path: root/vcl/source
diff options
authorOliver Bolte <>2009-02-11 10:53:35 +0000
committerOliver Bolte <>2009-02-11 10:53:35 +0000
commitdf3d827f86c0fb7a046175a1d2c8cc0a662fc4b3 (patch)
treee6ff3903eb20005d893732c909978f5e631b8c5e /vcl/source
parentb8128f15549ddc463545f068d482a79bb3ef30f8 (diff)
CWS-TOOLING: integrate CWS vcl98
2009-01-16 15:17:38 +0100 pl r266422 : #i93515# add fix for compiz (thanks cmc) 2009-01-15 10:55:36 +0100 thb r266352 : #i97399# start==end angle means no arc at all 2009-01-14 18:54:37 +0100 pl r266327 : #i96536# #i96396# add: pagescroll for wheel events (thanks mod) 2009-01-14 18:21:06 +0100 pl r266325 : #i96536# #i96396# add: gestures, bracket matching (thanks mod) 2009-01-13 12:03:29 +0100 hdu r266206 : #i98024# preserve glyph zero-advance for artificial bold and vertical layout (thanks CMC!) 2009-01-12 16:32:20 +0100 hdu r266167 : #i97991# fix rotated text: temporary workaround for #i87686# 2009-01-08 17:16:17 +0100 hdu r266028 : #159054# ignore empty ATSULayout 2009-01-08 16:59:05 +0100 hdu r266026 : #159054# prevent invalid ATSUStyle 2009-01-07 19:04:06 +0100 pl r265976 : #158288# add extraction of fonts and individual object streams to pdfunzip 2009-01-07 14:42:17 +0100 pl r265969 : #i93011# workaround our ancient accelerator mechanisms to have deeper child window hirearchies working 2009-01-07 14:39:15 +0100 pl r265967 : #i93011# workaround our ancient accelerator mechanisms to have deeper child window hirearchies working 2009-01-07 11:10:58 +0100 hdu r265956 : #i97522# getPixel() returns COL_BLACK on printers or when out of bounds 2009-01-06 18:41:48 +0100 pl r265938 : #i97696# do not force user password to owner password after all 2009-01-06 18:00:52 +0100 pl r265934 : #i97157# fix a snafu 2009-01-06 13:23:38 +0100 pl r265914 : #i93515# support for _NET_WM_USER_TIME (thanks cmc) 2009-01-06 12:50:37 +0100 hdu r265912 : #i97538# get rid of compiler warnings for complex logical expressions 2009-01-06 12:49:09 +0100 hdu r265911 : #i97538# get rid of compiler warnings for complex logical expressions 2009-01-06 12:14:07 +0100 hdu r265906 : #i97522# implemented AquaSalGraphics::getPixel() 2008-12-18 16:46:59 +0100 pl r265706 : #i96343# reset quick job flag 2008-12-18 16:44:22 +0100 pl r265705 : #i96343# reset quick job flag 2008-12-18 14:08:22 +0100 pl r265688 : #i93241# fix bit field query 2008-12-18 12:41:52 +0100 pl r265682 : #i93241# eliminate useless static locale variable 2008-12-17 19:23:07 +0100 pl r265654 : #i97064# set language to OOo user configured UI language (thanks cmc) 2008-12-17 17:44:38 +0100 hdu r265651 : #i97326# debug-helper: print cairo version 2008-12-17 17:43:15 +0100 hdu r265650 : #i97326# ignore cairo changing the transformation of our FT_FACE 2008-12-17 14:44:32 +0100 pl r265604 : #i93631# refine control positioning 2008-12-17 12:40:39 +0100 hdu r265596 : #i97167# update VCL.xcu for MacOSX for Japanese (thanks maho!) 2008-12-17 11:59:51 +0100 hdu r265592 : #i97317# code movement to prevent needless and expensive construction/destruction in error path 2008-12-17 11:54:43 +0100 hdu r265590 : #i97317# workaround QUARTZ bug with drawing small polygons 2008-12-16 17:57:02 +0100 pl r265567 : #i97138# select num copies when grabbing focus 2008-12-16 17:15:11 +0100 pl r265561 : #i93173# lazy deletion of toolbars 2008-12-16 16:33:51 +0100 pl r265558 : #i93173# lazy deletion of toolbars: reparent floating DockingWindows in doLazyDelete 2008-12-16 13:23:17 +0100 pl r265536 : #i97196# ensure style engine has been loaded (thanks cmc)
