path: root/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
diff options
authorJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-03-27 16:59:30 +0000
committerJens-Heiner Rechtien <>2003-03-27 16:59:30 +0000
commit6652c8336ff201af224d6c0b787f5d79ec4f1810 (patch)
tree794890c79560e699edb06e59868357a5a5f68da0 /wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
parent0f757610e5cb4de88a9ef20a7563f9da2973f6ee (diff)
MWS_SRX644: migrate branch mws_srx644 -> HEAD
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 147 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
index 40ea0d5a8bcb..a7cccc4a32e0 100644
--- a/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
@@ -2,81 +2,210 @@
<!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-// OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="FilesModul" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
Public AbsTemplateFound as Integer
Public AbsDocuFound as Integer
Public oLogDocument as Object
Public oLogTable as Object
Public bLogExists as Boolean
Public sComment as String
+Public MaxCollectIndex as Integer
Public bInsertRow as Boolean
Public sLogUrl as String
Public sCurPassWord as String
Public FileCount as Integer
+Public XMLTemplateCount as Integer
+Public PathCollection(7,3) as String
-Function ReadApplicationDirectories(ApplIndex as Integer, FilesList(),bIsDocument as Boolean, sFiltername()) as Integer
-Dim bCheckDocuType as Boolean
+Function ReadCollectionPaths(FilesList() as String, sFilterName() as String)
Dim FilterIndex as Integer
Dim bRecursive as Boolean
-Dim sSourceDir as String
-Dim bCheckRealType as Boolean
+Dim SearchDir as String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
Dim a as Integer
+Dim s as Integer
Dim sFileContent() as String
-Dim NewList() as String
+Dim NewList(0,1) as String
Dim Index as Integer
-Dim sLocExtension as String
- Index = Applications(ApplIndex,SBAPPLKEY)
- sLocExtension = &quot;&quot;
- If bIsDocument Then
- bCheckDocuType = Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCCONVERT)
- bCheckRealType = False
- bRecursive = Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCRECURSIVE)
- FilterIndex = Index
- sSourceDir = Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCSOURCE)
- Else
- &apos; Templates
- bCheckDocuType = Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLCONVERT)
- &apos; In SO the documenttype cannot be derived from the extension name
- bCheckRealType = WizardMode = SBXMLMODE
- If bCheckRealType Then
- &apos; Note: StarOffice-Math-Documents cannot be treated like templates
- bCheckRealType = Index &lt;&gt; 3
- If bCheckRealType Then
- sLocExtension = &quot;vor&quot;
- End If
- bIsDocument = Not bCheckRealType
+Dim CurFileName as String
+Dim CurExtension as String
+Dim CurFileContent as String
+Dim XMLTemplateContentList() as String
+Dim bIsTemplatePath as Boolean
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim NewContentList() as String
+Dim XMLTemplateContentString as String
+Dim ApplIndex as Integer
+Dim bAssignFileName as Boolean
+ oDocInfo = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ bInterruptSearch = False
+ For i = 0 To MaxCollectIndex
+ SearchDir = PathCollection(i,0)
+ bRecursive = PathCollection(i,1)
+ sFileContent() = ArrayoutofString(PathCollection(i,2), &quot;|&quot;)
+ NewList() = ReadDirectories(SearchDir, bRecursive, False, False, sFileContent(), &quot;&quot;)
