path: root/testautomation
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authorRüdiger Timm <>2008-07-11 06:34:36 +0000
committerRüdiger Timm <>2008-07-11 06:34:36 +0000
commit60b0c64a255e083ceecb92eaa11610cec0062782 (patch)
tree9a9118f3d4d5100b11a9d0cf1789cef5338b595e /testautomation
parent5ca4f70a4127aefd6320cb51acd91d3cda78808b (diff)
INTEGRATION: CWS autotestfixes01 (1.1.2); FILE ADDED
2008/07/04 17:07:55 jsi #i91336# Adding the modul xml to testautomation Issue number: Submitted by: Reviewed by:
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation')
17 files changed, 7272 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55e0475ce289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:29:05 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Check content.xml and styles.xml for correct print scaling settings
+' #1 subPrintScaling
+' #1 tPrintScaling
+sub subPrintScaling
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- Print scaling attributes ----------"
+ call tPrintScaling
+end sub
+testcase tPrintScaling
+ dim iIndex as INTEGER
+ dim iInnerIndex as INTEGER
+ dim sExtension
+ sExtension = ".ods"
+ dim sOutputFile as STRING
+ sOutputFile = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath( "user\work\printScaling" ) & sExtension )
+ dim sUnpackedStorageDir as STRING
+ sUnpackedStorageDir = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath( "user\work\printScaling" ))
+ if (dir ( sUnpackedStorageDir ) <> "" ) then
+ rmDir ( sUnpackedStorageDir )
+ if (dir ( sUnpackedStorageDir ) <> "" ) then
+ warnlog "The diretory has not been deleted. Exiting test!"
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ dim sContentXML as STRING
+ sContentXML = ( sUnpackedStorageDir & ConvertPath( "\content.xml" ))
+ dim sStylesXML as STRING
+ sStylesXML = ( sUnpackedStorageDir & ConvertPath( "\styles.xml" ))
+ dim asTableStyleAssocations ( 5 , 3 ) as STRING
+ dim sNameSheet1 as STRING
+ sNameSheet1 = "Ten"
+ dim sNameSheet2 as STRING
+ sNameSheet2 = "Moves"
+ dim sNameSheet3 as STRING
+ sNameSheet3 = "Ahead"
+ dim sNameStyle1 as STRING
+ sNameStyle1 = "1stStyle"
+ dim sNameStyle2 as STRING
+ sNameStyle2 = "2ndStyle"
+ dim sNameStyle3 as STRING
+ sNameStyle3 = "3rdStyle"
+ dim iTablesInDocument as INTEGER
+ dim iStylesInAutomaticStyles as INTEGER
+ dim iMasterPageStylesInStylesXML as INTEGER
+ dim sCurrentTableName as STRING
+ dim sExpectedTableName as STRING
+ dim sCurrentTableStyle as STRING
+ dim sCurrentAutomaticStyle as STRING
+ dim sCurrentMasterPageStyle as STRING
+ dim sExpectedScaleTo as STRING
+ dim sExpectedScaleToX as STRING
+ dim sExpectedScaleToY as STRING
+ dim sExpectedScaleToPages as STRING
+ printlog "Create a new spreadsheet document"
+ Call hNewDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ for iIndex = 1 to 3
+ printlog "Type in the first cell the number 1 and press RETURN"
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "1<RETURN>"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Format / Sheet / Rename"
+ FormatSheetRename
+ Kontext "TabelleUmbenennen"
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet1
+ printlog " In first round name it 'Ten'"
+ case 2 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet2
+ printlog " In first round name it 'Moves'"
+ case 3 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet3
+ printlog " In first round name it 'Ahead'"
+ end select
+ printlog "Press OK on dialog"
+ TabelleUmbenennen.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Edit / Sheet / Select"
+ EditSheetSelect
+ Kontext "SelectSheets"
+ printlog "In round 1 and 2 select the next sheet."
+ printlog "In round three select the first sheet."
+ if iIndex = 3 then
+ SheetSelectionBox.Select sNameSheet1
+ else
+ SheetSelectionBox.Select ( iIndex + 1 )
+ endif
+ printlog "Press OK on dialog."
+ SelectSheets.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ next iIndex
+ printlog "Format / Styles / Catalog"
+ FormatStylesCatalog
+ Kontext "Vorlagenkatalog"
+ ( 2 )
+ sleep(1)
+ for iIndex = 1 to 3
+ Kontext "Vorlagenkatalog"
+ printlog "Click new"
+ Neu.Click
+ Kontext
+ printlog "Page format dilog shoud appear)"
+ printlog "Select Page 'Organizer'"
+ Kontext
+ Active.SetPage TabVerwalten
+ printlog "Close MsgBox when appeared"
+ if Active.Exists(2) then
+ if Active.GetRT = 304 then
+ Printlog Active.GetText
+ Active.Yes
+ end if
+ end if
+ Kontext "TabVerwalten"
+ printlog "Assign name for each style"
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : VorlagenName.setText sNameStyle1
+ printlog "First round name: '1stStyle'"
+ case 2 : VorlagenName.setText sNameStyle2
+ printlog "Second round name:'2ndStyle'"
+ case 3 : VorlagenName.setText sNameStyle3
+ printlog "Third round name: '3rdStyle'"
+ end select
+ printlog "Select Page 'Sheet'"
+ Kontext
+ Active.SetPage TabTabelleCalc
+ Kontext "TabTabelleCalc"
+ scalingMode.Select ( iIndex )
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : SkalierungProzent.setText "55%"
+ printlog "1. round: Scale size to 55%"
+ case 2 : ScalePageWidth.setText "3"
+ ScalePageHeight.setText "4"
+ printlog "2. round: Scale output to 3 pages wide and 4 pages high"
+ case 3 : AnzahlMaxSeiten.setText "6"
+ printlog "3 round: Scale output to a total of 6 pages"
+ end select
+ printlog "Leave page format dilog using OK"
+ TabTabelleCalc.OK
+ next iIndex
+ printlog "Close style catalog using OK"
+ Kontext "Vorlagenkatalog"
+ Vorlagenkatalog.OK
+ sleep(2)
+ for iIndex = 1 to 3
+ printlog "Edit / Sheet / Select"
+ EditSheetSelect
+ Kontext "SelectSheets"
+ printlog "Select 1, 2. or 3 sheet"
+ SheetSelectionBox.Select ( iIndex )
+ printlog "OK"
+ SelectSheets.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "Gestalter"
+ if NOT Gestalter.exists(2) then
+ printlog "Format / Stylist"
+ FormatStylist
+ endif
+ Kontext "Gestalter"
+ printlog "Click on 'Page styles'"
+ Seitenvorlagen.Click
+ Kontext "Vorlagenliste"
+ printlog "Type [HOME]-key"
+ Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<HOME>"
+ sleep (2)
+ printlog "Select 1, 2, or 3 (depends on the round)"
+ Vorlagenliste.Select ( iIndex )
+ printlog "Type [RETURN]"
+ Vorlagenliste.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ next iIndex
+ Kontext "Gestalter"
+ if Gestalter.exists(2) then
+ printlog "Format / Stylist"
+ FormatStylist
+ endif
+ printlog "Save in current default ODF format"
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill ( sOutputFile , "calc8" ) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Saving " & sOutputFile & " failed! -> Exiting test!"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ else
+ printlog "Close document"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ printlog "Unpack storage (=compressed XML files) to obtain the XML files"
+ UnpackStorage ( sOutputFile , sUnpackedStorageDir )
+ printlog "Read 'content.xml' DOM."
+ printlog "Read DOM of content.xml"
+ SAXReadFile ( sContentXML )
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Set the DOM pointer on element 'office:spreadsheet'"
+ printlog "|-/"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "/" )
+ printlog " |-office:document-content"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "office:document-content" )
+ printlog " |-office:body"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "office:body" )
+ printlog " |-office:spreadsheet"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "office:spreadsheet" )
+ iTablesInDocument = SAXGetChildCount
+ printlog "Check correct number of sheets"
+ if iTablesInDocument <> 3 then
+ warnlog "Unexpected number of tables in the document -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ printlog " nodes table:table"
+ for iIndex = 1 to iTablesInDocument
+ printlog " |-table:table"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "table:table" , iIndex )
+ printlog "Get 'table:name' and 'table:style-name' for all tables"
+ sCurrentTableName = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "table:name" )
+ sCurrentTableStyle = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "table:style-name" )
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : sExpectedTableName = sNameSheet1
+ case 2 : sExpectedTableName = sNameSheet2
+ case 3 : sExpectedTableName = sNameSheet3
+ end select
+ printlog "Check correct table names"
+ if sCurrentTableName <> sExpectedTableName then
+ warnlog "OOPS, this table has got an unexpected name -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ printlog "Memorize associations of table and style names"
+ asTableStyleAssocations ( iIndex , 0 ) = sCurrentTableName
+ asTableStyleAssocations ( iIndex , 1 ) = sCurrentTableStyle
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ next iIndex
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ printlog "Go back in DOM-tree to 'office:automatic-styles'"
+ printlog " |-office:automatic-styles"
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:automatic-styles" )
+ iStylesInAutomaticStyles = SAXGetChildCount
+ if iStylesInAutomaticStyles < 5 then
+ warnlog "Unexpected number of styles in 'content.xml' -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ for iIndex = 1 to iStylesInAutomaticStyles
+ printlog "Seek nodes style:style"
+ printlog " |-office:automatic-styles"
+ SAXSeekElement( "style:style" , iIndex )
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:family" ) = "table" then
+ sCurrentAutomaticStyle = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:name" )
+ printlog " + Found table style " & sCurrentAutomaticStyle & " at postion " & iIndex
+ printlog "Memorize associations of table and master pages names using previously determined style names"
+ for iInnerIndex = 1 to iTablesInDocument
+ if sCurrentAutomaticStyle = asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 1 ) then
+ asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 2 ) = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:master-page-name" )
+ endif
+ next iInnerIndex
+ endif
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ next iIndex
+ printlog "Release DOM of 'content.xml'"
+ SAXRelease
+ printlog "| <<< DOM released <<<"
+ printlog ""
+ printlog "Read 'styles.xml' DOM."
+ printlog "Read DOM of styles.xml"
+ SAXReadFile ( sStylesXML )
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Set the DOM pointer on element 'office:master-styles'"
+ printlog "|-/"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "/" )
+ printlog " |-office:document-styles"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "office:document-styles" )
+ printlog " |-office:master-styles"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "office:master-styles" )
+ iMasterPageStylesInStylesXML = SAXGetChildCount
+ printlog "Seek nodes style:master-page"
+ for iIndex = 1 to iMasterPageStylesInStylesXML
+ printlog " |-style:master-page"
+ SAXSeekElement( iIndex )
+ sCurrentMasterPageStyle = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:name" )
+ printlog " + Found table style " & sCurrentMasterPageStyle & " at postion " & iIndex
+ for iInnerIndex = 1 to iTablesInDocument
+ printlog "Memorize associations of table names and master page styles using master page names found in 'context.xml'"
+ if sCurrentMasterPageStyle = asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 2 ) then
+ if SAXGetElementName <> "style:master-page" then
+ warnlog "Unexpected style type found -> Check this out!"
+ qaErrorLog SAXGetElementName & " instead of 'style:master-page'"
+ endif
+ asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 3 ) = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:page-layout-name" )
+ printlog "Check correct UI strings for master page styles"
+ select case SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:display-name" )
+ case sNameStyle1 : sExpectedTableName = sNameSheet1
+ case sNameStyle2 : sExpectedTableName = sNameSheet2
+ case sNameStyle3 : sExpectedTableName = sNameSheet3
+ end select
+ printlog "Check if UI strings for master page styles are correctly assigned to the three sheets"
+ if sExpectedTableName <> asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 0 ) then
+ warnlog "Association of UI Style name and table doesn't meet expectation -> Check this out!"
+ qaErrorLog "Expected '" & sExpectedTableName & "' but found '" & asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 0 ) & "'"
+ endif
+ endif
+ next iInnerIndex
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ next iIndex
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ printlog "Go back in DOM-tree to 'office:automatic-styles'"
+ printlog " |-office:automatic-styles"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "office:automatic-styles" )
+ iStylesInAutomaticStyles = SAXGetChildCount
+ printlog "Seek nodes style:page-layout"
+ for iIndex = 1 to iStylesInAutomaticStyles
+ printlog " |-style:page-layout"
+ SAXSeekElement ( iIndex )
+ sCurrentAutomaticStyle = SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:name" )
+ printlog "Check for each sheet if expected page scaling is correctly assigned"
+ for iInnerIndex = 1 to iTablesInDocument
+ if sCurrentAutomaticStyle = asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 3 ) then
+ if SAXGetElementName <> "style:page-layout" then
+ warnlog "Unexpected style type found -> Check this out!"
