "<left>"
- FormatChangeCaseUpper
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FormatChangeCaseLower
- WaitSlot (2000)
- if bAsianLan then
- if not gAsianSup then
- qaerrorlog "This is an asian language-office, but asian support was disabled in a previous test?"
- end if
- try
- FormatChangeCaseHalfWidth
- catch
- Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Half Width does not work."
- endcatch
- WaitSlot (1000)
- try
- FormatChangeCaseFullWidth
- catch
- Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Full Width does not work!"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- try
- FormatChangeCaseHiragana
- catch
- Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Hiragana does not work."
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- try
- FormatChangeCaseKatagana
- catch
- Warnlog "Format / Change Case / Katagana does not work."
- endcatch
- end if
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatParagraph
- Call hNewDocument
- FormatParagraph
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende
- kontext "TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende"
- Call DialogTest ( TabEinzuegeUndAbstaende )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabAusrichtungAbsatz
- Kontext "TabAusrichtungAbsatz"
- Call DialogTest ( TabAusrichtungAbsatz )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabTabulator
- kontext "TabTabulator"
- Call DialogTest ( TabTabulator )
- TabTabulator.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatPage
- Call hNewDocument
- FormatSlideDraw
- kontext
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- Messagebox.SetPage TabSeite
- Kontext "TabSeite"
- if TabSeite.exists (5) then
- Call Dialogtest (TabSeite)
- else
- warnlog "nope :-(1"
- endif
- sleep 1
- kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabArea
- sleep 1
- kontext
- if messagebox.GetRT = 304 then
- printlog "active about pagesize != printersettings, will say NO: " + Messagebox.GetText
- try
- Messagebox.No
- catch
- warnlog messagebox.getText
- Messagebox.ok ' should be Error loading BASIC of document ##?
- kontext
- if messagebox.GetRT = 304 then
- try
- warnlog messagebox.getText
- Messagebox.ok
- catch
- printlog "not expected state."
- endcatch
- endif
- endcatch
- endif
- sleep 1
- kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabArea
- Kontext "TabArea"
- if TabArea.exists (5) then
- Call Dialogtest (TabArea)
- endif
- sleep 1
- TabArea.Cancel
- else
- warnlog "FormatPage doesn't come up with dialog :-("
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatStylesAndFormatting
- Dim sTemp as String
- dim sSettings(20,3) ' Control_name; control_type; value
- dim i as integer
- dim abctemp
- Call hNewDocument
- sleep 5
- hTextrahmenErstellen ("I love Wednesdays...",20,20,80,40)
- sleep 1
- printlog "Checking if TextObjectBar is up"
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- if TextObjectbar.Exists Then
- printlog "TextObjectbar.Exists = " + TextObjectbar.Exists
- else
- ViewToolbarsTextFormatting
- endif
- FormatStylist
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "Stylist"
- if (Stylist.NotExists) then
- qaErrorLog "There is no stylist open, trying again now"
- FormatStylist
- end if
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<End>"
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<Up>"
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<Up>"
- sleep 1
- Vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 1
- hMenuSelectNr (1)
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- try
- Messagebox.SetPage TabVerwalten
- Kontext "TabVerwalten"
- TabVerwalten.TypeKeys "<TAB>"
- VorlagenName.setText("1Test")
- sTemp = VorlagenName.getText
- VerknuepftMit.getSelText
- Bereich.getSelText
- TabVerwalten.OK
- catch
- warnlog "Under Gnome we have a focus problem here."
- endcatch
- end if
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Stylist"
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<Home>" 'to go to the style we've created ourselves.
- sleep 1
- Vorlagenliste.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 1
- hMenuSelectNr (2) 'modify...
- sleep 1
- Kontext
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- try
- Messagebox.SetPage TabVerwalten
- Kontext "TabVerwalten"
- VorlagenName.setText("2Test")
- TabVerwalten.OK
- catch
- warnlog "Under Gnome we have a focus problem here."
- endcatch
- end if
- sleep 3
- Kontext "Stylist"
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<Home>" 'to go to the style we've created ourselves.
- sleep 1
- try
- Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<Delete>" 'To delete the style.
- Kontext "Active" 'do you really wish to delete?
- Active.YES
- sleep 2
- catch
- Warnlog "Couldnt delete the new Style, or maybe wrong position?"
- endcatch
- Kontext "Stylist"
- if (Stylist.NotExists) then
- ErrorLog "There was no Stylist open, should be."
- else
- if lcase(gPlatform) = "osx" then
- hTypekeys "<mod1 t>"
- else
- hTypekeys "<F11>"
- endif
- Kontext "Stylist"
- if (Stylist.Exists) then
- ErrorLog "The Stylist should be closed now."
- endif
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatFontwork
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Flightplanning via is hard!",20,20,50,30)
- sleep 1
- FormatFontwork
- Kontext "FontWork"
- if FontWork.exists (5) then
- DialogTest ( FontWork )
- sleep 1
- FontWork.Close
- else
- warnlog "FontWork didn't came up :-("
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatGroup
- Call hNewDocument
- hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 20 )
- hRechteckErstellen ( 30, 30, 40, 40 )
- EditSelectAll
- FormatGroupDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FormatEditGroupDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FormatExitGroupDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FormatUngroupDraw
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiFormatStylesSlideDesign
- ' create recktanglr; click outside ?
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (3000)
- FormatModifyLayout ' is OK : Format->Styles->Slide Design; 27064; SID_PRESENTATION_LAYOUT
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Kontext "Seitenvorlage"
- Call DialogTest ( Seitenvorlage )
- HintergrundseiteAustauschen.check
- DeleteUnusedBackgrounds.check
- Laden.Click
- kontext "Neu"
- sleep 1
- kontext "Neu"
- try
- Vorschau.check
- catch
- printlog "Preview wasn't checkable :-( hopfully now:"
- sleep 1
- Vorschau.check
- printlog "... OK :-)"
- endcatch
- Neu.cancel
- Kontext "Seitenvorlage"
- Seitenvorlage.Cancel
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index bcbfa3d7c24b..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-' #1 tiToolsSpellchecking
-' #1 tiToolsSpellcheckingAutomatic
-' #1 tiToolsThesaurus
-' #1 tiToolsHyphenation
-' #1 tiToolsAutoCorrect
-' #1 tChineseTranslation
-' #1 tiToolsMacro
-' #1 tiToolsGallery
-' #1 tiToolsEyedropper
-' #1 tiToolsOptions
-testcase tiToolsSpellchecking
- if not gOOO then ' Spellcheck doesn't work in OOo builds.
