path: root/wizards/source/access2base/OptionGroup.xba
diff options
authorJean-Pierre Ledure <>2013-10-12 10:56:41 +0200
committerLionel Elie Mamane <>2013-10-13 23:28:26 +0000
commit350772317dd0bd226c33b1945f3801fcb146891b (patch)
tree616d7c9c389f1bc95f52094907c137c0c6827c91 /wizards/source/access2base/OptionGroup.xba
parent12b1ca3236aa167c007c6c87e0d2f2d06c495821 (diff)
Access2Base store (wizards + scp2)
License text modified after gerrit review Change-Id: I193d6d1fd477cca4c2880760f21f8d978643f634 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Lionel Elie Mamane <> Tested-by: Lionel Elie Mamane <>
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/access2base/OptionGroup.xba')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/OptionGroup.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/OptionGroup.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4a4b6ae8343d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/OptionGroup.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="OptionGroup" script:language="StarBasic">Option Compatible
+Option ClassModule
+Option Explicit
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Private _Type As String &apos; Must be FORM
+Private _Name As String
+Private _ParentType As String
+Private _ParentComponent As Object
+Private _ButtonsGroup() As Variant
+Private _ButtonsIndex() As Variant
+Private _Count As Long
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Private Sub Class_Initialize()
+ _Name = &quot;&quot;
+ _ParentType = &quot;&quot;
+ _ParentComponent = Nothing
+ _ButtonsGroup = Array()
+ _ButtonsIndex = Array()
+ _Count = 0
+End Sub &apos; Constructor
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+&apos;Private Sub Class_Terminate()
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get Count() As Variant
+ Count = _PropertyGet(&quot;Count&quot;)
+End Property &apos; Count (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get Name() As String
+ Name = _PropertyGet(&quot;Name&quot;)
+End Property &apos; Name (get)
+Public Function pName() As String &apos; For compatibility with &lt; V0.9.0
+ pName = _PropertyGet(&quot;Name&quot;)
+End Function &apos; pName (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get ObjectType() As String
+ ObjectType = _PropertyGet(&quot;ObjectType&quot;)
+End Property &apos; ObjectType (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function Properties(ByVal Optional pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
+&apos; Return
+&apos; a Collection object if pvIndex absent
+&apos; a Property object otherwise
+Dim vProperty As Variant, vPropertiesList() As Variant, sObject As String
+ vPropertiesList = _PropertiesList()
+ sObject = Utils._PCase(_Type)
+ If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then
+ vProperty = PropertiesGet._Properties(sObject, _Name, vPropertiesList)
+ Else
+ vProperty = PropertiesGet._Properties(sObject, _Name, vPropertiesList, pvIndex)
+ vProperty._Value = _PropertyGet(vPropertiesList(pvIndex))
+ End If
+ Set Properties = vProperty
+ Exit Function
+End Function &apos; Properties
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get Value() As Variant
+ Value = _PropertyGet(&quot;Value&quot;)
+End Property &apos; Value (get)
+Property Let Value(ByVal pvValue As Variant)
+ Call _PropertySet(&quot;Value&quot;, pvValue)
+End Property &apos; Value (set)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function Controls(Optional ByVal pvIndex As Variant) As Variant
+&apos; Return a Control object with name or index = pvIndex
+If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
+ Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.Controls&quot;)
+Dim ocControl As Variant, iArgNr As Integer, i As Integer
+ Set ocControl = Nothing
+ If IsMissing(pvIndex) Then &apos; No argument, return Collection object
+ Set oCounter = New Collect
+ oCounter._SubType = OBJCONTROL
+ oCounter._ParentType = OBJOPTIONGROUP
+ oCounter._ParentName = _Name
+ oCounter._Count = _Count
+ Set Controls = oCounter
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ End If
+ If Len(_A2B_.CalledSub) &gt; 12 And Left(_A2B_.CalledSub, 12) = &quot;OptionGroup.&quot; Then iArgNr = 1 Else iArgNr = 2
+ If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvIndex, iArgNr, Utils._AddNumeric()) Then Goto Exit_Function
+ If pvIndex &lt; 0 Or pvIndex &gt; _Count - 1 Then Goto Trace_Error_Index
+ &apos; Start building the ocControl object
+ &apos; Determine exact name
+ Set ocControl = New Control
+ ocControl._ParentType = CTLPARENTISGROUP
+ ocControl._Shortcut = &quot;&quot;
+ For i = 0 To _Count - 1
+ If _ButtonsIndex(i) = pvIndex Then
+ Set ocControl.ControlModel = _ButtonsGroup(i)
+ Select Case _ParentType
+ Case CTLPARENTISDIALOG : ocControl._Name = _ButtonsGroup(i).Name
+ Case Else : ocControl._Name = _Name &apos; OptionGroup and individual radio buttons share the same name
+ End Select
+ ocControl._ImplementationName = ocControl.ControlModel.getImplementationName()
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next i
+ ocControl._FormComponent = _ParentComponent
+ ocControl._ClassId = acRadioButton
+ Select Case _ParentType
+ Case CTLPARENTISDIALOG : Set ocControl.ControlView = _ParentComponent.getControl(ocControl._Name)
+ Case Else : Set ocControl.ControlView = _ParentComponent.CurrentController.getControl(ocControl.ControlModel)
+ End Select
+ ocControl._Initialize()
+ Set Controls = ocControl
+ Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.Controls&quot;)
+ Exit Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRWRONGARGUMENT, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, , 1)
+ Set Controls = Nothing
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRCOLLECTION, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1)
+ Set Controls = Nothing
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;OptionGroup.Controls&quot;, Erl)
+ Set Controls = Nothing
+ GoTo Exit_Function
+End Function &apos; Controls
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function getProperty(Optional ByVal pvProperty As Variant) As Variant
+&apos; Return property value of psProperty property name
+ Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.getProperty&quot;)
+ If IsMissing(pvProperty) Then Call _TraceArguments()
+ getProperty = _PropertyGet(pvProperty)
+ Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.getProperty&quot;)
+End Function &apos; getProperty
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function hasProperty(ByVal Optional pvProperty As Variant) As Boolean
+&apos; Return True if object has a valid property called pvProperty (case-insensitive comparison !)
