path: root/wizards
diff options
authorTom Verbeek <>2001-04-23 09:46:42 +0000
committerTom Verbeek <>2001-04-23 09:46:42 +0000
commit191835bec9bafbe76567363e2e5a1fdd7b232671 (patch)
treef3b6f68a56b2ba9575fee6f77a5966af45804e47 /wizards
parenta2255c1e77bee1071b372efd33d3b4adfeb0907b (diff)
initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards')
43 files changed, 10749 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/AutoPilotRun.xba b/wizards/source/euro/AutoPilotRun.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37228129c2ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/euro/AutoPilotRun.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="AutoPilotRun" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public SourceDir as String
+Public TargetDir as String
+Public TargetStemDir as String
+Public SourceFile as String
+Public TargetFile as String
+Public EuroStyles(50) as String
+Public EuroBools(50) as Boolean
+Public Source as String
+Public SubstFile as String
+Public SubstDir as String
+Public NoArgs()
+Public FilterList(0) as String
+Public GoOn as Boolean
+Public UnprotectList(50,1) as String
+Public DoUnprotect as Integer
+Public Password as String
+Public DocIndex as Integer
+Public oPathSettings as Object
+Public oDocInfo as Object
+Public oUcb as Object
+Public TotDocCount as Integer
+Public sTotDocCount as String
+Sub StartAutoPilot()
+Dim i As Integer
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ If InitResources(&quot;Euro Converter&quot;, &quot;eur&quot;) Then
+ oDocInfo = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ DocDisposed = True
+ oLocale = GetStarOfficeLocale()
+ InitializeConverter(oLocale, 2)
+ DialogConvert.Execute
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertDocuments()
+Dim FilesList()
+Msgbox DialogModel.lblSource.Label
+ Source = AssignFileName(DialogModel.txtSource.Text, DialogModel.lblSource.Label, True)
+ TargetDir = AssignFileName(DialogModel.txtTarget.Text, DialogModel.lblTarget.Label, False)
+ If Source &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; And TargetDir &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ bRecursive = DialogModel.chkRecursive.State = 1
+ InitializeThirdStep()
+ If DialogModel.optSingleFile.State = 1 Then
+ SourceFile = Source
+ TotDocCount = 1
+ Else
+ SourceDir = Source
+ TargetStemDir = TargetDir
+ FilesList() = ReadDirectories(SourceDir, bRecursive, True, False, FilterList())
+ TotDocCount = CInt(FilesList(0,0))
+ End If
+ InitializeProgressPage(DialogModel)
+&apos; ChangeToNextProgressStep()
+ sTotDocCount = CStr(TotDocCount)
+ For DocIndex = 1 To TotDocCount
+ If InitializeDocument(FilesList()) Then
+ ConvertDocument()
+ DocDisposed = StoreDocument()
+ End If
+ Next DocIndex
+ If GoOn Then
+ Msgbox (sMsgREADY,64, sMsgDLGTITLE)
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function InitializeDocument(FilesList()) as Boolean
+Dim sViewPath as String
+Dim oLocDocument as Object
+Dim oSecDocument as Object
+ &apos; The Autopilot is started from step No. 2
+ If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
+ SourceFile = FilesList(DocIndex,0)
+ TargetFile = ReplaceString(SourceFile,TargetStemDir,SourceDir)
+ TargetDir = DirectorynameoutofPath(TargetFile, &quot;/&quot;)
+ Else
+ SourceFile = Source
+ TargetFile = TargetDir &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; FileNameoutofPath(SourceFile, &quot;/&quot;)
+ End If
+ If Not oUcb.Exists(TargetDir) Then
+ oUcb.CreateFolder(TargetDir)
+ End If
+ oLocDocument = OpenDocument(SourceFile, NoArgs(), StarDesktop)
+ Set oSecDocument = PrepareForEditing(oLocDocument)
+ If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
+ DoUnProtect = -6 * Int(DialogModel.chkProtect.State = 1)
+ RetrieveDocumentObjects()
+ sViewPath = CutPathView(SourceFile, 60)
+ DialogModel.LabelCurDocument.Label = Str(DocIndex) &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; sTotDocCount &amp; &quot; (&quot; &amp; sViewPath &amp; &quot;)&quot;
+ InitializeDocument() = True
+ Else
+ InitializeDocument() = False
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub ChangeToNextProgressStep()
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.FontBold = False
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.Visible = True
+ DialogModel.cmdBack.Enabled = True
+End Sub
+Function StoreDocument()
+ If TargetFile &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ On Local Error Goto NOSAVING
+ If TargetFile &lt;&gt; SourceFile Then
+ oDocument.StoreToUrl(TargetFile,NoArgs)
+ Else
+ oDocument.Store
+ End If
+ oDocument.Dispose()
+ StoreDocument() = True
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ StoreDocument() = False
+ Resume CLERROR
+ End If
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub SwapExtent()
+ DialogModel.chkRecursive.Enabled = DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1
+ If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
+ DialogModel.lblSource.Label = sSOURCEDIR &apos;&quot;Quellverzeichnis:&quot;
+ If Not IsNull(SubstFile) Then
+ SubstFile = DialogModel.txtSource.Text
+ DialogModel.txtSource.Text = SubstDir
+ End If
+ Else
+ DialogModel.LblSource.Label = sSOURCEFILE &apos;&quot;Quelldatei:&quot;
+ If Not IsNull(SubstDir) Then
+ SubstDir = DialogModel.txtSource.Text
+ DialogModel.txtSource.Text = SubstFile
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SourceSearchDialog()
+ If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
+ &apos;Konvertierung eines gesamten Verzeichnisses
+ Source = Application.FileDialog( &quot;P&quot;, sMsgSELDIR, DialogModel.txtSource.Text ) &apos; &quot;Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis&quot;
+ Else
+ Source = Application.FileDialog( &quot;O&quot;, sMsgSELFILE, DialogModel.txtSource.Text ) &apos; &quot;Wählen Sie eine Datei&quot;
+ End If
+ DialogModel.txtSource.Text = AssignFileName(Source, DialogModel.LblSource.Label,True)
+End Sub
+Sub TargetDirectorySearchDialog()
+ TargetDir = Application.FileDialog( &quot;P&quot;, sMsgTARGETDIR, DialogModel.txtTarget.Text )
+ DialogModel.txtTarget.Text = AssignFileName(TargetDir, DialogModel.LblTarget.Label,False)
+End Sub
+Function AssignFileName(sPath as String, ByVal HeaderString, bCheckFileType as Boolean) as String
+Dim bIsValid as Boolean
+Dim sLocMimeType as String
+Dim sNoDirMessage as String
+ HeaderString = DeleteStr(HeaderString, &quot;:&quot;)
+ sPath = ConvertToUrl(Trim(sPath))
+ bIsValid = oUcb.Exists(sPath)
+ If bIsValid Then
+ If DialogModel.optSingleFile.State = 1 Then
+ If bCheckFileType Then
+ sLocMimeType = GetRealFileContent(oDocInfo, sPath)
+ If Instr(1, sLocMimeType, &quot;calc&quot;) = 0 Then
+ Msgbox(sMsgFileInvalid, 48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
+ bIsValid = False
+ End If
+ End If
+ Else
+ If Not oUcb.IsFolder(sPath) Then
+ sNoDirMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgNODIRECTORY,sPath,&quot;&lt;1&gt;&quot;)
+ Msgbox(sNoDirMessage,48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
+ bIsValid = False
+ Else
+ sPath = RTrimStr(sPath,&quot;/&quot;)
+ sPath = sPath &amp; &quot;/&quot;
+ End If
+ End if
+ Else
+ Msgbox(HeaderString &amp; &quot; &apos;&quot; &amp; sPath &amp; &quot;&apos; &quot; &amp; sMsgNOTTHERE,48, sMsgDLGTITLE)
+ End If
+ If bIsValid Then
+ AssignFileName() = sPath
+ Else
+ AssignFilename() = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+Function UnprotectSheet(oListSheet as Object)
+Dim PWIsCorrect as Boolean
+&apos;Dim Password as String
+Dim QueryText as String
+Dim ListSheetName as String
+Dim OldDoUnprotect as Integer
+Dim sStatustext as String
+ ListSheetName = oListSheet.Name
+ If oListSheet.IsProtected Then
+ OldDoUnprotect = DoUnprotect
+ If DoUnprotect = 0 Then
+ &apos; At First query if sheets shall generally be unprotected
+ DoUnprotect = Msgbox(sMsgUNPROTECT,36,sMsgDLGTITLE)
+ End If
+ If DoUnprotect = 6 Then
+ &apos;the answer is yes...
+ &apos; Try to unprotect the sheet without a Password
+ oListSheet.Unprotect(&quot;&quot;)
+ If oListSheet.IsProtected Then
+ &apos; Sheet is protected by a Password
+ oDocument.CurrentController.SetActiveSheet(oListSheet)
+ QueryText = ReplaceString(sMsgPWPROTECT,&quot;&apos;&quot; &amp; ListSheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;, &quot;%1TableName%1&quot;)
+ &apos;&quot;Geben Sie das Kennwort zum Entschützen der Tabelle &apos;&quot; &amp; ListSheetName &amp; &quot; ein:&apos;&quot;
+ Do
+ InitializePasswordDialog()
+ If bCancelProtection Then
+ bCancelProtection = False
+ UnprotectSheet = False &apos;&quot;Tabelle wird nicht entschützt!&quot;
+ exit Function
+ End If
+ oListSheet.Unprotect(Password)
+ If oListSheet.IsProtected Then
+ PWIsCorrect = False
+ Msgbox (sMsgWRONGPW, 64, sMsgDLGTITLE)
+ Else
+ &apos; Sheet could be unprotected
+ AddSheettoUnprotectionlist(ListSheetName,Password)
+ PWIsCorrect = True
+ End If
+ Loop Until PWIsCorrect
+ UnProtectSheet = True
+ Else
+ &apos; The Sheet could be unprotected without a password
+ AddSheettoUnprotectionlist(ListSheetName,&quot;&quot;)
+ UnprotectSheet = True
+ End If
+ Else
+ &apos; The Answer is &apos;No&apos; (Tables shall not be unprotected)
+ If OldDoUnprotect = 0 Then
+ End If &apos;&quot;Tabellen werden nicht entschützt!&quot;
+ Unprotectsheet = False
+ End If
+ Else
+ UnprotectSheet = True
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub InitializePasswordDialog()
+ With DialogPW
+ .Load
+ .Label = QueryText
+ .frmSelection.Label = sMsgPASSWORD
+ .cmdOK.Label = sMsgOK
+ .cmdCancel.Label = sMsgCANCEL
+ .cmdHelp.Label = sHELP
+ .Show
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub ReadPassword()
+ Password = DialogPW.TextBox1.Text
+ DialogPW.Unload
+End Sub
+Sub RejectPassword()
+ bCancelProtection = True
+ DialogPW.Unload
+End Sub
+&apos; Reprotects the previousliy protected sheets
+&apos; The passwordinformation is stored in the List &apos;UnProtectList()&apos;
+Sub ReprotectSheets()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oProtectSheet as Object
+ If Val(UnProtectList(0,0)) &gt; 0 Then
+&apos; oStatusline.SetText(sStsREPROTECT)
+ For i = 1 To Val(UnProtectList(0,0))
+ oProtectSheet = oSheets.GetbyName(UnProtectList(i,0)
+ If Not oProtectSheet.IsProtected Then
+ oProtectSheet.Protect(UnProtectList(i,1))
+ End If
+ UnprotectList(i,0) = &quot;&quot;
+ UnprotectList(i,1) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next i
+ End If
+ UnprotectList(0,0) = &quot;&quot;
+End Sub
+&apos; Add a Sheet to the list of sheets that finally have to be
+&apos; unprotected
+Sub AddSheettoUnprotectionlist(ListSheetName,Password)
+ UnprotectList(Int(UnProtectList(0,0))+ 1,0) = ListSheetName
+ UnprotectList(Int(UnProtectList(0,0))+ 1,1) = Password
+ &apos; The first Field contains the highest Index of the list
+ &apos; and therefor has to be incremented
+ UnprotectList(0,0) = Str(Val(UnProtectList(0,0)) + 1)
+End Sub
+Sub HelperDialog()
+&apos;Todo: The String &quot;start&quot; can be replaced by a HelpIndex
+ StarDesktop.LoadComponentfromUrl(&quot;; &amp; sDocType &amp; &quot;/start&quot;, &quot;_OFFICE_HELP&quot;, 64, NoArgs())
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeThirdStep()
+Dim TextBoxText as String
+ DialogModel.lblCurrencies.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.lstCurrencies.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.cmdBack.Label = sBACK
+ DialogModel.LabelRetrieval.FontBold = True
+ DialogModel.LabelRetrieval.Label = sPrgsRETRIEVAL
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.Label = sPrgsCONVERTING
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.Step = 3
+ If DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1 Then
+ TextBoxText = sSOURCEDIR &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; Source &amp; chr(13) &apos;&amp; &quot; &quot;
+ If DialogModel.chkRecursive.State = 1 Then
+ TextBoxText = TextBoxText &amp; DeleteStr(sSUBDIR,&quot;&amp;&quot;) &amp; chr(13)&apos; &amp; &quot; &quot;
+ End If
+ Else
+ TextBoxText = sSOURCEFILE &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; Source &amp; chr(13) &apos;&amp; &quot; &quot;
+ End If
+ TextBoxText = TextBoxText &amp; sTARGETDIR &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; TargetDir &amp; chr(13)&apos; &amp; &quot; &quot;
+ If DialogModel.chkProtect.State = 1 Then
+ TextBoxText = TextboxText &amp; sPrgsUNPROTECT
+ End If
+ DialogModel.TextBoxConfig.Text = TextBoxText
+ DialogModel.cmdBack.Visible = True
+End Sub
+Sub SwitchBack()
+ DialogModel.Step = 2
+ DialogModel.lblCurrencies.Visible = True
+ DialogModel.lstCurrencies.Visible = True
+ DialogModel.cmdBack.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Visible = True
+End Sub
+Sub EnableStep2DialogControls(OnValue as Boolean)
+ DialogModel.frmExtent.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.optWholeDir.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.optSingleFile.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.chkProtect.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.cmdCallSourceDialog.Enabled = False
+ DialogModel.cmdCallTargetDialog.Enabled = False
+ DialogModel.lblSource.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.lblTarget.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.txtSource.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.txtTarget.Enabled = OnValue
+&apos; DialogModel.Preview1.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.lstCurrencies.Enabled = OnValue
+ DialogModel.lblCurrencies.Enabled = OnValue
+ If OnValue Then
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = Ubound(DialogModel.lstCurrencies.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1
+ DialogModel.chkRecursive.Enabled = DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1
+ Else
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
+ DialogModel.chkRecursive.Enabled = False
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeProgressPage()
+ DialogModel.LabelRetrieval.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.Visible = False
+ DialogModel.LabelRetrieval.FontBold = False
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.FontBold = True
+ DialogModel.LabelRetrieval.Visible = True
+ DialogModel.LabelCurProgress.Visible = True
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/Common.xba b/wizards/source/euro/Common.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..319008bf99a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/euro/Common.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Common" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+Public DialogModel as Object
+Public DialogConvert as Object
+Sub RetrieveDocumentObjects()
+ oSheets = oDocument.Sheets
+ oSheet = oDocument.Sheets.GetbyIndex(0)
+ oStatusline = oDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.CreateStatusIndicator
+ &apos; Retrieve the indices for the cellformatations
+ oFormats = oDocument.NumberFormats
+ oAddressRanges = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+End Sub
+Sub CloseDialog
+Dim n, m as Integer
+ If Not bMacroStopped Then
+ &apos; Die Zuordnungstabelle löschen
+ If Not IsNull(oStyles) Then
+ Redim StyleRangeAssignmentList(20,50)as String
+ End If
+ ReDim RangeList(100) as String
+ ReDim SelRangeList(100) as String
+ Redim RangeBools(100) as Boolean
+ ReDim RemoveList(100) as String
+ ClearArray(ListboxItems())
+ &apos; Prevent That this Procedure is called again the second time
+ &apos; by the Unload Event of the dialog
+ bMacroStopped = True
+ DialogConvert.EndExecute
+ If Not DocDisposed Then
+ ReprotectSheets()
+ End If
+ Stop
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function ConvertDocument()
+Dim i, a as integer
+Dim CurStylename as String
+Dim DummyList(100) as String
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim oDummySheet as Object
+Dim AddRange as Boolean
+ GoOn = True
+ DocDisposed = True
+ CurCellCount = 0
+ StatusValue = 0
+ AddRange = True
+ oStatusline.Start(sStsPROGRESS,100) &apos;&quot;Konvertierungsfortschritt:&quot;
+ StatusValue = 0
+ If Not bRangeListDefined Then
+ TotCellCount = 0
+ CreateRangeEnumeration(True)
+ Else
+ IncreaseStatusvalue(SBRelGet/3)
+ End If
+ &apos; Check protected Areas
+ a = 1
+ i = 0
+ For i = 1 To Val(RangeList(0))
+ RangeName = RangeList(i)
+ If Rangename &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oDummySheet = RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName(RangeName)
+ &apos; Unprotect the sheet if necessary
+ AddRange = UnprotectSheet(oDummySheet)
+ If AddRange Then
+&apos; Todo: Umschreiben mit Redim RangeList(RangeIndex) Preserve
+ DummyList(a) = RangeName
+ DummyList(0) = Str(a)
+ a = a + 1
+ Else
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+ If AddRange Then
+ RangeIndex = Val(DummyList(0))
+ Dim LocRangeList(RangeIndex-1) as String
+ Dim LocRangeBools(RangeIndex) as String
+ For i = 0 To RangeIndex
+ LocRangeList(i-1 ) = DummyList(i)
+ LocRangeBools(i-1) = True
+ Next i
+ ConvertThehardWay(LocRangeList(), LocRangeBools(), True, True)
+ MakeStyleEnumeration(True)
+ oDocument.calculateAll()
+ End If
+ ReprotectSheets()
+ oStatusline.End
+ bRangeListDefined = False
+ ConvertDocument = AddRange
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+End Function
+Sub SwitchNumberFormat(oObject as Object, oFormats as object, sNewSymbol as String)
+Dim nFormatLanguage as Integer
+Dim nFormatDecimals as Integer
+Dim nFormatLeading as Integer
+Dim bFormatLeading as Integer
+Dim bFormatNegRed as Integer
+Dim bFormatThousands as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim aNewStr as String
+Dim iNumberFormat as Long
+Dim AddToList as Boolean
+ &apos; Numberformat mit dem neuen Symbol als Basis für generateFormat
+ aSimpleStr = &quot;0 [$&quot;+sNewSymbol+&quot;]&quot;
+ nSimpleKey = Numberformat(oFormats, aSimpleStr, oLocale)
+ On Local Error Resume Next
+ iNumberFormat = oObject.NumberFormat
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox &quot;Error Reading the Number Format&quot;
+ Resume CLERROR
+ End If
+ On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
+ aFormat() = oFormats.getByKey(iNumberFormat)
+ On Local Error GoTo 0
+ &apos; Typ und Währungssymbol des Numberformats heraussuchen
+ &apos; neues Währungsformat mit passenden Einstellungen setzen
+ nFormatDecimals = aFormat.Decimals
+ nFormatLeading = aFormat.LeadingZeros
+ bFormatNegRed = aFormat.NegativeRed
+ bFormatThousands = aFormat.ThousandsSeparator
+ oLocale = aFormat.Locale
+ aNewStr = oFormats.generateFormat( nSimpleKey, oLocale, _
+ bFormatThousands, bFormatNegRed, nFormatDecimals, nFormatLeading)
+ oObject.NumberFormat = Numberformat(oFormats, aNewStr, oLocale)
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Resume CLERROR
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function Numberformat( oFormats as Object, aFormatStr as String, oLocale as Variant )
+Dim nRetkey
+ nRetKey = oFormats.queryKey( aFormatStr, oLocale, True )
+ If nRetKey = -1 Then
+ nRetKey = oFormats.addNew( aFormatStr, oLocale )
+ If nRetKey = -1 Then nRetKey = 0
+ End If
+ Numberformat = nRetKey
+End Function
+Sub RepaintEuroPreview()
+Dim Twip as integer
+Dim Bitmap As Object
+Dim CurStep as Integer
+Dim PicturePath as String
+ Twip = 425
+&apos; TODO: Einbinden der Twip-Konstanten
+ CurStep = DialogModel.Step
+ Picturepath = BitmapDir &amp; &quot;euro_&quot; &amp; CurStep &amp; &quot;.bmp&quot;
+&apos; Msgbox PicturePath
+ Set Bitmap = LoadPicture(PicturePath)
+ DialogConvert.Preview1.DrawPicture(Bitmap,20,20,6820,760)
+End Sub
+&apos; Funktion findet den Formattyp einer Vorlage, Zelle oder eines Bereiches heraus und schreibt das Ergebnis
+&apos; in die globale Variable nFormatType; Ist ein Währungssymbol gesetzt, wird dieses in den globalen String
+&apos; sFormatCurrency geschrieben.
+Function CheckFormatType( FormatObject as object)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim LocCurrIndex as Integer
+Dim nFormatFormatString as String
+Dim FormatLangID as Integer
+Dim sFormatCurrExt as String
+Dim oFormatofObject() as Object
+ &apos; Retrieve the Format of the Object
+ On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
+ oFormatofObject = oFormats.getByKey(FormatObject.NumberFormat)
+ On Local Error GoTo 0
+ &apos; Typ und Währungssymbol des Numberformats heraussuchen
+ If NOT INT(oFormatofObject.Type) AND Then
+ CheckFormatType = False
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If FieldinArray(CurrSymbolList(),2,oFormatofObject.CurrencySymbol) Then
+ &apos; If the Currencysymbol of the object ist the one needed, then check the Currency extension
+ sFormatCurrExt = oFormatofObject.CurrencyExtension
+ If FieldInList(CurExtension(),1,sFormatCurrExt) Then
+ &apos; The Currency - extension also fits
+ CheckFormatType = True
+ Else
+ &apos; The Currency - symbol is Euro-conforming (like &apos;DEM&apos;), so there is no Currency-Extension
+ CheckFormatType = oFormatofObject.CurrencySymbol = CurrsymbolList(2)
+ End If
+ Else
+ &apos; The Currency Symbol of the object is not the desired one
+ If oFormatofObject.CurrencySymbol = &quot;&quot; Then
+ &apos; Format is &quot;automatic&quot;
+ CheckFormatType = CheckLocale(oFormatofObject.Locale)
+ Else
+ CheckFormatType = False
+ End If
+ End If
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ CheckFormatType = False
+ Resume CLERROR
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub StartConversion()
+ GoOn = True
+&apos; ToggleWindow(False)
+ If DialogModel.Step = 2 Then
+ ConvertDocuments()
+ Else
+ If DialogModel.chkComplete.State = 1Then
+ ConvertWholeDocument()
+ Else
+ ConvertRangesorStylesofDocument()
+ End If
+ End If
+&apos; ToggleWindow(True)
+End Sub
+Sub IncreaseStatusValue(AddStatusValue as Integer)
+ StatusValue = Int(StatusValue + AddStatusValue)
+ oStatusline.SetValue(StatusValue)
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/ConvertRun.xba b/wizards/source/euro/ConvertRun.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0df2eed92417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/euro/ConvertRun.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ConvertRun" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos; Todo Den Bug mit der Statuszeilengeschichte überprüfen
+&apos; Todo Vorselektion der Listbox
+&apos; Mauspointer umschalten:
+&apos; Todo: Sinnigkeit von &apos;DocDisposed&apos; noch einmal überprüfen
+Sub Main()
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ If InitResources(&quot;Euro Converter&quot;, &quot;eur&quot;) Then
+ DoUnProtect = 0
+ bPreSelected = True
+ DocDisposed = False
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.Controller.Model
+ RetrieveDocumentObjects() &apos; Statusline, SheetsCollection etc.
+ InitializeConverter(oDocument.CharLocale, 1)
+ GetPreSelectedRange()
+ If GoOn Then
+ DialogConvert.Execute
+ Else
+ DialogConvert.Dispose
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SelectListItem()
+Dim Listbox as Object
+Dim oListSheet as Object
+Dim AddRange as Boolean
+Dim CurStyleName as String
+Dim oCursheet as Object
+Dim oTempRanges as Object
+Dim sCurSheetName as String
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim oSheetRanges as Object
+Dim ListIndex as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim s as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim AddStyle as Boolean
+ Listbox = DialogModel.lstSelection
+ If Ubound(Listbox.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1 Then
+&apos; ToggleWindow(False)
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(False, False, False)
+ oSelRanges = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ &apos; Is the sheet the basis, then the sheetobject has to be created
+ If DialogModel.optDocRanges.State= 1 Then
+ &apos; Document is the basis for the conversion
+ ListIndex = Listbox.SelectedItems(0)
+ oCurSheet = RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName(ListIndex)
+ oDocument.CurrentController.SetActiveSheet(oCurSheet)
+ Else
+ oCurSheet = oDocument.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
+ End If
+ sCurSheetName = oCurSheet.Name
+ AddStyle = True
+ If DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State = 1 Then
+ &apos;Soft formatation is selected
+ For s = 0 To oSheets.Count-1
+ If oSheets.GetbyIndex(s).IsProtected Then
+ AddStyle = UnprotectSheet(oSheets.GetbyIndex(s))
+ If Not AddStyle Then
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next s
+ If AddStyle Then
+ Dim CurIndex as Integer
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(Listbox.SelectedItems())
+ CurIndex = Listbox.SelectedItems(i)
+ CurStylename = Listbox.StringItemList(CurIndex)
+ oSheetRanges = oCursheet.CellFormatRanges.createEnumeration
+ While oSheetRanges.hasMoreElements
+ oRange = oSheetRanges.NextElement
+ If oRange.getPropertyState(&quot;NumberFormat&quot;) = 1 Then
+ If oRange.CellStyle = CurStyleName Then
+ oSelRanges.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oRange)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ Next i
+ Else
+ EmptyListbox(Listbox)
+ End If
+ Else
+ a = 1
+ &apos; Hard Formatation is selected
+ For n = 0 To Ubound(Listbox.SelectedItems())
+ m = Listbox.SelectedItems(n)
+ RangeName = Listbox.StringItemList(m)
+ oListSheet = RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName(RangeName)
+ AddRange = UnprotectSheet(oListSheet)
+&apos; Todo: Klären wie das am besten geht!