+ If InterruptProcess Then
+ ReadCollectionPaths() = False
+ Exit Function
End If
- bRecursive = Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLRECURSIVE)
- FilterIndex = Index + MaxApplCount
- sSourceDir = Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLSOURCE)
- End If
- If bCheckDocuType Then
- sFileContent() = GetMimeTypeList(sFilterName(FilterIndex))
- NewList() = ReadDirectories(sSourceDir, bRecursive, bCheckRealType, False, sFileContent(), sLocExtension)
If Ubound(NewList()) &gt; -1 Then
- AddListtoFilesList(FilesList(), NewList(), ApplIndex)
- ImportDialog.LabelRetrieval.Label = sProgressPage_2 &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; ReplaceString(sProgressPage_5, Str(Ubound(FilesList()) + 1) &amp; &quot; &quot;, &quot;%1&quot;)
+ bIsTemplatePath = FieldInList(&quot;vor&quot;, sFileContent)
+ If bIsTemplatePath Then
+ XMLTemplateContentString = PathCollection(i,3)
+ XMLTemplateContentList() = ArrayoutofString(XMLTemplateContentString, &quot;|&quot;)
+ If Ubound(XMLTemplateContentList()) &gt; -1 Then
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(NewList())
+ ReDim Preserve NewList(MaxIndex, 1) as String
+ ReDim Preserve NewContentList(MaxIndex) as String
+ a = -1
+ For n = 0 To MaxIndex
+ bAssignFileName = True
+ If InterruptProcess() Then
+ ReadCollectionPaths() = False
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ CurFileName = NewList(n,0)
+ If NewList(n,1) = &quot;vor&quot; Then
+ CurFileContent = GetRealFileContent(oDocInfo, CurFileName)
+ NewList(n,1) = CurFileContent
+ bAssignFileName = FieldInList(CurFileContent, XMLTemplateContentList())
+ End If
+ CurExtension = NewList(n,1)
+ If bAssignFileName Then
+ If a &lt; n Then
+ a = a + 1
+ NewList(a,0) = CurFileName
+ NewList(a,1) = CurExtension
+ ApplIndex = GetApplicationIndex(CurFileContent, sFiltername())
+ NewContentList(a) = ApplIndex
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next n
+ If a &lt; MaxIndex Then
+ ReDim Preserve NewList(a, 1) as String
+ End If
+ AddListtoFilesList(FilesList(), NewList(), NewContentList())
+ End If
+ Else
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(NewList())
+ ReDim Preserve NewContentList(MaxIndex) as String
+ For s = 0 To MaxIndex
+ CurExtension = NewList(s,1)
+ NewContentList(s) = GetApplicationIndex(CurExtension, sFiltername())
+ Next s
+ AddListtoFilesList(FilesList(), NewList(), NewContentList())
+ End If
End If
+ Next i
+End Function
+Function GetApplicationIndex(CurFileContent as String, sFilterName() as String) as Integer
+Dim Index as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+ Index = GetIndexForPartStringinMultiArray(sFilterName(), CurFileContent, 0)
+ If Index &gt;= MaxApplCount Then
+ Index = Index - MaxApplCount
End If
- ReadApplicationDirectories() = Ubound(NewList(),1) + 1
+ For i = 0 To MaxApplCount - 1
+ If Applications(i, SBAPPLKEY) = Index Then
+ GetApplicationIndex() = i
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ GetApplicationIndex() = - 1
+End Function
+Function InterruptProcess() as Boolean
+ If bCancelTask Or RetValue = 0 Then
+ bConversionIsRunning = False
+ InterruptProcess() = True
+ Exit Function
+ End if
+ InterruptProcess() = False
End Function
-Sub ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument as Boolean, CurFound as Integer)
- If bIsDocument Then
- AbsDocuFound = AbsDocuFound + CurFound
