path: root/wizards/source/gimmicks
diff options
authorBehrend Cornelius <>2001-10-08 08:52:01 +0000
committerBehrend Cornelius <>2001-10-08 08:52:01 +0000
commitb1bf36532e74eb1498bd2fe906c4be34de051e56 (patch)
tree882187074581268bbd05def03a51c3e765144ad0 /wizards/source/gimmicks
parent02c04d0f25cb20aecb08b008732dbf13600e8549 (diff)
#92590# english Texts of macros now improved
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/gimmicks')
6 files changed, 41 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
index a8ce044ebd9f..a9534b5c531f 100644
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
@@ -20,15 +20,8 @@ Dim oContentStyle as Object
Dim oHeaderStyle as Object
Dim oGroupTitleStyle as Object
Dim n, m, iAutoCount as Integer
-Dim oLocale as New
- oLocale = GetStarOfficeLocale()
- strHeading1 = &quot;Überschrift 1&quot;
- strGroup = &quot;Bereich:&quot;
- strBlockName = &quot;Name des Bausteins&quot;
- strBlockShortName = &quot;Kürzel&quot;
- strColumnWidth = &quot;13cm&quot;
- sDocumentTitle = &quot;Installierte Autotextbausteine&quot;
+ sDocumentTitle = &quot;Installed AutoTexts&quot;
&apos; Open a new empty document
oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(&quot;private:factory/swriter&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,NoArgs)
@@ -74,8 +67,8 @@ Dim oLocale as New
&apos; oTable.KeepTogether = False
oTable.RepeatHeadLine = True
- InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText-Title&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(0,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
- InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText-Name&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(1,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
+ InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText Name&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(0,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
+ InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText Shortcut&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(1,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
&apos; Insert one row at the bottom of the table
oRows = oTable.Rows
iAutoCount = oAutoGroup.Count
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
index 544e3778860a..aa0abaa1cca8 100644
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ Const MBYES = 6
Const MBABORT = 2
Const MBNO = 7
- MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Change all characters to a &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
- NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;This Document is modified: All characters are changed to an &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Shall the document be saved now?&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Change All Characters to an &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;This document has already been modified: All characters will be changed to an &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Should the document be saved now?&quot;
WARNING = &quot;This macro changes all characters and numbers to an &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; in this document.&quot;
On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENT
oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox(&quot;This Macro extracts all Data of a displayed Writer-Document.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp; &quot;Activate a Writer-Document!&quot; , 16, GetProductName())
+ Msgbox(WARNING &amp; chr(13) &amp; &quot;First, activate a Writer document.&quot; , 16, GetProductName())
Exit Sub
End If
On Local Error Goto 0
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Const MBNO = 7
Case Else
- Msgbox(&quot;This Macro only works with Writer-Documents!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ Msgbox(&quot;This macro only works with Writer documents.&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
End Select
End Sub
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
index 24337735aa23..2e7d49649bcb 100644
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ Dim oCharStyles as Object
sDocType = GetDocumentType(oDocument)
If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- Msgbox(&quot;This Macro extracts all Data of the displayed Writer-, Calc or Draw-Documents.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp;_
- &quot;To start this macro you have to activate a Document first!&quot; , 16, GetProductName)
+ Msgbox(&quot;This macro extracts all data from the active Writer, Calc or Draw document.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp;_
+ &quot;To start this macro you have to activate a document first.&quot; , 16, GetProductName)
Exit Sub
End If
On Local Error Goto 0
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ Dim oCharStyles as Object
&apos; create and define the character styles of the Log-document
oCharStyles = oLogDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;CharacterStyles&quot;)
oLogHeaderStyle = oLogDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;LogHeaderText&quot;, oLogHeaderStyle)
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;Log Header&quot;, oLogHeaderStyle)
oLogHeaderStyle.charWeight =