+ qaErrorLog SAXGetElementName & " instead of 'style:page-layout'"
+ endif
+ printlog " |-style:page-layout"
+ SAXSeekElement ( "style:page-layout-properties" )
+ select case asTableStyleAssocations ( iInnerIndex , 0 )
+ case sNameSheet1
+ sExpectedScaleTo = "55%"
+ sExpectedScaleToX = ""
+ sExpectedScaleToY = ""
+ sExpectedScaleToPages = ""
+ case sNameSheet2
+ sExpectedScaleTo = ""
+ sExpectedScaleToX = "3"
+ sExpectedScaleToY = "4"
+ sExpectedScaleToPages = ""
+ case sNameSheet3
+ sExpectedScaleTo = ""
+ sExpectedScaleToX = ""
+ sExpectedScaleToY = ""
+ sExpectedScaleToPages = "6"
+ end select
+ if sExpectedScaleTo <> SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to") then
+ warnlog " Attribute 'style:scale-to' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to")
+ qaErrorLog "Expected: " & sExpectedScaleTo
+ endif
+ if sExpectedScaleToX <> SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to-X") then
+ warnlog "Attribute 'style:scale-to-X' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to-X")
+ qaErrorLog "Expected: " & sExpectedScaleToX
+ endif
+ if sExpectedScaleToY <> SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to-Y") then
+ warnlog "Attribute 'style:scale-to-Y' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to-Y")
+ qaErrorLog "Expected: " & sExpectedScaleToY
+ endif
+ if sExpectedScaleToPages <> SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to-pages") then
+ warnlog "Attribute 'style:scale-to-pages' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue ( "style:scale-to-pages")
+ qaErrorLog "Expected: " & sExpectedScaleToPages
+ endif
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ endif
+ next iInnerIndex
+ SAXSeekElement ( 0 )
+ next iIndex
+ endif
+ printlog "Release DOM of 'styles.xml'"
+ SAXRelease
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..94e397b2da4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:29:28 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Check content.xml for correct scenario attributes
+' #1 subScenarioAttributes
+' #1 tScenarioAttributes
+' #1 subCreateScenario
+' #1 subCheckScenarioInContentXML
+sub subScenarioAttributes
+ printLog Chr(13) + "--------- scenario attributes ----------"
+ call tScenarioAttributes
+end sub
+testcase tScenarioAttributes
+ dim iIndex as INTEGER
+ dim sExtension
+ sExtension = ".ods"
+ dim sNameSheet1 as STRING
+ sNameSheet1 = "Ten"
+ dim sNameSheet2 as STRING
+ sNameSheet2 = "Moves"
+ dim sNameSheet3 as STRING
+ sNameSheet3 = "Ahead"
+ dim sOutputFile as STRING
+ sOutputFile = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath( "user\work\scenarioAttributes" ) & sExtension )
+ dim sUnpackedStorageDir as STRING
+ sUnpackedStorageDir = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath( "user\work\scenarioAttributes" ))
+ if (dir ( sUnpackedStorageDir ) <> "" ) then
+ rmDir ( sUnpackedStorageDir )
+ if (dir ( sUnpackedStorageDir ) <> "" ) then
+ warnlog "Diretory has not been deleted. Exiting test."
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ dim sContentXML as STRING
+ sContentXML = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath( "user\work\scenarioAttributes" ) & ConvertPath( "\content.xml" ))
+ printlog "Create a new spreadsheet document"
+ Call hNewDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ for iIndex = 1 to 3
+ printlog "Type in the first cell the number 1 and press RETURN"
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "1<RETURN>"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Format / Sheet / Rename"
+ FormatSheetRename
+ Kontext "TabelleUmbenennen"
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet1
+ printlog " In first round name it 'Ten'"
+ case 2 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet2
+ printlog " In first round name it 'Moves'"
+ case 3 : Tabellenname.SetText sNameSheet3
+ printlog " In first round name it 'Ahead'"
+ end select
+ printlog "Press OK on dialog"
+ TabelleUmbenennen.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Edit / Sheet / Select"
+ EditSheetSelect
+ Kontext "SelectSheets"
+ printlog "In round 1 and 2 select the next sheet."
+ printlog "In round three select the first sheet."
+ if iIndex = 3 then
+ SheetSelectionBox.Select sNameSheet1
+ else
+ SheetSelectionBox.Select ( iIndex + 1 )
+ endif
+ printlog "Press OK on dialog."
+ SelectSheets.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ next iIndex
+ printlog "If not visible: View / Toolbars / Formula bar"
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ if not RechenleisteCalc.isvisible then
+ ViewToolbarsFormulaBar
+ end if
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ printlog "In the Formular bar edit area type:"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
+ printlog "[CTRL+A]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "C3"
+ printlog "C3"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "[RETURN]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ sleep(1)
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ printlog "Type in the spreadsheet document:"
+ printlog "1[RETURN]2[RETURN]3[RETURN]"
+ DocumentCalc.typekeys "1<RETURN>2<RETURN>3<RETURN>"
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ printlog "In the Formula bar type in the edit area:"
+ printlog "[CTRL+A]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
+ printlog "C3:C5"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "C3:C5"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "[RETURN]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Tools / scenarios..."
+ printlog "Scenario name: Scenario_XML_Test"
+ printlog "Scenario comment: Created by Peter Junge"
+ printlog "Color index: 1"
+ printlog "Display border unchecked"
+ printlog "Copy back unchecked"
+ printlog "Copy entire sheet unchecked"
+ printlog "Prevent changes unchecked"
+ subCreateScenario ( "Scenario_XML_Test" , "Created by Peter Junge" , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 )
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Create a another scenario on this selection with the following parameters:"
+ printlog "Scenario name: AnotherScenario"
+ printlog "Scenario comment: Random Comment"
+ printlog "Color index: 13"
+ printlog "Display border checked"
+ printlog "Copy back checked"
+ printlog "Copy entire sheet checked"
+ printlog "Prevent changes checked"
+ subCreateScenario ( "AnotherScenario" , "Random Comment" , 13 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Edit / Sheet / Select"
+ EditSheetSelect
+ Kontext "SelectSheets"
+ printlog "Select 'Moves'"
+ SheetSelectionBox.Select "Moves"
+ printlog "OK"
+ SelectSheets.OK
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Type in Formula bar:"
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ printlog "[CTRL+A]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
+ printlog "d5"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "d5"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "[RETURN]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Type in spreadsheet document"
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ printlog "1[RETURN]2[RETURN]3[RETURN]"
+ DocumentCalc.typekeys "1<RETURN>2<RETURN>3<RETURN>"
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ printlog "Type in Formula bar:"
+ printlog "[CTRL+A]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
+ printlog "d5:d7"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "d5:d7"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "[RETURN]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Creat another scenario:"
+ subCreateScenario ( "標準" , "기본값" , 9 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 )
+ printlog "Scenario name: 標準"
+ printlog "Scenario comment: 기본값"
+ printlog "Color index: 9"
+ printlog "Display border checked"
+ printlog "Copy back checked"
+ printlog "Copy entire sheet unchecked"
+ printlog "Prevent changes unchecked"
+ sleep(1)
+ '///<li>Create a another scenario on this selection</li>///
+ subCreateScenario ( "1标准9" , "2預設0" , 16 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
+ printlog "Scenario name: 1标准9"
+ printlog "Scenario comment: 2預設0"
+ printlog "Color index: 16"
+ printlog "Display border unchecked"
+ printlog "Copy back unchecked"
+ printlog "Copy entire sheet checked"
+ printlog "Prevent changes checked"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Save in current default format"
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill ( sOutputFile , "calc8" ) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Saving " & sOutputFile & " failed! -> Exiting test!"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ else
+ printlog "Close the document."
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ printlog "Unpack storage of test document."
+ UnpackStorage( sOutputFile , sUnpackedStorageDir )
+ printlog "Read the test documents DOM."
+ SAXReadFile( sContentXML )
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Set the DOM pointer on element 'office:spreadsheet'"
+ printlog "|-/"
+ SAXSeekElement( "/" )
+ printlog " |-office:document-content"
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:document-content" )
+ printlog " |-office:body"
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:body" )
+ printlog " |-office:spreadsheet"
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:spreadsheet" )
+ printlog "For all tables check if they are scenarios"
+ printlog "For those tables which are scenarios check correct attributes"
+ for iIndex = 1 to 7
+ printlog " |-table:table"
+ SAXSeekElement( "table:table" , iIndex )
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( "Ten" , FALSE )
+ case 2 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( _
+ "Scenario_XML_Test" , TRUE , TRUE , "#000000" , TRUE , "false" , FALSE , "false" , _
+ "Scenario_XML_Test.C3:Scenario_XML_Test.C5" , "Created by Peter Junge" )
+ case 3 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( _
+ "AnotherScenario" , TRUE , FALSE , "#ff0000" , FALSE , "false" , TRUE , "true" , _
+ "AnotherScenario.C3:AnotherScenario.C5" , "Random Comment" )
+ case 4 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( "Moves" , FALSE )
+ case 5 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( _
+ "標準" , TRUE , FALSE , "#c0c0c0" , FALSE , "false" , FALSE , "false" , _
+ "標準.D5:標準.D7" , "기본값" )
+ case 6 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( _
+ "1标准9" , TRUE , TRUE , "#ffffff" , TRUE , "false" , TRUE , "true" , _
+ "1标准9.D5:1标准9.D7" , "2預設0" )
+ case 7 : subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( "Ahead" , FALSE )
+ end select
+ SAXSeekElement( 0 )
+ next iIndex
+ printlog "Check if too much sheets exist"
+ try
+ SAXSeekElement( "table:table" , 8 )
+ warnlog "OOPS, it's expected to have only seven sheet but we got eight or more -> Check this out!"
+ SAXSeekElement( 0 )
+ catch
+ endcatch
+ endif
+ SAXRelease
+sub subCreateScenario ( sScenarioName as STRING, _
+ sComment as STRING, _
+ iColorIndex as INTEGER, _
+ bDisplayBorder as BOOLEAN, _
+ bCopyBack as BOOLEAN, _
+ bCopyEntireSheet as BOOLEAN, _
+ bPreventChanges as BOOLEAN )
+ printlog "tools / scenarios..."
+ ToolsScenarios
+ Kontext "SzenarioAnlegen"
+ printlog "Set options as requested through arguments"
+ SzenarioName.SetText ( sScenarioName )
+ Kommentar.SetText ( sComment )
+ Rahmenfarbe.Select ( iColorIndex )
+ if bDisplayBorder then
+ RahmenAnzeigen.Check
+ else
+ RahmenAnzeigen.UnCheck
+ endif
+ if bCopyBack then
+ Zurueckkopieren.Check
+ else
+ Zurueckkopieren.UnCheck
+ endif
+ if bCopyEntireSheet then
+ GanzeTabelle.Check
+ else
+ GanzeTabelle.UnCheck
+ endif
+ if bPreventChanges then
+ PreventChanges.Check
+ else
+ PreventChanges.UnCheck
+ endif
+ printlog "OK"
+ SzenarioAnlegen.OK
+ sleep(1)
+end sub
+sub subCheckScenarioInContentXML ( sTableName as STRING , _
+ bTableShouldBeScenario as BOOLEAN , _
+ optional bCheckDisplayBorder as BOOLEAN , _
+ optional sBorderColor as STRING , _
+ optional bCheckCopyBack as BOOLEAN , _
+ optional sCopyStyles as STRING , _
+ optional bCheckProtected as BOOLEAN , _
+ optional sIsActive as STRING , _
+ optional sScenarioRanges as STRING , _
+ optional sComment as STRING)
+'///<u><b>Check attibutes for scenarios in 'content.xml'</b></u>///
+dim bTableIsScenario as BOOLEAN
+ bTableIsScenario = FALSE
+ '///<li>Check correct table name</li>///
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:name" ) = sTableName then
+ printlog "Table name is as expected"
+ else
+ warnlog "Table name is " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:name" ) & " instead of " & sTableName
+ endif
+ '///<li>Find out if current table is a scenario</li>///
+ try
+ SAXSeekElement( "table:scenario")
+ bTableIsScenario = TRUE
+ if bTableShouldBeScenario then
+ printlog "OK, this table is a scenario!"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, this table shouldn't be a scenario -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ catch
+ if bTableShouldBeScenario then
+ warnlog "OOPS, this table should be a scenario but it isn't -> Check this out!"