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/source')
7 files changed, 180 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/cvtsvm.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/cvtsvm.cxx
index 14c211e4e045..c1c02b673658 100644
--- a/vcl/source/gdi/cvtsvm.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/cvtsvm.cxx
@@ -397,13 +397,8 @@ SVMConverter::SVMConverter( SvStream& rStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf, ULONG nConvertMod
void SVMConverter::ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
- LineInfo aLineInfo( LINE_NONE, 0 );
- Stack aLIStack;
- ULONG nPos = rIStm.Tell();
+ const ULONG nPos = rIStm.Tell();
const USHORT nOldFormat = rIStm.GetNumberFormatInt();
- rtl_TextEncoding eActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding();
- BOOL bFatLine = FALSE;
- VirtualDevice aFontVDev;
@@ -412,14 +407,14 @@ void SVMConverter::ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
INT16 nSize;
INT16 nVersion;
- // Header lesen
+ // read header
rIStm.Read( (char*) &aCode, sizeof( aCode ) ); // Kennung
rIStm >> nSize; // Size
rIStm >> nVersion; // Version
rIStm >> aPrefSz.Width(); // PrefSize.Width()
rIStm >> aPrefSz.Height(); // PrefSize.Height()
- // Header-Kennung und Versionsnummer pruefen
+ // check header-magic and version
if( rIStm.GetError()
|| ( memcmp( aCode, "SVGDI", sizeof( aCode ) ) != 0 )
|| ( nVersion != 200 ) )
@@ -427,9 +422,16 @@ void SVMConverter::ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat );
rIStm.Seek( nPos );
+ return;
- else
- {
+ LineInfo aLineInfo( LINE_NONE, 0 );
+ Stack aLIStack;
+ VirtualDevice aFontVDev;
+ rtl_TextEncoding eActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding();
+ BOOL bFatLine = FALSE;
+ // TODO: fix reindentation below if you can accept being blamed by the SCM
MapMode aMapMode;
Polygon aActionPoly;
Rectangle aRect;
@@ -1157,7 +1159,6 @@ void SVMConverter::ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
// cleanup push-pop stack if neccessary
for( void* pLineInfo = aLIStack.Pop(); pLineInfo; pLineInfo = aLIStack.Pop() )
delete (LineInfo*) pLineInfo;
- }
rIStm.SetNumberFormatInt( nOldFormat );
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx
index a77d8c2ac294..e421cb59aa4c 100644
--- a/vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/outdev3.cxx
@@ -5241,15 +5241,15 @@ long OutputDevice::ImplGetTextLines( ImplMultiTextLineInfo& rLineInfo,
if ( )
- static const com::sun::star::lang::Locale aDefLocale(Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale());
+ const com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rDefLocale(Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale());
xub_StrLen nSoftBreak = GetTextBreak( rStr, nWidth, nPos, nBreakPos - nPos );
DBG_ASSERT( nSoftBreak < nBreakPos, "Break?!" );
//aHyphOptions.hyphenIndex = nSoftBreak;
- i18n::LineBreakResults aLBR = xBI->getLineBreak( aText, nSoftBreak, aDefLocale, nPos, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions );
+ i18n::LineBreakResults aLBR = xBI->getLineBreak( aText, nSoftBreak, rDefLocale, nPos, aHyphOptions, aUserOptions );
nBreakPos = (xub_StrLen)aLBR.breakIndex;
if ( nBreakPos <= nPos )
nBreakPos = nSoftBreak;
// Egal ob Trenner oder nicht: Das Wort nach dem Trenner durch
// die Silbentrennung jagen...
