path: root/testautomation/xml
diff options
authorRüdiger Timm <>2008-07-11 09:15:59 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2008-07-11 09:15:59 +0000
commit9efeb65ebd29f876621344efa8eaa16c6de4a57b (patch)
treee59ecec6de5277390af3f73724b6e1bccb08c128 /testautomation/xml
parentd1a9ae508b6c3a7f5bc9071b8d3453233ddd9b52 (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS autotestfixes01 (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2008/07/04 17:08:17 jsi #i91336# Adding the modul xml to testautomation Issue number: Submitted by: Reviewed by:
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation/xml')
-rwxr-xr-xtestautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/alien_attributes/alien_attributes_presentation.odpbin0 -> 7351 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xtestautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/allheaderfooter_fixed.odpbin0 -> 9161 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xtestautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/noheaderfooter.odpbin0 -> 10143 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xtestautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/nomasterelements.odpbin0 -> 9485 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xtestautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/someheaderfooter_varible.odpbin0 -> 10190 bytes
8 files changed, 759 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/required/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/required/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..7166fa4ba5be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/required/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 10:14:45 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Library 01 for OASIS OpenDocument File Format (Presentation and Drawing) test
+' #1 talien_attributes ' Verification that alian attributes will be stored in document.
+' #1 t_all_header_footer '
+' #1 t_no_header_footer '
+' #1 t_no_header_footer_master_elements '
+' #1 t_some_header_footer '
+testcase talien_attributes
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim AttrNameInDOM as string
+ Dim sPropertyElement as string
+ Dim sLogAttributeName as string
+ Dim sAttributeSearch(9) as string
+ Dim sAttributeValue(9) as string
+ printlog "+- Presentation: alien.odp"
+ '/// Opening alien.sxi. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\required\input\graphics\alien_attributes\alien_attributes_presentation.odp"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation.odp") , "impress8") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ '/// Unpacking the compressed (ZIP) archive.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation.odp") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation\") )
+ '/// Verifying the well-formness of styles.xml, content.xml and meta.xml.
+ '///+ Only if the three XML files are well formed the next checks (GPF-check, attribute-search) will be started.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation\styles.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation\meta.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation\content.xml")) = TRUE then
+ '/// Opening exported document (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation.odp")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:alien=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:alien"
+ sAttributeValue(1) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ printlog " +- " & sAttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(1)) <> sAttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & sAttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & sAttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a drawing-page style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a graphics style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a paragraph style (twice)</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a text style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;page&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;shape&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;para&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;shape-text&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;text&quot;
+ 'The number behind the string variable is the position
+ 'in the DOM-tree. The search is hard coded because the
+ 'export of the same file should not change in the lifetime
+ 'cycle.
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "alien:key"
+ sAttributeValue(1) = "page"
+ sAttributeSearch(3) = "alien:key"
+ sAttributeValue(3) = "shape"
+ sAttributeSearch(6) = "alien:key"
+ sAttributeValue(6) = "para"
+ sAttributeSearch(7) = "alien:key"
+ sAttributeValue(7) = "shape-text"
+ sAttributeSearch(9) = "alien:key"
+ sAttributeValue(9) = "text"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for i = 1 to 9
+ select case i
+ case 1 : printlog "-----------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a drawing-page style"
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------"
+ sPropertyElement = "style:drawing-page-properties"
+ sLogAttributeName = "drawing-page"
+ case 3 : printlog "-------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a graphics style"
+ printlog "-------------------------------------"
+ sPropertyElement = "style:graphic-properties"
+ sLogAttributeName = "graphics"
+ case 6, 7 : printlog "-------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a paragraph style (" & i-4 & ")"
+ printlog "-------------------------------------------"
+ sPropertyElement = "style:paragraph-properties"
+ sLogAttributeName = "paragraph"
+ case 9 : printlog "---------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a text style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ sPropertyElement = "style:text-properties"
+ sLogAttributeName = "text"
+ end select
+ if i = 1 or i = 3 or i = 6 or i = 7 or i = 9 then
+ 'The hidden attributes are in a known sequence included,
+ 'so the same routine will be used for different styles!
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , i )
+ AttrNameInDOM = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ printlog " + style:style position in DOM: " & i & ". Attribute name: " & AttrNameInDOM
+ printlog " |"
+ 'It depends on the type of element (drawing-page, paragraphic, graphics, ...)
+ 'which is the next element. That is a difference to OOo XML 1.0 where everything
+ 'called 'style:properties'.