oLogBodyTextStyle = oLogDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
- oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;LogBodyText&quot;, oLogBodyTextStyle)
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;Log Body&quot;, oLogBodyTextStyle)
&apos; Insert the title of the activated document as a hyperlink
oHyperCursor = oLogText.createTextCursor()
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Dim oCharStyles as Object
Case &quot;sdraw&quot;
Case Else
- Msgbox(&quot;This Macro only works with Writer-, Calc or Draw/Impress-Documents!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ Msgbox(&quot;This macro only works with a Writer, Calc or Draw/Impress document.&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
End Select
End Sub
@@ -102,21 +102,21 @@ Dim oSheets as Object
For i = 0 to osheets.Count - 1
oSheet = osheets.GetbyIndex(i)
SheetName = oSheet.Name
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sheet No &quot; &amp; i &amp; &quot;(&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;)&quot; )
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sheet No. &quot; &amp; i &amp; &quot;(&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;)&quot; )
&apos; Check the &quot;body&quot; of the sheet
If oSheet.IsScenario then
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Scenario-Comments of &quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Scenario Comments from &quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
End if
- GetAnnotations(oSheet, &quot;Annotations of &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ GetAnnotations(oSheet, &quot;Annotations from &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
- GetChartStrings(oSheet, &quot;Charts of &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ GetChartStrings(oSheet, &quot;Charts from &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
- GetControlStrings(oSheet.DrawPage, &quot;Controls of &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ GetControlStrings(oSheet.DrawPage, &quot;Controls from &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
&apos; Pictures
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ End Sub
Sub GetCalcGraphicNames()
Dim n,m as integer
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Pictures&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Graphics&quot;)
For n = 0 To oDocument.Drawpages.count-1
For m = 0 To oDocument.Drawpages.GetbyIndex(n).Count - 1
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Dim oFrameTextPort as Object
&apos; Is the frame bound to the Page
If oTextFrame.AnchorType = Then
- GetParagraphTexts(oTextFrame, &quot;Textframe Content&quot;)
+ GetParagraphTexts(oTextFrame, &quot;Text Frame Contents&quot;)
End If
oFrameEnum = oTextFrame.CreateEnumeration
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ Sub GetTextFieldStrings()
Dim aTextField as Object
Dim i as integer
Dim CurElement as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;TextFields&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Text Fields&quot;)
aTextfield = oDocument.getTextfields.CreateEnumeration
While aTextField.hasmoreElements
CurElement = aTextField.NextElement
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Dim oDocSections as Object
Dim LinkedFileName as String
Dim i as Integer
If Right(oDocument.URL,3) = &quot;sgl&quot; Then
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sub Documents&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sub-documents&quot;)
oDocSections = oDocument.TextSections
For i = 0 to oDocSections.Count - 1
LinkedFileName = oDocSections.GetbyIndex(i).FileLink.FileURL
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ End Sub
Sub GetDocumentInfo()
Dim oDocuInfo as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Document Info&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Document Properties&quot;)
oDocuInfo = oDocument.DocumentInfo
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ Dim oAllHyperLinks as Object
Dim SrchAttributes(0) as new
Dim oSearchDesc as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;HyperLinks&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Hyperlinks&quot;)
&apos; create a Search-Descriptor
oSearchDesc = oDocument.CreateSearchDescriptor
oSearchDesc.Valuesearch = False
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ End Sub
Sub GetGraphicNames()
Dim i as integer
Dim oDocGraphics as Object
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Pictures&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Graphics&quot;)
oDocGraphics = oDocument.GraphicObjects
For i = 0 to oDocGraphics.count - 1
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ End Sub
Sub GetStyles()
Dim m,n as integer
- MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Userdefined Templates&quot;)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;User-defined Templates&quot;)
&apos; Check all StyleFamilies(i.e. PageStyles, ParagraphStyles, CharacterStyles, cellStyles)
For n = 0 to oDocument.StyleFamilies.Count - 1
@@ -521,9 +521,9 @@ End Sub
Sub MakeLogHeadLine(HeadText as String)
- oLogCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;LogHeaderText&quot;
+ oLogCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;Log Header&quot;
- oLogCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;LogBodyText&quot;
+ oLogCursor.CharStyleName = &quot;Log Body&quot;
End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
index b5184d8c8547..223249d3ed50 100644
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ Dim oStandardTemplate as Object
oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(&quot;private:factory/sdraw&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;,0, NoArgs())
oPage = oDocument.DrawPages(0)
- oStandardTemplate = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;graphics&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Standard&quot;)
+ oStandardTemplate = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;graphics&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Default&quot;)
oStandardTemplate.CharHeight = 10
oStandardTemplate.TextLeftDistance = 100
oStandardTemplate.TextRightDistance = 100
oStandardTemplate.TextUpperDistance = 50
oStandardTemplate.TextLowerDistance = 50
- DlgReadDir = LoadDialog(&quot;Gimmicks&quot;,&quot;ReadDirDlg&quot;)
+ DlgReadDir = LoadDialog(&quot;Gimmicks&quot;,&quot;ReadDirdlg&quot;)
oProgressBar = DlgReadDir.Model.ProgressBar1
DlgReadDir.Model.TextField1.Text = ConvertFromUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;))
DlgReadDir.Model.cmdGoOn.DefaultButton = True
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl b/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
index a03e85c1fe26..c80c0dee35b5 100644
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE dlg:window PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "dialog.dtd">
-<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" xmlns:script="" dlg:id="UserfieldDlg" dlg:title="Modify Userfields" dlg:left="161" dlg:top="57" dlg:width="281" dlg:height="214">
+<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" xmlns:script="" dlg:id="UserfieldDlg" dlg:title="Modify User Data" dlg:left="161" dlg:top="57" dlg:width="281" dlg:height="214">
<dlg:text dlg:id="Label1" dlg:tab-index="0" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="48" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label1"/>
<dlg:text dlg:id="Label2" dlg:tab-index="1" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="64" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="8" dlg:value="Label2"/>
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
<dlg:scrollbar dlg:id="ScrollBar1" dlg:tab-index="18" dlg:left="263" dlg:top="46" dlg:width="12" dlg:height="140" dlg:align="vertical">
<script:event script:event-name="on-mouseup" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.ScrollControls" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdQuit" dlg:tab-index="19" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Quit Macro" dlg:value="Quit">
+ <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdQuit" dlg:tab-index="19" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Exit Macro" dlg:value="Exit">
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.StopMacro" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdSave" dlg:tab-index="20" dlg:left="45" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Save all Data of all users to file" dlg:value="~Save">
+ <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdSave" dlg:tab-index="20" dlg:left="45" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Save All Data of All Users to File" dlg:value="~Save">
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.SaveSettings" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdTakeOver" dlg:tab-index="21" dlg:left="84" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Insert current User Data into Office Application" dlg:value="Se~lect">
+ <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdTakeOver" dlg:tab-index="21" dlg:left="84" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Replace the User Data in &lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt; With the User Data Above" dlg:value="Se~lect">
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.SelectCurrentFields" script:language="StarBasic"/>
<dlg:button dlg:id="cmdNextUser" dlg:tab-index="22" dlg:left="162" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:tag="1" dlg:help-text="Show Data of Next User" dlg:value="Next &gt;&gt;">
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
<dlg:button dlg:id="cmdPrevUser" dlg:tab-index="23" dlg:left="123" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:tag="-1" dlg:help-text="Show Data of Previous User" dlg:value="&lt;&lt;Previous">
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.StepToRecord" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="CommandButton1" dlg:tab-index="24" dlg:left="201" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Add new User" dlg:value="~New">
+ <dlg:button dlg:id="CommandButton1" dlg:tab-index="24" dlg:left="201" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Add Data for New User" dlg:value="~New">
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.AddRecord" script:language="StarBasic"/>