@@ -5261,7 +5261,7 @@ long OutputDevice::ImplGetTextLines( ImplMultiTextLineInfo& rLineInfo,
sal_Unicode cAlternateReplChar = 0;
sal_Unicode cAlternateExtraChar = 0;
- i18n::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->getWordBoundary( aText, nBreakPos, aDefLocale, ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, sal_True );
+ i18n::Boundary aBoundary = xBI->getWordBoundary( aText, nBreakPos, rDefLocale, ::com::sun::star::i18n::WordType::DICTIONARY_WORD, sal_True );
// sal_uInt16 nWordStart = nBreakPos;
// sal_uInt16 nBreakPos_OLD = nBreakPos;
sal_uInt16 nWordStart = nPos;
@@ -5277,7 +5277,7 @@ long OutputDevice::ImplGetTextLines( ImplMultiTextLineInfo& rLineInfo,
sal_uInt16 nMinTrail = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nWordEnd-nSoftBreak+1); //+1: Vor dem angeknacksten Buchstaben
uno::Reference< linguistic2::XHyphenatedWord > xHyphWord;
if (
- xHyphWord = xHyph->hyphenate( aWord, aDefLocale, aWord.Len() - nMinTrail, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() );
+ xHyphWord = xHyph->hyphenate( aWord, rDefLocale, aWord.Len() - nMinTrail, uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >() );
if (
sal_Bool bAlternate = xHyphWord->isAlternativeSpelling();
@@ -5344,7 +5344,7 @@ long OutputDevice::ImplGetTextLines( ImplMultiTextLineInfo& rLineInfo,
} // if (
} // if ( ( nWordEnd >= nSoftBreak ) && ( nWordLen > 3 ) )
} // if ( )
nLineWidth = GetTextWidth( rStr, nPos, nBreakPos-nPos );
@@ -6408,7 +6408,10 @@ SalLayout* OutputDevice::ImplLayout( const String& rOrigStr,
sal_Int32* pAry = (sal_Int32*)alloca(sizeof(sal_Int32)*nLen);
if( nCutStart > nMinIndex )
memcpy( pAry, pDXArray, sizeof(sal_Int32)*(nCutStart-nMinIndex) );
- memcpy( pAry+nCutStart-nMinIndex, pDXArray + nOrgLen - (nCutStop-nMinIndex), nLen - (nCutStop-nMinIndex) );
+ // note: nCutStart will never be smaller than nMinIndex
+ memcpy( pAry+nCutStart-nMinIndex,
+ pDXArray + nOrgLen - (nCutStop-nMinIndex),
+ sizeof(sal_Int32)*(nLen - (nCutStart-nMinIndex)) );
pDXArray = pAry;
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.cxx
index 69f4674cae9c..0754f5c5b3dc 100644
--- a/vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/pdfwriter_impl.cxx
@@ -6845,11 +6845,12 @@ void PDFWriterImpl::drawLayout( SalLayout& rLayout, const String& rText, bool bT
FontMetric aRefDevFontMetric = m_pReferenceDevice->GetFontMetric();
// collect the glyphs into a single array
+ const int nTmpMaxGlyphs = rLayout.GetOrientation() ? 1 : nMaxGlyphs; // #i97991# temporary workaround for #i87686#
std::vector< PDFGlyph > aGlyphs;
- aGlyphs.reserve( nMaxGlyphs );
+ aGlyphs.reserve( nTmpMaxGlyphs );
// first get all the glyphs and register them; coordinates still in Pixel
Point aGNGlyphPos;
- while( (nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( nMaxGlyphs, pGlyphs, aGNGlyphPos, nIndex, nAdvanceWidths, pCharPosAry )) != 0 )
+ while( (nGlyphs = rLayout.GetNextGlyphs( nTmpMaxGlyphs, pGlyphs, aGNGlyphPos, nIndex, nAdvanceWidths, pCharPosAry )) != 0 )
for( int i = 0; i < nGlyphs; i++ )
@@ -8299,18 +8300,18 @@ void PDFWriterImpl::drawArc( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const
// calculate start and stop angles
- double fStartAngle = calcAngle( rRect, rStart );
+ const double fStartAngle = calcAngle( rRect, rStart );
double fStopAngle = calcAngle( rRect, rStop );
while( fStopAngle < fStartAngle )