+ else
+ printlog "Right, this table isn't a scenario"
+ endif
+ endcatch
+ '///<li>Check scenario attributes</li>///
+ if bTableShouldBeScenario AND bTableIsScenario then
+ if bCheckDisplayBorder then
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue ( "table:display-border" ) = "false" then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:display-border' has expected value: 'false'"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:display-border' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:display-border" )
+ endif
+ else
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue ( "table:display-border" ) <> "" then
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:display-border' shouldn't exist here"
+ endif
+ endif
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:border-color" ) = sBorderColor then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:border-color' has expected value"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:border-color' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:border-color" )
+ endif
+ if bCheckCopyBack then
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:copy-back" ) = "false" then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:copy-back' has expected value: 'false'"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:copy-back' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:copy-back" )
+ endif
+ else
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue ( "table:copy-back" ) <> "" then
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:copy-back' shouldn't exist here"
+ endif
+ endif
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:copy-styles" ) = sCopyStyles then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:copy-styles' has expected value"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:copy-styles' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:copy-styles" )
+ endif
+ if bCheckProtected then
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:protected" ) = "true" then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:protected' has expected value: 'true'"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:protected' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:protected" )
+ endif
+ else
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue ( "table:protected" ) <> "" then
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:protected' shouldn't exist here"
+ endif
+ endif
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:is-active" ) = sIsActive then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:is-active' has expected value"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:is-active' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:is-active" )
+ endif
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:scenario-ranges" ) = sScenarioRanges then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:scenario-ranges' has expected value"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:scenario-ranges' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:scenario-ranges" )
+ qaErrorLog "Expected: " & sScenarioRanges
+ endif
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:comment" ) = sComment then
+ printlog "OK, attribute 'table:comment' has expected value"
+ else
+ warnlog "OOPS, attribute 'table:comment' has unexpected value: " & SAXGetAttributeValue( "table:comment" )
+ qaErrorLog "Expected: " & sComment
+ endif
+ else
+ printlog "Checking scenario details was skipped!"
+ endif
+ if bTableIsScenario then
+ SAXSeekElement( 0 )
+ endif
+end sub
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0420fc52b4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:29:40 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : testing japanese candle strick feature in chart
+' #1 tJapaneseCandlestickChart 'Check content.xml for attribute chart:japanese-candle-stick
+testcase tJapaneseCandlestickChart
+ 'Note: Only variant 2 and 4 using the chart:japanese-candle-stick attribute
+ dim iTypeNum as INTEGER
+ dim iSaxSeekIndex as INTEGER
+ dim sOutputFile as STRING
+ dim sChartContentXML as STRING
+ dim sUnpackedStorageDir as STRING
+ dim sAttrValue as STRING
+ for iTypeNum = 1 to 4
+ if iTypeNum = 2 or iTypeNum = 4 then
+ sOutputFile = gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\japaneseCandlestickType" & iTypeNum & ".ods")
+ sUnpackedStorageDir = gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\japaneseCandlestickType") & iTypeNum
+ if (dir(sUnpackedStorageDir) <> "") then
+ RmDir (sUnpackedStorageDir)
+ endif
+ sChartContentXML = gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\japaneseCandlestickType" & iTypeNum & "\Object 1\content.xml")
+ printlog "File / New / Spreadsheet"
+ Call hNewDocument
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ if not RechenleisteCalc.isvisible then
+ ViewToolbarsFormulaBar
+ end if
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Type in the 'Name Box' of the 'Formula Bar' [CTRL+A]"
+ Kontext "RechenleisteCalc"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<MOD1 A>"
+ printlog "and then 'A1:F10' to select a range"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "A1:F10"
+ sleep(1)
+ printlog "Type [RETURN]"
+ Bereich.TypeKeys "<RETURN>"
+ sleep(2)
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ printlog "In the Calc document write '=rand()[SHIFT MOD1 RETURN]'"
+ DocumentCalc.typekeys("=rand()<SHIFT MOD1 RETURN>")
+ printlog "Insert / Chart"
+ InsertChartCalc
+ sleep(2)
+ Kontext "ChartType"
+ printlog "Select Type 8 'Stock Chart'"
+ ChooseType.Select(8)
+ printlog "Select Type 2 or 4"
+ variant.typeKeys "<HOME>"
+ variant.typeKeys "<RIGHT>", (iTypeNum - 1)
+ printlog "Click FINISH button"
+ Kontext "ChartWizard"
+ ChartWizard.OK
+ sleep(2)
+ Kontext "DocumentCalc"
+ printlog "Type twice [ESCAPE]"
+ DocumentCalc.TypeKeys "<ESCAPE>" , 2
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Save document in the OpenDocument format (should be default)"
+ printlog " as gOfficePath/user/work/japaneseCandlestickType[2|4].ods"
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (sOutputFile , "calc8") = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Saving " & sOutputFile & " failed! -> Exiting test!"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ goto endsub
+ else
+ printlog "File / Close"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ printlog "Unzip or unjar the gOfficePath/user/work/japaneseCandlestickType[2|4].ods"
+ printlog "into the directory gOfficePath/user/work/japaneseCandlestickType[2|4]"
+ UnpackStorage(sOutputFile, sUnpackedStorageDir)
+ printlog "Read the test documents DOM."
+ printlog "Use an XML editor like jEdit and open the"
+ printlog "structure of the XML file gOfficePath/user/work/japaneseCandlestickType[2|4]/Object 1/content.xml"
+ SAXReadFile(sChartContentXML)
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Set the DOM pointer on element 'office:automatic-styles'"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog "The test case is passed if..."
+ printlog "office:document-content"
+ printlog "office:automatic-styles"
+ printlog "style:style"
+ printlog " one of the 10 style:style elements there should be a"
+ printlog "style:chart-properties"
+ printlog "chart:japanese-candle-stick"
+ printlog "with the value true"
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ for iSaxSeekIndex = 1 to 10
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , iSaxSeekIndex)
+ if SAXHasElement("style:chart-properties") then
+ SAXSeekElement("style:chart-properties")
+ if SaxGetAttributeName(1) = "chart:japanese-candle-stick" then
+ printlog "Found attribute 'chart:japanese-candle-stick'"
+ sAttrValue = SAXGetAttributeValue("chart:japanese-candle-stick")
+ if lcase(sAttrValue) = "true" then
+ printlog "Expected value of 'chart:japanese-candle-stick' = true was found"
+ exit for
+ endif
+ endif
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ endif
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next iSaxSeekIndex
+ SAXRelease
+ endif
+ endif
+ next iTypeNum
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..710bb2876012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:30:56 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Library for DocBook XML Im-/Export Test
+' #1 tDocBookXMLtestdocs 'Main start routine for DocBook XML test
+' #1 fLoadDocBookXMLAndSaveIt 'Testcase <function> for loading and saving
+sub tDocBookXMLtestdocs
+ Dim sSourceDocuments(500) as string
+ Dim i as integer, iNumberOfDocuments as integer
+ printlog "Checking under Tools -> XML Filter Settings that the DocBook XSLT Filter has been installed."
+ printlog "If not install them from ../global/input/xslt_stylesheets/docbook_xhtml.jar"
+ if fInitialXMLSetting("docbook") = FALSE then
+ warnlog "The DocBook XSLT filter has not been installed!"
+ warnlog "Aborting!"
+ exit sub
+ end if
+ 'Calculating how many documents are in that directory (max. 500)
+ if hDirectoryExists(sSourcePath) then
+ 'Get the file list and put it in a list (max. 500 per directory!)
+ call GetAllFileList(sSourcePath, "*.xml" , sSourceDocuments())
+ iNumberOfDocuments = ListCount(sSourceDocuments())
+ printlog iNumberOfDocuments & " DocBook XML files found in " & sSourcePath & "."
+ if iNumberOfDocuments > 0 then
+ for i = 2 to iNumberOfDocuments
+ 'Call the testcase with each document.
+ call fLoadDocBookXMLAndSaveIt(sSourceDocuments(i))
+ next i
+ else
+ warnlog "Path " & sSourcePath & " contains no documents!"
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "Path " & sSourcePath & " has not been found!"
+ end if
+end sub
+testcase fLoadDocBookXMLAndSaveIt(sSourceDocument as string)
+Dim sExpFileName as string
+Dim sFileName as string
+sFileName = DateiExtract(sSourceDocument)
+sExpFileName = sDestinationPath & sFileName
+ printlog "Load test document " & sFileName & "."
+ call hFileOpen (sSourceDocument)
+ printlog "If the document can not be loaded as XML file (wrong Doctype) it will be loaded as ASCII."
+ Kontext "AsciiFilterOptionen"
+ if AsciiFilterOptionen.Exists(2) then
+ AsciiFilterOptionen.Cancel
+ QAErrorLog "The DTD may be does not match. Work around is to load it as ASCII file."
+ Goto Endsub
+ end if
+ printlog "If the Filter Selection dialog occours the try to select the 'DocBook' entry."
+ Kontext "FilterAuswahl"
+ if FilterAuswahl.Exists(2) then
+ QAErrorLog "Filter selection dialog occoured!"
+ Filter.Select "DocBook"
+ FilterAuswahl.OK
+ end if
+ 'If there is no document being loaded only the 'backing window' would be visible
+ if GetDocumentCount = 0 then
+ warnlog "Document " & sFileName & " has not been loaded! It won't be exported! verify manually!"
+ else
+ printlog "Save the test document as " & sExpFileName
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill(sExpFileName, "DocBook File") = TRUE then
+ printlog "Close the document also if there is a verification dialog."
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ printlog "Check the well formness of the saved document."
+ if XMLWellformed (sExpFileName) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file " & sExpFileName & " not well formed or does not exist!"
+ else
+ printlog "Open the exported document."
+ call hFileOpen (sExpFileName)
+ Kontext "FilterAuswahl"
+ if FilterAuswahl.Exists(2) then
+ QAErrorLog "Filter selection dialog occoured!"
+ Filter.Select "DocBook"
+ FilterAuswahl.OK
+ end if
+ if GetDocumentCount = 0 then
+ warnlog "EXPORTED document " & sExpFileName & " has not been loaded! It won't be exported! verify manually!"
+ else
+ printlog "Close the exported document."
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "Exporting XML file (" & sExpFileName & ") failed!"
+ end if
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..99d8f1616f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:31:08 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : Conversion of Microsoft OLE objects in dependency of settings in Tools::Options::Load/Save::MS_Office
+' #1 ms_ole ' Initial routine
+' #1 tXML_OLE_Conversion
+' #1 subSetConversionMicrosoftOLE
+testcase tXML_OLE_Conversion ( sCurrentTestDocument as STRING )
+ dim iIndex as INTEGER
+ dim sInputFile as STRING
+ sInputFile = convertpath ( gTesttoolpath & "xml/optional/input/framework/ms_ole/" & sCurrentTestDocument )
+ dim sSplitCurrentTestDocument() as STRING
+ sSplitCurrentTestDocument() = split ( sCurrentTestDocument , "." )
+ dim sCurrentFileName as STRING
+ sCurrentFileName = sSplitCurrentTestDocument ( 0 )
+ dim sCurrentExtension as STRING
+ sCurrentExtension = sSplitCurrentTestDocument ( 1 )
+ dim sCurrentOLE as STRING
+ sCurrentOLE = left ( sCurrentTestDocument , 3 )
+ dim sExtNames( 5 ) AS String
+ dim sCurrentExtensionOasis as STRING
+ select case sCurrentExtension
+ case ( "doc" ) : sExtNames() = hGetFilternameExtension ( "writer8" )
+ case ( "xls" ) : sExtNames() = hGetFilternameExtension ( "calc8" )
+ case ( "ppt" ) : sExtNames() = hGetFilternameExtension ( "impress8" )
+ end select
+ sCurrentExtensionOasis = " (." & sExtNames(0) & ")"
+ dim sCurrentFilter as STRING
+ select case sCurrentExtension
+ case ( "doc" ) : sCurrentFilter = "writer8"
+ case ( "xls" ) : sCurrentFilter = "calc8"
+ case ( "ppt" ) : sCurrentFilter = "impress8"
+ end select
+ dim sConversionSettings as STRING
+ dim sStorageName as STRING
+ sStorageName = ( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml_") & sCurrentFileName )
+ dim sOutputFile as STRING
+ dim sUnpackedStorageDir as STRING
+ dim sContentXML as STRING
+ dim sContentXMLObject as STRING
+ dim bContentXMLObjectExists as BOOLEAN
+ dim sRelativePathToObject as STRING
+ for iIndex = 1 to 4
+ printlog "Set desired conversion options in Tools::Options::Load/Save::MS Office"
+ select case iIndex
+ case 1 : sConversionSettings = "RESET"
+ case 2 : sConversionSettings = "SAVE"
+ case 3 : sConversionSettings = "LOAD"
+ case 4 : sConversionSettings = "ALL"
+ end select
+ call subSetConversionMicrosoftOLE ( sConversionSettings )
+ sleep(2)
+ sOutputFile = sStorageName & "_" & sConversionSettings & "." & sExtNames(0)
+ sUnpackedStorageDir = sOutputFile & "_unpacked"
+ 'Erase storage dirctory if exists
+ if (dir ( sUnpackedStorageDir ) <> "" ) then
+ rmDir ( sUnpackedStorageDir )
+ if (dir ( sUnpackedStorageDir ) <> "" ) then
+ warnlog "Removing directory failed. Exiting test."
