path: root/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
diff options
authorJean-Pierre Ledure <>2016-12-24 16:27:22 +0100
committerJean-Pierre Ledure <>2017-01-12 11:40:49 +0100
commit92608b890928b6d10931f4aad3385bb87284181d (patch)
tree8fc002080d7cb1beee902d7cead925d1aece28a0 /wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
parent9017bcc76bd27b97c065dacf511f7fcdfe3060cb (diff)
Access2Base - Addition of Module object
New Module Basic module New AllModules() collection in Application module Extension of regex to backward searches Change-Id: Id58f3b29d08e9f0b73e192cfc0c2a99988e73fcf
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
index 19a872007f9f..037d54b5091e 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Application.xba
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Global Const ERRSQLSTATEMENT = 1523
Global Const ERROPENOBJECT = 1525
Global Const ERRCLOSEOBJECT = 1526
+Global Const ERRMETHOD = 1527
Global Const ERRACTION = 1528
Global Const ERRSENDMAIL = 1529
Global Const ERRFORMYETOPEN = 1530
@@ -74,6 +75,8 @@ Global Const ERRSUBFORMNOTFOUND = 1553
Global Const ERRWINDOW = 1554
Global Const ERRCOMPATIBILITY = 1555
Global Const ERRPRECISION = 1556
+Global Const ERRMODULENOTFOUND = 1557
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const DBCONNECTBASE = 1 &apos; Connection from Base document (OpenConnection)
@@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ Global Const DBMS_SQLITE = 8
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global Const COLLALLDIALOGS = &quot;ALLDIALOGS&quot;
Global Const COLLALLFORMS = &quot;ALLFORMS&quot;
+Global Const COLLALLMODULES = &quot;ALLMODULES&quot;
Global Const COLLCONTROLS = &quot;CONTROLS&quot;
@@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ Global Const OBJDIALOG = &quot;DIALOG&quot;
Global Const OBJEVENT = &quot;EVENT&quot;
Global Const OBJFIELD = &quot;FIELD&quot;
Global Const OBJFORM = &quot;FORM&quot;
+Global Const OBJMODULE = &quot;MODULE&quot;
Global Const OBJPROPERTY = &quot;PROPERTY&quot;
Global Const OBJQUERYDEF = &quot;QUERYDEF&quot;
@@ -160,6 +165,10 @@ Global Const CTLPARENTISGRID = &quot;GRID&quot;
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Global Const MODDOCUMENT = &quot;DOCUMENT&quot;
+Global Const MODGLOBAL = &quot;GLOBAL&quot;
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type DocContainer
Document As Object &apos; or SwXTextDocument or ScModelObj
Active As Boolean
@@ -205,9 +214,11 @@ Const cstSepar = &quot;!&quot;
Set oMacLibraries = DialogLibraries
vMacLibraries = oMacLibraries.getElementNames()
&apos;Remove Access2Base from the list
- For i = 0 To UBound(vMacLibraries)
- If Left(vMacLibraries(i), 11) = &quot;Access2Base&quot; Then vMacLibraries(i) = &quot;&quot;
- Next i
+ If _A2B_.ExcludeA2B Then
+ For i = 0 To UBound(vMacLibraries)
+ If Left(vMacLibraries(i), 11) = &quot;Access2Base&quot; Then vMacLibraries(i) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next i
+ End If
vMacLibraries = Utils._TrimArray(vMacLibraries)
If UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) &lt; 0 Then &apos; No library
@@ -394,6 +405,149 @@ Error_Function:
End Function &apos; AllForms V0.9.0
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function AllModules(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant, ByVal Optional pbAllModules As Boolean) As Variant
+&apos; Return either a Collection or a Module object
+&apos; The modules are selected only if library is loaded
+&apos; (UNPUBLISHED) pbAllModules = False collects only the modules located in the currently open document
+ If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
+Const cstThisSub = &quot;AllModules&quot;
+ Utils._SetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
+Dim iMode As Integer, vModules() As Variant, i As Integer, j As Integer, iCount As Integer
+Dim oMacLibraries As Object, vAllModules As Variant, oLibrary As Object, vNames() As Variant, bFound As Boolean
+Dim sScript As String, sLibrary As String, oDocLibraries As Object, sStorage As String
+Dim vLibraries() As Variant, vMacLibraries() As Variant, vDocLibraries() As Variant, oDocMacLib As Object
+Const cstCount = 0, cstByIndex = 1, cstByName = 2
