path: root/tools/source
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authorLionel Elie Mamane <>2013-03-17 08:36:26 +0100
committerLionel Elie Mamane <>2013-04-18 21:34:46 +0200
commit9830fd36dbdb72c79703b0c61efc027fba793c5a (patch)
tree2e9d698e6ca109dc6627adb5c84aa2b635bcfe92 /tools/source
parent5aaaf0694b6e3213685563fc3bc90d19b10f5c75 (diff)
date/time IDL datatypes incompatible change
- nanosecond precision - signed (allowed negative) year Also: assorted improvements / bugfixes in date/time handling code. Some factorisation of copy/pasted code. Change-Id: I761a1b0b8731c82f19a0c37acbcf43d3c06d6cd6
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/source')
4 files changed, 181 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/tools/source/datetime/datetime.cxx b/tools/source/datetime/datetime.cxx
index 4027d16fce97..1bf612730bb0 100644
--- a/tools/source/datetime/datetime.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/datetime/datetime.cxx
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@ DateTime& DateTime::operator +=( double fTimeInDays )
if ( fFrac )
Time aTime(0); // default ctor calls system time, we don't need that
- fFrac *= 24UL * 60 * 60 * 1000; // time expressed in milliseconds
- aTime.MakeTimeFromMS( long(fFrac) ); // method handles negative ms
+ fFrac *= ::Time::nanoSecPerDay; // time expressed in nanoseconds
+ aTime.MakeTimeFromNS( static_cast<sal_Int64>(fFrac) ); // method handles negative ns
operator+=( aTime );
return *this;
@@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ DateTime operator +( const DateTime& rDateTime, double fTimeInDays )
double operator -( const DateTime& rDateTime1, const DateTime& rDateTime2 )
long nDays = (const Date&) rDateTime1 - (const Date&) rDateTime2;
- long nTime = rDateTime1.GetMSFromTime() - rDateTime2.GetMSFromTime();
+ sal_Int64 nTime = rDateTime1.GetNSFromTime() - rDateTime2.GetNSFromTime();
if ( nTime )
double fTime = double(nTime);
- fTime /= 24UL * 60 * 60 * 1000; // convert from milliseconds to fraction
+ fTime /= ::Time::nanoSecPerDay; // convert from nanoseconds to fraction
if ( nDays < 0 && fTime > 0.0 )
fTime = 1.0 - fTime;
return double(nDays) + fTime;
@@ -223,10 +223,7 @@ void DateTime::GetWin32FileDateTime( sal_uInt32 & rLower, sal_uInt32 & rUpper )
sal_Int64 aTime =
a100nPerDay * nDays +
- a100nPerSecond * (
- sal_Int64( GetSec() ) +
- 60 * sal_Int64( GetMin() ) +
- 60 * 60 * sal_Int64( GetHour() ) );
+ GetNSFromTime()/100;
rLower = sal_uInt32( aTime % SAL_CONST_UINT64( 0x100000000 ) );
rUpper = sal_uInt32( aTime / SAL_CONST_UINT64( 0x100000000 ) );
@@ -263,8 +260,9 @@ DateTime DateTime::CreateFromWin32FileDateTime( const sal_uInt32 & rLower, const
(sal_uInt16)( nDays + 1 ), nMonths,
sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(nYears + 1601) );
Time _aTime( sal_uIntPtr( ( aTime / ( a100nPerSecond * 60 * 60 ) ) % sal_Int64( 24 ) ),
- sal_uIntPtr( ( aTime / ( a100nPerSecond * 60 ) ) % sal_Int64( 60 ) ),
- sal_uIntPtr( ( aTime / ( a100nPerSecond ) ) % sal_Int64( 60 ) ) );
+ sal_uIntPtr( ( aTime / ( a100nPerSecond * 60 ) ) % sal_Int64( 60 ) ),
