path: root/vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx
diff options
authorNoel Grandin <>2020-08-04 00:04:11 +0200
committerNoel Grandin <>2020-08-04 01:41:02 +0200
commitce47b1a9c68a27fc37594148f6be2661f27120ea (patch)
tree4c9b5c3da29b76c7c8eb23cdbf85c496b0efd87e /vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx
parent6fc2a300ad8b1c6936b513eff94fd527ea74b469 (diff)
loplugin:flatten in vcl/window
Change-Id: I94e69e988f038e85b1fb78985211d478bb5ed9b4 Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 166 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx b/vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx
index 42a9a8b16fbd..f3bb625d2bd5 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/dockmgr.cxx
@@ -549,87 +549,87 @@ void ImplDockingWindowWrapper::ImplStartDocking( const Point& rPos )
void ImplDockingWindowWrapper::Tracking( const TrackingEvent& rTEvt )
// used during docking of a currently docked window
- if ( mbDocking )
+ if ( !mbDocking )
+ return;
+ if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() )
- if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingEnded() )
+ mbDocking = false;
+ GetWindow()->HideTracking();
+ if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() )
- mbDocking = false;
- GetWindow()->HideTracking();
- if ( rTEvt.IsTrackingCanceled() )
+ mbDockCanceled = true;
+ EndDocking( tools::Rectangle( Point( mnTrackX, mnTrackY ), Size( mnTrackWidth, mnTrackHeight ) ), mbLastFloatMode );
+ mbDockCanceled = false;
+ }
+ else
+ EndDocking( tools::Rectangle( Point( mnTrackX, mnTrackY ), Size( mnTrackWidth, mnTrackHeight ) ), mbLastFloatMode );
+ }
+ // Docking only upon non-synthetic MouseEvents
+ else if ( !rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().IsSynthetic() || rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().IsModifierChanged() )
+ {
+ Point aMousePos = rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel();
+ Point aFrameMousePos = GetWindow()->ImplOutputToFrame( aMousePos );
+ Size aFrameSize = GetWindow()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->GetOutputSizePixel();
+ if ( aFrameMousePos.X() < 0 )
+ aFrameMousePos.setX( 0 );
+ if ( aFrameMousePos.Y() < 0 )
+ aFrameMousePos.setY( 0 );
+ if ( aFrameMousePos.X() > aFrameSize.Width()-1 )
+ aFrameMousePos.setX( aFrameSize.Width()-1 );
+ if ( aFrameMousePos.Y() > aFrameSize.Height()-1 )
+ aFrameMousePos.setY( aFrameSize.Height()-1 );
+ aMousePos = GetWindow()->ImplFrameToOutput( aFrameMousePos );
+ aMousePos.AdjustX( -(maMouseOff.X()) );
+ aMousePos.AdjustY( -(maMouseOff.Y()) );
+ Point aPos = GetWindow()->ImplOutputToFrame( aMousePos );
+ tools::Rectangle aTrackRect( aPos, Size( mnTrackWidth, mnTrackHeight ) );
+ tools::Rectangle aCompRect = aTrackRect;
+ aPos.AdjustX(maMouseOff.X() );
+ aPos.AdjustY(maMouseOff.Y() );
+ bool bFloatMode = Docking( aPos, aTrackRect );
+ if ( mbLastFloatMode != bFloatMode )
+ {
+ if ( bFloatMode )
- mbDockCanceled = true;
- EndDocking( tools::Rectangle( Point( mnTrackX, mnTrackY ), Size( mnTrackWidth, mnTrackHeight ) ), mbLastFloatMode );
- mbDockCanceled = false;
+ aTrackRect.AdjustLeft( -mnDockLeft );
+ aTrackRect.AdjustTop( -mnDockTop );
+ aTrackRect.AdjustRight(mnDockRight );
+ aTrackRect.AdjustBottom(mnDockBottom );
- EndDocking( tools::Rectangle( Point( mnTrackX, mnTrackY ), Size( mnTrackWidth, mnTrackHeight ) ), mbLastFloatMode );
- }
- // Docking only upon non-synthetic MouseEvents
- else if ( !rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().IsSynthetic() || rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().IsModifierChanged() )
- {
- Point aMousePos = rTEvt.GetMouseEvent().GetPosPixel();
- Point aFrameMousePos = GetWindow()->ImplOutputToFrame( aMousePos );
- Size aFrameSize = GetWindow()->ImplGetFrameWindow()->GetOutputSizePixel();