+ SAXSeekElement(sPropertyElement)
+ printlog " +- " & sAttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(i)) <> sAttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a " & sLogAttributeName & " style): " & sAttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & sAttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// Closing the XML DOM.
+ SAXRelease()
+ '/// Opening the DOM of styles.xml.
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\alien_attributes_presentation\styles.xml"))
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "-------------------"
+ printlog "s t y l e s . x m l"
+ printlog "-------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>styles.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:alien=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:alien"
+ sAttributeValue(1) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ printlog " +- " & sAttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(1)) <> sAttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & sAttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & sAttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog "----------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a master-page style"
+ printlog "----------------------------------------"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a master-page style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;master-page&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "alien:key"
+ sAttributeValue(1) = "master-page"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:drawing-page-properties")
+ printlog " +- " & sAttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(1)) <> sAttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in master-page style): " & sAttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & sAttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ else
+ warnlog "One of the XML files not well formed!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase t_all_header_footer
+ Dim iPresAttr as integer
+ Dim sAttributeSearch(4) as string
+ Dim sAttributeValue(4) as string
+ Dim sHeaderInNotes as string
+ printlog "+- Presentation: allheaderfooter_fixed.odp"
+ '/// Opening <i>xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\allheaderfooter_fixed.odp</i>.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\allheaderfooter_fixed.odp"))
+ '/// Saving document as <i>user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed.odp</i> with default presentation document name.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed.odp") , "impress8") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing document.
+ call hCloseDocument
+ '/// Unpacking the compressed (ZIP) archive. Putting the content to <i>user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\</i>"
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed.odp") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\") )
+ '/// Verifying the well-formness of styles.xml, content.xml and meta.xml.
+ '///+ Only if the three XML files are well formed the next checks (GPF-check, attribute-search) will be started.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\styles.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\meta.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\content.xml")) = TRUE then
+ '/// Opening exported document (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed.odp")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// Opening user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\content.xml with SAX parser.
+ '/// Searching for <ul>
+ '///+<li>&lt;presentation:header-decl presentation:name=&quot;hdr1&quot;&gt;Header in notes/handout powered by QA&lt;/presentation:header-decl&gt;
+ '///+<li>&lt;presentation:footer-decl presentation:name=&quot;ftr1&quot;&gt;footer powered by QA&lt;/presentation:footer-decl&gt;
+ '///+<li>&lt;presentation:footer-decl presentation:name=&quot;ftr2&quot;&gt;Footer notes/handout powered by QA&lt;/presentation:footer-decl&gt;
+ '///+<li>&lt;presentation:date-time-decl presentation:name=&quot;dtd1&quot; presentation:source=&quot;fixed&quot;&gt;09.12.2001&lt;/presentation:date-time-decl&gt;</ul>
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "presentation:header-decl"
+ sAttributeValue(1) = "Header in notes/handout powered by QA"
+ sAttributeSearch(2) = "presentation:footer-decl"
+ sAttributeValue(2) = "footer powered by QA"
+ sAttributeSearch(3) = "presentation:footer-decl"
+ sAttributeValue(3) = "Footer notes/handout powered by QA"
+ sAttributeSearch(4) = "presentation:date-time-decl"
+ sAttributeValue(4) = "09.12.2001"
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\allheaderfooter_fixed\content.xml"))
+ for iPresAttr = 1 to 4
+ '/// Parsing to office:document-content
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ '/// Parsing to office:body
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ '/// Parsing to office:presentation
+ SAXSeekElement("office:presentation")
+ '/// Parsing to <ol><li>presentation:header-decl</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:footer-decl</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:footer-decl</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:date-time-decl</li></ol>
+ if iPresAttr = 3 then
+ 'To reach the second 'presentation:footer-decl'-element an additional parameter is needed.
+ SAXSeekElement(sAttributeSearch(iPresAttr) , 2)
+ else
+ SAXSeekElement(sAttributeSearch(iPresAttr))
+ end if
+ '/// Parsing 1 node deeper (to get the CharNode)
+ SAXSeekElement(1)
+ '/// Reading the characters of the CharNode and verifying it against the reference.
+ ' Initializing the variable (empty)
+ sHeaderInNotes = ""
+ sHeaderInNotes = SAXGetChars
+ if sHeaderInNotes <> sAttributeValue(iPresAttr) then
+ warnlog "Failed! - Attribute '" & sAttributeSearch(iPresAttr) & "' has the value '" & sHeaderInNotes & "' but it has to be '" & sAttributeValue(iPresAttr) & "'."