+ If Not AddRange Then
+ DeselectListboxItem(Listbox, n)
+ Else
+ SelRangeList(a) = RangeName
+ SelRangeList(0) = Str(a)
+ a = a + 1
+ If oListSheet.Name = sCurSheetName Then
+ oRange = RetrieveRangeoutofRangeName(RangeName)
+ oSelRanges.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oRange)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next n
+ End If
+ oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oSelRanges)
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, True, True)
+&apos; ToggleWindow(True)
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Prozedur that is called by an event
+Sub RetrieveEnableValue()
+Dim EnableValue as Boolean
+ EnableValue = Not DialogModel.lstSelection.Enabled
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, EnableValue, True)
+End Sub
+Sub EnableStep1DialogControls(bCurrEnabled as Boolean, bFrameEnabled as Boolean, bButtonsEnabled as Boolean)
+Dim bNoComboSelection as Boolean
+Dim bNoLBSelection as Boolean
+ &apos; Controls around the Currency-Listbox
+ DialogModel.lblCurrencies.Enabled = bCurrEnabled
+ DialogModel.lstCurrencies.Enabled = bCurrEnabled
+ DialogModel.lstSelection.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ DialogModel.lblSelection.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ DialogModel.frmSelection.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ DialogModel.optCellTemplates.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ DialogModel.optSheetRanges.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ DialogModel.optDocRanges.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ DialogModel.optSelRange.Enabled = bFrameEnabled
+ &apos; The CheckBox has the Value &apos;True&apos; when the Controls in the Frame are disabled
+ If bButtonsEnabled Then
+ bNoComboSelection = Ubound(DialogModel.lstCurrencies.SelectedItems()) = -1
+ &apos; Enable GoOnButton only when Currency is selected
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = Not bNoComboSelection
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.Enabled = Not bNoComboSelection
+ If bFrameEnabled AND Not DialogModel.chkComplete.State = 1 AND DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled Then
+ &apos; If FrameControls are enabled, check if Listbox is Empty
+ bNoLBSelection = Ubound(DialogModel.lstSelection.SelectedItems()) = -1
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = NOT bNoLBSelection
+ End If
+ Else
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.Enabled = False
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertRangesOrStylesOfDocument()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim Listbox as Object
+Dim ItemName as String
+Dim ThisList() as String
+Dim ThisSel() as Boolean
+ &apos; Variable, in der der aktuelle Stand der Fortschrittsleiste angzeigt wird
+ CurCellCount = 0
+ Listbox = DialogModel.lstSelection
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(False, False, False)
+ oStatusline.Start(sStsPROGRESS,100) &apos; &quot;Konvertierungsfortschritt:&quot;
+ StatusValue = 0
+ If DialogModel.optSelRange.State = 1 Then
+ SelectListItem()
+ End If
+ ThisSel() = GetSelectedListboxItems(Listbox)
+ ThisList() = Listbox.StringItemList()
+ If DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State &lt;&gt; 1 Then
+ &apos; Option &apos;Hard Formatation is selected
+ SelectRange()
+ ConverttheHardWay(ThisList(), ThisSel(), False, False)
+ Else
+ &apos; Option &apos;Soft&apos; Formatation is selected
+ AssignRangestoStyle(ThisList(), ThisSel())
+ ConverttheSoftWay(ThisList(), ThisSel(), False)
+ End If
+ oStatusline.End
+ i = 0
+ &apos; Todo: Dieses Array vorab neu dimensionieren und in For - Schleife abarbeiten
+ While RemoveList(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ ItemName = RemoveList(i)
+ RemoveItemfromListbox(Listbox, ItemName)
+ i = i + 1
+ Wend
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, False, True)
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
+ oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oSelRanges)
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertWholeDocument()
+Dim s as Integer
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.Enabled = False
+ GoOn = ConvertDocument()
+ If Ubound(DialogModel.lstSelection.StringItemList()) &gt; -1 AND GoOn Then
+ EmptyListbox(DialogModel.lstSelection())
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, True, True)
+ Else
+ &apos; The next time ask for unprotection again
+ DoUnprotect = 0
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.Enabled = True
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SelectCurrency()
+Dim AddtoList as Boolean
+Dim UpRangeList as Integer
+Dim OldCurrIndex as Integer
+ OldCurrIndex = CurrIndex
+ CurrIndex = DialogModel.lstCurrencies.SelectedItems(0)
+ InitializeCurrencyValues(CurrIndex)
+ CurExtension(0) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,0,2)
+ CurExtension(1) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,1,2)
+ If DialogModel.Step = 1 Then
+ If OldCurrIndex = -1 Then
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.State = 1
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True,False, True)
+ SetOptionValuestoNull()
+ Else
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(False,False, False)
+ If DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State = 1 Then
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(False, False, False)
+ CreateStyleEnumeration()
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, True, True)
+ ElseIf ((DialogModel.optSheetRanges.State = 1) OR (DialogModel.optDocRanges.State = 1)) AND (DialogModel.Step = 1) Then
+ UpRangeList = UBound(RangeList())
+ ReDim RangeList(UpRangeList) &apos;as String
+ CreateRangeEnumeration(False)
+ ElseIf DialogModel.optSelRange.State= 1 Then
+ &apos;Preselected Range
+ CheckRangeSelection()
+ End If
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, True, True)
+ End If
+ ElseIf DialogModel.Step = 2 Then
+ EnableStep2DialogControls(True)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub FillUpCurrencyListbox()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(CurrValue(),1)
+ Dim LocList(MaxIndex) as String
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ LocList(i) = CurrValue(i,0)
+ Next i
+ DialogModel.lstCurrencies.StringItemList() = LocList()
+ If CurrIndex &gt; -1 Then
+ SelectListboxItem(DialogModel.lstCurrencies, CurrIndex)
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Alles was selektiert wurde wird deselektiert
+Sub EmptySelection()
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim i, MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim EmptySelRangeList(30) as String
+ If Not IsNull(oSelRanges) Then
+ If oSelRanges.HasElements Then
+ EmptySelRangeList() = ArrayOutofString(oSelRanges.RangeAddressesasString, &quot;;&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ i = 0
+ Do
+ If EmptySelRangeList(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oSelRanges.RemovebyName(EmptySelRangeList(i))
+ i = i + 1
+ End If
+ Loop Until EmptySelRangeList(i) = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oSelRanges)
+ Else
+ oSelRanges = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub AddSelectedRangeToSelRangesEnum()
+ osheet = oDocument.CurrentController.GetActiveSheet
+ oAddressRanges = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oSelRanges = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ &apos; Check if a Currency-Range has been selected
+ oRange = oDocument.CurrentController.Selection
+ oSelRanges.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oRange)
+End Sub
+Sub GetPreSelectedRange()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim OldCurrSymbolList(2) as String
+Dim OldCurrIndex as Integer
+Dim OldCurExtension(1) as String
+ AddSelectedRangeToSelRangesEnum()
+ bPreSelected = CheckIfRangeisCurrency(oRange)
+ If bPreSelected Then
+&apos; Todo: Array als ganzes übergeben!
+ OldCurrSymbolList() = CurrSymbolList()
+ OldCurExtension() = CurExtension()
+ OldCurrIndex = CurrIndex
+ For i = 0 To 10
+ CurrIndex = i
+ CurExtension(0) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,0,2)
+ CurExtension(1) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,1,2)
+ InitializeCurrencyValues(CurrIndex)
+ bPreSelected = CheckFormatType(oRange)
+ If bPreSelected Then
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If Not bPreSelected Then
+ CurrIndex = OldCurrIndex
+ CurrSymbolList() = OldCurrSymbolList()
+ CurExtension() = OldCurExtension()
+ End If
+ End If
+ If CurrIndex &gt; -1 Then
+ If bPreSelected Then
+ DialogModel.optSelRange.State = 1
+ AddRangeToListbox()
+ Else
+ DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State = 1
+ CreateStyleEnumeration()
+ End If
+ End If
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, bPreSelected, True)
+&apos; Todo: auf Integer umstellen
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.State = Not bPreSelected
+ DialogModel.optSelRange.Enabled = bPreSelected
+End Sub
+Sub AddRangeToListbox()
+ EmptyListBox(DialogModel.lstSelection)
+ &apos; Den Namen der Range ermitteln und in ein Array packen
+ PreName = RetrieveRangeNamefromAddress(oRange.RangeAddress, oSheet.Name)
+ AddSingleItemToListbox(DialogModel.lstSelection, Prename)&apos;, 0)
+ SelectListboxItem(DialogModel.lstCurrencies, CurrIndex)
+ TotCellCount = CountRangeCells(oRange)
+End Sub
+Sub CheckRangeSelection(Optional oEvent)
+&apos; Todo: Beim Startup werden die folgenden zwei Zeilen doppelt ausgeführt
+ AddSelectedRangeToSelRangesEnum()
+ bPreSelected = CheckFormatType(oRange)
+ If bPreSelected Then
+ AddRangeToListbox()
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Checks if a Field (LocField) is already defined in an Array
+&apos; Returns &apos;True&apos; or &apos;False&apos;
+Function FieldinList(LocList(), MaxIndex as integer, ByVal LocField ) As Boolean
+Dim i as integer
+ LocField = Ucase(LocField)
+ For i = Lbound(LocList()) to MaxIndex
+ If Ucase(LocList(i)) = LocField then
+ FieldInList = True
+ Exit Function
+ End if
+ Next
+ FieldInList = False
+End Function
+Function CheckLocale(oLocale) as Boolean
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim LocCountry as String
+Dim LocLanguage as String
+ LocCountry = oLocale.Country
+ LocLanguage = oLocale.Language
+ For i = 0 To 1
+ If LocLanguage = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,i,0) AND LocCountry = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,i,1) Then
+ CheckLocale = True
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ CheckLocale = False
+End Function
+Sub SetOptionValuestoNull()
+ DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State = 0
+ DialogModel.optSheetRanges.State = 0
+ DialogModel.optDocRanges.State = 0
+ DialogModel.optSelRange.State = 0
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/Hard.xba b/wizards/source/euro/Hard.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0bda715d913f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/euro/Hard.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Hard" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+Option Explicit
+&apos;ToDo: Währung wechseln und dann sehen, ob die Listbox mit den neuen Ranges aufgefrischt wird
+Sub CreateRangeList()
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(False, False, False)
+ EmptySelection()
+ DialogModel.lblSelection.Label = sCURRRANGES &apos;&quot;Währungsbereiche:&quot;
+ EmptyListbox(DialogModel.lstSelection)
+ Msgbox DialogModel.optCellTemplates.State
+ oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oSelRanges)
+ If (DialogModel.optSheetRanges.State = 1) AND (DialogModel.chkComplete.State &lt;&gt; 1) Then
+ &apos; Ist das Sheet Grundlage für die Bearbeitung?
+ oStatusline.SetText(sStsRELRANGES) &apos;&quot;Erfassung der relevanten Bereiche...&quot;
+ osheet = oDocument.CurrentController.GetActiveSheet
+ oRanges = osheet.CellFormatRanges.createEnumeration()
+ MaxIndex = AddSheetRanges(oRanges, MaxIndex, oSheet, False)
+ Else
+ CreateRangeEnumeration(False)
+ bRangeListDefined = True
+ End If
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, True, True)
+ oStatusline.SetText(&quot;&quot;)
+End Sub
+Sub CreateRangeEnumeration(bAutopilot as Boolean)
+Dim i, MaxIndex as integer
+Dim sStatustext as String
+ MaxIndex = 0
+ &apos; oder das Dokument - dann müsssen alle Sheets abgearbeitet werden
+ If Not bRangeListDefined Then
+ &apos; Die Ranges sind noch nicht definiert
+ oSheets = oDocument.Sheets
+ For i = 0 To oSheets.Count-1
+ oSheet = oSheets.GetbyIndex(i)
+ If bAutopilot Then
+ IncreaseStatusValue(SBRELGET/osheets.Count)
+ Else
+ sStatustext = ReplaceString(sStsRELSHEETRANGES,Str(i+1),&quot;%1Number%1&quot;)
+ sStatustext = ReplaceString(sStatusText,oSheets.Count,&quot;%2TotPageCount%2&quot;)
+ oStatusline.SetText(sStatusText)
+ End If
+ oRanges = osheet.CellFormatRanges.createEnumeration
+ RangeList(0) = AddSheetRanges(oRanges, MaxIndex, oSheet, bAutopilot)
+ Next i
+ Else
+ oStatusline.SetText(sStsRELRANGES) &apos;&quot;Erfassung der relevanten Bereiche...&quot;
+ &apos; Die Ranges sind schon definiert
+ For I = 0 To CInt(RangeList(0))
+ If RangeList(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; AND RangeBools(i) = True Then
+ If Not bAutoPilot Then
+ AddSingleItemToListBox(DialogModel.lstSelection, RangeList(i))
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+ Rangeindex = MaxIndex
+End Sub
+Function AddSheetRanges(oRanges as Object, r as Integer, oSheet as Object, bAutopilot)
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim AddtoList as Boolean
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+ iCurStep = DialogModel.Step
+ While oRanges.hasMoreElements
+ oRange = oRanges.NextElement
+ AddToList = CheckFormatType(oRange)
+ If AddToList Then
+ &apos; Den Namen der Range ermitteln und in ein Array packen
+ RangeName = RetrieveRangeNamefromAddress(oRange.RangeAddress, oSheet.Name)
+ TotCellCount = TotCellCount + CountRangeCells(oRange)
+ If Not bAutoPilot Then
+ AddSingleItemToListbox(DialogModel.lstSelection, RangeName)
+ End If
+ &apos; The Ranges are only passed to an Array when the whole Document is the basis
+ r = r + 1
+ RangeList(r) = RangeName
+ RangeBools(r) = True
+ End If
+ Wend
+ AddSheetRanges = r
+End Function
+&apos; Fügt einen Bereich zur selektierten Kollektion hinzu
+Sub SelectRange()
+Dim i, a, s as Integer
+Dim Listbox as Object
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim SelItem as String
+Dim LocRangeList(100) as String
+Dim CurRange as String
+Dim SheetRangeName as String
+Dim DescriptionList(1) as String
+Dim MaxRangeIndex, StatusValue as Integer
+ StatusValue = 0
+ MaxRangeIndex = Val(SelRangeList(0))
+ Listbox = DialogModel.lstSelection
+ a = 0
+ CurSheetName = oSheet.Name
+ For i = 1 To MaxRangeIndex
+ SelItem = SelRangeList(i)
+ &apos; Is the Range already included in the collection?
+ oRange = RetrieveRangeoutOfRangename(SelItem)
+ TotCellCount = TotCellCount + CountRangeCells(oRange)
+ LocRangeList(a) = SelItem
+ a = a + 1
+ &apos; Der Listboxeintrag ist frisch selektiert worden und muß der Range - Kollektion
+ &apos; hinzugefügt werden
+ DescriptionList() = ArrayOutofString(SelItem,&quot;.&quot;,1)
+ SheetRangeName = DeleteStr(DescriptionList(0),&quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ If SheetRangeName = CurSheetName Then
+ oSelRanges.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oRange)
+ End If
+ IncreaseStatusValue(SBRELGET/MaxRangeIndex)
+ Next i
+ &apos; Das Array mit den selektierten Listboxeinträgen aktualisieren
+ ClearArray(ListboxItems())
+ For s = 0 To a - 1
+ CurRange = LocRangeList(s)
+ ListboxItems(s) = CurRange
+ Next s
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertThehardWay(ListboxList(), ThisSel(), SwitchFormat as Boolean, bAutopilot as Boolean)
+Dim i, a, r as Integer
+Dim AddCells as Long
+Dim OldStatusValue as Single
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim LastIndex as Integer
+ Lastindex = Ubound(ListboxList())
+ If TotCellCount &gt; 0 Then
+ &apos; Index für die Removelist
+ a = 0
+ OldStatusValue = StatusValue
+ &apos; Harte Formatierung
+ For i = 0 To LastIndex
+ If ThisSel(i) = True Then
+ RangeName = ListboxList(i)
+ oRange = RetrieveRangeoutofRangeName(RangeName)
+ ConvertCellCurrencies(oRange, Currfactor, False, SwitchFormat)
+ If NOT bAutoPilot Then
+&apos; The following line has been put beside due to Bug #73157 (Two ranges lying side by side)
+&apos; If oSelRanges.HasbyName(RangeName) Then
+ oSelRanges.RemovebyName(RangeName)
+ oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oSelRanges)
+&apos; End If
+ End If
+ If SwitchFormat Then
+ If oRange.getPropertyState(&quot;NumberFormat&quot;) &lt;&gt; 1 Then
+ &apos; Range Ist hart formatiert
+ SwitchNumberFormat(oRange, oFormats, sEuroSign)&apos; &quot;€&quot;)
+ End If
+ Else
+ SwitchNumberFormat(oRange, oFormats, sEuroSign) &apos;&quot;€&quot;
+ End If
+ AddCells = CountRangeCells(oRange)
+ CurCellCount = AddCells
+ IncreaseStatusValue((CurCellCount/TotCellCount)*(100-OldStatusValue))
+ &apos; Die selektierte Stilvorlage muß zum Schluß aus der Listbox entfernt werden
+ If bPreSelected Then
+ RemoveList(0) = ListboxList(i)
+ Else
+ r = IndexinArray(ListboxList(i), RangeList())
+ If r &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ RangeBools(r) = False
+ RemoveList(a) = RangeList(r)
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertCellCurrencies(oRange as Object, fFaktor as Double, CurrRoundMode, SwitchFormat as Boolean)
+Dim oValues as Object
+Dim IntValue as Long
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim CellValue as double
+Dim oCells as Object
+Dim oCell as Object
+Dim DecFactor as integer
+Dim nFormatDecimals as integer
+Dim IsHardFormatted as Boolean
+ &apos; Wenn der Bereich hart formatiert ist, dann bei selektierter
+ &apos; weichen Formatierung keine Umrechnung
+ &apos; konstante Werte im Bereich anpassen
+ oValues = oRange.queryContentCells( )
+ If (oValues.Count &gt; 0) Then
+ oCells = oValues.Cells.createEnumeration
+ While oCells.hasMoreElements
+ oCell = oCells.nextElement
+ DecFactor = 0
+ CellValue = oCell.Value
+ oCell.Value = CellValue/fFaktor
+ Wend
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function CheckIfRangeisCurrency(FormatObject as Object)
+Dim oFormatofObject() as Object
+ &apos; Retrieve the Format of the Object
+ On Local Error GoTo NOKEY
+ oFormatofObject() = oFormats.getByKey(FormatObject.NumberFormat)
+ On Local Error GoTo 0
+ &apos; Typ und Währungssymbol des Numberformats heraussuchen
+ &apos; Todo: Überprüfe, ob diese beiden Zeilen nicht eleganter gehen
+ CheckIfRangeIsCurrency = INT(oFormatofObject.Type) AND
+ Exit Function
+ CheckIfRangeisCurrency = False
+ Resume CLERROR
+End Function
+Function CountColumnsForRow(IndexArray() as String, Row as Integer)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim NoNulls as Boolean
+ For i = 1 To Ubound(IndexArray,2)
+ If IndexArray(Row,i)= &quot;&quot; Then
+ NoNulls = False
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ CountColumnsForRow = i
+End Function
+Function CountRangeCells(oRange as Object) As Long
+Dim oRangeAddress as Object
+Dim LocCellCount as Long
+ oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
+ LocCellCount = (oRangeAddress.EndColumn - oRangeAddress.StartColumn + 1) * (oRangeAddress.EndRow - oRangeAddress.StartRow + 1)
+ CountRangeCells = LocCellCount
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/Init.xba b/wizards/source/euro/Init.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb85f5dab8a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/euro/Init.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Init" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+REM ***** BASIC *****
+Public sREADY as String
+Public sPROTECT as String
+Public sCONTINUE as String
+Public sSELTEMPL as String
+Public sSELCELL as String
+Public sCURRRANGES as String
+Public sTEMPLATES as String
+Public sSOURCEFILE as String
+Public sSOURCEDIR as String
+Public sStsPROGRESS as String
+Public sStsCELLPROGRSS as String
+Public sStsRELRANGES as String
+Public sStsRELSHEETRANGES as String
+Public sStsREPROTECT as String
+Public sMsgREADY as String
+Public sMsgSELDIR as String
+Public sMsgSELFILE as String
+Public sMsgTARGETDIR as String
+Public sMsgNOTTHERE as String
+Public sMsgDLGTITLE as String
+Public sMsgUNPROTECT as String
+Public sMsgPWPROTECT as String
+Public sMsgWRONGPW as String
+Public sMsgSHEETPROTECTED as String
+Public sMsgWARNING as String
+Public sMsgSHEETSNOPROTECT as String
+Public sMsgSHEETNOPROTECT as String
+Public sMsgCHOOSECURRENCY as String
+Public sMsgPASSWORD as String
+Public sMsgOK as String
+Public sMsgCANCEL as String
+Public sMsgFileInvalid as String
+Public sMsgNODIRECTORY as String
+Public sCurrPORTUGUESE as String
+Public sCurrDUTCH as String
+Public sCurrFRENCH as String
+Public sCurrSPANISH as String
+Public sCurrITALIAN as String
+Public sCurrGERMAN as String
+Public sCurrBELGIAN as String
+Public sCurrIRISH as String
+Public sCurrLUXEMBOURG as String
+Public sCurrAUSTRIAN as String
+Public sCurrFINNISH as String
+Public sCurrUNKNOWN as String
+Public sCurrSYSUNKNOWN as String
+Public sPrgsRETRIEVAL as String
+Public sPrgsCONVERTING as String
+Public sPrgsUNPROTECT as String
+Public Const SBCOUNTRYCOUNT = 11
+Public CurCellCount as Long
+Public oSheets as Object
+Public oStyles as Object
+Public oStyle as Object
+Public oFormats as Object
+Public aSimpleStr as String
+Public nSimpleKey as Long
+Public aFormat() as Variant
+Public oRanges as Object
+Public oRange as Object
+Public nLanguage as integer
+Public nFormatLanguage as integer
+Public aCellFormat as Variant
+Public StyleRangeAssignmentList(20,50)as String
+Public oDocument as Object
+Public StartCol, StartRow, EndCol, EndRow as String
+Public oSheet as Object
+Public IntStartCol, IntStartRow, IntEndCol, IntEndRow as integer
+Public oSelRanges as Object
+Public nFormatType as Integer
+Public sFormatCurrency as String
+Public sFormatLanguage as String
+Public RangeList(200) as String
+Public SelRangeList(200) as String
+Public ListboxItems(200) as String
+Public CurSheetName as String
+Public oStatusLine as Object
+Public Const SBRELGET = 50
+Public StatusValue as Single
+Public TotCellCount as Long
+Public StyleIndex as Integer
+Public RemoveList(100) as String
+Public RangeIndex as Integer
+Public CurrIndex as Integer
+Public ActLangNumber(1) as Integer
+Public CurExtension(1) as String
+Public Currfactor as Double
+Public CurrSymbolList(2) as String
+Public CurrLanguage as String
+Public CurrValue(10,5) as String
+Public LangIDValue(10,2,2) as String
+Public PreName as String
+Public oAddressRanges as Object
+Public Separator as String
+Public BitmapDir as String
+Public TypeIndex as Integer, CSIndex as Integer, LangIndex as Integer, FSIndex as Integer
+Public oLocale as Object
+Public sEuroSign as String
+Public oPointer as Object
+Public sDocType as String
+Public RangeBools(100) as Boolean
+Public bPreSelected as Boolean
+Public DocDisposed as Boolean
+Public bMacroStopped as Boolean
+Public bRecursive as Boolean
+Public bCancelProtection as Boolean
+Public CurrRoundMode as Boolean
+Public bRangeListDefined as Boolean
+Sub InitializeResources()
+ DialogModel.cmdCancel.Label = GetResText(1000)
+ DialogModel.cmdHelp.Label = GetResText(1001)
+ DialogModel.cmdBack.Label = GetResText(1002)
+ DialogModel.cmdGoOn.Label = GetResText(1003)
+ DialogModel.lblHint.Label = GetResText(1004)
+ DialogModel.lblCurrencies.Label = GetResText(1006)
+&apos; Todo: Dieses Model später am Control unsichtbar machen
+ If DialogModel.Step = 1 Then
+ DialogModel.chkComplete.Label = GetResText(1100)
+ DialogModel.frmSelection.Label = GetResText(1101)
+ DialogModel.optCellTemplates.Label = GetResText(1102)
+ DialogModel.optSheetRanges.Label = GetResText(1103)
+ DialogModel.optDocRanges.Label = GetResText(1104)
+ DialogModel.optSelRange.Label = GetResText(1105)
+ sCURRRANGES = GetResText(1108)
+ DialogModel.lblSelection.Label = sCURRRANGES
+ Else
+ DialogModel.frmExtent.Label = GetResText(1200)
+ DialogModel.optSingleFile.Label = GetResText(1201)
+ DialogModel.optWholeDir.Label = GetResText(1202)
+ DialogModel.chkProtect.Label = GetResText(1207)
+ sSOURCEFILE = GetResText(1203)
+ sSOURCEDIR = GetResText(1204)
+ DialogModel.lblSource.Label = sSOURCEDIR
+ DialogModel.chkRecursive.Label = GetResText(1205)
+ DialogModel.lblTarget.Label = GetResText(1206)
+ DialogModel.optWholeDir.State = 1
+ DialogModel.txtSource.Text = GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;)
+ DialogModel.txtTarget.Text = DialogModel.txtSource.Text
+ DialogModel.frmProgress.Label = GetResText(1600)
+ DialogModel.lblConfig.Label = GetResText(1603)
+ sPrgsRETRIEVAL = GetResText(1601)
+ sPrgsCONVERTING = GetResText(1602)
+ sPrgsUNPROTECT = GetResText(1604)
+ End If
+ DialogModel.cmdBack.Enabled = False
+ sPROTECT = GetResText(1005)
+ sCONTINUE = GetResText(1007)
+ sSELTEMPL = GetResText(1106)
+ sSELCELL = GetResText(1107)
+ sCURRRANGES = GetResText(1108)
+ sTEMPLATES = GetResText(1109)
+ sStsPROGRESS = GetResText(1300)
+ sStsCELLPROGRSS = GetResText(1301)
+ sStsRELSHEETRANGES = GetResText(1302)
+ sStsRELRANGES = GetResText(1303)
+ sStsREPROTECT = GetResText(1304)
+ sMsgREADY = GetResText(1400)
+ sMsgSELDIR = GetResText(1401)
+ sMsgSELFILE = GetResText(1402)
+ sMsgTARGETDIR = GetResText(1403)
+ sMsgNOTTHERE = GetResText(1404)
+ sMsgDLGTITLE = GetResText(1405)
+ sMsgUNPROTECT = GetResText(1406)
+ sMsgPWPROTECT = GetResText(1407)
+ sMsgWRONGPW = GetResText(1408)
+ sMsgSHEETPROTECTED = GetResText(1409)
+ sMsgWARNING = GetResText(1410)
+ sMsgSHEETSNOPROTECT = GetResText(1411)
+ sMsgSHEETNOPROTECT = GetResText(1412)
+ sMsgCHOOSECURRENCY = GetResText(1415)
+ sMsgPASSWORD = GetResText(1416)
+ sMsgOK = GetResText(1417)
+ sMsgCANCEL = GetResText(1418)
+ sMsgFILEINVALID = GetResText(1419)
+ sMsgFILEINVALID = ReplaceString(sMsgFILEINVALID,&quot;%PRODUCTNAME&quot;, GetProductname())
+ SMsgNODIRECTORY = GetResText(1420)
+ sCurrPORTUGUESE = GetResText(1500)
+ sCurrDUTCH = GetResText(1501)
+ sCurrFRENCH = GetResText(1502)
+ sCurrSPANISH = GetResText(1503)
+ sCurrITALIAN = GetResText(1504)
+ sCurrGERMAN = GetResText(1505)
+ sCurrBELGIAN = GetResText(1506)
+ sCurrIRISH = GetResText(1507)
+ sCurrLUXEMBOURG = GetResText(1508)
+ sCurrAUSTRIAN = GetResText(1509)
+ sCurrFINNISH = GetResText(1510)
+ sCurrUNKNOWN = GetResText(1511)
+ sCurrSYSUNKNOWN = GetResText(1512)
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeLanguages()
+ sEuroSign = chr(8364)
+ LangIDValue(0,0,0) = &quot;pt&quot;
+ LangIDValue(0,0,1) = &quot;PT&quot;
+ LangIDValue(0,0,2) = &quot;-816&quot;
+ LangIDValue(1,0,0) = &quot;nl&quot;
+ LangIDValue(1,0,1) = &quot;NL&quot;
+ LangIDValue(1,0,2) = &quot;-413&quot;
+ LangIDValue(2,0,0) = &quot;fr&quot;
+ LangIDValue(2,0,1) = &quot;FR&quot;
+ LangIDValue(2,0,2) = &quot;-40C&quot;
+ LangIDValue(3,0,0) = &quot;es&quot;
+ LangIDValue(3,0,1) = &quot;ES&quot;
+ LangIDValue(3,0,2) = &quot;-40A&quot;
+ &apos;Spanish modern
+ LangIDValue(3,1,0) = &quot;es&quot;
+ LangIDValue(3,1,1) = &quot;ES&quot;
+ LangIDValue(3,1,2) = &quot;-C0A&quot;
+ LangIDValue(4,0,0) = &quot;it&quot;
+ LangIDValue(4,0,1) = &quot;IT&quot;
+ LangIDValue(4,0,2) = &quot;-410&quot;
+ LangIDValue(5,0,0) = &quot;de&quot;
+ LangIDValue(5,0,1) = &quot;DE&quot;
+ LangIDValue(5,0,2) = &quot;-407&quot;
+ LangIDValue(6,0,0) = &quot;fr&quot;
+ LangIDValue(6,0,1) = &quot;BE&quot;
+ LangIDValue(6,0,2) = &quot;-80C&quot;
+ LangIDValue(6,1,0) = &quot;nl&quot;
+ LangIDValue(6,1,1) = &quot;BE&quot;
+ LangIDValue(6,1,2) = &quot;-813&quot;
+ LangIDValue(7,0,0) = &quot;en&quot;
+ LangIDValue(7,0,1) = &quot;IE&quot;
+ LangIDValue(7,0,2) = &quot;-1809&quot;
+ LangIDValue(8,0,0) = &quot;fr&quot;
+ LangIDValue(8,0,1) = &quot;LU&quot;
+ LangIDValue(8,0,2) = &quot;-140C&quot;
+ LangIDValue(8,1,0) = &quot;de&quot;
+ LangIDValue(8,1,1) = &quot;LU&quot;
+ LangIDValue(8,1,2) = &quot;-1007&quot;
+ LangIDValue(9,0,0) = &quot;de&quot;
+ LangIDValue(9,0,1) = &quot;AT&quot;
+ LangIDValue(9,0,1) = &quot;-C07&quot;
+ LangIDValue(10,0,0) = &quot;fi&quot;
+ LangIDValue(10,0,1) = &quot;FI&quot;
+ LangIDValue(10,0,2) = &quot;-40B&quot;
+ LangIDValue(10,1,0) = &quot;sv&quot;
+ LangIDValue(10,1,1) = &quot;FI&quot;
+ LangIDValue(10,1,2) = &quot;-81D&quot;
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeCurrencies()
+Dim i as Integer
+ GoOn = True
+ CurrValue(0,0) = sCurrPORTUGUESE
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(0,1) = &quot;200.482&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(0,2) = &quot;200&quot;
+ CurrValue(0,3) = &quot;Esc.&quot;
+ CurrValue(0,4) = &quot;Esc.&quot;
+ CurrValue(0,5) = &quot;PTE&quot;
+ CurrValue(1,0) = sCurrDUTCH
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(1,1) = &quot;2.20371&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(1,2) = &quot;2&quot;
+ CurrValue(1,3) = &quot;F&quot;
+ CurrValue(1,4) = &quot;F&quot;
+ CurrValue(1,5) = &quot;NLG&quot;
+ CurrValue(2,0) = sCurrFRENCH
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(2,1) = &quot;6.55957&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(2,2) = &quot;7&quot;
+ CurrValue(2,3) = &quot;F&quot;
+ CurrValue(2,4) = &quot;F&quot;
+ CurrValue(2,5) = &quot;FRF&quot;
+ CurrValue(3,0) = sCurrSPANISH
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(3,1) = &quot;166.386&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(3,2) = &quot;170&quot;
+ CurrValue(3,3) = &quot;Pts&quot;
+ CurrValue(3,4) = &quot;Pts&quot;
+ CurrValue(3,5) = &quot;ESP&quot;
+ CurrValue(4,0) = sCurrITALIAN
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(4,1) = &quot;1936.27&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(4,2) = &quot;2000&quot;
+ CurrValue(4,3) = &quot;L.&quot;
+ CurrValue(4,4) = &quot;L.&quot;
+ CurrValue(4,5) = &quot;ITL&quot;
+ CurrValue(5,0) = sCurrGERMAN
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(5,1) = &quot;1.95583&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(5,2) = &quot;140&quot;
+ CurrValue(5,3) = &quot;DM&quot;
+ CurrValue(5,4) = &quot;DM&quot;
+ CurrValue(5,5) = &quot;DEM&quot;
+ CurrValue(6,0) = sCurrBELGIAN
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(6,1) = &quot;40.3399&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(6,2) = &quot;40&quot;
+ CurrValue(6,3) = &quot;FB&quot;
+ CurrValue(6,4) = &quot;BF&quot;
+ CurrValue(6,5) = &quot;BEF&quot;
+ CurrValue(7,0) = sCurrIRISH
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(7,1) = &quot;0.787564&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(7,2) = &quot;0.8&quot;
+ CurrValue(7,3) = &quot;£&quot;
+ CurrValue(7,4) = &quot;£&quot;
+ CurrValue(7,5) = &quot;IEP&quot;
+ CurrValue(8,0) = sCurrLUXEMBOURG
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(8,1) = &quot;40.3399&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(8,2) = &quot;40&quot;
+ CurrValue(8,3) = &quot;F&quot;
+ CurrValue(8,4) = &quot;F&quot;
+ CurrValue(8,5) = &quot;LUF&quot;
+ CurrValue(9,0) = sCurrAUSTRIAN
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(9,1) = &quot;13.7603&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(9,2) = &quot;15&quot;
+ CurrValue(9,3) = &quot;S&quot;
+ CurrValue(9,4) = &quot;S&quot;
+ CurrValue(9,5) = &quot;ATS&quot;
+ CurrValue(10,0) = sCurrFINNISH
+ &apos; Wahrer Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(10,1) = &quot;5.94573&quot;
+ &apos; Gerundeter Umrechnungskurs
+ CurrValue(10,2) = &quot;6&quot;
+ CurrValue(10,3) = &quot;mk&quot;
+ CurrValue(10,4) = &quot;mk&quot;
+ CurrValue(10,5) = &quot;FIM&quot;
+ i = -1
+ CurrSymbolList(0) = &quot;&quot;
+ CurrSymbolList(1) = &quot;&quot;
+ If CurrIndex &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ &apos; Current language is of the European Currency Union
+ InitializeCurrencyValues(CurrIndex)
+ Else
+ If DialogModel.Step = 1 Then
+ EnableStep1DialogControls(True, False, False)
+ ElseIf DialogModel.Step = 2 Then
+ EnableStep2DialogControls(True)
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeConverter(oLocale, iDialogPage as Integer)
+Dim Isthere as Boolean
+ ToggleWindow(False)
+ bCancelProtection = False
+ bMacroStopped = False
+ bRangeListDefined = False
+ sDocType = GetDocumentType(StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model)
+ DialogConvert = LoadDialog(&quot;Euro&quot;, &quot;DialogConvert&quot;)
+ DialogModel = DialogConvert.Model
+ DialogModel.Step = iDialogPage
+ InitializeResources()
+ InitializeLanguages()
+ InitializeLocales(oLocale)
+ InitializeCurrencies()
+ Filterlist(0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.calc&quot;
+ BitmapDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/bitmap&quot;)
+ UnprotectList(0,0) = &quot;0&quot;
+ FillUpCurrencyListbox()
+ DialogConvert.Title = sMsgDLGTITLE
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeCurrencyValues(CurrIndex)
+ If CurrIndex &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ CurrLanguage = CurrValue(CurrIndex,0)
+ CurrFactor = Val(CurrValue(CurrIndex,1))
+ CurrSymbolList(0) = CurrValue(CurrIndex,3)
+ CurrSymbolList(1) = CurrValue(CurrIndex,4)
+ CurrSymbolList(2) = CurrValue(CurrIndex,5)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function InitializeLocales(oLocale) as Boolean
+Dim i as Integer, n as Integer, m as Integer
+Dim sLanguage as String, sCountry as String
+ sLanguage = oLocale.Language
+ sCountry = oLocale.Country
+ For n = 0 To SBCOUNTRYCOUNT - 1
+ For m = 0 TO 1
+ If LangIDValue(n,m,0) = sLanguage AND LangIDValue(n,m,1) = sCountry Then
+ CurrIndex = n
+ For i = 0 To 1
+ CurExtension(i) = LangIDValue(CurrIndex,i,2)
+ Next i
+ InitializeLocales = True
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next m
+ Next n
+ CurrIndex = -1
+ InitializeLocales = False
+End Function
+Sub LoadLibrary(sLibname as String)
+ Dim oArg(0) as new
+ Dim oUrl as new
+ Dim oTrans as Object
+ Dim oDisp as Object
+ oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+ oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
+ oTrans.parsestrict( oUrl )
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch( oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch( oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/euro/Soft.xba b/wizards/source/euro/Soft.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..36f8ce6b0440
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/euro/Soft.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Soft" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+REM ***** BASIC *****
+&apos; Stylename ; Defined ; Selected ; RangeCellCount ; Range No 1 ; Range No 2 ...
