path: root/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/
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authorJean-Pierre Ledure <>2021-03-04 17:19:27 +0100
committerJean-Pierre Ledure <>2021-03-05 10:26:51 +0100
commitf66a479225b35e9f1fd3621eef7496462088308a (patch)
tree8499d1565c6f9ac39355e3a36aac84abfd8b2d1e /wizards/source/scriptforge/python/
parenta04dde6b9c6d625ac80acbad1e599dbd8edf3579 (diff)
ScriptForge - ( Python-Basic machinery
Python scripts can now invoke usual Basic builtin functions Example: from ScriptForge import CreateScriptService bas = CreateScriptService('Basic') bas.MsgBox('This is the text to be displayed', bas.MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) Python scripts can use most ScriptForge services written in Basic Example: from scriptforge import CreateScriptService FSO = CreateScriptService('FileSystem') a = FSO.BuildPath('/tmp', 'xyz') Syntax and semantic are as close as possible to the Basic syntax Implemented are a SFServices class and its subclasses representing each a ScriptForge service and where the interfaces are defined (properties, methods and arguments) Their execution goes through the "machinery", i.e. a set of python and basic routines that manage the call from the python process to the appropriate service in an as much agnostic and generic way Only a limited set of services are implemented so far: SF_FileSystem (partially) and SF_Timer: they served as prototypes and initial tests Change-Id: I0b383b59359c12710e7165139e498cca5a7856bb Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <>
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards/source/scriptforge/python/')
1 files changed, 676 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/ b/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020-2021 Jean-Pierre LEDURE, Alain ROMEDENNE
+# =====================================================================================================================
+# === The ScriptForge library and its associated libraries are part of the LibreOffice project. ===
+# === Full documentation is available on ===
+# =====================================================================================================================
+# ScriptForge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# ScriptForge is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either (at your option):
+# 1) The Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
+# distributed with this file, you can obtain one at .
+# 2) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version. If a copy of the LGPL was not
+# distributed with this file, see .
+ ScriptForge libraries are an extensible and robust collection of macro scripting resources for LibreOffice
+ to be invoked from user Basic or Python macros. Users familiar with other BASIC macro variants often face hard
+ times to dig into the extensive LibreOffice Application Programming Interface even for the simplest operations.
+ By collecting most-demanded document operations in a set of easy to use, easy to read routines, users can now
+ program document macros with much less hassle and get quicker results.
+ ScriptForge abundant methods are organized in reusable modules that cleanly isolate Basic/Python programming
+ language constructs from ODF document content accesses and user interface(UI) features.
+ The module
+ - implements a protocol between Python (user) scripts and the ScriptForge Basic library
+ - contains the interfaces (classes and attributes) to be used in Python user scripts
+ to run the services implemented in the standard libraries shipped with LibreOffice
+ Usage:
+ When Python and LibreOffice run in the same process (usual case): either
+ from scriptforge import * # or, better ...
+ from scriptforge import CreateScriptService
+ When Python and LibreOffice are started in separate processes,
+ LibreOffice being started from console ... (example for Linux with port = 2021)
+ ./soffice --accept='socket,host=localhost,port=2021;urp;'
+ then use next statement:
+ from scriptforge import * # or, better ...