fStopAngle += 2.0*M_PI;
- int nFragments = (int)((fStopAngle-fStartAngle)/(M_PI/2.0))+1;
- double fFragmentDelta = (fStopAngle-fStartAngle)/(double)nFragments;
- double kappa = fabs( 4.0 * (1.0-cos(fFragmentDelta/2.0))/sin(fFragmentDelta/2.0) / 3.0);
- double halfWidth = (double)rRect.GetWidth()/2.0;
- double halfHeight = (double)rRect.GetHeight()/2.0;
+ const int nFragments = (int)((fStopAngle-fStartAngle)/(M_PI/2.0))+1;
+ const double fFragmentDelta = (fStopAngle-fStartAngle)/(double)nFragments;
+ const double kappa = fabs( 4.0 * (1.0-cos(fFragmentDelta/2.0))/sin(fFragmentDelta/2.0) / 3.0);
+ const double halfWidth = (double)rRect.GetWidth()/2.0;
+ const double halfHeight = (double)rRect.GetHeight()/2.0;
- Point aCenter( (rRect.Left()+rRect.Right()+1)/2,
- (rRect.Top()+rRect.Bottom()+1)/2 );
+ const Point aCenter( (rRect.Left()+rRect.Right()+1)/2,
+ (rRect.Top()+rRect.Bottom()+1)/2 );
OStringBuffer aLine( 30*nFragments );
Point aPoint( (int)(halfWidth * cos(fStartAngle) ),
@@ -8318,27 +8319,30 @@ void PDFWriterImpl::drawArc( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const
aPoint += aCenter;
m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
aLine.append( " m " );
- for( int i = 0; i < nFragments; i++ )
- {
- double fStartFragment = fStartAngle + (double)i*fFragmentDelta;
- double fStopFragment = fStartFragment + fFragmentDelta;
- aPoint = Point( (int)(halfWidth * (cos(fStartFragment) - kappa*sin(fStartFragment) ) ),
- -(int)(halfHeight * (sin(fStartFragment) + kappa*cos(fStartFragment) ) ) );
- aPoint += aCenter;
- m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
- aLine.append( ' ' );
+ if( !basegfx::fTools::equal(fStartAngle, fStopAngle) )
+ {
+ for( int i = 0; i < nFragments; i++ )
+ {
+ const double fStartFragment = fStartAngle + (double)i*fFragmentDelta;
+ const double fStopFragment = fStartFragment + fFragmentDelta;
+ aPoint = Point( (int)(halfWidth * (cos(fStartFragment) - kappa*sin(fStartFragment) ) ),
+ -(int)(halfHeight * (sin(fStartFragment) + kappa*cos(fStartFragment) ) ) );
+ aPoint += aCenter;
+ m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
+ aLine.append( ' ' );
- aPoint = Point( (int)(halfWidth * (cos(fStopFragment) + kappa*sin(fStopFragment) ) ),
- -(int)(halfHeight * (sin(fStopFragment) - kappa*cos(fStopFragment) ) ) );
- aPoint += aCenter;
- m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
- aLine.append( ' ' );
+ aPoint = Point( (int)(halfWidth * (cos(fStopFragment) + kappa*sin(fStopFragment) ) ),
+ -(int)(halfHeight * (sin(fStopFragment) - kappa*cos(fStopFragment) ) ) );
+ aPoint += aCenter;
+ m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
+ aLine.append( ' ' );
- aPoint = Point( (int)(halfWidth * cos(fStopFragment) ),
- -(int)(halfHeight * sin(fStopFragment) ) );
- aPoint += aCenter;
- m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
- aLine.append( " c\n" );
+ aPoint = Point( (int)(halfWidth * cos(fStopFragment) ),
+ -(int)(halfHeight * sin(fStopFragment) ) );
+ aPoint += aCenter;
+ m_aPages.back().appendPoint( aPoint, aLine );
+ aLine.append( " c\n" );
+ }
if( bWithChord || bWithPie )
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/print.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/print.cxx
index 11bed4b7ae67..0a5fbb189885 100644
--- a/vcl/source/gdi/print.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/print.cxx