+ sal_uIntPtr( ( aTime / ( a100nPerSecond ) ) % sal_Int64( 60 ) ),
+ (aTime % a100nPerSecond) * 100 );
return DateTime( _aDate, _aTime );
diff --git a/tools/source/datetime/ttime.cxx b/tools/source/datetime/ttime.cxx
index b32c09078e40..2841bb119173 100644
--- a/tools/source/datetime/ttime.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/datetime/ttime.cxx
@@ -27,46 +27,61 @@
#include <time.h>
+#ifdef __MACH__
+#include <mach/clock.h>
+#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <tools/time.hxx>
+#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#if defined(SOLARIS) && defined(__GNUC__)
extern long altzone;
-static sal_Int32 TimeToSec100( const Time& rTime )
- short nSign = (rTime.GetTime() >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
- sal_Int32 nHour = rTime.GetHour();
- sal_Int32 nMin = rTime.GetMin();
- sal_Int32 nSec = rTime.GetSec();
- sal_Int32 n100Sec = rTime.Get100Sec();
+namespace {
-// Due to interal compiler error in MSC a little bit more complicated:
-// return (n100Sec + (nSec*100) + (nMin*60*100) + (nHour*60*60*100) * nSign);
+ const sal_Int64 secMask = 1000000000;
+ const sal_Int64 minMask = 100000000000;
+ const sal_Int64 hourMask = 10000000000000;
- sal_Int32 nRet = n100Sec;
- nRet += nSec*100;
- nRet += nMin*60*100;
- nRet += nHour*60*60*100;
+ const sal_Int64 nanoSecInSec = 1000000000;
+ const sal_Int16 secInMin = 60;
+ const sal_Int16 minInHour = 60;
- return (nRet * nSign);
+ sal_Int64 TimeToNanoSec( const Time& rTime )
+ {
+ short nSign = (rTime.GetTime() >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
+ sal_Int32 nHour = rTime.GetHour();
+ sal_Int32 nMin = rTime.GetMin();
+ sal_Int32 nSec = rTime.GetSec();
+ sal_Int32 nNanoSec = rTime.GetNanoSec();
+ sal_Int64 nRet = nNanoSec;
+ nRet += nSec * nanoSecInSec;
+ nRet += nMin * secInMin * nanoSecInSec;
+ nRet += nHour * minInHour * secInMin * nanoSecInSec;
+ return (nRet * nSign);
+ }
-static Time Sec100ToTime( sal_Int32 nSec100 )
- short nSign;
- if ( nSec100 < 0 )
+ Time NanoSecToTime( sal_Int64 nNanoSec )
- nSec100 *= -1;
- nSign = -1;
+ short nSign;
+ if ( nNanoSec < 0 )
+ {
+ nNanoSec *= -1;
+ nSign = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ nSign = 1;
+ Time aTime( 0, 0, 0, nNanoSec );
+ aTime.SetTime( aTime.GetTime() * nSign );
+ return aTime;
- else
- nSign = 1;
- Time aTime( 0, 0, 0, nSec100 );
- aTime.SetTime( aTime.GetTime() * nSign );
- return aTime;
+} // anonymous namespace
Time::Time( TimeInitSystem )
@@ -75,27 +90,47 @@ Time::Time( TimeInitSystem )
GetLocalTime( &aDateTime );
// construct time
- nTime = (((sal_Int32)aDateTime.wHour)*1000000) +
- (((sal_Int32)aDateTime.wMinute)*10000) +
- (((sal_Int32)aDateTime.wSecond)*100) +
- ((sal_Int32)aDateTime.wMilliseconds/10);
+ nTime = aDateTime.wHour * hourMask +
+ aDateTime.wMinute * minMask +
+ aDateTime.wSecond * secMask +
+ aDateTime.wMilliseconds * 1000000;
- time_t nTmpTime;
- struct tm aTime;
// determine time
- nTmpTime = time( 0 );
+ struct timespec tsTime;
+#if defined( __MACH__ )
+ // OS X does not have clock_gettime, use clock_get_time
