path: root/vcl
diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2017-03-22 11:21:33 +0000
committerAndras Timar <>2017-03-30 12:43:02 +0200
commit9f98c21dc7af8c8d77d5914a74f167f71691cf68 (patch)
tree69a8dc4cf833dfa0062c29d57b0015436b3677e5 /vcl
parentda7740596a35c93f7813d02afad0f6e4d114f340 (diff)
Resolves: tdf#106645 gtk3 scrollbar is too wide
Change-Id: I4041dff0945c4bd34e085078a7130b637124c6cd (cherry picked from commit aa5d6f5acbab12b1ba76365f776ba228ba5e7e0e) Related: tdf#106645 make gtk3 scrollbar themes with arrows work properly, e.g. breeze-dark has arrows Change-Id: Ic59c0de3fb385adc2f8fddc605edd7498230d5fb (cherry picked from commit 9b7c35b4b7fd5a5347a3602f110d78e1019a54e9) Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jenkins <> Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <> (cherry picked from commit 97a036e5a4b410b3f260a27566c695ac801b7ffb)
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl')
1 files changed, 429 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx b/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
index 729b6f500323..c8be8916e9d4 100644
--- a/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
+++ b/vcl/unx/gtk3/gtk3salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
@@ -216,31 +216,42 @@ Rectangle GtkSalGraphics::NWGetSpinButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAre
return partRect;
-Rectangle GtkSalGraphics::NWGetScrollButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect )
- GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarStyle = nullptr;
- if ((nPart == ControlPart::ButtonLeft) || (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonRight))
- pScrollbarStyle = mpHScrollbarStyle;
- else // (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonUp) || (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown)
- pScrollbarStyle = mpVScrollbarStyle;
+ void QuerySize(GtkStyleContext *pContext, Size &rSize)
+ {
+ GtkBorder margin, border, padding;
- gint slider_width;
- gint stepper_size;
- gint stepper_spacing;
- gint trough_border;
+ gtk_style_context_get_margin(pContext, gtk_style_context_get_state(pContext), &margin);
+ gtk_style_context_get_border(pContext, gtk_style_context_get_state(pContext), &border);
+ gtk_style_context_get_padding(pContext, gtk_style_context_get_state(pContext), &padding);
- // Grab some button style attributes
- gtk_style_context_get_style( pScrollbarStyle,
- "slider-width", &slider_width,
- "stepper-size", &stepper_size,
- "trough-border", &trough_border,
- "stepper-spacing", &stepper_spacing, nullptr );
+ int nMinWidth, nMinHeight;
+ gtk_style_context_get(pContext, gtk_style_context_get_state(pContext),
+ "min-width", &nMinWidth, "min-height", &nMinHeight, nullptr);
+ nMinWidth += margin.left + margin.right + border.left + border.right + padding.left + padding.right;
+ nMinHeight += + margin.bottom + + border.bottom + + padding.bottom;
+ rSize = Size(std::max<long>(rSize.Width(), nMinWidth), std::max<long>(rSize.Height(), nMinHeight));
+ }
+Rectangle GtkSalGraphics::NWGetScrollButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect )
+ Rectangle buttonRect;
gboolean has_forward;
gboolean has_forward2;
gboolean has_backward;
gboolean has_backward2;
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarStyle = nullptr;
+ if ((nPart == ControlPart::ButtonLeft) || (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonRight))
+ pScrollbarStyle = mpHScrollbarStyle;
+ else // (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonUp) || (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown)
+ pScrollbarStyle = mpVScrollbarStyle;
gtk_style_context_get_style( pScrollbarStyle,
"has-forward-stepper", &has_forward,
"has-secondary-forward-stepper", &has_forward2,
@@ -248,7 +259,6 @@ Rectangle GtkSalGraphics::NWGetScrollButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aA
"has-secondary-backward-stepper", &has_backward2, nullptr );
gint buttonWidth;
gint buttonHeight;
- Rectangle buttonRect;
gint nFirst = 0;
gint nSecond = 0;
@@ -258,6 +268,64 @@ Rectangle GtkSalGraphics::NWGetScrollButtonRect( ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aA
if ( has_backward ) nFirst += 1;
if ( has_backward2 ) nSecond += 1;
+ if (gtk_check_version(3, 20, 0) == nullptr)
+ {
+ Size aSize;
+ if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonLeft || nPart == ControlPart::ButtonRight)
+ {
