path: root/unotools/source/misc/fontdefs.cxx
diff options
authorMathias Bauer <>2009-10-19 13:22:39 +0200
committerMathias Bauer <>2009-10-19 13:22:39 +0200
commit942dbe34b9a1400c926a81f88e849d248b58ed55 (patch)
tree0fe108618106e42e0a25074782c160c393b45ffb /unotools/source/misc/fontdefs.cxx
parentc5ddee96afdc3ceb5bcc023b36185122a16b283d (diff)
#i103496#: move some fontsubstitution stuff from vcl to unotools to get xmloff vcl free
Diffstat (limited to 'unotools/source/misc/fontdefs.cxx')
1 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/unotools/source/misc/fontdefs.cxx b/unotools/source/misc/fontdefs.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..15e67c44f001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unotools/source/misc/fontdefs.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ *
+ * - a multi-platform office productivity suite
+ *
+ * This file is part of
+ *
+ * is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+ * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
+ * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 3 along with If not, see
+ * <>
+ * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
+ *
+ ************************************************************************/
+// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
+#include "precompiled_unotools.hxx"
+#include <unotools/fontdefs.hxx>
+#include <unotools/fontcfg.hxx>
+#include <hash_map>
+struct ImplLocalizedFontName
+ const char* mpEnglishName;
+ const sal_Unicode* mpLocalizedNames;
+static sal_Unicode const aBatang[] = { 0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aBatangChe[] = { 0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aGungsuh[] = { 0xAD81, 0xC11C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aGungsuhChe[] = { 0xAD81, 0xC11C, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aGulim[] = { 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aGulimChe[] = { 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aDotum[] = { 0xB3CB, 0xC6C0, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aDotumChe[] = { 0xB3CB, 0xC6C0, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSimSun[] = { 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aNSimSun[] = { 0x65B0, 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSimHei[] = { 0x9ED1, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSimKai[] = { 0x6977, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const azycjkSun[] = { 0x4E2D, 0x6613, 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const azycjkHei[] = { 0x4E2D, 0x6613, 0x9ED1, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const azycjkKai[] = { 0x4E2D, 0x6613, 0x6977, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFZHei[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x9ED1, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFZKai[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x6977, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFZSongYI[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x5B8B, 0x4E00, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFZShuSong[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x4E66, 0x5B8B, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFZFangSong[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x4EFF, 0x5B8B, 0, 0 };
+// Attention: this fonts includes the wrong encoding vector - so we double the names with correct and wrong encoding
+// First one is the GB-Encoding (we think the correct one), second is the big5 encoded name
+static sal_Unicode const aMHei[] = { 'm', 0x7B80, 0x9ED1, 0, 'm', 0x6F60, 0x7AAA, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMKai[] = { 'm', 0x7B80, 0x6977, 0x566C, 0, 'm', 0x6F60, 0x7FF1, 0x628E, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMSong[] = { 'm', 0x7B80, 0x5B8B, 0, 'm', 0x6F60, 0x51BC, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aCFangSong[] = { 'm', 0x7B80, 0x592B, 0x5B8B, 0, 'm', 0x6F60, 0x6E98, 0x51BC, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMingLiU[] = { 0x7D30, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aPMingLiU[] = { 0x65B0, 0x7D30, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHei[] = { 