+&apos; 0 1 2 3 4
+Sub CreateStyleEnumeration()
+ EmptySelection()
+ EmptyListbox(DialogModel.lstSelection)
+ CurSheetName = oDocument.CurrentController.GetActiveSheet.Name
+ MakeStyleEnumeration(False)
+ DialogModel.lblSelection.Label = sTEMPLATES &apos; &quot;Vorlagen:&quot;
+End Sub
+Sub MakeStyleEnumeration(bAutoPilot as Boolean)
+Dim m as integer
+Dim aStyleFormat as Object
+Dim Stylename as String
+Dim AddToList as Boolean
+ StyleIndex = 0
+ oStyles = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(0)
+ For m = 0 To oStyles.count-1
+ oStyle = oStyles.GetbyIndex(m)
+ StyleName = oStyle.Name
+ AddToList = CheckFormatType(oStyle)
+ If AddToList Then
+ If Not bAutoPilot Then
+ AddSingleItemToListbox(DialogModel.lstSelection, Stylename)
+ Else
+ SwitchNumberFormat(ostyle, oFormats, sEuroSign)&apos; &quot;€&quot;)
+ EuroStyles(StyleIndex) = Stylename
+ EuroBools(StyleIndex) = True
+ End If
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(StyleIndex,0) = Stylename
+ StyleIndex = StyleIndex + 1
+ End If
+ Next m
+End Sub
+Sub AssignRangestoStyle(Stylelist(), SelList())
+Dim CurStyleName as String
+Dim oTempRanges as Object
+Dim i, n, m, t as integer
+Dim Rangename as String
+Dim oRangeAddress as Object
+Dim SheetName as String
+Dim SheetThere as Boolean
+Dim StyleCellCount as Long
+Dim AddRange as Boolean
+Dim oListSheet as Object
+Dim SheetsCount as Integer
+Dim LastIndex as Integer
+ LastIndex = Ubound(StyleList())
+ StatusValue = 0
+ SheetsCount = oSheets.Count
+ oStatusLine.SetText(sStsRELRANGES) &apos;&quot;Erfassung der relevanten Bereiche...&quot;
+ &apos; Zähler für die selektierten Einträge
+ StyleCellCount = 0
+ TotCellcount = 0
+ For i = 0 To LastIndex
+ CurStyleName = StyleList(i)
+ &apos; Finde den Index in der Zuordnungstabelle
+ n = IndexinArray(CurStyleName, StyleRangeAssignmentList())
+ &apos; Ist der Listboxeintrag selektiert?
+ If SelList(i) = True Then
+ m = 4
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,2) = 1
+ If StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,1) &lt;&gt; 1 Then
+ &apos; Die Ranges für diesen Style sind noch nicht definiert
+ StyleCellCount = 0
+ For t = 0 To sheetscount - 1
+ oSheet = oSheets.GetbyIndex(t)
+ SheetName = oSheet.Name
+ &apos; Der Listboxeintrag ist frisch selektiert worden und muß der Ranges - Kollektion
+ &apos; hinzugefügt werden
+ &apos; Dem Stylenamen sind keine Ranges zugeordnet
+ &apos; Diese holen wir mit der folgenden Schleife nach
+ oRanges = osheet.CellFormatRanges.createEnumeration
+ While oRanges.hasMoreElements
+ oRange = oRanges.NextElement
+ If oRange.getPropertyState(&quot;NumberFormat&quot;) = 1 Then
+ If oRange.CellStyle = CurStyleName Then
+ oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
+ RangeName = RetrieveRangeNamefromAddress(oRangeAddress,SheetName)
+ oListSheet = RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName(RangeName)
+ AddRange = UnprotectSheet(oListSheet)
+ If AddRange Then
+ &apos; Jetzt den Index für den Style ermitteln
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,m) = RangeName
+ &apos; Die gesamtZahl der Zellen anpassen
+ StyleCellCount = StyleCellCount + CountRangeCells(oRange)
+ m = m + 1
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ Next t
+ TotCellCount = TotCellCount + StyleCellCount
+ &apos; Die Ranges für den Stil sind jetzt definiert
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,1) = &quot;1&quot;
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,3) = cStr(StyleCellCount)
+ End If
+&apos; TotCellCount = TotCellCount + Int(StyleRangeAssignmentlist(n,3)
+ Else
+ &apos; Style is not selected
+ If StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,2) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,2) = &quot;0&quot;
+ DeselectStyle(CurStyleName)
+ End If
+ End If
+ IncreaseStatusvalue(SBRELGET/(LastIndex+1))
+ Next i
+End Sub
+&apos; löscht eine Stilvorlage aus der Kollektion, die die Ranges selektiert
+Sub DeselectStyle(DeSelStyleName as String)
+Dim n, m as Integer
+Dim RangeName as String
+ &apos; Finde den Index in der Zuordnungstabelle
+ n = IndexinArray(DeSelStyleName, StyleRangeAssignmentList(), 1)
+ m = 4
+ Do
+ RangeName = StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,m)
+ If RangeName &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oSelRanges.RemovebyName(RangeName)
+ m = m + 1
+ End If
+ Loop until RangeName = &quot;&quot;
+End Sub
+Function RetrieveRangeNamefromAddress(oRangeAddress as Object, Sheetname as String) as String
+Dim Rangename as String
+ oAddressRanges.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oRange)
+ Rangename = oAddressRanges.RangeAddressesasString
+ oAddressRanges.RemovebyName(RangeName)
+ RetrieveRangeNamefromAddress = Rangename
+End Function
+&apos; Erzeugt eine Sheetobjekt aus einem entsprechenden Bereichsnamen
+Function RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName(TableText as String)
+Dim DescriptionList() as String
+Dim SheetName as String
+Dim MaxIndex as integer
+ &apos; Herausfinden, in welchem Sheet sich der Range befindet
+ DescriptionList() = ArrayOutofString(TableText,&quot;.&quot;,MaxIndex)
+ SheetName = DescriptionList(0)
+ SheetName = DeleteStr(SheetName,&quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ &apos; Und den ViewCursor auf dieses Sheet setzen
+ RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName = oSheets.GetbyName(SheetName)
+End Function
+&apos; Erzeugt eine Rangeobjekt aus einem entsprechenden Bereichsnamen
+Function RetrieveRangeoutofRangeName(TableText as String)
+ oSheet = RetrieveSheetoutofRangeName(TableText)
+ oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangebyName(TableText)
+ RetrieveRangeoutofRangeName = oRange
+End Function
+Sub ConvertTheSoftWay(StyleList() as String, ThisSel() as Boolean, bAutopilot as Boolean)
+Dim a, i, m, n, s as Integer
+Dim CurStyleName as String
+Dim RangeName as String
+Dim OldStatusValue as Integer
+Dim LastIndex as Integer
+ LastIndex = Ubound(StyleList())
+ &apos; Index für die Removelist
+ a = 0
+ OldStatusValue = StatusValue
+ For i = 0 To LastIndex
+ If ThisSel(i) = True Then
+ CurStyleName = StyleList(i)
+ oStyle = oStyles.GetbyName(CurStyleName)
+ &apos; Jetzt die Ranges abarbeiten, die mit der Vorlage verknüpft sind
+ &apos; Gibt es den Listboxeintrag schon in der Zuordnungstabelle?
+ n = IndexinArray(CurStyleName, StyleRangeAssignmentList(), 1)
+ m = 4
+ Do
+ RangeName = StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,m)
+ If RangeName &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oRange = RetrieveRangeoutofRangeName(RangeName)
+ If oRange.getPropertyState(&quot;NumberFormat&quot;) = 1 Then
+ &apos; Range Ist hart formatiert
+ ConvertCellCurrencies(oRange,Currfactor,False)
+ CurCellCount = CountRangeCells(oRange)
+ End If
+ IncreaseStatusvalue((CurCellCount/TotCellCount)*(95-OldStatusValue))
+ If NOT bAutoPilot Then
+&apos; The following line has been put aside due to Bug #73157 (Two ranges lying side by side)
+&apos; They should be reintegrated after the bugfix, as in future versions oSelRangs might throw an exception
+&apos; If oSelRanges.HasbyName(RangeName) Then
+ oSelRanges.RemovebyName(RangeName)
+ oDocument.CurrentController.Select(oSelRanges)
+&apos; End If
+ End If
+ m = m + 1
+ End If
+ Loop Until RangeName = &quot;&quot;
+ &apos; Zuletzt das Währungsformat in den Vorlagen anpassen
+ SwitchNumberFormat( ostyle, oFormats, sEuroSign)
+&apos; oStatusline.SetValue(100)
+ &apos; Die Vorlage wird aus der Zuordnungstabelle gelöscht
+ For s = 0 To m - 1
+ StyleRangeAssignmentList(n,s) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next
+ &apos; Die selektierte Stilvorlage muß zum Schluß aus der Listbox entfernt werden
+ RemoveList(a) = StyleList(i)
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ Next
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/DBMeta.xba b/wizards/source/formwizard/DBMeta.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..658737ff01b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/DBMeta.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="DBMeta" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+Public sDatabaseList()
+Public sTableName as String
+Sub GetDatabaseNames()
+ If oDBContext.HasElements Then
+ sDatabaseList() = oDBContext.ElementNames()
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub GetSelectedDBMetaData()
+Dim NullList()
+Dim OldsDBname as String
+ ToggleDatabasePage(False)
+ GetDBMetaData(sDatabaseList(), oDialogModel.lstDatabases.SelectedItems(0) )
+ oDialogModel.lstTables.Enabled = True
+ oDialogModel.lblTables.Enabled = True
+ oDialogModel.lstTables.StringItemList() = AddListToList(TableNames(), QueryNames())
+ oDialogModel.lstFields.StringItemList() = NullList()
+ oDialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList() = NullList()
+ ToggleDatabasePage(True)
+End Sub
+Sub GetDBMetaData(sDataBaseList(), DBIndex as Integer)
+Dim oDatabase as Object
+ If oDBContext.HasElements Then
+ oDatabase = oDBContext.GetByName(sDatabaseList(DBIndex))
+ sDBName = oDatabase.Name
+ If Not oDatabase.IsPasswordRequired Then
+ oDBConnection = oDBContext.GetByName(sDatabaseList(DBIndex)).GetConnection(&quot;&quot;,&quot;&quot;)
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;Todo: Passwortabfrage!&quot;)
+ oDBConnection = oDBContext.GetByName(sDatabaseList(DBIndex)).GetConnection(&quot;extra&quot;,&quot;extra&quot;)
+ End If
+ Tablenames() = oDBConnection.Tables.ElementNames()
+ Querynames() = oDBConnection.Queries.ElementNames()
+ Else
+ MsgBox(Form_gErrNoDatabase$, 64, Form_gWizardName$)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub GetTableMetaData()
+Dim iType as Long
+Dim ActType$, subType$, ShowAfterCreate$, sSQLExpr$
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim Found as Boolean
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(oDialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList())
+ Dim ColumnMap(MaxIndex)as Integer
+ FieldNames() = oDialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList()
+ &apos; Build a structure which maps the position of a selected field (within the selection) to the the column position within
+ &apos; the table. So we ensure that the controls are placed in the same order the according fields are selected.
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(FieldNames())
+ sFieldName = FieldNames(i)
+ Found = False
+ n = 0
+ While (n&lt; MaxIndex And (Not Found))
+ If (FieldNames(n) = sFieldName) Then
+ Found = True
+ ColumnMap(n) = i
+ End If
+ n = n + 1
+ Wend
+ Next i
+&apos; Todo: Was Wenn die Reihenfolge durcheinandergebracht ist?
+ For n = 0 to MaxIndex
+ sFieldname = FieldNames(n)
+ iType = oColumns.GetByName(sFieldName).Type
+ FieldMetaValues(n,0) = iType
+ FieldMetaValues(n,1) = GetValueoutofList(iType, WidthList(),1)
+ FieldMetaValues(n,2) = GetValueoutofList(iType, WidthList(),2)
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetSpecificFieldNames()
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim iType as Integer
+Dim oField as Object
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ If Ubound(oDialogModel.lstTables.StringItemList()) &gt; -1 Then
+ FieldNames() = oColumns.GetElementNames()
+ If oDialogModel.optIgnoreBinaries.State Then
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(FieldNames())
+ Dim ResultFieldNames(MaxIndex)
+ m = 0
+ For n = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oField = oColumns.GetByName(FieldNames(n))
+ iType = oField.Type
+ If (iType &lt;&gt; &lt;&gt; &lt;&gt; Then
+ ResultFieldNames(m) = FieldNames(n)
+ m = m + 1
+ End If
+ Next n
+ &apos; Todo: Den folgenden Code wieder reinnehmen:
+ &apos; Redim ResultFieldNames(m-1) Preserve
+ &apos; Redim FieldNames(m-1) Preserve
+ FieldNames() = ResultFieldNames()
+ End If
+ oDialogModel.lstFields.StringItemList = FieldNames
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CreateDBForm()
+ oDBForm = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ oDocument.Drawpage.Forms.InsertByIndex (0, oDBForm)
+ oDBForm.Name = &quot;Standard&quot;
+ oDBForm.DataSourceName = sDBName
+ oDBForm.Command = sTableName
+ &apos; Todo: Ist diese Abfrage notwendig?
+ If bIsQuery Then
+ oDBForm.CommandType=1 &apos; Abfrage
+ else
+ oDBForm.CommandType=0 &apos; Tabelle
+ End If
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/DlgFormDB.xdl b/wizards/source/formwizard/DlgFormDB.xdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e9b1c38f9ff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/DlgFormDB.xdl
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" dlg:id="DlgFormDB" dlg:left="96" dlg:top="28" dlg:width="270" dlg:height="210" dlg:page="1">
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+ </dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:bulletinboard>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdCancel" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="190" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="cmdCancel">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.CancelFormWizard"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdHelp" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="190" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="cmdHelp"/>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdBack" dlg:left="155" dlg:top="190" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="cmdBack">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.PreviousStep"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdGoOn" dlg:left="215" dlg:top="190" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="cmdGoOn">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.NextStep"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lblDatabases" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="40" dlg:width="74" dlg:height="8" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="lblDatabases"/>
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+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Listbox.FormMoveSelected"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdMoveAll" dlg:left="122" dlg:top="131" dlg:width="25" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="=&gt;&gt;">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Listbox.FormMoveAll"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdRemoveSelected" dlg:left="122" dlg:top="149" dlg:width="25" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="&lt;-">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Listbox.FormRemoveSelected"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdRemoveAll" dlg:left="122" dlg:top="166" dlg:width="25" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="&lt;&lt;=">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Listbox.FormRemoveAll"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="optIgnoreBinaries" dlg:left="159" dlg:top="53" dlg:width="100" dlg:height="10" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="optIgnoreBinaries">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.DBMeta.GetSpecificFieldNames"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="optBinariesasGraphics" dlg:left="159" dlg:top="71" dlg:width="100" dlg:height="10" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="optBinariesasGraphics">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.DBMeta.GetSpecificFieldNames"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ </dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="frmBinaries" dlg:left="155" dlg:top="40" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="50" dlg:page="1">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="frmBinaries"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:menulist dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lstFields" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="106" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="78" dlg:page="1" dlg:multiselection="true">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Listbox.FormSetMoveRights"/>
+ </dlg:menulist>
+ <dlg:menulist dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lstSelFields" dlg:left="155" dlg:top="106" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="78" dlg:page="1" dlg:multiselection="true">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Listbox.FormSetMoveRights"/>
+ </dlg:menulist>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="frmAlign" dlg:left="208" dlg:top="85" dlg:width="57" dlg:height="44" dlg:page="2">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="frmAlign"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="frmBorderLayout" dlg:left="120" dlg:top="85" dlg:width="84" dlg:height="44" dlg:page="2">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="frmBorderLayout"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:radiogroup>
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+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="WebWizard.Common.SetBackGraphicStyle"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="optArea" dlg:left="125" dlg:top="160" dlg:width="70" dlg:height="10" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="10" dlg:value="optArea">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="WebWizard.Common.SetBackGraphicStyle"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ </dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lblStyles" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="38" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="11" dlg:page="2" dlg:value="lblStyles"/>
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+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code=""/>
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+ <dlg:radiogroup>
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+ </dlg:radio>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="optEditDocument" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="135" dlg:width="83" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="3" dlg:value="optEditDocument">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.ToggleControlsofLastPage"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ </dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lblPath" dlg:left="20" dlg:top="108" dlg:width="32" dlg:height="10" dlg:page="3" dlg:value="lblPath" dlg:align="right"/>
+ <dlg:textfield dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="txtInputPath" dlg:left="54" dlg:top="106" dlg:width="190" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="3">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="keyReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.CheckPathValidation"/>
+ </dlg:textfield>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdGetPathDialog" dlg:disabled="true" dlg:left="252" dlg:top="106" dlg:width="13" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="3" dlg:value="..."/>
+ <dlg:text dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lblSelFields" dlg:left="155" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="105" dlg:height="10" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="lblSelFields"/>
+ <dlg:menulist dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lstDatabases" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:spin="true">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.DBMeta.GetSelectedDBMetaData"/>
+ </dlg:menulist>
+ <dlg:menulist dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lstTables" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="76" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:spin="true">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.FormGetFields"/>
+ </dlg:menulist>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="frmBackground" dlg:left="120" dlg:top="133" dlg:width="84" dlg:height="44" dlg:page="2">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="frmBackground"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="frmArrangements" dlg:left="120" dlg:top="38" dlg:width="145" dlg:height="44" dlg:page="2">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="frmArrangements"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgArrange5" dlg:left="239" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="5">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Layouter.ChangeArrangemode"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgArrange2" dlg:left="150" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="2">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Layouter.ChangeArrangemode"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgArrange1" dlg:left="123" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="1">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Layouter.ChangeArrangemode"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgBorder2" dlg:left="177" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="2">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.develop.ChangeBorderLayouts"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgBorder1" dlg:left="150" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="1">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.develop.ChangeBorderLayouts"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgBorder0" dlg:left="123" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="0">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.develop.ChangeBorderLayouts"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgAlign0" dlg:left="212" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="0">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.develop.ChangeLabelAlignments"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgAlign2" dlg:left="239" dlg:top="96" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="2">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.develop.ChangeLabelAlignments"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:id="imgTheme" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="5" dlg:width="260" dlg:height="30">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.ChangeDialogHeight"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:textfield dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="txtTitle" dlg:left="143" dlg:top="44" dlg:width="122" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="3">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="keyReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.FormWizard.ChangeDocumentTitle"/>
+ </dlg:textfield>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgArrange3" dlg:left="177" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="3">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Layouter.ChangeArrangemode"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgArrange3" dlg:left="177" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="3">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Layouter.ChangeArrangemode"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ <dlg:img dlg:style-id="1" dlg:id="imgArrange4" dlg:left="212" dlg:top="49" dlg:width="23" dlg:height="28" dlg:page="2" dlg:tag="4">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="mouseReleased" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="FormWizard.Layouter.ChangeArrangemode"/>
+ </dlg:img>
+ </dlg:bulletinboard>
+</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/FormWizard.xba b/wizards/source/formwizard/FormWizard.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..015b780449c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/FormWizard.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="FormWizard" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos;Very new version
+Public DocumentName as String
+Public FormPath$, FormDBName$, FormReturnValue$
+Public TemplatePath$
+Public WizardPath as String
+Public WebWizardPath as String
+Public TexturePath as String
+Public sQueryName as String
+Public NumberofStyles as Integer
+Public oDBConnection as Object
+Public s_aCurrencySymbol As String
+Public s_aPrependCurrencySymbol As Boolean
+Public bNeedFieldRefresh as Boolean
+Public bIsQuery as Boolean
+Public oDBForm as Object
+Public oColumns() as Object
+Public sDatabaseList()
+Public TableNames() as String
+Public QueryNames() as String
+Public FieldNames() as String
+Public oDBContext as Object
+Public oUcb as Object
+Public oDocInfo as Object
+&apos;Public TemplateList(50,1) as String
+Public WidthList(27,3) as Long
+Public ControlList(1 To 9) as String
+Public sDBName as String
+Public Tablename as String
+Sub MainWithDefault()
+&apos;On Local Error Goto GlobalError
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;webwizard&quot;)
+ bControlsareCreated = False
+ If Not InitResources(&quot;Formwizard&quot;,&quot;dbw&quot;) Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ MaxIndex = -1
+ oDBContext = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ FormPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;,&quot;wizard/bitmap&quot;)
+ WebWizardPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;,&quot;wizard/web&quot;)
+ WizardPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;,&quot;wizard/&quot;)
+ TexturePath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Gallery&quot;, &quot;www-back/&quot;)
+ OpenBaseDocument()
+ GetDatabaseNames()
+ InitializeWidthList()
+ &apos; calc some special currency control properties (they depend from the system language)
+ &apos; Todo: What&apos;s going on here?
+&apos; calcCurrencyProperties()
+ LoadLanguage
+ bNeedFieldRefresh = True
+ CreateForm()
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ MsgBox(Form_gErrMsg$ , 16, Form_gWizardName$)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CreateForm() as String
+Dim i as Integer
+&apos; On Error Goto GlobalError
+ oDialogModel.optIgnoreBinaries.State = True
+ oDialogModel.optEditDocument.State = True
+ oDialogModel.cmdBack.Enabled = False
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
+ oDialogModel.lblTables.Enabled = False
+ oDialogModel.lstSelFields.Tag = False
+ ToggleListboxControls(oDialogModel, False)
+ oDialogModel.Step = 1
+ oDialogModel.lstDatabases.StringItemList()= sDatabaseList()&apos; = AddItem(sDatabaseList(i)
+ oDialogModel.Title = Form_Dlg_Caption(oDialogModel.Step)
+ NumberofStyles = FillupWebListbox(oUcb, &quot;/stl&quot;, oDialogModel.lstStyles, Styles(), False)
+ ImportStyles()
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ DlgFormDB.Execute()
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox(Form_gErrMsg$ , 16, Form_gWizardName$)
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ DlgFormDB.EndExecute()
+ Reset
+ Stop
+End Sub
+Function AddListtoList(FirstArray(), SecondArray(), Optional StarIndex)
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(FirstArray()) + Ubound(SecondArray()) + 1
+ Dim ResultArray(MaxIndex)
+ For m = 0 To Ubound(FirstArray())
+ ResultArray(m) = FirstArray(m)
+ Next m
+ For n = 0 To Ubound(SecondArray())
+ ResultArray(m) = SecondArray(n)
+ m = m + 1
+ Next n
+ AddListToList() = ResultArray()
+End Function
+Sub FormGetFields()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim DocTest as String
+ ToggleDatabasePage(False)
+ n = Ubound(oDialogModel.lstTables.SelectedItems())
+ If n &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ Tablename = Tablenames(oDialogModel.lstTables.SelectedItems(0))
+&apos; Todo: Ask, what&apos; happening here
+&apos; DocTest$ = SuggestTitleStr$(FormAvailForms, Form_ilFormTitleSuggestPrefix$ + FormActiveTableName$)
+ DocTest = ReplaceString(TableName,&quot;_&quot;,&quot;:&quot;)
+&apos; i= instr(1, DocTest$, &quot;:&quot; ,1)
+&apos; If i &gt; 0 then Mid(DocTest$,i,1,&quot;_&quot;)
+&apos; DlgFormDB.txtDocTitle.Text = DocTest
+ bIsQuery = FieldinArray(QueryNames(), Ubound(QueryNames()), TableName)
+ If (bIsQuery) Then
+ oColumns = oDBConnection.Queries.GetByName(TableName).Columns
+ Else
+ oColumns = oDBConnection.Tables.GetByName(Tablename).Columns
+ End If
+&apos; Todo What&apos;s going on here?