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarContentsStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarButtonStyle, aSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarContentsStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarButtonStyle, aSize);
+ }
+ if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonUp)
+ {
+ aSize.Height() *= nFirst;
+ buttonRect.setX(aAreaRect.Left());
+ buttonRect.setY(aAreaRect.Top());
+ }
+ else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonLeft)
+ {
+ aSize.Width() *= nFirst;
+ buttonRect.setX(aAreaRect.Left());
+ buttonRect.setY(aAreaRect.Top());
+ }
+ else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown)
+ {
+ aSize.Height() *= nSecond;
+ buttonRect.setX(aAreaRect.Left());
+ buttonRect.setY(aAreaRect.Top() + aAreaRect.GetHeight() - aSize.Height());
+ }
+ else if (nPart == ControlPart::ButtonRight)
+ {
+ aSize.Width() *= nSecond;
+ buttonRect.setX(aAreaRect.Left() + aAreaRect.GetWidth() - aSize.Width());
+ buttonRect.setY(aAreaRect.Top());
+ }
+ buttonRect.SetSize(aSize);
+ return buttonRect;
+ }
+ gint slider_width;
+ gint stepper_size;
+ gint stepper_spacing;
+ gint trough_border;
+ // Grab some button style attributes
+ gtk_style_context_get_style( pScrollbarStyle,
+ "slider-width", &slider_width,
+ "stepper-size", &stepper_size,
+ "trough-border", &trough_border,
+ "stepper-spacing", &stepper_spacing, nullptr );
if ( ( nPart == ControlPart::ButtonUp ) || ( nPart == ControlPart::ButtonDown ) )
buttonWidth = slider_width + 2 * trough_border;
@@ -369,6 +437,327 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::PaintScrollbar(GtkStyleContext *context,
ControlPart nPart,
const ImplControlValue& rValue )
+ if (gtk_check_version(3, 20, 0) == nullptr)
+ {
+ assert(rValue.getType() == ControlType::Scrollbar);
+ const ScrollbarValue& rScrollbarVal = static_cast<const ScrollbarValue&>(rValue);
+ Rectangle scrollbarRect;
+ GtkStateFlags stateFlags;
+ GtkOrientation scrollbarOrientation;
+ Rectangle thumbRect = rScrollbarVal.maThumbRect;
+ Rectangle button11BoundRect = rScrollbarVal.maButton1Rect; // backward
+ Rectangle button22BoundRect = rScrollbarVal.maButton2Rect; // forward
+ Rectangle button12BoundRect = rScrollbarVal.maButton1Rect; // secondary forward
+ Rectangle button21BoundRect = rScrollbarVal.maButton2Rect; // secondary backward
+ gdouble arrow1Angle; // backward
+ gdouble arrow2Angle; // forward
+ Rectangle arrowRect;
+ gint slider_width = 0;
+ gint stepper_size = 0;
+ // make controlvalue rectangles relative to area
+ thumbRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
+ button11BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
+ button22BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
+ button12BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
+ button21BoundRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
+ // Find the overall bounding rect of the control
+ scrollbarRect = rControlRectangle;
+ if (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() <= 0 || scrollbarRect.GetHeight() <= 0)
+ return;
+ gint slider_side;
+ Size aSize;
+ if (nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz)
+ {
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarContentsStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarTroughStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarSliderStyle, aSize);
+ slider_side = aSize.Height();
+ gtk_style_context_get(mpHScrollbarButtonStyle,
+ gtk_style_context_get_state(mpHScrollbarButtonStyle),
+ "min-height", &slider_width,
+ "min-width", &stepper_size, nullptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarContentsStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarTroughStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpVScrollbarSliderStyle, aSize);
+ slider_side = aSize.Width();
+ gtk_style_context_get(mpVScrollbarButtonStyle,
+ gtk_style_context_get_state(mpVScrollbarButtonStyle),
+ "min-width", &slider_width,
+ "min-height", &stepper_size, nullptr);
+ }
+ gboolean has_forward;
+ gboolean has_forward2;
+ gboolean has_backward;
+ gboolean has_backward2;
+ gtk_style_context_get_style( context,
+ "has-forward-stepper", &has_forward,
+ "has-secondary-forward-stepper", &has_forward2,
+ "has-backward-stepper", &has_backward,
+ "has-secondary-backward-stepper", &has_backward2, nullptr );
+ if ( nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz )
+ {
+ // Center vertically in the track
+ scrollbarRect.Move( 0, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_side) / 2 );
+ scrollbarRect.SetSize( Size( scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), slider_side ) );