- if ( aFrameMousePos.X() < 0 )
- aFrameMousePos.setX( 0 );
- if ( aFrameMousePos.Y() < 0 )
- aFrameMousePos.setY( 0 );
- if ( aFrameMousePos.X() > aFrameSize.Width()-1 )
- aFrameMousePos.setX( aFrameSize.Width()-1 );
- if ( aFrameMousePos.Y() > aFrameSize.Height()-1 )
- aFrameMousePos.setY( aFrameSize.Height()-1 );
- aMousePos = GetWindow()->ImplFrameToOutput( aFrameMousePos );
- aMousePos.AdjustX( -(maMouseOff.X()) );
- aMousePos.AdjustY( -(maMouseOff.Y()) );
- Point aPos = GetWindow()->ImplOutputToFrame( aMousePos );
- tools::Rectangle aTrackRect( aPos, Size( mnTrackWidth, mnTrackHeight ) );
- tools::Rectangle aCompRect = aTrackRect;
- aPos.AdjustX(maMouseOff.X() );
- aPos.AdjustY(maMouseOff.Y() );
- bool bFloatMode = Docking( aPos, aTrackRect );
- if ( mbLastFloatMode != bFloatMode )
- if ( bFloatMode )
- {
- aTrackRect.AdjustLeft( -mnDockLeft );
- aTrackRect.AdjustTop( -mnDockTop );
- aTrackRect.AdjustRight(mnDockRight );
- aTrackRect.AdjustBottom(mnDockBottom );
- }
- else
+ if ( aCompRect == aTrackRect )
- if ( aCompRect == aTrackRect )
- {
- aTrackRect.AdjustLeft(mnDockLeft );
- aTrackRect.AdjustTop(mnDockTop );
- aTrackRect.AdjustRight( -mnDockRight );
- aTrackRect.AdjustBottom( -mnDockBottom );
- }
+ aTrackRect.AdjustLeft(mnDockLeft );
+ aTrackRect.AdjustTop(mnDockTop );
+ aTrackRect.AdjustRight( -mnDockRight );
+ aTrackRect.AdjustBottom( -mnDockBottom );
- mbLastFloatMode = bFloatMode;
+ mbLastFloatMode = bFloatMode;
+ }
- ShowTrackFlags nTrackStyle;
- if ( bFloatMode )
- nTrackStyle = ShowTrackFlags::Object;
- else
- nTrackStyle = ShowTrackFlags::Big;
- tools::Rectangle aShowTrackRect = aTrackRect;
- aShowTrackRect.SetPos( GetWindow()->ImplFrameToOutput( aShowTrackRect.TopLeft() ) );
+ ShowTrackFlags nTrackStyle;
+ if ( bFloatMode )
+ nTrackStyle = ShowTrackFlags::Object;
+ else
+ nTrackStyle = ShowTrackFlags::Big;
+ tools::Rectangle aShowTrackRect = aTrackRect;
+ aShowTrackRect.SetPos( GetWindow()->ImplFrameToOutput( aShowTrackRect.TopLeft() ) );
- GetWindow()->ShowTracking( aShowTrackRect, nTrackStyle );
+ GetWindow()->ShowTracking( aShowTrackRect, nTrackStyle );
- // calculate mouse offset again, as the rectangle was changed
- maMouseOff.setX( aPos.X() - aTrackRect.Left() );
- maMouseOff.setY( aPos.Y() - aTrackRect.Top() );
+ // calculate mouse offset again, as the rectangle was changed
+ maMouseOff.setX( aPos.X() - aTrackRect.Left() );
+ maMouseOff.setY( aPos.Y() - aTrackRect.Top() );
- mnTrackX = aTrackRect.Left();
- mnTrackY = aTrackRect.Top();
- mnTrackWidth = aTrackRect.GetWidth();
- mnTrackHeight = aTrackRect.GetHeight();
- }
+ mnTrackX = aTrackRect.Left();
+ mnTrackY = aTrackRect.Top();
+ mnTrackWidth = aTrackRect.GetWidth();
+ mnTrackHeight = aTrackRect.GetHeight();
@@ -880,111 +880,111 @@ void ImplDockingWindowWrapper::SetFloatingMode( bool bFloatMode )
if( !IsFloatingMode() && IsLocked() )
- if ( IsFloatingMode() != bFloatMode )
+ if ( IsFloatingMode() == bFloatMode )
+ return;
+ if ( !PrepareToggleFloatingMode() )
+ return;
+ bool bVisible = GetWindow()->IsVisible();
+ if ( bFloatMode )
- if ( PrepareToggleFloatingMode() )
- {
- bool bVisible = GetWindow()->IsVisible();
+ GetWindow()->Show( false, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange );
- if ( bFloatMode )
- {
- GetWindow()->Show( false, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange );
- maDockPos = GetWindow()->GetPosPixel();
- vcl::Window* pRealParent = GetWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Parent );
- mpOldBorderWin = GetWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Border );
- if( mpOldBorderWin == mpDockingWindow )
- mpOldBorderWin = nullptr; // no border window found
- VclPtrInstance<ImplDockFloatWin2> pWin(
- mpParent,
- : mnFloatBits,
- this );