+Const cstDot = &quot;.&quot;
+ If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
+ iMode = cstCount
+ Else
+ If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, 1, Utils._AddNumeric(vbString)) Then Goto Exit_Function
+ If VarType(pvIndex) = vbString Then
+ iMode = cstByName
+ &apos; Dtermine full name STORAGE.LIBRARY.MODULE
+ vNames = Split(pvIndex, cstDot)
+ If UBound(vNames) = 2 Then
+ ElseIf UBound(vNames) = 1 Then
+ pvIndex = MODDOCUMENT &amp; cstDot &amp; pvIndex
+ ElseIf UBound(vNames) = 0 Then
+ pvIndex = MODDOCUMENT &amp; cstDot &amp; &quot;STANDARD&quot; &amp; cstDot &amp; pvIndex
+ Else
+ GoTo Trace_Not_Found
+ End If
+ Else
+ iMode = cstByIndex
+ End If
+ End If
+ If IsMissing(pbAllModules) Then pbAllModules = True
+ If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pbAllModules, 2, vbBoolean) Then Goto Exit_Function
+ Set vAllModules = Nothing
+ Set oDocLibraries = ThisComponent.BasicLibraries
+ vDocLibraries = oDocLibraries.getElementNames()
+ If pbAllModules Then
+ Set oMacLibraries = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries
+ vMacLibraries = oMacLibraries.getElementNames()
+ &apos;Remove Access2Base from the list
+ If _A2B_.ExcludeA2B Then
+ For i = 0 To UBound(vMacLibraries)
+ If Left(vMacLibraries(i), 11) = &quot;Access2Base&quot; Then vMacLibraries(i) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next i
+ End If
+ vMacLibraries = Utils._TrimArray(vMacLibraries)
+ End If
+ If UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) &lt; 0 Then &apos; No library
+ Set vAllModules = New Collect
+ vAllModules._CollType = COLLALLMODULES
+ vAllModules._ParentType = OBJAPPLICATION
+ vAllModules._ParentName = &quot;&quot;
+ vAllModules._Count = 0
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ End If
+ iCount = 0
+ For i = 0 To UBound(vDocLibraries) + UBound(vMacLibraries) + 1
+ bFound = False
+ If i &lt;= UBound(vDocLibraries) Then
+ sLibrary = vDocLibraries(i)
+ sStorage = MODDOCUMENT
+ Set oDocMacLib = oDocLibraries
+ &apos; Sometimes library not loaded as should ??
+ If Not oDocMacLib.IsLibraryLoaded(sLibrary) Then oDocMacLib.loadLibrary(sLibrary)
+ Else
+ sLibrary = vMacLibraries(i - UBound(vDocLibraries) - 1)
+ sStorage = MODGLOBAL
+ Set oDocMacLib = oMacLibraries
+ End If
+ If oDocMacLib.IsLibraryLoaded(sLibrary) Then
+ Set oLibrary = oDocMacLib.getByName(sLibrary)
+ If oLibrary.hasElements() Then
+ vModules = oLibrary.getElementNames()
+ Select Case iMode
+ Case cstCount
+ iCount = iCount + UBound(vModules) + 1
+ Case cstByIndex, cstByName
+ For j = 0 To UBound(vModules)
+ If iMode = cstByIndex Then
+ If pvIndex = iCount Then bFound = True
+ iCount = iCount + 1
+ Else
+ If UCase(pvIndex) = UCase(sStorage &amp; cstDot &amp; sLibrary &amp; cstDot &amp; vModules(j)) Then bFound = True
+ End If
+ If bFound Then
+ sScript = oLibrary.getByName(vModules(j)) &apos; Initiate Module object
+ iCount = i
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next j
+ End Select
+ End If
+ End If
+ If bFound Then Exit For
+ Next i
+ If iMode = cstCount Then
+ Set vAllModules = New Collect
+ vAllModules._CollType = COLLALLMODULES
+ vAllModules._ParentType = OBJAPPLICATION
+ vAllModules._ParentName = &quot;&quot;
+ vAllModules._Count = iCount
+ Else
+ If Not bFound Then
+ If iMode = cstByIndex Then Goto Trace_Error_Index Else Goto Trace_Not_Found
+ End If
+ Set vAllModules = New Module
+ vAllModules._Name = vModules(j)
+ vAllModules._LibraryName = sLibrary
+ Set vAllModules._Library = oLibrary
+ vAllModules._Storage = sStorage
+ vAllModules._Script = sScript
+ vAllModules._Initialize()
+ End If
+ Set AllModules = vAllModules
+ Utils._ResetCalledSub(cstThisSub)
+ Exit Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRMODULENOTFOUND, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , pvIndex)
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
+ Set vModules = Nothing
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, cstThisSub, Erl)
+ Set vModules = Nothing
+ GoTo Exit_Function
+End Function &apos; AllModules V1.7.0
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub CloseConnection ()
&apos; Close all connections established by current document to free memory.