path: root/vcl/win/gdi
diff options
authorTor Lillqvist <>2016-11-16 21:14:00 +0200
committerTor Lillqvist <>2016-11-16 21:32:03 +0200
commit73302ce8b8cb1be588f2fb635b20faa792d5f4f8 (patch)
treed75c1a7a51b2aa0f1c450ff97908e70c5693dfa4 /vcl/win/gdi
parent2a91304bddf3b1a7b788b120e6374cc1fb9ea045 (diff)
Exit GLyphy
Change-Id: Ib84e703d4c1528d022435c7695c97a3fc284563a
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl/win/gdi')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 304 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx b/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx
index f4ead1d845de..671fa3fd0d08 100644
--- a/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx
+++ b/vcl/win/gdi/winlayout.cxx
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
// static initialization
std::unique_ptr<GlobalGlyphCache> GlyphCache::gGlobalGlyphCache(new GlobalGlyphCache);
-GLuint WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram = 0;
inline void WinFontInstance::CacheGlyphWidth( int nCharCode, int nCharWidth )
@@ -964,61 +963,6 @@ void SimpleWinLayout::Simplify( bool /*bIsBase*/ )
mnWidth = mnBaseAdv = 0;
-void WinFontInstance::setupGLyphy(HDC hDC)
- if (mbGLyphySetupCalled)
- return;
- mbGLyphySetupCalled = true;
- // First get the OUTLINETEXTMETRIC to find the font's em unit. Then, to get an unmodified (not
- // grid-fitted) glyph outline, create the font anew at that size. That is as the doc for
- // GetGlyphOutline() suggests.
- if (!GetOutlineTextMetricsW (hDC, sizeof (OUTLINETEXTMETRICW), &aOutlineTextMetric))
- {
- SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "GetOutlineTextMetricsW failed: " << WindowsErrorString(GetLastError()));
- return;
- }
- HFONT hFont = static_cast<HFONT>(GetCurrentObject(hDC, OBJ_FONT));
- LOGFONTW aLogFont;
- GetObjectW(hFont, sizeof(LOGFONTW), &aLogFont);
- HDC hNewDC = GetDC(nullptr);
- if (hNewDC == nullptr)
- {
- SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "GetDC failed: " << WindowsErrorString(GetLastError()));
- return;
- }
- hNewDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hNewDC);
- if (hNewDC == nullptr)
- {
- SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "CreateCompatibleDC failed: " << WindowsErrorString(GetLastError()));
- return;
- }
- aLogFont.lfHeight = aOutlineTextMetric.otmEMSquare;
- hFont = CreateFontIndirectW(&aLogFont);
- if (hFont == nullptr)
- {
- SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "CreateFontIndirectW failed: " << WindowsErrorString(GetLastError()));
- return;
- }
- if (SelectObject(hNewDC, hFont) == nullptr)
- {
- SAL_WARN("vcl.gdi", "SelectObject failed: " << WindowsErrorString(GetLastError()));
- return;
- }
- if (mnGLyphyProgram == 0)
- mnGLyphyProgram = demo_shader_create_program();
- mpGLyphyAtlas = demo_atlas_create(2048, 1024, 64, 8);
- mpGLyphyFont = demo_font_create(hNewDC, mpGLyphyAtlas);
WinLayout::WinLayout(HDC hDC, const WinFontFace& rWFD, WinFontInstance& rWFE, bool bUseOpenGL)
: mhDC( hDC ),
mhFont( static_cast<HFONT>(GetCurrentObject(hDC,OBJ_FONT)) ),
@@ -1348,11 +1292,8 @@ UniscribeLayout::UniscribeLayout(HDC hDC, const WinFontFace& rWinFontData,
mpGlyphs2Chars( nullptr ),
mnMinKashidaWidth( 0 ),
mnMinKashidaGlyph( 0 ),
- mbDisableGlyphInjection( false ),
- mbUseGLyphy( false )
+ mbDisableGlyphInjection( false )
- static bool bUseGLyphy = std::getenv("SAL_USE_GLYPHY") != nullptr;
- mbUseGLyphy = bUseGLyphy;
@@ -2446,246 +2387,20 @@ bool UniscribeLayout::CacheGlyphs(SalGraphics& rGraphics) const
if (!bDoGlyphCaching)
return false;
- if (mbUseGLyphy)
- {
- if (!mrWinFontEntry.mxFontMetric->IsTrueTypeFont())
- return false;
- mrWinFontEntry.setupGLyphy(mhDC);
- for (int i = 0; i < mnGlyphCount; i++)