+ from scriptforge import CreateScriptService, ScriptForge
+ ScriptForge(hostname = 'localhost', port = 2021)
+ Specific documentation about the use of ScriptForge from Python scripts:
+ """
+import uno
+from platform import system as _opsys
+import datetime
+import os
+class _Singleton(type):
+ """
+ A Singleton metaclass design pattern
+ Credits: « Python in a Nutshell » by Alex Martelli, O'Reilly
+ """
+ instances = {}
+ def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ if cls not in cls.instances:
+ cls.instances[cls] = super(_Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
+ return cls.instances[cls]
+# #####################################################################################################################
+# ScriptForge CLASS ###
+# #####################################################################################################################
+class ScriptForge(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
+ """
+ The ScriptForge (singleton) class encapsulates the core of the ScriptForge run-time
+ - Bridge with the LibreOffice process
+ - Implementation of the inter-language protocol with the Basic libraries
+ - Identification of the available services interfaces
+ - Dispatching of services
+ - Coexistence with UNO
+ It embeds the Service class that manages the protocol with Basic
+ """
+ # #########################################################################
+ # Class attributes
+ # #########################################################################
+ hostname = ''
+ port = 0
+ componentcontext = None
+ scriptprovider = None
+ # #########################################################################
+ # Class constants
+ # #########################################################################
+ library = 'ScriptForge'
+ Version = '7.2' # Actual version number
+ #
+ # Basic dispatcher for Python scripts
+ basicdispatcher = 'ScriptForge.SF_PythonHelper._PythonDispatcher'
+ #
+ # VarType() constants
+ V_VARIANT, V_ARRAY, V_ERROR, V_UNO = 12, 8192, -1, 16
+ # Object types
+ objMODULE, objCLASS, objUNO = 1, 2, 3
+ # Special argument symbols
+ cstSymEmpty, cstSymNull, cstSymMissing = '+++EMPTY+++', '+++NULL+++', '+++MISSING+++'
+ def __init__(self, hostname = '', port = 0):
+ """
+ Because singleton, constructor is executed only once while Python active
+ Arguments are mandatory when Python and LibreOffice run in separate processes
+ :param hostname: probably 'localhost'
+ :param port: port number
+ """
+ ScriptForge.hostname = hostname
+ ScriptForge.port = port
+ # Determine main pyuno entry points
+ ScriptForge.componentcontext = self.ConnectToLOProcess(hostname, port) #
+ ScriptForge.scriptprovider = self.ScriptProvider(self.componentcontext) # ...script.provider.XScriptProvider
+ #
+ # Establish a list of the available services as a dictionary (servicename, serviceclass)
+ ScriptForge.serviceslist = dict((cls.servicename, cls) for cls in SFServices.__subclasses__())
+ ScriptForge.servicesdispatcher = None
+ @classmethod
+ def ConnectToLOProcess(cls, hostname = '', port = 0):
+ """
+ Called by the ScriptForge class constructor to establish the connection with
+ the requested LibreOffice instance
+ The default arguments are for the usual interactive mode
+ :param hostname: probably 'localhost' or ''
+ :param port: port number or 0
+ :return: the derived component context
+ """
+ if len(hostname) > 0 and port > 0: # Explicit connection request via socket
+ ctx = uno.getComponentContext() #
+ resolver = ctx.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ '', ctx) #
+ try:
+ conn = 'socket,host=%s,port=%d' % (hostname, port)
+ url = 'uno:%s;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext' % conn
+ ctx = resolver.resolve(url)
+ except Exception: # thrown when LibreOffice specified instance isn't started
+ raise ConnectionError(
+ 'Connection to LibreOffice failed (host = ' + hostname + ', port = ' + str(port) + ')')
+ return ctx
+ elif len(hostname) == 0 and port == 0: # Usual interactive mode
+ return uno.getComponentContext()
+ else:
+ raise SystemExit('The creation of the ScriptForge() instance got invalid arguments: '
+ + '(host = ' + hostname + ', port = ' + str(port) + ')')
+ @classmethod
+ def ScriptProvider(cls, context = None):
+ """
+ Returns the general script provider
+ """
+ servicemanager = context.ServiceManager #
+ masterscript = servicemanager.createInstanceWithContext(
+ "", context)
+ return masterscript.createScriptProvider("")
+ @classmethod
+ def InvokeSimpleScript(cls, script, *args):
+ """
+ Create a UNO object corresponding with the given Python or Basic script
+ The execution is done with the invoke() method applied on the created object
+ Implicit scope: Extensions and documents are excluded. Either
+ "application" a shared library (BASIC)
+ "share" a library of LibreOffice Macros (PYTHON)
+ :param script: Either
+ [library.]module.method - Must not be a class module or method
+ [directory/]$method
+ :return: the script object as a UNO object
+ """
+ # Compute the URI specification described in
+ #
+ if cls.servicesdispatcher is not None and script == ScriptForge.basicdispatcher:
+ xscript = cls.servicesdispatcher
+ elif len(script) > 0:
+ if '.py$' in script.lower(): # Python
+ uri = '' + script + '?language=Python&location=share'
+ else: # Basic
+ lib = ''
+ if len(script.split('.')) < 3:
+ lib = cls.library + '.'