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
- call hSetSpellHypLanguage
- Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("Whaaaat", 10, 10, 30, 40)
- sleep 1
- ToolsSpellCheck
- WaitSlot (1000) 'sleep 1
- Kontext "MessageBox"
- if MessageBox.exists(2) then
- qaerrorlog "Messagebox : " + MessageBox.gettext() + " appear."
- qaerrorlog "Maybe no spellchecking for this languages is available."
- MessageBox.OK
- else
- Kontext "Rechtschreibung"
- if Rechtschreibung.exists then
- Call DialogTest ( Rechtschreibung )
- Rechtschreibung.Close
- else
- warnlog " Spellcheck dialog didn't came up :-("
- end if
- end if
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- warnlog "Shouldn't be any messagebox after pressing close in spellchecker"
- Messagebox.OK
- sleep (2)
- Kontext
- end if
- Call hCloseDocument
- else goto endsub
- endif
-testcase tiToolsSpellcheckingAutomatic
- Call hNewDocument
- ToolsSpellcheckAutoSpellcheck
- Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("What", 10, 10, 30, 40)
- sleep 2
- ToolsSpellcheckAutoSpellcheck
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiToolsThesaurus
- if not gOOO then ' Thesaurus doesn't work in OOo builds.
- dim sFileName as String
- call hSetSpellHypLanguage
- if (gApplication = "IMPRESS") then
- sFileName = (ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\engtext.odp"))
- else
- sFileName = (ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\engtext.odg"))
- end if
- if FileExists ( sFileName ) = FALSE then
- warnlog "The language-file was not found or accessible! The test ends."
- goto endsub
- end if
- Call hFileOpen (sFileName)
- sleep (2)
- hTypeKeys "<TAB><RETURN>"
- hTypeKeys "<END><SHIFT HOME>"
- ' Call hTextrahmenErstellen ("SimpleTest" + "<Mod1 Shift left>", 10, 10, 30, 40)
- try
- ExtrasThesaurusDraw
- Kontext "Thesaurus"
- Call DialogTest ( Thesaurus )
- Sprache.Click
- Kontext "SpracheAuswaehlen"
- Call DialogTest ( SpracheAuswaehlen )
- SpracheAuswaehlen.cancel
- Kontext "Thesaurus"
- Nachschlagen.Click
- kontext
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- printlog "Messagebox: word not in thesaurus: '"+Messagebox.gettext+"'"
- Messagebox.ok
- end if
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Thesaurus"
- Thesaurus.Cancel
- catch
- warnlog "Thesaurus didn't work :-("
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
- else goto endsub
- endif
-testcase tiToolsHyphenation
- Call hNewDocument
- ToolsLanguageHyphenationDraw
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
- ToolsLanguageHyphenationDraw
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiToolsAutoCorrect
- dim iLanguage as integer ' for resetting the language
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000) 'sleep 1
- ToolsAutocorrect
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabErsetzung
- Kontext "TabErsetzung"
- Call DialogTest ( TabErsetzung )
- iLanguage = WelcheSprache.GetSelIndex
- WelcheSprache.Select 1 ' select language with empty list
- Kuerzel.SetText "a"
- ErsetzenDurch.SetText "b"
- Neu.Click
- sleep 1
- Loeschen.Click
- sleep 1
- try
- Loeschen.Click
- catch
- printlog "ok was CRASH before" '#
- endcatch
- (iLanguage)
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabAusnahmen
- Kontext "TabAusnahmen"
- Call DialogTest ( TabAusnahmen )
- Abkuerzungen.settext "Lala"
- Woerter.settext "LALA"
- WoerterAutomatisch.Check
- WoerterAutomatisch.UnCheck
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabOptionen
- Kontext "TabOptionen"
- Call DialogTest ( TabOptionen )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabLocalizedOptions
- Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 1a
- SingleQuotesReplace.Check
- SingleQuotesStart.Click
- Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
- Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 1 )
- Sonderzeichen.Cancel
- Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 1b
- SingleQuotesEnd.Click
- Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
- Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 2 )
- Sonderzeichen.Cancel
- Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 1s
- SingleQuotesDefault.Click
- Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 2a
- DoubleQuotesStart.Click
- Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
- Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 3 )
- Sonderzeichen.Cancel
- Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 2b
- DoubleQuotesEnd.Click
- Kontext "Sonderzeichen"
- Call DialogTest ( Sonderzeichen, 4 )
- Sonderzeichen.Cancel
- Kontext "TabLocalizedOptions" ' 2s
- DoubleQuotesDefault.Click
- SingleQuotesReplace.UnCheck
- TabLocalizedOptions.cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tChineseTranslation
- qaerrorlog( "#i89634# - Chinese Translation dialog does not close" )
- goto endsub
- dim sFileName as string
- dim bSavedAsianSupport as boolean
- if uCase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS" then
- sFileName = "graphics\required\input\tchinese.odp"
- else
- sFileName = "graphics\required\input\tchinese.odg"
- end if
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- bSavedAsianSupport = ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(TRUE)
- Call hFileOpen ( ConvertPath(gTesttoolPath + sFileName) )
- sleep (2)
- Kontext "Standardbar"
- if Bearbeiten.GetState(2) <> 1 then
- Bearbeiten.Click '0 = not pressed. 1 = pressed.