+ else
+ printlog "Passed. - Attribute '" & sAttributeSearch(iPresAttr) & "' has the correct value '" & sHeaderInNotes & "'."
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ next iPresAttr
+ SAXRelease()
+ else
+ warnlog "One of the XML files not well formed!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase t_no_header_footer
+ Dim sDrawName as string
+ Dim sElementName as string
+ Dim sAttributeSearch(3) as string
+ Dim sAttributeValue as string
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim iChildsOfAutomaticStyles as integer
+ printlog "+- Presentation: noheaderfooter.odp"
+ '/// Opening <i>xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\noheaderfooter.odp</i>.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\noheaderfooter.odp"))
+ '/// Saving document as <i>user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter.odp</i> with default presentation document name.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter.odp") , "impress8") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ '/// Unpacking the compressed (ZIP) archive.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter.odp") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\") )
+ '/// Verifying the well-formness of styles.xml, content.xml and meta.xml.
+ '///+ Only if the three XML files are well formed the next checks (GPF-check, attribute-search) will be started.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\styles.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\meta.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\content.xml")) = TRUE then
+ '/// Opening exported document (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter.odp")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Opening user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\content.xml with SAX-parser.
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\content.xml"))
+ '/// <ol>
+ '///+<li> Parsing to office:document-content
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ '///+ Parsing to office:body
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ '///+ Parsing to office:presentation
+ SAXSeekElement("office:presentation")
+ '///+ Parsing to draw:page
+ SAXSeekElement("draw:page")
+ '///+ Get value of draw:style-name
+ sDrawName = ""
+ sDrawName = SAXGetAttributeValue ("draw:style-name")
+ '///+ Get back to the top of DOM</li>
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '///+<li> Parsing to office:document-content
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ '///+ Parsing to office:automatic-styles
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ '///+ Look where the style:style element is where the style:name is the same as it was for draw:name
+ iChildsOfAutomaticStyles = SAXGetChildCount
+ 'The count of style:style nodes is normaly 7 but the 8th is a text:list-style where
+ 'the searched attributes won't be included.
+ for i = 1 to (iChildsOfAutomaticStyles-1)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , i)
+ sElementName = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ if sElementName = sDrawName then
+ '///+ If found the named attribute (e.g. dp1) parsing to style:drawing-page-properties.
+ SAXSeekElement("style:drawing-page-properties")
+ exit for
+ end if
+ if i = iChildsOfAutomaticStyles then
+ '///+ If the style:name is not found a warnlog will be written into the log and the test will be stopped.
+ warnlog "Failed! The style:style='" & sDrawName & "' has not been found in the automatic-styles! Test will be aborted here!"
+ SAXRelease()
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ 'Go one node to the parent node.
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next i
+ '///+Parsing to <ol><li>presentation:display-footer</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:footer-decl</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-page-number</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-date-time</li></ol>
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "presentation:display-footer"
+ sAttributeSearch(2) = "presentation:display-page-number"
+ sAttributeSearch(3) = "presentation:display-date-time"
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ sAttributeValue = SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(i))
+ '///+ Verifying that the value of each attribute is 'false'.</li></ol>
+ if sAttributeValue <> "false" then
+ warnlog "Failed! The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is NOT 'false'!"
+ else
+ printlog "Passed. The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is 'false'."
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXRelease()
+ else
+ warnlog "One of the XML files not well formed!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase t_no_header_footer_master_elements
+ printlog "+- Presentation: nomasterelements.odp"
+ '/// Opening <i>xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\nomasterelements.odp</i>.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\nomasterelements.odp"))
+ '/// Saving document as <i>user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements.odp</i> with default presentation document name.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements.odp") , "impress8") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ '/// Unpacking the compressed (ZIP) archive.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements.odp") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements\") )
+ '/// Verifying the well-formness of styles.xml, content.xml and meta.xml.
