path: root/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba
diff options
authorTom Verbeek <>2001-04-23 09:46:42 +0000
committerTom Verbeek <>2001-04-23 09:46:42 +0000
commit191835bec9bafbe76567363e2e5a1fdd7b232671 (patch)
treef3b6f68a56b2ba9575fee6f77a5966af45804e47 /wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba
parenta2255c1e77bee1071b372efd33d3b4adfeb0907b (diff)
initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..856a7b74f0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Main" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; ***** BASIC *****
+&apos; Todo: Problematik der VBA-Makros, die angeblich nicht mit abgespeichert werden können.
+&apos; Evt. Erkennen der Arbeitsverzeichnisse von MS Office
+&apos; Filternamen für Ziel-XML-Dokumente und deren Extensionen feststellen (auch für StarMath)
+&apos; Extension für XML-Vorlagen klären
+Public HeaderPreviews(4) as Object
+Public ImportDialog as Object
+Public ImportDialogArea as Object
+Sub Main
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ sCRLF = CHR(10) &amp; CHR(13)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ If Not bDebugWizard Then
+ On Error Goto RTError
+ End If
+ SOBitmapPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/bitmap&quot;)
+ SOWorkPath = ConvertToUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;, False))
+ SOTemplatePath = ConvertToUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;,False,1))
+ bCancelTask = False
+ CurOffice = 0
+ ImportDialogArea = LoadDialog(&quot;ImportWizard&quot;,&quot;ImportDialog&quot;)
+ ImportDialog = ImportDialogArea.Model
+ LoadLanguage()
+ FillStep_Welcome()
+ RepaintHeaderPreview()
+ SetStates()
+ ImportDialogArea.execute
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub SetStates
+ With ImportDialog
+ .OptSODocuments.State = 1
+ .OptMSDocuments.State = 0
+ .TemplateCheckbox.State = 1
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.State = 0
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub NextStep
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+ If Not bDebugWizard Then
+ On Error Goto RTError
+ End If
+ iCurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ Select Case iCurStep
+ Case 1
+ FillStep_InputPaths(0, True)
+ Case 2
+ If SaveStep_InputPath Then
+ If CurOffice &lt; ApplCount - 1 Then
+ CurOffice = CurOffice + 1
+ FillStep_InputPaths(CurOffice, False)
+ RepaintHeaderPreview()
+ Else
+ FillStep_Summary()
+ End If
+ End If
+ Case 3
+ FillStep_Progress()
+ Select Case WizardMode
+ Call ConvertAllDocuments(MSFilterName())
+ Call ConvertAllDocuments(XMLFilterName())
+ End Select
+ Case 4
+ End Select
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub PrevStep
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+ If Not bDebugWizard Then
+ On Error Goto RTError
+ End If
+ iCurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ Select Case iCurStep
+ Case 4
+ FillStep_Summary()
+ Case 3
+&apos;Todo: müssen auch beim Zurücksteppen wirklich die Importpfade auf ihre Gültigkeit hin überprüft werden?
+ FillStep_InputPaths(Applcount-1, False)
+ Case 2
+ If SaveStep_InputPath Then
+ If CurOffice &gt; 0 Then
+ CurOffice = CurOffice - 1
+ FillStep_InputPaths(CurOffice, False)
+ RepaintHeaderPreview()
+ Else
+ FillStep_Welcome()
+&apos; bDoKeepApplValues = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ End Select
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub CancelButton
+ If ImportDialog.Step = 4 Then
+ Call CancelButtonPressed()
+ Else
+ ImportDialogArea.EndExecute
+ ImportDialogArea.Dispose
+ End
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CancelTask()
+ If Msgbox(sConvertError1, 36, sConvertError2) = 6 Then
+ ImportDialogArea.EndExecute
+ ImportDialogArea.Dispose
+ End
+ Else
+ bCancelTask = False
+ ImportDialog.cbCancel.Enabled = True
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CancelButtonPressed()
+ ImportDialog.cbCancel.Enabled = False
+ bCancelTask = True
+End Sub
+Sub TemplateDirSearchDialog()
+ CallDirSearchDialog(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath)
+End Sub
+Sub RepaintHeaderPreview()
+Dim Bitmap As Object
+Dim CurStep as Integer
+Dim sBitmapPath as String
+ CurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ If CurStep = 2 Then
+ sBitmapPath = SOBitmapPath &amp; WizardMode &amp; &quot;-Import_&quot; &amp; CurStep &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; Val(Applications(CurOffice,9))+1 &amp; &quot;.bmp&quot;
+ Else
+ sBitmapPath = SOBitmapPath &amp; &quot;Import_&quot; &amp; CurStep &amp; &quot;.bmp&quot;
+ End If
+ Set Bitmap = LoadPicture (sBitmapPath)
+ ImportDialog.ImportPreview.ImageURL = sBitmapPath
+End Sub
+Sub HelperDialog()
+&apos;Todo: The String &quot;start&quot; can be replaced by a HelpIndex
+ StarDesktop.LoadComponentfromUrl(&quot;; &amp; sDocType &amp; &quot;/start&quot;, &quot;_OFFICE_HELP&quot;, 64, NoArgs())
+End Sub
+Sub DisorEnableCheckboxes(oEvent as Object)
+Dim bMSEnable, bXMLEnable as Boolean
+ Select Case oEvent.Source.Model.Tag
+ Case &quot;MS&quot;
+ bMSEnable = true
+ bXMLEnable = false
+ Case &quot;XML&quot;
+ bMSEnable = false
+ bXMLEnable = true
+ End Select
+ With ImportDialog
+ .ChkFirstSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkSecondSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkThirdSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkFourthSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkFirstMSApplication.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ .ChkSecondMSApplication.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ .ChkThirdMSApplication.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ .WelcomeTextLabel2.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ End With
+ DisOrEnableNextButton()
+End Sub
+Sub DisOrEnableNextButton()
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+Dim i as Integer
+ iCurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ Select Case iCurStep
+ Case 1
+ With ImportDialog
+ If .OptMSDocuments.State Then
+ bDoEnable = .ChkFirstMSApplication.State Or .ChkSecondMSApplication.State Or .ChkThirdMSApplication.State
+ Else
+ bDoEnable = .ChkFirstSOApplication.State Or .ChkSecondSOApplication.State Or .ChkThirdSOApplication.State Or .ChkFourthSOApplication.State
+ End If
+ End With
+&apos; bDoKeepApplValues = False
+ Case 2
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath, True)
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.TemplateExportPath, bDoEnable)
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath, bDoEnable)
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath, bDoenable)
+ End Select
+ ImportDialog.cbGoOn.Enabled = bDoEnable
+End Sub
+Function ControlStateToBool(iState)
+ ControlStateToBool = (Val(iState) = 1)
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file