+ thumbRect.Move( 0, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_side) / 2 );
+ thumbRect.SetSize( Size( thumbRect.GetWidth(), slider_side ) );
+ scrollbarOrientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
+ arrow1Angle = G_PI * 3 / 2;
+ arrow2Angle = G_PI / 2;
+ if ( has_backward )
+ {
+ button12BoundRect.Move( stepper_size,
+ (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
+ }
+ button11BoundRect.Move( 0, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
+ button11BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
+ button12BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
+ if ( has_backward2 )
+ {
+ button22BoundRect.Move( stepper_size, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
+ button21BoundRect.Move( 0, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ button22BoundRect.Move( 0, (scrollbarRect.GetHeight() - slider_width) / 2 );
+ }
+ button21BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
+ button22BoundRect.SetSize( Size( stepper_size, slider_width ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Center horizontally in the track
+ scrollbarRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_side) / 2, 0 );
+ scrollbarRect.SetSize( Size( slider_side, scrollbarRect.GetHeight() ) );
+ thumbRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_side) / 2, 0 );
+ thumbRect.SetSize( Size( slider_side, thumbRect.GetHeight() ) );
+ scrollbarOrientation = GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL;
+ arrow1Angle = 0;
+ arrow2Angle = G_PI;
+ if ( has_backward )
+ {
+ button12BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2,
+ stepper_size );
+ }
+ button11BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, 0 );
+ button11BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
+ button12BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
+ if ( has_backward2 )
+ {
+ button22BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, stepper_size );
+ button21BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ button22BoundRect.Move( (scrollbarRect.GetWidth() - slider_width) / 2, 0 );
+ }
+ button21BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
+ button22BoundRect.SetSize( Size( slider_width, stepper_size ) );
+ }
+ bool has_slider = ( thumbRect.GetWidth() > 0 && thumbRect.GetHeight() > 0 );
+ // ----------------- CONTENTS
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarContentsStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarContentsStyle : mpHScrollbarContentsStyle;
+ gtk_render_background(gtk_widget_get_style_context(gCacheWindow), cr, 0, 0,
+ scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_background(context, cr, 0, 0,
+ scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(context, cr, 0, 0,
+ scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarContentsStyle, cr, 0, 0,
+ scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarContentsStyle, cr, 0, 0,
+ scrollbarRect.GetWidth(), scrollbarRect.GetHeight() );
+ bool backwardButtonInsensitive =
+ rScrollbarVal.mnCur == rScrollbarVal.mnMin;
+ bool forwardButtonInsensitive = rScrollbarVal.mnMax == 0 ||
+ rScrollbarVal.mnCur + rScrollbarVal.mnVisibleSize >= rScrollbarVal.mnMax;
+ // ----------------- BUTTON 1
+ if ( has_backward )
+ {
+ stateFlags = NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState(rScrollbarVal.mnButton1State);
+ if ( backwardButtonInsensitive )
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarButtonStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarButtonStyle : mpHScrollbarButtonStyle;
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(pScrollbarButtonStyle, stateFlags);
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button11BoundRect.Left(), button11BoundRect.Top(),
+ button11BoundRect.GetWidth(), button11BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button11BoundRect.Left(), button11BoundRect.Top(),
+ button11BoundRect.GetWidth(), button11BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ // ----------------- ARROW 1
+ NWCalcArrowRect( button11BoundRect, arrowRect );
+ gtk_render_arrow(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ arrow1Angle,
+ arrowRect.Left(), arrowRect.Top(),
+ MIN(arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight()) );
+ }
+ if ( has_forward2 )
+ {
+ stateFlags = NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState(rScrollbarVal.mnButton2State);
+ if ( forwardButtonInsensitive )
