path: root/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
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authorJean-Pierre Ledure <>2016-02-03 12:13:54 +0100
committerJean-Pierre Ledure <>2016-02-03 12:13:54 +0100
commitd8a113841160c571a3f254e73b676994eb940a79 (patch)
tree7b217fde4ab32f4397410e551ed2c958beacac24 /wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
parente9089b4f53c0fef5d0bdcc76add9a43a8c6d81bd (diff)
Access2Base - Wider database support
Support of HSQLDB 2.3 and MySql CLOB and BLOB as database field types Schema and catalog names in tables GetChunk and AppendChunk methods for binary fields The Value property returns the correct binary content of binary fields Change-Id: I0aba80134f9add90f438ac4b7951fce9c1d36239
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba b/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
index 8638e0d9641b..698c6e4a1a08 100644
--- a/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/access2base/Recordset.xba
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private _Type As String &apos; Must be RECORDSET
Private _Name As String &apos; Unique, generated
+Private _This As Object
Private _ParentName As String
Private _ParentType As String
Private _ParentDatabase As Object
@@ -32,14 +33,24 @@ Private _EditMode As Integer &apos; dbEditxxx constants
Private _BookmarkBeforeNew As Variant
Private _BookmarkLastModified As Variant
Private _IsClone As Boolean
+Private _ManageChunks As Variant &apos; Array of ChunkDescriptors
Private RowSet As Object &apos;
+Type ChunkDescriptor
+ ChunksRequested As Boolean
+ FieldName As String
+ ChunkType As Integer &apos; vbString or vbByte
+ FileName As String
+ FileHandler As Object
+End Type
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
_Name = &quot;&quot;
+ Set _This = Nothing
_ParentName = &quot;&quot;
Set _ParentDatabase = Nothing
_ParentType = &quot;&quot;
@@ -56,6 +67,7 @@ Private Sub Class_Initialize()
_BookmarkBeforeNew = Null
_BookmarkLastModified = Null
_IsClone = False
+ Set _ManageChunks = Array()
Set RowSet = Nothing
End Sub &apos; Constructor
@@ -296,6 +308,7 @@ Const cstThisSub = &quot;Recordset.CancelUpdate&quot;
Select Case _EditMode
Case dbEditNone
Case dbEditAdd
+ _AppendChunkClose(True)
If Not IsNull(_BookmarkBeforeNew) Then
Select Case _BookmarkBeforeNew
Case &quot;_BOF_&quot; : .beforeFirst()
@@ -305,6 +318,7 @@ Const cstThisSub = &quot;Recordset.CancelUpdate&quot;
End If
Case dbEditInProgress
+ _AppendChunkClose(True)
End Select
End With
@@ -507,6 +521,7 @@ Dim i As Integer, bFound As Boolean, oFields As Object
oObject._ParentName = _Name
oObject._ParentType = _Type
Set oObject._ParentDatabase = _ParentDatabase
+ Set oObject._ParentRecordset = _This
Set Fields = oObject
@@ -673,6 +688,7 @@ Dim oObject As Object
._ParentName = _Name
._ParentType = _Type
Set ._ParentDatabase = _ParentDatabase
+ Set ._This = oObject
._ForwardOnly = ( pvType = dbOpenForwardOnly )
._PassThrough = ( pvOptions = dbSQLPassThrough )
._ReadOnly = ( (pvLockEdit = dbReadOnly) Or _ReadOnly )
@@ -752,6 +768,7 @@ Const cstThisSub = &quot;Recordset.Update&quot;
Case dbEditNone
Goto Trace_Error_Update
Case dbEditAdd
+ _AppendChunkClose(False)
If .IsNew And .IsModified Then .insertRow()
_BookmarkLastModified = .getBookmark()
If Not IsNull(_BookmarkBeforeNew) Then
@@ -762,6 +779,7 @@ Const cstThisSub = &quot;Recordset.Update&quot;
End Select
End If
Case dbEditInProgress
+ _AppendChunkClose(False)
If .IsModified Then
_BookmarkLastModified = .getBookmark()
@@ -793,6 +811,118 @@ REM --- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ---
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function _AppendChunk(ByVal psFieldName As String, ByRef pvChunk As Variant, piChunkType) As Boolean