+ goto endsub
+ endif
+ endif
+ sContentXML = sUnpackedStorageDir & ConvertPath( "\content.xml" )
+ printlog "Open test document (MS format)"
+ call hFileOpen(sInputFile)
+ printlog Chr(13) & "Loading: " & sInputFile
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Save document in OpenDocument format"
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill ( sOutputFile , sCurrentFilter ) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Saving the testdocument failed!"
+ endif
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Close document"
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Unpack storage to obtain the XML files"
+ try
+ UnpackStorage( sOutputFile , sUnpackedStorageDir )
+ catch
+ qaErrorLog "#i52632# - Unpacking XML storage failed -> we quit this iteration"
+ goto skipThisIteration 'Quit only current Iteration (not testcase) on error
+ endcatch
+ printlog "Read DOM of content.xml"
+ SAXReadFile( sContentXML )
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Set the DOM pointer on element 'office:body'"
+ SAXSeekElement( "/" )
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:document-content" )
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:body" )
+ printlog "Use recursion to find XML element 'draw:object-ole' or'draw:object'"
+ select case sConversionSettings
+ case "RESET" , "SAVE"
+ if hXMLSeekElementInTree ( "draw:object-ole" ) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Not finding the node 'draw:object-ole' is unexpected -> Check this out!"
+ SAXRelease
+ goto skipThisIteration 'Quit only current Iteration (not testcase) on error
+ endif
+ case "LOAD" , "ALL"
+ if hXMLSeekElementInTree ( "draw:object" ) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "Not finding the node 'draw:object' is unexpected -> Check this out!"
+ SAXRelease
+ goto skipThisIteration 'Quit only current Iteration (not testcase) on error
+ endif
+ end select
+ sRelativePathToObject = SAXGetAttributeValue( "xlink:href" )
+ sRelativePathToObject = Right ( sRelativePathToObject , Len ( sRelativePathToObject ) - 1 )
+ sContentXMLObject = sUnpackedStorageDir & ConvertPath ( sRelativePathToObject & "\content.xml" )
+ printlog "Check existence of objects 'content.xml' in dependency of settings in Tools::Options::Load/Save::MS_Office"
+ printlog "Lookup if objects 'content.xml' exists - TRUE for OASIS OLE, FALSE for MS OLE"
+ if (dir ( sContentXMLObject ) <> "" ) then
+ bContentXMLObjectExists = TRUE
+ else
+ bContentXMLObjectExists = FALSE
+ endif
+ printlog "Verify result against expectations for existence of objects 'content.xml'"
+ select case sConversionSettings
+ case "RESET" , "SAVE"
+ if bContentXMLObjectExists then
+ warnlog "+ OOPS, 'content.xml' shouldn't exist in MS OLE directory -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ case "LOAD" , "ALL"
+ if bContentXMLObjectExists = FALSE then
+ warnlog "+ OOPS, 'content.xml' must exist in OASIS OLE directory -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ end select
+ printlog "Release documents DOM"
+ SAXRelease
+ if bContentXMLObjectExists then
+ printlog "Read the OLE object DOM."
+ SAXReadFile( sContentXMLObject )
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog "Check if expected OLE object was found in 'content.xml'"
+ SAXSeekElement( "/" )
+ select case sCurrentOLE
+ case "mat"
+ SAXSeekElement( 1 )
+ if SAXGetElementName() <> "math:math" then
+ warnlog "A Math object was expected here -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ case else
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:document-content" )
+ SAXSeekElement( "office:body" )
+ SAXSeekElement( 1 )
+ select case sCurrentOLE
+ case "exc"
+ if SAXGetElementName() <> "office:spreadsheet" then
+ warnlog "+ OOPS, this OLE seems to be no spreadsheet -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ case "ppt"
+ if SAXGetElementName() <> "office:presentation" then
+ warnlog "+ OOPS, this OLE seems to be no presentation -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ case "wor"
+ if SAXGetElementName() <> "office:text" then
+ warnlog "+ OOPS, this OLE seems to be no text -> Check this out!"
+ endif
+ end select
+ end select
+ SAXRelease
+ endif
+ skipThisIteration:
+ next iIndex
+sub subSetConversionMicrosoftOLE ( OPTIONAL sConversionType as STRING )
+'Routine to adjust the behaviour of Tools::Options::Load/Save::Microsoft Office
+'Possible Keys for 'sConversionType' are:
+'RESET (or omitted): Uncheck all boxes (default in a freshly installed OOo))
+'ALL: Check all boxes
+'LOAD: Check all boxes for loading MS OLE objects (left side), uncheck all boxes for saving
+'SAVE: Check all boxes for saving MS OLE objects (right side), uncheck all boxes for loading
+'For other values the subroutine will exit
+ if IsMissing ( sConversionType ) then
+ sConversionType = "RESET"
+ end if
+ dim iPosInAuswahl as INTEGER
+ dim iExtraToggle as INTEGER
+ 'Determine value of 'iExtraToggle' for known keys
+ select case sConversionType
+ case "RESET" : iExtraToggle = 1
+ case "ALL" : iExtraToggle = 2
+ case "LOAD" : iExtraToggle = 3
+ case "SAVE" : iExtraToggle = 4
+ case else
+ warnlog "Unknown keyword for paramter -> Exit the subroutine"
+ qaErrorLog "Valid keywords are RESET, ALL, LOAD and SAVE!"
+ exit sub
+ end select
+ printlog "Invoke Tools::Options"
+ ToolsOptions
+ printlog "Go to tabpage Load/Save::Microsoft Office"
+ call hToolsOptions ( "LOADSAVE" , "MICROSOFTOFFICE" )
+ printlog "Go to top entry in listbox"
+ Auswahl.TypeKeys( "<PageUp>" )
+ printlog "Toggle (in a tricky way) to a defined state of checkboxes"
+ for iPosInAuswahl = 1 to 4
+ Auswahl.TypeKeys ( "<RIGHT>" , 2 )
+ while NOT Auswahl.IsChecked
+ Auswahl.TypeKeys ( "<Space>" )
+ wend
+ while Auswahl.IsChecked
+ Auswahl.TypeKeys ( "<Space>" )
+ wend
+ printlog "Toggle to desired state of boxes"
+ Auswahl.TypeKeys ( "<Space>" , iExtraToggle )
+ printlog "Go one entry down in list box"
+ Auswahl.TypeKeys ( "<Down>" )
+ printlog "Loop for all lines"
+ next iPosInAuswahl
+ printlog "Quit dialog"
+ Kontext "OptionenDLG"
+ OptionenDLG.Ok
+end sub
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..72072f07a360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:31:25 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Calc Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxc7_01
+ printlog "--------------------------- ------------------------------"
+ printlog "------------------------ Alien Attributes ---------------------------"
+ call tAlienAttributes
+ printlog "---------------------- File Format Changes --------------------------"
+ call tfeat906
+ printlog "------------------------------ Cells --------------------------------"
+ call tCellformats1
+ call tCellformats2
+ call tCellformats3
+end sub
+testcase tAlienAttributes
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim c as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttrNameInDOM as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- alien_attributes.sxc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\ooo10\alien_attributes.sxc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:foo=&quot;;
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:bla=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:foo"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "xmlns:bla"
+ AttributeValue(2) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a cell style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a paragraph style (twice)</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a text style (twice)</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a graphic style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: bla=&quot;holla&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla1=&quot;holla1&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla2=&quot;holla2&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:foobla=&quot;holla&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:foobla1=&quot;holla1&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:foobla2=&quot;holla2&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla:blabla=&quot;holla&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla:blabla1=&quot;holla1&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla:blabla2=&quot;holla2&quot;
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "bla"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "holla"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "bla1"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "holla1"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "bla2"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "holla2"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "foo:foobla"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "holla"
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "foo:foobla1"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "holla1"
+ AttributeSearch(6) = "foo:foobla2"
+ AttributeValue(6) = "holla2"
+ AttributeSearch(7) = "bla:blabla"
+ AttributeValue(7) = "holla"
+ AttributeSearch(8) = "bla:blabla1"
+ AttributeValue(8) = "holla1"
+ AttributeSearch(9) = "bla:blabla2"
+ AttributeValue(9) = "holla2"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for c = 1 to 6
+ if c = 1 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a cell style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if c = 2 OR c = 3 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a paragraph style (" & c-1 & ")"
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if c = 4 or c = 5 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a text style (" & c-3 & ")"
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if c = 6 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a graphic style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ 'The hidden attributes are in a known sequence included,
+ 'so the same routine will be used for different styles!
+ 'Note: The first four style:style elements do not have any hidden attributes -> 4+c.
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , 4+c )
+ AttrNameInDOM = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ printlog " + Style name: " & AttrNameInDOM
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 9
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ 'c = <nr> means <nr>'th+4 style:style in DOM tree
+ if c = 1 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a cell style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if c = 2 or c = 3 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a paragraph style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if c = 4 or c = 5 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a text style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if c = 6 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a graphic style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ next c
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\alien_attributes\styles.xml"))
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog " s t y l e s . x m l"
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>styles.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:foo=&quot;;
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:bla=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:foo"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "xmlns:bla"
+ AttributeValue(2) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a table cell template style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a master page template style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: bla=&quot;holla&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla1=&quot;holla1&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla2=&quot;holla2&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:foobla=&quot;holla&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:foobla1=&quot;holla1&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:foobla2=&quot;holla2&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla:blabla=&quot;holla&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla:blabla1=&quot;holla1&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bla:blabla2=&quot;holla2&quot;
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "bla"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "holla"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "bla1"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "holla1"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "bla2"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "holla2"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "foo:foobla"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "holla"
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "foo:foobla1"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "holla1"
+ AttributeSearch(6) = "foo:foobla2"
+ AttributeValue(6) = "holla2"
+ AttributeSearch(7) = "bla:blabla"
+ AttributeValue(7) = "holla"
+ AttributeSearch(8) = "bla:blabla1"
+ AttributeValue(8) = "holla1"
+ AttributeSearch(9) = "bla:blabla2"
+ AttributeValue(9) = "holla2"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for c = 1 to 2
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ if c = 1 then
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a template of a cell style"
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------------"
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , 2)
+ AttrNameInDOM = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ printlog " + Style name: " & AttrNameInDOM
+ printlog " |"
+ end if
+ if c = 2 then
+ printlog "------------------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a template of a master page style"
+ printlog "------------------------------------------------------"
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:page-master")
+ AttrNameInDOM = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ printlog " + Style name: " & AttrNameInDOM
+ printlog " |"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 9
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ if c = 1 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a template of a cell style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if c = 2 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a template of a master page style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ next c
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tfeat906
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim c as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttrNameInDOM as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- feat906.sxc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\ooo10\feat906.sxc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\feat906\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-------------------------------"
+ printlog "draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges"
+ printlog "-------------------------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges</u>
+ '/// <i>Feature (Change) 906</i>
+ '///+ <blockquote>The draw:object got a new attribute. This attribute is only
+ '///+ on chart objects given. It gives the ranges or tablenames
+ '///+ of the chart (the ranges or tablenames the chart is
+ '///+ connected to). If the attribute is not given the object
+ '///+ will be loaded otherwise the object is only loaded if in
+ '///+ the ranges or tables is something changed or the object is
+ '///+ showed. If the value of the attribute is empty it is a OLE
+ '///+ chart with its own data.
+ '///+ This increase the performance of loading charts, because
+ '///+ they are only loaded if they are needed.<br>
+ '///+ This attribute <u>replaces</u> the <i>draw:notify-on-update-table</i>
+ '///+ attribute which only was usable by the wordprocessing
+ '///+ application. The new one is used by the wordprocessing and
+ '///+ the spreadsheet application.