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarButtonStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarButtonStyle : mpHScrollbarButtonStyle;
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(pScrollbarButtonStyle, stateFlags);
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button12BoundRect.Left(), button12BoundRect.Top(),
+ button12BoundRect.GetWidth(), button12BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button12BoundRect.Left(), button12BoundRect.Top(),
+ button12BoundRect.GetWidth(), button12BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ // ----------------- ARROW 1
+ NWCalcArrowRect( button12BoundRect, arrowRect );
+ gtk_render_arrow(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ arrow2Angle,
+ arrowRect.Left(), arrowRect.Top(),
+ MIN(arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight()) );
+ }
+ // ----------------- BUTTON 2
+ if ( has_forward )
+ {
+ stateFlags = NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState(rScrollbarVal.mnButton2State);
+ if ( forwardButtonInsensitive )
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarButtonStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarButtonStyle : mpHScrollbarButtonStyle;
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(pScrollbarButtonStyle, stateFlags);
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button22BoundRect.Left(), button22BoundRect.Top(),
+ button22BoundRect.GetWidth(), button22BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button22BoundRect.Left(), button22BoundRect.Top(),
+ button22BoundRect.GetWidth(), button22BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ // ----------------- ARROW 2
+ NWCalcArrowRect( button22BoundRect, arrowRect );
+ gtk_render_arrow(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ arrow2Angle,
+ arrowRect.Left(), arrowRect.Top(),
+ MIN(arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight()) );
+ }
+ if ( has_backward2 )
+ {
+ stateFlags = NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState(rScrollbarVal.mnButton1State);
+ if ( backwardButtonInsensitive )
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarButtonStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarButtonStyle : mpHScrollbarButtonStyle;
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(pScrollbarButtonStyle, stateFlags);
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button21BoundRect.Left(), button21BoundRect.Top(),
+ button21BoundRect.GetWidth(), button21BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ button21BoundRect.Left(), button21BoundRect.Top(),
+ button21BoundRect.GetWidth(), button21BoundRect.GetHeight() );
+ // ----------------- ARROW 2
+ NWCalcArrowRect( button21BoundRect, arrowRect );
+ gtk_render_arrow(pScrollbarButtonStyle, cr,
+ arrow1Angle,
+ arrowRect.Left(), arrowRect.Top(),
+ MIN(arrowRect.GetWidth(), arrowRect.GetHeight()) );
+ }
+ // ----------------- TROUGH
+ // trackrect matches that of ScrollBar::ImplCalc
+ Rectangle aTrackRect(Point(0, 0), scrollbarRect.GetSize());
+ if (nPart == ControlPart::DrawBackgroundHorz)
+ {
+ Rectangle aBtn1Rect = NWGetScrollButtonRect(ControlPart::ButtonLeft, aTrackRect);
+ Rectangle aBtn2Rect = NWGetScrollButtonRect(ControlPart::ButtonRight, aTrackRect);
+ aTrackRect.Left() = aBtn1Rect.Right();
+ aTrackRect.Right() = aBtn2Rect.Left();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Rectangle aBtn1Rect = NWGetScrollButtonRect(ControlPart::ButtonUp, aTrackRect);
+ Rectangle aBtn2Rect = NWGetScrollButtonRect(ControlPart::ButtonDown, aTrackRect);
+ aTrackRect.Top() = aBtn1Rect.Bottom() + 1;
+ aTrackRect.Bottom() = aBtn2Rect.Top();
+ }
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarTroughStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarTroughStyle : mpHScrollbarTroughStyle;
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarTroughStyle, cr, aTrackRect.Left(), aTrackRect.Top(),
+ aTrackRect.GetWidth(), aTrackRect.GetHeight() );
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarTroughStyle, cr, aTrackRect.Left(), aTrackRect.Top(),
+ aTrackRect.GetWidth(), aTrackRect.GetHeight() );
+ // ----------------- THUMB
+ if ( has_slider )
+ {
+ stateFlags = NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState(rScrollbarVal.mnThumbState);
+ if ( rScrollbarVal.mnThumbState & ControlState::PRESSED )
+ stateFlags = (GtkStateFlags) (stateFlags | GTK_STATE_PRELIGHT);
+ GtkStyleContext* pScrollbarSliderStyle = scrollbarOrientation == GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL ?