- {
- if (mpOutGlyphs[i] == DROPPED_OUTGLYPH)
- continue;
- glyph_info_t aGI;
- VCL_GL_INFO("Calling demo_font_lookup_glyph");
- demo_font_lookup_glyph( mrWinFontEntry.mpGLyphyFont, mpOutGlyphs[i], &aGI );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < mnGlyphCount; i++)
- {
- int nCodePoint = mpOutGlyphs[i];
- if (!mrWinFontEntry.GetGlyphCache().IsGlyphCached(nCodePoint))
- {
- if (!mrWinFontEntry.CacheGlyphToAtlas(true, nCodePoint, *this, rGraphics))
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool UniscribeLayout::DrawCachedGlyphsUsingGLyphy(SalGraphics& rGraphics) const
- WinSalGraphics& rWinGraphics = static_cast<WinSalGraphics&>(rGraphics);
- Rectangle aRect;
- GetBoundRect(rGraphics, aRect);
- WinOpenGLSalGraphicsImpl *pImpl = dynamic_cast<WinOpenGLSalGraphicsImpl*>(rWinGraphics.mpImpl.get());
- if (!pImpl)
- return false;
- pImpl->PreDraw();
- rGraphics.GetOpenGLContext()->UseNoProgram();
- glUseProgram( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram );
- demo_atlas_set_uniforms( mrWinFontEntry.mpGLyphyAtlas );
- GLint nLoc;
- nLoc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_debug" );
- glUniform1f( nLoc, 0 );
- nLoc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_contrast" );
- glUniform1f( nLoc, 1 );
- nLoc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_gamma_adjust" );
- glUniform1f( nLoc, 1 );
- nLoc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_outline" );
- glUniform1f( nLoc, GLfloat(false) );
- nLoc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_outline_thickness" );
- glUniform1f( nLoc, 1 );
- nLoc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_boldness" );
- glUniform1f( nLoc, 0 );
- glEnable(GL_BLEND);
-#if 0
- // glyphy-demo sets sRGB on initially, and there it has a perhaps beneficial effect,
- // but doesn't help very much here, if at all
- GLboolean available = false;
- if ((glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB") || glewIsSupported("GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB")) &&
- (glGetBooleanv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB_CAPABLE_EXT, &available), available))
- {
- }
- // FIXME: This code snippet is mostly copied from the one in
- // UniscribeLayout::DrawTextImpl. Should be factored out.
- int nBaseClusterOffset = 0;
- int nBaseGlyphPos = -1;
- for( int nItem = 0; nItem < mnItemCount; ++nItem )
+ for (int i = 0; i < mnGlyphCount; i++)
- const VisualItem& rVisualItem = mpVisualItems[ nItem ];
- // skip if there is nothing to display
- int nMinGlyphPos, nEndGlyphPos;
- if( !GetItemSubrange( rVisualItem, nMinGlyphPos, nEndGlyphPos ) )
- continue;
- if( nBaseGlyphPos < 0 )
- {
- // adjust draw position relative to cluster start
- if( rVisualItem.IsRTL() )
- nBaseGlyphPos = nEndGlyphPos - 1;
- else
- nBaseGlyphPos = nMinGlyphPos;
- int i = mnMinCharPos;
- while( (--i >= rVisualItem.mnMinCharPos)
- && (nBaseGlyphPos == mpLogClusters[i]) )
- nBaseClusterOffset += mpCharWidths[i];
- if( !rVisualItem.IsRTL() )
- nBaseClusterOffset = -nBaseClusterOffset;
- }
- // now draw the matching glyphs in this item
- Point aRelPos( rVisualItem.mnXOffset + nBaseClusterOffset, 0 );
- Point aPos = GetDrawPosition( aRelPos );
- int nAdvance = 0;
- // This has to be in sync with UniscribeLayout::FillDXArray(), so that
- // actual and reported glyph positions (used for e.g. cursor caret
- // positioning) match.
- const int* pGlyphWidths = mpJustifications ? mpJustifications : mpGlyphAdvances;
- double font_size = mrWinFontEntry.maFontSelData.mfExactHeight; // ???
- // font_size = 1; // ???
- std::vector<glyph_vertex_t> vertices;
- for (int i = nMinGlyphPos; i < nEndGlyphPos; i++)
- {
- // Ignore dropped glyphs.