+ '///+ The data in this attribute are twice, because the chart has
+ '///+ this data too, but to get this data from the chart it has
+ '///+ to be loaded.</blockquote>
+ '/// Searching for: draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges=&quot;Sheet1.A1:Sheet1.A5&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "Sheet1.A1:Sheet1.A5"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-row" , 2)
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-cell" , 2)
+ SAXSeekElement("draw:object")
+ for i = 1 to 1
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tCellformats1
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- cellformats1.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\cellformats1.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats1\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-----------"
+ printlog "T A B L E S"
+ printlog "-----------"
+ '/// <u>table style t1</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:master-page-name=&quot;Default&quot; ///
+ '///+ Searching for: style:family=&quot;table&quot; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:family"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "table"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:master-page-name"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "Default"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ xXMLStyleName = GetItemStyleName ( "office:body", "table:table", "table:table" , 1 , "table:style-name" )
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ printlog " |" & xXMLStyleName
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ xPath = GetXMLElementPath( "office:automatic-styles" , "style:style" , "style:name" , xXMLStyleName)
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Table Style: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ '///+ &nbsp;<i>style properties:</i>
+ '///+ &nbsp;Searching for: table:display=&quot;true&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "table:display"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "true"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "style:properties: " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ printlog "---------"
+ printlog "C E L L S"
+ printlog "---------"
+ '/// <u>cell style ce2</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:family=&quot;table-cell&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:parent-style-name=&quot;Default&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:family"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "table-cell"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:parent-style-name"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "Default"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-row" , 2)
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-cell" , 2)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("table:style-name")
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ printlog " |" & xXMLStyleName
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ xPath = GetXMLElementPath( "office:automatic-styles" , "style:style" , "style:name" , xXMLStyleName)
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Table Style: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ '///+ &nbsp;<i>style properties:</i>
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:color=&quot;#000000&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:font-name=&quot;Arial&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-size=&quot;10pt&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-style=&quot;italic&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-underline=&quot;single&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-weight=&quot;bold&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "fo:color"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "#000000"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:font-name"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "Arial"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "fo:font-size"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "10pt"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "fo:font-style"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "italic"
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "style:text-underline"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "single"
+ AttributeSearch(6) = "fo:font-weight"
+ AttributeValue(6) = "bold"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 6
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "style:properties: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '/// <u>cell 3</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:family=&quot;table-cell&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:parent-style-name=&quot;Default&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:family"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "table-cell"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:parent-style-name"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "Default"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement(1)
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-row" , 4)
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-cell" , 2)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("table:style-name")
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ printlog " |" & xXMLStyleName
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ xPath = GetXMLElementPath( "office:automatic-styles" , "style:style" , "style:name" , xXMLStyleName)
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Table Style: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ '///+ &nbsp;<i>style properties:</i>
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:color=&quot;#800000&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-outline=&quot;true&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-crossing-out=&quot;single-line&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-size=&quot;12pt&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:language=&quot;en&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:country=&quot;US&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:text-shadow=&quot;none&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "fo:color"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "#800000"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:text-outline"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "true"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "fo:font-size"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "12pt"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "style:text-crossing-out"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "single-line"
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "fo:text-shadow"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "none"
+ AttributeSearch(6) = "fo:country"
+ AttributeValue(6) = "US"
+ AttributeSearch(7) = "fo:language"
+ AttributeValue(7) = "en"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 7
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "style:properties: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '/// <u>cell 4</u>
+ '///+ &nbsp;<i>style properties:</i>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:font-name=&quot;Times New Roman&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-size=&quot;28pt&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:font-name"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "Comic Sans MS"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "fo:font-size"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "16pt"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement(1)
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table")
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-row", 6)
+ SAXSeekElement("table:table-cell" , 2)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("table:style-name")
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ printlog " |" & xXMLStyleName
+ printlog " +---------------------------------------------------------"
+ xPath = GetXMLElementPath( "office:automatic-styles" , "style:style" , "style:name" , xXMLStyleName)
+ SAXSeekElement(xPath)
+ SAXSeekElement(1)
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "style:properties: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tCellformats2
+ printlog "+- cellformats2.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\cellformats2.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tCellformats3
+ printlog "+- cellformats3.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\cellformats3.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats3.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..a931ba62bd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:31:42 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Calc Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxc7_02
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ printlog "---------------------- Cells -----------------------"
+ call tcellformats2b
+ call tcellformats5
+ call tcellformats6
+ printlog "---------------------- C J K -----------------------"
+ call tjapan
+ call tkorean
+ call tsimple_c
+ call trad_c
+end sub
+testcase tcellformats2b
+ printlog "+- cellformats2b"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\cellformats2b.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats2b.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tcellformats5
+ printlog "+- cellformats5.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\cellformats5.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats5.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tcellformats6
+ printlog "+- cellformats6.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\cellformats6.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\cellformats6.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tjapan
+ printlog "+- japan.sxc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\ooo10\japan.sxc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\japan.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tkorean
+ printlog "+- korean.sxc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\ooo10\korean.sxc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\korean.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tsimple_c
+ printlog "+- simple_c.sxc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\ooo10\simple_c.sxc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\simple_c.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase trad_c
+ printlog "+- trad_c.sxc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\ooo10\trad_c.sxc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\trad_c.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..797376bfaa69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:32:01 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Calc Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+ Dim iSecurityBefore as integer
+sub sxc7_03
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ call tchart_export
+ call tconditional_formatting
+ iSecurityBefore = ""
+ iSecurityBefore = hSetMacroSecurity(1)
+ call tcontrols01
+ call hSetMacroSecurity(iSecurityBefore)
+ call tdatabase_ranges
+ call tfilter_and_subtotals1
+ call tfilter_and_subtotals4
+ call tmatrixformula_and_notes
+ call tpassword3
+end sub
+testcase tchart_export
+ printlog "+- chart_export.sdc"
+ if bDebugVersion = TRUE then
+ warnlog "#i41970# Assertion in DEBUG version breaks automated testing. This testcase will be ignored."
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\chart_export.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\chart_export.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tconditional_formatting
+ printlog "+- conditional_formatting.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\conditional_formatting.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\conditional_formatting.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tcontrols01
+ Dim cWhereCalled as string
+ printlog "+- controls01.sdc"
+ cWhereCalled = " "
+ '/// Open Tools/Options ->
+ '/// Click on the macro security button
+ '/// Set the <b>medium</b> security level
+ try
+ if iSecurityBefore = "" then
+ QAErrorLog cWhereCalled & "Macro security level needs to be set before to 1 (medium)!"
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ catch
+ 'if variable iSecurityBefore is not initialized and causes into an error
+ QAErrorLog cWhereCalled & "Macro security level needs to be set before to 1 (medium)!"
+ goto endsub
+ endcatch
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\controls01.sdc") , 1)
+ Kontext "SecurityWarning"
+ if SecurityWarning.Exists(1) then
+ SecurityWarning.OK
+ else
+ warnlog "#i80769# Macros not being loaded. Exiting test case."
+ 'warnlog "No Macro Security Warning occoured while loading 'controls01.sdc'."
+ call hCloseDocument
+ goto endsub
+ end if
+ sleep(2)
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\controls01.sxc") , 1)
+ '/// Accept the security warning and enable executing the macros.
+ Kontext "SecurityWarning"
+ if SecurityWarning.Exists(1) then
+ SecurityWarning.OK
+ else
+ warnlog "Macro will not be loaded due to bug #i80769#"
+ 'warnlog "No Macro Security Warning occoured while loading 'controls01.sxc'."
+ end if
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tdatabase_ranges
+ printlog "+- database_ranges.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\database_ranges.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\database_ranges.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tfilter_and_subtotals1
+ printlog "+- filter_and_subtotals1"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\filter_and_subtotals1.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals1.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tfilter_and_subtotals4
+ printlog "+- filter_and_subtotals4.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\filter_and_subtotals4.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\filter_and_subtotals4.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tmatrixformula_and_notes
+ printlog "+- matrixformula_and_notes.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\matrixformula_and_notes.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\matrixformula_and_notes.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
+testcase tpassword3
+ printlog "+- password3.sdc"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\calc\so_binary\password3.sdc"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3.sxc") , "StarOffice XML (Calc)") = TRUE then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3.sxc") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\calc\level1\password3.sxc"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ warnlog "It was not possible to save the document as XML!"
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b5b89ab92786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:32:19 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Draw Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxd7_01
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ printlog "----------------------------------------------------"
+ call talien_attributes
+ printlog "---------------------- C J K -----------------------"
+ call tchinese
+ call tjapan
+ call tkorean
+ call tradchinese
+ printlog "----------------------------------------------------"
+ call t18092
+ call t18093
+ call t18094
+ call t18098
+ call t18099
+ call t18100
+ call t18101
+ call t18102
+ call t18106
+ call t18107
+end sub
+testcase talien_attributes
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim AttrNameInDOM as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(5) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(5) as string
+ printlog "+- Impress: alien.sxd"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\alien.sxd"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien.sxd")
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:alien=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:alien"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a drawing-page style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a graphics style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a paragraph style (twice)</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a text style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;page&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;shape&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;para&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;shape-text&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;text&quot;
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "page"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "shape"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "para"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "shape-text"
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "text"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for i = 1 to 5
+ if i = 1 then
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a drawing-page style"
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 2 then
+ printlog "-------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a graphics style"
+ printlog "-------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 3 or i = 4 then
+ printlog "-------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a paragraph style (" & i-2 & ")"
+ printlog "-------------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 5 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a text style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ end if
+ 'The hidden attributes are in a known sequence included,
+ 'so the same routine will be used for different styles!