+&apos; sActFieldName$ = FieldsInQueries.Item (n%) &apos; should be the same as aField.Name
+&apos; sActFieldName$ = Left (sActFieldName$, InStr (1, sActFieldName$, &quot;,&quot;) - 1)
+&apos; Call FixODBCBug()
+ GetSpecificFieldNames()
+ ToggleListboxControls(oDialogModel, True)
+ End If
+ SetUpOriginalList(oDialogModel.lstFields)
+ ToggleDatabasePage(True)
+&apos; bNeedFieldRefresh = False
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox Form_gErrCouldNotOpenObject$, 16, Form_gWizardName$
+End Sub
+Sub CancelFormWizard()
+ DlgFormDB.EndExecute()
+ DlgFormDB.Dispose()
+ oDocument.Dispose()
+ Stop
+End Sub
+Sub PreviousStep()
+ oDialogModel.Step = oDialogModel.Step - 1
+ oDialogModel.cmdBack.Enabled = oDialogModel.Step &lt;&gt; 1
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
+ If oDialogModel.Step = 1 Then
+ oDialogModel.lstSelFields.Tag = Not bControlsareCreated
+ End If
+&apos; Todo: Finde für jeden Step eine sinnige Überschrift
+&apos; DlgForm.DB.Caption = Form_Dlg_Caption(DlgFormDB.CurrentStep-1)
+End Sub
+Sub NextStep()
+ Select Case oDialogModel.Step
+ Case 1
+ GetTableMetaData()
+ CreateDBForm()
+ InitializeLayoutSettings()
+ oDialogModel.Step = 2
+ Case 2
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Label = Form_5_cmdReady
+ ToggleControlsofLastPage()
+ oDialogModel.Step = 3
+ Case 3
+ HandleCreatedDocument()
+ End Select
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeLayoutSettings()
+ bControlsAreCreated = Not (CBool(oDialogModel.lstSelFields.Tag))
+ If Not bControlsAreCreated Then
+ oDialogModel.optTiled.State = 1
+ OldArrangement = 0
+ CurArrangement = cTabled
+ CurBorderType = SB3DBORDER
+ CurAlignmode = SBALIGNLEFT
+ ToggleBorderGroup(False)
+ ToggleAlignGroup(False)
+ ArrangeControls()
+ End If
+ &apos; Todo: Hier die Grafik Urls der ImageControls setzen.
+ &apos; Alternativ würde es vielleicht reichen die Border auf 3-D zu setzen
+End Sub
+Sub HandleCreatedDocument()
+Dim sPath as String
+Dim NoArgs() as new
+ On Local Error Goto NOSAVING
+ If oDialogModel.optSaveDocument.State = 1 Then
+ sPath = oDialogModel.txtInputPath.Text
+ oDocument.StoreToUrl(sPath,NoArgs()
+ End If
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;Todo: Resourcen für fehlerhaftes Abspeichern suchen!&quot;, 16, GetProductname)
+ Resume CLERROR
+ Else
+ oDocument.Dispose
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ChangeDocumentTitle
+ oDocument.DocumentInfo.Title = oDialogModel.txtTitle.Text
+End Sub
+Sub ChangeDialogHeight
+ If oDialogModel.Height &lt;&gt; 40 Then
+ oDialogModel.Height = 40
+ Else
+ oDialogModel.Height = 210
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CheckPathValidation()
+Dim sPath as String
+Dim sDir as String
+ sPath = ConvertToUrl(oDialogModel.txtInputPath.Text)
+&apos; Todo: Abklären, ob Verzeichnisse auch rekursiv erstellt werden sollen!
+&apos; Wenn ja muss beim Abspeichern eine Sicherheitsabfrage erscheinen
+ sDir = DirectorynameoutofPath(sPath , &quot;/&quot;)
+ If oUcb.IsFolder(sDir) Then
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = oUcb.Exists(sDir)
+ Else
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = False
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleControlsofLastPage()
+ If oDialogModel.optEditDocument.State = 1 Then
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
+ oDialogModel.txtInputPath.Enabled = False
+ oDialogModel.cmdGetPathDialog.Enabled = False
+ oDialogMode.lblPath.Enabled = False
+ Else
+ oDialogMode.lblPath.Enabled = True
+ oDialogModel.txtInputPath.Enabled = True
+ oDialogModel.cmdGetPathDialog.Enabled = True
+ CheckPathValidation()
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleDatabasePage(bDoEnable as Boolean)
+ oDialogModel.frmBinaries.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.optIgnoreBinaries.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.optBinariesasGraphics.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdHelp.Enabled = bDoEnable
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/Language.xba b/wizards/source/formwizard/Language.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9bfe4f4c01f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/Language.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Language" script:language="StarBasic">
+Global Const RID_DB_COMMON_START = 1000
+Global Const RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START = 2200
+Public DlgFormDB as Object
+Public oDialogModel as Object
+&apos; Global Msg
+Dim Form_gWizardName$
+Dim Form_gErrMsg$
+Dim Form_gErrFormOpen$
+Dim Form_gErrNoDatabase$
+Dim Form_gErrNoTableInDatabase$
+Dim Form_gErrTitleSuggestedExist$
+Dim Form_gErrTitleSyntaxError$
+Dim Form_gErrTitleAsTableExist$
+Dim Form_gProgressText$
+Dim Form_gCreatedForm$
+Dim Form_gErrCouldNotOpenObject$
+Dim Form_gErrNameToLong$
+Dim Form_Dlg_Caption(4) as String
+&apos; Const control-properties
+Dim Form_0_cmdCancel$
+Dim Form_0_cmdBack$
+Dim Form_0_CmdNext$
+Dim Form_1_frameDatabase$
+Dim Form_1_frameTables$
+Dim Form_2_lblAvailable$
+Dim Form_2_lblSelected$
+Dim Form_3_frameStyles$
+Dim Form_3_optStyleCol$
+Dim Form_3_optStyleJustified$
+Dim Form_3_optStyleTabled$
+Dim Form_3_frameOrientation$
+Dim Form_3_optHorizontal$
+Dim Form_3_optVertical$
+Dim Form_5_frameFormTitle$
+Dim Form_5_frameOptRun$
+Dim Form_5_cmdReady$
+&apos; Internal Logic
+Dim Form_ilFormTitleSuggestPrefix$
+Dim Form_gDatetime_DateComponent$
+Dim Form_gDatetime_TimeComponent$
+Sub LoadLanguage ()
+ Form_gWizardName$ = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0)
+ Form_gErrMsg$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6)
+ Form_gErrFormOpen$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 7)
+ Form_gErrNoDatabase$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8)
+ Form_gErrNoTableInDatabase$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 9)
+ Form_gErrTitleSuggestedExist$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 10)
+ Form_gErrTitleAsTableExist$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 10)
+ Form_gErrTitleSyntaxError$ = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 11)
+ Form_gProgressText$ = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 2)
+ Form_gCreatedForm$ = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 26)
+ Form_gErrNameToLong$ = GetResText (RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 27)
+ Form_gErrCouldNotOpenObject$ = GetResText (RID_DB_COMMON_START + 13)
+ &apos; Internal Logic
+ Form_ilFormTitleSuggestPrefix$ = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 3)
+ Form_gDatetime_DateComponent$ = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 4)
+ Form_gDatetime_TimeComponent$ = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 5)
+ &apos; Non const control-properties
+ Form_Dlg_Caption(0) = Form_gWizardName$ + GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 6)
+ Form_Dlg_Caption(1) = Form_gWizardName$ + GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 7)
+ Form_Dlg_Caption(2) = Form_gWizardName$ + GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 8)
+ Form_Dlg_Caption(3) = Form_gWizardName$ + GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9)
+ Form_Dlg_Caption(4) = Form_gWizardName$ + GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 10)
+ Form_2_lblAvailable = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 12)
+ Form_2_lblSelected = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 13)
+ Form_3_frameStyles = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 14)
+ Form_3_optStyleCol = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 15)
+ Form_3_optStyleJustified = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 16)
+ Form_3_optStyleTabled = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 17)
+ Form_3_frameOrientation = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 18)
+ Form_3_optHorizontal = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 19)
+ Form_3_optVertical = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 20)
+ Form_5_frameFormTitle = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22)
+ Form_5_frameOptRun = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23)
+ Form_5_cmdReady = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 0)
+ SetDialogLanguage()
+End Sub
+Sub SetDialogLanguage ()
+ DlgFormDB = LoadDialog(&quot;FormWizard&quot;, &quot;DlgFormDB&quot;)
+ oDialogModel = DlgFormDB.Model
+ oDialogModel.cmdCancel.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 1)
+ oDialogModel.cmdBack.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 2)
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 3)
+ oDialogModel.lblDatabases.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_COMMON_START + 4)
+ oDialogModel.lblTables.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 11) &apos;Form_1_frameTables
+ oDialogModel.lblFields.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 12) &apos;Form_2_lblAvailable
+ oDialogModel.lblSelFields.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 13) &apos;Form_2_lblSelected
+&apos; Todo: Die folgenden Resourcen lassen sich immer noch als Hilfetexte für die ImageControls missbrauchen
+&apos; .optStyleCol.Caption = Form_3_optStyleCol
+&apos; oDialogModel.optStyleHorizontal.Label = Form_3_optHorizontal
+&apos; oDialogModel.optStyleVertical.Label = Form_3_optVertical
+&apos; oDialogModel.optStyleJustified.Label = Form_3_optStyleJustified
+&apos; oDialogModel.optStyleTabled.Label = Form_3_optStyleTabled
+ oDialogModel.lblStyles.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 21)
+&apos; Todo: Die Position des Eingabefeld für den Formulartitel entsprechend der Länge seines Labels bestimmen
+&apos; oDialogModel.frameFormTitle.Label = Form_5_frameFormTitle
+&apos; oDialogModel.frameOptRun.Label = Form_5_frameOptRun
+ oDialogModel.optEditDocument.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 24)
+ oDialogModel.optSaveDocument.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 25)
+ oDialogModel.optEditDocument.Enabled = True
+ oDialogModel.frmBorderLayout.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 28)
+&apos; oDialogModel.OptNoFrame.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 29)
+&apos; oDialogModel.Opt3D.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 30)
+&apos; oDialogModel.OptFlat.Label = GetResText(RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 31)
+End Sub
+Sub InitializeWidthList()
+&apos;Todo: Was ist mit Currencies? Wieso sind dafür in der API keine Feldtypen definiert?
+ WidthList(0,0) = &apos; = -7;
+ WidthList(0,1) = 5
+ WidthList(0,2) = cCheckbox
+ WidthList(0,3) = False
+ WidthList(1,0) = &apos; = -6;
+ WidthList(1,1) = 4
+ WidthList(1,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(1,3) = False
+ WidthList(2,0) = &apos; = 5;
+ WidthList(2,1) = 4
+ WidthList(2,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(2,3) = False
+ WidthList(3,0) = &apos; = 4;
+ WidthList(3,1) = 6
+ WidthList(3,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(3,3) = False
+ WidthList(4,0) = &apos; = -5;
+ WidthList(4,1) = 11
+ WidthList(4,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(4,3) = False
+ WidthList(5,0) = &apos; = 6;
+ WidthList(5,1) = 21
+ WidthList(5,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(5,3) = False
+ WidthList(6,0) = &apos; = 7;
+ WidthList(6,1) = 21
+ WidthList(6,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(6,3) = False
+ WidthList(7,0) = &apos; = 8;
+ WidthList(7,1) = 21
+ WidthList(7,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(7,3) = False
+ WidthList(8,0) = &apos; = 2;
+ WidthList(8,1) = 21
+ WidthList(8,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(8,3) = False
+ WidthList(9,0) = &apos; = 3;
+ WidthList(9,1) = 10 &apos; ToDo: Dies muss in einer Routine errechnet werden
+ WidthList(9,2) = cNumericBox
+ WidthList(9,3) = False
+ WidthList(10,0) = &apos; = 1;
+ WidthList(10,1) = 3
+ WidthList(10,2) = cTextBox
+ WidthList(10,3) = False
+ &apos; Todo: Sollte die Feldlänge vielleicht lieber aus den Metadaten ausgelesen werden?
+ WidthList(11,0) = &apos; = 12;
+ WidthList(11,1) = 20
+ WidthList(11,2) = cTextBox
+ WidthList(11,3) = True
+ WidthList(12,0) = &apos; = -1;
+ WidthList(12,1) = 20
+ WidthList(12,2) = cTextBox
+ WidthList(12,3) = True
+ WidthList(13,0) = &apos; = 91;
+ WidthList(13,1) = 12
+ WidthList(13,2) = cDateBox
+ WidthList(13,3) = False
+ WidthList(14,0) = &apos; = 92;
+ WidthList(14,1) = 11
+ WidthList(14,2) = cTimeBox
+ WidthList(14,3) = False
+&apos; Todo: Die folgenden Felder auffüllen!
+ WidthList(15,0) = &apos; = 93;
+&apos; WidthList(15,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(15,2) =
+ WidthList(15,3) = False
+ WidthList(16,0) = &apos; = -2;
+&apos; WidthList(16,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(16,2) = cImageControl
+ WidthList(16,3) = False
+ WidthList(17,0) = &apos; = -3;
+&apos; WidthList(17,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(17,2) = cImageControl
+ WidthList(17,3) = False
+ WidthList(18,0) = &apos; = -4;
+&apos; WidthList(18,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(18,2) = cImageControl
+ WidthList(18,3) = False
+ WidthList(19,0) = &apos; = 0;
+&apos; WidthList(19,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(19,2) =
+ WidthList(19,3) = False
+ WidthList(20,0) = &apos; = 1111;
+&apos; WidthList(20,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(20,2) =
+ WidthList(20,3) = False
+ WidthList(21,0) = &apos; = 2000;
+&apos; WidthList(21,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(21,2) =
+ WidthList(21,3) = False
+ WidthList(22,0) = &apos; = 2001;
+&apos; WidthList(22,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(22,2) =
+ WidthList(22,3) = False
+ WidthList(23,0) = &apos; = 2002;
+&apos; WidthList(23,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(23,2) =
+ WidthList(23,3) = False
+ WidthList(24,0) = &apos; = 2003;
+&apos; WidthList(24,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(24,2) =
+ WidthList(24,3) = False
+ WidthList(25,0) = &apos; = 2004;
+&apos; WidthList(25,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(25,2) =
+ WidthList(25,3) = False
+ WidthList(26,0) = &apos; = 2005;
+&apos; WidthList(26,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(26,2) =
+ WidthList(26,3) = False
+ WidthList(27,0) = &apos; = 2006;
+&apos; WidthList(27,1) =
+&apos; WidthList(27,2) =
+ WidthList(27,3) = False
+ ControlList(cCheckBox) = &quot;CheckBox&quot; &apos; cBoolean
+ ControlList(cNumericBox) = &quot;NumericField&quot; &apos; cFloat, cInteger, cLong, cCounter, cDecimal, cShortInt
+ ControlList(cCurrencyBox) = &quot;CurrencyField&quot; &apos; cCurrency
+ ControlList(cDateBox) = &quot;DateField&quot;
+ ControlList(cTimeBox) = &quot;TimeField&quot;
+ ControlList(cTextBox) = &quot;TextField&quot;
+ ControlList(cImageControl) = &quot;ImageControl&quot;
+&apos; Todo: Und was ist hiermit?
+&apos;const cLabel = 1
+&apos;const cGridControl = 8
+&apos;const cImageControl = 9
+ oModelService(cLabel) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cTextBox) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cCheckBox) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cDateBox) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cTimeBox) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cNumericBox) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cCurrencyBox) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cGridControl) = &quot;;
+ oModelService(cImageControl) = &quot;;
+End Sub
+Sub LoadLibrary(sLibname as String)
+Dim oArg(0) as new
+Dim oUrl as new
+Dim oTrans as Object
+Dim oDisp as Object
+ oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+ oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
+ oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/Layouter.xba b/wizards/source/formwizard/Layouter.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac52f0a5c41b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/Layouter.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Layouter" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos; Todo: Testplan: ImageControl an erster Stelle im Array der Feldnamen
+&apos; Todo: Durchtesten mit allen möglichen Datentypen in allen möglichen Konstellationen
+&apos; Was passiert, wenn Felder jenseits der Ränder positioniert werden?
+&apos; Todo: Die ObjektArrays oDBShapeList() und oTCShaplist könnten 3-Dimensional sein mit dem Model und dem Control
+&apos; in den anderen beiden Dimensionen
+Public oProgressbar as Object
+Public ProgressValue as Integer
+Public oDocument as Object
+Public oController as Object
+Public oForm as Object
+Public oDrawPage as Object
+Public nMaxColRightX as Long
+Public nMaxTCWidth as Long
+Public nMaxRowRightX as Long
+Public nMaxRowY as Long
+Public MaxIndex as Integer
+Public Const cVertDistance = 200
+Public Const cHoriDistance = 300
+Public nPageWidth as Long
+Public nPageHeight as Long
+Public nFormWidth as Long
+Public nFormHeight as Long
+Public nMaxHoriPos as Long
+Public nMaxVertPos as Long
+Public Const SBNOBORDER = 0
+Public Const SB3DBORDER = 1
+Public Const SBSIMPLEBORDER = 2
+Public CurArrangement as Integer
+Public CurBorderType as Integer
+Public CurAlignmode as Integer
+Public OldArrangement as Integer
+Public Const cColumnarLeft = 1
+Public Const cColumnarTop = 2
+Public Const cLeftJustified = 3
+Public Const cTopJustified = 4
+Public Const cTabled = 5
+Public Const cXOffset = 1000
+Public Const cYOffset = 700
+&apos; This is the viewed space that we lose because of the symbol bars
+Public Const cSymbolMargin = 2000
+Public Const MaxFieldIndex% = 200
+Public Const cControlCollectionCount = 9
+Public Const cLabel = 1
+Public Const cTextBox = 2
+Public Const cCheckBox = 3
+Public Const cDateBox = 4
+Public Const cTimeBox = 5
+Public Const cNumericBox = 6
+Public Const cCurrencyBox = 7
+Public Const cGridControl = 8
+Public Const cImageControl = 9
+Public Styles(8, 50) as String
+Public FieldMetaValues(MaxFieldIndex,2) as String
+&apos; Description of this List:
+&apos; FieldMetaValues(0-MaxFieldIndex,0) (Datafieldtype)
+&apos; FieldMetaValues(0-MaxFieldIndex,1) (Datafieldlength)
+&apos; FieldMetaValues(0-MaxFieldIndex,2) (ControlType eg. cLabel, cTextbox usw.)
+Public FieldNames(MaxFieldIndex) as string
+Public oModelService(cControlCollectionCount) as String
+Public oGridModel as Object
+&apos; field label postfix (the label ist the data source followed by a postfix)
+Public nFieldPostfixes (MaxFieldIndex%) as string
+Function InsertControl (oControlObject as object, aPoint as Object, aSize as Object)
+Dim oShape as object
+ oShape = oDocument.CreateInstance (&quot;;)
+ oShape.Size = aSize
+ oShape.Position = aPoint
+ oShape.AnchorType =
+ oShape.control = oControlObject
+ oDrawPage.Add (oShape)
+ InsertControl = oShape
+End Function
+Function ArrangeControls()
+Dim oShape as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+&apos; Todo: Was haben diese Postfixes zu bedeuten?
+&apos; nFieldPostfixes() = nFldLabelPostfixes$()
+ oProgressbar = oDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.CreateStatusIndicator
+ oProgressbar.Start(&quot;&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ If OldArrangement = cTabled Then
+ oGridshape.Dispose
+ End If
+ ToggleLayoutPage(False)
+&apos; oDocument.LockControllers
+ Select Case CurArrangement
+ Case cTabled
+ PositionGridControl(MaxIndex)
+ Case Else
+ PositionControls(MaxIndex)
+ End Select
+&apos; oDocument.UnlockControllers
+ ToggleLayoutPage(True)
+ oProgressbar.End
+ Exit Function
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ MsgBox(Form_gErrMsg$, 16, Form_gWizardName$)
+ oDocument.Dispose()
+ Stop
+ exit function
+End function
+Sub OpenBaseDocument()
+Dim NoArgs() as new
+Dim aPageSize As New
+Dim aSize As New
+Dim oViewSettings as Object
+Dim oPageStyle as Object
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(&quot;private:factory/swriter&quot;, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, NoArgs())
+ oController = oDocument.GetCurrentController
+ oViewSettings = oDocument.CurrentController.ViewSettings
+&apos; oDocument.LockControllers
+ oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
+ oViewSettings.ShowTextBoundaries = False
+ oViewSettings.ShowOnlineLayout = True
+ oViewSettings.ShowHoriRuler = True
+&apos; oCursor = oDocument.Text.CreateTextCursor
+&apos; oCursor.InsertDocumentfromURL(FileStr, NoArgs())
+ oDrawPage = oDocument.DrawPage
+ oPageStyle = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Standard&quot;)
+ oPageStyle.IsLandscape = True
+&apos; Todo: Prozedur schreiben um Seite auf Landscape/Portrait zu setzen
+ aPageSize = oPageStyle.Size
+ nPageWidth = aPageSize.Width
+ nPageHeight = aPageSize.Height
+ aSize.Width = nPageHeight
+ aSize.Height = nPageWidth
+ oPageStyle.Size = aSize
+ nPageWidth = nPageHeight
+ nPageHeight = oPageStyle.Size.Height
+ &apos; Todo: Es könnte der unterste Grenze in Abhängigkeit von der Anzahl der DB-Felder bestimmt werden.
+ nFormWidth = nPageWidth - oPageStyle.RightMargin - oPageStyle.LeftMargin - 2 * cXOffset
+ nFormHeight = nPageHeight - oPageStyle.TopMargin - oPageStyle.BottomMargin - 2 * cYOffset - cSymbolMargin
+End Sub
+&apos; Modify the Borders of the Controls
+Sub ChangeBorderLayouts(oEvent as Object)
+Dim oModel as Object
+Dim OldBorderType as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oCurModel as Object
+ ToggleLayoutPage(False)
+ oDocument.LockControllers
+ OldBorderType = CurBorderType
+ oModel = oEvent.Source.Model
+ CurBorderType = oModel.Tag
+&apos; Todo: Die Grafikurl des Controls umsetzen, ebenso wie die Grafikurl des
+&apos; alten Controls
+ If OldBorderType &lt;&gt; CurBorderType Then
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oCurModel = oDBShapeList(i).GetControl
+ If oCurModel.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertyByName(&quot;Border&quot;)Then
+ oCurModel.Border = CurBorderType
+ End If
+ Next i
+ End If
+ oDocument.UnLockControllers
+ ToggleLayoutPage(True)
+End Sub
+Sub ChangeLabelAlignments(oEvent as Object)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oCurModel as Object
+Dim OldAlignMode as Integer
+Dim oModel as Object
+ ToggleLayoutPage(False)
+ oDocument.LockControllers()
+ OldAlignMode = CurAlignMode
+ oModel = oEvent.Source.Model
+ CurAlignMode = oEvent.Source.Model.Tag
+ &apos; Todo: Es muss festgestellt werden, welches Imagecontrol vorher selectiert war
+ &apos; und die GrafikUrls müssen entsprechend angepasst werden.
+ If OldAlignMode &lt;&gt; CurAlignMode Then
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oCurModel = oTCShapeList(i).GetControl
+ oCurModel.Align = CurAlignmode
+ Next i
+ End If
+ oDocument.UnlockControllers()
+ ToggleLayoutPage(True)
+End Sub
+Sub ChangeArrangemode(oEvent as Object)
+Dim oModel as Object
+ OldArrangement = CurArrangement
+ oModel = oEvent.Source.Model
+ oModel.Border = SB3DBORDER
+ CurArrangement = oModel.Tag
+ If CurArrangement &lt;&gt; OldArrangement Then
+ ArrangeControls()
+ Select Case OldArrangement
+ Case cTabled
+ ToggleBorderGroup(True)
+ ToggleAlignGroup(True)
+ Case cColumnarTop, cTopJustified, cLeftJustified
+ ToggleAlignGroup(True)
+ End Select
+ Select Case CurArrangement
+ Case cTabled
+ ToggleBorderGroup(False)
+ ToggleAlignGroup(False)
+ Case cColumnarTop,cLeftJustified, cTopJustified
+ ToggleAlignGroup(False)
+ End Select
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleBorderGroup(bDoEnable as Boolean)
+ oDialogModel.frmBorderLayout.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgBorder0.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgBorder1.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgBorder2.Enabled = bDoEnable
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleAlignGroup(bDoEnable as Boolean)
+ oDialogModel.frmAlign.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgAlign0.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgAlign2.Enabled = bDoEnable
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleLayoutPage(bDoEnable as Boolean)
+ oDialogModel.frmArrangements.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgArrange1.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgArrange2.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgArrange3.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgArrange4.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgArrange5.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.lblStyles.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.frmBackground.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.optTiled.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.optArea.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdHelp.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdBack.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.imgTheme.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ ToggleAlignGroup(bDoEnable)
+ ToggleBorderGroup(bDoEnable)
+End Sub
+Sub DestroyControlShapes(oDrawPage as Object)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oShape as Object
+ For i = oDrawPage.Count-1 To 0 Step -1
+ oShape = oDrawPage.GetByIndex(i)
+ If oShape.ShapeType = &quot;; Then
+ oShape.Dispose
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/develop.xba b/wizards/source/formwizard/develop.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f58e986c16f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/develop.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="develop" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+Public oDBShapeList(200) as Object
+Public oTCShapeList(200) as Object
+Public oGridShape as Object
+Public a as Integer
+Public StartA as Integer
+Public bIsFirstRun as Boolean
+Public bIsVeryFirstRun as Boolean
+Public bIsVeryFirstValueField as Boolean
+&apos; This boolean variable refers to the following Controltypes: cTextBox, cCheckBox, cDateBox, cTimeBox, cNumericBox, cCurrencyBox
+Public bControlsareCreated as Boolean
+Public nDBRefWidth as Integer
+Public nDBRefHeight as Integer
+Public nXTCPos&amp;, nYTCPos&amp;, nXDBPos&amp;, nYDBPos&amp;, nTCHeight&amp;, nTCWidth&amp;, nDBHeight&amp;, nDBWidth&amp;
+Public CurControlType as Integer
+Public CurFieldlength as Double
+Public CurFieldType as Integer
+Public CurFieldName as String
+Dim iReduceWidth as Integer
+Function PositionControls(Maxindex as Integer)
+Dim oTCModel as Object
+Dim oDBModel as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+ InitializePosSizes()
+ bIsFirstRun = True
+ bIsVeryFirstRun = True
+ bIsVeryFirstValueField = True
+ a = 0
+ StartA = 0
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ CurFieldType = FieldMetaValues(i,0)
+ CurFieldLength = CDbl(FieldMetaValues(i,1))
+ CurControlType = FieldMetaValues(i,2)
+ CurFieldName = FieldNames(i)
+ oTCModel = InsertTextControl(i)
+ InsertDBControl(oDBModel, i)
+ bIsVeryFirstRun = False
+ oDBModel.LabelControl = oTCModel
+ ResetPosSizes(i)
+ oProgressbar.Value = i
+ Next i
+&apos; ControlCaptionstoStandardLayout()
+ bControlsareCreated = True
+End Function
+Sub ResetPosSizes(LastIndex as Integer)
+ Select Case CurArrangement
+ Case cColumnarLeft
+ nYDBPos = nYDBPos + nDBHeight + cVertDistance
+ If (nYDBPos &gt; cYOffset + nFormHeight) Or (LastIndex = MaxIndex) Then
+ RepositionControls(LastIndex)
+ nXDBPos = nMaxColRightX + cHoriDistance + nMaxTCWidth
+ nXTCPos = nMaxColRightX + cHoriDistance
+ nYDBPos = cYOffset
+ nYTCPos = cYOffset
+ bIsFirstRun = True
+ StartA = a + 1
+ a = 0
+ Else
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ nYTCPos = nYDBPos
+ Case cColumnarTop
+ nYTCPos = nYDBPos + nDBHeight + cVertDistance
+ If nYTCPos &gt; cYOffset + nFormHeight Then
+ nXDBPos = nMaxColRightX + cHoriDistance
+ nXTCPos = nMaxColRightX + cHoriDistance
+ nYDBPos = cYOffset + nTCHeight + cVertiDistance
+ nYTCPos = cYOffset
+ bIsFirstRun = True
+ StartA = a + 1
+ a = 0
+ Else
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ Case cLeftJustified,cTopJustified
+ If nMaxColRightX &gt; cXOffset + nFormWidth Then
+ Dim nOldYTCPos as Long
+ nOldYTCPos = nYTCPos
+ CheckJustifiedPosition()
+ Else
+ nXTCPos = nMaxColRightX + CHoriDistance
+ End If
+ a = a + 1
+ End Select
+End Sub
+Sub RepositionControls(LastIndex as Integer)
+Dim aSize As New
+Dim aPoint As New
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oLocTextShape as Object
+Dim oLocDBShape as Object
+ aSize = GetSize(nMaxTCWidth, nTCHeight)
+ For i = StartA To LastIndex
+ Set oLocTextShape = oTCShapeList(i)
+ Set oLocDBShape = oDBShapeList(i)
+ oLocTextShape.Size = aSize
+ If i = StartA Then
+ nXTCPos = oLocTextShape.Position.X
+ nXDBPos = nXTCPos + nMaxTCWidth + cHoriDistance
+ End If
+ nYDBPos = oLocTextShape.Position.Y
+ aPoint = GetPoint(nXDBPos,nYDBPos)
+ oLocDBShape.SetPosition(aPoint)
+ GroupShapes(oDrawPage, oLocTextShape, oLocDBShape)
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub InitializePosSizes()
+ nXTCPos = cXOffset
+ nYTCPos = cYOffset
+ nTCWidth = 2000
+ nTCHeight = 560
+ nDBWidth = 2000
+ nDBHeight = 560
+ iReduceWidth = 0
+ Select Case CurArrangement
+ Case cColumnarLeft, cLeftJustified
+ nXDBPos = cXOffset + 3050
+ nYDBPos = cYOffset
+ Case cColumnarTop, cTopJustified
+ nXDBPos = cXOffset
+ End Select
+End Sub
+Function InsertTextControl(i as Integer) as Object
+Dim oShape as Object
+Dim oModel as Object
+Dim aPoint as New
+Dim aSize As New
+ If bControlsareCreated Then
+ Set oShape = oTCShapeList(i)
+ Set oModel = oShape.GetControl
+ nTCWidth = oShape.Size.Width
+ nTCHeight = oShape.Size.Height
+ oShape.Position = GetPoint(nXTCPos, nYTCPos)
+ Else
+ oModel = CreateUnoService(oModelService(cLabel))
+ oModel.Name =&quot;Label&quot; + (i+1)
+ oModel.Label = CurFieldName &apos; + nFieldPostfixes(i) (Todo: Was ist ein fieldPostfix?)