- ImportDialog.LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; CStr(AbsDocuFound) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sProgressMoreDocs
+Sub AddCollectionPath(ApplIndex as Integer, DocIndex as Integer, RecursiveIndex as Integer, sFiltername() as String, DistIndex as Integer)
+ MaxCollectIndex = MaxCollectIndex + 1
+ PathCollection(MaxCollectIndex, 0) = Applications(ApplIndex, DocIndex)
+ PathCollection(MaxCollectIndex, 1) = Applications(ApplIndex, RecursiveIndex)
+ AddFilterNameToPathItem(ApplIndex, MaxCollectIndex, sFiltername(), DistIndex)
+End Sub
+Sub AddFilterNameToPathItem(ApplIndex as Integer, CollectIndex as Integer, sFiltername() as String, DistIndex as Integer)
+Dim iKey as Integer
+Dim CurListString as String
+Dim LocExtension as String
+Dim LocContentString as String
+Dim LocXMLTemplateContent as String
+ iKey = Applications(ApplIndex, SBAPPLKEY)
+ CurListString = PathCollection(CollectIndex, 2)
+ LocExtension = sFilterName(iKey +DistIndex, 0)
+ If Len(LocExtension) &gt; SBMAXEXTENSIONLENGTH Then &apos; 7 == Length of two extensions like &apos;sda|sdd
+ LocExtension = &quot;vor&quot;
+ LocContentString = sFilterName(iKey +DistIndex, 0)
+ LocContentString = ReplaceString(LocContentString, &quot;|&quot;, &quot;;&quot;)
+ LocXMLTemplateContent = PathCollection(CollectIndex, 3)
+ If LocXMLTemplateContent = &quot;&quot; Then
+ LocXMLTemplateContent = LocContentString
+ Else
+ LocXMLTemplateContent = LocXMLTemplateContent &amp; &quot;|&quot; &amp; LocContentString
+ End If
+ PathCollection(CollectIndex, 3) = LocXMLTemplateContent
+ End If
+ If CurListString = &quot;&quot; Then
+ PathCollection(CollectIndex, 2) = LocExtension
- AbsTemplateFound = AbsTemplateFound + CurFound
- ImportDialog.LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; CStr(AbsTemplateFound) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sProgressMoreTemplates
- End If
+ If Instr(CurListString, LocExtension) = 0 Then
+ PathCollection(CollectIndex, 2) = CurListString &amp; &quot;|&quot; &amp; LocExtension
+ End If
+ End If
End Sub
-Sub ConvertAllDocuments(sFilterName())
+Sub CheckIfToAddPathToCollection(ApplIndex as Integer, bDoConvertIndex as Integer, DocIndex as Integer, RecursiveIndex as Integer, sFiltername() as String, DistIndex as Integer)
+Dim CollectIndex as Integer
+Dim bCheckDocuType as Boolean
+ bCheckDocuType = Applications(ApplIndex, bDoConvertIndex)
+ If bCheckDocuType Then
+ CollectIndex = GetIndexInMultiArray(PathCollection(), Applications(ApplIndex,DocIndex), 0)
+ If (CollectIndex &gt;-1) Then
+ If Applications(ApplIndex, RecursiveIndex) &lt;&gt; PathCollection(CollectIndex, 1) Then
+ AddCollectionPath(ApplIndex, DocIndex, RecursiveIndex, sFilterName(), DistIndex)
+ Else
+ AddFilterNameToPathItem(ApplIndex, CollectIndex, sFilterName(), DistIndex)
+ End If
+ Else
+ AddCollectionPath(ApplIndex, DocIndex, RecursiveIndex, sFilterName(), DistIndex)
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CollectPaths(sFiltername() as String)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim XMLTemplateContentString as String
+ MaxCollectIndex = -1
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
+ CheckIfToAddPathToCollection(i, SBDOCCONVERT, SBDOCSOURCE, SBDOCRECURSIVE, sFilterName(), 0)
+ Next i
+ XMLTemplateCount = 0
+ XMLTemplateContentString = &quot;&quot;
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