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , i )
+ AttrNameInDOM = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ printlog " + Style name (" & i & "): " & AttrNameInDOM
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ 'i = <nr> means <nr>'th style:style in DOM tree
+ if i = 1 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a drawing-page style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if i = 2 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a graphics style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if i = 3 or i = 4 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a paragraph style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if i = 5 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a text style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\alien\styles.xml"))
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog " s t y l e s . x m l"
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>styles.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:alien=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:alien"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog "----------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a master-page style"
+ printlog "----------------------------------------"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a master-page style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;master-page&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "master-page"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in master-page style): " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tchinese
+ printlog "+- Impress: chin.sxd"
+ '/// Opening chin.sxd which includes chinese characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\chin.sxd"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ '/// Saving it. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\chin.sxd")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tjapan
+ printlog "+- Impress: japan.sxd"
+ '/// Opening japan.sxd which includes japanese characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\japan.sxd"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ '/// Saving it. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\japan.sxd")
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tkorean
+ printlog "+- Impress: korean.sxd"
+ '/// Opening korean.sxd which includes korean characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\korean.sxd"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ '/// Saving it. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\korean.sxd")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tradchinese
+ printlog "+- Impress: trad_chin.sxd"
+ '/// Opening trad_chin.sxd which includes traditional chinese characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\trad_chin.sxd"))
+ '/// Saving it. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\trad_chin.sxd")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18092
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18092.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18092.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18092.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18093
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18093.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18093.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18093.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18094
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18094.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18094.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18094.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18098
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18098.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18098.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18098.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18099
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18099.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18099.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18099.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18100
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18100.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18100.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18100.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18101
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18101.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18101.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18101.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18102
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18102.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18102.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18102.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18106
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18106.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18106.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18106.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18107
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18107.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18107.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18107.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..7394431173cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:32:31 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Draw Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxd7_02
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ Call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ call t18108_18115
+ call t18116
+ call t18117
+ call t18118
+ call t18119
+ call t18120
+ call t18121_18122
+ call t18123
+ call t18124
+ call t18125
+end sub
+testcase t18108_18115
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18108-18115.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18108-18115.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18108-18115.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18116
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18116.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18116.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18116.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18117
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18117.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18117.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18117.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18118
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18118.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18118.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18118.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18119
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18119.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18119.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18119.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18120
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18120.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18120.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18120.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18121_18122
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18121-18122.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18121-18122.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18121-18122.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18123
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18123.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18123.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18123.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18124
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18124.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18124.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18124.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18125
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18125.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18125.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18125.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b91a877620ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:32:52 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Draw Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxd7_03
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ Call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ call t18126
+ call t18127_18128
+ call t18129
+ call t18130_18131
+ call t18132
+ call t18133_18134
+ call t18135
+ call t18136
+ call t18137
+ call t18138
+end sub
+testcase t18126
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18126.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18126.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18126.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18127_18128
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18127-18128.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18127-18128.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18127-18128.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18129
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18129.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18129.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18129.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18130_18131
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18130-18131.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18130-18131.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18130-18131.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18132
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18132.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18132.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18132.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18133_18134
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18133-18134.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18133-18134.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18133-18134.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18135
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18135.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18135.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18135.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18136
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18136.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18136.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18136.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18137
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18137.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18137.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18137.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18138
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18138.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18138.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18138.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..03dea4c420b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:33:10 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Draw Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxd7_04
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ Call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ call t18139_18145
+ call t18244
+ call t18245
+ call t18246_18250
+ call t18464_18467
+ call t18520_18524
+ call t18526_18531
+ call t18537_18544
+ call t18629_18632
+ call t18633
+end sub
+testcase t18139_18145
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18139-18145.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18139-18145.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18139-18145.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18244
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18244.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18244.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18244.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18245
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18245.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18245.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18245.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18246_18250
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18246-18250.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18246-18250.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18246-18250.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18464_18467
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18464-18467.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18464-18467.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18464-18467.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18520_18524
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18520-18524.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18520-18524.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18520-18524.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18526_18531
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18526-18531.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18526-18531.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18526-18531.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18537_18544
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18537-18544.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18537-18544.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18537-18544.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18629_18632
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18629-18632.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18629-18632.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18629-18632.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18633
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18633.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18633.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18633.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..14dfccc43a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:33:25 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Draw Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxd7_05
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ Call ExitRestartTheOffice
+ call t18634
+ call t18635
+ call t18636
+ call t19542_19544
+ call t19545_19547
+ call t19548_19553
+ call t19554_19557
+ call t19558_19560
+end sub
+testcase t18634
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18634.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18634.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18634.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18635
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18635.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18635.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18635.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t18636
+ printlog "+- Draw: 18636.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\18636.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\18636.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t19542_19544
+ printlog "+- Draw: 19542-19544.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\19542-19544.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19542-19544.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t19545_19547
+ printlog "+- Draw: 19545-19547.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\19545-19547.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19545-19547.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t19548_19553
+ printlog "+- Draw: 19548-19553.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\19548-19553.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19548-19553.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t19554_19557
+ printlog "+- Draw: 19554-19557.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\19554-19557.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19554-19557.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase t19558_19560
+ printlog "+- Draw: 19558-19560.sda"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\19558-19560.sda"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560.sxd") , "StarOffice XML (Draw)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560.sxd") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\draw\level1\19558-19560.sxd")
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..28a3e093bbd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:33:43 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Impress Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxi7_01
+ printlog "------------------- ---------------------"
+ printlog "----------------------------------------------------"
+ call talien_attributes
+ printlog "---------------------- C J K -----------------------"
+ call tchinese
+ call tjapan
+ call tkorean
+ call tradchinese
+ printlog "----------------------------------------------------"
+ call tAutolayout
+ call tText
+ call tObjects
+ call tEffects_text_objects
+ call tEffects_slides
+end sub
+testcase talien_attributes
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim AttrNameInDOM as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(9) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(9) as string
+ printlog "+- Impress: alien.sxi"
+ '/// Opening alien.sxi. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\alien.sxi"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien\") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening exported document (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:alien=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:alien"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a drawing-page style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a graphics style</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a paragraph style (twice)</b></li>
+ '///+<li><b>in a text style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;page&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;shape&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;para&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;shape-text&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;text&quot;
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "page"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "shape"
+ AttributeSearch(6) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(6) = "para"
+ AttributeSearch(7) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(7) = "shape-text"
+ AttributeSearch(9) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(9) = "text"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for i = 1 to 9
+ if i = 1 then
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a drawing-page style"
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 3 then
+ printlog "-------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a graphics style"
+ printlog "-------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 6 or i = 7 then
+ printlog "-------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a paragraph style (" & i-5 & ")"
+ printlog "-------------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 9 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a text style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if i = 1 or i = 3 or i = 6 or i = 7 or i = 8 then
+ 'The hidden attributes are in a known sequence included,
+ 'so the same routine will be used for different styles!
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , i )
+ AttrNameInDOM = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ printlog " + Style name (" & i & "): " & AttrNameInDOM
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ 'i = <nr> means <nr>'th style:style in DOM tree
+ if i = 1 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a drawing-page style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if i = 3 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a graphics style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if i = 5 or i = 6 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a paragraph style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if i = 8 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a text style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\alien\styles.xml"))
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog " s t y l e s . x m l"
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>styles.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden attributes in namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:alien=&quot;;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:alien"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog "----------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a master-page style"
+ printlog "----------------------------------------"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes</u>
+ '///+<ol><li><b>in a master-page style</b></li></ol>
+ '///+ Searching for: alien:key=&quot;master-page&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "alien:key"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "master-page"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in master-page style): " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tchinese
+ printlog "+- Impress: chin.sxi"
+ '/// Opening chin.sxi which includes chinese characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\chin.sxi"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\chin.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tjapan
+ printlog "+- Impress: japan.sxi"
+ '/// Opening japan.sxi which includes japanese characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\japan.sxi"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\japan.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tkorean
+ printlog "+- Impress: korean.sxi"
+ '/// Opening korean.sxi which includes korean characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\korean.sxi"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\korean.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tradchinese
+ printlog "+- Impress: trad_chin.sxi"
+ '/// Opening trad_chin.sxi which includes traditional chinese characters. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\ooo10\trad_chin.sxi"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\trad_chin.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tAutolayout
+ Dim AttributeSearch(8) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(8) as string
+ printlog "+- Impress: Autolayout.sdd"
+ '/// Opening Autolayout.sdd. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\Autolayout.sdd"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Autolayout\content.xml"))
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Slide names"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Slide names</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: draw:name="Title subtitle"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "draw:name"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "Title subtitle"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement(2)
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(1) & " = " & AttributeValue(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "draw:name: " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tText
+ printlog "+- Impress: Text.sdd"
+ QAErrorLog "#i38739# tText PERFORMANCE issue."
+ goto endsub
+ '/// Opening Text.sdd. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\Text.sdd"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Text.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tObjects
+ printlog "+- Impress: Objects.sdd"
+ '/// Opening Objects.sdd. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\Objects.sdd"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Objects.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tEffects_text_objects
+ printlog "+- Impress: Effects_text_objects.sdd"
+ '/// Opening Effects_text_objects.sdd. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\Effects_text_objects.sdd"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_text_objects.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tEffects_slides
+ printlog "+- Impress: Effects_slides.sdd"
+ '/// Opening Effects_slides.sdd. ///
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\graphics\so_bin\Effects_slides.sdd"))
+ '/// Saving document. ///
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides.sxi") , "StarOffice XML (Impress)") then
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides.sxi") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides\") )
+ '/// Checking well formness of meta.xml, styles.xml and content.xml. ///
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document again (GPF check). ///
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\impress\level1\Effects_slides.sxi")
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing document. ///
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..08caed63fefb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,824 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:34:00 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Math Include File
+' #1 tunary_binary 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 trelations 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tset_operations 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tfunctions 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 toperators 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tattributes 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tothers 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tbrackets 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tformats 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tall_commands 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tall_commands_star_math_3 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tall_selections 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tannuities 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tcauchy 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tchemicalelement 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tdefinitionstraightline 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 teffectiveannualinterestrate 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 thamiltonoperator 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tinvestmentreturns 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tlawoferrorpropagation 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tlimes 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tlinearregression 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tmaxwell 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tscalarproduct 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tsinus 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tsquareroot 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tstandarddeviation 'Sample document from old office
+' #1 tvectorproduct 'Sample document from old office
+testcase tunary_binary
+ printlog "+- unary-binary.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\1_unary-binary.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase trelations
+ printlog "+- 2_relations.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\2_relations.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\2_relations.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tset_operations
+ printlog "+- 3_set_operations.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\3_set_operations.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\3_set_operations.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\3_set_operations.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\3_set_operations") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\3_set_operations\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\3_set_operations\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\1_unary-binary\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\3_set_operations.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tfunctions
+ printlog "+- 4_functions.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\4_functions.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\4_functions.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase toperators
+ printlog "+- 5_operators.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\5_operators.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\5_operators.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tattributes
+ printlog "+- 6_attributes.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\6_attributes.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\6_attributes.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tothers
+ printlog "+- 7_others.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\7_others.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\7_others.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tbrackets
+ printlog "+- 8_brackets.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\8_brackets.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\8_brackets.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tformats
+ printlog "+- 9_formats.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\9_formats.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\9_formats.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tall_commands
+ printlog "+- all_commands.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\all_commands.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tall_commands_star_math_3
+ printlog "+- all_commands_star_math_3.0.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\all_commands_star_math_3.0.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_commands_star_math_3.0.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tall_selections
+ printlog "+- all_selections.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\all_selections.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\all_selections.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tannuities
+ printlog "+- annuities.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\annuities.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\annuities.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tcauchy
+ printlog "+- cauchy.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\cauchy.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\cauchy.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tchemicalelement
+ printlog "+- chemicalelement.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\chemicalelement.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\chemicalelement.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tdefinitionstraightline
+ printlog "+- definitionstraightline.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\definitionstraightline.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\definitionstraightline.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase teffectiveannualinterestrate
+ printlog "+- effectiveannualinterestrate.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\effectiveannualinterestrate.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\effectiveannualinterestrate.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase thamiltonoperator
+ printlog "+- hamiltonoperator.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\hamiltonoperator.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\hamiltonoperator.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tinvestmentreturns
+ printlog "+- investmentreturns.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\investmentreturns.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\investmentreturns.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tlawoferrorpropagation
+ printlog "+- lawoferrorpropagation.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\lawoferrorpropagation.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\lawoferrorpropagation.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tlimes
+ printlog "+- limes.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\limes.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\limes.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tlinearregression
+ printlog "+- linearregression.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\linearregression.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\linearregression.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tmaxwell
+ printlog "+- maxwell.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\maxwell.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\maxwell.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tscalarproduct
+ printlog "+- scalarproduct.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\scalarproduct.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\scalarproduct.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tsinus
+ printlog "+- sinus.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\sinus.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\sinus.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tsquareroot
+ printlog "+- squareroot.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\squareroot.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\squareroot.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tstandarddeviation
+ printlog "+- standarddeviation.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\standarddeviation.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\standarddeviation.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tvectorproduct
+ printlog "+- vectorproduct.smf"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\math\so_binary\vectorproduct.smf"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct.sxm") , "StarOffice XML (Math)") then
+ call hCloseDocument
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct.sxm") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct\settings.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'settings.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\math\level1\vectorproduct.sxm"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..eacd47d7c4ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:34:18 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Writer Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxw7_01
+ printlog "-------------------------- SXW7_01.INC ------------------------------"
+ printlog "------------------------ Alien Attributes ---------------------------"
+ call tfiscus
+ call tfiscus2
+ printlog "---------------------- File Format Changes --------------------------"
+ call tfeat476
+ call tfeat1318
+ printlog "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ call tcharacters
+end sub
+testcase tfiscus
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ Dim iStylesToCount as integer
+ Dim sStyleStyleValueA as string
+ printlog "+- fiscus.sxw"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\fiscus.sxw"))
+ '/// Saving (and if already exiting overwriting) the document.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus\content.xml"))
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden Namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:foo=&quot;;
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:bar=&quot;; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:foo"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "xmlns:bar"
+ AttributeValue(2) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in a table style</b></u>
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in a table cell style</b></u>
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in a paragraph style</b></u>
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in a text style</b></u>
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in a frame style</b></u>
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "attr1"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "42"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "foo:attr2"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "43"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "bar:attr3"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "44"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for a = 1 to 8
+ if a = 1 then
+ printlog "----------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a table style"
+ printlog "----------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if a = 4 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a table cell style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if a = 6 then
+ printlog "--------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a paragraph style"
+ printlog "--------------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if a = 7 then
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a text style"
+ printlog "---------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if a = 8 then
+ printlog "----------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in a frame style"
+ printlog "----------------------------------"
+ end if
+ if a = 1 or a = 4 or a = 6 or a = 7 or a = 8 then
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , a)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ if a = 1 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a table style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if a = 4 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a table cell style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if a = 6 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a paragraph style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if a = 7 then
+ warnlog "#i74125# - Alien attributes get lost in text style properties."
+ ' warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a text style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ if a = 8 then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a frame style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ next i
+ printlog " * * *"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ next a
+ SAXRelease()
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus\styles.xml"))
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog " s t y l e s . x m l"
+ printlog " -------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>STYLES.XML</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden Namespace</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:foo=&quot;;
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:bar=&quot;; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:foo"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "xmlns:bar"
+ AttributeValue(2) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " * * *"
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in TEMPLATE STYLE 'Text body'"
+ printlog "-----------------------------------------------"
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in the template style &acute;Text body&acute;</b></u>
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "attr1"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "42"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "foo:attr2"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "43"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "bar:attr3"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "44"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:styles")
+ ' There are 7 style:style elements; it is important to get
+ ' the 'Text body' titled one because it is the onliest which
+ ' has one additional 'style:properties' element.
+ ' Executing SAXSeekElement without having an additional
+ ' element interrupts the test run!
+ for iStylesToCount = 1 to 7
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style", iStylesToCount)
+ sStyleStyleValueA = SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name")
+ if sStyleStyleValueA = "Text body" then
+ exit for
+ else
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ end if
+ next iStylesToCount
+ ' Go into the style:propries element in 'Text body' named style:style element.
+ ' There the three hidden attributes should be stored.
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a template style): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tfiscus2
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- fiscus2.sxw"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\fiscus2.sxw"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fiscus2\content.xml"))
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Hidden Namespaces"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Hidden Namespaces</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:foo=&quot;;
+ '///+ Searching for: xmlns:bar=&quot;; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xmlns:foo"
+ AttributeValue(1) = ""
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "xmlns:bar"
+ AttributeValue(2) = ""
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in namespace): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ printlog "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ printlog "Hidden attributes in text style but a 'span'-item over the whole paragraph"
+ printlog "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ '/// <u>hidden attributes <b>in a text style</b></u>
+ '///+ where a 'span'-item exists in a whole paragraph.
+ '///+ Searching for: attr1=&quot;42&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: foo:attr2=&quot;43&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: bar:attr3=&quot;44&quot; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "attr1"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "42"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "foo:attr2"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "43"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "bar:attr3"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "44"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style" , 9)
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Hidden attributes (in a text style with a 'span'-item over the whole paragraph): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tfeat476
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- feat476.sxw"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\feat476.sxw"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat476\content.xml"))
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Vertical Relation"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Vertical Relation</u>
+ '///+ <blockquote>The <i>style:vertical-rel</i> attribute has a new value "text".
+ '///+ It is used by frames (i.e. images, text-boxes, etc.) that
+ '///+ are bound as characters to specify a vertical alignment
+ '///+ relative to the text height of the line that contains the
+ '///+ frame.
+ '///+ Before this change, the value "char" was used for this
+ '///+ purpose. This lead to an ambiguity, because the same value
+ '///+ is used with a different meaning for frames bound at a character.</blockquote>
+ '/// Searching for: style:vertical-rel=&quot;text&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:vertical-rel"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "text"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 1
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Vertical Relation (XML file format change 476): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tfeat1318
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- feat1318.sxw"
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\feat1318.sxw"))
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318") )
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\feat1318\content.xml"))
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ printlog "Vertical Position"
+ printlog "-----------------"
+ '/// <u><b>content.xml</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Vertical Position</u>
+ '///+ <blockquote>The <i>style:vertical-pos</i> attribute that can be attached to the
+ '///+ <i><style:properties></i> element of graphic styles has got the new
+ '///+ value &quot;below&quot;. It can be used for frames that are bound to a
+ '///+ character only and means that the frame is displayed right
+ '///+ below the anchor character.
+ '///+ The meaning of any other value of the <i>style:vertical-pos</i>
+ '///+ attribute is unchanged. There also was no other way to set
+ '///+ the vertical position of a frame to &quot;below the anchor
+ '///+ character&quot;.</blockquote>
+ '/// Searching for: style:vertical-pos=&quot;below&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:vertical-pos"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "below"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:style")
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 1
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Vertical Relation (XML file format change 1318): " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXRelease()
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tcharacters
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim b as integer
+ Dim c as integer
+ Dim g as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim xXMLStyleName as string
+ Dim xPath as string
+ Dim AttributeSearch(50) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(50) as string
+ printlog "+- characters.sdw"
+ '/// Opening the characters.sdw file from the input directory.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\characters.sdw"))
+ '/// Saving the document in OOo XML 1.0 file format.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ '/// Unpack the complete file (ZIP archieve) into a seperate directory.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters") )
+ '/// Verifying the wellformness of content.xml, styles.xml and meta.xml.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported document (GPF-check).
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing the document.
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\characters\content.xml"))
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog "----------"
+ printlog "Paragraphs"
+ printlog "----------"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// <u><b>CONTENT.XML</u></b>
+ '/// <u>Paragraph Style P2</u>
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("text:p" , 15)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("text:style-name")
+ printlog "text:style-name: " & xXMLStyleName
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-position=&quot;super 90%&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-blinking=&quot;true&quot; ///
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:text-position"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "super 90%"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:text-blinking"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "true"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ a = SAXGetChildCount
+ for c = 1 to a
+ SAXSeekElement(c)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name") = xXMLStyleName then
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ warnlog "Paragraph style: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ c=a
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next c
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ printlog " * * *"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "----------"
+ printlog "Textstyles"
+ printlog "----------"
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("text:p", 12)
+ SAXSeekElement("text:span")
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("text:style-name")
+ printlog "text:style-name: " & xXMLStyleName
+ '/// <u>Text Style T8</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-outline=&quot;true&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-crossing-out=&quot;single-line&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-size=&quot;22pt&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:text-shadow=&quot;1pt 1pt&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-underline=&quot;single&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-underline-color=&quot;font-color&quot; ///
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:text-outline"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "true"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:text-crossing-out"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "single-line"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "fo:font-size"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "22pt"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "fo:text-shadow"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "1pt 1pt"
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "style:text-underline"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "single"
+ AttributeSearch(6) = "style:text-underline-color"
+ AttributeValue(6) = "font-color"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ a = SAXGetChildCount
+ for c = 1 to a
+ SAXSeekElement(c)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name") = xXMLStyleName then
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ for g = 1 to 6
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(g)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(g)) <> AttributeValue(g) then
+ warnlog "Textstyle: " & AttributeSearch(g) & " is not " & AttributeValue(g) & "!"
+ end if
+ next g
+ c=a
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next c
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ for g = 1 to 3
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("text:p" , 8)
+ SAXSeekElement(g)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("text:style-name")
+ printlog "text:style-name: " & xXMLStyleName
+ '/// <u>Text Style T5</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-style=&quot;italic&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>Text Style T6</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: fo:font-weight=&quot;bold&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>Text Style T7</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-underline=&quot;single&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-underline-color=&quot;font-color&quot; ///
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "fo:font-style"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "italic"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "fo:font-weight"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "bold"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "style:text-underline"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "single"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "style:text-underline-color"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "font-color"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ a = SAXGetChildCount
+ for c = 1 to a
+ SAXSeekElement(c)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name") = xXMLStyleName then
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ if g = 3 then
+ for i = 1 to 2
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(i+2)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i+2)) <> AttributeValue(i+2) then
+ warnlog "Textstyle: " & AttributeSearch(i+2) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i+2) & "!"
+ end if
+ next i
+ else
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(g)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(g)) <> AttributeValue(g) then
+ warnlog "Textstyle: " & AttributeSearch(g) & " is not " & AttributeValue(g) & "!"
+ end if
+ end if
+ c=a
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next c
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ next g
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("text:p", 19)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("text:style-name")
+ printlog "paragraph:style-name: " & xXMLStyleName
+ '/// <u>Paragraph Style P3</u>
+ '///+ Searching in language 01 for : fo:letter-spacing=&quot;0.06cm&quot;
+ '///+ Searching in other language for: fo:letter-spacing=&quot;
+ '///+ Searching for: style:letter-kerning=&quot;true&quot;
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:letter-kerning"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "true"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "fo:letter-spacing"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "0.106cm"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ a = SAXGetChildCount
+ for c = 1 to a
+ SAXSeekElement(c)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name") = xXMLStyleName then
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ if gLanguage = 1 then
+ b = 2
+ else
+ b = 1
+ end if
+ for g = 1 to b
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(g)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(g)) <> AttributeValue(g) then
+ warnlog "Textstyle: " & AttributeSearch(g) & " is not " & AttributeValue(g) & "!"
+ end if
+ next g
+ c=a
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next c
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ for g = 1 to 2
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("text:p", 26)
+ SAXSeekElement(g)
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("text:style-name")
+ printlog "text:style-name: " & xXMLStyleName
+ '/// <u>Text Style T10</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-background-color=&quot;#00dcff&quot; ///
+ '/// <u>Text Style T11</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: style:text-background-color=&quot;#ffcc99&quot; ///
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "style:text-background-color"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "#00dcff"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "style:text-background-color"
+ AttributeValue(2) = "#ffcc99"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:automatic-styles")
+ a = SAXGetChildCount
+ for c = 1 to a
+ SAXSeekElement(c)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue("style:name") = xXMLStyleName then
+ SAXSeekElement("style:properties")
+ printlog " +- " & AttributeSearch(g)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(g)) <> AttributeValue(g) then
+ warnlog "Textstyle: " & AttributeSearch(g) & " is not " & AttributeValue(g) & "!"
+ end if
+ c=a
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement(0)
+ next c
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ next g
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "---------"
+ printlog "O t h e r"
+ printlog "---------"
+ '/// <u>Other (Link)</u>
+ '///+ Searching for: &lt;text:a xlink:type=&quot;simple&quot; xlink:href=&quot;; office:target-frame-name=&quot;_blank&quot; xlink:show=&quot;new&quot;&gt;Hyperlink&lt;/text:a&gt; ///
+ printlog " * * *"
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ SAXSeekElement("office:document-content")
+ SAXSeekElement("office:body")
+ SAXSeekElement("text:p", 29)
+ SAXSeekElement("text:a")
+ xXMLStyleName = SAXGetAttributeValue("text:style-name")
+ printlog "text:style-name: " & xXMLStyleName
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "xlink:type"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "simple"
+ AttributeSearch(2) = "xlink:href"
+ AttributeValue(2) = ""
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "office:target-frame-name"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "_blank"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "xlink:show"
+ AttributeValue(4) = "new"
+ for i = 1 to 4
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(i)) <> AttributeValue(i) then
+ if i = 3 then
+ warnlog "#i80480# Hyperlink attribute office:target-frame-name gets lost sometimes."
+ elseif i = 4 then
+ warnlog "#i80480# Hyperlink attribute xlink:show gets lost sometimes."
+ else
+ warnlog "Other: " & AttributeSearch(i) & " is not " & AttributeValue(i) & "!"
+ endif
+ end if
+ next i
+ end if
+ SAXRelease()
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
diff --git a/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b055ee2cb6f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testautomation/xml/optional/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line!
+'* Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+'* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+'* $RCSfile:,v $
+'* $Revision: 1.2 $
+'* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-07-11 07:34:36 $
+'* This file is part of
+'* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+'* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+'* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+'* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+'* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+'* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+'* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+'* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+'* version 3 along with If not, see
+'* <>
+'* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+'* owner :
+'* short description : XML Writer Include File
+ Dim Isliste(250) as string
+ Dim OutputPath as string
+sub sxw7_01a
+ printlog "-------------------------- SXW7_01a.INC ------------------------------"
+ printlog "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ call tfields
+ call tfootnotes
+end sub
+testcase tfields
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim AttributeSearch(60) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(60) as string
+ Dim sXMLNodename(50) as string
+ Dim sPathToAttributes as string
+ printlog "+- fields.sdw"
+ '/// Opening file fields.sdw from input-directory.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\fields.sdw"))
+ '/// Saving the document in OOo XML 1.0 format.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ '/// Unpack the complete content of the file (ZIP-archieve) into a seperate directory.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields") )
+ '/// Checking the well formness of content.xml, styles.xml and meta.xml.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported file (GPF check).
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing the document.
