path: root/testautomation
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authorThorsten Bosbach <>2011-03-29 17:36:01 +0200
committerThorsten Bosbach <>2011-03-29 17:36:01 +0200
commitcf82cc633d951b66bb19bfc4eb558b2aaff1d62d (patch)
tree06e86589b30531ba859d8d612e155adbc1b0e18b /testautomation
parent2beef9d4a063ca4a29a6f7916f11b7006d0f1af7 (diff)
parentb15ef680e4ee52cdc44f0e51ea3b64d3070e11e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'testautomation')
2 files changed, 68 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/testautomation/global/system/includes/ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
index d9290ebb2c3c..20a05b164aaa 100644
--- a/testautomation/global/system/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ Global gTestAppArea as String '///+ gTestAppArea : name of the testarea (e
Global gErrorSum as Integer '///+ gErrorSum : last value of errors in a test
Global gWarningSum as Integer '///+ gWarningSum : last value of warnings in a test
Global gQaErrorSum as Integer '///+ gQaErrorSum : last value of qaErrors in a test
+Global gAssertionSum as Integer '///+ gAssertionSum : last value of Assertions in a test
Global gStatusDuration '///+ gStatusDuration : starting time to get at the end the duration of a test
Global gTestcaseStart as Date '///+ gTestCaseDuration : starting time of the testcase
Global glsStatusPage (32000) as String '///+ glsStatusPage () : list for the output in the status-page
diff --git a/testautomation/global/system/includes/ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
index 83430bfaa332..da3e52e3992b 100644
--- a/testautomation/global/system/includes/
+++ b/testautomation/global/system/includes/
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ sub hStatusIn ( sTestAppArea as String, sTestname as String, optional sName as S
gErrorSum = getErrorCount() ' not 0! if you run 2-times status in/out in one bas-file!
gWarningSum = getWarningCount()
gQaErrorSum = getQaErrorCount()
+ gAssertionSum = 0
' make sure we have everything to update the status-Database.
gDatabasePath = getDatabasePath(privateDatabasePath)
@@ -109,6 +110,60 @@ sub hStatusOut ( optional NoKill as Boolean )
PrintLog Chr(13) + "* - End of the test - *"
Printlog "Date : " + Date() + " Time: " + Time()
Printlog "Duration : " + sLocalTestDuration
+ ' Output assertion count message only in nonpro version
+ if (NOT isProduct) then
+ if (gAssertionSum > 0) then
+ warnlog " ** " + gAssertionSum + " Assertions"
+ else
+ printlog " ** " + gAssertionSum + " Assertions"
+ endif
+ endif
+end sub
+sub hGetNonproAssertions(sName as string, sDuration as string)
+ Dim sResultFilePath as string
+ dim fList(15000) as string
+ dim i, a as integer
+ dim aCount as integer
+ dim x
+ dim soutput as string
+ dim xlist(15000) as string
+ if (bDebugVersion = true) then
+ 'Get the path to the RESULT directory and put resultfile into array
+ sResultFilePath = GetIniValue (gTesttoolIni, gTTProfileName , "LogBaseDir") + gPathSigne + Left(gTestname, Len(gTestname)-4) + ".res"
+ listRead(fList, sResultFilePath, "UTF8")
+ for i=1 to listcount(fList(0))
+ 'Go through whole file, but only last testrun counts
+ if (left(fList(i),1,1) = "0") then
+ 'Line starting with 0 indicates start of new testrun: reset counters
+ aCount=0
+ listalldelete(xlist())
+ endif
+ if (left(fList(i),1,1) = "6") then
+ 'Assertion found like:
+ '5;~global\system\includes\;533;12;65535;"Dial
+ '0 1: file 2:Line 5:Text
+ x = split(fList(i), ";")
+ aCount=aCount+1
+ sOutput = sName _
+ + Chr(9) + sDuration _
+ + Chr(9) + "4" _
+ + Chr(9) + mid(fRemoveLineBreaks(x(5)),2, len(fRemoveLineBreaks(x(5)))-2) _
+ + Chr(9) + x(2) _
+ + Chr(9) + "No Revision found" _
+ + Chr(9) + fgetFileName(x(1)) _
+ + Chr(9)
+ ListAppend (xlist(), sOutput)
+ endif
+ next i
+ 'Update global message list
+ for i = gAssertionSum +1 to listcount(xlist)
+ ListAppend (glsStatusPage(), xlist(i))
+ next i
+ 'Update global assertion counter
+ gAssertionSum = aCount
+ endif
end sub
sub hStatusAddTestcase()
@@ -139,7 +194,7 @@ sub hStatusAddTestcase()
'///+ duration => the duration of the testcase
sTestcaseDuration = wielange(gTestcaseStart, 1) '(2)
- sTestcaseStart = convertDateToDatabase(gTestcaseStart) + " " + convertTimeToDatabase(gTestcaseStart) ' TODO: ask HDE/TBO
+ sTestcaseStart = convertDateToDatabase(gTestcaseStart) + " " + convertTimeToDatabase(gTestcaseStart)
sTCname = GetTestcaseName ' testtool basic command
iCut = Instr ( sTCname, "(" )
@@ -177,7 +232,7 @@ sub hStatusAddTestcase()
' generate status line for testcase and append to global array
- '/// iErrorLevel: 0: no faults; 1: Warning; 2: Error; 3: qaError ///'
+ '/// iErrorLevel: 0: no faults; 1: Warning; 2: Error; 3: qaError; 4: Assertion ///'
iErrorLevel = -1
'D printlog "Iall: " + iAllErrorCount + " W:" + iWarningCount + " E: " + iErrorCount
for i = 0 to iAllErrorCount
@@ -215,6 +270,7 @@ sub hStatusAddTestcase()
gErrorSum = getErrorCount()
gQaErrorSum = getQaErrorCount()
gWarningSum = getWarningCount()
+ hGetNonproAssertions(sTCname, sTestcaseDuration) ' workaround to get assertions count
end sub
sub hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile ()
@@ -234,6 +290,7 @@ sub hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile ()
dim sTemp as string
dim sFileName as string
dim slVersion() as string
+ dim iDebug as integer
dim ilVersion as integer
dim sVersionCWS as string
dim iPosA as integer
@@ -261,7 +318,7 @@ sub hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile ()
'///+ 13 cws name => if it is the master: 'Master' else the name of the childworkspace
'///+ 14 source tree =>
'///+ 15 product =>
- '///+ 16 builder =>
+ '///+ 16 debug =>
'///+ 17 checksum =>
'///+ data =>
@@ -307,6 +364,12 @@ sub hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile ()
sUsername = gReturnAddress
+ if (isProduct()) then
+ iDebug = 0
+ else
+ iDebug = 1
+ endif
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "fileformat=0.2" )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "product=" + sProduct )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "sourcetree=" + sSource )
@@ -323,6 +386,7 @@ sub hStatusWriteOutputFirstFile ()
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "testname=" + gTestName ) '(10) ' generated in hStatusIn
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "cws=" + sVersionCWS )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "ooolanguage=" + iSprache ) '(9)
+ ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "debug=" + iDebug )
ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "checksum=" + "")
' ListAppend ( lTestrun(), "data=" + )