path: root/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba
diff options
authorTom Verbeek <>2001-04-23 09:46:42 +0000
committerTom Verbeek <>2001-04-23 09:46:42 +0000
commit191835bec9bafbe76567363e2e5a1fdd7b232671 (patch)
treef3b6f68a56b2ba9575fee6f77a5966af45804e47 /wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba
parenta2255c1e77bee1071b372efd33d3b4adfeb0907b (diff)
initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba')
1 files changed, 500 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbc58bd03d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="DialogModul" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public Const bDebugWizard=True
+&apos;Public bDoKeepApplValues as Boolean
+Public WizardMode as String
+Public Const SBMICROSOFTMODE = &quot;MS&quot;
+Public Const SBXMLMODE = &quot;XML&quot;
+&apos; The absolute maximal Number of possible Applications
+Public Const Twip = 425
+Public Const SBMAXAPPLCOUNT = 4
+Public MaxApplCount as Integer
+Public CurOffice As Integer
+Public SOBitmapPath As String
+Public SOWorkPath As String
+Public SOTemplatePath as String
+Public bCancelTask As Boolean
+Public iApplSection as Integer
+Public oUcb as Object
+Public PathSeparator as String
+Public ApplCount as Integer
+Public sKeyName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as String
+Public sValueName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as String
+Public sCRLF as String
+Public MSFilterName(5,2) as String
+Public XMLFilterName(7,2)
+&apos; e.g.:
+&apos; XMLFilterName(x,0) = &quot;sdw&quot; &apos; in documents we take the extensions; in SO-templates the appropriate Filtername
+&apos; XMLFilterName(x,1) = &quot;swriter: StarWriter 5.0&quot; &apos; the filtername of the target-format
+&apos; XMLFilterName(x,2) = &quot;sxw&quot; &apos; the target extension
+Public ChkApplication(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as Object
+Public Applications(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1,9)
+&apos; Application-relating Data are stored in this Array
+&apos; according to the following structure:
+&apos; Applications(X,0) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Application is to be converted)
+&apos; Applications(X,1) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Documents are to be converted)
+&apos; Applications(X,2) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Including Subdirectories)
+&apos; Applications(X,3) = &quot;File:///...&quot; (SourceUrl of the documents)
+&apos; Applications(X,4) = &quot;File///:...&quot; (TargetUrl of the documents)
+&apos; Applications(X,5) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Templates are to be converted)
+&apos; Applications(X,6) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Including Subdirectories)
+&apos; Applications(X,7) = &quot;File:///...&quot; (SourceUrl of the templates)
+&apos; Applications(X,8) = &quot;File:///...&quot; (TargetUrl of the templates)
+&apos; Applications(X,9) = &quot;0&quot; (Key to the original Index of the Applications)
+Sub FillStep_Welcome()
+Dim i as Integer
+&apos; bDoKeepApplValues = False
+ With ImportDialog
+ .cbHelp.Label = sHelpButton
+ .cbCancel.Label = sCancelButton
+ .cbBack.Label = sBackButton
+ .cbGoOn.Label = sNextButton
+ .WelcomeTextLabel.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel1
+ .WelcomeTextLabel2.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel2
+ .WelcomeTextLabel3.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel3
+ .OptMSDocuments.Label = sContainerName(0)
+ .ChkFirstMSApplication.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(0)
+ .ChkSecondMSApplication.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(1)
+ .ChkThirdMSApplication.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(2)
+ .OptSODocuments.Label = sContainerName(1)
+ .ChkFirstSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(0)
+ .ChkSecondSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(1)
+ .ChkThirdSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(2)
+ .ChkFourthSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(3)
+ .cbBack.Enabled = False
+ .Step = 1
+ End With
+ DisorEnableNextButton()
+End Sub
+Sub FillStep_InputPaths(OfficeIndex as Integer, bStartup as Boolean)
+Dim Index as Integer
+ If bStartup Then
+ If ImportDialog.OptMSDocuments.State Then
+ SetupMSConfiguration()
+ Else
+ SetupXMLConfiguration()
+ End If
+ &apos; TemplateCheckBox-Captions
+ GetApplResourceArray(1008 + iApplSection, ApplCount, sTemplateCheckBox())
+ &apos; DocumentCheckbox- Captions
+ GetApplResourceArray(1012 + iApplSection, ApplCount, sDocumentCheckBox())
+ AssignCheckboxObjects()
+ FillUpApplicationList()
+ End If
+ CurOffice = OfficeIndex
+ Index = Val(Applications(CurOffice,9))
+ With ImportDialog
+ .TemplateCheckbox.Label = sTemplateCheckbox(Index)
+ .TemplateSearchSubDir.Label = sSearchInSubDir
+ .DocumentImportLabel.Label = sImportLabel
+ .DocumentExportLabel.Label = sExportLabel
+ .DocumentSearchSubDir.Label = sSearchInSubDir
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,1))