+ clock_serv_t cclock;
+ mach_timespec_t mts;
+ host_get_clock_service(mach_host_self(), CALENDAR_CLOCK, &cclock);
+ clock_get_time(cclock, &mts);
+ mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cclock);
+ tsTime.tv_sec = mts.tv_sec;
+ tsTime.tv_nsec = mts.tv_nsec;
+ // CLOCK_REALTIME should be supported
+ // on any modern Unix, but be extra cautious
+ if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tsTime) != 0)
+ {
+ struct timeval tvTime;
+ OSL_VERIFY( gettimeofday(&tvTime, NULL) != 0 );
+ tsTime.tv_sec = tvTime.tv_sec;
+ tsTime.tv_nsec = tvTime.tv_usec * 1000;
+ }
+#endif // __MACH__
// construct time
+ struct tm aTime;
+ time_t nTmpTime = tsTime.tv_sec;
if ( localtime_r( &nTmpTime, &aTime ) )
- nTime = (((sal_Int32)aTime.tm_hour)*1000000) +
- (((sal_Int32)aTime.tm_min)*10000) +
- (((sal_Int32)aTime.tm_sec)*100);
+ nTime = aTime.tm_hour * hourMask +
+ aTime.tm_min * minMask +
+ aTime.tm_sec * secMask +
+ tsTime.tv_nsec;
nTime = 0;
+#endif // WNT
Time::Time( const Time& rTime )
@@ -103,43 +138,52 @@ Time::Time( const Time& rTime )
nTime = rTime.nTime;
-Time::Time( sal_uIntPtr nHour, sal_uIntPtr nMin, sal_uIntPtr nSec, sal_uIntPtr n100Sec )
+Time::Time( sal_uIntPtr nHour, sal_uIntPtr nMin, sal_uIntPtr nSec, sal_uIntPtr nNanoSec )
// normalize time
- nSec += n100Sec / 100;
- n100Sec = n100Sec % 100;
- nMin += nSec / 60;
- nSec = nSec % 60;
- nHour += nMin / 60;
- nMin = nMin % 60;
+ nSec += nNanoSec / nanoSecInSec;
+ nNanoSec %= nanoSecInSec;
+ nMin += nSec / secInMin;
+ nSec %= secInMin;
+ nHour += nMin / minInHour;
+ nMin %= minInHour;
// construct time
- nTime = (sal_Int32)(n100Sec + (nSec*100) + (nMin*10000) + (nHour*1000000));
+ nTime = nNanoSec +
+ nSec * secMask +
+ nMin * minMask +
+ nHour * hourMask;
void Time::SetHour( sal_uInt16 nNewHour )
- short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
+ short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
sal_Int32 nMin = GetMin();
sal_Int32 nSec = GetSec();
- sal_Int32 n100Sec = Get100Sec();
+ sal_Int32 nNanoSec = GetNanoSec();
- nTime = (n100Sec + (nSec*100) + (nMin*10000) +
- (((sal_Int32)nNewHour)*1000000)) * nSign;
+ nTime = nSign *
+ ( nNanoSec +
+ nSec * secMask +
+ nMin * minMask +
+ nNewHour * hourMask );
void Time::SetMin( sal_uInt16 nNewMin )
- short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
+ short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
sal_Int32 nHour = GetHour();
sal_Int32 nSec = GetSec();
- sal_Int32 n100Sec = Get100Sec();
+ sal_Int32 nNanoSec = GetNanoSec();
// no overflow
- nNewMin = nNewMin % 60;
+ nNewMin = nNewMin % minInHour;
- nTime = (n100Sec + (nSec*100) + (((sal_Int32)nNewMin)*10000) +
- (nHour*1000000)) * nSign;
+ nTime = nSign *
+ ( nNanoSec +
+ nSec * secMask +
+ nNewMin * minMask +
+ nHour * hourMask );
void Time::SetSec( sal_uInt16 nNewSec )
@@ -147,16 +191,19 @@ void Time::SetSec( sal_uInt16 nNewSec )
short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
sal_Int32 nHour = GetHour();
sal_Int32 nMin = GetMin();
- sal_Int32 n100Sec = Get100Sec();
+ sal_Int32 nNanoSec = GetNanoSec();