+ uri = '' + lib + script + '?language=Basic&location=application'
+ # Get the script object
+ try:
+ xscript = cls.scriptprovider.getScript(uri)
+ except Exception:
+ raise SystemExit('The script ' + "'" + script + "'"
+ + ' could not be located in your LibreOffice installation')
+ else: # Should not happen
+ return None
+ # Execute the script with the given arguments
+ # Packaging for script provider depends on presence of ParamArray arguments in the called Basic script
+ if script == ScriptForge.basicdispatcher:
+ # At 1st execution, buffer xscript
+ if cls.servicesdispatcher is None:
+ cls.servicesdispatcher = xscript
+ scriptreturn = xscript.invoke(args[0], (), ())
+ else:
+ scriptreturn = xscript.invoke(args, (), ())
+ #
+ return scriptreturn[0] # Updatable arguments passed by reference are ignored
+ @classmethod
+ def InvokeBasicService(cls, basicobject, flags, method, *args):
+ """
+ Execute a given Basic script and interprete its result
+ This method has as counterpart the ScriptForge.SF_PythonHelper._PythonDispatcher() Basic method
+ :param basicobject: a Service subclass
+ :param flags: see the vb* and flg* constants below
+ :param method: the name of the method or property to invoke, as a string
+ :param args: the arguments of the method. Symbolic cst* constants may be necessary
+ :return: The invoked Basic counterpart script (with InvokeSimpleScript()) will return a tuple
+ [0] The returned value - scalar, object reference or a tuple
+ [1] The Basic VarType() of the returned value
+ Null, Empty and Nothing have different vartypes but return all None to Python
+ Additionally, when [0] is a tuple:
+ [2] Number of dimensions in Basic
+ Additionally, when [0] is a UNO or Basic object:
+ [2] Module (1), Class instance (2) or UNO (3)
+ [3] The object's ObjectType
+ [4] The object's ServiceName
+ [5] The object's name
+ When an error occurs Python receives None as a scalar. This determines the occurence of a failure
+ The method returns either
+ - the 0th element of the tuple when scalar, tuple or UNO object
+ - a new Service() object or one of its subclasses otherwise
+ """
+ # Constants
+ script = ScriptForge.basicdispatcher
+ cstNoArgs = '+++NOARGS+++'
+ cstValue, cstVarType, cstDims, cstClass, cstType, cstService, cstName = 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5
+ #
+ # Run the basic script
+ # The targeted script has a ParamArray argument. Do not change next 4 lines except if you know what you do !
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ args = (basicobject,) + (flags,) + (method,) + (cstNoArgs,)
+ else:
+ args = (basicobject,) + (flags,) + (method,) + args
+ returntuple = cls.InvokeSimpleScript(script, args)
+ #
+ # Interprete the result
+ # Did an error occur in the Basic world ?
+ if not isinstance(returntuple, (tuple, list)):
+ raise RuntimeError("The execution of the method '" + method + "' failed. Execution stops.")
+ #
+ # Analyze the returned tuple
+ if returntuple[cstVarType] == ScriptForge.V_OBJECT and len(returntuple) > cstClass: # Avoid Nothing
+ if returntuple[cstClass] == ScriptForge.objUNO:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Create the new class instance of the right subclass of Service()
+ servname = returntuple[cstService]
+ for subcls in SFServices.__subclasses__():
+ if servname == subcls.servicename:
+ return subcls(returntuple[cstValue], returntuple[cstType], returntuple[cstClass],
+ returntuple[cstName])
+ # When service not found
+ raise RuntimeError("The service '" + servname + "' is not available in Python. Execution stops.")
+ elif returntuple[cstVarType] >= ScriptForge.V_ARRAY:
+ pass
+ else: # All scalar values
+ pass
+ return returntuple[cstValue]
+# #####################################################################################################################
+# SFServices CLASS (ScriptForge services superclass) ###
+# #####################################################################################################################
+class SFServices(object):
+ """
+ Generic implementation of a parent Service class
+ Every service must subclass this class to be recognized as a valid service
+ A service instance is created by the CreateScriptService method
+ It can have a mirror in the Basic world or be totally defined in Python
+ Every subclass must initialize 2 class properties:
+ servicename (e.g. ScriptForge.FileSystem, ScriptForge.Basic)
+ serviceimplementation: either 'python' or 'basic'
+ This is sufficient to register the set of services in the Python world
+ The communication with Basic is managed by 2 ScriptForge() methods:
+ InvokeSimpleScript(): low level invocation of a Basic script. This script must be located
+ in a usual Basic module. The result is passed as-is
+ InvokeSBasicService(): the result comes back encapsulated with additional info
+ The result is interpreted in the method
+ The invoked script can be a property or a method of a Basic class module
+ It is up to every service method to determine which method to use
+ For Basic services only:
+ Each instance is identified by its
+ - object reference: the real Basic object embedded as a UNO wrapper object
+ - objecttype ('SF_String', 'DICTIONARY', ...)