- Kontext
- if Active.Exists(1) then
- Active.Yes
- else
- warnlog "No messagebox after making document editable? - Test canceled here"
- goto endsub
- end if
- end if
- if uCase(gApplication) = "IMPRESS" then
- Kontext "DocumentImpress"
- else
- Kontext "DocumentDraw"
- end if
- EditSelectAll
- hTypeKeys "<RETURN>"
- ToolsChineseTranslation
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- kontext "ChineseTranslation"
- Call DialogTest ( ChineseTranslation )
- EditTerms.Click
- kontext "ChineseDictionary"
- Call DialogTest ( ChineseDictionary )
- ChineseDictionary.Ok
- kontext "ChineseTranslation"
- ChineseTranslation.OK
- kontext
- if Messagebox.exists (5) then
- printlog "Messagebox: "+Messagebox.gettext+"'"
- Messagebox.ok
- end if
- ActiveDeactivateAsianSupport(bSavedAsianSupport)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiToolsMacro
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
- ToolsMacro
- Kontext "Makro"
- Call DialogTest ( Makro )
- Verwalten.Click
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabModule
- Kontext "TabModule"
- Call DialogTest ( TabModule )
- Kontext
- Messagebox.SetPage TabBibliotheken
- Kontext "TabBibliotheken"
- Call DialogTest ( TabBibliotheken )
- Hinzufuegen.Click
- Kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists (5) then
- if Messagebox.GetRT = 304 then
- Warnlog Messagebox.Gettext
- Messagebox.Ok
- end if
- end if
- Kontext "OeffnenDlg"
- OeffnenDlg.Cancel
- Kontext "TabBibliotheken"
- Neu.Click
- kontext "NeueBibliothek"
- sleep 1 'Bibliotheksname
- NeueBibliothek.cancel
- Kontext "TabBibliotheken"
- TabBibliotheken.Close
- Kontext "Makro"
- Makro.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiToolsGallery
- Call hNewDocument
- ToolsGallery
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- ToolsGallery
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiToolsEyedropper
- Call hNewDocument
- ToolsEyedropper
- Kontext "Pipette"
- Call DialogTest (Pipette)
- Pipette.Close
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiToolsOptions
- Call hNewDocument
- ToolsOptions
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- kontext "OptionenDlg"
- OptionenDlg.Close
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc870953f3a..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-' #1 tdModifyFlipVertikal
-' #1 tdModifyFlipHorizontal
-' #1 tdContextConvertIntoCurve
-' #1 tdContextConvertIntoPolygon
-' #1 tdContextConvertIntoContour
-' #1 tdContextConvertInto3D
-' #1 tdContextConvertIntoRotationObject
-' #1 tdContextConvertIntoBitmap
-' #1 tdContextConvertIntoMetaFile
-' #1 tdModifyArrange
-' #1 tdModifyArrangeObjects
-' #1 tdModifyAlignment
-' #1 tdContextDistribution
-' #1 tdContextDescriptionObject
-' #1 tdContextNameObject
-' #1 tdModifyConnectBreak
-' #1 tdModifyShapes
-' #1 tdModifyCombineSplit
-testcase tdModifyFlipVertikal
- Call hNewDocument ' imp: contextmenue same SID!
- sleep 1
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- try
- ContextFlipVerticalDraw
- Printlog "- Flip-vertical is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Flip-Vertical does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyFlipHorizontal
- Call hNewDocument ' imp: contextmenue same SID!
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- try
- ContextFlipHorizontalDraw
- Printlog "- Flip-horizontal is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Flip-horizontal does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertIntoCurve
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- ContextConvertIntoCurve
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertIntoPolygon
- dim iWaitIndex as integer
- Call hNewDocument ' imp: contextmenue same SID!
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- iWaitIndex = 0
- do while NOT GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists AND iWaitIndex < 10
- sleep(1)
- iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
- loop
- if NOT GrafikEinfuegenDlg.Exists AND iWaitIndex = 10 then
- warnlog "Dialogue Insert Graphics didnt work. Ending testcase."
- Call hCloseDocument
- goto endsub
- end if
- Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\enter.bmp")
- Oeffnen.Click
- sleep 3
- ContextConvertIntoPolygon
- Kontext "InPolygonUmwandeln"
- Call DialogTest (InPolygonUmwandeln)
- LoecherFuellen.Check
- Farbanzahl.More
- Punktreduktion.More
- Kachelgroesse.More
- Vorschau.Click
- sleep 10
- InPolygonUmwandeln.Cancel
- sleep (2)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertIntoContour
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- ContextConvertIntoContour
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertInto3D
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- ContextConvertInto3D
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertIntoRotationObject
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (20,20,50,50)
- sleep 2
- ContextConvertInto3DRotationObject
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertIntoBitmap
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (3000)
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- WaitSlot (3000)
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- sleep 2
- Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\columbia.dxf")
- sleep 2
- Oeffnen.Click
- sleep 2
- try
- ContextConvertIntoBitmap
- Printlog "- Convert into bitmap is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Convert into bitmap does not work"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextConvertIntoMetaFile
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (3000)
- InsertGraphicsFromFile
- WaitSlot (1000)
- kontext "Messagebox"
- if Messagebox.Exists (5) Then Messagebox.OK
- sleep 1
- Kontext "GrafikEinfuegenDlg"
- sleep 2
- Dateiname.SetText ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath + "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp")
- sleep 2
- Preview.Click
- sleep 3
- Oeffnen.Click
- sleep 5
- try
- ContextConvertIntoMetafile
- Printlog "- convert into meta file does work"
- catch
- Warnlog "- convert into meta file does not work"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyArrange
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- hTypeKeys("<escape>")
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 30, 30, 50, 60 )
- FormatArrangeBringToFront
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextArrangeBringForward
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextArrangeBringBackward
- WaitSlot (1000)
- FormatArrangeSendToBack
- WaitSlot (1000)
- EditSelectAll
- ContextArrangeReverse
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyArrangeObjects
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 20, 20, 30, 50 )
- hTypeKeys("<escape>")
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 30,30,50,50 )
- ContextArrangeInFrontOfObject
- gMouseClick 11,11
- ContextArrangeBehindObject
- gMouseClick 45,45
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyAlignment
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 20, 20, 30, 50 )
- ContextAlignmentLeft
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextAlignmentCentered
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextAlignmentRight
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextAlignmentTop
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextAlignmentBottom
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextAlignmentCenter
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextDistribution
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (3000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (20,20,30,30)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (40,40,50,50)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (60,60,70,70)
- sleep 1
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 1
- ContextDistribution
- Kontext "VerteilenDlg"
- sleep 1
- Call DialogTest (VerteilenDlg)
- sleep 1
- Links.Check
- MitteHorizontal.Check
- AbstandHorizontal.Check
- Rechts.Check
- KeineHorizontal.Check
- Oben.Check
- MitteVertikal.Check