+ If IsMissing(pvProperty) Then hasProperty = PropertiesGet._hasProperty(_Type, _PropertiesList()) Else hasProperty = PropertiesGet._hasProperty(_Type, _PropertiesList(), pvProperty)
+ Exit Function
+End Function &apos; hasProperty
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function setProperty(ByVal Optional psProperty As String, ByVal Optional pvValue As Variant) As Boolean
+&apos; Return True if property setting OK
+ Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.setProperty&quot;)
+ setProperty = _PropertySet(psProperty, pvValue)
+ Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.setProperty&quot;)
+End Function
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Private Function _PropertiesList() As Variant
+ _PropertiesList = Array(&quot;Count&quot;, &quot;Name&quot;, &quot;ObjectType&quot;, &quot;Value&quot;)
+End Function &apos; _PropertiesList
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Private Function _PropertyGet(ByVal psProperty As String) As Variant
+&apos; Return property value of the psProperty property name
+ If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
+ Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.get&quot; &amp; psProperty)
+Dim oDatabase As Object, vBookmark As Variant, vEMPTY As Variant
+Dim iValue As Integer, i As Integer
+ _PropertyGet = vEMPTY
+ Select Case UCase(psProperty)
+ Case UCase(&quot;Count&quot;)
+ _PropertyGet = _Count
+ Case UCase(&quot;Name&quot;)
+ _PropertyGet = _Name
+ Case UCase(&quot;ObjectType&quot;)
+ _PropertyGet = _Type
+ Case UCase(&quot;Value&quot;)
+ iValue = -1
+ For i = 0 To _Count - 1 &apos; Find the selected RadioButton
+ If _ButtonsGroup(i).State = 1 Then
+ iValue = _ButtonsIndex(i)
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next i
+ _PropertyGet = iValue
+ Case Else
+ Goto Trace_Error
+ End Select
+ Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.get&quot; &amp; psProperty)
+ Exit Function
+ TraceError(TRACEWARNING, ERRPROPERTY, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, psProperty)
+ _PropertyGet = vEMPTY
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRINDEXVALUE, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, psProperty)
+ _PropertyGet = vEMPTY
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;OptionGroup._PropertyGet&quot;, Erl)
+ _PropertyGet = vEMPTY
+ GoTo Exit_Function
+End Function &apos; _PropertyGet
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Private Function _PropertySet(ByVal psProperty As String, ByVal pvValue As Variant) As Boolean
+ Utils._SetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.set&quot; &amp; psProperty)
+ If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error Goto Error_Function
+ _PropertySet = True
+Dim i As Integer, iRadioIndex As Integer, oModel As Object, iArgNr As Integer
+ If Len(_A2B_.CalledSub) &gt; 12 And Left(_A2B_.CalledSub, 12) = &quot;OptionGroup.&quot; Then iArgNr = 1 Else iArgNr = 2
+ Select Case UCase(psProperty)
+ Case UCase(&quot;Value&quot;)
+ If Not Utils._CheckArgument(pvValue, iArgNr, Utils._AddNumeric(), , False) Then Goto Trace_Error_Value
+ If pvValue &lt; 0 Or pvValue &gt; _Count - 1 Then Goto Trace_Error_Value
+ For i = 0 To _Count - 1
+ _ButtonsGroup(i).State = 0
+ If _ButtonsIndex(i) = pvValue Then iRadioIndex = i
+ Next i
+ _ButtonsGroup(iRadioIndex).State = 1
+ Set oModel = _ButtonsGroup(iRadioIndex)
+ If Utils._hasUNOProperty(oModel, &quot;DataField&quot;) Then
+ If Not IsNull(oModel.Datafield) And Not IsEmpty(oModel.Datafield) Then
+ If oModel.Datafield &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; And Utils._hasUNOMethod(oModel, &quot;commit&quot;) Then oModel.commit() &apos; f.i. checkboxes have no commit method ?? [PASTIM]
+ End If
+ End If
+ Case Else
+ Goto Trace_Error
+ End Select
+ Utils._ResetCalledSub(&quot;OptionGroup.set&quot; &amp; psProperty)
+ Exit Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRPROPERTY, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, psProperty)
+ _PropertySet = False
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEFATAL, ERRPROPERTYVALUE, Utils._CalledSub(), 0, 1, Array(pvValue, psProperty))
+ _PropertySet = False
+ Goto Exit_Function
+ TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;OptionGroup._PropertySet&quot;, Erl)
+ _PropertySet = False
+ GoTo Exit_Function
+End Function &apos; _PropertySet
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+REM --- Workaround to bug (LibreOffice 4.0) ---
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Set Value(ByVal pvValue As Variant)
+ Call _PropertySet(&quot;Value&quot;, pvValue)
+End Property &apos; Value (set)
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file