diff options
author | Hans-Joachim Lankenau <hjs@openoffice.org> | 2004-06-26 02:14:32 +0000 |
committer | Hans-Joachim Lankenau <hjs@openoffice.org> | 2004-06-26 02:14:32 +0000 |
commit | 6ae57e839957f2a1e8c3ed71fa590d91a3747391 (patch) | |
tree | 19e07486f17ddefb4f415ca3d73863d3d50595ef /uui | |
parent | 5418c32baeb46b1a826f7ed7c2eddc105f552451 (diff) |
INTEGRATION: CWS mergebuild (1.7.16); FILE MERGED
2004/04/21 01:14:44 hjs RESYNC: (1.7-1.8); FILE MERGED
2003/11/11 19:27:12 ihi en -> en-US
2003/11/10 18:02:08 ihi #111234# Merge during build
Diffstat (limited to 'uui')
-rw-r--r-- | uui/source/passworderrs.src | 97 |
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/uui/source/passworderrs.src b/uui/source/passworderrs.src index 34e6388004c2..922a367866e3 100644 --- a/uui/source/passworderrs.src +++ b/uui/source/passworderrs.src @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ * * $RCSfile: passworderrs.src,v $ * - * $Revision: 1.8 $ + * $Revision: 1.9 $ * - * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-12-17 18:42:28 $ + * last change: $Author: hjs $ $Date: 2004-06-26 03:14:32 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses @@ -67,101 +67,20 @@ String STR_ERROR_PASSWORD_WRONG { - Text = "Sie haben ein falsches Kennwort eingegeben, bitte noch einmal eingeben!" ; - Text [ English ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!" ; - Text[ english_us ] = "An incorrect password was entered. Please enter it again."; - Text[ portuguese ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ russian ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ greek ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ dutch ] = "Het ingevoerde wachtwoord is onjuist. A.u.b. nogmaals invoeren."; - Text[ french ] = "Le mot de passe n'est pas correct : ressayez !"; - Text[ spanish ] = "Ha introducido una contrasea incorrecta. Vuelva a escribirla."; - Text[ finnish ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ italian ] = "La password indicata sbagliata; scrivetela di nuovo."; - Text[ danish ] = "Du har indtastet en forkert adgangskode. Prv igen."; - Text[ swedish ] = "Du har matat in ett felaktigt huvudlsenord, mata in det p nytt!"; - Text[ polish ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Senha incorreta. Digite-a novamente!"; - Text[ japanese ] = "入力したパスワードは正しくありません。もう一度入力してください。"; - Text[ korean ] = "잘못된 암호를 입력하셨습니다. 다시 입력해주십시오."; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "输入的主密码无效。请重复输入密码!"; - Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "輸入的密碼錯誤,請重新輸入!"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Hatal parola girildi. Ltfen yeniden deneyin."; - Text[ arabic ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ catalan ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ thai ] = "Wrong password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ czech ] = "Bylo zadáno nesprávné heslo. Zadejte je prosím ještě jednou."; - Text[ hebrew ] = "Sie haben ein falsches Kennwort eingegeben, bitte noch einmal eingeben"; - Text[ hindi ] = "An incorrect password was entered. Please enter it again."; - Text[ slovak ] = "Bolo zadané nesprávne heslo. Prosím zadajte heslo znovu."; - Text[ hungarian ] = "Hibás jelszót adott meg. Írja be újra."; - Text[ slovenian ] = "Vnesli ste napačno geslo. Poskusite ponovno."; + Text [ de ] = "Sie haben ein falsches Kennwort eingegeben, bitte noch einmal eingeben!" ; + Text [ en-US ] = "An incorrect password was entered. Please enter it again."; }; String STR_ERROR_MASTERPASSWORD_WRONG { - Text = "Sie haben ein falsches Hauptkennwort eingegeben, bitte noch einmal eingeben!" ; - Text [ English ] = "Wrong Master password was entered, please enter again!" ; - Text[ english_us ] = "An incorrect master password was entered. Please enter it again."; - Text[ portuguese ] = "Senha principal incorrecta. Indique-a de novo."; - Text[ russian ] = " . ."; - Text[ greek ] = "Wrong Master password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ dutch ] = "Dit hoofdwachtwoord is niet juist. Nogmaals invoeren!"; - Text[ french ] = "Le mot de passe n'est pas correct : ressayez !"; - Text[ spanish ] = "Ha introducido una contrasea principal incorrecta. Vuelva a escribirla."; - Text[ finnish ] = "Wrong Master password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ italian ] = "La password principale indicata sbagliata; scrivetela di nuovo."; - Text[ danish ] = "Du har indtastet en forkert hovedadgangskode. Prv igen."; - Text[ swedish ] = "Du har matat in ett felaktigt huvudlsenord, mata in det p nytt!"; - Text[ polish ] = "Nieprawidowe haso gwne! Wpisz ponownie!"; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Senha principal incorreta. Digite-a novamente!"; - Text[ japanese ] = "入力したマスターパスワードは正しくありません。