- // At least for DockingWindow, GetText() has a side effect of setting deferred
- // properties. This must be done before setting the border window (see below),
- // so that the border width will end up in mpWindowImpl->mnBorderWidth, not in
- // the border window (See DockingWindow::setPosSizeOnContainee() and
- // DockingWindow::GetOptimalSize()).
- pWin->SetText( GetWindow()->GetText() );
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = nullptr;
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder = 0;
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder = 0;
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder = 0;
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder = 0;
- // if the parent gets destroyed, we also have to reset the parent of the BorderWindow
- if ( mpOldBorderWin )
- mpOldBorderWin->SetParent( pWin );
- GetWindow()->SetParent( pWin );
- pWin->SetPosPixel( Point() );
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = pWin;
- pWin->mpWindowImpl->mpClientWindow = mpDockingWindow;
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pRealParent;
- pWin->SetOutputSizePixel( GetWindow()->GetSizePixel() );
- pWin->SetPosPixel( maFloatPos );
- // pass on DockingData to FloatingWindow
- pWin->ShowTitleButton( TitleButton::Docking, mbDockBtn );
- pWin->ShowTitleButton( TitleButton::Hide, mbHideBtn );
- if ( mbRollUp )
- pWin->RollUp();
- else
- pWin->RollDown();
- pWin->SetRollUpOutputSizePixel( maRollUpOutSize );
- pWin->SetMinOutputSizePixel( maMinOutSize );
- pWin->SetMaxOutputSizePixel( maMaxOutSize );
- mpFloatWin = pWin;
- if ( bVisible )
- GetWindow()->Show( true, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange | ShowFlags::NoActivate );
- ToggleFloatingMode();
- }
- else
- {
- GetWindow()->Show( false, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange );
- // store FloatingData in FloatingWindow
- maFloatPos = mpFloatWin->GetPosPixel();
- mbDockBtn = mpFloatWin->IsTitleButtonVisible( TitleButton::Docking );
- mbHideBtn = mpFloatWin->IsTitleButtonVisible( TitleButton::Hide );
- mbRollUp = mpFloatWin->IsRollUp();
- maRollUpOutSize = mpFloatWin->GetRollUpOutputSizePixel();
- maMinOutSize = mpFloatWin->GetMinOutputSizePixel();
- maMaxOutSize = mpFloatWin->GetMaxOutputSizePixel();
- vcl::Window* pRealParent = GetWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Parent ); //mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent;
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = nullptr;
- if ( mpOldBorderWin )
- {
- GetWindow()->SetParent( mpOldBorderWin );
- static_cast<ImplBorderWindow*>(mpOldBorderWin.get())->GetBorder(
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder, GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder,
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder, GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder );
- mpOldBorderWin->Resize();
- }
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = mpOldBorderWin;
- GetWindow()->SetParent( pRealParent );
- GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pRealParent;
+ maDockPos = GetWindow()->GetPosPixel();
+ vcl::Window* pRealParent = GetWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Parent );
+ mpOldBorderWin = GetWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Border );
+ if( mpOldBorderWin == mpDockingWindow )
+ mpOldBorderWin = nullptr; // no border window found
+ VclPtrInstance<ImplDockFloatWin2> pWin(
+ mpParent,
+ : mnFloatBits,
+ this );
+ // At least for DockingWindow, GetText() has a side effect of setting deferred
+ // properties. This must be done before setting the border window (see below),
+ // so that the border width will end up in mpWindowImpl->mnBorderWidth, not in
+ // the border window (See DockingWindow::setPosSizeOnContainee() and
+ // DockingWindow::GetOptimalSize()).