+ .DocumentSearchSubDir.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,2))
+ .DocumentImportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,3))
+ .DocumentExportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,4))
+ .DocumentFrame.Label = sProgressMoreDocs
+ If WizardMode = SBXMLMODE AND Index = 3 Then
+ &apos; Note: SO-Helper Applications are partly treated like templates although they only have documents
+ .TemplateFrame.Label = sProgressMoreDocs
+ .TemplateCheckbox.Label = sSOHelperDocuments(0)
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.Label = sSOHelperDocuments(1)
+ Else
+ .TemplateCheckbox.Label = sTemplateCheckbox(Index)
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.Label = sDocumentCheckbox(Index)
+ .TemplateFrame.Label = sProgressMoreTemplates
+ End If
+&apos;Todo: Enable this Checkbox as soon as an XML-Template-Format is defined
+ .TemplateCheckbox.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,5))
+ .TemplateSearchSubDir.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,6))
+ .TemplateImportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,7))
+ .TemplateImportLabel.Label = sImportLabel
+ .TemplateExportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,8))
+ .TemplateExportLabel.Label = sExportLabel
+&apos; Call SetEnabledTemplate_InputPath()
+&apos; Call SetEnabledDocument_InputPath()
+ .cbGoOn.Label = sNextButton
+ .cbBack.Enabled = True
+ ImportDialog.Step = 2
+ End With
+ DisOrEnableNextButton()
+End Sub
+Sub FillUpApplicationList()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim sBoolValue as String
+&apos; If Not bDoKeepApplValues Then
+ a = 0
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount - 1
+ sBoolValue = CStr(ChkApplication(i).State)
+ Applications(a,0) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,1) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,2) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,3) = GetDefaultPath(i)
+ Applications(a,4) = SOWorkPath
+ Applications(a,5) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,6) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,7) = GetTemplateDefaultPath(i)
+ Applications(a,8) = GetTargetTemplatePath(i)
+ Applications(a,9) = CStr(i)
+ If ChkApplication(i).State = 1 Then a = a + 1
+ Next i
+ ApplCount = a
+&apos; End If
+End Sub
+Function SaveStep_InputPath() as Boolean
+Dim bSaveConfiguration as Boolean
+ bSaveConfiguration = CheckInputPaths
+ If bSaveConfiguration Then
+ Applications(CurOffice,1) = CStr(ImportDialog.DocumentPathCheckbox.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,2) = CStr(ImportDialog.DocumentSearchSubDir.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,3) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath.Text)
+ Applications(CurOffice,4) = ConvertToUrl(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath.Text)
+ Applications(CurOffice,5) = CStr(ImportDialog.TemplateCheckbox.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,6) = CStr(ImportDialog.TemplateSearchSubDir.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,7) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath.Text)
+ Applications(CurOffice,8) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.TemplateExportPath.Text)
+ End If
+ SaveStep_InputPath = bSaveConfiguration
+End Function
+Sub SetEnabledTemplate_InputPath()
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+ With ImportDialog
+ bDoEnable = ImportDialog.TemplateCheckbox.State = 1
+ .TemplateImportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateExportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateImportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateExportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateSearchSubDir.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateImportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+&apos;Note: The following lines have bee disabled due to Bug 82532
+&apos; If Not bDoEnable Then
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = .DocumentPathCheckBox.State
+&apos; Else
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = True
+&apos; End If
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub SetEnabledDocument_InputPath()
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+ With ImportDialog
+ bDoEnable = .DocumentPathCheckbox.State = 1
+ .DocumentImportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentExportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentSearchSubDir.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentImportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentExportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+&apos;Note: The following lines have bee disabled due to Bug 82532
+&apos; If Not bDoEnable Then
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = .TemplateCheckBox.State
+&apos; Else
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = True
+&apos; End If
+ End With
+End Sub
+Function MakeSummaryString()
+Dim sTmpText As String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim Index as Integer