+ call hCloseDocument
+ sleep(2)
+ SAXReadFile(gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\fields\content.xml"))
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog " c o n t e n t . x m l"
+ printlog " ---------------------"
+ printlog "----------"
+ printlog " fields "
+ printlog "----------"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// <u><b>CONTENT.XML</u></b>
+ printlog "++ Feature(s) to be searched for:"
+ printlog " |"
+ '-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:sender-firstname text:fixed=&quot;false&quot;&gt;
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:sender-lastname text:fixed=&quot;false&quot;&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(1) = "text:sender-firstname"
+ sXMLNodename(2) = "text:sender-lastname"
+ AttributeSearch(1) = "text:fixed"
+ AttributeValue(1) = "false"
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:date text:date-value=&quot;2000-11-30T16:14:56&quot;
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:time text:time-value=&quot;[not null]&quot;
+ sXMLNodename(3) = "text:date"
+ AttributeSearch(3) = "text:date-value"
+ AttributeValue(3) = "2000-11-30T16:14:56"
+ sXMLNodename(4) = "text:time"
+ AttributeSearch(4) = "text:time-value"
+ AttributeValue(4) = ""
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:word-count style:num-format=&quot;1&quot;&gt;75&lt;/text:word-count&gt;
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:character-count style:num-format=&quot;1&quot;&gt;788&lt;/text:character-count&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(5) = "text:word-count"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode = 75
+ sXMLNodename(6) = "text:character-count"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode = 788
+ AttributeSearch(5) = "style:num-format"
+ AttributeValue(5) = "1"
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:reference-mark-start text:name=&quot;ref&quot;/&gt;I am a reference&lt;text:reference-mark-end text:name=&quot;ref&quot;/&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(7) = "text:reference-mark-start"
+ sXMLNodename(8) = "text:reference-mark-end"
+ AttributeSearch(7) = "text:name"
+ AttributeValue(7) = "ref"
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:reference-ref text:reference-format=&quot;page&quot; text:ref-name=&quot;ref&quot;&gt;1&lt;/text:reference-ref&gt; Chapter: &lt;text:reference-ref text:reference-format=&quot;chapter&quot; text:ref-name=&quot;ref&quot;&gt;1&lt;/text:reference-ref&gt; Location: &lt;text:reference-ref text:reference-format=&quot;direction&quot; text:ref-name=&quot;ref&quot;&gt;above&lt;/text:reference-ref&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(9) = "text:reference-ref"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: 1 [9]
+ 'CharNode: 1 [10]
+ 'CharNode: above [11]
+ AttributeSearch(9) = "text:reference-format"
+ AttributeValue(9) = "page"
+ AttributeValue(10) = "chapter"
+ AttributeValue(11) = "direction"
+ 'All three have this attribute and -value:
+ AttributeSearch(12) = "text:ref-name"
+ AttributeValue(12) = "ref"
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:variable-set text:name=&quot;x&quot; text:value-type=&quot;float&quot; text:value=&quot;1&quot; style:data-style-name=&quot;N0&quot;&gt;1&lt;/text:variable-set&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(13) = "text:variable-set"
+ AttributeSearch(13) = "text:name"
+ AttributeValue(13) = "x"
+ AttributeSearch(14) = "text:value-type"
+ AttributeValue(14) = "float"
+ AttributeSearch(15) = "text:value"
+ AttributeValue(15) = "1"
+ AttributeSearch(16) = "style:data-style-name"
+ AttributeValue(16) = "N0"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: 1
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:user-field-get text:name=&quot;I_am_a_user_field&quot;&gt;Content of the user field&lt;/text:user-field-get&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(17) = "text:user-field-get"
+ AttributeSearch(17) = "text:name"
+ AttributeValue(17) = "I_am_a_user_field"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: Content of the user field
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:conditional-text text:condition=&quot;x==1&quot; text:string-value-if-true=&quot;x = 1&quot; text:string-value-if-false=&quot;x &amp;lt;&amp;gt; 1&quot;&gt;x = 1&lt;/text:conditional-text&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(18) = "text:conditional-text"
+ AttributeSearch(18) = "text:condition"
+ AttributeValue(18) = "x==1"
+ AttributeSearch(19) = "text:string-value-if-true"
+ AttributeValue(19) = "x = 1"
+ AttributeSearch(20) = "text:string-value-if-false"
+ AttributeValue(20) = "x <> 1"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: x = 1
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:hidden-text text:condition=&quot;x==1&quot; text:string-value=&quot;x is not equal to 1&quot;/&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(21) = "text:hidden-text"
+ AttributeSearch(21) = "text:condition"
+ AttributeValue(21) = "x==1"
+ AttributeSearch(22) = "text:string-value"
+ AttributeValue(22) = "x is not equal to 1"
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:hidden-paragraph text:condition=&quot;x==1&quot; text:is-hidden=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;I am hidden if x=1&lt;/text:p&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(23) = "text:hidden-paragraph"
+ AttributeSearch(23) = "text:condition"
+ AttributeValue(23) = "x==1"
+ AttributeSearch(24) = "text:is-hidden"
+ AttributeValue(24) = "true"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: I am hidden if x=1
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:creation-date style:data-style-name=&quot;N36&quot;&gt;15/11/2000&lt;/text:creation-date&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(25) = "text:creation-date"
+ AttributeSearch(25) = "style:data-style-name"
+ AttributeValue(25) = "N108"
+ '/// Searching for: &apos;&lt;text:editing-cycles&gt;0&lt;/text:editing-cycles&gt;
+ 'sXMLNodename(?) = text:editing-cycles
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: 0
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:modification-date style:data-style-name=&quot;N81&quot;&gt;6. mars 2003&lt;/text:modification-date&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(26) = "text:modification-date"
+ AttributeSearch(26) = "style:data-style-name"
+ AttributeValue(26) = "N76"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: 6. mars 2003
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:database-display text:database-name=&quot;Bibliography&quot; text:table-name=&quot;biblio&quot; text:table-type=&quot;table&quot; text:column-name=&quot;Author&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;Author&amp;gt;&lt;/text:database-display&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(27) = "text:database-display"
+ AttributeSearch(27) = "text:database-name"
+ AttributeValue(27) = "Bibliography"
+ AttributeSearch(28) = "text:table-name"
+ AttributeValue(28) = "biblio"
+ AttributeSearch(29) = "text:table-type"
+ AttributeValue(29) = "table"
+ AttributeSearch(30) = "text:column-name"
+ AttributeValue(30) = "Author"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: <Author>
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:database-next text:database-name=&quot;Bibliography&quot; text:table-name=&quot;biblio&quot; text:table-type=&quot;table&quot; text:condition=&quot;TRUE&quot;/&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(31) = "text:database-next"
+ AttributeSearch(31) = "text:database-name"
+ AttributeValue(31) = "Bibliography"
+ AttributeSearch(32) = "text:table-name"
+ AttributeValue(32) = "biblio"
+ AttributeSearch(33) = "text:table-type"
+ AttributeValue(33) = "table"
+ AttributeSearch(34) = "text:condition"
+ AttributeValue(34) = "TRUE"
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:database-display text:database-name=&quot;Bibliography&quot; text:table-name=&quot;biblio&quot; text:table-type=&quot;table&quot; text:column-name=&quot;Author&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;Author&amp;gt;&lt;/text:database-display&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(35) = "text:database-display"
+ AttributeSearch(35) = "text:database-name"
+ AttributeValue(35) = "Bibliography"
+ AttributeSearch(36) = "text:table-name"
+ AttributeValue(36) = "biblio"
+ AttributeSearch(37) = "text:table-type"
+ AttributeValue(37) = "table"
+ AttributeSearch(38) = "text:column-name"
+ AttributeValue(38) = "Author"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: <Author>
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:database-row-number text:database-name=&quot;Bibliography&quot; text:table-name=&quot;biblio&quot; text:table-type=&quot;table&quot; style:num-format=&quot;1&quot; text:value=&quot;3&quot;&gt;3&lt;/text:database-row-number&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(39) = "text:database-row-number"
+ AttributeSearch(39) = "text:database-name"
+ AttributeValue(39) = "Bibliography"
+ AttributeSearch(40) = "text:table-name"
+ AttributeValue(40) = "biblio"
+ AttributeSearch(41) = "text:table-type"
+ AttributeValue(41) = "table"
+ AttributeSearch(42) = "style:num-format"
+ AttributeValue(42) = "1"
+ AttributeSearch(43) = "text:value"
+ AttributeValue(43) = "3"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: 3
+ '/// Searching for: &lt;text:database-name text:database-name=&quot;Bibliography&quot; text:table-name=&quot;biblio&quot; text:table-type=&quot;table&quot;&gt;Bibliography.biblio&lt;/text:database-name&gt;
+ sXMLNodename(44) = "text:database-name"
+ AttributeSearch(44) = "text:database-name"
+ AttributeValue(44) = "Bibliography"
+ AttributeSearch(45) = "text:table-name"
+ AttributeValue(45) = "biblio"
+ AttributeSearch(46) = "text:table-type"
+ AttributeValue(46) = "table"
+ 'TODO: JSI: Rotine needed for char XML node
+ 'CharNode: Bibliography.biblio
+ for a = 1 to 46
+ select case a
+ case 1 , 2 :
+ ' Two nodes have the same attributes and -values as the first one
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(a))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(a) & "] Attribute: " & AttributeSearch(1)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(1)) <> AttributeValue(1) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(1) & " is not " & AttributeValue(1) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 5 , 6 :
+ ' Two nodes have the same attributes and -values as the first one
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(a))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(a) & "] Attribute: " & AttributeSearch(5)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(5)) <> AttributeValue(5) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(5) & " is not " & AttributeValue(5) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 7 , 8 : ' Two nodes have the same attributes and -values as the first one
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(a))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(a) & "] Attribute: " & AttributeSearch(7)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(7)) <> AttributeValue(7) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(7) & " is not " & AttributeValue(7) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 3, 4 :
+ ' The attribute is language dependent and should NOT be NULL
+ ' The if-then-else inquiry is another than in the other inquiries!
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(a))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(a) & "] Attribute: " & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) = AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is null empty!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 9 , 10, 11:
+ ' Three times the same element name but not the same XML node
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(9) , a-8)
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(9) & "] Attribute: " & AttributeSearch(9) & "=" & AttributeValue(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(9)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(9) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 12:
+ for i = 1 to 3
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(9) , i)
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(9) & " (" & i & ")] Attribute: " & AttributeSearch(12) & "=" & AttributeValue(12)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(12)) <> AttributeValue(12) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(12) & " is not " & AttributeValue(12) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ next i
+ case 21, 22 :
+ ' One node has two attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(21))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(21) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 23, 24 :
+ ' One node has two attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(23))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(23) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 18, 19, 20 :
+ ' One node has three attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(18))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(18) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 44, 45, 46 :
+ ' One node has three attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(44))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(44) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 13, 14, 15, 16 :
+ ' One node has four attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(13))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(13) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 27, 28, 29, 30 :
+ ' One node has four attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(27))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(27) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 31, 32, 33, 34 :
+ ' One node has four attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(31))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(31) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 35, 36, 37, 38 :
+ ' One node has four attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(35))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(35) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 :
+ ' One node has five attributes
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(39))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(39) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case 25, 26 :
+ 'skipping (evaluating different style names under different operating systems
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ case else :
+ sPathToAttributes = fWhereIsXMLElementInBody("office:document-content" , "office:body" , sXMLNodename(a))
+ SAXSeekElement(sPathToAttributes)
+ printlog " +- [Element: " & sXMLNodename(a) & "]" & AttributeSearch(a)
+ if SAXGetAttributeValue(AttributeSearch(a)) <> AttributeValue(a) then
+ warnlog "Field: " & AttributeSearch(a) & " is not " & AttributeValue(a) & "!"
+ end if
+ SAXSeekElement("/")
+ end select
+ printlog " |"
+ next a
+ SAXRelease()
+ printlog " * * *"
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+testcase tfootnotes
+ Dim a as integer
+ Dim i as integer
+ Dim AttributeSearch(60) as string
+ Dim AttributeValue(60) as string
+ Dim sXMLNodename(50) as string
+ Dim sPathToAttributes as string
+ printlog "+- footnotes.sdw"
+ '/// Opening file footnotes.sdw from input-directory.
+ call hFileOpen (gTesttoolPath & ConvertPath("xml\optional\input\writer\footnotes.sdw"))
+ '/// Saving the document in OOo XML 1.0 format.
+ if hFileSaveAsWithFilterKill (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes.sxw") , "StarOffice XML (Writer)") then
+ '/// Closing the document also if there is a verification dialog.
+ call hCloseAndLooseDocument
+ sleep(3)
+ '/// Unpack the complete content of the file (ZIP-archieve) into a seperate directory.
+ UnpackStorage( gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes.sxw") , gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes") )
+ '/// Checking the well formness of content.xml, styles.xml and meta.xml.
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes\meta.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'meta.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes\styles.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'styles.xml' not well formed!"
+ end if
+ if XMLWellformed (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes\content.xml")) = FALSE then
+ warnlog "XML-file 'content.xml' not well formed!"
+ else
+ '/// Opening the exported file (GPF check).
+ call hFileOpen (gOfficePath & ConvertPath("user\work\xml\writer\level1\footnotes.sxw"))
+ sleep(2)
+ '/// Closing the document.
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if
+ else
+ call hCloseDocument
+ end if