@@ -674,11 +674,11 @@ Printer::~Printer()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Printer::SetNextJobIsQuick()
+void Printer::SetNextJobIsQuick( bool bQuick )
- mpPrinterData->mbNextJobIsQuick = true;
+ mpPrinterData->mbNextJobIsQuick = bQuick;
if( mpQPrinter )
- mpQPrinter->SetNextJobIsQuick();
+ mpQPrinter->SetNextJobIsQuick( bQuick );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.cxx b/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.cxx
index 6bc5bb5b44c9..f6d93963540b 100644
--- a/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/glyphs/gcach_ftyp.cxx
@@ -831,6 +831,10 @@ FreetypeServerFont::FreetypeServerFont( const ImplFontSelectData& rFSD, FtFontIn
// TODO: query GASP table for load flags
mnLoadFlags = FT_LOAD_DEFAULT;
+#if 1 // #i97326# cairo sometimes uses FT_Set_Transform() on our FT_FACE
+ // we are not using FT_Set_Transform() yet, so just ignore it for now
mbArtItalic = (rFSD.meItalic != ITALIC_NONE && pFI->GetFontAttributes().GetSlant() == ITALIC_NONE);
mbArtBold = (rFSD.meWeight > WEIGHT_MEDIUM && pFI->GetFontAttributes().GetWeight() <= WEIGHT_MEDIUM);
@@ -1243,6 +1247,25 @@ int FreetypeServerFont::GetGlyphIndex( sal_UCS4 aChar ) const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+static int lcl_GetCharWidth( FT_FaceRec_* pFaceFT, double fStretch, int nGlyphFlags )
+ int nCharWidth = pFaceFT->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance;
+ if( nGlyphFlags & GF_ROTMASK ) // for bVertical rotated glyphs
+ {
+ const FT_Size_Metrics& rMetrics = pFaceFT->size->metrics;
+#if (FTVERSION < 2000)
+ nCharWidth = (int)((rMetrics.height - rMetrics.descender) * fStretch);
+ nCharWidth = (int)((rMetrics.height + rMetrics.descender) * fStretch);
+ }
+ return (nCharWidth + 32) >> 6;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void FreetypeServerFont::InitGlyphData( int nGlyphIndex, GlyphData& rGD ) const
if( maSizeFT )
@@ -1282,20 +1305,12 @@ void FreetypeServerFont::InitGlyphData( int nGlyphIndex, GlyphData& rGD ) const
+ const bool bOriginallyZeroWidth = (maFaceFT->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance == 0);
if( mbArtBold && pFTEmbolden )
(*pFTEmbolden)( maFaceFT->glyph );
- int nCharWidth = maFaceFT->glyph->metrics.horiAdvance;
- if( nGlyphFlags & GF_ROTMASK ) { // for bVertical rotated glyphs
- const FT_Size_Metrics& rMetrics = maFaceFT->size->metrics;
-#if (FTVERSION < 2000)
- nCharWidth = (int)((rMetrics.height - rMetrics.descender) * mfStretch);
- nCharWidth = (int)((rMetrics.height + rMetrics.descender) * mfStretch);
- }
- rGD.SetCharWidth( (nCharWidth + 32) >> 6 );
+ const int nCharWidth = bOriginallyZeroWidth ? 0 : lcl_GetCharWidth( maFaceFT, mfStretch, nGlyphFlags );
+ rGD.SetCharWidth( nCharWidth );
FT_Glyph pGlyphFT;
rc = FT_Get_Glyph( maFaceFT->glyph, &pGlyphFT );
@@ -2365,11 +2380,16 @@ bool FreetypeServerFont::ApplyGSUB( const ImplFontSelectData& rFSD )
const USHORT nOffset= GetUShort( pFeatureHeader+4 );
pFeatureHeader += 6;
- // feature (required && (requested || available))?
- if( (aFeatureIndexList[0] != nFeatureIndex)
- && (!std::count( aReqFeatureTagList.begin(), aReqFeatureTagList.end(), nTag))
- || (!std::count( aFeatureIndexList.begin(), aFeatureIndexList.end(), nFeatureIndex) ) )
- continue;
+ // short circuit some feature lookups
+ if( aFeatureIndexList[0] != nFeatureIndex ) // required feature?