0x6865, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aKai[] = { 0x6B61, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMing[] = { 0x6D69, 0x6E67, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMSGothic[] = { 'm','s', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMSPGothic[] = { 'm','s','p', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMSMincho[] = { 'm', 's', 0x660E, 0x671D, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMSPMincho[] = { 'm','s','p', 0x660E, 0x671D, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMeiryo[] = { 0x30e1, 0x30a4, 0x30ea, 0x30aa, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGMinchoL[] = { 'h','g', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'l', 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGGothicB[] = { 'h','g', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 'b', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPMinchoL[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'l', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPGothicB[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 'b', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGMinchoLSun[] = { 'h','g', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'l', 's', 'u', 'n', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPMinchoLSun[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'l', 's', 'u', 'n', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGGothicBSun[] = { 'h', 'g', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 'b', 's', 'u', 'n', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPGothicBSun[] = { 'h', 'g', 'p', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 'b', 's', 'u', 'n', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGHeiseiMin[] = { 'h', 'g', 0x5E73, 0x6210, 0x660E, 0x671D, 0x4F53, 0, 'h', 'g', 0x5E73, 0x6210, 0x660E, 0x671D, 0x4F53, 'w', '3', 'x', '1', '2', 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aIPAMincho[] = { 'i', 'p', 'a', 0x660E, 0x671D, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aIPAPMincho[] = { 'i', 'p', 'a', 'p', 0x660E, 0x671D, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aIPAGothic[] = { 'i', 'p', 'a', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aIPAPGothic[] = { 'i', 'p', 'a', 'p', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aIPAUIGothic[] = { 'i', 'p', 'a', 'u', 'i', 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSazanamiMincho[] = { 0x3055, 0x3056, 0x306A, 0x307F, 0x660E, 0x671D, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSazanamiGothic[] = { 0x3055, 0x3056, 0x306A, 0x307F, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aKochiMincho[] = { 0x6771, 0x98A8, 0x660E, 0x671D, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aKochiGothic[] = { 0x6771, 0x98A8, 0x30B4, 0x30B7, 0x30C3, 0x30AF, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunDotum[] = { 0xC36C, 0xB3CB, 0xC6C0, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunGulim[] = { 0xC36C, 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunBatang[] = { 0xC36C, 0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aBaekmukDotum[] = { 0xBC31, 0xBB35, 0xB3CB, 0xC6C0, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aBaekmukGulim[] = { 0xBC31, 0xBB35, 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aBaekmukBatang[] = { 0xBC31, 0xBB35, 0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFzMingTi[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x660E, 0x9AD4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFzHeiTiTW[]= { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x9ED1, 0x9AD4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFzKaiTiTW[]= { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x6977, 0x9AD4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFzHeiTiCN[]= { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x9ED1, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFzKaiTiCN[]= { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x6977, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aFzSongTi[] = { 0x65B9, 0x6B63, 0x5B8B, 0x4F53, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYMyeongJoExtra[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xACAC, 