+ If WizardMode = SBXMLMODE Then
+ XMLTemplateCount = XMLTemplateCount + 1
+ End If
+ CheckIfToAddPathToCollection(i, SBTEMPLCONVERT, SBTEMPLSOURCE, SBTEMPLRECURSIVE, sFilterName(), MaxApplCount)
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertAllDocuments(sFilterName() as String)
Dim FileProperties(1) as new
Dim PWFileProperties(2) as New
Dim WriterWebProperties(0) as new
@@ -108,35 +237,28 @@ Dim MaxFileIndex as Integer
Dim bContainsBasicMacro as Boolean
Dim bIsPassWordProtected as Boolean
Dim iOverwrite as Integer
+ bConversionisrunning = True
InteractionTypes(0) =
oInteractionHandler = createUnoService(&quot;;)
- bConversionIsRunnig = True
+ bConversionIsRunning = True
bLogExists = false
AbsTemplateFound = 0
AbsDocuFound = 0
- For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
- &apos;templates
- If bCancelTask Or RetValue = 0 Then
- bConversionIsRunnig = False
- Exit Sub
- End if
- bIsDocument = False
- CurFound = ReadApplicationDirectories(i, FilesList(), bIsDocument, sFilterName())
- ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument, CurFound)
- Next i
- For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
- &apos;documents
- If bCancelTask Or RetValue = 0 Then
- bConversionIsRunnig = False
- Exit Sub
- End if
- bIsDocument = True
- CurFound = ReadApplicationDirectories(i, FilesList(), bIsDocument, sFilterName())
- ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument, CurFound)
- Next i
- TotFound = AbsTemplateFound + AbsDocuFound
+ CollectPaths(sFiltername())
+ If Not ReadCollectionPaths(FilesList(), sFilterName()) Then
+ TotFound = 0
+ SetProgressDisplay(0)
+ bConversionisrunning = false
+ FinalizeDialogButtons()
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ TotFound = Ubound(FilesList()) + 1
+ If FilesList(0,0) = &quot;&quot; Then &apos; Querying the number of fields in a multidimensionl Array is unsecure
+ TotFound = 0 &apos; because it will return the value 0 (and not -1) even when the Array is empty
+ SetProgressDisplay(0)
+ End If
If TotFound &gt; 0 Then
@@ -154,17 +276,19 @@ Dim iOverwrite as Integer
FileCount = 0
For i = 0 To MaxFileIndex
sComment = &quot;&quot;
- If bCancelTask Or RetValue = 0 Then
- bConversionIsRunnig = False
+ If InterruptProcess() Then
Exit For
- End if
+ End If
bDoSave = True
sSourceUrl = FilesList(i,0)
CurFiltername = GetFilterName(FilesList(i,1), sFilterName(), sExtension, FilterIndex)
ApplIndex = FilesList(i,2)
- sViewPath = CutPathView(sSourceUrl, 60)
+ If ApplIndex &gt; Ubound(Applications) or (ApplIndex &lt; 0) Then
+ Msgbox &quot;Applicationindex out of bounds:&quot; &amp; sSourcUrl
+ End If
+ sViewPath = ConvertFromUrl(sSourceUrl) &apos; CutPathView(sSourceUrl, 70)
ImportDialog.LabelCurDocument.Label = Str(i+1) &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; MaxFileIndex + 1 &amp; &quot; (&quot; &amp; sViewPath &amp; &quot;)&quot;
- Select Case sExtension
+ Select Case lcase(sExtension)
Case &quot;sxw&quot;, &quot;sxc&quot;, &quot;sxi&quot;, &quot;sxd&quot;, &quot;sxs&quot;, &quot;sxm&quot;
SourceStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCSOURCE), &quot;/&quot;)
TargetStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCTARGET), &quot;/&quot;)
@@ -206,53 +330,55 @@ Dim iOverwrite as Integer
End If
If bDoSave Then
If Not oUcb.Exists(TargetDir) Then
- CreateFolder(TargetDir)
+ bDoSave = CreateFolder(TargetDir)
End If
- oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sSourceUrl, &quot;_default&quot;, 0, OpenProperties())
- If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
- InsertSourceUrlToLogDocument(sSourceUrl, &quot;&quot;)
- bIsPassWordProtected = CheckPassWordProtection(oDocument)
- CheckIfMacroExists(oDocument.BasicLibraries, sComment)
- On Local Error Goto NOSAVING
- &apos; Todo: Due to bug #93651 the handling of the fileProperties has to be handled without Redimensioning
- If bIsPassWordProtected Then
- PWFileProperties(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
- PWFileProperties(0).Value = CurFilterName
- PWFileProperties(1).Name = &quot;Overwrite&quot;
- PWFileProperties(1).Value = True
- PWFileProperties(2).Name = &quot;Password&quot;
- PWFileProperties(2).Value = sCurPassWord
- oDocument.StoreAsUrl(sTargetUrl, PWFileProperties())
+ If bDoSave Then
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sSourceUrl, &quot;_default&quot;, 0, OpenProperties())
+ If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
+ InsertSourceUrlToLogDocument(sSourceUrl, &quot;&quot;)
+ bIsPassWordProtected = CheckPassWordProtection(oDocument)
+ CheckIfMacroExists(oDocument.BasicLibraries, sComment)
+ On Local Error Goto NOSAVING
+ &apos; Todo: Due to bug #93651 the handling of the fileProperties has to be handled without Redimensioning
+ If bIsPassWordProtected Then
+ PWFileProperties(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
+ PWFileProperties(0).Value = CurFilterName
+ PWFileProperties(1).Name = &quot;Overwrite&quot;
+ PWFileProperties(1).Value = True
+ PWFileProperties(2).Name = &quot;Password&quot;
+ PWFileProperties(2).Value = sCurPassWord
+ oDocument.StoreAsUrl(sTargetUrl, PWFileProperties())
+ Else
+ FileProperties(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
+ FileProperties(0).Value = CurFilterName
+ FileProperties(1).Name = &quot;Overwrite&quot;
+ FileProperties(1).Value = True
+ oDocument.StoreAsUrl(sTargetUrl,FileProperties())
+ End If
+ &apos; Todo: Make sure that an errorbox pops up when saving fails
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ sCurcouldnotsaveDocument = ReplaceString(scouldnotsaveDocument, ConvertFromUrl(sTargetUrl), &quot;&lt;1&gt;&quot;)
+ sComment = ConcatComment(sComment, sCurCouldnotsaveDocument)
+ Resume LETSGO
+ Else
+ FileCount = FileCount + 1
+ End If
+ oDocument.Dispose()
+ InsertTargetUrlToLogDocument(sTargetUrl, sComment)
- FileProperties(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
- FileProperties(0).Value = CurFilterName
- FileProperties(1).Name = &quot;Overwrite&quot;
- FileProperties(1).Value = True
- oDocument.StoreAsUrl(sTargetUrl,FileProperties())
+ sCurcouldnotopenDocument = ReplaceString(scouldnotopenDocument, ConvertFromUrl(sSourceUrl), &quot;&lt;1&gt;&quot;)
+ sComment = ConcatComment(sComment, sCurCouldnotopenDocument)
+ InsertSourceUrlToLogDocument(sSourceUrl, sComment)
End If
- &apos; Todo: Make sure that an errorbox pops up when saving fails
- If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
- sCurcouldnotsaveDocument = ReplaceString(scouldnotsaveDocument, ConvertFromUrl(sTargetUrl), &quot;&lt;1&gt;&quot;)
- sComment = ConcatComment(sComment, sCurCouldnotsaveDocument)
- Resume LETSGO
- Else
- FileCount = FileCount + 1
- End If
- oDocument.Dispose()
- InsertTargetUrlToLogDocument(sTargetUrl, sComment)
- Else