+Dim sAddText as String
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount -1
+ Index = Val(Applications(i,9))
+ If Applications(i,5) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Templates are to be converted
+ If Index = 3 Then
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sSOHelperDocuments(0),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ Else
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sTemplateCheckBox(Index),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sAddText &amp; Applications(i,7) &amp; sCRLF
+ If Applications(i,6) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Including Subdirectories
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumInclusiveSubDir &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumSaveDocuments &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; Applications(i,8) &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ If Applications(i,1) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Documents are to be converted
+ If Index = 3 Then
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sSOHelperDocuments(1),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ Else
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sDocumentCheckBox(Index),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sAddText &amp; Applications(i,3) &amp; sCRLF
+ If Applications(i,2) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Including Subdirectories
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumInclusiveSubDir &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumSaveDocuments &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; Applications(i,4) &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ Next i
+ MakeSummaryString = sTmpText
+End Function
+Sub FillStep_Summary()
+&apos; Todo: Angabe über die Vorlagengruppen,bzw. Template-Exportpfad
+ With ImportDialog
+ .SummaryTextbox.Text = MakeSummaryString()
+ .cbGoOn.Enabled = .SummaryTextbox.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ .cbGoOn.Label = sBeginButton
+ .SummaryHeaderLabel.Label = sSummaryHeader
+ .Step = 3
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub FillStep_Progress()
+ With ImportDialog
+ .cbBack.Enabled = False
+ .cbGoOn.Enabled = False
+ .FrameProgress.Label = sProgressPage_1
+ .LabelRetrieval.FontWeight =
+ .LabelRetrieval.Label = sProgressPage_2
+ .LabelCurProgress.Label = sProgressPage_3
+ .LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ .LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ .LabelCurDocument.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ .Step = 4
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub DocumentDirSearchDialog()
+ CallDirSearchDialog(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath)
+End Sub
+Sub StarDocumentDirSearchDialog()
+ CallDirSearchDialog(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath)
+End Sub
+Sub CallDirSearchDialog(oTargetControl as Object)
+Dim sDirName as String
+ sDirName = Application.FileDialog(&quot;P&quot;, sPathDialogMessage, oTargetControl.Text)
+ If Len(sDirName) &gt; 0 Then
+ oTargetControl.Text = sDirName
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SetupMSConfiguration()
+ iApplSection = 0
+ MaxApplCount = 3
+ ApplCount = 3
+ sKeyName(0) = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Word\Options&quot;
+ sKeyName(1) = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel&quot;
+ sKeyName(2) = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\PowerPoint\Recent Folder List\Default&quot;
+ sValueName(0) = &quot;DOC-PATH&quot;
+ sValueName(1) = &quot;DefaultPath&quot;
+ sValueName(2) = &quot;&quot;
+&apos; See definition of Filtername-Array about meaning of fields
+ MSFilterName(0,0) = &quot;doc&quot;
+ MSFilterName(0,1) = &quot;swriter: StarOffice XML (Writer)&quot;
+ MSFilterName(0,2) = &quot;sxw&quot;
+ MSFilterName(1,0) = &quot;xls&quot;
+ MSFilterName(1,1) = &quot;scalc: StarOffice XML (Calc)&quot;
+ MSFilterName(1,2) = &quot;sxc&quot;
+ MSFilterName(2,0) = &quot;pod&quot;
+ MSFilterName(2,1) = &quot;simpress: StarOffice XML (Impress)&quot;
+ MSFilterName(2,2) = &quot;sxi&quot;
+ MSFilterName(3,0) = &quot;dot&quot;
+ MSFilterName(3,1) = &quot;swriter: writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template&quot;
+ MSFilterName(3,2) = &quot;stw&quot;
+ MSFilterName(4,0) = &quot;xlt&quot;
+ MSFilterName(4,1) = &quot;scalc: calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template&quot;
+ MSFilterName(4,2) = &quot;stc&quot;
+ MSFilterName(5,0) = &quot;pot&quot;
+ MSFilterName(5,1) = &quot;simpress: impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template&quot;
+ MSFilterName(5,2) = &quot;sti&quot;
+End Sub
+Sub SetupXMLConfiguration()
+ iApplSection = 1000
+ Wizardmode = SBXMLMODE
+ ApplCount = 4
+ MaxApplCount = 4