+ pWin->SetText( GetWindow()->GetText() );
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = nullptr;
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder = 0;
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder = 0;
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder = 0;
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder = 0;
+ // if the parent gets destroyed, we also have to reset the parent of the BorderWindow
+ if ( mpOldBorderWin )
+ mpOldBorderWin->SetParent( pWin );
+ GetWindow()->SetParent( pWin );
+ pWin->SetPosPixel( Point() );
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = pWin;
+ pWin->mpWindowImpl->mpClientWindow = mpDockingWindow;
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pRealParent;
+ pWin->SetOutputSizePixel( GetWindow()->GetSizePixel() );
+ pWin->SetPosPixel( maFloatPos );
+ // pass on DockingData to FloatingWindow
+ pWin->ShowTitleButton( TitleButton::Docking, mbDockBtn );
+ pWin->ShowTitleButton( TitleButton::Hide, mbHideBtn );
+ if ( mbRollUp )
+ pWin->RollUp();
+ else
+ pWin->RollDown();
+ pWin->SetRollUpOutputSizePixel( maRollUpOutSize );
+ pWin->SetMinOutputSizePixel( maMinOutSize );
+ pWin->SetMaxOutputSizePixel( maMaxOutSize );
- mpFloatWin.disposeAndClear();
- GetWindow()->SetPosPixel( maDockPos );
+ mpFloatWin = pWin;
- if ( bVisible )
- GetWindow()->Show();
+ if ( bVisible )
+ GetWindow()->Show( true, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange | ShowFlags::NoActivate );
- ToggleFloatingMode();
+ ToggleFloatingMode();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GetWindow()->Show( false, ShowFlags::NoFocusChange );
- }
+ // store FloatingData in FloatingWindow
+ maFloatPos = mpFloatWin->GetPosPixel();
+ mbDockBtn = mpFloatWin->IsTitleButtonVisible( TitleButton::Docking );
+ mbHideBtn = mpFloatWin->IsTitleButtonVisible( TitleButton::Hide );
+ mbRollUp = mpFloatWin->IsRollUp();
+ maRollUpOutSize = mpFloatWin->GetRollUpOutputSizePixel();
+ maMinOutSize = mpFloatWin->GetMinOutputSizePixel();
+ maMaxOutSize = mpFloatWin->GetMaxOutputSizePixel();
+ vcl::Window* pRealParent = GetWindow()->GetWindow( GetWindowType::Parent ); //mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent;
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = nullptr;
+ if ( mpOldBorderWin )
+ {
+ GetWindow()->SetParent( mpOldBorderWin );
+ static_cast<ImplBorderWindow*>(mpOldBorderWin.get())->GetBorder(
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnLeftBorder, GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnTopBorder,
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnRightBorder, GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mnBottomBorder );
+ mpOldBorderWin->Resize();
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpBorderWindow = mpOldBorderWin;
+ GetWindow()->SetParent( pRealParent );
+ GetWindow()->mpWindowImpl->mpRealParent = pRealParent;
+ mpFloatWin.disposeAndClear();
+ GetWindow()->SetPosPixel( maDockPos );
+ if ( bVisible )
+ GetWindow()->Show();
+ ToggleFloatingMode();