- sCurcouldnotopenDocument = ReplaceString(scouldnotopenDocument, ConvertFromUrl(sSourceUrl), &quot;&lt;1&gt;&quot;)
- sComment = ConcatComment(sComment, sCurCouldnotopenDocument)
- InsertSourceUrlToLogDocument(sSourceUrl, sComment)
End If
End If
Next i
End If
- bConversionIsRunnig = False
+ bConversionIsRunning = False
Exit Sub
Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
@@ -260,8 +386,12 @@ End Sub
-Sub AddListtoFilesList(FirstList(), SecList(), ApplIndex as Integer)
-Dim FirstStart as Integer, FirstEnd as Integer, i as Integer, s as Integer
+Sub AddListtoFilesList(FirstList(), SecList(), NewContentList() as String)
+Dim sLocExtension as String
+Dim FirstStart as Integer
+Dim FirstEnd as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim s as Integer
If FirstList(0,0) = &quot;&quot; Then
FirstStart = Ubound(FirstList(),1)
@@ -273,12 +403,21 @@ Dim FirstStart as Integer, FirstEnd as Integer, i as Integer, s as Integer
For i = FirstStart To FirstEnd
FirstList(i,0) = SecList(s,0)
FirstList(i,1) = SecList(s,1)
- FirstList(i,2) = CStr(ApplIndex)
+ sLocExtension = lcase(FirstList(i,1))
+ Select Case sLocExtension
+ Case &quot;sdw&quot;, &quot;sdc&quot;, &quot;sda&quot;, &quot;sdd&quot;, &quot;smf&quot;, &quot;sgl&quot;, &quot;doc&quot;, &quot;xls&quot;, &quot;ppt&quot;
+ AbsDocuFound = AbsDocuFound + 1
+ Case else
+ AbsTemplateFound = AbsTemplateFound + 1
+ End Select
+ FirstList(i,2) = CStr(NewContentList(s))
s = s + 1
Next i
+ SetProgressDisplay(Ubound(FirstList()) + 1)
End Sub
Function GetTargetTemplatePath(Index as Integer)
Select Case WizardMode
@@ -307,13 +446,13 @@ Dim sLocFilterlist() as String
sExtension = sFiltername(i,2)
GetFilterName = sFilterName(i,1)
- Dim a as Integer
+ Dim b as Integer
Dim sLocExtensionList() as String
- a = SearchArrayForPartString(sMimetypeOrExtension, sLocFilterList())
+ b = SearchArrayForPartString(sMimetypeOrExtension, sLocFilterList())
sLocFilterList() = ArrayoutofString(sFiltername(i,1),&quot;|&quot;, MaxIndex)
- GetFilterName = sLocFilterList(a)
+ GetFilterName = sLocFilterList(b)
sLocExtensionList() = ArrayoutofString(sFilterName(i,2), &quot;|&quot;, MaxIndex)
- sExtension = sLocExtensionList(a)
+ sExtension = sLocExtensionList(b)
End If
Exit For
End If
@@ -543,33 +682,4 @@ Function ConcatComment(sComment as String, AdditionalComment as String)
End If
ConcatComment = sComment
End Function
-&apos;Sub InsertDocNamesToLogDocument(SourceUrl as String, TargetUrl as String, sComment as String) &apos;
-&apos;Dim bContainsBasicMacro as Boolean
-&apos;Dim oCell as Object
-&apos;Dim UrlList(1) as String
-&apos;Dim LocUrl as String
-&apos;Dim i as Integer
-&apos; If bLogExists Then
-&apos; If bInsertRow Then
-&apos; oLogTable.Rows.InsertByIndex(oLogTable.Rows.Count,1)
-&apos; Else
-&apos; bInsertRow = True
-&apos; End If
-&apos; UrlList(0) = SourceUrl
-&apos; UrlList(1) = TargetUrl
-&apos; For i = 0 To 1
-&apos; oCell = oLogTable.GetCellbyPosition(i,oLogTable.Rows.Count-1)
-&apos; If sComment &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
-&apos; If ((TargetUrl &lt;&gt;&quot;&quot;) AND (i = 1)) Or ((TargetUrl = &quot;&quot;) AND (i = 0)) Then
-&apos; InsertCommentToLogCell(sComment, oCell)
-&apos; End If
-&apos; End If
-&apos; LocUrl = UrlList(i)
-&apos; InsertHyperLinkToLogCell(LocUrl, oCell)
-&apos; Next i
-&apos; oLogDocument.Store()
-&apos; End If
-&apos;End Sub
</script:module> \ No newline at end of file