+ XMLFilterName(0,0) = &quot;sdw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(0,1) = &quot;swriter: StarOffice XML (Writer)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(0,2) = &quot;sxw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(1,0) = &quot;sdc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(1,1) = &quot;scalc: StarOffice XML (Calc)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(1,2) = &quot;sxc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(2,0) = &quot;sdd|sda&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(2,1) = &quot;simpress: StarOffice XML (Impress)|sdraw: StarOffice XML (Draw)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(2,2) = &quot;sxi|sxd&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(3,0) = &quot;smf&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(3,1) = &quot;smath: MathML XML (Math)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(3,2) = &quot;mml&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(4,0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.writer;application/x-starwriter&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(4,1) = &quot;swriter: writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(4,2) = &quot;stw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(5,0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.calc;application/x-starcalc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(5,1) = &quot;scalc: calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(5,2) = &quot;stc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(6,0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.impress;application/x-starimpress|application/vnd.stardivision.draw;application/x-stardraw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(6,1) = &quot;simpress: impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template|draw_StarOffice_XML_Draw_Template&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(6,2) = &quot;sti|std&quot;
+&apos; ToDo: define Filter for Masterdocument
+ XMLFilterName(7,0) = &quot;sgl&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(7,1) = &quot;swriter: writer_globaldocument_StarOffice_XML_Writer_GlobalDocument&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(7,2) = &quot;sxg&quot;
+End Sub
+Function CheckControlPath(oTextBox as Object, ByVal bDoEnable as Boolean)
+Dim Path as String
+ If Not bDoEnable Then
+ CheckControlPath = False
+ Else
+ CheckControlPath = oTextBox.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub AssignCheckboxObjects()
+ With ImportDialog
+ If .OptSODocuments.State Then
+ Set ChkApplication(0) = .ChkFirstSOApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(1) = .ChkSecondSOApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(2) = .ChkThirdSOApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(3) = .ChkFourthSOApplication
+ Else
+ Set ChkApplication(0) = .ChkFirstMSApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(1) = .ChkSecondMSApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(2) = .ChkThirdMSApplication
+ End If
+ End With
+End Sub
+Function CheckInputPaths() as Boolean
+Dim bChangePage as Boolean
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath, True, False)
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.TemplateExportPath, bChangePage, True)
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath, bChangePage, False)
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath, bChangePage, True)
+ CheckInputPaths = bChangePage
+End Function
+Function CheckTextBoxPath(oTextBox as Object, ByVal bCheck as Boolean, bCreateNew as Boolean) as Boolean
+Dim iCreate as Integer
+Dim sQueryMessage as String
+Dim sUrlPath as String
+Dim sMessageNoDir as String
+Dim sShowPath as String
+ If oTextBox.Enabled Then
+ If bCheck Then
+ sShowPath = ConvertToUrl(oTextBox.Text)
+ sUrlPath = ConvertToUrl(sShowPath)
+ If Not oUcb.Exists(sUrlPath) Then
+ If Not bCreateNew Then
+ &apos; Sourcedirectories must be existing, Targetdirectories may be created new
+ sQueryMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgDirNotThere, sShowPath,&quot;%1&quot;)
+ Msgbox(sQueryMessage,16,sTitle)
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+ Exit Function
+ Else
+ sQueryMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgDirNotThere, sShowPath,&quot;%1&quot;)
+ sQueryMessage = sQueryMessage &amp; Chr(13) &amp; sQueryForNewCreation
+ iCreate = Msgbox (sQueryMessage, 36, sTitle)
+ If iCreate = 6 Then
+ On Local Error Goto NOVALIDPATH
+ oUcb.CreateFolder(sUrlPath)
+ If Not oUcb.Exists(sUrlPath) Then
+ End If
+ Else
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = True
+ Else
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+ End If
+ Else
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = True
+ End If
+ Exit Function
+ sMessageNoDir = ReplaceString(sNoDirCreation, sShowPath, &quot;%1&quot;)
+ Msgbox(sMessageNoDir, 16, sTitle)
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+End Function
+Sub InitializeProgressPage(oDialog as Object)
+ &apos;oDialog.LabelRetrieval.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ &apos;oDialog.LabelCurProgress.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ oDialog.LabelRetrieval.FontWeight =
+ oDialog.LabelCurProgress.FontWeight =
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file