+ '///+ Only if the three XML files are well formed the next checks (GPF-check, attribute-search) will be started.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements\styles.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements\meta.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements\content.xml")) = TRUE then
+ '/// Opening exported document (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\nomasterelements.odp")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ else
+ warnlog "One of the XML files not well formed!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase t_some_header_footer
+ Dim sDrawName as string
+ Dim sElementName as string
+ Dim sAttributeSearch(4) as string
+ Dim sAttributeValue as string
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim iChildsOfAutomaticStyles as integer
+ Dim iLoopSearch as integer
+ printlog "+- Presentation: someheaderfooter_varible.odp"
+ '/// Opening <i>xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\someheaderfooter_varible.odp</i>.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\required\input\graphics\header_footer\someheaderfooter_varible.odp"))
+ '/// Saving document as <i>user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible.odp</i> with default presentation document name.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible.odp") , "impress8") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ '/// Unpacking the compressed (ZIP) archive.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible.odp") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible\") )
+ '/// Verifying the well-formness of styles.xml, content.xml and meta.xml.
+ '///+ Only if the three XML files are well formed the next checks (GPF-check, attribute-search) will be started.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible\styles.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible\meta.xml")) = TRUE then
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible\content.xml")) = TRUE then
+ '/// Opening exported document (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible.odp")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Opening user\work\xml\graphics\update\noheaderfooter\content.xml with SAX-parser.
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\graphics\update\someheaderfooter_varible\content.xml"))
+ '/// <ol>
+ '///+<li> Parsing to office:document-content
+ For iLoopSearch = 1 to 2
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ '///+ Parsing to office:body
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ '///+ Parsing to office:presentation
+ SAXSeekElement("office:presentation")
+ '///+ Parsing to draw:page
+ SAXSeekElement("draw:page")
+ '///+ In second loop enter <i>presentation:notes</i> node
+ if iLoopSearch = 2 then
+ SAXSeekElement("presentation:notes")
+ end if
+ '///+ Get value of draw:style-name
+ sDrawName = ""
+ sDrawName = SAXGetAttributeValue ("draw:style-name")
+ '///+ Get back to the top of DOM
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '///+<li> Parsing to office:document-content
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ '///+ Parsing to office:automatic-styles
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ '///+ Look where the style:style element is where the style:name is the same as it was for draw:name
+ iChildsOfAutomaticStyles = SAXGetChildCount
+ 'The count of style:style nodes is normaly 7 but the 8th is a text:list-style where
+ 'the searched attributes won't be included.
+ for i = 1 to (iChildsOfAutomaticStyles-1)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , i)
+ sElementName = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ if sElementName = sDrawName then
+ '///+ If found the named attribute (e.g. dp1) parsing to style:drawing-page-properties.
+ SAXSeekElement("style:drawing-page-properties")
+ exit for
+ end if
+ if i = iChildsOfAutomaticStyles then
+ '///+ If the style:name is not found a warnlog will be written into the log and the test will be stopped.
+ warnlog "Failed! The style:style='" & sDrawName & "' has not been found in the automatic-styles! Test will be aborted here!"
+ SAXRelease()
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ 'Go one node to the parent node.
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next i
+ if iLoopSearch = 1 then
+ '///+Parsing to <ol>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-footer</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:footer-decl</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-page-number</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-date-time</li></ol>
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "presentation:display-footer"
+ sAttributeSearch(2) = "presentation:display-page-number"
+ sAttributeSearch(3) = "presentation:display-date-time"
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ sAttributeValue = SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(i))
+ '/// Verifying that the value of <i>presentation:display-footer</i> attribute is 'false'.
+ if i = 1 then
+ if sAttributeValue <> "false" then
+ warnlog "Failed! The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is NOT 'false'!"
+ else
+ printlog "Passed. The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is 'false'."
+ end if
+ else
+ '///+ Verifying that the values of <i>presentation:display-page-number</i> and <i>presentation:display-date-time</i> attribute are 'true'.
+ if sAttributeValue <> "true" then
+ warnlog "Failed! The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is NOT 'true'!"
+ else
+ printlog "Passed. The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is 'true'."
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ '///+ Get back to the top of DOM
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ end if
+ if iLoopSearch = 2 then
+ '///+Parsing to second page-style attributes <ol>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-header</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-footer</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-page-number</li>
+ '///+ <li>presentation:display-date-time</li></ol>
+ sAttributeSearch(1) = "presentation:display-header"
+ sAttributeSearch(2) = "presentation:display-footer"
+ sAttributeSearch(3) = "presentation:display-page-number"
+ sAttributeSearch(4) = "presentation:display-date-time"
+ for i = 1 to 4
+ sAttributeValue = SAXGetAttributeValue(sAttributeSearch(i))
+ '/// Verifying that the value of <i>presentation:display-page-number</i> and <i>presentation:display-date-time</i> attributes is 'false'.