// no overflow
- nNewSec = nNewSec % 60;
+ nNewSec = nNewSec % secInMin;
- nTime = (n100Sec + (((sal_Int32)nNewSec)*100) + (nMin*10000) +
- (nHour*1000000)) * nSign;
+ nTime = nSign *
+ ( nNanoSec +
+ nNewSec * secMask +
+ nMin * minMask +
+ nHour * hourMask );
-void Time::Set100Sec( sal_uInt16 nNew100Sec )
+void Time::SetNanoSec( sal_uInt32 nNewNanoSec )
short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
sal_Int32 nHour = GetHour();
@@ -164,10 +211,44 @@ void Time::Set100Sec( sal_uInt16 nNew100Sec )
sal_Int32 nSec = GetSec();
// no overflow
- nNew100Sec = nNew100Sec % 100;
+ nNewNanoSec = nNewNanoSec % nanoSecInSec;
+ nTime = nSign *
+ ( nNewNanoSec +
+ nSec * secMask +
+ nMin * minMask +
+ nHour * hourMask );
+sal_Int64 Time::GetNSFromTime() const
+ short nSign = (nTime >= 0) ? +1 : -1;
+ sal_Int32 nHour = GetHour();
+ sal_Int32 nMin = GetMin();
+ sal_Int32 nSec = GetSec();
+ sal_Int32 nNanoSec = GetNanoSec();
+ return nSign *
+ ( nNanoSec +
+ nSec * nanoSecInSec +
+ nMin * (secInMin * nanoSecInSec) +
+ nHour * (minInHour * secInMin * nanoSecInSec) );
+void Time::MakeTimeFromNS( sal_Int64 nNS )
+ short nSign;
+ if ( nNS < 0 )
+ {
+ nNS *= -1;
+ nSign = -1;
+ }
+ else
+ nSign = 1;
- nTime = (((sal_Int32)nNew100Sec) + (nSec*100) + (nMin*10000) +
- (nHour*1000000)) * nSign;
+ // avoid overflow when sal_uIntPtr is 32 bits
+ Time aTime( 0, 0, nNS/nanoSecInSec, nNS % nanoSecInSec );
+ SetTime( aTime.GetTime() * nSign );
sal_Int32 Time::GetMSFromTime() const
@@ -176,9 +257,13 @@ sal_Int32 Time::GetMSFromTime() const
sal_Int32 nHour = GetHour();
sal_Int32 nMin = GetMin();
sal_Int32 nSec = GetSec();
- sal_Int32 n100Sec = Get100Sec();
+ sal_Int32 nNanoSec = GetNanoSec();
- return (((nHour*3600000)+(nMin*60000)+(nSec*1000)+(n100Sec*10))*nSign);
+ return nSign *
+ ( nNanoSec/1000000 +
+ nSec * 1000 +
+ nMin * 60000 +
+ nHour * 360000 );
void Time::MakeTimeFromMS( sal_Int32 nMS )
@@ -192,7 +277,8 @@ void Time::MakeTimeFromMS( sal_Int32 nMS )
nSign = 1;
- Time aTime( 0, 0, 0, nMS/10 );
+ // avoid overflow when sal_uIntPtr is 32 bits
+ Time aTime( 0, 0, nMS/1000, (nMS % 1000) * 1000000 );
SetTime( aTime.GetTime() * nSign );
@@ -202,9 +288,9 @@ double Time::GetTimeInDays() const
double nHour = GetHour();
double nMin = GetMin();
double nSec = GetSec();
- double n100Sec = Get100Sec();
+ double nNanoSec = GetNanoSec();
- return (nHour+(nMin/60)+(nSec/(60*60))+(n100Sec/(60*60*100))) / 24 * nSign;
+ return (nHour + (nMin / 60) + (nSec / (minInHour * secInMin)) + (nNanoSec / (minInHour * secInMin * nanoSecInSec))) / 24 * nSign;
Time& Time::operator =( const Time& rTime )
@@ -215,34 +301,34 @@ Time& Time::operator =( const Time& rTime )
Time& Time::operator +=( const Time& rTime )
- nTime = Sec100ToTime( TimeToSec100( *this ) +
- TimeToSec100( rTime ) ).GetTime();
+ nTime = NanoSecToTime( TimeToNanoSec( *this ) +
+ TimeToNanoSec( rTime ) ).GetTime();
return *this;
Time& Time::operator -=( const Time& rTime )
- nTime = Sec100ToTime( TimeToSec100( *this ) -
- TimeToSec100( rTime ) ).GetTime();
+ nTime = NanoSecToTime( TimeToNanoSec( *this ) -