- <dlg:text dlg:id="Label10" dlg:tab-index="25" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="6" dlg:width="269" dlg:height="34" dlg:value="This Macro offers the opportunity to administrate several user Data in a simple way.&#x0a;The User data of several users may be stored in an own file in the directory &lt;ConfigDir&gt; from where they can be inserted as the main user data into the office." dlg:multiline="true"/>
- <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdDelete" dlg:tab-index="26" dlg:left="240" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:tag="Delete Data of current User" dlg:value="Delete">
+ <dlg:text dlg:id="Label10" dlg:tab-index="25" dlg:left="6" dlg:top="6" dlg:width="269" dlg:height="34" dlg:value="This macro lets you easily administrate several user profiles.&#x0a;The user data of several users may be stored in a single file in the directory &lt;ConfigDir&gt;. From there, you can select a particular user whose data is then the current user data in &lt;PRODUCTNAME&gt;." dlg:multiline="true"/>
+ <dlg:button dlg:id="cmdDelete" dlg:tab-index="26" dlg:left="240" dlg:top="193" dlg:width="35" dlg:height="14" dlg:help-text="Delete Data of Current User" dlg:value="Delete">
<script:event script:event-name="on-performaction" script:location="application" script:macro-name="Gimmicks.Userfields.DeleteCurrentSettings" script:language="StarBasic"/>
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
index 5fc07da2f542..a19681d01a2f 100644
--- a/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ Dim SystemPath as String
UserFieldDatatype(0,1) = &quot;o&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(1,0) = &quot;FIRSTNAME&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(1,1) = &quot;givenname&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(2,0) = &quot;NAME&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(2,0) = &quot;LASTNAME&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(2,1) = &quot;sn&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(3,0) = &quot;SHORTCUT&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(3,0) = &quot;INITIALS&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(3,1) = &quot;initials&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(4,0) = &quot;STREET&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(4,1) = &quot;street&quot;
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ Dim SystemPath as String
UserFieldDatatype(8,1) = &quot;title&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(9,0) = &quot;POSITION&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(9,1) = &quot;position&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(10,0) = &quot;PHONE_PRIVATE&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(10,0) = &quot;PHONE_HOME&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(10,1) = &quot;homephone&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(11,0) = &quot;PHONE_COMPANY&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(11,0) = &quot;PHONE_WORK&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(11,1) = &quot;telephonenumber&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(12,0) = &quot;FAX&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(12,1) = &quot;facsimiletelephonenumber&quot;
- UserFieldDatatype(13,0) = &quot;EMAIL&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(13,0) = &quot;E-MAIL&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(13,1) = &quot;mail&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(14,0) = &quot;STATE&quot;
UserFieldDatatype(14,1) = &quot;st&quot;
@@ -118,30 +118,6 @@ Dim MaxIndex as Integer
End Sub
-Sub SaveDataToFile(FilePath as String, DataList() as String)
-Dim FileChannel as Integer
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oFile as Object
-Dim oOutputStream as Object
-Dim oStreamString as Object
-Dim oUcb as Object
-Dim sCRLF as String
- sCRLF = CHR(10) &amp; CHR(13)
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- oOutputStream = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- If oUcb.Exists(FilePath) Then
- oUcb.Kill(FilePath)
- End If
- oFile = oUcb.OpenFileReadWrite(FilePath)
- oOutputStream.SetOutputStream(oFile.GetOutputStream)
- For i = 0 To Ubound(DataList())
- oOutputStream.WriteString(DataList(i) &amp; sCRLF)
- Next i
- oOutputStream.CloseOutput()
-End Sub
Sub ToggleButtons(ByVal Index as Integer)
Dim i as Integer
CurFieldIndex = Index
@@ -150,37 +126,6 @@ Dim i as Integer
End Sub
-Function LoadDataFromFile(FilePath as String, DataList() as String) as Boolean
-Dim oInputStream as Object
-Dim i as Integer
-Dim oUcb as Object
-Dim oFile as Object
-Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- If oUcb.Exists(FilePath) Then
- MaxIndex = 10
- oInputStream = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- oFile = oUcb.OpenFileReadWrite(FilePath)
- oInputStream.SetInputStream(oFile.GetInputStream)
- i = -1
- Redim Preserve DataList(MaxIndex) as String
- While Not oInputStream.IsEOF
- i = i + 1
- If i &gt; MaxIndex Then
- MaxIndex = MaxIndex + 10
- Redim Preserve DataList(MaxIndex) as String
- End If
- DataList(i) = oInputStream.ReadLine
- Wend
- If i &gt; -1 And i &lt;&gt; MaxIndex Then
- Redim Preserve DataList(i) as String
- End If
- LoadDataFromFile() = True
- oOutputStream.CloseInput()
- Else
- LoadDataFromFile() = False
- End If
-End Function
Sub InitializeUserFamily()