+ oDBForm.InsertByName(oModel.Name, oModel)
+ aPoint = GetPoint(nXTCPos, nYTCPos)
+ aSize = GetSize(nTCWidth,nTCHeight)
+ Set oShape = InsertControl(oModel, aPoint, aSize)
+ Set oTCShapeList(i)= oShape
+ If bIsVeryFirstRun Then
+ nTCHeight = GetPreferredHeight(oModel, CurFieldname)
+ If CurArrangement = cColumnarTop Then
+ nYDBPos = nYTCPos + nTCHeight
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ nTCWidth = GetPreferredWidth(oModel, True, CurFieldname)
+ CheckOuterPoints(oShape.Position.X, nTCWidth, nYTCPos, nTCHeight)
+ Select Case CurArrangement
+ Case cLeftJustified
+ nXDBPos = nMaxColRightX
+ Case cColumnarLeft
+ If bIsFirstRun Then
+ nMaxTCWidth = nTCWidth
+ bIsFirstRun = False
+ ElseIf nTCWidth &gt; nMaxTCWidth Then
+ nMaxTCWidth = nTCWidth
+ End If
+ Case cColumnarTop,cTopJustified
+ nXDBPos = nXTCPos
+ nYDBPos = nYTCPos + nTCHeight
+ If CurFieldLength = 20 And nDBWidth &gt; 2 * nTCWidth Then
+ iReduceWidth = iReduceWidth + 1
+ End If
+ End Select
+ oShape.SetSize(GetSize(nTCWidth,nTCHeight))
+ InsertTextControl = oModel
+End Function
+Sub InsertDBControl(oDBModel as Object, i as Integer)
+Dim aPoint as New
+Dim aSize As New
+Dim oShape as Object
+Dim oControl as Object
+Dim iColRightX as Long
+ If Not bIsVeryFirstValueField Then
+ nDBWidth = CInt(CurFieldLength/2 * nDBRefWidth)
+ Else
+ nDBWidth = 1
+ End If
+ aPoint = GetPoint(nXDBPos, nYDBPos)
+ If bControlsAreCreated Then
+ Set oShape = oDBShapeList(i)
+ Set oDBModel = oShape.GetControl
+ oShape.Position = aPoint
+ Else
+ aSize = GetSize(nDBWidth,nDBHeight)
+ oDBModel = CreateUnoService(oModelService(CurControlType))
+ oDBModel.Name = ControlList(CurControlType)
+ &apos; ToDo: Diese (recht allgemein benamte) Prozedur mit Hilfe von FS anpassen
+ HandleNumerics(oDBModel)
+ oShape = InsertControl(oDBModel, aPoint, aSize)
+ Set oDBShapeList(i)= oShape
+ oDBForm.InsertByName(oDBModel.Name, oDBModel)
+ End If
+ If CurControlType = cImageControl Then
+ &apos; Todo: Dies ist nur eine vorsichtige Schätzung
+ nDBWidth = 2000
+ nDBHeight = 2000
+ Else
+ If bIsVeryFirstValueField Then
+ nDBRefWidth = GetPreferredWidth(oDBModel,True)
+ &apos; Todo: Hier wird vereinfachend davon ausgegangen, dass es sich bei DB-Feldern immer um Textfelder handelt!
+ nDBRefHeight = GetPreferredHeight(oDBModel)
+ bIsVeryFirstValueField = False
+ End If
+ &apos;Todo: Vielleicht könnte man dieses Feld auch noch tiefer machen
+ If CurFieldType = Then
+ oDBModel.MultiLine = True
+ nDBHeight = nDBRefHeight * 2
+ Else
+ nDBHeight = nDBRefHeight
+ End If
+ nDBWidth = CInt(CurFieldLength/10 * nDBRefWidth)
+ End If
+ aSize = GetSize(nDBWidth,nDBHeight)
+ oShape.SetSize(aSize)
+ CheckOuterPoints(nXDBPos, nDBWidth, nYDBPos, nDBHeight)
+ oDBModel.DataField = CurFieldName
+End Sub
+Sub CheckJustifiedPosition()
+Dim nLeftDist as Long
+Dim nRightDist as Long
+Dim oLocDBShape as Object
+Dim oLocTextShape as Object
+Dim nBaseWidth as Long
+ nBaseWidth = nFormWidth + cXOffset
+ nLeftDist = nMaxColRightX - nBaseWidth
+ nRightDist = nBaseWidth - nXTCPos + cHoriDistance
+ If nLeftDist &lt; 0.5 * nRightDist and iReduceWidth &gt; 2 Then
+ &apos; Können die Felder in der Reihe gestaucht werden?
+ AdjustLineWidth(StartA, a, nLeftDist, - 1)
+ If CurArrangement = cLeftjustified Then
+ nYDBPos = nMaxRowY + cVertDistance
+ nYTCPos = nYDBPos
+ nXTCPos = cXOffset
+ Else
+ nYTCPos = nMaxRowY + cVertDistance
+ nYDBPos = nYTCPos + nTCHeight
+ nXTCPos = cXOffset
+ nXDBPos = cXOffset
+ End If
+ bIsFirstRun = True
+ StartA = a + 1
+ Else
+ Set oLocDBShape = oDBShapeList(a)
+ Set oLocTextShape = oTCShapeList(a)
+ nYTCPos = nMaxRowY + cVertDistance
+ If CurArrangement = cLeftJustified Then
+ nYDBPos = nYTCPos
+ nXDBPos = cXOffset + nTCWidth
+ oLocTextShape.Position = GetPoint(cXOffset, nYTCPos)
+ oLocDBShape.Position = GetPoint(nXDBPos, nYDBPos)
+ &apos; PosSizes for the next two Controls
+ nXTCPos = oLocDBShape.Position.X + oLocDBShape.Size.Width + cHoriDistance
+ bIsFirstRun = True
+ CheckOuterPoints(nXDBPos, nDBWidth, nYDBPos, nDBHeight)
+ nXDBPos = nMaxColRightX + cHoriDistance
+ Else
+ nYDBPos = nYTCPOS + nTCHeight
+ nXDBPos = cXOffset
+ nXTCPos = cXOffset
+ oLocTextShape.Position = GetPoint(cXOffset, nYTCPos)
+ oLocDBShape.Position = GetPoint(cXOffset, nYDBPos)
+ bIsFirstRun = True
+ If nDBWidth &gt; nXTCWidth Then
+ CheckOuterPoints(nXDBPos, nDBWidth, nYDBPos, nDBHeight)
+ Else
+ CheckOuterPoints(nXDBPos, nTCWidth, nYDBPos, nDBHeight)
+ End If
+ nXTCPos = nMaxColRightX + cHoriDistance
+ nXDBPos = nXTCPos
+ End If
+ AdjustLineWidth(StartA, a-1, nRightDist, 1)
+ StartA = a
+ End If
+ iReduceWidth = 0
+End Sub
+Sub AdjustLineWidth(StartIndex as Integer, EndIndex as Integer, nDist as Long, Widthfactor as Integer)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oLocDBShape as Object
+Dim oLocTCShape as Object
+Dim CorrWidth as Integer
+Dim bAdjustPos as Boolean
+Dim iLocTCPosX as Long
+Dim iLocDBPosX as Long
+Dim ShapeCount as Integer
+&apos; Todo: Hier muss berücksichtigt werden, dass gewisse Widths z.B für numerische Controls nicht plötzlich zu klein werden
+&apos; Am besten werden nur TextControls gestaucht, so dass vorher geschaut werden muss, ob überhaupt TextControls vorhanden
+&apos; sind
+ If WidthFactor &gt; 0 Then
+ ShapeCount = EndIndex-StartIndex + 1
+ Else
+ ShapeCount = iReduceWidth
+ End If
+ CorrWidth = (nDist)/ShapeCount
+ bAdjustPos = False
+ iLocTCPosX = cXOffset
+ For i = StartIndex To EndIndex
+ Set oLocDBShape = oDBShapeList(i)
+ Set oLocTCShape = oTCShapeList(i)
+ If bAdjustPos Then
+ oLocTCShape.Position = GetPoint(iLocTCPosX, oLocTCShape.Position.Y)
+ If CurArrangement = cLeftJustified Then
+ iLocDBPosX = oLocTCShape.Position.X + oLocTCShape.Size.Width
+ oLocDBShape.Position = GetPoint(iLocDBPosX, oLocDBShape.Position.Y)
+ Else
+ oLocDBShape.Position = GetPoint(iLocTCPosX, oLocTCShape.Position.Y + nTCHeight)
+ End If
+ Else
+ bAdjustPos = True
+ End If
+ If CDbl(FieldMetaValues(i,1)) &gt; 20 or WidthFactor &gt; 0 Then
+ oLocDBShape.Size = GetSize(oLocDBShape.Size.Width + WidthFactor * CorrWidth, oLocDBShape.Size.Height)
+ End If
+ iLocTCPosX = oLocDBShape.Position.X + oLocDBShape.Size.Width + cHoriDistance
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub CheckOuterPoints(nXPos, nWidth, nYPos, nHeight)
+Dim nColRightX
+Dim nRowY
+ If CurArrangement = cLeftJustified Or CurArrangement = cTopJustified Then
+ If bIsFirstRun Then
+ nMaxRowY = nYPos + nHeight
+ Else
+ nRowY = nYPos + nHeight
+ If nRowY &gt; nMaxRowY Then
+ nMaxRowY = nRowY
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Find the outer right point
+ If bIsFirstRun Then
+ nMaxColRightX = nXPos + nWidth
+ bIsFirstRun = False
+ Else
+ nColRightX = nXPos + nWidth
+ If nColRightX &gt; nMaxColRightX Then
+ nMaxColRightX = nColRightX
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function PositionGridControl(MaxIndex as Integer)
+Dim oControl as Object
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim oColumn as Object
+Dim aPoint as New
+Dim aSize as New
+Dim ControlName as String
+Dim nWidth as Long
+ If bControlsareCreated Then
+ MakeControlsVisible(False)
+ End If
+ oGridModel = CreateUnoService(oModelService(cGridControl))
+ nWidth = 0
+ For n = 0 to MaxIndex
+ CurType = FieldMetaValues(n,0)
+ CurControlType = FieldMetaValues(n,2)
+ CurFieldName = FieldNames(n)
+ ControlName = ControlList(CurControlType)
+ oColumn = oGridModel.CreateColumn(ControlName)
+ oColumn.Name = CalcUniqueContentName(oGridModel, ControlName)
+&apos; Todo: Put this in a separate function
+ HandleNumerics(oColumn)
+ oColumn.DataField = CurFieldName
+ oColumn.Label = CurFieldName &apos;+ nFieldPostfixes(n); Todo: Was hat das nFieldPostfix hier zu suchen?
+ oColumn.Width = 0 &apos;Spaltenbreite richtet sich nach dem Feldnamen
+ oGridModel.insertByName(oColumn.Name, oColumn)
+ oProgressbar.Value = n
+ nWidth = nWidth + oColumn.Width
+ next n
+ aPoint = GetPoint(cXOffset, cYOffset)
+ &apos; Todo: Man müsste die Größe und die Position der Controls von der Anzahl der
+ &apos; Datenbankfelder abhängig machen
+ aSize = GetSize(nFormWidth, nFormHeight)
+ oDBForm.InsertByName (oGridModel.Name, oGridModel)
+ oGridShape = InsertControl (oGridModel, aPoint, aSize)
+End function
+Sub ControlCaptionstoStandardLayout()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim iBorderType as Integer
+Dim oCurModel as Object
+Dim oStyle as Object
+Dim iStandardColor as Long
+ If CurArrangement &lt;&gt; cTabled Then
+ oStyle = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;ParagraphStyles&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Standard&quot;)
+ iStandardColor = oStyle.CharColor
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oCurModel = oTCShapeList(i).GetControl
+ If i = 0 Then
+ If oCurModel.TextColor = iStandardColor Then
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ End If
+ oCurModel.TextColor = iStandardColor
+ Next i
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub GroupShapes(oDrawPage as Object, TextShape as Object, DBShape as Object)
+Dim oShapes as Object
+ oShapes = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oShapes.Add(oLocTextShape)
+ oShapes.Add(oLocDBShape)
+ oDrawPage.Group(oShapes)
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/tools.xba b/wizards/source/formwizard/tools.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..86c12e09b638
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/tools.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="tools" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+Function SetProgressValue(iValue as Integer)
+ If iValue = 0 Then
+ oProgressbar.End
+ End If
+ ProgressValue = iValue
+ oProgressbar.Value = iValue
+End Function
+Function GetPreferredWidth(oModel as Object, bGetMaxWidth as Boolean, Optional LocText)
+Dim aPeerSize as new
+Dim nWidth as Integer
+Dim oControl as Object
+&apos; Todo: Wie geht das mit ImageControls
+ If Not IsMissing(LocText) Then
+ aPeerSize = GetPeerSize(oModel, oControl, LocText)
+ Else
+ aPeerSize = GetPeerSize(oModel, oControl
+ End If
+ nWidth = aPeerSize.Width
+ GetPreferredWidth = PixelTo100thmm(nWidth)
+End Function
+Function GetPreferredHeight(oModel as Object, Optional LocText)
+Dim aPeerSize as new
+Dim nHeight as Integer
+Dim oControl as Object
+&apos; Todo: Wie geht das mit ImageControls
+ If Not IsMissing(LocText) Then
+ aPeerSize = GetPeerSize(oModel, oControl, LocText)
+ Else
+ aPeerSize = GetPeerSize(oModel, oControl)
+ End If
+ nHeight = aPeerSize.Height
+ GetPreferredHeight = PixelTo100thmm(nHeight)
+End Function
+Function GetPeerSize(oModel as Object, oControl as Object, Optional LocText)
+Dim oPeer as Object
+Dim aPeerSize as new
+ oControl = oController.GetControl(oModel)
+ oPeer = oControl.GetPeer()
+ If HasUnoInterfaces(oControl,&quot;;) Then
+ oControl.Value = oControl.Max
+ aPeerSize = oPeer.PreferredSize()
+ oControl.Value = 0
+ ElseIf Not IsMissing(LocText) Then
+ oControl.Text = LocText
+ aPeerSize = oPeer.PreferredSize()
+ Else
+ oControl.Text = &quot;WWWWWWWWWW&quot;
+ aPeerSize = oPeer.PreferredSize()
+ oControl.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ GetPeerSize = aPeerSize
+End Function
+Function TwipToCM(BYVAL nValue as long) as String
+ TwipToCM = trim(str(nValue / 567)) + &quot;cm&quot;
+End function
+Function TwipTo100telMM(BYVAL nValue as long) as long
+ TwipTo100telMM = nValue / 0.567
+End function
+Function TwipToPixel(BYVAL nValue as long) as long &apos; nur ungefaehre Berechnung
+ TwipToPixel = nValue / 15
+End function
+Function PixelTo100thMM(BYVAL nValue as long) as long
+ PixelTo100thMM = nValue * 28 &apos; nur ungefähre Berechnung
+End function
+Function GetPoint(xPos, YPos) as New
+Dim aPoint as New
+ aPoint.X = xPos
+ aPoint.Y = yPos
+ GetPoint() = aPoint
+End Function
+Function GetSize(iWidth, iHeight) As New
+Dim aSize As New
+ aSize.Width = iWidth
+ aSize.Height = iHeight
+ GetSize() = aSize
+End Function
+Sub ImportStyles()
+Dim CurIndex as Integer
+Dim sImportPath as String
+ oDocument.LockControllers
+ CurIndex = GetCurIndex(oDialogModel.lstStyles, Styles(), NumberofStyles,8)
+ sImportPath = Styles(8,CurIndex)
+ LoadNewStyles(oDocument, oDialogModel, CurIndex, &quot;&quot;, Styles(), TexturePath)
+ &apos; Todo: Diese Zeile wieder rein wenn Bug #83015 behoben ist
+&apos; ControlCaptionsToStandardLayout()
+ oDocument.UnlockControllers
+End Sub
+&apos; Todo: Einbinden!!!
+Function SetMaxNumericValue(ByVal oLocObject as Object, nType as Long) as Object
+ oLocObject.DecimalAccuracy = 0 &apos; keine Nachkommastellen
+ oLocObject.ValueMin = 0 &apos; Minwerte sind 0
+ select Case (nType)
+ case cLong
+ oLocObject.ValueMax = 2147483647 &apos; Maxwert
+ case cInteger
+ oLocObject.ValueMax = 32767 &apos; Maxwert
+ case cShortInt
+ oLocObject.ValueMax = 255 &apos; Maxwert
+ case cDecimal
+ oLocObject.DecimalAccuracy = FieldDecimalAccuracy%(n%) &apos; Nachkommastellen
+ End Select
+ SetMaxColumnValue = oLocObject
+End Function
+Sub MakeControlsVisible(bIsVisible as Boolean)
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim oControl as Object
+ For n = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oControl = oController.GetControl(oDBShapeList(n).GetControl)
+ oControl.SetVisible(bIsVisible)
+ oControl = oController.GetControl(oTCShapeList(n).GetControl)
+ oControl.SetVisible(bIsVisible)
+ Next n
+End Sub
+&apos; Todo: Hier werden allgemeine Einstellungen für numerische Werte vorgenommen
+&apos; Was wird mit den Währungen gemacht?; für Dezimalfelder muss die Anzahl der
+&apos; Nachkommastellen, Tausenderstellen, festgelegt werden. Stichwort &quot;Formatüberprüfungen&quot;
+&apos; im Propertybrowser des Controls
+Sub HandleNumerics(oObject)
+ Select Case CurControlType
+ Case cNumericBox
+ oLocObject = SetMaxNumericValue(oLocObject, CurFieldType)
+ Case cCurrencyBox
+ oLocObject.CurrencySymbol = s_aCurrencySymbol
+ oLocObject.PrependCurrencySymbol = s_aPrependCurrencySymbol
+ End Select
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e40a3f8a7c75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/AutoText.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="AutoText" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; BASIC
+Option Explicit
+&apos; Todo: Problem mit der Spaltenbreite lösen
+&apos; Internationale Vorlage für Überschrift
+Sub Main
+Dim oDocument, oTable, oRows, oDocuText, oTitleCursor as Object
+Dim oAutoTextContainer, oAutogroup, oAutoText as Object
+Dim oCharStyles, oContentStyle, oHeaderStyle, oGroupTitleStyle as Object
+Dim n, m, iAutoCount as Integer
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ LoadLanguage(StarDesktop.ISOLocale.Language)
+ &apos; Open a new empty document
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(&quot;staroffice:factory/swriter&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,NoArgs)
+ oDocuText = oDocument.Text
+ &apos; Create The Character-templates
+ oCharStyles = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;CharacterStyles&quot;)
+ &apos; The Characterstyle for the Header that describes the Title of Autotextgroups
+ oGroupTitleStyle = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oGroupTitleStyle.charWeight =
+ oGroupTitleStyle.CharHeight = 14
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;AutoTextGroupTitle&quot;, oGroupTitleStyle)
+ &apos; The Characterstyle for the Header that describes the Title of Autotextgroups
+ oHeaderStyle = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oHeaderStyle.charWeight =
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;, oHeaderStyle)
+ &apos; &quot;Ordinary&quot; Table Content
+ oContentStyle = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;TableContent&quot;, oContentStyle)
+ oAutoTextContainer = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oTitleCursor = oDocuText.CreateTextCursor()
+ oTitleCursor.CharStyle = &quot;AutoTextGroupTitle&quot;
+ &apos; Link the Title with the following table
+ oTitleCursor.ParaKeepTogether = True
+ For n = 0 To oAutoTextContainer.Count - 1
+ oAutoGroup = oAutoTextContainer.GetByIndex(n)
+ oTitleCursor.SetString(oAutoGroup.Title)
+ oTitleCursor.CollapseToEnd()
+ oDocuText.insertControlCharacter(oCursor,,False)
+ oTable = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ &apos; Divide the table if necessary
+ oTable.Split = True
+&apos; oTable.KeepTogether = False
+ oTable.RepeatHeadLine = True
+ oTitleCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oTable,False)
+ InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText-Title&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(0,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
+ InsertStringToCell(&quot;AutoText-Name&quot;,oTable.GetCellbyPosition(1,0), &quot;AutoTextHeading&quot;)
+ &apos; Insert one row at the bottom of the table
+ oRows = oTable.Rows
+ iAutoCount = oAutoGroup.Count
+ For m = 0 To iAutoCount-1
+ &apos; Insert the name and the title of all Autotexts
+ oAutoText = oAutoGroup.GetByIndex(m)
+ InsertStringToCell(oAutoGroup.Titles(m), oTable.GetCellbyPosition(0, m + 1), &quot;TableContent&quot;)
+ InsertStringToCell(oAutoGroup.ElementNames(m), oTable.GetCellbyPosition(1, m + 1), &quot;TableContent&quot;)
+ If m &lt; iAutoCount-1 Then
+ oRows.InsertbyIndex(m + 2,1)
+ End If
+ Next m
+ oDocuText.insertControlCharacter(oCursor,,False)
+ oCursor.CollapseToEnd()
+ Next n
+End Sub
+Sub InsertStringToCell(sCellString as String, oCell as Object, sCellStyle as String)
+Dim oCellCursor as Object
+ oCellCursor = oCell.CreateTextCursor()
+ oCellCursor.CharStyle = sCellStyle
+ oCell.Text.insertString(oCellCursor,sCellString,False)
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..69dcd32b12c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ChangeAllChars.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ChangeAllChars" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; This macro replaces all characters in a writer-documet through &quot;x&quot; or &quot;X&quot; signs.
+&apos; It works on the currently activated document.
+Private const UPPERREPLACECHAR = &quot;X&quot;
+Private const LOWERREPLACECHAR = &quot;x&quot;
+Private WARNING
+Sub ChangeAllChars &apos; Change all chars in the active document
+Dim oSheets, oPages as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+Const MBYES = 6
+Const MBABORT = 2
+Const MBNO = 7
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ Call SetLanguage
+ On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENT
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;This Macro extracts all Data of a displayed Writer-Document.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp; &quot;Activate a Writer-Document!&quot; , 16, &quot;StarOffice 5.2&quot;)
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+ sDocType = GetDocumentType(oDocument)
+ If oDocument.IsModified And oDocument.Url &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ Select Case Status
+ Case MBYES
+ oDocument.Store
+ End
+ End Select
+ Else
+ Status = MsgBox(WARNING, 3+32, MSGBOXTITLE)
+ If Status = MBNO Or Status = MBABORT Then &apos; No, Abort
+ End
+ End If
+ End If
+ Select Case sDocType
+ Case &quot;sWriter&quot;
+ ReplaceAllStrings(oDocument)
+ Case Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;This Macro only works with Writer-Documents!&quot;, 16, &quot;StarOffice 5.2&quot;)
+ End Select
+End Sub
+Sub ReplaceAllStrings(oContainer as Object)
+ ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[a-z]&quot;, LOWERREPLACECHAR)
+ ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[à-þ]&quot;, LOWERREPLACECHAR)
+ ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[A-Z]&quot;, UPPERREPLACECHAR)
+ ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[À-ß]&quot;, UPPERREPLACECHAR)
+ ReplaceStrings(oContainer, &quot;[0-9]&quot;, UPPERREPLACECHAR)
+End Sub
+Sub ReplaceStrings(oContainer as Object, sSearchString, sReplaceString as String)
+ oReplaceDesc = oContainer.createReplaceDescriptor()
+ oReplaceDesc.SearchCaseSensitive = True
+ oReplaceDesc.SearchRegularExpression = True
+ oReplaceDesc.Searchstring = sSearchString
+ oReplaceDesc.ReplaceString = sReplaceString
+ oReplCount = oContainer.ReplaceAll(oReplaceDesc)
+End Sub
+Sub SetLanguage
+Dim ISOLanguage as String
+ ISOLanguage = StarDesktop.ISOLocale.Language
+ Select Case ISOLanguage
+ Case &quot;en&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Change all characters to a &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;This Document is modified: All characters are changed to an &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Shall the document be saved now?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;This macro changes all characters and numbers to an &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; in this document.&quot;
+ Case &quot;fr&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Remplacer tous les caractères par &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;Le document a été modifé, la macro remplacera tous les caractères par &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Enregistrer avant de procéder?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;La macro remplacera tous les caractères et nombres par &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; dans le document.&quot;
+ Case &quot;it&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Sostituire tutti i caratteri &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;Il documento è stato modificato, la macro sostituerà tutti i caratteri con &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Salvare il documento prima di procedere?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;La macro sostituirà tutti i caratteri e numeri con &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; nel documento attivo.&quot;
+ Case &quot;es&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Sustituir todos los caracteres por &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;Este documento fue cambiado: todos los caracteres fueron sustituidos por &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Desea guardar el documento?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;Esta macro sustitue todos los caracteres y números en este documento por &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;.&quot;
+ Case &quot;pt&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Substituir todos os caracteres por &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;Este documento foi modificado: todos os caracteres foram substituídos por &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Deseja guardar o documento?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;Esta macro substitui todos os caracteres e números neste documento por &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;.&quot;
+ Case &quot;nl&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Verander alle tekens in een&apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;Dit document is veranderd. Alle tekens zijn veranderd in een &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Wilt u het document nu opslaan?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;Dit macro verandert alle tekens en cijfers in een &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; in dit document.&quot;
+ Case &quot;sv&quot;
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Byt ut alla bokstäver mot en &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; &quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;Dokumentet har ändrats, med detta makro kommer alla bokstäver att bytas ut mot en &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; . Ska dokumentet säkras/sparas innan?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;Makrot ersätter alla bokstäver och tal i detta dokument med en &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;.&quot;
+&apos; Case &quot;da&quot;
+&apos; Case &quot;pl&quot;
+&apos; Case &quot;ru&quot;
+ &apos; English &amp; fallback/default
+ Case Else
+ MSGBOXTITLE = &quot;Change all characters to a &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ NOTSAVEDTEXT = &quot;This Document is modified: All characters are changed to an &quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos;. Shall the document be saved now?&quot;
+ WARNING = &quot;This macro changes all characters and numbers to an &apos;&quot; &amp; UPPERREPLACECHAR &amp; &quot;&apos; in this document.&quot;
+ End Select
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0788bec81f50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/GetTexts.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="GetTexts" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos; Option für doppelte Strings
+&apos; Alternativtexte, Namen usw für HTML-Seiten--&gt; ist Anbindung an StarOfficeAPI geplant?
+&apos; Verlustanzeige &quot;Wo ist Peggy?&quot;
+&apos; Überschriften für Textfelder
+&apos; GetTextFrames mit Peter absprechen
+&apos; Ole - Objekte auch mit einbeziehen?
+&apos; Redimensionierung des LogArrays, wenn Implementierung so weit ist
+&apos; Namen von Notizenseiten mit Peter durchsprechen
+&apos; Macro-Description:
+&apos; This Macro extracts the Strings out of the currently activated document und inserts them into a logdocument
+&apos; The aim of the macro is to provide the programmer an insight into the StarOffice API
+&apos; It focusses on how document-Objects are accessed.