- AbstandVertikal.Check
- Unten.Check
- KeineVertikal.Check
- VerteilenDlg.Cancel
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextDescriptionObject
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- ContextDescriptionObject
- Kontext "DescriptionObject"
- Call DialogTest (DescriptionObject)
- DescriptionObject.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdContextNameObject
- Call hNewDocument
- WaitSlot (1000)
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 20, 20, 30, 50 )
- hTypeKeys("<escape>")
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 30, 40, 50, 60 )
- sleep 1
- gMouseMove 1,1,95,95
- sleep 1
- FormatGroupGroup
- WaitSlot (1000)
- ContextNameObject
- Kontext "NameDlgObject"
- Call DialogTest (NameDlgObject)
- NameDlgObject.Cancel
- FormatUngroupDraw
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyConnectBreak
- Call hNewDocument
- sleep 1
- Call hRechteckErstellen (10,10,30,30)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (35,35,50,50)
- sleep 1
- EditSelectAll
- ContextConnect
- sleep 1
- try
- ContextBreak
- catch
- Warnlog "- Modify-Break does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyShapes
- Call hNewDocument
- sleep 1
- gMouseClick 50,50
- Call hRechteckErstellen (30,30,50,50)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (60,60,80,80)
- sleep 1
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 1
- try
- ModifyShapesMerge ' 1
- WaitSlot (1000) 'sleep 1
- Printlog "- Modify-Shape merge is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Modify-shape merge is not working"
- endcatch
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 1
- hTypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- sleep 1
- Call hRechteckErstellen (30,30,50,50)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (60,60,80,80)
- sleep 1
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 1
- try
- ModifyShapesSubstract ' 2
- Printlog "- Modify-shape-substract is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Modify-shape substract is not working"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 1
- hTypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- sleep 1
- Call hRechteckErstellen (30,30,50,50)
- sleep 1
- Call hRechteckErstellen (60,60,80,80)
- sleep 1
- EditSelectall
- sleep 1
- try
- ModifyShapesIntersect ' 3
- Printlog "- Modify-shape intersect is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Modify-Shape intersect is not working"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdModifyCombineSplit
- Call hNewDocument
- sleep 1
- Call hRechteckErstellen (30,30,50,50)
- Call hRechteckErstellen (60,60,80,80)
- sleep 1
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 1
- try
- ContextCombine
- Printlog "- Modify combine is working"
- ContextSplit
- Printlog "- Modify-split is working"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Modify-combine and split are not working"
- endcatch
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 654cae0f00df..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-' #1 tiWindowNewWindow
-' #1 tidWindow123 'wrn:2
-testcase tiWindowNewWindow
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- WindowNewWindow
- WaitSlot (2000)
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tidWindow123
- goto endsub '' testing TBO: 29.03.2002
- dim iMenues as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 20, 40 )
- Kontext "DocumentImpress"
- DocumentImpress.UseMenu
- iMenues = MenuGetItemCount
- warnlog "---- Number of Main menus: " & iMenues
- MenuSelect(Menugetitemid(8))
- sleep 1
- iMenues = MenuGetItemCount
- printlog "---- Number of Main menus: " & iMenues
- ' MenuSelect(Menugetitemid(14))
- sleep 1
- i=1
- printlog "count: " + i + "; of submenu: " + MenuGetItemCount + "; SID: " + MenuGetItemId (i) + "; Text: " + MenuGetItemText (Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Command: " + MenuGetItemCommand(Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Seperator?: " + MenuIsSeperator(i) + "; Enabled: " + MenuIsItemEnabled(Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Checked: " + MenuIsItemChecked(Menugetitemid(i)) + ";"
- i=2
- printlog "count: " + i + "; of submenu: " + MenuGetItemCount + "; SID: " + MenuGetItemId (i) + "; Text: " + MenuGetItemText (Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Command: " + MenuGetItemCommand(Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Seperator?: " + MenuIsSeperator(i) + "; Enabled: " + MenuIsItemEnabled(Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Checked: " + MenuIsItemChecked(Menugetitemid(i)) + ";"
- warnlog "Dynamic entries not accessible ? :-((((("
- ' i=3
- ' printlog "count: " + i + "; of submenue: " + MenuGetItemCount + "; SID: " + MenuGetItemId (i) + "; Text: " + MenuGetItemText (Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Command: " + MenuGetItemCommand(Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Seperator?: " + MenuIsSeperator(i) + "; Enabled: " + MenuIsItemEnabled(Menugetitemid(i)) + "; Checked: " + MenuIsItemChecked(Menugetitemid(i)) + ";"
- Call hCloseDocument
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7096a1a860a9..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description : Testcases to test the Help-Menu.
-' #1 tmHelpHelpAgent
-' #1 tmHelpTips
-' #1 tmHelpExtendedTips
-' #1 tmHelpAboutStarOffice
-' #1 tmHelpContents
-' #1 tCheckIfTheHelpExists
-testcase tmHelpHelpAgent
- Call hNewDocument
- hTBOtypeInDoc
- HelpHelpAgent ' it's just a switch
- sleep 2
- HelpHelpAgent
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmHelpTips
- Call hNewDocument
- hTBOtypeInDoc
- HelpTips
- Sleep 2
- HelpTips
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmHelpExtendedTips
- Call hNewDocument
- hTBOtypeInDoc
- HelpEntendedHelp
- Sleep (2)
- HelpEntendedHelp
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmHelpAboutStarOffice
- Call hNewDocument
- hTBOtypeInDoc
- HelpAboutStarOffice
- Kontext "UeberStarMath"
- DialogTest (UeberStarMath)
- UeberStarMath.OK
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tmHelpContents
- goto endsub '"#i84486# - tmHelpContents outcommented due to crash."
- dim i as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- HelpContents
- sleep(8)
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- if Not StarOfficeHelp.Exists then
- Warnlog "Help is not up!"
- else
- Printlog "HelpAbout: '" + HelpAbout.GetItemCount +"'"
- '################ left half ################
- TabControl.SetPage ContentPage
- Printlog "SearchContent: '" + SearchContent.GetItemCount + "'"
- TabControl.SetPage IndexPage
- Printlog "SearchIndex: '" + SearchIndex.GetItemCount + "'"
- sleep 5
- DisplayIndex.Click
- sleep 5
- TabControl.SetPage FindPage
- Printlog "SearchFind: '" + SearchFind.GetItemCount + "'"
- if SearchFind.GetSelText = "" then
- if FindButton.IsEnabled then
- warnlog " The Find-Button should have been inactive, but was active."
- endif
- else
- warnlog " The Search-Text-Field shouldn't contain any text. But contained: " + SearchFind.GetSelText
- endif
- SearchFind.SetText "Doobbidedooo"
- FindButton.Click
- kontext
- if (active.exists (2) )then
- Printlog "active came up: '" + active.gettext + "'"
- active.ok
- endif
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- FindFullWords.Check
- FindInHeadingsOnly.Check
- Printlog "Result: '" + Result.GetItemCount + "'"
- DisplayFind.Click
- TabControl.SetPage BookmarksPage
- Printlog "Bookmarks: '" + Bookmarks.GetItemCount + "'"
- DisplayBookmarks.Click
- '################ right half ################
- '################ toolbar ################
- Kontext "TB_Help"
- Index.Click
- sleep 1
- Index.Click
- sleep 1
- GoToStart.Click
- sleep 1
- Backward.Click
- sleep 1
- Forward.Click
- sleep 1
- PrintButton.Click
- sleep (1)
- kontext "Active"
- if Active.Exists( 2 ) then
- qaerrorlog "No default printer defined: " & Active.GetText
- Active.Ok
- end if
- kontext "Printing"
- if Printing.Exists( 2 ) then
- Printing.cancel
- else
- warnlog "the Print-Dialogue didnt appear."