0xBA85, 0xC870, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYSinMyeongJoMedium[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xC2E0, 0xBA85, 0xC870, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYGothicMedium[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xC911, 0xACE0, 0xB515, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYGraphicMedium[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xADF8, 0xB798, 0xD53D, 'm', 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYGraphic[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xADF8, 0xB798, 0xD53D, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aNewGulim[] = { 0xC0C8, 0xAD74, 0xB9BC, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunGungseo[] = { 0xC36C, 0xAD81, 0xC11C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYGungSoBold[] = { 'h','y', 0xAD81, 0xC11C, 'b', 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYGungSo[] = { 'h','y', 0xAD81, 0xC11C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunHeadLine[] = { 0xC36C, 0xD5E4, 0xB4DC, 0xB77C, 0xC778, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYHeadLineMedium[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xD5E4, 0xB4DC, 0xB77C, 0xC778, 'm', 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYHeadLine[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xD5E4, 0xB4DC, 0xB77C, 0xC778, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aYetR[] = { 0xD734, 0xBA3C, 0xC61B, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYGothicExtra[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xACAC, 0xACE0, 0xB515, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunMokPan[] = { 0xC36C, 0xBAA9, 0xD310, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunYeopseo[] = { 0xC36C, 0xC5FD, 0xC11C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunBaekSong[] = { 0xC36C, 0xBC31, 0xC1A1, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYPostLight[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xC5FD, 0xC11C, 'l', 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYPost[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xC5FD, 0xC11C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMagicR[] = { 0xD734, 0xBA3C, 0xB9E4, 0xC9C1, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunCrystal[] = { 0xC36C, 0xD06C, 0xB9AC, 0xC2A4, 0xD0C8, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aSunSaemmul[] = { 0xC36C, 0xC0D8, 0xBB3C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHaansoftBatang[] = { 0xD55C, 0xCEF4, 0xBC14, 0xD0D5, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHaansoftDotum[] = { 0xD55C, 0xCEF4, 0xB3CB, 0xC6C0, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHyhaeseo[] = { 0xD55C, 0xC591, 0xD574, 0xC11C, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMDSol[] = { 'm', 'd', 0xC194, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMDGaesung[] = { 'm', 'd', 0xAC1C, 0xC131, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMDArt[] = { 'm', 'd', 0xC544, 0xD2B8, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMDAlong[] = { 'm', 'd', 0xC544, 0xB871, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aMDEasop[] = { 'm', 'd', 0xC774, 0xC19D, 0xCCB4, 0, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYShortSamulMedium[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xC595, 0xC740, 0xC0D8, 0xBB3C, 'm', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHYShortSamul[] = { 'h', 'y', 0xC595, 0xC740, 0xC0D8, 0xBB3C, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGGothicE[] = { 'h','g', 0xFF7A, 0xFF9E, 0xFF7C, 0xFF6F, 0xFF78, 'e', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPGothicE[] = { 'h','g','p', 0xFF7A, 0xFF9E, 0xFF7C, 0xFF6F, 0xFF78, 'e', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSGothicE[] = { 'h','g','s', 0xFF7A, 0xFF9E, 0xFF7C, 0xFF6F, 0xFF78, 'e', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGGothicM[] = { 'h','g', 0xFF7A, 0xFF9E, 0xFF7C, 0xFF6F, 0xFF78, 'm', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPGothicM[] = { 'h','g','p', 0xFF7A, 0xFF9E, 0xFF7C, 0xFF6F, 0xFF78, 'm', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSGothicM[] = { 