+ {
+ const int nRequested = std::count( aFeatureIndexList.begin(), aFeatureIndexList.end(), nFeatureIndex);
+ if( !nRequested ) // ignore features that are not requested
+ continue;
+ const int nAvailable = std::count( aReqFeatureTagList.begin(), aReqFeatureTagList.end(), nTag);
+ if( !nAvailable ) // some fonts don't provide features they request!
+ continue;
+ }
const FT_Byte* pFeatureTable = pGsubBase + nOfsFeatureTable + nOffset;
const USHORT nCntLookups = GetUShort( pFeatureTable+0 );
diff --git a/vcl/source/window/dlgctrl.cxx b/vcl/source/window/dlgctrl.cxx
index 5348d04c1a5d..16a0e5a05ad6 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/dlgctrl.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/dlgctrl.cxx
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
// =======================================================================
static Window* ImplGetSubChildWindow( Window* pParent, USHORT n, USHORT& nIndex )
@@ -274,65 +271,6 @@ Window* Window::ImplGetDlgWindow( USHORT nIndex, USHORT nType,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-static Window* ImplFindAccelWindow( Window* pParent, USHORT& rIndex, xub_Unicode cCharCode,
- USHORT nFormStart, USHORT nFormEnd, BOOL bCheckEnable = TRUE )
- DBG_ASSERT( (rIndex >= nFormStart) && (rIndex <= nFormEnd),
- "Window::ImplFindAccelWindow() - rIndex not in Form" );
- xub_Unicode cCompareChar;
- USHORT nStart = rIndex;
- USHORT i = rIndex;
- int bSearch = TRUE;
- Window* pWindow;
- // MT: Where can we keep the CharClass?!
- static uno::Reference< i18n::XCharacterClassification > xCharClass;
- if ( ! )
- xCharClass = vcl::unohelper::CreateCharacterClassification();
- const ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale();
- cCharCode = xCharClass->toUpper( String(cCharCode), 0, 1, rLocale )[0];
- if ( i < nFormEnd )
- pWindow = ImplGetNextWindow( pParent, i, i, TRUE );
- else
- pWindow = ImplGetChildWindow( pParent, nFormStart, i, TRUE );
- while ( bSearch )
- {
- const XubString aStr = pWindow->GetText();
- USHORT nPos = aStr.Search( '~' );
- while ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND )
- {
- cCompareChar = aStr.GetChar( nPos+1 );
- cCompareChar = xCharClass->toUpper( String(cCompareChar), 0, 1, rLocale )[0];
- if ( cCompareChar == cCharCode )
- {
- // Bei Static-Controls auf das naechste Controlm weiterschalten
- if ( (pWindow->GetType() == WINDOW_FIXEDTEXT) ||
- (pWindow->GetType() == WINDOW_FIXEDLINE) ||
- (pWindow->GetType() == WINDOW_GROUPBOX) )
- pWindow = pParent->ImplGetDlgWindow( i, DLGWINDOW_NEXT );
- rIndex = i;
- return pWindow;
- }
- nPos = aStr.Search( '~', nPos+1 );
- }
- if ( i == nStart )
- break;
- if ( i < nFormEnd )
- pWindow = ImplGetNextWindow( pParent, i, i, bCheckEnable );
- else
- pWindow = ImplGetChildWindow( pParent, nFormStart, i, bCheckEnable );
- }
- return NULL;
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
static Window* ImplFindDlgCtrlWindow( Window* pParent, Window* pWindow, USHORT& rIndex,
USHORT& rFormStart, USHORT& rFormEnd )
@@ -347,6 +285,10 @@ static Window* ImplFindDlgCtrlWindow( Window* pParent, Window* pWindow, USHORT&
// Focus-Fenster in der Child-Liste suchen
pSWindow = ImplGetChildWindow( pParent, 0, i, FALSE );
+ if( pWindow == NULL )
+ pWindow = pSWindow;
while ( pSWindow )
if ( pSWindow->ImplGetWindow()->IsDialogControlStart() )
@@ -404,6 +346,85 @@ static Window* ImplFindDlgCtrlWindow( Window* pParent, Window* pWindow, USHORT&
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+static Window* ImplFindAccelWindow( Window* pParent, USHORT& rIndex, xub_Unicode cCharCode,
+ USHORT nFormStart, USHORT nFormEnd, BOOL bCheckEnable = TRUE )
+ DBG_ASSERT( (rIndex >= nFormStart) && (rIndex <= nFormEnd),
+ "Window::ImplFindAccelWindow() - rIndex not in Form" );
+ xub_Unicode cCompareChar;
+ USHORT nStart = rIndex;
+ USHORT i = rIndex;
+ int bSearch = TRUE;
+ Window* pWindow;
+ // MT: Where can we keep the CharClass?!