+ - name (form, control, ... name) - may be blank
+ The role of the Service() superclass is mainly to propose a generic properties management
+ Properties are got and set following next strategy:
+ 1. Property names are controlled strictly ('Value' and not 'value')
+ 2. Getting a property value for the first time is always done via a Basic call
+ 3. Next occurrences are fetched from the Python dictionary of the instance if the property
+ is read-only, otherwise via a Basic call
+ 4. Read-only properties may be modified or deleted exceptionally by the class
+ when self.internal == True. The latter must immediately be reset after use
+ Each subclass must define its interface with the user scripts:
+ 1. The properties
+ a dictionary named 'serviceProperties' with keys = (camel-cased) property names and value = boolean
+ True = editable, False = read-only
+ a list named 'localProperties' reserved to properties for internal use
+ e.g. oDlg.Controls() is a method that uses '_Controls' to hold the list of available controls
+ serviceProperties are buffered in Python after their 1st get request to Basic
+ Only if there is a need to go to Basic at each get, then declare the property explicitly:
+ @property
+ def myProperty(self):
+ return self.GetProperty('myProperty')
+ 2 The methods
+ a usual def: statement
+ def myMethod(self, arg1, arg2 = ''):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'myMethod', arg1, arg2)
+ Method names are camel-cased, arguments are lower-cased
+ All arguments must be present and initialized before the call to Basic, if any
+ """
+ # Python-Basic protocol constants and flags
+ vbGet, vbLet, vbMethod, vbSet = 2, 4, 1, 8 # CallByName constants
+ flgArrayArg = 512 # 1st argument can be a 2D array
+ flgArrayRet = 1024 # Invoked service method can return an array
+ flgUno = 256 # Invoked service method/property can return a UNO object
+ # Basic class type
+ moduleClass, moduleStandard = 2, 1
+ #
+ # To operate dynamic property getting/setting it is necessary to
+ # enumerate all types of properties and adapt __getattr__() and __setattr__() according to their type
+ internal_attributes = ('objectreference', 'objecttype', 'name', 'internal', 'servicename',
+ 'serviceimplementation', 'classmodule', 'EXEC', 'SIMPLEEXEC')
+ def __init__(self, reference = -1, objtype = None, classmodule = 0, name = ''):
+ """
+ Trivial initialization of internal properties
+ If the subclass has its own __init()__ method, a call to this one should be its first statement.
+ Afterwards localProperties should be filled with the list of its own propertties
+ """
+ self.objectreference = reference # the index in the Python storage where the Basic object is stored
+ self.objecttype = objtype # ('SF_String', 'DICTIONARY', ...)
+ self.classmodule = classmodule # Module (1), Class instance (2)
+ = name # '' when no name
+ self.internal = False # True to exceptionally allow assigning a new value to a read-only property
+ self.localProperties = () # the properties reserved for internal use (often empty)
+ self.SIMPLEEXEC = ScriptForge.InvokeSimpleScript # Shortcuts to script provider interfaces
+ self.EXEC = ScriptForge.InvokeBasicService
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ """
+ Executed for EVERY property reference if name not yet in the instance dict
+ At the 1st get, the property value is always got from Basic
+ """
+ if self.serviceimplementation == 'basic':
+ if name in ('serviceProperties', 'localProperties', 'internal_attributes'):
+ pass
+ elif name in self.serviceProperties:
+ # Get Property from Basic
+ return self.GetProperty(name)
+ # Execute the usual attributes getter
+ return super(SFServices, self).__getattribute__(name)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ """
+ Executed for EVERY property assignment, including in __init__() !!