+ TimeToNanoSec( rTime ) ).GetTime();
return *this;
Time operator +( const Time& rTime1, const Time& rTime2 )
- return Sec100ToTime( TimeToSec100( rTime1 ) +
- TimeToSec100( rTime2 ) );
+ return NanoSecToTime( TimeToNanoSec( rTime1 ) +
+ TimeToNanoSec( rTime2 ) );
Time operator -( const Time& rTime1, const Time& rTime2 )
- return Sec100ToTime( TimeToSec100( rTime1 ) -
- TimeToSec100( rTime2 ) );
+ return NanoSecToTime( TimeToNanoSec( rTime1 ) -
+ TimeToNanoSec( rTime2 ) );
-sal_Bool Time::IsEqualIgnore100Sec( const Time& rTime ) const
+sal_Bool Time::IsEqualIgnoreNanoSec( const Time& rTime ) const
- sal_Int32 n1 = (nTime < 0 ? -Get100Sec() : Get100Sec() );
- sal_Int32 n2 = (rTime.nTime < 0 ? -rTime.Get100Sec() : rTime.Get100Sec() );
+ sal_Int32 n1 = (nTime < 0 ? -static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetNanoSec()) : GetNanoSec() );
+ sal_Int32 n2 = (rTime.nTime < 0 ? -static_cast<sal_Int32>(rTime.GetNanoSec()) : rTime.GetNanoSec() );
return (nTime - n1) == (rTime.nTime - n2);
diff --git a/tools/source/inet/inetmsg.cxx b/tools/source/inet/inetmsg.cxx
index 914d59caca82..120a1db0a32c 100644
--- a/tools/source/inet/inetmsg.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/inet/inetmsg.cxx
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ bool INetRFC822Message::ParseDateField (
rDateTime.SetHour (ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex)); nIndex++;
rDateTime.SetMin (ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex)); nIndex++;
rDateTime.SetSec (ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex)); nIndex++;
- rDateTime.Set100Sec (0);
+ rDateTime.SetNanoSec (0);
sal_uInt16 nYear = ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex);
if (nYear < 100) nYear += 1900;
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ bool INetRFC822Message::ParseDateField (
rDateTime.SetHour (ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex)); nIndex++;
rDateTime.SetMin (ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex)); nIndex++;
rDateTime.SetSec (ParseNumber (aDateField, nIndex)); nIndex++;
- rDateTime.Set100Sec (0);
+ rDateTime.SetNanoSec (0);
if ((aDateField[nIndex] == '+') ||
(aDateField[nIndex] == '-') )
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ bool INetRFC822Message::ParseDateField (
aDiff.SetHour (nOffset / 100);
aDiff.SetMin (nOffset % 100);
aDiff.SetSec (0);
- aDiff.Set100Sec (0);
+ aDiff.SetNanoSec (0);
if (bEast)
rDateTime -= aDiff;
diff --git a/tools/source/rc/rc.cxx b/tools/source/rc/rc.cxx
index 87ec7667d4eb..7ebdae058461 100644
--- a/tools/source/rc/rc.cxx
+++ b/tools/source/rc/rc.cxx
@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ Time::Time( const ResId& rResId )
if ( 0x04 & nObjMask )
SetSec( (sal_uInt16)pResMgr->ReadShort() );
if ( 0x08 & nObjMask )
- Set100Sec( (sal_uInt16)pResMgr->ReadShort() );
+ // TODO: when we change the place that writes this binary resource format to match:
+ // SetNanoSec( pResMgr->ReadLong() );
+ // In the meantime:
+ SetNanoSec( pResMgr->ReadShort() * ::Time::nanoPerCenti );
Date::Date( const ResId& rResId ) : nDate(0)