+ mpVScrollbarSliderStyle : mpHScrollbarSliderStyle;
+ gtk_style_context_set_state(pScrollbarSliderStyle, stateFlags);
+ GtkBorder margin;
+ gtk_style_context_get_margin(pScrollbarSliderStyle, stateFlags, &margin);
+ gtk_render_background(pScrollbarSliderStyle, cr,
+ thumbRect.Left() + margin.left, thumbRect.Top() +,
+ thumbRect.GetWidth() - margin.left - margin.right,
+ thumbRect.GetHeight() - - margin.bottom);
+ gtk_render_frame(pScrollbarSliderStyle, cr,
+ thumbRect.Left() + margin.left, thumbRect.Top() +,
+ thumbRect.GetWidth() - margin.left - margin.right,
+ thumbRect.GetHeight() - - margin.bottom);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
OSL_ASSERT( rValue.getType() == ControlType::Scrollbar );
const ScrollbarValue& rScrollbarVal = static_cast<const ScrollbarValue&>(rValue);
@@ -2725,18 +3114,28 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
// set scrollbar settings
- gint slider_width = 14;
- gint trough_border = 1;
gint min_slider_length = 21;
// Grab some button style attributes
- gtk_style_context_get_style(mpVScrollbarStyle,
- "slider-width", &slider_width,
- "trough-border", &trough_border,
- nullptr);
- aStyleSet.SetScrollBarSize(slider_width + 2*trough_border);
if (gtk_check_version(3, 20, 0) == nullptr)
+ Size aSize;
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarContentsStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarTroughStyle, aSize);
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarSliderStyle, aSize);
+ gboolean has_forward, has_forward2, has_backward, has_backward2;
+ gtk_style_context_get_style(mpHScrollbarStyle,
+ "has-forward-stepper", &has_forward,
+ "has-secondary-forward-stepper", &has_forward2,
+ "has-backward-stepper", &has_backward,
+ "has-secondary-backward-stepper", &has_backward2, nullptr);
+ if (has_forward || has_backward || has_forward2 || has_backward2)
+ QuerySize(mpHScrollbarButtonStyle, aSize);
+ aStyleSet.SetScrollBarSize(aSize.Height());
gtk_style_context_get(mpVScrollbarSliderStyle, gtk_style_context_get_state(mpVScrollbarSliderStyle),
"min-height", &min_slider_length,
@@ -2744,9 +3143,15 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
+ gint slider_width = 14;
+ gint trough_border = 1;
+ "slider-width", &slider_width,
+ "trough-border", &trough_border,
"min-slider-length", &min_slider_length,
+ aStyleSet.SetScrollBarSize(slider_width + 2*trough_border);
gint magic = trough_border ? 1 : 0;
aStyleSet.SetMinThumbSize(min_slider_length - magic);