+ if i = 3 OR i = 4 then
+ if sAttributeValue <> "false" then
+ warnlog "Failed! The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is NOT 'false'!"
+ else
+ printlog "Passed. The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is 'false'."
+ end if
+ else
+ '///+ Verifying that the values of <i>presentation:display-header</i> and <i>presentation:display-footer</i> attribute are 'true'.
+ if sAttributeValue <> "true" then
+ warnlog "Failed! The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is NOT 'true'!"
+ else
+ printlog "Passed. The value of '" & sAttributeSearch(i) & "' is 'true'."
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ end if
+ next iLoopSearch
+ SAXRelease()
+ else
+ warnlog "One of the XML files not well formed!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/alien_attributes/alien_attributes_presentation.odp b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/alien_attributes/alien_attributes_presentation.odp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..14c85af3e193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/alien_attributes/alien_attributes_presentation.odp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/allheaderfooter_fixed.odp b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/allheaderfooter_fixed.odp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..f7b4f585ce9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/allheaderfooter_fixed.odp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/noheaderfooter.odp b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/noheaderfooter.odp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2aed7413b526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/noheaderfooter.odp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/nomasterelements.odp b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/nomasterelements.odp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..46b9d05f8067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/nomasterelements.odp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/someheaderfooter_varible.odp b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/someheaderfooter_varible.odp
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..16591a31f54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/required/input/graphics/header_footer/someheaderfooter_varible.odp
Binary files differ
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/tools/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/tools/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..52d683b07afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/tools/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 10:15:49 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Internet- and XML Tools
+' #1 hGetXMLRoot
+function hGetXMLRoot ( XMLFileName as string ) as boolean
+'/// <i>hGetXML</i>
+'/// +checks the initial XML-tag in the StarOffice-XML-document. This function is CASE SENSITIVE!
+'/// +INPUT : <Filename as string>
+ Dim FileNum as Integer
+ Dim xmlZeile as String
+ hGetXMLRoot = FALSE
+ FileNum = FreeFile
+ Open XMLFileName For Input As #FileNum
+ Do until EOF(#FileNum) = TRUE
+ Line input #FileNum, xmlZeile
+ xmlZeile = Trim ( xmlZeile )
+ if xmlZeile = "<?xml version=" & CHR$(34) & "1.0" & CHR$(34) & " encoding=" & CHR$(34) & "UTF-8" & CHR$(34) & "?>" then
+ hGetXMLRoot = TRUE
+ Exit Function
+ end if
+ Loop
+ Close #FileNum
+end function
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/tools/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/tools/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e4fffb249b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/tools/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 10:15:59 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Tools
+' #1 CreateWorkXMLExportDir
+' #1 hEnablePrettyPrinting
+sub CreateWorkXMLExportDir ( DirName as string )
+'/*** <i>CreateWorkXMLExportDir</i> creates in the StarOffice/work-
+'/*** +directory a directory. If the same name exists the content (files only)
+'/*** +will be deleted.
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+ Dim Isliste(200) as string
+ Dim i, BornToKill
+ printlog "Checking work-dir & creating '" & gOfficePath & ConvertPath(DirName) & "'."
+ if hDirectoryExists ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath(DirName) ) = TRUE then
+ OutputPath = gOfficePath & ConvertPath(DirName)
+ IsListe(0) = 0
+ GetFileList ( OutputPath , "*", IsListe() )
+ BornToKill = KillFileList ( IsListe() )
+ for i = 1 to BornToKill
+ warnlog IsListe(i) & " could not be deleted!"
+ next i
+ else
+ app.mkDir( gOfficePath & ConvertPath(DirName))
+ end if
+end sub
+sub hEnablePrettyPrinting (OPTIONAL A)
+'/// <i>hEnablePrettyPrinting</i> enables the pretty printing (=better
+'/// +formated view) in XML file export. It takes >10 percent more time
+'/// +to save files!!! OPTIONAL parameter is used to DISABLE it.
+ ToolsOptions
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDLG"
+ call hToolsOptions("loadsave","general")
+ Kontext "TabSpeichern"
+ if IsMissing(A) then
+ if NoPrettyPrinting.IsChecked = TRUE then
+ NoPrettyPrinting.Uncheck
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "- XML pretty printing enabled ( )"
+ end if
+ else
+ if NoPrettyPrinting.IsChecked = FALSE then
+ NoPrettyPrinting.Check
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "- XML pretty printing disabled ( )"
+ end if
+ end if
+ Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDLG"
+ ExtrasOptionenDLG.OK
+end sub