- end if
- Kontext "TB_Help"
- sleep 1
- SetBookmarks.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "AddBookmark"
- Printlog "Bookmarkname: '" + Bookmarkname.GetText + "'"
- AddBookmark.Cancel
- sleep 1
- '################ help display ################
- kontext "HelpContent"
- HelpContent.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 1
- Printlog " i: " + hMenuItemGetCount
- hMenuClose()
- '################ right scroolbar ################
- kontext "HelpContent"
- if HelpContentUP.IsVisible then
- HelpContentUP.Click
- sleep 1
- endif
- if HelpContentNAVIGATION.IsVisible then
- HelpContentNAVIGATION.Click
- sleep 1
- endif
- kontext "NavigationsFenster"
- NavigationsFenster.Close
- sleep 1
- kontext "HelpContent"
- if HelpContentDOWN.IsVisible then
- HelpContentDOWN.Click
- sleep 1
- endif
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- Printlog "trying to close the help now"
- try
- StarOfficeHelp.TypeKeys "<Mod1 F4>" ' strg F4 supported since bug #103586#
- catch
- Warnlog "failed to close the help window :-("
- endcatch
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- if StarOfficeHelp.Exists then
- warnlog "Help still up!"
- endif
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tCheckIfTheHelpExists
- Call hNewDocument
- HelpContents
- kontext "HelpContent"
- sleep (5)
- HelpContent.TypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
- sleep (1)
- HelpContent.TypeKeys "<MOD1 C>"
- if GetClipBoard = "" then
- Warnlog " No content in the Help-Content -view."
- else
- Printlog " The Help-Content -view contained content. Good."
- endif
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- try
- StarOfficeHelp.TypeKeys "<MOD1 F4>"
- catch
- Warnlog " Failed to close the help window :-("
- endcatch
- kontext "StarOfficeHelp"
- if StarOfficeHelp.Exists then
- warnlog "Help was still visible!"
- endif
- hTypeKeys "."
- Call hCloseDocument
-endcase 'tCheckIfTheHelpExists
diff --git a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/ b/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
deleted file mode 100644
index b1880d0982e8..000000000000
--- a/testautomation/graphics/optional/includes/global/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
-'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
-' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
-' - a multi-platform office productivity suite
-' This file is part of
-' is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
-' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-' version 3 along with If not, see
-' <>
-' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
-'* Owner :
-'* short description :
-testcase tiTextToolbar
- Dim iWaitIndex as integer
- Dim Zufall as integer
- Dim i as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- hTextrahmenErstellen ("This is a Text, which will be formatted in several ways", 20,20,40,80)
- sleep 2
- EditSelectAll
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- if TextObjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then 'isVisible
- ViewToolbarsTextFormatting
- endif
- WaitSlot (3000) 'sleep (3)
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- choose random font"
- randomize
- Zufall=((2*Rnd)+1) ' wird nicht auf den verfuegbaren bereich getreckt :-( TODO TBO!
- Schriftart.GetItemcount
- Schriftart.GetSelText
- Schriftart.Select (Zufall)
- Printlog Schriftart.GetSelText + " chosen"
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- Change size of font"
- Schriftgroesse.Select (Zufall)
- Printlog Schriftgroesse.GetSelText + " chosen"
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Font attribute bold"
- Fett.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Font attribute cursive"
- Kursiv.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Font attribute cursiv"
- Unterstrichen.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- font attribute color"
- sleep 3
- FontColorGraphics.TearOff
- Kontext "TB_Farbe"
- TB_Farbe.Move 20, 20
- Sleep 2
- TB_Farbe.MouseDoubleClick 50, 50
- Sleep 2
- TB_Farbe.Close
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Allign text left"
- Linksbuendig.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Allign text centered"
- Zentriert.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- align text to right"
- Rechtsbuendig.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Justified"
- Blocksatz.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- if TextObjectbar.isEnabled <> TRUE then
- warnlog "Couldn't access TextObjectbar - known bug with bars - FHA"
- ViewToolbarsTextFormatting
- endif
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 2
- Printlog "- Raising Font spacing"
- kontext "TextObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- iWaitIndex = 0
- do while NOT TextObjectbar.isEnabled AND iWaitIndex < 10
- sleep(1)
- iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
- loop
- if NOT TextObjectbar.isEnabled AND iWaitIndex = 10 then
- warnlog "Dialogue TextObjectbar didnt work. Ending testcase."
- Call hCloseDocument
- goto endsub
- endif
- TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 2
- hMenuselectNr (1)
- sleep 2
- hMenuItemCheck (13)
- sleep 2
- TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 2
- hMenuselectNr (1)
- sleep 2
- hMenuItemCheck (14)
- sleep 2
- ZeilenabstandErhoehen.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Decrease Spacing"
- ZeilenabstandVerringern.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Numbering and Bullets"
- sleep 2
- BulletsOnOff.Click
- sleep 2
- BulletsOnOff.Click
- Kontext "TextObjectBar"
- Printlog "- Increase Font /Reduce Font"
- sleep 2
- printlog "Click on Increase Font"
- IncreaseFont.Click
- sleep 2
- printlog "Click on Reduce Font"
- ReduceFont.Click
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Text direction from left to right"
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- click button 'Text direction from left to right
- try
- TextdirectionLeftToRight.Click
- printlog "hor does work :-)"
- if (NOT gAsianSup) then
- warnlog " this doesn't have to work if asian lang support is disabled :-)"
- endif
- catch
- if (gAsianSup) then
- warnlog "hor does NOT work :-("
- endif
- endcatch
- Printlog "- click button 'Text direction from top to bottom"
- try
- TextdirectionTopToBottom.Click
- printlog "ver does work :-)"
- if (gAsianSup = FALSE) then
- warnlog " this doesnt have to work if asian lang support is disabled :-)"
- endif
- catch
- if (gAsianSup = TRUE) then
- warnlog "ver does NOT work :-( , AsianLanguage support is enabled !"