+ static uno::Reference< i18n::XCharacterClassification > xCharClass;
+ if ( ! )
+ xCharClass = vcl::unohelper::CreateCharacterClassification();
+ const ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale& rLocale = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocale();
+ cCharCode = xCharClass->toUpper( String(cCharCode), 0, 1, rLocale )[0];
+ if ( i < nFormEnd )
+ pWindow = ImplGetNextWindow( pParent, i, i, TRUE );
+ else
+ pWindow = ImplGetChildWindow( pParent, nFormStart, i, TRUE );
+ while ( bSearch )
+ {
+ const XubString aStr = pWindow->GetText();
+ USHORT nPos = aStr.Search( '~' );
+ while ( nPos != STRING_NOTFOUND )
+ {
+ cCompareChar = aStr.GetChar( nPos+1 );
+ cCompareChar = xCharClass->toUpper( String(cCompareChar), 0, 1, rLocale )[0];
+ if ( cCompareChar == cCharCode )
+ {
+ // Bei Static-Controls auf das naechste Controlm weiterschalten
+ if ( (pWindow->GetType() == WINDOW_FIXEDTEXT) ||
+ (pWindow->GetType() == WINDOW_FIXEDLINE) ||
+ (pWindow->GetType() == WINDOW_GROUPBOX) )
+ pWindow = pParent->ImplGetDlgWindow( i, DLGWINDOW_NEXT );
+ rIndex = i;
+ return pWindow;
+ }
+ nPos = aStr.Search( '~', nPos+1 );
+ }
+ // #i93011# it would have made sense to have this really recursive
+ // right from the start. However this would cause unpredictable side effects now
+ // so instead we have a style bit for some child windows, that want their
+ // children checked for accelerators
+ if( (pWindow->GetStyle() & WB_CHILDDLGCTRL) != 0 )
+ {
+ USHORT nChildIndex;
+ USHORT nChildFormStart;
+ USHORT nChildFormEnd;
+ // get form start and end
+ ::ImplFindDlgCtrlWindow( pWindow, NULL,
+ nChildIndex, nChildFormStart, nChildFormEnd );
+ Window* pAccelWin = ImplFindAccelWindow( pWindow, nChildIndex, cCharCode,
+ nChildFormStart, nChildFormEnd,
+ bCheckEnable );
+ if( pAccelWin )
+ return pAccelWin;
+ }
+ if ( i == nStart )
+ break;
+ if ( i < nFormEnd )
+ pWindow = ImplGetNextWindow( pParent, i, i, bCheckEnable );
+ else
+ pWindow = ImplGetChildWindow( pParent, nFormStart, i, bCheckEnable );
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Window::ImplControlFocus( USHORT nFlags )
diff --git a/vcl/source/window/window.cxx b/vcl/source/window/window.cxx
index d9891430f29d..caa43c3bef1e 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/window.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/window.cxx
@@ -4763,7 +4763,9 @@ Window::~Window()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Window::doLazyDelete()
- if( dynamic_cast<SystemWindow*>(this) )
+ SystemWindow* pSysWin = dynamic_cast<SystemWindow*>(this);
+ DockingWindow* pDockWin = dynamic_cast<DockingWindow*>(this);
+ if( pSysWin || ( pDockWin && pDockWin->IsFloatingMode() ) )
SetParent( ImplGetDefaultWindow() );
vcl::LazyDeletor<Window>::Delete( this );