- if (mpOutGlyphs[i] == DROPPED_OUTGLYPH)
- continue;
- // Total crack
- glyphy_point_t pt;
- pt.x = nAdvance + aPos.X() + mpGlyphOffsets[i].du;
- pt.y = aPos.Y() + mpGlyphOffsets[i].dv;
- glyph_info_t gi;
- demo_font_lookup_glyph( mrWinFontEntry.mpGLyphyFont, mpOutGlyphs[i], &gi );
- demo_shader_add_glyph_vertices( pt, font_size, &gi, &vertices, nullptr );
- nAdvance += pGlyphWidths[i];
- }
- GLfloat mat[16];
- m4LoadIdentity( mat );
- GLint viewport[4];
- glGetIntegerv( GL_VIEWPORT, viewport );
- double width = viewport[2];
- double height = viewport[3];
-#if 0
- // Based on demo_view_apply_transform(). I don't really understand it.
- // No scaling, no translation needed here
- // Perspective (but why would we want that in LO; it's needed in glyphy-demo because there
- // you can rotate the "sheet" the text is drawn on)
+ int nCodePoint = mpOutGlyphs[i];
+ if (!mrWinFontEntry.GetGlyphCache().IsGlyphCached(nCodePoint))
- double d = std::max( width, height );
- double near = d / 4;
- double far = near + d;
- double factor = near / (2 * near + d);
- m4Frustum( mat, -width * factor, width * factor, -height * factor, height * factor, near, far );
- m4Translate( mat, 0, 0, -(near + d * 0.5) );
+ if (!mrWinFontEntry.CacheGlyphToAtlas(true, nCodePoint, *this, rGraphics))
+ return false;
- // No rotation here
- // Fix 'up'
- m4Scale( mat, 1, -1, 1 );
- // Foo
- // m4Scale( mat, 0.5, 0.5, 1 );
- // The "Center buffer" part in demo_view_display()
- m4Translate( mat, width/2, height/2, 0 );
- // Crack that just happens to show something (even if not completely in correct location) in
- // some cases, but not all. I don't understand why.
- double scale = std::max( 2/width, 2/height );
- m4Scale( mat, scale, -scale, 1);
- m4Translate( mat, -width/2, -height/2, 0 );
- GLuint u_matViewProjection_loc = glGetUniformLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "u_matViewProjection" );
- glUniformMatrix4fv( u_matViewProjection_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, mat );
- GLuint a_glyph_vertex_loc = glGetAttribLocation( WinFontInstance::mnGLyphyProgram, "a_glyph_vertex" );
- GLuint buf_name;
- glGenBuffers( 1, &buf_name );
- glBindBuffer( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf_name );
- glBufferData( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glyph_vertex_t) * vertices.size(), &vertices[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW );
- glEnableVertexAttribArray( a_glyph_vertex_loc );
- glVertexAttribPointer( a_glyph_vertex_loc, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(glyph_vertex_t), nullptr );
- glDrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLES, 0, vertices.size() );
- glDisableVertexAttribArray( a_glyph_vertex_loc );
- glDeleteBuffers( 1, &buf_name );
- pImpl->PostDraw();
return true;
-bool UniscribeLayout::DrawCachedGlyphsUsingTextures(SalGraphics& rGraphics) const
+bool UniscribeLayout::DrawCachedGlyphs(SalGraphics& rGraphics) const
WinSalGraphics& rWinGraphics = static_cast<WinSalGraphics&>(rGraphics);
HDC hDC = rWinGraphics.getHDC();
@@ -2781,14 +2496,6 @@ bool UniscribeLayout::DrawCachedGlyphsUsingTextures(SalGraphics& rGraphics) cons
return true;
-bool UniscribeLayout::DrawCachedGlyphs(SalGraphics& rGraphics) const
- if (mbUseGLyphy)
- return DrawCachedGlyphsUsingGLyphy(rGraphics);
- else
- return DrawCachedGlyphsUsingTextures( rGraphics );
DeviceCoordinate UniscribeLayout::FillDXArray( DeviceCoordinate* pDXArray ) const
// calculate width of the complete layout
@@ -3962,15 +3669,11 @@ WinFontInstance::WinFontInstance( FontSelectPattern& rFSD )
: LogicalFontInstance( rFSD )
, mpKerningPairs( nullptr )
, mnKerningPairs( -1 )
-, mpGLyphyAtlas( nullptr )
-, mpGLyphyFont( nullptr )
, maWidthMap( 512 )
, mnMinKashidaWidth( -1 )
, mnMinKashidaGlyph( -1 )
maScriptCache = nullptr;
- mpGLyphyFont = nullptr;
- mbGLyphySetupCalled = false;