'h','g','s', 0xFF7A, 0xFF9E, 0xFF7C, 0xFF6F, 0xFF78, 'm', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGGyoshotai[] = { 'h','g', 0x884C, 0x66F8, 0x4F53, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPGyoshotai[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x884C, 0x66F8, 0x4F53, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSGyoshotai[] = { 'h','g','s', 0x884C, 0x66F8, 0x4F53, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGKyokashotai[] = { 'h','g', 0x6559, 0x79D1, 0x66F8, 0x4F53, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPKyokashotai[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x6559, 0x79D1, 0x66F8, 0x4F53, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSKyokashotai[] = { 'h','g','s', 0x6559, 0x79D1, 0x66F8, 0x4F53, 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGMinchoB[] = { 'h','g', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'b', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPMinchoB[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'b', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSMinchoB[] = { 'h','g','s', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'b', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGMinchoE[] = { 'h','g', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'e', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPMinchoE[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'e', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSMinchoE[] = { 'h','g','s', 0x660E, 0x671D, 'e', 0 };
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSoeiKakupoptai[] = { 'h','g', 0x5275,0x82F1,0x89D2,0xFF8E,
+ 0xFF9F,0xFF6F,0xFF8C,0xFF9F,0x4F53,0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPSoeiKakupoptai[] = { 'h','g', 'p', 0x5275,0x82F1,0x89D2,0xFF8E,
+ 0xFF9F,0xFF6F,0xFF8C,0xFF9F,0x4F53,0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSSoeiKakupoptai[] = { 'h','g', 's', 0x5275,0x82F1,0x89D2,0xFF8E,
+ 0xFF9F,0xFF6F,0xFF8C,0xFF9F,0x4F53,0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSoeiPresenceEB[] = { 'h','g', 0x5275,0x82F1,0xFF8C,0xFF9F,
+ 0xFF9A,0xFF7E,0xFF9E,0xFF9D,0xFF7D, 'e','b',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPSoeiPresenceEB[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x5275,0x82F1,0xFF8C,0xFF9F,
+ 0xFF9A,0xFF7E,0xFF9E,0xFF9D,0xFF7D, 'e','b',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSSoeiPresenceEB[] = { 'h','g','s', 0x5275,0x82F1,0xFF8C,0xFF9F,
+ 0xFF9A,0xFF7E,0xFF9E,0xFF9D,0xFF7D, 'e','b',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSoeiKakugothicUB[] = { 'h','g', 0x5275,0x82F1,0x89D2,0xFF7A,
+ 0xFF9E,0xFF7C,0xFF6F,0xFF78,'u','b',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGPSoeiKakugothicUB[] = { 'h','g','p', 0x5275,0x82F1,0x89D2,0xFF7A,
+ 0xFF9E,0xFF7C,0xFF6F,0xFF78,'u','b',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSSoeiKakugothicUB[] = { 'h','g','s', 0x5275,0x82F1,0x89D2,0xFF7A,
+ 0xFF9E,0xFF7C,0xFF6F,0xFF78,'u','b',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGSeikaishotaiPRO[] = { 'h','g', 0x6B63,0x6977,0x66F8,0x4F53, '-','p','r','o',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHGMaruGothicMPRO[] = { 'h','g', 0x4E38,0xFF7A,0xFF9E,0xFF7C,0xFF6F,0xFF78, '-','p','r','o',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHiraginoMinchoPro[] = { 0x30D2, 0x30E9, 0x30AE, 0x30CE, 0x660E, 0x671D, 'p','r','o',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHiraginoMinchoProN[] = { 0x30D2, 0x30E9, 0x30AE, 0x30CE, 0x660E, 0x671D, 'p','r','o','n',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHiraginoKakuGothicPro[] = { 0x30D2, 0x30E9, 0x30AE, 0x30CE, 0x89D2, 0x30B4, 'p','r','o',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHiraginoKakuGothicProN[] = { 0x30D2, 0x30E9, 0x30AE, 0x30CE, 0x89D2, 0x30B4, 'p','r','o','n',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHiraginoMaruGothicPro[] = { 0x30D2, 0x30E9, 0x30AE, 0x30CE, 0x4E38, 0x30B4, 'p','r','o',0};
+static sal_Unicode const aHiraginoMaruGothicProN[] = { 0x30D2, 0x30E9, 0x30AE, 0x30CE, 0x4E38, 0x30B4, 'p','r','o','n',0};
+static ImplLocalizedFontName aImplLocalizedNamesList[] =
+{ "batang", aBatang },
