path: root/toolkit/source
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authorFrank Schoenheit [fs] <>2011-03-03 13:13:07 +0100
committerFrank Schoenheit [fs] <>2011-03-03 13:13:07 +0100
commit0fe2bc39aa1911546e4dccf1eff1047e10f72932 (patch)
treea119664b3236c6fbc9b5dd8013799ff6b1580439 /toolkit/source
parent8becbbb67be43e6a3adf7974e5a9b07dd8312386 (diff)
gridfixes: #i117188# remove column sort when rows are inserted
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/source')
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.cxx b/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.cxx
index 77a2ffa1637b..db16ee7ad7e2 100755
--- a/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.cxx
+++ b/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.cxx
@@ -295,45 +295,15 @@ namespace toolkit
MethodGuard aGuard( *this, rBHelper );
- // if the data is not sorted, broadcast the event unchanged
- if ( !impl_isSorted_nothrow() )
- {
- GridDataEvent const aEvent( impl_createPublicEvent( i_event ) );
- impl_broadcast( &XGridDataListener::rowsInserted, aEvent, aGuard );
- return;
- }
- bool needReIndex = false;
- if ( i_event.FirstRow > i_event.LastRow )
- {
- OSL_ENSURE( false, "SortableGridDataModel::rowsInserted: invalid event - invalid row indexes!" );
- needReIndex = true;
- }
- else if ( size_t( i_event.FirstRow ) > m_privateToPublicRowIndex.size() )
+ if ( impl_isSorted_nothrow() )
- OSL_ENSURE( false, "SortableGridDataModel::rowsInserted: invalid event - too large row index!" );
- needReIndex = true;
- }
- if ( needReIndex )
- {
- impl_rebuildIndexesAndNotify( aGuard );
- return;
+ // no infrastructure is in place currently to sort the new row to its proper location,
+ // so we remove the sorting here.
+ impl_removeColumnSort( aGuard );
+ aGuard.reset();
- // we do not insert the new rows into the sort order - if somebody adds rows while we're sorted, s/he has
- // to resort. Instead, we simply append the rows, no matter where they were inserted in the delegator data
- // model.
- sal_Int32 const nPublicFirstRow = sal_Int32( m_privateToPublicRowIndex.size() );
- sal_Int32 nPublicLastRow = nPublicFirstRow;
- for ( sal_Int32 newRow = i_event.FirstRow; newRow <= i_event.LastRow; ++newRow, ++nPublicLastRow )
- {
- m_privateToPublicRowIndex.push_back( nPublicLastRow );
- m_publicToPrivateRowIndex.push_back( nPublicLastRow );
- }
- // broadcast the event
- GridDataEvent const aEvent( *this, -1, -1, nPublicFirstRow, nPublicLastRow );
+ GridDataEvent const aEvent( impl_createPublicEvent( i_event ) );
impl_broadcast( &XGridDataListener::rowsInserted, aEvent, aGuard );
@@ -570,11 +540,8 @@ namespace toolkit
- void SAL_CALL SortableGridDataModel::removeColumnSort( ) throw (RuntimeException)
+ void SortableGridDataModel::impl_removeColumnSort( MethodGuard& i_instanceLock )
- MethodGuard aGuard( *this, rBHelper );
lcl_clear( m_publicToPrivateRowIndex );
lcl_clear( m_privateToPublicRowIndex );
@@ -584,11 +551,19 @@ namespace toolkit
GridDataEvent( *this, -1, -1, -1, -1 ),
- aGuard
+ i_instanceLock
+ void SAL_CALL SortableGridDataModel::removeColumnSort( ) throw (RuntimeException)
+ {
+ MethodGuard aGuard( *this, rBHelper );
+ impl_removeColumnSort( aGuard );
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pair< ::sal_Int32, ::sal_Bool > SAL_CALL SortableGridDataModel::getCurrentSortOrder( ) throw (RuntimeException)
MethodGuard aGuard( *this, rBHelper );
diff --git a/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.hxx b/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.hxx
index 50f08d3a7113..0b07ff2d991a 100755
--- a/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.hxx
+++ b/toolkit/source/controls/grid/sortablegriddatamodel.hxx
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ namespace toolkit
void impl_rebuildIndexesAndNotify( MethodGuard& i_instanceLock );
+ /** removes the current sorting, and notifies a change of all data
+ */
+ void impl_removeColumnSort( MethodGuard& i_instanceLock );
::comphelper::ComponentContext m_context;
bool m_isInitialized;