もう一度入力してください。"; - Text[ korean ] = "잘못된 암호를 입력하셨습니다. 다시 입력해주십시오."; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "输入的主密码无效。请重复输入密码!"; - Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "輸入的主密碼錯誤。請重新輸入。"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Hatal ana parola girildi. Ltfen yeniden deneyin."; - Text[ arabic ] = "Wrong Master password was entered, please enter again!"; - Text[ catalan ] = "La contrasenya mestra s incorrecta, torneu-la a escriure!"; - Text[ thai ] = "ใส่รหัสผ่านหลักไม่ถูกต้อง กรุณาใส่มันอีกครั้ง"; - Text[ czech ] = "Bylo zadáno nesprávné hlavní heslo. Zadejte je prosím ještě jednou."; - Text[ hebrew ] = "Sie haben ein falsches Hauptkennwort eingegeben, bitte noch einmal eingeben"; - Text[ hindi ] = "गलत मास्टर कूटशब्द को प्रविष्ट किया है । कृपया फ़िर से प्रविष्ट कीजिएए ।"; - Text[ slovak ] = "Bolo zadané nesprávne hlavné heslo. Prosím zadajte hlavné heslo znovu."; - Text[ hungarian ] = "Hibás mesterjelszót adott meg. Írja be újra."; - Text[ slovenian ] = "Vnesli ste napačno glavno geslo. Vnesite ga ponovno."; + Text [ de ] = "Sie haben ein falsches Hauptkennwort eingegeben, bitte noch einmal eingeben!" ; + Text [ en-US ] = "An incorrect master password was entered. Please enter it again."; }; String STR_ERROR_PASSWORDS_NOT_IDENTICAL { - Text = "Die beiden Kennwrter stimmen nicht berein, bitte noch einmal eingeben!" ; - Text [ English ] = "Passwords are different, please enter again!" ; - Text[ english_us ] = "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."; - Text[ portuguese ] = "As senhas no so iguais. Indique-as novamente."; - Text[ russian ] = " . ."; - Text[ greek ] = "Passwords are different, please enter again!"; - Text[ dutch ] = "De beide wachtwoorden komen niet overeen. Nogmaals invoeren!"; - Text[ french ] = "Les deux mots de passe sont diffrents. Rptez la saisie !"; - Text[ spanish ] = "Las dos contraseas no coinciden. Introdzcalas otra vez."; - Text[ finnish ] = "Passwords are different, please enter again!"; - Text[ italian ] = "Le due password non coincidono. Digitate di nuovo la password."; - Text[ danish ] = "Adgangskoderne stemmer ikke overens. Prv igen."; - Text[ swedish ] = "De bda lsenorden stmmer inte verens, mata in lsenordet igen!"; - Text[ polish ] = "Podane hasa nie zgadzaj si! Naley wpisa je ponownie."; - Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "As senhas so diferentes. Digite novamente!"; - Text[ japanese ] = "入力した2つのパスワードは一致しません。もう一度入力しなおしてください。"; - Text[ korean ] = "암호가 일치하지 않습니다. 다시 입력해주십시오."; - Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这两个密码不一致,请重新输入密码!"; - Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "這兩個密碼不一致,請重新輸入!"; - Text[ turkish ] = "Parolalar uyumuyor. Ltfen parolay yeniden girin."; - Text[ arabic ] = "Passwords are different, please enter again!"; - Text[ catalan ] = "Les contrasenyes sn diferents, torneu-les a escriure!"; - Text[ thai ] = "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."; - Text[ czech ] = "Hesla nesouhlasí. Zadejte prosím heslo ještě jednou."; - Text[ hebrew ] = "הסיסמאות לא מתאימות. נא להקליד שנית."; - Text[ hindi ] = "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."; - Text[ slovak ] = "Heslá sa nezhodujú. Zadajte prosím heslo znovu."; - Text[ hungarian ] = "A jelszavak nem egyeznek. Írja be újra a jelszót."; - Text[ slovenian ] = "Gesli se ne ujemata. Prosimo, da ponovno vnesete geslo."; + Text [ de ] = "Die beiden Kennwrter stimmen nicht berein, bitte noch einmal eingeben!" ; + Text [ en-US ] = "The passwords do not match. Please enter the password again."; }; |