+{ "batangche", aBatangChe },
+{ "gungshu", aGungsuh },
+{ "gungshuche", aGungsuhChe },
+{ "gulim", aGulim },
+{ "gulimche", aGulimChe },
+{ "dotum", aDotum },
+{ "dotumche", aDotumChe },
+{ "simsun", aSimSun },
+{ "nsimsun", aNSimSun },
+{ "simhei", aSimHei },
+{ "simkai", aSimKai },
+{ "zycjksun", azycjkSun },
+{ "zycjkhei", azycjkHei },
+{ "zycjkkai", azycjkKai },
+{ "fzhei", aFZHei },
+{ "fzkai", aFZKai },
+{ "fzsong", aFZSongYI },
+{ "fzshusong", aFZShuSong },
+{ "fzfangsong", aFZFangSong },
+{ "mhei", aMHei },
+{ "mkai", aMKai },
+{ "msong", aMSong },
+{ "cfangsong", aCFangSong },
+{ "mingliu", aMingLiU },
+{ "pmingliu", aPMingLiU },
+{ "hei", aHei },
+{ "kai", aKai },
+{ "ming", aMing },
+{ "msgothic", aMSGothic },
+{ "mspgothic", aMSPGothic },
+{ "msmincho", aMSMincho },
+{ "mspmincho", aMSPMincho },
+{ "meiryo", aMeiryo },
+{ "hgminchol", aHGMinchoL },
+{ "hggothicb", aHGGothicB },
+{ "hgpminchol", aHGPMinchoL },
+{ "hgpgothicb", aHGPGothicB },
+{ "hgmincholsun", aHGMinchoLSun },
+{ "hggothicbsun", aHGGothicBSun },
+{ "hgpmincholsun", aHGPMinchoLSun },
+{ "hgpgothicbsun", aHGPGothicBSun },
+{ "hgheiseimin", aHGHeiseiMin },
+{ "ipamincho", aIPAMincho },
+{ "ipapmincho", aIPAPMincho },
+{ "ipagothic", aIPAGothic },
+{ "ipapgothic", aIPAPGothic },
+{ "ipauigothic", aIPAUIGothic },
+{ "sazanamimincho", aSazanamiMincho },
+{ "sazanamigothic", aSazanamiGothic },
+{ "kochimincho", aKochiMincho },
+{ "kochigothic", aKochiGothic },
+{ "sundotum", aSunDotum },
+{ "sungulim", aSunGulim },
+{ "sunbatang", aSunBatang },
+{ "baekmukdotum", aBaekmukDotum },
+{ "baekmukgulim", aBaekmukGulim },
+{ "baekmukbatang", aBaekmukBatang },
+{ "fzheiti", aFzHeiTiCN },
+{ "fzheiti", aFzHeiTiTW },
+{ "fzkaiti", aFzKaiTiCN },
+{ "fzkaitib", aFzKaiTiTW },
+{ "fzmingtib", aFzMingTi },
+{ "fzsongti", aFzSongTi },
+{ "hymyeongjoextra", aHYMyeongJoExtra },
+{ "hysinmyeongjomedium", aHYSinMyeongJoMedium },
+{ "hygothicmedium", aHYGothicMedium },
+{ "hygraphicmedium", aHYGraphicMedium },
+{ "hygraphic", aHYGraphic },
+{ "newgulim", aNewGulim },
+{ "sungungseo", aSunGungseo },
+{ "hygungsobold", aHYGungSoBold },
+{ "hygungso", aHYGungSo },
+{ "sunheadline", aSunHeadLine },
+{ "hyheadlinemedium", aHYHeadLineMedium },
+{ "hyheadline", aHYHeadLine },
+{ "yetr", aYetR },
+{ "hygothicextra", aHYGothicExtra },
+{ "sunmokpan", aSunMokPan },
+{ "sunyeopseo", aSunYeopseo },
+{ "sunbaeksong", aSunBaekSong },
+{ "hypostlight", aHYPostLight },
+{ "hypost", aHYPost },
+{ "magicr", aMagicR },
+{ "suncrystal", aSunCrystal },
+{ "sunsaemmul", aSunSaemmul },
+{ "hyshortsamulmedium", aHYShortSamulMedium },
+{ "hyshortsamul", aHYShortSamul },
+{ "haansoftbatang", aHaansoftBatang },
+{ "haansoftdotum", aHaansoftDotum },
+{ "hyhaeseo", aHyhaeseo },
+{ "mdsol", aMDSol },
+{ "mdgaesung", aMDGaesung },
+{ "mdart", aMDArt },
+{ "mdalong", aMDAlong },
+{ "mdeasop", aMDEasop },
+{ "hggothice", aHGGothicE },
+{ "hgpgothice", aHGPGothicE },
+{ "hgpothice", aHGSGothicE },
+{ "hggothicm", aHGGothicM },
+{ "hgpgothicm", aHGPGothicM },
+{ "hgpgothicm", aHGSGothicM },
+{ "hggyoshotai", aHGGyoshotai },
+{ "hgpgyoshotai", aHGPGyoshotai },
+{ "hgsgyoshotai", aHGSGyoshotai },
+{ "hgkyokashotai", aHGKyokashotai },
+{ "hgpkyokashotai", aHGPKyokashotai },
+{ "hgskyokashotai", aHGSKyokashotai },
+{ "hgminchob", aHGMinchoB },
+{ "hgpminchob", aHGPMinchoB },
+{ "hgsminchob", aHGSMinchoB },
+{ "hgminchoe", aHGMinchoE },
+{ "hgpminchoe", aHGPMinchoE },
+{ "hgsminchoe", aHGSMinchoE },
+{ "hgsoeikakupoptai", aHGSoeiKakupoptai },
+{ "hgpsoeikakupopta", aHGPSoeiKakupoptai },
+{ "hgssoeikakupopta", aHGSSoeiKakupoptai },
+{ "hgsoeipresenceeb", aHGSoeiPresenceEB },
+{ "hgpsoeipresenceeb", aHGPSoeiPresenceEB },
+{ "hgssoeipresenceeb", aHGSSoeiPresenceEB },
+{ "hgsoeikakugothicub", aHGSoeiKakugothicUB },
+{ "hgpsoeikakugothicub", aHGPSoeiKakugothicUB },
+{ "hgssoeikakugothicub", aHGSSoeiKakugothicUB },
+{ "hgseikaishotaipro", aHGSeikaishotaiPRO },
+{ "hgmarugothicmpro", aHGMaruGothicMPRO },
+{ "hiraginominchopro", aHiraginoMinchoPro },
+{ "hiraginominchopron", aHiraginoMinchoProN },
+{ "hiraginokakugothicpro", aHiraginoKakuGothicPro },
+{ "hiraginokakugothicpron", aHiraginoKakuGothicProN },