- endif
- endcatch
- Printlog "- open character dialog"
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- sleep 2
- Zeichenformat.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext
- Active.SetPage TabFont
- Kontext "TabFont"
- sleep 2
- if TabFont.Exists Then
- TabFont.Cancel
- Printlog "- Tabfont exists"
- else
- Warnlog "- No dialog exists "
- endif
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- call properties for paragraph using text object toolbar"
- Absatzformat.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext
- Active.SetPage TabTabulator
- Kontext "TabTabulator"
- if TabTabulator.Exists Then
- Printlog "- TabTabulator exists"
- TabTabulator.Cancel
- else
- Warnlog "- TabTabulator does not exist"
- endif
- if ( gApplication = "IMPRESS" ) then ' IMPRESS only
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- OutlineBullet.Click
- kontext
- if active.exists (5) then
- messagebox.SetPage TabOptionenNumerierung
- kontext "TabOptionenNumerierung"
- if (TabOptionenNumerierung.exists (5) ) then
- Printlog "Numbering/Bullets window came up :-)"
- TabOptionenNumerierung.cancel
- else
- warnlog "no Numbering/Bullets window came up :-("
- endif
- else
- warnlog "no Numbering/Bullets window came up :-( 2"
- endif
- Printlog "-change order of outline points"
- sleep 3
- ViewWorkspaceOutlineView
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep (3)
- Kontext "DocumentImpressOutlineView"
- sleep 1
- DocumentImpressOutlineView.TypeKeys "Bla bla bla <RETURN><TAB>bla bla bla bla bla <MOD1 SHIFT LEFT>"
- sleep 1
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- HierachieRunter.Click
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- Move back down"
- HierachieHoch.Click
- sleep 1
- HierachieHoch.Click
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- Move paragraph up"
- AbsatzHoch.Click
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- move paragraph back down and switch to drawing view"
- AbsatzRunter.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Vorschau"
- if Vorschau.Exists then
- printlog "- - - - preview window is open, hope there is no problem"
- ' Vorschau.Close
- endif
- else ' DRAW only
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Double"
- LineSpacing2.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- 1.5 lines"
- LineSpacing15.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- Printlog "- Single"
- LineSpacing1.Click
- sleep 2
- endif
- iWaitIndex = 0
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- do while TextObjectbar.isEnabled = FALSE AND iWaitIndex < 10
- sleep(1)
- iWaitIndex = iWaitIndex + 1
- loop
- if TextObjectbar.isEnabled = FALSE AND iWaitIndex = 10 then
- warnlog "Dialogue TextObjectbar didnt work. Ending testcase."
- Call hCloseDocument
- goto endsub
- endif
- sleep 2
- Kontext "TextObjectbar"
- TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 2
- hMenuselectNr (1)
- sleep 2
- hMenuItemUnCheck (13)
- sleep 2
- TextObjectbar.OpenContextMenu
- sleep 2
- hMenuselectNr (1)
- sleep 2
- hMenuItemUnCheck (14)
- sleep 2
- ViewToolbarsTextFormatting
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- if ( gApplication = "IMPRESS" ) then
- Kontext "DocumentImpressOutlineView"
- DocumentImpressOutlineView.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
- hUseAsyncSlot( "EditSelectAll" )
- DocumentImpressOutlineView.TypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- sleep (3)
- ViewWorkspaceDrawingView
- Kontext "DocumentImpress"
- WaitSlot (2000) 'sleep 1
- DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
- hUseAsyncSlot( "EditSelectAll" )
- DocumentImpress.TypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- else
- Kontext "DocumentDraw"
- DocumentDraw.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>"
- hUseAsyncSlot( "EditSelectAll" )
- DocumentDraw.TypeKeys "<DELETE>"
- endif
- Printlog "Test ended."
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiDrawObjectBar
- Dim a as string
- Dim Zaehler as integer
- Dim i as integer
- Dim x as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen (20,20,70,70)
- sleep 1
- '--------------------------- format line ------------------------
- Printlog "- call format line using graphic object toolbar"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- if DrawingObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then
- ViewToolbarsGraphic
- endif
- if DrawingObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then
- warnlog "Drawing-Objectbar should have been opened, but wasnt"
- ViewToolbarsGraphic
- endif
- sleep 3
- Linie.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext
- Active.SetPage TabLinie
- Kontext "TabLinie"
- if TabLinie.Exists Then
- TabLinie.Cancel
- Printlog "- TabLinie exists "
- else
- Warnlog "- TabLinie does not exist"
- endif
- '--------------------------- Linienendenstil --------------------
- Printlog "- Style of line ends"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- Linienendenstil.TearOff
- sleep 2
- Kontext "Linienenden"
- if Linienenden.Exists Then
- Printlog "- dialog exists"
- Linienenden.Close
- else
- Warnlog "- Arrowheads does not exist"
- endif
- '--------------------------- Linienstil -------------------------
- Printlog "- choose style of lines using graphic object toolbar"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- Linienstil.Select 2
- Printlog Linienstil.GetSelText + " chosen"
- Linienstil.Select Linienstil.GetItemCount
- Printlog Linienstil.GetSelText + " chosen"
- sleep 2
- '--------------------------- Linienbreite------------------------
- Printlog "- check style of lines using graphic object toolbar"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- a = Linienbreite.GetText
- SetClipboard a
- sleep 1
- Linienbreite.SetText "0,5"
- sleep 2
- if Linienbreite.GetText = a Then
- Warnlog "- changes in edit field did not happen; is: '"+Linienbreite.GetText+"', should be : '"+"0,5"+"'"
- else
- Printlog "- Width of lines changed"
- endif
- '--------------------------- Linienfarbe ------------------------
- Printlog "- change line color"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- Zaehler = Linienfarbe.GetItemCount
- randomize
- i = Int(Zaehler*Rnd+1)
- Linienfarbe.Select i
- Printlog Linienfarbe.GetSelText + " chosen"
- '--------------------------- Flaechenformatierung ---------------
- Printlog "- Call Format area using graphic object toolbar"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- try
- Flaeche.Click
- catch
- printlog "clicking on area took ages :-("
- endcatch
- sleep 5
- Kontext
- Active.SetPage TabArea
- Kontext "TabArea"
- if TabArea.Exists Then
- Printlog "- TabArea exists "
- TabArea.Cancel
- else
- Warnlog "- TabArea does not exist"
- endif
- '---
- sleep 1
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- x = AreaStyle.GetItemCount
- i = 1
- for i = i to x
- AreaStyle.Select i
- Printlog "Area Style: (" + i + "/" + x + ") - " + AreaStyle.GetSelText
- sleep 1
- if AreaStyle.GetSelIndex > 1 then
- Printlog " Area Filling " + AreaFilling.GetSelIndex + " - " + AreaFilling.GetItemCount
- if (i <> 1) AND (AreaFilling.GetItemCount <> 0) then
- if (AreaFilling.GetSelIndex = 0) AND (AreaFilling.GetItemCount > 0) then
- printlog "default item is 0 => means nothing; NO BUG! 100909"
- endif
- AreaFilling.Select (AreaFilling.GetItemCount)
- Printlog " Selected: " + AreaFilling.GetSelIndex + " - " + AreaFilling.GetSelText
- endif
- endif
- next i
- '---------------------------- Schatten --------------------------
- Printlog "- Assign shadow using graphic object toolbar"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- Schatten.Click
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- shadow assigned"
- '---------------------------- Praesentationsflyer ---------------
- if ( gApplication = "IMPRESS" ) then ' IMPRESS only
- Printlog "- Call presentation flyer"
- Kontext "CommonTaskbar" ' first check , if presentation flyer is up! if not -> make it up :-)
- if CommonTaskbar.Exists Then
- printlog "- flyer is already visible :-)"
- else
- printlog "- flyer wasn't visible :-( -will be now!"