+&apos; Therefor not only texts of the document-body are retrieved but also Texts of general
+&apos; document Objects like, Annotations, charts and general Document Information
+Public oLogDocument, oLogText, oLogCursor, oLogHeaderStyle, oLogBodyTextStyle as Object
+Public oDocument as Object
+Public LogArray(1000) as String
+Public LogIndex as Integer
+Public oLocHeaderStyle as Object
+Sub Main
+Dim sDocType as String
+Dim oHyperCursor as Object
+Dim oCharStyles as Object
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENT
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ sDocType = GetDocumentType(oDocument)
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;This Macro extracts all Data of the displayed Writer-, Calc or Draw-Documents.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp;_
+ &quot;To start this macro you have to activate a Document first!&quot; , 16, &quot;StarOffice 5.2&quot;)
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+ &apos; Open a new document where all the texts are inserted
+ oLogDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL( &quot;staroffice:factory/swriter&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,NoArgs())
+ oLogText = oLogDocument.Text
+ &apos; create and define the character styles of the Log-document
+ oCharStyles = oLogDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;CharacterStyles&quot;)
+ oLogHeaderStyle = oLogDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oLogHeaderStyle.charWeight =
+ oLogBodyTextStyle = oLogDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;LogHeading&quot;, oLogHeaderStyle)
+ oCharStyles.InsertbyName(&quot;LogBodyText&quot;, oLogBodyTextStyle)
+ &apos; Insert the title of the activated document as a hyperlink
+ oHyperCursor = oLogText.createTextCursor()
+ oHyperCursor.charWeight =
+ oHyperCursor.gotoStart(False)
+ oHyperCursor.HyperLinkURL = oDocument.URL
+ oHyperCursor.HyperLinkTarget = oDocument.URL
+ If oDocument.DocumentInfo.Title &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oHyperCursor.HyperlinkName = oDocument.DocumentInfo.Title
+ End If
+ oLogText.insertString(oHyperCursor, oDocument.DocumentInfo.Title, False)
+ oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oHyperCursor,,False)
+ oLogCursor = oLogText.createTextCursor()
+ oLogCursor.GotoEnd(False)
+ &apos; &quot;Switch off&quot; the Hyperlink - Properties
+ oLogCursor.SetPropertyToDefault(&quot;HyperLinkURL&quot;)
+ oLogCursor.SetPropertyToDefault(&quot;HyperLinkTarget&quot;)
+ oLogCursor.SetPropertyToDefault(&quot;HyperLinkName&quot;)
+ LogIndex = 0
+ &apos; Get the Properties of the document Info
+ GetDocumentInfo()
+ Select Case sDocType
+ Case &quot;sWriter&quot;
+ GetWriterStrings()
+ Case &quot;sCalc&quot;
+ GetCalcStrings()
+ Case &quot;sDraw&quot;
+ GetDrawStrings()
+ Case Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;This Macro only works with Writer-, Calc or Draw/Impress-Documents!&quot;, 16, &quot;StarOffice 5.2&quot;)
+ End Select
+End Sub
+&apos; ***********************************************Calc-Documents**************************************************
+Sub GetCalcStrings()
+Dim i, n as integer
+Dim oSheet as Object
+Dim SheetName as String
+Dim oSheets as Object
+ &apos; Create a sequence of all sheets within the document
+ oSheets = oDocument.Sheets
+ For i = 0 to osheets.Count - 1
+ oSheet = osheets.GetbyIndex(i)
+ SheetName = oSheet.Name
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sheet No &quot; &amp; i &amp; &quot;(&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;)&quot; )
+ &apos; Check the &quot;body&quot; of the sheet
+ GetCellTexts(oSheet)
+ If oSheet.IsScenario then
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Scenario-Comments of &quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(osheet.ScenarioComment)
+ End if
+ GetAnnotations(oSheet, &quot;Annotations of &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ GetChartStrings(oSheet, &quot;Charts of &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ GetControlStrings(oSheet.DrawPage, &quot;Controls of &apos;&quot; &amp; SheetName &amp; &quot;&apos;&quot;)
+ Next
+ &apos; Pictures
+ GetCalcGraphicNames()
+ GetNamedRanges()
+End Sub
+Sub GetCellTexts(oSheet as Object)
+Dim BigRange, BigEnum, oCell as Object
+ BigRange = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ BigRange.InsertbyName(&quot;&quot;,oSheet)
+ BigEnum = BigRange.GetCells.CreateEnumeration
+ While BigEnum.hasmoreElements
+ oCell = BigEnum.NextElement
+ If (oCell.Type = AND (oCell.String &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;) then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oCell.String)
+ End If
+ Wend
+End Sub
+Sub GetAnnotations(oSheet as Object, HeaderLine as String)
+Dim oNotes as Object
+Dim n as Integer
+ oNotes = oSheet.getAnnotations
+ If oNotes.hasElements() then
+ MakeLogHeadLine(HeaderLine)
+ For n = 0 to oNotes.Count-1
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oNotes.GetbyIndex(n).String)
+ Next
+ End if
+End Sub
+Sub GetNamedRanges()
+Dim i as integer
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Named Ranges&quot;)
+ For i = 0 To oDocument.NamedRanges.Count - 1
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocument.NamedRanges.GetbyIndex(i).Name)
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetCalcGraphicNames()
+Dim n,m as integer
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Pictures&quot;)
+ For n = 0 To oDocument.Drawpages.count-1
+ For m = 0 To oDocument.Drawpages.GetbyIndex(n).Count - 1
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocument.DrawPages.GetbyIndex(n).GetbyIndex(m).Text.String)
+ Next m
+ Next n
+End Sub
+&apos; ***********************************************Writer-Documents**************************************************
+Sub GetParagraphTexts(oParaObject as Object, HeadLine as String)
+Dim ParaEnum as Object
+Dim oPara as Object
+Dim oTextPortEnum as Object
+Dim oTextPortion as Object
+Dim i as integer
+Dim oCellNames()
+Dim oCell as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(HeadLine)
+ ParaEnum = oParaObject.Text.CreateEnumeration
+ While ParaEnum.HasMoreElements
+ oPara = ParaEnum.NextElement
+ &apos; Note: The Enumeration ParaEnum lists all tables and Paragraphs.
+ &apos; Therefor we have to find out what kind of object &quot;oPara&quot; actually is
+ If oPara.supportsService(&quot;;) Then
+ &apos; &quot;oPara&quot; is a Paragraph
+ oTextPortEnum = oPara.createEnumeration
+ While oTextPortEnum.hasmoreElements
+ oTextPortion = oTextPortEnum.nextElement()
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oTextPortion.String)
+ Wend
+ Else
+ &apos; &quot;oPara&quot; is a table
+ oCellNames = oPara.CellNames
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(oCellNames())
+ If oCellNames(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oCell = oPara.getCellByName(oCellNames(i))
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oCell.String)
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+ Wend
+End Sub
+Sub GetChartStrings(oSheet as Object, HeaderLine as String)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim aChartObject as Object
+Dim aChartDiagram as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(HeaderLine)
+ For i = 0 to oSheet.Charts.Count-1
+ aChartObject = oSheet.Charts.GetByIndex(i).EmbeddedObject
+ If aChartObject.HasSubTitle then
+ WriteStringToLogFile(aChartObject.SubTitle.String)
+ End If
+ If aChartObject.HasMainTitle then
+ WriteStringToLogFile(aChartObject.Title.String)
+ End If
+ aChartDiagram = aChartObject.Diagram
+ If aChartDiagram.hasXAxisTitle Then
+ WriteStringToLogFile(aChartDiagram.XAxisTitle)
+ End If
+ If aChartDiagram.hasYAxisTitle Then
+ WriteStringToLogFile(aChartDiagram.YAxisTitle)
+ End If
+ If aChartDiagram.hasZAxisTitle Then
+ WriteStringToLogFile(aChartDiagram.ZAxisTitle)
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub GetFrameTexts()
+Dim i as integer
+Dim oTextFrame as object
+Dim oFrameEnum as Object
+Dim oFramePort as Object
+Dim oFrameTextEnum as Object
+Dim oFrameTextPort as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Text Frames&quot;)
+ For i = 0 to oDocument.TextFrames.Count-1
+ oTextFrame = oDocument.TextFrames.GetbyIndex(i)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oTextFrame.Name)
+ &apos; Is the frame bound to the Page
+ If oTextFrame.AnchorType = Then
+ GetParagraphTexts(oTextFrame, &quot;Textframe Content&quot;)
+ End If
+ oFrameEnum = oTextFrame.CreateEnumeration
+ While oFrameEnum.HasMoreElements
+ oFramePort = oFrameEnum.NextElement
+ If oFramePort.supportsService(&quot;;) then
+ oFrameTextEnum = oFramePort.createEnumeration
+ While oFrameTextEnum.HasMoreElements
+ oFrameTextPort = oFrameTextEnum.NextElement
+ If oFrameTextPort.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oFrameTextPort.String)
+ End If
+ Wend
+ Else
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oFramePort.Name)
+ End if
+ Wend
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetTextFieldStrings()
+Dim aTextField as Object
+Dim i as integer
+Dim CurElement as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;TextFields&quot;)
+ aTextfield = oDocument.getTextfields.CreateEnumeration
+ While aTextField.hasmoreElements
+ CurElement = aTextField.NextElement
+ If CurElement.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertybyName(&quot;Content&quot;) Then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.Content)
+ ElseIf CurElement.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertybyName(&quot;PlaceHolder&quot;) Then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.PlaceHolder)
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.Hint)
+ ElseIf Curelement.TextFieldMaster.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;Content&quot;) then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(CurElement.TextFieldMaster.Content)
+ End If
+ Wend
+End Sub
+Sub GetLinkedFileNames()
+Dim oDocSections as Object
+Dim LinkedFileName as String
+Dim i as Integer
+ If Right(oDocument.URL,3) = &quot;sgl&quot; Then
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sub Documents&quot;)
+ oDocSections = oDocument.TextSections
+ For i = 0 to oDocSections.Count - 1
+ LinkedFileName = oDocSections.GetbyIndex(i).FileLink.FileURL
+ If LinkedFileName &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ WriteStringToLogFile(LinkedFileName)
+ End If
+ Next i
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub GetSectionNames()
+Dim i as integer
+Dim oDocSections as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Sections&quot;)
+ oDocSections = oDocument.TextSections
+ For i = 0 to oDocSections.Count-1
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocSections.GetbyIndex(i).Name)
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetWriterStrings()
+ GetParagraphTexts(oDocument, &quot;Document Body&quot;)
+ GetGraphicNames()
+ GetStyles()
+ GetControlStrings(oDocument.DrawPage, &quot;Controls&quot;)
+ GetTextFieldStrings()
+ GetSectionNames()
+ GetFrameTexts()
+ GetHyperLinks
+ GetLinkedFileNames()
+End Sub
+&apos; ***********************************************Draw-Documents**************************************************
+Sub GetDrawPageTitles(LocObject as Object)
+Dim n as integer
+Dim oPage as Object
+ For n = 0 to LocObject.Count - 1
+ oPage = LocObject.GetbyIndex(n)
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oPage.Name)
+ &apos; Is the Page a DrawPage and not a MasterPage?
+ If oPage.supportsService(&quot;;)then
+ &apos; Get the Name of the NotesPage (only relevant for Impress-Documents)
+ If oDocument.supportsService(&quot;;) then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oPage.NotesPage.Name)
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetPageStrings(oPages as Object)
+Dim m, n, s as Integer
+Dim oPage, oPageElement, oShape as Object
+ For n = 0 to oPages.Count-1
+ oPage = oPages.GetbyIndex(n)
+ If oPage.HasElements then
+ For m = 0 to oPage.Count-1
+ oPageElement = oPage.GetByIndex(m)
+ If HasUnoInterfaces(oPageElement,&quot;;) Then
+ &apos; The Object &quot;oPageElement&quot; a group of Shapes, that can be accessed by their index
+ For s = 0 To oPageElement.Count - 1
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oPageElement.GetByIndex(s).String)
+ Next s
+ Else
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oPageElement.String)
+ End If
+ Next
+ End If
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetDrawStrings()
+Dim oDPages, oMPages as Object
+ oDPages = oDocument.DrawPages
+ oMPages = oDocument.Masterpages
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Titles&quot;)
+ GetDrawPageTitles(oDPages)
+ GetDrawPageTitles(oMPages)
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Document Body&quot;)
+ GetPageStrings(oDPages)
+ GetPageStrings(oMPages)
+End Sub
+&apos; ***********************************************Misc**************************************************
+Sub GetDocumentInfo()
+Dim oDocuInfo as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Document Info&quot;)
+ oDocuInfo = oDocument.DocumentInfo
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.Title)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.Description)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.Theme)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.Author)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.ReplyTo)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.Recipient)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.References)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oDocuInfo.Keywords)
+End Sub
+Sub GetHyperlinks()
+Dim i as integer
+Dim oCrsr as Object
+Dim oAllHyperLinks as Object
+Dim SrchAttributes(0) as new
+Dim oSearchDesc as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;HyperLinks&quot;)
+ &apos; create a Search-Descriptor
+ oSearchDesc = oDocument.CreateSearchDescriptor
+ oSearchDesc.Valuesearch = False
+ &apos; define the Search-attributes
+ srchattributes(0).Name = &quot;HyperLinkURL&quot;
+ srchattributes(0).Value = &quot;&quot;
+ oSearchDesc.SetSearchAttributes(SrchAttributes())
+ oAllHyperLinks = oDocument.findAll(oSearchDesc())
+ For i = 0 to oAllHyperLinks.Count - 1
+ oFound = oAllHyperLinks(i)
+ oCrsr = oFound.Text.createTextCursorByRange(oFound)
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oCrs.HyperLinkURL) &apos;Url
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oCrs.HyperLinkTarget) &apos;Name
+ WriteStringToLogFile(oCrs.HyperLinkName) &apos;Frame
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub GetGraphicNames()
+Dim i as integer
+Dim oDocGraphics as Object
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Pictures&quot;)
+ oDocGraphics = oDocument.GraphicObjects
+ For i = 0 to oDocGraphics.count - 1
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocGraphics.GetbyIndex(i).Name)
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetStyles()
+Dim m,n as integer
+ MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Userdefined Templates&quot;)
+ &apos; Check all StyleFamilies(i.e. PageStyles, ParagraphStyles, CharacterStyles, cellStyles)
+ For n = 0 to oDocument.StyleFamilies.Count - 1
+ For m = 0 to oDocument.StyleFamilies.getbyIndex(n).Count-1
+ If oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(n).getbyIndex(m).IsUserDefined then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyIndex(n).getbyIndex(m).Name)
+ End If
+ Next
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetControlStrings(oDPage as Object, HeaderLine as String)
+Dim aForm as Object
+Dim m,n as integer
+ MakeLogHeadLine(HeaderLine)
+ &apos;SearchFor all possible Controls
+ For n = 0 to oDPage.Forms.Count - 1
+ aForm = oDPage.Forms(n)
+ For m = 0 to aForm.Count-1
+ GetControlContent(aForm.GetbyIndex(m))
+ Next
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub GetControlContent(LocControl as Object)
+Dim i as integer
+ If LocControl.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;Label&quot;) then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(LocControl.Label)
+ ElseIf LocControl.SupportsService(&quot;;) then
+ For i = 0 to Ubound(LocControl.StringItemList())
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(LocControl.StringItemList(i))
+ Next
+ End If
+ If LocControl.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;HelpText&quot;) then
+ WriteStringtoLogFile(LocControl.Helptext)
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; ***********************************************LogDocument**************************************************
+Sub WriteStringtoLogFile( sString as String)
+ &apos; Schreibt den String in ein Array
+ If (Not FieldInArray(LogArray(),LogIndex,sString))AND (NOT ISNULL(sString)) Then
+ LogArray(LogIndex) = sString
+ LogIndex = LogIndex + 1
+ oLogText.insertString(oLogCursor,sString,False)
+ oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oLogCursor,,False)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub MakeLogHeadLine(HeadText as String)
+ oLogCursor.CharStyle = &quot;LogHeading&quot;
+ oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oLogCursor,,False)
+ oLogText.insertString(oLogCursor,HeadText,False)
+ oLogText.insertControlCharacter(oLogCursor,,False)
+ oLogCursor.CharStyle = &quot;LogBodyText&quot;
+End Sub
+&apos;Sub GetHTMLStrings(SearchString as String)
+&apos;Dim i,AsciiCount as integer
+&apos;Dim AsciiLocChar as string
+&apos;Dim TTString,AddString as String
+&apos;Dim oTextCursor as object
+&apos;Dim LeaveLoop as Boolean
+&apos; oSearchDesc = oDocument.createSearchDescriptor()
+&apos; oSearchDesc.SearchRegularExpression = True
+&apos; oSearchDesc.Searchstring = SearchString &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &amp; &quot;*&quot; &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;
+&apos; oFoundall = oDocument.FindAll(oSearchDesc)
+&apos; For i = 0 to oFoundAll.Count-1
+&apos; oFound = oFoundall(i)
+&apos; oTextCursor = oDocument.text.CreateTextCursorbyRange(oFound)
+&apos; oTextCursor.GotoNextWord(false)
+&apos; oTextCursor.GotoStartofWord(True)
+&apos; oTextCursor.GoRight(1,True)
+&apos; TTString = oTextCursor.String
+&apos; If Left(TTString,1) = &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; Then
+&apos; LeaveLoop = False
+&apos; oTextCursor.GoRight(1,True)
+&apos; Do
+&apos; oTextCursor.GoRight(1,True)
+&apos; TTString = TTString + Right(oTextCursor.String,1)
+&apos; If Right(oTextCursor.String,1) = &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; Then
+&apos; TTString = ReplaceString(TTString,&quot;&quot;,&quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;)
+&apos; LeaveLoop = True
+&apos; End If
+&apos; Loop Until LeaveLoop = True
+&apos; End If
+&apos; If TTString &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; then
+&apos; TTString = ReplaceHTMLChars(TTString)
+&apos; WriteStringtoLogFile(TTString)
+&apos; End if
+&apos; Next i
+&apos;End Sub
+&apos; If sDocMimeType = &quot;text/html&quot; then
+&apos; FileProperties(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
+&apos; FileProperties(0).Value = &quot;swriter: TEXT&quot;
+&apos; FilePath = oDocument.URL
+&apos; oDocument.Dispose
+&apos; oDocument = OpenDocument(FilePath,FileProperties(),StarDesktop) &apos;!!!!!!!
+&apos; MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Alternativtexte&quot;)
+&apos; GetHTMLStrings(&quot;ALT=&quot;)
+&apos; MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Referenzen&quot;)
+&apos; GetHTMLStrings(&quot;HREF=&quot;)
+&apos; MakeLogHeadLine(&quot;Namen&quot;)
+&apos; GetHTMLStrings(&quot;NAME=&quot;)
+&apos; Else
+Sub LoadLibrary(sLibname as String)
+Dim oArg(0) as new
+Dim oUrl as new
+Dim oTrans as Object
+Dim oDisp as Object
+ oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+ oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
+ oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..806188cc45fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/ReadDir.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ReadDir" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos; Verzeichnis StarOne überprüfen (letzte beiden Dateien)
+&apos; Ordnung nach Verzeichnis und dann die Dateien ( indem &quot;AAAA&quot; vor den Verzeichnisnamen gesetzt wird).
+&apos; Nicht-Verzeichnisnamen abfangen
+Const SBBASEWIDTH = 8000
+Const SBBASEHEIGHT = 1000
+Const SBPAGEX = 800
+Const SBPAGEY = 800
+Const SBRELDIST = 1.1
+REM Names of the second Dimension of the Array iLevelPos
+Const SBBASEX = 0
+Const SBBASEY = 1
+Const SBOLDENDX = 4
+Const SBOLDENDY = 5
+Const SBNEWENDX = 8
+Const SBNEWENDY = 9
+Public ConnectLevel As Integer
+Public iLevelPos(10,9) As Integer
+Public Source as String
+Public iCurLevel, nConnectLevel as Integer
+Public nOldWidth, nOldHeight As Integer
+Public nOldX, nOldY, nOldLevel As Integer
+Public oOldLeavingLine As Object
+Public oOldArrivingLine As Object
+Sub Main
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;template&quot;)
+ ReadDirDlg.Load
+ ReadDirDlg.Show
+End Sub
+Sub TreeInfo()
+Dim oCurTextShape As Object
+Dim oDesktop As Object
+Dim oDocument As Object
+Dim iCurPage As Integer
+Dim oPage As Object
+Dim oOldPage As Object
+Dim i, n, s as Integer
+Dim bStartUpRun As Boolean
+Dim FileNames(600,2) as String
+Dim CurFile as String
+Dim BaseLevel as Integer
+Dim oController as Object
+Dim FileCount as Integer
+Dim oStatusline as Object
+ ReadDirDlg.Unload
+ bStartUpRun = TRUE
+ nOldHeight = 200
+ nOldWidth = SBPAGEX
+ iCurPage = 0
+ oDesktop = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oPage = oDocument.DrawPages(iCurPage)
+ oStatusline = oDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.GetStatusIndicator
+ oStatusLine.Start(&quot;Fortschritt:&quot;,100)
+ oController = oDocument.GetCurrentController
+ Source = ConvertToURL(ReadDirdlg.Textbox1.Text)
+ BaseLevel = CountCharsInString(Source, &quot;/&quot;, 1)
+ oStatusline.SetValue(2)
+ FileNames() = ReadSourceDirectory(Source)
+ oStatusline.SetValue(8)
+ FileNames() = BubbleSortList(FileNames())
+ oStatusline.SetValue(10)
+ FileCount = Val(FileNames(0,0))
+ For i = 1 To FileCount
+ oStatusLine.SetValue(10 + i/FileCount * 90)
+ CurFile = FileNames(i,1)
+ iCurLevel= CountCharsInString(FileNames(i,0), &quot;/&quot;, 1) - BaseLevel
+ If iCurLevel &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ nConnectLevel = iCurLevel- 1
+ Else
+ nConnectLevel = iCurLevel
+ End If
+REM Add New page If necessary
+REM ck IF nOldY + nOldHeight * 1/SBRELDIST &gt; oPage.Height - SBPAGEY Then
+ IF nOldY + (nOldHeight + SBBASECHARHEIGHT) * 1.5 &gt; oPage.Height - SBPAGEY Then
+ iCurPage = iCurPage + 1
+ oDocument.getDrawPages.InsertNewbyIndex(iCurPage)
+ oPage = oDocument.DrawPages(iCurPage)
+ oController.SetCurrentPage (oPage)
+ For n = 0 To nConnectLevel
+ iLevelPos(n,SBNEWENDY) = nOldY + nOldHeight REM oOldPage.Height
+ Next
+ For n = 0 To nConnectLevel
+ Next
+ End If
+ oCurTextShape = CreateTextShape(oPage, CurFile)
+REM The Current TextShape has To be connected with a TextShape
+REM one Level higher
+REM - except For a TextShape In Level 0
+REM Line Coordinates
+ If Not bStartUpRun Then
+REM A leaving Line Is only drawn when level is not 0
+ If iCurLevel&lt;&gt; 0 Then
+REM Determine the Coordinates of the arriving Line
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDSTARTX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDSTARTY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDENDX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBOLDENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
+REM Determine the End-Coordinates of the last leaving Line
+ iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
+ iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Height
+ Else
+REM On Level 0 the last Leaving Line&apos;s endpoint
+REM is the upper edge of the textShape
+ iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDY) = oCurTextShape.Position.Y
+ iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWENDX) = iLevelPos(nConnectLevel,SBNEWSTARTX)
+ End If
+REM Draw the Connectors To the previous TextShapes
+ oOldLeavingLine = DrawLine(nConnectLevel, SBNEWSTARTX, SBNEWSTARTY, SBNEWENDX, SBNEWENDY, oPage)
+ Else
+REM StartingPoint of the leaving edge
+ bStartUpRun = FALSE
+ End If
+REM Determine the beginning Coordinates of the leaving Line
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBNEWSTARTX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) + 0.5 * oCurTextShape.Size.Width
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBNEWSTARTY) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEY) + oCurTextShape.Size.Height
+REM Save the values For the Next run
+ nOldHeight = oCurTextShape.Size.Height
+ nOldX = oCurTextShape.Position.X
+ nOldWidth = oCurTextShape.Size.Width
+ nOldLevel = iCurLevel
+ Set oOldPage = oPage
+ Next i
+ oStatusLine.End
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox error, 0,&quot;Error in Line&quot; &amp; erl
+End Sub
+Function CreateTextShape(oPage as Object, Filename as String)
+Dim oTextShape As Object
+Dim PageWidth, BaseX, TextWidth
+Dim aPoint As New
+Dim aSize As New
+ aSize.Width = SBBASEWIDTH
+ aSize.Height = SBBASEHEIGHT
+ aPoint.x = CalculateXPoint()
+ aPoint.y = nOldY + SBRELDIST * nOldHeight
+ nOldY = aPoint.y
+ oTextShape = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oTextShape.Size = aSize
+ oTextShape.Position = aPoint
+ oPage.add(oTextShape)
+ oTextShape.LineStyle = 1
+ oTextShape.Charheight = SBBASECHARHEIGHT
+ oTextShape.TextAutoGrowWidth = TRUE
+ oTextShape.TextAutoGrowHeight = TRUE
+ oTextShape.String = FileName
+REM Configure Size And Position of the TextShape according to its Scripting
+ aPoint.x = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
+ oTextShape.Position = aPoint
+ aSize.Height = SBRELDIST * oTextShape.CharHeight
+ aSize.Width = SBRELDIST * oTextShape.Size.Width
+ PageWidth = oPage.Width
+ TextWidth = aSize.Width
+ BaseX = aPoint.x
+ If BaseX + TextWidth &gt; PageWidth - 1000 Then
+ oPage.Width = 1000 + BaseX + TextWidth
+ End If
+ oTextShape.Size = aSize
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEY) = oTextShape.Position.Y
+ CreateTextShape = oTextShape
+End Function
+Function CalculateXPoint()
+REM The current level Is lower than the Old one
+ If (iCurLevel&lt; nOldLevel) And (iCurLevel&lt;&gt; 0) Then
+REM ClearArray(iLevelPos(),iCurLevel+1)
+ Elseif iCurLevel= 0 Then
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) = SBPAGEX
+REM The current level Is higher than the old one
+ Elseif iCurLevel&gt; nOldLevel Then
+ iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX) = iLevelPos(iCurLevel-1,SBBASEX) + nOldWidth + 100
+ End If
+ CalculateXPoint = iLevelPos(iCurLevel,SBBASEX)
+End Function
+Function DrawLine(nLevel, nStartX, nStartY, nEndX, nEndY As Integer, oPage as Object)
+Dim oConnect As Object
+ aPoint.X = iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartX)
+ aPoint.Y = iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartY)
+ aSize.Width = iLevelPos(nLevel,nEndX) - iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartX)
+ aSize.Height = iLevelPos(nLevel,nEndY) - iLevelPos(nLevel,nStartY)
+ oConnect = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oConnect.Position = aPoint
+ oConnect.Size = aSize
+ oPage.Add(oConnect)
+ DrawLine = oConnect
+End Function
+Sub SourceSearchDialog()
+ Source = Application.FileDialog( &quot;P&quot;, &quot;Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis&quot;, &quot;D:\Arbeitsverzeichnis&quot; ) &apos; &quot;Wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis&quot;
+ If Len( Source ) &gt; 0 Then
+ ReadDirDlg.Textbox1.Text = Source
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function ReadSourceDirectory(ByVal Source As String)
+Dim i, m, n, s as integer
+Dim FileCount As Integer
+Dim FileCountinDir as Integer
+Dim FileName as string
+Dim FileNameList(2000,1) as String
+Dim DirList(200) as String
+Dim oUCBobject as Object
+ oUcbobject = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ &apos;isfolder
+ m = 0
+ s = 1
+ DirList(0) = Source
+ FileNameList(1,0) = Source
+ FileNameList(1,1) = GetFileNameoutofPath(Source)
+ n = 2
+ Do
+ Source = DirList(m)
+ m = m + 1
+ DirContent = oUcbObject.GetFolderContents(Source,True)
+ If Ubound(DirContent()) &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ FileCountinDir = Ubound(DirContent()) + 1
+ For i = 0 to FilecountinDir -1
+ FileName = DirContent(i)
+ FilenameList(n,0) = FileName
+ FileNameList(n,1) = GetFileNameOutofPath(FileName)
+ n = n + 1
+ If oUcbObject.IsFolder(FileName) Then
+ DirList(s) = FileName
+ DirList(0) = CStr(s)
+ s = s + 1
+ End If
+ Next i
+ End If
+ Loop Until m = cInt(DirList(0))+ 1
+ FileNameList(0,0) = n - 1
+ ReadSourceDirectory = FileNameList()
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl b/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b3049c68e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/UserfieldDlg.xdl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" dlg:id="UserfieldDlg" dlg:style-id="0">
+ <dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:style dlg:style-id="0"/>
+ </dlg:styles>
+</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba b/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de7f789d7009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/gimmicks/Userfields.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Userfields" script:language="StarBasic">