+{ "hiraginomarugothicpro", aHiraginoMaruGothicPro },
+{ "hiraginomarugothicpron", aHiraginoMaruGothicProN },
+{ NULL, NULL },
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void GetEnglishSearchFontName( String& rName )
+ bool bNeedTranslation = false;
+ xub_StrLen nLen = rName.Len();
+ // Remove trailing whitespaces
+ xub_StrLen i = nLen;
+ while ( i && (rName.GetChar( i-1 ) < 32) )
+ i--;
+ if ( i != nLen )
+ rName.Erase( i );
+ // Remove Script at the end
+ // Scriptname must be the last part of the fontname and
+ // looks like "fontname (scriptname)". So there can only be a
+ // script name at the and of the fontname, when the last char is ')'
+ if ( (nLen >= 3) && rName.GetChar( nLen-1 ) == ')' )
+ {
+ int nOpen = 1;
+ xub_StrLen nTempLen = nLen-2;
+ while ( nTempLen )
+ {
+ if ( rName.GetChar( nTempLen ) == '(' )
+ {
+ nOpen--;
+ if ( !nOpen )
+ {
+ // Remove Space at the end
+ if ( nTempLen && (rName.GetChar( nTempLen-1 ) == ' ') )
+ nTempLen--;
+ rName.Erase( nTempLen );
+ nLen = nTempLen;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( rName.GetChar( nTempLen ) == ')' )
+ nOpen++;
+ nTempLen--;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove all whitespaces and converts to lower case ASCII
+ // TODO: better transliteration to ASCII e.g. all digits
+ i = 0;
+ while ( i < nLen )
+ {
+ sal_Unicode c = rName.GetChar( i );
+ if ( c > 127 )
+ {
+ // Translate to Lowercase-ASCII
+ // FullWidth-ASCII to half ASCII
+ if ( (c >= 0xFF00) && (c <= 0xFF5E) )
+ {
+ c -= 0xFF00-0x0020;
+ // Upper to Lower
+ if ( (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z') )
+ c += 'a' - 'A';
+ rName.SetChar( i, c );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Only Fontnames with None-Ascii-Characters must be translated
+ bNeedTranslation = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // not lowercase Ascii
+ else if ( !((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) )
+ {
+ // To Lowercase-Ascii
+ if ( (c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z') )
+ {
+ c += 'a' - 'A';
+ rName.SetChar( i, c );
+ }
+ else if( ((c < '0') || (c > '9')) && (c != ';') ) // not 0-9 or semicolon
+ {
+ // Remove white spaces and special characters
+ rName.Erase( i, 1 );
+ nLen--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ // translate normalized localized name to its normalized English ASCII name
+ if( bNeedTranslation )
+ {
+ typedef std::hash_map<const String, const char*,FontNameHash> FontNameDictionary;
+ static FontNameDictionary aDictionary( sizeof(aImplLocalizedNamesList) / sizeof(*aImplLocalizedNamesList) );
+ // the font name dictionary needs to be intialized once
+ if( aDictionary.empty() )
+ {
+ // TODO: check if all dictionary entries are already normalized?
+ const ImplLocalizedFontName* pList = aImplLocalizedNamesList;
+ for(; pList->mpEnglishName; ++pList )
+ aDictionary[ pList->mpLocalizedNames ] = pList->mpEnglishName;
+ }
+ FontNameDictionary::const_iterator it = aDictionary.find( rName );
+ if( it != aDictionary.end() )
+ rName.AssignAscii( it->second );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+String GetNextFontToken( const String& rTokenStr, xub_StrLen& rIndex )
+ // check for valid start index
+ int nStringLen = rTokenStr.Len();
+ if( rIndex >= nStringLen )
+ {
+ return String();
+ }
+ // find the next token delimiter and return the token substring
+ const sal_Unicode* pStr = rTokenStr.GetBuffer() + rIndex;
+ const sal_Unicode* pEnd = rTokenStr.GetBuffer() + nStringLen;
+ for(; pStr < pEnd; ++pStr )
+ if( (*pStr == ';') || (*pStr == ',') )
+ break;
+ xub_StrLen nTokenStart = rIndex;
+ xub_StrLen nTokenLen;
+ if( pStr < pEnd )
+ {
+ rIndex = sal::static_int_cast<xub_StrLen>(pStr - rTokenStr.GetBuffer());
+ nTokenLen = rIndex - nTokenStart;
+ ++rIndex; // skip over token separator
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no token delimiter found => handle last token
+ nTokenLen = STRING_LEN;
+ // optimize if the token string consists of just one token
+ if( !nTokenStart )
+ return rTokenStr;
+ }
+ return String( rTokenStr, nTokenStart, nTokenLen );
+// TODO: get rid of this in another incompatible build with SW project.
