path: root/vcl/source
diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2013-01-11 16:35:17 +0000
committerCaolán McNamara <>2013-01-11 19:42:51 +0000
commitd19eab221f168aed12249ffc8a36a9f1aca5a94e (patch)
tree713c9d392df3dc69f8b24003572e29f018a1ad90 /vcl/source
parent823ab0f98c81e68847b7a0e0667329c679b37f6c (diff)
split out the ComboBox code that determines the positioning of subwidgets
and re-use it to get a better calculation of the optimal size of a widget, rather than taking the current position of the subedit Change-Id: I85cb3ff98f23d21d7cfdcc28188e36616a19b5e8
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/source')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/source/control/combobox.cxx b/vcl/source/control/combobox.cxx
index a0f8982e9ec6..389929c34b53 100644
--- a/vcl/source/control/combobox.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/control/combobox.cxx
@@ -597,50 +597,10 @@ void ComboBox::Resize()
Size aOutSz = GetOutputSizePixel();
if( IsDropDownBox() )
- long nTop = 0;
- long nBottom = aOutSz.Height();
- Window *pBorder = GetWindow( WINDOW_BORDER );
- ImplControlValue aControlValue;
- Point aPoint;
- Rectangle aContent, aBound;
- // use the full extent of the control
- Rectangle aArea( aPoint, pBorder->GetOutputSizePixel() );
- if ( GetNativeControlRegion(CTRL_COMBOBOX, PART_BUTTON_DOWN,
- aArea, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString(), aBound, aContent) )
- {
- // convert back from border space to local coordinates
- aPoint = pBorder->ScreenToOutputPixel( OutputToScreenPixel( aPoint ) );
- aContent.Move(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y());
- mpBtn->setPosSizePixel( aContent.Left(), nTop, aContent.getWidth(), (nBottom-nTop) );
- // adjust the size of the edit field
- if ( GetNativeControlRegion(CTRL_COMBOBOX, PART_SUB_EDIT,
- aArea, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString(), aBound, aContent) )
- {
- // convert back from border space to local coordinates
- aContent.Move(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y());
- // use the themes drop down size
- mpSubEdit->SetPosSizePixel( aContent.TopLeft(), aContent.GetSize() );
- }
- else
- {
- // use the themes drop down size for the button
- aOutSz.Width() -= aContent.getWidth();
- mpSubEdit->SetSizePixel( aOutSz );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- long nSBWidth = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
- nSBWidth = CalcZoom( nSBWidth );
- mpSubEdit->SetPosSizePixel( Point( 0, 0 ), Size( aOutSz.Width() - nSBWidth, aOutSz.Height() ) );
- mpBtn->setPosSizePixel( aOutSz.Width() - nSBWidth, nTop, nSBWidth, (nBottom-nTop) );
- }
+ ComboBoxBounds aBounds(calcComboBoxDropDownComponentBounds(aOutSz,
+ GetWindow(WINDOW_BORDER)->GetOutputSizePixel()));
+ mpSubEdit->SetPosSizePixel(aBounds.aSubEditPos, aBounds.aSubEditSize);
+ mpBtn->SetPosSizePixel(aBounds.aButtonPos, aBounds.aButtonSize);
@@ -1106,12 +1066,15 @@ Size ComboBox::CalcMinimumSize() const
aSz.Height() = Edit::CalcMinimumSizeForText(GetText()).Height();
aSz.Width() = mpImplLB->GetMaxEntryWidth();
aSz.Width() += getMaxWidthScrollBarAndDownButton();
+ ComboBoxBounds aBounds(calcComboBoxDropDownComponentBounds(
+ Size(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF), Size(0xFFFF, 0xFFFF)));
+ aSz.Width() += aBounds.aSubEditPos.X()*2;
aSz.Width() += ImplGetExtraOffset() * 2;
- aSz.Width() += mpSubEdit->GetPosPixel().X();
aSz = CalcWindowSize( aSz );
return aSz;
@@ -1529,4 +1492,58 @@ long ComboBox::GetIndexForPoint( const Point& rPoint, sal_uInt16& rPos ) const
return nIndex;
+ComboBox::ComboBoxBounds ComboBox::calcComboBoxDropDownComponentBounds(const Size &rOutSz,
+ const Size &rBorderOutSz) const
+ ComboBoxBounds aBounds;
+ long nTop = 0;
+ long nBottom = rOutSz.Height();
+ Window *pBorder = GetWindow( WINDOW_BORDER );
+ ImplControlValue aControlValue;
+ Point aPoint;
+ Rectangle aContent, aBound;
+ // use the full extent of the control
+ Rectangle aArea( aPoint, rBorderOutSz );
+ if ( GetNativeControlRegion(CTRL_COMBOBOX, PART_BUTTON_DOWN,
+ aArea, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString(), aBound, aContent) )
+ {
+ // convert back from border space to local coordinates
+ aPoint = pBorder->ScreenToOutputPixel( OutputToScreenPixel( aPoint ) );
+ aContent.Move(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y());
+ aBounds.aButtonPos = Point(aContent.Left(), nTop);
+ aBounds.aButtonSize = Size(aContent.getWidth(), (nBottom-nTop));
+ // adjust the size of the edit field
+ if ( GetNativeControlRegion(CTRL_COMBOBOX, PART_SUB_EDIT,
+ aArea, 0, aControlValue, rtl::OUString(), aBound, aContent) )
+ {
+ // convert back from border space to local coordinates
+ aContent.Move(-aPoint.X(), -aPoint.Y());
+ // use the themes drop down size
+ aBounds.aSubEditPos = aContent.TopLeft();
+ aBounds.aSubEditSize = aContent.GetSize();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // use the themes drop down size for the button
+ aBounds.aSubEditSize = Size(rOutSz.Width() - aContent.getWidth(), rOutSz.Height());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long nSBWidth = GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetScrollBarSize();
+ nSBWidth = CalcZoom( nSBWidth );
+ aBounds.aSubEditSize = Size(rOutSz.Width() - nSBWidth, rOutSz.Height());
+ aBounds.aButtonPos = Point(rOutSz.Width() - nSBWidth, nTop);
+ aBounds.aButtonSize = Size(nSBWidth, (nBottom-nTop));
+ }
+ return aBounds;
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