+Public iUserFieldCount as integer
+Public LabelArray(10) as Object
+Public EditArray(10) as Object
+Public UserFieldName(255) as String
+Public UserFieldValue(255) as String
+Public oDocument as Object
+Public aTextField as Object
+Public aTextFieldEnum as Object
+Public const MAXFIELDCOUNT = 9
+Public UserFieldDataType(14) as String
+Public ScrollBarValue as Integer
+Sub StartChangesUserfields
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim CurElement, TFMaster as Object
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ LoadLanguage(StarDesktop.ISOLocale.Language)
+ ScrollBarValue = 0
+ UserFieldDatatype(0) = &quot;COMPANY&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(1) = &quot;FIRSTNAME&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(2) = &quot;NAME&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(3) = &quot;SHORTCUT&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(4) = &quot;STREET&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(5) = &quot;COUNTRY&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(6) = &quot;ZIP&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(7) = &quot;CITY&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(8) = &quot;TITLE&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(9) = &quot;POSITION&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(10) = &quot;PHONE_PRIVATE&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(11) = &quot;PHONE_COMPANY&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(12) = &quot;FAX&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(13) = &quot;EMAIL&quot;
+ UserFieldDatatype(14) = &quot;STATE&quot;
+ On Local Error GoTo NODOCUMENT
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox(Error$ &amp; &quot;This Macro gives you the opportunity to change all Userfields of a displayed Document.&quot; &amp; chr(13) &amp;_
+ &quot;To start this macro you have to activate a Document first!&quot; , 16, &quot;StarOffice 5.2&quot;)
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+ &apos; Define TextFields
+ aTextfield = oDocument.getTextfields
+ aTextFieldEnum = aTextField.CreateEnumeration
+ a = 0
+ While aTextFieldEnum.hasmoreElements
+ CurElement = aTextFieldEnum.NextElement
+ If Not IsNull(CurElement) Then
+ If CurElement.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertybyName(&quot;Content&quot;) Then
+ TFMaster = CurElement.TextFieldMaster
+ a = a + 1
+ If a &gt;= 255 Then
+ MsgBox ErrorMsg1, 0 + 16, ErrorHeader
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ UserFieldName(a) = UserFieldDataType(CurElement.UserDataType)
+ UserFieldValue(a) = CurElement.Content
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ iUserFieldCount = a
+ If iUserFieldCount = 0 Then
+ MsgBox ErrorMsg2, 0+48, ErrorHeader
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ UserfieldDlg.Load
+ Call SetControlArray()
+ Call FillDialog()
+ UserFieldDlg.Show
+End Sub
+Sub FillDialog()
+Dim a as Integer
+ Call SetDialogText
+ For a = 1 To MaxFieldCount
+ If a &lt;= iUserFieldCount Then
+ LabelArray(a).Caption = UserFieldName(a)
+ EditArray(a).Text = UserFieldValue(a)
+ Else
+ LabelArray(a).Caption = &quot;&quot;
+ EditArray(a).Text = &quot;&quot;
+ LabelArray(a).Enabled = False
+ EditArray(a).Enabled = false
+ End If
+ Next a
+ If iUserFieldCount &gt; MaxFieldCount Then
+ UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.Min = 0
+ UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.Max = iUserFieldCount-MaxFieldCount
+ UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.LargeChange = MaxFieldCount
+ UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.SmallChange = 1
+ Else
+ UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.enabled = False
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub Dlg_Scroll(ScrollValue)
+ Call ChangeArray(ScrollBarValue)
+ ScrollBarValue = UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.Value
+ If (ScrollBarValue + MaxFieldCount) &gt; iUserFieldCount Then
+ ScrollBarValue = iUserFieldCount - MaxFieldCount
+ End If
+ For a = 1 To MaxFieldCount
+ LabelArray(a).Caption = UserFieldName(a + ScrollBarValue)
+ EditArray(a).Text = UserFieldValue(a + ScrollBarValue)
+ Next a
+End Sub
+Sub ChangeArray(ByVal ScrollBarValue)
+Dim a as Integer
+ For a = 1 To MaxFieldCount
+ UserFieldValue(a + ScrollBarValue) = EditArray(a).Text
+ Next a
+End Sub
+Sub Cancel_Click
+ UserfieldDlg.Hide
+End Sub
+Sub Save_Click
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim CurElement, TFMaster as Object
+ UserfieldDlg.CancelChanges.Enabled = false
+ UserfieldDlg.SaveChanges.Enabled = false
+ ChangeArray(UserfieldDlg.VScrollbar.Value)
+ aTextfield = oDocument.getTextfields
+ aTextFieldEnum = aTextField.CreateEnumeration
+ i = 1
+ While aTextFieldEnum.hasmoreElements
+ CurElement = aTextFieldEnum.NextElement
+ If Not IsNull(CurElement) Then
+ If Curelement.PropertySetInfo.hasPropertybyName(&quot;Content&quot;) Then
+ If CurElement.Content &lt;&gt; UserFieldValue(i) Then
+ CurElement.Content = UserFieldValue(i)
+ End If
+ i = i + 1
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ aTextField.Refresh
+ UserfieldDlg.Hide
+End Sub
+Sub SetControlArray()
+ Set LabelArray(1) = UserfieldDlg.Label1
+ Set EditArray(1) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox1
+ Set LabelArray(2) = UserfieldDlg.Label2
+ Set EditArray(2) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox2
+ Set LabelArray(3) = UserfieldDlg.Label3
+ Set EditArray(3) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox3
+ Set LabelArray(4) = UserfieldDlg.Label4
+ Set EditArray(4) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox4
+ Set LabelArray(5) = UserfieldDlg.Label5
+ Set EditArray(5) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox5
+ Set LabelArray(6) = UserfieldDlg.Label6
+ Set EditArray(6) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox6
+ Set LabelArray(7) = UserfieldDlg.Label7
+ Set EditArray(7) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox7
+ Set LabelArray(8) = UserfieldDlg.Label8
+ Set EditArray(8) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox8
+ Set LabelArray(9) = UserfieldDlg.Label9
+ Set EditArray(9) = UserfieldDlg.Textbox9
+End Sub
+Sub SetDialogText
+ UserfieldDlg.caption = HeaderLabel
+ UserfieldDlg.HeaderLabel.Caption = HeaderLabel
+ UserfieldDlg.CancelChanges.Caption = CancelButton
+ UserfieldDlg.SaveChanges.Caption = SaveButton
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/API.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/API.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5959d5d45318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/API.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="API" script:language="StarBasic">Declare Function RegOpenKeyEx Lib &quot;advapi32.dll&quot; Alias &quot;RegOpenKeyExA&quot; _
+ (ByVal hKey As Long, _
+ ByVal lpSubKey As String, _
+ ByVal ulOptions As Long, _
+ ByVal samDesired As Long, _
+ phkResult As Long) As Long
+Declare Function RegQueryValueExString Lib &quot;advapi32.dll&quot; Alias &quot;RegQueryValueExA&quot; _
+ (ByVal hKey As Long, _
+ ByVal lpValueName As String, _
+ ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
+ lpType As Long, _
+ lpData As String, _
+ lpcbData As Long) As Long
+Declare Function RegQueryValueExLong Lib &quot;advapi32.dll&quot; Alias &quot;RegQueryValueExA&quot; _
+ (ByVal hKey As Long, _
+ ByVal lpValueName As String, _
+ ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
+ lpType As Long, _
+ lpData As Long, _
+ lpcbData As Long) As Long
+Declare Function RegQueryValueExNULL Lib &quot;advapi32.dll&quot; Alias &quot;RegQueryValueExA&quot; _
+ (ByVal hKey As Long, _
+ ByVal lpValueName As String, _
+ ByVal lpReserved As Long, _
+ lpType As Long, _
+ ByVal lpData As Long, _
+ lpcbData As Long) As Long
+Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib &quot;advapi32.dll&quot; _
+ (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
+Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib &quot;advapi32.dll&quot; (hKey As Long) As Long
+Public Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &amp;H80000000
+Public Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &amp;H80000001
+Public Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &amp;H80000002
+Public Const HKEY_USERS = &amp;H80000003
+Public Const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = &amp;H3F
+Public Const REG_SZ As Long = 1
+Public Const REG_DWORD As Long = 4
+Public Const ERROR_NONE = 0
+Public Const ERROR_BADDB = 1
+Public Const ERROR_BADKEY = 2
+Public Const ERROR_CANTOPEN = 3
+Public Const ERROR_CANTREAD = 4
+Public Const ERROR_CANTWRITE = 5
+Public Const ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS = 259
+&apos;Public Const KEY_READ = &amp;H20019
+Function OpenRegKey(lBaseKey As Long, sKeyName As String) As Variant
+Dim LocKeyValue
+Dim hKey as Long
+Dim lRetValue as Long
+ lRetValue = RegOpenKeyEx(lBaseKey, sKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey)
+&apos; lRetValue = QueryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &quot;SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0\Default Settings&quot;, &quot;Revocation Checking&quot;)
+ If hKey &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ RegCloseKey (hKey)
+ End If
+ OpenRegKey() = lRetValue
+End Function
+Function GetDefaultPath(CurOffice as Integer) As String
+Dim sPath as String
+Dim Index as Integer
+ Select Case Wizardmode
+ Index = Val(Application(CurOffice,9))
+ If GetGUIType = 1 Then &apos; Windows
+ sPath = QueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sKeyName(Index), sValueName(Index))
+ Else
+ sPath = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ If sPath = &quot;&quot; Then
+&apos; Todo: das User/Work Verzeichnis kann man hier wohl kaum nehmen
+ sPath = SOWorkPath
+ End If
+ GetDefaultPath = sPath
+ GetDefaultPath = SOWorkPath
+ End Select
+End Function
+Function GetTemplateDefaultPath(Index as Integer) As String
+Dim sLocTemplatePath as String
+Dim sLocProgrampath as String
+Dim Progstring as String
+Dim PathList()as String
+Dim Maxindex as Integer
+Dim OldsLocTemplatePath
+Dim sTemplateKeyName as String
+Dim sTemplateValueName as String
+ Select Case WizardMode
+ If GetGUIType = 1 Then &apos; Windows
+ &apos; Template directory of Office 97
+ sTemplateKeyName = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Common\FileNew\LocalTemplates&quot;
+ sTemplateValueName = &quot;&quot;
+ sLocTemplatePath = QueryValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sTemplateKeyName, sTemplateValueName)
+ If sLocTemplatePath = &quot;&quot; Then
+ &apos; Retrieve the template directory of Office 2000
+ &apos; Unfortunately there is no existing note about the template directory in
+ &apos; the whole registry.
+ &apos; Programdirectory of Office 2000
+ sTemplateKeyName = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Common\InstallRoot&quot;
+ sTemplateValueName = &quot;Path&quot;
+ sLocProgrampath = QueryValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sTemplateKeyName, sTemplateValueName)
+ If sLocProgrampath &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ If Right(sLocProgrampath, 1) &lt;&gt; &quot;\&quot; Then
+ sLocProgrampath = sLocProgrampath &amp; &quot;\&quot;
+ End If
+ PathList() = ArrayoutofString(sLocProgrampath,&quot;\&quot;,Maxindex)
+ Progstring = &quot;\&quot; &amp; PathList(Maxindex-1) &amp; &quot;\&quot;
+ OldsLocTemplatePath = DeleteStr(sLocProgramPath,Progstring)
+ sLocTemplatePath = OldsLocTemplatePath &amp; &quot;\&quot; &amp; &quot;Templates&quot;
+ &apos; Does this subdirectory &quot;templates&quot; exist at all
+ If oUcb.Exists(sLocTemplatePath) Then
+ &apos; If Not the main directory of the office is the base
+ sLocTemplatePath = OldsLocTemplatePath
+ End If
+ Else
+ sLocTemplatePath = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ End If
+ GetTemplateDefaultPath = ConvertToUrl(sLocTemplatePath)
+ Else
+ GetTemplateDefaultPath = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ If Index = 3 Then
+ &apos; Helper Application with no templates
+ GetTemplateDefaultPath = SOWorkPath
+ Else
+ GetTemplateDefaultPath = SOTemplatePath
+ End If
+ End Select
+End Function
+Function QueryValueEx(ByVal lhKey, ByVal szValueName As String, vValue As String) As Long
+Dim cch As Long
+Dim lrc As Long
+Dim lType As Long
+Dim lValue As Long
+Dim sValue As String
+Dim Empty
+ On Error GoTo QueryValueExError
+ lrc = RegQueryValueExNULL(lhKey, szValueName, 0&amp;, lType, 0&amp;, cch)
+ If lrc &lt;&gt; ERROR_NONE Then Error 5
+ Select Case lType
+ Case REG_SZ:
+ sValue = String(cch, 0)
+ lrc = RegQueryValueExString(lhKey, szValueName, 0&amp;, lType, sValue, cch)
+ If lrc = ERROR_NONE Then
+ vValue = Left$(sValue, cch)
+ Else
+ vValue = Empty
+ End If
+ lrc = RegQueryValueExLong(lhKey, szValueName, 0&amp;, lType, lValue, cch)
+ If lrc = ERROR_NONE Then
+ vValue = lValue
+ End If
+ Case Else
+ lrc = -1
+ End Select
+ QueryValueEx = lrc
+ Exit Function
+ Resume QueryValueExExit
+End Function
+Function QueryValue(BaseKey As Long, sKeyName As String, sValueName As String) As Variant
+Dim lRetVal As Long &apos; Returnvalue API-Call
+Dim hKey As Long &apos; Onen key handle
+Dim vValue As String &apos; Key value
+ lRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(BaseKey, sKeyName, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey)
+ lRetVal = QueryValueEx(hKey, sValueName, vValue)
+ RegCloseKey (hKey)
+ QueryValue = vValue
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbc58bd03d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/DialogModul.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="DialogModul" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public Const bDebugWizard=True
+&apos;Public bDoKeepApplValues as Boolean
+Public WizardMode as String
+Public Const SBMICROSOFTMODE = &quot;MS&quot;
+Public Const SBXMLMODE = &quot;XML&quot;
+&apos; The absolute maximal Number of possible Applications
+Public Const Twip = 425
+Public Const SBMAXAPPLCOUNT = 4
+Public MaxApplCount as Integer
+Public CurOffice As Integer
+Public SOBitmapPath As String
+Public SOWorkPath As String
+Public SOTemplatePath as String
+Public bCancelTask As Boolean
+Public iApplSection as Integer
+Public oUcb as Object
+Public PathSeparator as String
+Public ApplCount as Integer
+Public sKeyName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as String
+Public sValueName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as String
+Public sCRLF as String
+Public MSFilterName(5,2) as String
+Public XMLFilterName(7,2)
+&apos; e.g.:
+&apos; XMLFilterName(x,0) = &quot;sdw&quot; &apos; in documents we take the extensions; in SO-templates the appropriate Filtername
+&apos; XMLFilterName(x,1) = &quot;swriter: StarWriter 5.0&quot; &apos; the filtername of the target-format
+&apos; XMLFilterName(x,2) = &quot;sxw&quot; &apos; the target extension
+Public ChkApplication(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) as Object
+Public Applications(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1,9)
+&apos; Application-relating Data are stored in this Array
+&apos; according to the following structure:
+&apos; Applications(X,0) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Application is to be converted)
+&apos; Applications(X,1) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Documents are to be converted)
+&apos; Applications(X,2) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Including Subdirectories)
+&apos; Applications(X,3) = &quot;File:///...&quot; (SourceUrl of the documents)
+&apos; Applications(X,4) = &quot;File///:...&quot; (TargetUrl of the documents)
+&apos; Applications(X,5) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Templates are to be converted)
+&apos; Applications(X,6) = &quot;TRUE/FALSE&quot; (Including Subdirectories)
+&apos; Applications(X,7) = &quot;File:///...&quot; (SourceUrl of the templates)
+&apos; Applications(X,8) = &quot;File:///...&quot; (TargetUrl of the templates)
+&apos; Applications(X,9) = &quot;0&quot; (Key to the original Index of the Applications)
+Sub FillStep_Welcome()
+Dim i as Integer
+&apos; bDoKeepApplValues = False
+ With ImportDialog
+ .cbHelp.Label = sHelpButton
+ .cbCancel.Label = sCancelButton
+ .cbBack.Label = sBackButton
+ .cbGoOn.Label = sNextButton
+ .WelcomeTextLabel.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel1
+ .WelcomeTextLabel2.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel2
+ .WelcomeTextLabel3.Label = sWelcomeTextLabel3
+ .OptMSDocuments.Label = sContainerName(0)
+ .ChkFirstMSApplication.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(0)
+ .ChkSecondMSApplication.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(1)
+ .ChkThirdMSApplication.Label = sMsDocumentCheckbox(2)
+ .OptSODocuments.Label = sContainerName(1)
+ .ChkFirstSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(0)
+ .ChkSecondSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(1)
+ .ChkThirdSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(2)
+ .ChkFourthSOApplication.Label = sSODocumentCheckbox(3)
+ .cbBack.Enabled = False
+ .Step = 1
+ End With
+ DisorEnableNextButton()
+End Sub
+Sub FillStep_InputPaths(OfficeIndex as Integer, bStartup as Boolean)
+Dim Index as Integer
+ If bStartup Then
+ If ImportDialog.OptMSDocuments.State Then
+ SetupMSConfiguration()
+ Else
+ SetupXMLConfiguration()
+ End If
+ &apos; TemplateCheckBox-Captions
+ GetApplResourceArray(1008 + iApplSection, ApplCount, sTemplateCheckBox())
+ &apos; DocumentCheckbox- Captions
+ GetApplResourceArray(1012 + iApplSection, ApplCount, sDocumentCheckBox())
+ AssignCheckboxObjects()
+ FillUpApplicationList()
+ End If
+ CurOffice = OfficeIndex
+ Index = Val(Applications(CurOffice,9))
+ With ImportDialog
+ .TemplateCheckbox.Label = sTemplateCheckbox(Index)
+ .TemplateSearchSubDir.Label = sSearchInSubDir
+ .DocumentImportLabel.Label = sImportLabel
+ .DocumentExportLabel.Label = sExportLabel
+ .DocumentSearchSubDir.Label = sSearchInSubDir
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,1))
+ .DocumentSearchSubDir.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,2))
+ .DocumentImportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,3))
+ .DocumentExportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,4))
+ .DocumentFrame.Label = sProgressMoreDocs
+ If WizardMode = SBXMLMODE AND Index = 3 Then
+ &apos; Note: SO-Helper Applications are partly treated like templates although they only have documents
+ .TemplateFrame.Label = sProgressMoreDocs
+ .TemplateCheckbox.Label = sSOHelperDocuments(0)
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.Label = sSOHelperDocuments(1)
+ Else
+ .TemplateCheckbox.Label = sTemplateCheckbox(Index)
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.Label = sDocumentCheckbox(Index)
+ .TemplateFrame.Label = sProgressMoreTemplates
+ End If
+&apos;Todo: Enable this Checkbox as soon as an XML-Template-Format is defined
+ .TemplateCheckbox.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,5))
+ .TemplateSearchSubDir.State = Val(Applications(CurOffice,6))
+ .TemplateImportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,7))
+ .TemplateImportLabel.Label = sImportLabel
+ .TemplateExportPath.Text = ConvertFromUrl(Applications(CurOffice,8))
+ .TemplateExportLabel.Label = sExportLabel
+&apos; Call SetEnabledTemplate_InputPath()
+&apos; Call SetEnabledDocument_InputPath()
+ .cbGoOn.Label = sNextButton
+ .cbBack.Enabled = True
+ ImportDialog.Step = 2
+ End With
+ DisOrEnableNextButton()
+End Sub
+Sub FillUpApplicationList()
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim sBoolValue as String
+&apos; If Not bDoKeepApplValues Then
+ a = 0
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount - 1
+ sBoolValue = CStr(ChkApplication(i).State)
+ Applications(a,0) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,1) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,2) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,3) = GetDefaultPath(i)
+ Applications(a,4) = SOWorkPath
+ Applications(a,5) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,6) = sBoolValue
+ Applications(a,7) = GetTemplateDefaultPath(i)
+ Applications(a,8) = GetTargetTemplatePath(i)
+ Applications(a,9) = CStr(i)
+ If ChkApplication(i).State = 1 Then a = a + 1
+ Next i
+ ApplCount = a
+&apos; End If
+End Sub
+Function SaveStep_InputPath() as Boolean
+Dim bSaveConfiguration as Boolean
+ bSaveConfiguration = CheckInputPaths
+ If bSaveConfiguration Then
+ Applications(CurOffice,1) = CStr(ImportDialog.DocumentPathCheckbox.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,2) = CStr(ImportDialog.DocumentSearchSubDir.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,3) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath.Text)
+ Applications(CurOffice,4) = ConvertToUrl(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath.Text)
+ Applications(CurOffice,5) = CStr(ImportDialog.TemplateCheckbox.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,6) = CStr(ImportDialog.TemplateSearchSubDir.State)
+ Applications(CurOffice,7) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath.Text)
+ Applications(CurOffice,8) = ConvertToURL(ImportDialog.TemplateExportPath.Text)
+ End If
+ SaveStep_InputPath = bSaveConfiguration
+End Function
+Sub SetEnabledTemplate_InputPath()
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+ With ImportDialog
+ bDoEnable = ImportDialog.TemplateCheckbox.State = 1
+ .TemplateImportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateExportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateImportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateExportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateSearchSubDir.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .TemplateImportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+&apos;Note: The following lines have bee disabled due to Bug 82532
+&apos; If Not bDoEnable Then
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = .DocumentPathCheckBox.State
+&apos; Else
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = True
+&apos; End If
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub SetEnabledDocument_InputPath()
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+ With ImportDialog
+ bDoEnable = .DocumentPathCheckbox.State = 1
+ .DocumentImportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentExportLabel.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentSearchSubDir.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentImportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ .DocumentExportPath.Enabled = bDoEnable
+&apos;Note: The following lines have bee disabled due to Bug 82532
+&apos; If Not bDoEnable Then
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = .TemplateCheckBox.State
+&apos; Else
+&apos; .cbGoOn.Enabled = True
+&apos; End If
+ End With
+End Sub
+Function MakeSummaryString()
+Dim sTmpText As String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim Index as Integer
+Dim sAddText as String
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount -1
+ Index = Val(Applications(i,9))
+ If Applications(i,5) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Templates are to be converted
+ If Index = 3 Then
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sSOHelperDocuments(0),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ Else
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sTemplateCheckBox(Index),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sAddText &amp; Applications(i,7) &amp; sCRLF
+ If Applications(i,6) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Including Subdirectories
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumInclusiveSubDir &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumSaveDocuments &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; Applications(i,8) &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ If Applications(i,1) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Documents are to be converted
+ If Index = 3 Then
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sSOHelperDocuments(1),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ Else
+ sAddText = ReplaceString(sSumDocuments(Index),sDocumentCheckBox(Index),&quot;%1&quot;) &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sAddText &amp; Applications(i,3) &amp; sCRLF
+ If Applications(i,2) = &quot;1&quot; Then
+ &apos; Including Subdirectories
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumInclusiveSubDir &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sSumSaveDocuments &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; Applications(i,4) &amp; sCRLF
+ sTmpText = sTmpText &amp; sCRLF
+ End If
+ Next i
+ MakeSummaryString = sTmpText
+End Function
+Sub FillStep_Summary()
+&apos; Todo: Angabe über die Vorlagengruppen,bzw. Template-Exportpfad
+ With ImportDialog
+ .SummaryTextbox.Text = MakeSummaryString()
+ .cbGoOn.Enabled = .SummaryTextbox.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ .cbGoOn.Label = sBeginButton
+ .SummaryHeaderLabel.Label = sSummaryHeader
+ .Step = 3
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub FillStep_Progress()
+ With ImportDialog
+ .cbBack.Enabled = False
+ .cbGoOn.Enabled = False
+ .FrameProgress.Label = sProgressPage_1
+ .LabelRetrieval.FontWeight =
+ .LabelRetrieval.Label = sProgressPage_2
+ .LabelCurProgress.Label = sProgressPage_3
+ .LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ .LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ .LabelCurDocument.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ .Step = 4
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub DocumentDirSearchDialog()
+ CallDirSearchDialog(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath)
+End Sub
+Sub StarDocumentDirSearchDialog()
+ CallDirSearchDialog(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath)
+End Sub
+Sub CallDirSearchDialog(oTargetControl as Object)
+Dim sDirName as String
+ sDirName = Application.FileDialog(&quot;P&quot;, sPathDialogMessage, oTargetControl.Text)
+ If Len(sDirName) &gt; 0 Then
+ oTargetControl.Text = sDirName
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SetupMSConfiguration()
+ iApplSection = 0
+ MaxApplCount = 3
+ ApplCount = 3
+ sKeyName(0) = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Word\Options&quot;
+ sKeyName(1) = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Excel\Microsoft Excel&quot;
+ sKeyName(2) = &quot;Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\PowerPoint\Recent Folder List\Default&quot;
+ sValueName(0) = &quot;DOC-PATH&quot;
+ sValueName(1) = &quot;DefaultPath&quot;
+ sValueName(2) = &quot;&quot;
+&apos; See definition of Filtername-Array about meaning of fields
+ MSFilterName(0,0) = &quot;doc&quot;
+ MSFilterName(0,1) = &quot;swriter: StarOffice XML (Writer)&quot;
+ MSFilterName(0,2) = &quot;sxw&quot;
+ MSFilterName(1,0) = &quot;xls&quot;
+ MSFilterName(1,1) = &quot;scalc: StarOffice XML (Calc)&quot;
+ MSFilterName(1,2) = &quot;sxc&quot;
+ MSFilterName(2,0) = &quot;pod&quot;
+ MSFilterName(2,1) = &quot;simpress: StarOffice XML (Impress)&quot;
+ MSFilterName(2,2) = &quot;sxi&quot;
+ MSFilterName(3,0) = &quot;dot&quot;
+ MSFilterName(3,1) = &quot;swriter: writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template&quot;
+ MSFilterName(3,2) = &quot;stw&quot;
+ MSFilterName(4,0) = &quot;xlt&quot;
+ MSFilterName(4,1) = &quot;scalc: calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template&quot;
+ MSFilterName(4,2) = &quot;stc&quot;
+ MSFilterName(5,0) = &quot;pot&quot;
+ MSFilterName(5,1) = &quot;simpress: impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template&quot;
+ MSFilterName(5,2) = &quot;sti&quot;
+End Sub
+Sub SetupXMLConfiguration()
+ iApplSection = 1000
+ Wizardmode = SBXMLMODE
+ ApplCount = 4
+ MaxApplCount = 4
+ XMLFilterName(0,0) = &quot;sdw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(0,1) = &quot;swriter: StarOffice XML (Writer)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(0,2) = &quot;sxw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(1,0) = &quot;sdc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(1,1) = &quot;scalc: StarOffice XML (Calc)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(1,2) = &quot;sxc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(2,0) = &quot;sdd|sda&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(2,1) = &quot;simpress: StarOffice XML (Impress)|sdraw: StarOffice XML (Draw)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(2,2) = &quot;sxi|sxd&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(3,0) = &quot;smf&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(3,1) = &quot;smath: MathML XML (Math)&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(3,2) = &quot;mml&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(4,0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.writer;application/x-starwriter&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(4,1) = &quot;swriter: writer_StarOffice_XML_Writer_Template&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(4,2) = &quot;stw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(5,0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.calc;application/x-starcalc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(5,1) = &quot;scalc: calc_StarOffice_XML_Calc_Template&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(5,2) = &quot;stc&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(6,0) = &quot;application/vnd.stardivision.impress;application/x-starimpress|application/vnd.stardivision.draw;application/x-stardraw&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(6,1) = &quot;simpress: impress_StarOffice_XML_Impress_Template|draw_StarOffice_XML_Draw_Template&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(6,2) = &quot;sti|std&quot;