+ Setting a property requires for serviceProperties() to be executed in Basic
+ """
+ if self.serviceimplementation == 'basic':
+ if name in ('serviceProperties', 'localProperties', 'internal_attributes'):
+ pass
+ elif name[0:2] == '__' or name in self.internal_attributes or name in self.localProperties:
+ pass
+ elif name in self.serviceProperties:
+ if self.internal: # internal = True forces property local setting even if property is read-only
+ pass
+ elif self.serviceProperties[name] is True: # True == Editable
+ self.SetProperty(name, value)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no editable property '" + name + "'")
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError("type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no property '" + name + "'")
+ object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.serviceimplementation + '/' + self.servicename + '/' + str(self.objectreference) + '/' + \
+ super(SFServices, self).__repr__()
+ def Dispose(self):
+ if self.serviceimplementation == 'basic':
+ if self.classmodule == self.moduleClass and self.objectreference >= 0:
+ self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Dispose')
+ self.objectreference = -1
+ def Execute(self, flags = 0, methodname = '', *args):
+ if flags == 0:
+ flags = self.vbMethod
+ if len(methodname) > 0:
+ return self.EXEC(self.objectreference, flags, methodname, *args)
+ def GetProperty(self, propertyname):
+ """
+ Get the given property from the Basic world
+ """
+ return self.EXEC(self.objectreference, self.vbGet, propertyname)
+ def SetProperty(self, propertyname, value):
+ """
+ Set the given property to a new value in the Basic world
+ """
+ return self.EXEC(self.objectreference, self.vbLet, propertyname, value)
+# #####################################################################################################################
+# SFScriptForge CLASS (alias of ScriptForge Basic library) ###
+# #####################################################################################################################
+class SFScriptForge:
+ # #########################################################################
+ # SF_Basic CLASS
+ # #########################################################################
+ class SF_Basic(SFServices, metaclass = _Singleton):
+ """
+ This service proposes a collection of Basic methods to be executed in a Python context
+ to simulate the exact syntax and behaviour of the identical Basic builtin method.
+ Typical example:
+ SF_Basic.MsgBox('This has to be displayed in a message box')
+ """
+ # Mandatory class properties for service registration
+ serviceimplementation = 'python'
+ servicename = 'ScriptForge.Basic'
+ # Basic helper functions invocation
+ module = 'SF_PythonHelper'
+ # Message box constants
+ def ConvertFromUrl(self, filename):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyConvertFromUrl', filename)
+ def ConvertToUrl(self, filename):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyConvertToUrl', filename)
+ def CreateUnoService(self, unoservice):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyCreateUnoService', unoservice)
+ def DateAdd(self, add, count, datearg):
+ if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime):
+ datearg = datearg.isoformat()
+ dateadd = self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDateAdd', add, count, datearg)
+ return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(dateadd)
+ def DateDiff(self, add, date1, date2, weekstart = 1, yearstart = 1):
+ if isinstance(date1, datetime.datetime):
+ date1 = date1.isoformat()
+ if isinstance(date2, datetime.datetime):
+ date2 = date2.isoformat()
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDateDiff', add, date1, date2, weekstart, yearstart)
+ def DatePart(self, add, datearg, weekstart = 1, yearstart = 1):
+ if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime):
+ datearg = datearg.isoformat()
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDatePart', add, datearg, weekstart, yearstart)
+ def DateValue(self, datearg):
+ if isinstance(datearg, datetime.datetime):
+ datearg = datearg.isoformat()
+ datevalue = self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDateValue', datearg)
+ return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(datevalue)
+ def Format(self, value, pattern = ''):
+ if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
+ value = value.isoformat()
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyFormat', value, pattern)
+ def GetGuiType(self):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyGetGuiType')
+ def GetSystemTicks(self):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyGetSystemTicks')
+ @staticmethod
+ def GetDefaultContext():
+ return ScriptForge.componentcontext
+ @staticmethod
+ def GetPathSeparator():
+ return os.sep
+ class GlobalScope(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
+ @classmethod # Mandatory because the GlobalScope class is normally not instantiated
+ def BasicLibraries(cls):
+ return SFScriptForge.SF_Basic().SIMPLEEXEC(SFScriptForge.SF_Basic.module + '.PyGlobalScope', 'Basic')
+ @classmethod
+ def DialogLibraries(cls):
+ return SFScriptForge.SF_Basic().SIMPLEEXEC(SFScriptForge.SF_Basic.module + '.PyGlobalScope', 'Dialog')
+ def InputBox(self, msg, title = '', default = '', xpos = -1, ypos = -1):
+ if xpos < 0 or ypos < 0:
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyInputBox', msg, title, default)
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyInputBox', msg, title, default, xpos, ypos)
+ def MsgBox(self, text, dialogtype = 0, dialogtitle = ''):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyMsgBox', text, dialogtype, dialogtitle)
+ @staticmethod
+ def Now():
+ return
+ @staticmethod
+ def RGB(red, green, blue):
+ return int('%02x%02x%02x' % (red, green, blue), 16)
+ def Xray(self, unoobject = None):
+ return self.SIMPLEEXEC('XrayTool._main.xray', unoobject)
+ # #########################################################################
+ # SF_String CLASS
+ # #########################################################################
+ class SF_String(SFServices, metaclass = _Singleton):
+ """
+ A collection of methods focussed on string manipulation, user input validation,
+ regular expressions, encodings, parsing and hashing algorithms.