+// SW's WW8 and RTF filters still use this (from fontcvt.hxx)
+String GetFontToken( const String& rTokenStr, xub_StrLen nToken, xub_StrLen& rIndex )
+ // skip nToken Tokens
+ for( xub_StrLen i = 0; (i < nToken) && (rIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND); ++i )
+ GetNextFontToken( rTokenStr, rIndex );
+ return GetNextFontToken( rTokenStr, rIndex );
+// =======================================================================
+static bool ImplIsFontToken( const String& rName, const String& rToken )
+ String aTempName;
+ xub_StrLen nIndex = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ aTempName = GetNextFontToken( rName, nIndex );
+ if ( rToken == aTempName )
+ return true;
+ }
+ while ( nIndex != STRING_NOTFOUND );
+ return false;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void ImplAppendFontToken( String& rName, const String& rNewToken )
+ if ( rName.Len() )
+ {
+ rName.Append( ';' );
+ rName.Append( rNewToken );
+ }
+ else
+ rName = rNewToken;
+void AddTokenFontName( String& rName, const String& rNewToken )
+ if ( !ImplIsFontToken( rName, rNewToken ) )
+ ImplAppendFontToken( rName, rNewToken );
+// =======================================================================
+String GetSubsFontName( const String& rName, ULONG nFlags )
+ String aName;
+ xub_StrLen nIndex = 0;
+ String aOrgName = GetNextFontToken( rName, nIndex );
+ GetEnglishSearchFontName( aOrgName );
+ // #93662# do not try to replace StarSymbol with MS only font
+ && ( aOrgName.EqualsAscii( "starsymbol" )
+ || aOrgName.EqualsAscii( "opensymbol" ) ) )
+ return aName;
+ const utl::FontNameAttr* pAttr = utl::FontSubstConfiguration::get()->getSubstInfo( aOrgName );
+ if ( pAttr )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
+ {
+ const ::std::vector< String >* pVector = NULL;
+ switch( i )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ if( nFlags & SUBSFONT_MS && pAttr->MSSubstitutions.size() )
+ pVector = &pAttr->MSSubstitutions;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if( nFlags & SUBSFONT_PS && pAttr->PSSubstitutions.size() )
+ pVector = &pAttr->PSSubstitutions;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if( nFlags & SUBSFONT_HTML && pAttr->HTMLSubstitutions.size() )
+ pVector = &pAttr->HTMLSubstitutions;
+ break;
+ }
+ if( ! pVector )
+ continue;
+ for( ::std::vector< String >::const_iterator it = pVector->begin(); it != pVector->end(); ++it )
+ if( ! ImplIsFontToken( rName, *it ) )
+ {
+ ImplAppendFontToken( aName, *it );
+ if( nFlags & SUBSFONT_ONLYONE )
+ {
+ i = 4;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return aName;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// TODO: use a more generic String hash
+int FontNameHash::operator()( const String& rStr ) const
+ // this simple hash just has to be good enough for font names
+ int nHash = 0;
+ const int nLen = rStr.Len();
+ const sal_Unicode* p = rStr.GetBuffer();
+ switch( nLen )
+ {
+ default: nHash = (p[0]<<16) - (p[1]<<8) + p[2];
+ nHash += nLen;
+ p += nLen - 3;
+ // fall through
+ case 3: nHash += (p[2]<<16); // fall through
+ case 2: nHash += (p[1]<<8); // fall through
+ case 1: nHash += p[0]; // fall through
+ case 0: break;
+ };
+ return nHash;