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- sleep 1
- ViewToolbarsPresentation ' put it up again!
- endif
- endif
- if ((UCase(gApplication)) = "IMPRESS") then ' IMPRESS only
- Kontext "DrawingObjectbar"
- if DrawingObjectbar.isVisible = FALSE then
- ViewToolbarsGraphic
- endif
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiGraphicsObjectBar
- dim i as integer
- Call hNewDocument
- hGrafikeinfuegen ConvertPath (gTesttoolPath & "global\input\graf_inp\desp.bmp")
- sleep 1
- Kontext "GraphicObjectbar"
- if ( NOT GraphicObjectbar.Exists() ) then
- ViewToolbarsPicture
- endif
- sleep 1
- Filter.TearOff
- sleep 1
- Kontext "GraphicFilterBar"
- sleep 1
- Printlog "invert"
- Invert.Click
- sleep 3
- Printlog "smooth"
- Smooth.Click
- sleep 3
- Printlog "sharpen"
- Sharpen.Click
- sleep 3
- Printlog "remove noise"
- Remove.Click
- sleep 3
- Printlog "solarization"
- Solarization.Click
- sleep 3
- Kontext "Solarization"
- if Solarization.exists (5) then
- sleep 1
- Call Dialogtest ( Solarization )
- sleep 1
- Value.More
- Value.Less
- Invert.Check
- Solarization.OK
- else
- warnlog "solarization didn't came up :-("
- endif
- sleep 1
- Kontext "GraphicFilterBar"
- sleep 1
- Printlog "aging"
- Aging.Click
- Kontext "Aging"
- sleep 1
- Call Dialogtest ( Aging )
- AgingDegree.More
- AgingDegree.Less
- sleep 1
- Aging.OK
- sleep 1
- Kontext "GraphicFilterBar"
- sleep 1
- Printlog "poster"
- Posterize.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Posterize"
- sleep 1
- Call Dialogtest ( Posterize )
- PosterColors.More
- PosterColors.Less
- sleep 1
- Posterize.OK
- sleep 2
- kontext "GraphicFilterBar"
- sleep 1
- Printlog "pop"
- Art.Click
- sleep 3
- Printlog "charcoal"
- CharcoalSketch.Click
- sleep 3
- Printlog "relief"
- Relief.Click
- Kontext "Relief"
- sleep 1
- Call Dialogtest ( Relief )
- LightSource.TypeKeys "<left><up>"
- Relief.OK
- sleep 3
- Kontext "GraphicFilterBar"
- Printlog "mos"
- Mosaic.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Mosaic"
- sleep 1
- Call Dialogtest ( Mosaic )
- Width.More
- Width.Less
- Height.More
- Height.Less
- EnhanceEdges.Check
- Mosaic.OK
- sleep 3
- Kontext "GraphicFilterBar"
- GraphicFilterBar.Close
- Kontext "GraphicObjectbar"
- if GraphicObjectbar.Exists = FALSE then
- ViewToolbarsPicture
- endif
- sleep 1
- for i = 1 to Grafikmodus.GetItemCount
- i
- sleep 1
- next i
- ColorSettings.Click
- Kontext "ColorBar"
- try
- Rotanteil.More
- Rotanteil.Less
- catch
- warnlog "not working from testtool redvalue "+ rotanteil.GetRT
- endcatch
- try
- Gruenanteil.More
- Gruenanteil.Less
- catch
- warnlog "not working from testtool Greenvalue."
- endcatch
- try
- Blauanteil.More
- Blauanteil.Less
- catch
- warnlog "not working from testtool Bluevalue."
- endcatch
- try
- Helligkeit.More
- Helligkeit.Less
- catch
- warnlog "not working from testtool Brightness."
- endcatch
- try
- Kontrast.More
- Kontrast.Less
- catch
- warnlog "not working from testtool Contrast."
- endcatch
- try
- Gamma.More
- Gamma.Less
- catch
- warnlog "not working from testtool Gamma."
- endcatch
- ColorBar.Close
- Kontext "GraphicObjectbar"
- try
- Transparenz.More
- Transparenz.Less
- catch
- warnlog "Not working from testtool Transparency."
- endcatch
- FormatCropPicture
- kontext "TabZuschneiden"
- GroesseBeibehalten.Check
- MassstabBeibehalten.Check
- Links.More
- Links.Less
- Rechts.More
- Rechts.Less
- Oben.More
- Oben.Less
- Unten.More
- Unten.Less
- MassstabBreite.More
- MassstabBreite.Less
- MassstabHoehe.More
- MassstabHoehe.Less
- GroesseBreite.More
- GroesseBreite.Less
- GroesseHoehe.More
- GroesseHoehe.Less
- Originalgroesse.Click
- TabZuschneiden.Cancel
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tiGluepointToolbar
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen 20,20,40,40
- Call hRechteckErstellen 60,60,80,80
- sleep 2
- ViewToolbarsOptionbar
- sleep 2
- Kontext "Optionsbar"
- if Optionsbar.Exists = False Then
- ViewToolbarsOptionbar
- Kontext "Optionsbar"
- if Optionsbar.Exists = False Then
- warnlog "Can't open Optionsbar."