+ Many of them are less efficient than their Python equivalents.
+ """
+ # Mandatory class properties for service registration
+ serviceimplementation = 'basic'
+ servicename = 'ScriptForge.String'
+ # #########################################################################
+ # SF_FileSystem CLASS
+ # #########################################################################
+ class SF_FileSystem(SFServices, metaclass = _Singleton):
+ """
+ The "FileSystem" service includes common file and folder handling routines.
+ """
+ # Mandatory class properties for service registration
+ serviceimplementation = 'basic'
+ servicename = 'ScriptForge.FileSystem'
+ serviceProperties = dict(FileNaming = True, ConfigFolder = False, ExtensionsFolder = False, HomeFolder = False,
+ InstallFolder = False, TemplatesFolder = False, TemporaryFolder = False,
+ UserTemplatesFolder = False)
+ @property
+ def ConfigFolder(self):
+ return self.GetProperty('ConfigFolder')
+ def BuildPath(self, foldername, name):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'BuildPath', foldername, name)
+ def FolderExists(self, foldername):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'FolderExists', foldername)
+ # #########################################################################
+ # SF_Timer CLASS
+ # #########################################################################
+ class SF_Timer(SFServices):
+ """
+ The "Timer" service measures the amount of time it takes to run user scripts..
+ """
+ # Mandatory class properties for service registration
+ serviceimplementation = 'basic'
+ servicename = 'ScriptForge.Timer'
+ serviceProperties = dict(Duration = False, IsStarted = False, IsSuspended = False,
+ SuspendDuration = False, TotalDuration = False)
+ @property
+ def Duration(self):
+ return self.GetProperty('Duration')
+ @property
+ def IsStarted(self):
+ return self.GetProperty('IsStarted')
+ @property
+ def SuspendDuration(self):
+ return self.GetProperty('SuspendDuration')
+ @property
+ def TotalDuration(self):
+ return self.GetProperty('TotalDuration')
+ def Continue(self):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Continue')
+ def Restart(self):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Restart')
+ def Start(self):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Start')
+ def Suspend(self):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Suspend')
+ def Terminate(self):
+ return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Terminate')
+# ##############################################False#######################################################################
+# CreateScriptService() ###
+# #####################################################################################################################
+def CreateScriptService(service, *args):
+ """
+ A service being the name of a collection of properties and methods,
+ this method returns the Python object mirror of the Basic object implementing
+ the requested service
+ As an exception to above, 'Basic' is accepted as a shortcut to the Basic service
+ which is implemented in Python
+ :param service: the name of the service as a string 'library.service' - cased exactly
+ :param args: the arguments to pass to the service constructor
+ :return: the service as a Python object
+ """
+ # Init at each CreateScriptService() invocation
+ # CreateScriptService is usually the first statement in user scripts requesting ScriptForge services
+ # ScriptForge() is optional in user scripts when Python process inside LibreOffice process
+ ScriptForge()
+ def ResolveSynonyms(servicename):
+ """
+ Synonyms within service names implemented in Python are resolved here
+ :param servicename: The short name of the service
+ :return: The official service name
+ """
+ if servicename.lower() in ('basic', 'scriptforge.basic'):
+ return 'ScriptForge.Basic'
+ return servicename
+ #
+ # Check the list of available services to examine if the requested service is within the Python world
+ scriptservice = ResolveSynonyms(service)
+ if scriptservice in ScriptForge.serviceslist:
+ serv = ScriptForge.serviceslist[scriptservice]
+ if serv.serviceimplementation == 'python':
+ return serv()
+ # The requested service is to be found in the Basic world
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ serv = ScriptForge.InvokeBasicService('SF_Services', SFServices.vbMethod, 'CreateScriptService', service)
+ else:
+ serv = ScriptForge.InvokeBasicService('SF_Services', SFServices.vbMethod, 'CreateScriptService', service, *args)
+ return serv
+# #####################################################################################################################
+# Services shortcuts ###
+# #####################################################################################################################
+# SF_Basic = CreateScriptService('SFPython.Basic')
+# SF_String = _ScriptForge.SF_String
+# ######################################################################
+# lists the scripts, that shall be visible inside the Basic/Python IDE
+# ######################################################################
+g_exportedScripts = () \ No newline at end of file