+&apos; Write chunk at the end of the file dedicated to the given field
+ If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error GoTo Error_Function
+Dim oFileAccess As Object
+Dim i As Integer, oChunk As Object, iChunk As Integer, sRandom As String
+ &apos; Do nothing if chunk meaningless
+ _AppendChunk = False
+ If IsNull(pvChunk) Then GoTo Exit_Function
+ If IsArray(pvChunk) Then
+ If UBound(pvChunk) &lt; LBound(pvChunk) Then GoTo Exit_Function &apos; Empty array
+ End If
+ &apos; Find or create relevant chunk entry
+ iChunk = -1
+ For i = 0 To UBound(_ManageChunks)
+ Set oChunk = _ManageChunks(i)
+ If oChunk.FieldName = psFieldName Then
+ iChunk = i
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If iChunk = -1 Then
+ _AppendChunkInit(psFieldName)
+ iChunk = UBound(_ManageChunks)
+ End If
+ Set oChunk = _ManageChunks(iChunk)
+ With oChunk
+ If Not .ChunksRequested Then &apos; First chunk
+ .ChunksRequested = True
+ .ChunkType = piChunkType
+ sRandom = Right(&quot;000000&quot; &amp; Int(999999 * Rnd), 6)
+ .FileName = DoCmd._getTempDirectoryURL() &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; &quot;A2B_TEMP_&quot; &amp; _Name &amp; &quot;_&quot; &amp; sRandom
+ Set oFileAccess = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ .FileHandler = oFileAccess.openFileWrite(.FileName)
+ End If
+ .FileHandler.writeBytes(pvChunk)
+ End With
+ _AppendChunk = True
+ Exit Function
+ TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;Recordset._AppendChunk&quot;, Erl)
+ GoTo Exit_Function
+End Function &apos; AppendChunk V1.5.0
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function _AppendChunkClose(ByVal pbCancel As Boolean) As Boolean
+&apos; Stores file content to database field(s)
+&apos; Called from Update() [pbCancel = False] or CancelUpdate() [pbCancel = True]
+ If _ErrorHandler() Then On Local Error GoTo Error_Function
+Dim oFileAccess As Object, oStream As Object, lFileLength As Long, oField As Object
+Dim i As Integer, oChunk As Object
+ _AppendChunkClose = False
+ For i = 0 To UBound(_ManageChunks)
+ Set oChunk = _ManageChunks(i)
+ With oChunk
+ If Not .ChunksRequested Then GoTo Exit_Function
+ If IsNull(.FileHandler) Then GoTo Exit_Function
+ .Filehandler.closeOutput
+ Set oFileAccess = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ &apos; Copy file to field
+ If Not pbCancel Then
+ Set oStream = oFileAccess.openFileRead(.FileName)
+ lFileLength = oStream.getLength()
+ If lFileLength &gt; 0 Then
+ Set oField = RowSet.getColumns.getByName(.FieldName)
+ Select Case .ChunkType
+ Case vbByte
+ oField.updateBinaryStream(oStream, lFileLength)
+&apos; Case vbString &apos; DOES NOT WORK FOR CHARACTER TYPES
+&apos; oField.updateCharacterStream(oStream, lFileLength)
+ End Select
+ End If
+ oStream.closeInput()
+ End If
+ If oFileAccess.exists(.FileName) Then oFileAccess.kill(.FileName)
+ End With
+ Next i
+ Set _ManageChunks = Array()
+ _AppendChunkClose = True
+ Exit Function
+ TraceError(TRACEABORT, Err, &quot;Recordset._AppendChunkClose&quot;, Erl)
+ GoTo Exit_Function
+End Function &apos; AppendChunkClose V1.5.0
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function _AppendChunkInit(psFieldName As String) As Boolean
+&apos; Initialize chunks manager
+Dim iSize As Integer
+ iSize = UBound(_ManageChunks) + 1
+ ReDim Preserve _ManageChunks(0 To iSize)
+ Set _ManageChunks(iSize) = New ChunkDescriptor
+ With _ManageChunks(iSize)
+ .ChunksRequested = False
+ .FieldName = psFieldName
+ .FileName = &quot;&quot;
+ Set .FileHandler = Nothing
+ End With
+End Function &apos; AppendChunkInit V1.5.0
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub _Initialize(ByVal Optional pvFilter As Variant, Optional poRowSet As Object)
&apos; Initialize new recordset