- endif
- endif
- sleep 2
- Kontext "Toolbar"
- sleep 1
- Verbinder.Click
- gMouseMove 30,30,70,70
- sleep 3
- Kontext "Toolbar"
- GluePoints.Click
- sleep 1
- Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar"
- if Gluepointsobjectbar.Exists = False Then
- ViewToolbarsGluepoints
- endif
- sleep 3
- '-------------------------------------- Klebepunkt einfuegen ----
- try
- PunkteEinfuegen.Click
- sleep 2
- gMouseClick 25,30
- sleep 1
- gMouseclick 25,30
- Printlog "- insert gluepoint works"
- catch
- Warnlog "- gluepoint could not be insert. Following errors might have their reason here"
- endcatch
- sleep 3
- Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar"
- '-------------------------------------- Links -------------------
- try
- Links.Click
- Printlog "- gluepoint left works"
- catch
- Warnlog "- gluepoint left does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- '-------------------------------------- Rechts ------------------
- try
- Rechts.Click
- Printlog "- gluepoint right works"
- catch
- Warnlog "- gluepoint right does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- '-------------------------------------- Oben --------------------
- try
- Oben.Click
- Printlog "- gluepoint top works"
- catch
- Warnlog "- gluepoint top does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- '-------------------------------------- Unten -------------------
- try
- Unten.Click
- Printlog "- gluepoint bottom works"
- catch
- Warnlog "- gluepoint bottom does not work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- '---------------------- Position an Objekt anpassen -------------
- try
- PositionAnObjektAnpassen.Click
- Printlog "- align position to object works"
- gMouseClick 25,30 ' if you don't click onto an existing point, the state changes back :-[
- catch
- Warnlog "- align position to object does not work"
- endcatch
- Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar"
- sleep 1
- '------------------------------------- Horizontal links ---------
- if PositionAnObjektAnpassen.exists then
- printlog "PositionAnObjektAnpassen = Exists"
- endif
- if PositionAnObjektAnpassen.GetState(2) <> 0 then
- PositionAnObjektAnpassen.Click ' make unpressed!
- endif
- '0 = not pressed. 1 = pressed.
- sleep 2
- try
- Kontext "Gluepointsobjectbar"
- HorizontalLinks.Click
- Printlog "- align horizontal left works"
- catch
- Warnlog "- align horizontal left does not work"
- PositionAnObjektAnpassen.Click ' that's the middle button, it has to be UP/not activated!
- for i = 1 to Gluepointsobjectbar.GetItemCount
- if (Gluepointsobjectbar.GetState ( i, 0 ) <> 0 ) then ' is no seperator
- printlog "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
- printlog "helpid : " + Gluepointsobjectbar.Getstate ( i, 0 ) + " number in row: " + i
- printlog "itemtype: " + Gluepointsobjectbar.GetState ( i, 1 )
- printlog "state : " + Gluepointsobjectbar.GetState ( i, 2 )
- printlog "----------------------------------------------------------------------"
- endif
- next i
- endcatch
- sleep 2
- '------------------------------------- Horizontal rechts --------
- try
- HorizontalRechts.Click
- Printlog "- Align horizontal right does work"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Align horizontal right does notwork"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- '------------------------------------- Horizontal zentriert -----
- try
- HorizontalZentriert.Click
- Printlog "- align horizontal center does work"
- catch
- Warnlog "- align horizontal center does work"
- endcatch
- sleep 1
- '------------------------------------- Vertikal oben ------------
- try
- VertikalOben.Click
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- Align vertical top does work"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Align vertical top does not work"
- endcatch
- '------------------------------------- Vertikal unten -----------
- try
- VertikalUnten.Click
- sleep 1
- printlog "- Align vertical bottom does work"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Align vertical bottom does not work"
- endcatch
- '------------------------------------- Vertikal zentriert -------
- try
- VertikalZentriert.Click
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- Align vertical center does work"
- catch
- Warnlog "- Align vertical center does not work"
- endcatch
- Printlog "- End of testing gluepoints"
- ViewToolbarsOptionbar
- sleep 2
- Kontext "Optionsbar"
- if Optionsbar.Exists Then
- warnlog "Couldnt close Optionsbar."
- endif
- Call hCloseDocument
-testcase tdBezierToolbar
- Call hNewDocument
- Call hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 )
- sleep (1)
- Call hOpenContextMenu
- sleep (1)
- Call hOpenContextMenu
- sleep (2)
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then
- ViewToolbarsBezier
- Sleep (2)
- if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then
- warnlog "Bezierobjectbar did not show up. Check why."
- endif
- endif
- '----------------------------------- Punkte verschieben ------------------------------------
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then
- ViewToolbarsBezier
- Sleep 2
- endif
- if Bezierobjectbar.Exists <> TRUE then
- Warnlog "The Bezier-Objectbar should have been opened, but wasnt."
- ViewToolbarsBezier
- Sleep 2
- endif
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- sleep 1
- Printlog "- Move points"
- Verschieben.Click
- sleep 2
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 TAB>"
- Printlog "- Insert points"
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- Einfuegen.Click
- sleep 2
- Bezierobjectbar.Move 20, 20
- sleep (1)
- Printlog "- Delete points"
- gMouseMove 25,25,45,45
- sleep 2
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- Convert into curve"
- InKurve.Click
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- Place edge point"
- Ecke.Click
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- Smooth transition"
- Glatt.Click
- sleep 2
- Printlog "- Symetric transition"
- Symmetrisch.Click
- sleep 2
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- PunkteReduzieren.Click
- sleep 2
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 TAB>"
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 SHIFT SPACE>"
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- try
- Auftrennen.Click
- catch
- Warnlog "- 'Break' could not be executed"
- endcatch
- sleep 2
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 TAB>"
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
- Printlog "- Close bezier"
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- try
- Schliessen.Click
- catch
- InKurve.Click
- sleep 2
- try
- Schliessen.Click
- catch
- warnlog "Couldn't push button :-( can't reproduce it now, mostly seen on linux, if i loop this test, it happens only 1/5 of the time ... :-)"
- endcatch
- endcatch
- sleep 2
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 TAB>"
- hTypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
- Kontext "Bezierobjectbar"
- Printlog "- Break curve"
- try
- Loeschen.Click
- sleep 2
- catch
- warnlog "Delete didn't work... why?"
- endcatch
- Kontext "Toolbar"
- sleep 2
- Toolbar.OpenContextMenu ' Enable forms button in menuebar
- sleep 2
- hMenuselectNr (1)
- sleep 2
- hMenuItemUnCheck (7)
- sleep 2
- Call hCloseDocument