path: root/vcl
diff options
authorCaolán McNamara <>2013-01-10 10:12:13 +0000
committerCaolán McNamara <>2013-01-10 12:24:45 +0000
commitcc28bdc494d59181db58ade3bbafab3dc91c40a7 (patch)
tree9e2a696b1c6c3fccfb7befea833844237e06ddb3 /vcl
parent1a87393fbb65416b8b50f62f21f871e7f07e3d90 (diff)
split scrolling support for internal/external scrolling support
so for widgets that support their own scrolling we throw away the intermediate scrolling widget and for widgets that don't we retain it. Change-Id: I12444bcf1c6c5b51469ef75f0011ce0d965ebc62
Diffstat (limited to 'vcl')
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/vcl/inc/vcl/builder.hxx b/vcl/inc/vcl/builder.hxx
index ebda42791e52..cba973846ac1 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/vcl/builder.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/vcl/builder.hxx
@@ -250,6 +250,9 @@ private:
PackingData get_window_packing_data(const Window *pWindow) const;
void set_window_packing_position(const Window *pWindow, sal_Int32 nPosition);
+ Window* prepareWidgetOwnScrolling(Window *pParent, WinBits &rWinStyle);
+ void cleanupWidgetOwnScrolling(Window *pScrollParent, Window *pWindow, stringmap &rMap);
//Helpers to retrofit all the existing code to the builder
static void reorderWithinParent(Window &rWindow, sal_uInt16 nNewPosition);
diff --git a/vcl/source/window/builder.cxx b/vcl/source/window/builder.cxx
index 472eed38199a..e9e427ec113c 100644
--- a/vcl/source/window/builder.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/window/builder.cxx
@@ -702,6 +702,33 @@ bool VclBuilder::extractImage(const OString &id, stringmap &rMap)
return false;
+Window* VclBuilder::prepareWidgetOwnScrolling(Window *pParent, WinBits &rWinStyle)
+ //For Widgets that manage their own scrolling, if one appears as a child of
+ //a scrolling window shoehorn that scrolling settings to this widget and
+ //return the real parent to use
+ if (pParent && pParent->GetType() == WINDOW_SCROLLWINDOW)
+ {
+ WinBits nScrollBits = pParent->GetStyle();
+ rWinStyle |= nScrollBits;
+ pParent = pParent->GetParent();
+ }
+ return pParent;
+void VclBuilder::cleanupWidgetOwnScrolling(Window *pScrollParent, Window *pWindow, stringmap &rMap)
+ //remove the redundant scrolling parent
+ sal_Int32 nWidthReq = pScrollParent->get_width_request();
+ rMap[OString("width-request")] = OString::valueOf(nWidthReq);
+ sal_Int32 nHeightReq = pScrollParent->get_height_request();
+ rMap[OString("height-request")] = OString::valueOf(nHeightReq);
+ m_pParserState->m_aRedundantParentWidgets[pScrollParent] = pWindow;
extern "C" { static void SAL_CALL thisModule() {} }
@@ -895,7 +922,12 @@ Window *VclBuilder::makeObject(Window *pParent, const OString &name, const OStri
// everything over to SvTreeViewBox
//d) remove the users of makeSvTreeViewBox
extractModel(id, rMap);
- pWindow = new ListBox(pParent, WB_LEFT|WB_VCENTER|WB_3DLOOK|WB_SIMPLEMODE);
+ //ListBox manages its own scrolling,
+ Window *pRealParent = prepareWidgetOwnScrolling(pParent, nWinStyle);
+ pWindow = new ListBox(pRealParent, nWinStyle);
+ if (pRealParent != pParent)
+ cleanupWidgetOwnScrolling(pParent, pWindow, rMap);
else if (name == "GtkLabel")
@@ -957,32 +989,11 @@ Window *VclBuilder::makeObject(Window *pParent, const OString &name, const OStri
extractBuffer(id, rMap);
WinBits nWinStyle = WB_LEFT | WB_BORDER;
- //VclMultiLineEdit manage their own scrolling,
- //so if it appears as a child of a scrolling window
- //shoehorn that scrolling settings to this
- //widget and remove the parent
- Window *pScrollParent = NULL;
- if (pParent && pParent->GetType() == WINDOW_SCROLLWINDOW)
- {
- WinBits nScrollBits = pParent->GetStyle();
- nWinStyle |= nScrollBits;
- pScrollParent = pParent;
- pParent = pParent->GetParent();
- }
- pWindow = new VclMultiLineEdit(pParent, nWinStyle);
- if (pScrollParent)
- {
- sal_Int32 nWidthReq = pScrollParent->get_width_request();
- rMap[OString("width-request")] = OString::valueOf(nWidthReq);
- sal_Int32 nHeightReq = pScrollParent->get_height_request();
- rMap[OString("height-request")] = OString::valueOf(nHeightReq);
- m_pParserState->m_aRedundantParentWidgets[pScrollParent] = pWindow;
- }
+ //VclMultiLineEdit manages its own scrolling,
+ Window *pRealParent = prepareWidgetOwnScrolling(pParent, nWinStyle);
+ pWindow = new VclMultiLineEdit(pRealParent, nWinStyle);
+ if (pRealParent != pParent)
+ cleanupWidgetOwnScrolling(pParent, pWindow, rMap);
@@ -1892,8 +1903,12 @@ void VclBuilder::applyPackingProperty(Window *pCurrent,
if (pCurrent->GetType() == WINDOW_SCROLLWINDOW)
- pCurrent = m_pParserState->m_aRedundantParentWidgets[pCurrent];
- assert(pCurrent);
+ std::map<Window*, Window*>::iterator aFind = m_pParserState->m_aRedundantParentWidgets.find(pCurrent);
+ if (aFind != m_pParserState->m_aRedundantParentWidgets.end())
+ {
+ pCurrent = aFind->second;
+ assert(pCurrent);
+ }
while (reader.nextAttribute(&nsId, &name))