+&apos; ToDo: define Filter for Masterdocument
+ XMLFilterName(7,0) = &quot;sgl&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(7,1) = &quot;swriter: writer_globaldocument_StarOffice_XML_Writer_GlobalDocument&quot;
+ XMLFilterName(7,2) = &quot;sxg&quot;
+End Sub
+Function CheckControlPath(oTextBox as Object, ByVal bDoEnable as Boolean)
+Dim Path as String
+ If Not bDoEnable Then
+ CheckControlPath = False
+ Else
+ CheckControlPath = oTextBox.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub AssignCheckboxObjects()
+ With ImportDialog
+ If .OptSODocuments.State Then
+ Set ChkApplication(0) = .ChkFirstSOApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(1) = .ChkSecondSOApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(2) = .ChkThirdSOApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(3) = .ChkFourthSOApplication
+ Else
+ Set ChkApplication(0) = .ChkFirstMSApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(1) = .ChkSecondMSApplication
+ Set ChkApplication(2) = .ChkThirdMSApplication
+ End If
+ End With
+End Sub
+Function CheckInputPaths() as Boolean
+Dim bChangePage as Boolean
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath, True, False)
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.TemplateExportPath, bChangePage, True)
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath, bChangePage, False)
+ bChangePage = CheckTextBoxPath(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath, bChangePage, True)
+ CheckInputPaths = bChangePage
+End Function
+Function CheckTextBoxPath(oTextBox as Object, ByVal bCheck as Boolean, bCreateNew as Boolean) as Boolean
+Dim iCreate as Integer
+Dim sQueryMessage as String
+Dim sUrlPath as String
+Dim sMessageNoDir as String
+Dim sShowPath as String
+ If oTextBox.Enabled Then
+ If bCheck Then
+ sShowPath = ConvertToUrl(oTextBox.Text)
+ sUrlPath = ConvertToUrl(sShowPath)
+ If Not oUcb.Exists(sUrlPath) Then
+ If Not bCreateNew Then
+ &apos; Sourcedirectories must be existing, Targetdirectories may be created new
+ sQueryMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgDirNotThere, sShowPath,&quot;%1&quot;)
+ Msgbox(sQueryMessage,16,sTitle)
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+ Exit Function
+ Else
+ sQueryMessage = ReplaceString(sMsgDirNotThere, sShowPath,&quot;%1&quot;)
+ sQueryMessage = sQueryMessage &amp; Chr(13) &amp; sQueryForNewCreation
+ iCreate = Msgbox (sQueryMessage, 36, sTitle)
+ If iCreate = 6 Then
+ On Local Error Goto NOVALIDPATH
+ oUcb.CreateFolder(sUrlPath)
+ If Not oUcb.Exists(sUrlPath) Then
+ End If
+ Else
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = True
+ Else
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+ End If
+ Else
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = True
+ End If
+ Exit Function
+ sMessageNoDir = ReplaceString(sNoDirCreation, sShowPath, &quot;%1&quot;)
+ Msgbox(sMessageNoDir, 16, sTitle)
+ CheckTextBoxPath() = False
+End Function
+Sub InitializeProgressPage(oDialog as Object)
+ &apos;oDialog.LabelRetrieval.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ &apos;oDialog.LabelCurProgress.Label = &quot;&quot;
+ oDialog.LabelRetrieval.FontWeight =
+ oDialog.LabelCurProgress.FontWeight =
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e0089957bf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/FilesModul.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="FilesModul" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public AbsTemplateFound as Integer
+Public AbsDocuFound as Integer
+Function ReadApplicationDirectories(ApplIndex as Integer, FilesList(),bIsDocument as Boolean, sFiltername()) as Integer
+Dim bCheckDocuType as Boolean
+Dim FilterIndex as Integer
+Dim bRecursive as Boolean
+Dim sSourceDir as String
+Dim bCheckRealType as Boolean
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim sFileContent() as String
+Dim NewList(200,1) as String
+Dim Index as Integer
+Dim sLocExtension as String
+ Index = Val(Applications(ApplIndex,9)
+ sLocExtension = &quot;&quot;
+ If bIsDocument Then
+ &apos; Documents
+ bCheckDocuType = ControlStateToBool(Applications(ApplIndex,1))
+ bCheckRealType = False
+ bRecursive = ControlStateToBool(Applications(ApplIndex,2))
+ FilterIndex = Index
+ sSourceDir = Applications(ApplIndex,3)
+ Else
+ &apos; Templates
+ bCheckDocuType = ControlStateToBool(Applications(ApplIndex,5))
+ &apos; In SO the documenttype cannot be derived from the extension name
+ bCheckRealType = WizardMode = SBXMLMODE
+ If bCheckRealType Then
+ &apos; Note: StarOffice-Math-Documents cannot be treated like templates
+ bCheckRealType = Index &lt;&gt; 3
+ If bCheckRealType Then
+ sLocExtension = &quot;vor&quot;
+ End If
+ bIsDocument = Not bCheckRealType
+ End If
+ bRecursive = ControlStateToBool(Applications(ApplIndex,6))
+ FilterIndex = Index + MaxApplCount
+ sSourceDir = Applications(ApplIndex,7)
+ End If
+ If bCheckDocuType Then
+ sFileContent() = GetMimeTypeList(sFilterName(FilterIndex))
+ NewList() = ReadDirectories(sSourceDir, bRecursive, bCheckRealType, False, sFileContent(), sLocExtension)
+ AddListtoList(FilesList(), NewList(), ApplIndex)
+ LabelRetrieval.Caption = sProgressPage_2 &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; ReplaceString(sProgressPage_5, FilesList(0,0) &amp; &quot; &quot;, &quot;%1&quot;)
+ End If
+ ReadApplicationDirectories() = Val(NewList(0,0))
+End Function
+Sub ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument as Boolean, CurFound as Integer)
+ If bIsDocument Then
+ AbsDocuFound = AbsDocuFound + CurFound
+ ImportDialog.LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; CStr(AbsDocuFound) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sProgressMoreDocs
+ Else
+ AbsTemplateFound = AbsTemplateFound + CurFound
+ ImportDialog.LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; CStr(AbsTemplateFound) &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; sProgressMoreTemplates
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ConvertAllDocuments(sFilterName())
+Dim FileProperties(0) as new
+Dim OpenProperties(0) as new
+Dim FilesList(500,2) as String
+Dim sViewPath as String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim FilterIndex as Integer
+Dim sFullName as String
+Dim sFileName as String
+Dim oDocument as Object
+Dim sExtension as String
+Dim OldExtension as String
+Dim CurFound as Integer
+Dim TargetStemDir as String
+Dim SourceStemDir as String
+Dim TargetDir as String
+Dim TargetFile as String
+Dim CurFilterName as String
+Dim ApplIndex as Integer
+Dim Index as Integer
+Dim bIsDocument as Boolean
+Dim iOverWrite as Integer
+Dim bDoSave as Boolean
+Dim sCurFileExists as String
+Dim oTaskEnum as Object
+Dim oTask as Object
+Dim oModel as Object
+Dim oTaskController as Object
+ AbsTemplateFound = 0
+ AbsDocuFound = 0
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
+ &apos;templates
+ bIsDocument = False
+ CurFound = ReadApplicationDirectories(i, FilesList(), bIsDocument, sFilterName())
+ ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument, CurFound)
+ Next i
+ For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
+ &apos;documents
+ bIsDocument = True
+ CurFound = ReadApplicationDirectories(i, FilesList(), bIsDocument, sFilterName())
+ ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument, CurFound)
+ Next i
+ InitializeProgressPage(ImportDialog)
+ OpenProperties(0).Name = &quot;Hidden&quot;
+ OpenProperties(0).Value = True
+ For i = 1 To cInt(FilesList(0, 0))
+ bDoSave = True
+ If bCancelTask Then
+ Call CancelTask()
+ End if
+ sFullName = FilesList(i,0)
+ CurFiltername = GetFilterName(FilesList(i,1), sFilterName(), sExtension, FilterIndex)
+ ApplIndex = FilesList(i,2)
+ sViewPath = CutPathView(sFullName, 60)
+ ImportDialog.LabelCurDocument.Label = Str(i) &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; FilesList(0,0) &amp; &quot; (&quot; &amp; sViewPath &amp; &quot;)&quot;
+ If i = 1 Then
+ End If
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sFullName, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, OpenProperties())
+ If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
+ Select Case sExtension
+ Case &quot;sxw&quot;, &quot;sxc&quot;, &quot;sxi&quot;, &quot;sxd&quot;, &quot;sxs&quot;, &quot;mml&quot;
+ SourceStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,3), &quot;/&quot;)
+ TargetStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,4), &quot;/&quot;)
+ Case Else &apos; Templates and Helper-Applications remain
+ SourceStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,7), &quot;/&quot;)
+ TargetStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,8), &quot;/&quot;)
+ End Select
+ TargetFile = ReplaceString(sFullname, TargetStemDir, SourceStemDir)
+ sFileName = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TargetFile, &quot;/&quot;)
+ OldExtension = GetFileNameExtension(TargetFile)
+ TargetFile = RTrimStr(TargetFile, OldExtension)
+ TargetFile = TargetFile &amp; sExtension
+ TargetDir = RTrimStr(TargetFile, sFileName &amp; &quot;.&quot; &amp; sExtension)
+ If Not oUcb.Exists(TargetDir) Then
+ oUcb.CreateFolder(TargetDir)
+ End If
+ If oUcb.Exists(TargetFile) Then
+ sCurFileExists = ReplaceString(sFileExists, ConvertFromUrl(TargetFile), &quot;&lt;1&gt;&quot;)
+ sCurFileExists = ReplaceString(sCurFileExists, chr(13), &quot;&lt;CR&gt;&quot;)
+ iOverWrite = Msgbox (sCurFileExists, 32 + 3, sTitle)
+ Select Case iOverWrite
+ Case 1 &apos; OK
+ &apos; In the FileProperty-Bean this is already default
+ bDoSave = True
+ Case 2 &apos; Abort
+ Call CancelTask()
+ Case 7 &apos; No
+ bDoSave = False
+ End Select
+ End If
+ If bDoSave Then
+ On Local Error Resume Next
+ FileProperties(0).Name = &quot;FilterName&quot;
+ FileProperties(0).Value = CurFilterName
+ oDocument.StoreToUrl(TargetFile,FileProperties())
+ oDocument.Dispose()
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+ End If
+ oTaskenum = StarDesktop.Tasks.CreateEnumeration
+&apos; While oTaskEnum.HasmoreElements
+&apos; oTask = oTaskenum.NextElement
+&apos; If oTask.Name &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+&apos; oTaskController = oTask.Controller
+&apos; PrintdbgInfo oTaskController
+&apos; If hasUnoInterfaces(oTaskController,&quot;;) then
+&apos; oModel = oTaskController.Model
+&apos; If Ucase(oModel.Url) = Ucase(sFullName) Then
+&apos; oTask.Close
+&apos; End If
+&apos; End If
+&apos; End If
+&apos; Wend
+ End If
+ Next i
+ Msgbox sReady, 64, sTitle
+ ImportDialogArea.endExecute
+ ImportDialogArea.Dispose
+ End
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub AddListtoList(FirstList(), SecList(), ApplIndex as Integer)
+Dim FirstStart as Integer, FirstEnd as Integer, i as Integer, s as Integer
+ FirstStart = Val(FirstList(0,0)) + 1
+ FirstEnd = FirstStart + Val(SecList(0,0))
+ s = 1
+ For i = FirstStart To FirstEnd
+ FirstList(i,0) = SecList(s,0)
+ FirstList(i,1) = SecList(s,1)
+ FirstList(i,2) = CStr(ApplIndex)
+ s = s + 1
+ Next i
+ FirstList(0,0) = i-2
+End Sub
+Function GetTargetTemplatePath(Index as Integer)
+ Select Case WizardMode
+ GetTargetTemplatePath() = SOTemplatePath &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; sTemplateGroupName(Index)
+ If Index = 3 Then
+ &apos; Helper Application
+ GetTargetTemplatePath = SOWorkPath
+ Else
+ GetTargetTemplatePath = SOTemplatePath
+ End If
+ End Select
+End Function
+&apos; Retrieves the second value for a next to &apos;SearchString&apos; in
+&apos; a two-dimensional string-Array
+Function GetFilterName(sMimetypeorExtension as String, sFilterName(), sExtension as string, FilterIndex as Integer) as String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim sLocFilterlist() as String
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(sFiltername(),1)
+ If Instr(1,sFilterName(i,0),sMimeTypeOrExtension) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ sLocFilterList() = ArrayoutofString(sFiltername(i,0),&quot;|&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ If MaxIndex = 0 Then
+ sExtension = sFiltername(i,2)
+ GetFilterName = sFilterName(i,1)
+ Else
+ Dim a as Integer
+ Dim sLocExtensionList() as String
+ a = SearchArrayForPartString(sMimetypeOrExtension, sLocFilterList())
+ sLocFilterList() = ArrayoutofString(sFiltername(i,1),&quot;|&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ GetFilterName = sLocFilterList(a)
+ sLocExtensionList() = ArrayoutofString(sFilterName(i,2), &quot;|&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ sExtension = sLocExtensionList(a)
+ End If
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ FilterIndex = i
+End Function
+Function SearchArrayforPartString(SearchString as String, LocList()) as Integer
+Dim i as integer
+ For i = Lbound(LocList(),1) to Ubound(LocList(),1)
+ If Instr(1,LocList(i), SearchString) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ SearchArrayForPartString() = i
+ Exit Function
+ End if
+ Next
+ IndexinArray = -1
+End Function
+Function GetMimeTypeList(BigFiltername as STring)
+Dim sMimeTypeList()
+ sMimeTypeList() = ArrayoutofString(BigFilterName,&quot;;&quot;)
+ If Instr(sMimetypeList(0), &quot;|&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ sMimeTypeList() = ArrayoutofString(sMimeTypeList(0),&quot;|&quot;)
+ End If
+ GetMimetypeList() = sMimeTypeList()
+End Function</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/Language.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/Language.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c4d9a2da1db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/Language.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Language" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public sMSTemplateCheckbox(2) As String
+Public sMSDocumentCheckbox(2) As String
+Public sSODocumentCheckbox(4) As String
+Public sSOHelperdocuments(1) As String
+Public sTemplateCheckbox(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sDocumentCheckbox(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sTemplateGroupName(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sSumDocuments As String &apos; Todo: Platzhalter einfügen
+Public sPathErrorTemplates(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sPathErrorDocument(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sPathErrorStarDoc(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sStarDocLabel(SBMAXAPPLCOUNT-1) As String
+Public sImportLabel As String, sExportLabel As String
+Public sSearchInSubDir As String
+Public SOApplicationName(5) As String
+Public sHelpButton As String, sCancelButton As String, sBackButton As String, sNextButton As String
+Public sSumInclusiveSubDir As String, sSumSaveDocuments As String
+Public sSummaryHeader As String
+Public sWelcometextLabel1 As String, sWelcometextLabel2 As String, sWelcometextLabel3 As String
+Public sBeginButton As String, sMsgDirNotThere As String
+Public sQueryForNewCreation As String, sPathError3 As String
+Public sNoDirCreation As String
+Public sProgressMoreDocs As String, sProgressMoreTemplates as String
+Public sFileExists As String, sMorePathsError3 As String
+Public sConvertError1 As String, sConvertError2 As String, sPathDialogMessage As String
+Public sRTErrorDesc As String, sRTErrorHeader As String
+Public sProgressPage_1 As String, sProgressPage_2 As String, sProgressPage_3 as String
+Public sProgressFound as String, sProgresspage_5 as String
+Public sContainerName(1) as String
+Public sReady as String, sTitle as String
+Sub LoadLanguage()
+ If InitResources(&quot;ImportWizard&quot;,&quot;imp&quot;) then
+ sHelpButton = GetResText(1000)
+ sCancelButton = GetResText(1001)
+ sBackButton = GetResText(1002)
+ sNextButton = GetResText(1003)
+ sBeginButton = GetResText(1004)
+ sWelcometextLabel1 = ReplaceString(GetResText(1005), GetProductName(),&quot;%PRODUCTNAME&quot;)
+ sWelcometextLabel2 = GetResText(1006)
+ sWelcometextLabel3 = GetResText(1007)
+ &apos; Microsoft Documents
+ GetApplResourceArray(1008, 3, sMSTemplateCheckBox())
+ &apos; DocumentCheckbox- Captions
+ GetApplResourceArray(1012, 3, sMSDocumentCheckBox())
+ &apos; DocumentCheckbox- Captions
+ GetApplResourceArray(2012, 5, sSODocumentCheckBox())
+ &apos;StarOffice Applicationnames
+ GetApplResourceArray(2016,2, sSOHelperDocuments())
+ sImportLabel = GetResText(1033)
+ sExportLabel = GetResText(1034)
+ sContainerName(0) = GetResText(1030)
+ sContainerName(1) = &quot;StarOffice&quot;
+ sSearchInSubDir = GetResText(1022)
+ sSumInclusiveSubDir = GetResText(1023)
+ sSumSaveDocuments = GetResText(1024)
+ sSumDocuments = GetResText(1025)
+ sSummaryHeader = GetResText(1031)
+ sTemplateGroupName(0) = GetResText(1036)
+ sTemplateGroupName(1) = GetResText(1037)
+ sTemplateGroupName(2) = GetResText(1038)
+ sProgressMoreDocs = GetResText(1041)
+ sProgressMoreTemplates = GetResText(1042)
+ sNoDirCreation = GetResText(1050)
+ sMsgDirNotThere = GetResText(1051)
+ sQueryForNewCreation = GetResText(1052)
+ sFileExists = GetResText(1053)
+ sMorePathsError3 = GetResText(1054)
+ sConvertError1 = GetResText(1055)
+ sConvertError2 = GetResText(1056)
+ sRTErrorDesc = GetResText(1057)
+ sRTErrorHeader = GetResText(1058)
+ sPathDialogMessage = GetResText(1080)
+ sTitle = GetResText(1081)
+ sProgressPage_1 = GetResText(1090)
+ sProgressPage_2 = GetResText(1091)
+ sProgressPage_3 = GetResText(1092)
+ sProgressFound = GetResText(1093)
+ sProgressPage_5 = GetResText(1094)
+ sReady = GetResText(1100)
+ ImportDialogArea.Title = sTitle
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub GetApplResourceArray(StartResIndex as Integer, Count as Integer, BigArray())
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+ a = 0
+ For i = StartResIndex To StartResIndex + Count-1
+ BigArray(a) = GetResText(i)
+ a = a + 1
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub LoadLibrary(sLibname as String)
+Dim oArg(0) as new
+Dim oUrl as new
+Dim oTrans as Object
+Dim oDisp as Object
+ oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+ oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
+ oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba b/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..856a7b74f0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/importwizard/Main.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Main" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; ***** BASIC *****
+&apos; Todo: Problematik der VBA-Makros, die angeblich nicht mit abgespeichert werden können.
+&apos; Evt. Erkennen der Arbeitsverzeichnisse von MS Office
+&apos; Filternamen für Ziel-XML-Dokumente und deren Extensionen feststellen (auch für StarMath)
+&apos; Extension für XML-Vorlagen klären
+Public HeaderPreviews(4) as Object
+Public ImportDialog as Object
+Public ImportDialogArea as Object
+Sub Main
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ sCRLF = CHR(10) &amp; CHR(13)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ If Not bDebugWizard Then
+ On Error Goto RTError
+ End If
+ SOBitmapPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/bitmap&quot;)
+ SOWorkPath = ConvertToUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;, False))
+ SOTemplatePath = ConvertToUrl(GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;,False,1))
+ bCancelTask = False
+ CurOffice = 0
+ ImportDialogArea = LoadDialog(&quot;ImportWizard&quot;,&quot;ImportDialog&quot;)
+ ImportDialog = ImportDialogArea.Model
+ LoadLanguage()
+ FillStep_Welcome()
+ RepaintHeaderPreview()
+ SetStates()
+ ImportDialogArea.execute
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub SetStates
+ With ImportDialog
+ .OptSODocuments.State = 1
+ .OptMSDocuments.State = 0
+ .TemplateCheckbox.State = 1
+ .DocumentPathCheckbox.State = 0
+ End With
+End Sub
+Sub NextStep
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+ If Not bDebugWizard Then
+ On Error Goto RTError
+ End If
+ iCurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ Select Case iCurStep
+ Case 1
+ FillStep_InputPaths(0, True)
+ Case 2
+ If SaveStep_InputPath Then
+ If CurOffice &lt; ApplCount - 1 Then
+ CurOffice = CurOffice + 1
+ FillStep_InputPaths(CurOffice, False)
+ RepaintHeaderPreview()
+ Else
+ FillStep_Summary()
+ End If
+ End If
+ Case 3
+ FillStep_Progress()
+ Select Case WizardMode
+ Call ConvertAllDocuments(MSFilterName())
+ Call ConvertAllDocuments(XMLFilterName())
+ End Select
+ Case 4
+ End Select
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub PrevStep
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+ If Not bDebugWizard Then
+ On Error Goto RTError
+ End If
+ iCurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ Select Case iCurStep
+ Case 4
+ FillStep_Summary()
+ Case 3
+&apos;Todo: müssen auch beim Zurücksteppen wirklich die Importpfade auf ihre Gültigkeit hin überprüft werden?
+ FillStep_InputPaths(Applcount-1, False)
+ Case 2
+ If SaveStep_InputPath Then
+ If CurOffice &gt; 0 Then
+ CurOffice = CurOffice - 1
+ FillStep_InputPaths(CurOffice, False)
+ RepaintHeaderPreview()
+ Else
+ FillStep_Welcome()
+&apos; bDoKeepApplValues = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ End Select
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
+End Sub
+Sub CancelButton
+ If ImportDialog.Step = 4 Then
+ Call CancelButtonPressed()
+ Else
+ ImportDialogArea.EndExecute
+ ImportDialogArea.Dispose
+ End
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CancelTask()
+ If Msgbox(sConvertError1, 36, sConvertError2) = 6 Then
+ ImportDialogArea.EndExecute
+ ImportDialogArea.Dispose
+ End
+ Else
+ bCancelTask = False
+ ImportDialog.cbCancel.Enabled = True
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CancelButtonPressed()
+ ImportDialog.cbCancel.Enabled = False
+ bCancelTask = True
+End Sub
+Sub TemplateDirSearchDialog()
+ CallDirSearchDialog(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath)
+End Sub
+Sub RepaintHeaderPreview()
+Dim Bitmap As Object
+Dim CurStep as Integer
+Dim sBitmapPath as String
+ CurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ If CurStep = 2 Then
+ sBitmapPath = SOBitmapPath &amp; WizardMode &amp; &quot;-Import_&quot; &amp; CurStep &amp; &quot;-&quot; &amp; Val(Applications(CurOffice,9))+1 &amp; &quot;.bmp&quot;
+ Else
+ sBitmapPath = SOBitmapPath &amp; &quot;Import_&quot; &amp; CurStep &amp; &quot;.bmp&quot;
+ End If
+ Set Bitmap = LoadPicture (sBitmapPath)
+ ImportDialog.ImportPreview.ImageURL = sBitmapPath
+End Sub
+Sub HelperDialog()
+&apos;Todo: The String &quot;start&quot; can be replaced by a HelpIndex
+ StarDesktop.LoadComponentfromUrl(&quot;; &amp; sDocType &amp; &quot;/start&quot;, &quot;_OFFICE_HELP&quot;, 64, NoArgs())
+End Sub
+Sub DisorEnableCheckboxes(oEvent as Object)
+Dim bMSEnable, bXMLEnable as Boolean
+ Select Case oEvent.Source.Model.Tag
+ Case &quot;MS&quot;
+ bMSEnable = true
+ bXMLEnable = false
+ Case &quot;XML&quot;
+ bMSEnable = false
+ bXMLEnable = true
+ End Select
+ With ImportDialog
+ .ChkFirstSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkSecondSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkThirdSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkFourthSOApplication.Enabled = bXMLEnable
+ .ChkFirstMSApplication.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ .ChkSecondMSApplication.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ .ChkThirdMSApplication.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ .WelcomeTextLabel2.Enabled = bMSEnable
+ End With
+ DisOrEnableNextButton()
+End Sub
+Sub DisOrEnableNextButton()
+Dim iCurStep as Integer
+Dim bDoEnable as Boolean
+Dim i as Integer
+ iCurStep = ImportDialog.Step
+ Select Case iCurStep
+ Case 1
+ With ImportDialog
+ If .OptMSDocuments.State Then
+ bDoEnable = .ChkFirstMSApplication.State Or .ChkSecondMSApplication.State Or .ChkThirdMSApplication.State
+ Else
+ bDoEnable = .ChkFirstSOApplication.State Or .ChkSecondSOApplication.State Or .ChkThirdSOApplication.State Or .ChkFourthSOApplication.State
+ End If
+ End With
+&apos; bDoKeepApplValues = False
+ Case 2
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.TemplateImportPath, True)
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.TemplateExportPath, bDoEnable)
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.DocumentImportPath, bDoEnable)
+ bDoEnable = CheckControlPath(ImportDialog.DocumentExportPath, bDoenable)
+ End Select
+ ImportDialog.cbGoOn.Enabled = bDoEnable
+End Sub
+Function ControlStateToBool(iState)
+ ControlStateToBool = (Val(iState) = 1)
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/BankHoliday.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/BankHoliday.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..efaf77180516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/BankHoliday.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="BankHoliday" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Sub Main()
+ Call CalAutopilotTable()
+End Sub
+Function CalEasterTable&amp;(byval Year%)
+ Dim B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,O, nMonth, nDay As Integer
+ N = Year% mod 19
+ B = int(Year% / 100)
+ C = Year% mod 100
+ D = int(B / 4)
+ E = B mod 4
+ F = int((B + 8) / 25)
+ G = int((B - F + 1) / 3)
+ H =(19 * N + B - D - G + 15) mod 30
+ I = int(C / 4)
+ K = C mod 4
+ L =(32 + 2 * E + 2 * I - H - K) mod 7
+ M = int((N + 11 * H + 22 * L) / 451)
+ O = H + L - 7 * M + 114
+ nDay = O mod 31 + 1
+ nMonth = int(O / 31)
+ CalEasterTable&amp; = DateSerial(Year%, nMonth,nDay)
+End Function
+Sub CalInitGlobalVariablesDate()
+ Dim Count%
+ For Count% = 1 To 374
+ CalBankholidayName$(Count%) = &quot;&quot;
+ CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(Count%) = cHolidayType_None
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub CalInsertBankholiday(byval actDate&amp;, byval Event$, ByVal nBankholidayLevel%)
+ Dim DayInYear%
+ &apos; Fuegt ein Ereignis in das globale EventArray ein.
+ &apos; Der Sonderfall der eintreten kann, ist der, dass das Datum
+ &apos; an dem eingefuegt werden soll, bereits ein Ereignis enthaelt.
+ &apos; Dann werden beide Ereignisse mit einem Schraegstrich verbunden.
+ DayInYear% =(Month(actDate&amp;)-1)*31 +Day(actDate&amp;)
+ &apos; Hoehere Prioritaet des Feiertagtyps
+ If (0 &lt;&gt; CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(DayInYear%)) Then
+ If (nBankholidayLevel% &lt; CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(DayInYear%)) Then
+ CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(DayInYear%) = nBankholidayLevel%
+ End If
+ Else
+ CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(DayInYear%) = nBankholidayLevel%
+ End If
+ If (CalBankHolidayName$(DayInYear%) = &quot;&quot;) Then
+ CalBankHolidayName$(DayInYear%) = Event$
+ Else
+ CalBankHolidayName$(DayInYear%) = CalBankHolidayName$(DayInYear%) + &quot; / &quot; + Event$
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function CalIsLeapYear%(ByVal TheYear%)
+ CalIsLeapYear% = TheYear Mod 4 = 0
+End Function
+Function CalMaxDayInMonth%(byval YearVal%, byval MonthVal%)
+ &apos; Liefert den maximalen Tag eines Monats in einem
+ &apos; bestimmten Jahr.
+ Dim tmpDate&amp;
+ Dim MaxDay%
+ MaxDay = 28
+ tmpDate&amp; = DateSerial(YearVal%, MonthVal%, MaxDay)
+ While Month(tmpDate&amp;) = MonthVal%
+ MaxDay% = MaxDay% + 1
+ tmpDate&amp; = tmpDate&amp; + 1
+ Wend
+ Maxday% = MaxDay% - 1
+ CalMaxDayInMonth% = MaxDay%
+End Function
+Function CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(byval MonthName$)
+ Dim nCount%, nMonth%
+ nMonth% = Val(MonthName$)
+ If (1 &lt;= nMonth% And 12 &gt;= nMonth%) Then
+ CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% = nMonth%
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ MonthName$ = UCase(Trim(Left(MonthName, 3)))
+ For nCount% = 1 To 12
+ If (UCase(cCalShortMonthNames$(nCount%)) = MonthName$) Then
+ CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% = nCount%
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next
+ &apos; Not Found
+ CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% = 0
+End Function
+Sub CalInsertOwnDataInTables(byval YearToInsert%)
+ &apos; Fügt die eigenen Individuellen Daten aus der Tabelle in die
+ &apos; bereits erstellte unsortierte Tabelle ein.
+ Dim i%, actYear%, actMonth%, actDay%, theEvent$
+ For i = 0 To lbOwnData.ListCount() - 1
+ actYear% = Val(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(i%), 10, 4))
+ If (actYear%=YearToInsert%) Or (actYear%=0) Then
+ actMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthname%(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(i%), 5, 3))
+ actDay% = Val(Left$(lbOwnData.List(i%), 2))
+ theEvent$ = Trim(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(i%), 16))
+ CalInsertBankholiday(DateSerial(actYear%, actMonth%, actDay%), theEvent$, cHolidayType_Own)
+ End If
+ Next
+End Sub
+&apos; Finds eg the first,second Monday in a month
+&apos; Note: in This Function the week starts with the Sunday
+Function GetMonthDate(iWeekDay, iMonth, iCount as Integer)
+Dim bFound as Boolean
+Dim nCount%,lDate as Integer
+ &apos; 1st Tue in Nov : Election Day, Half
+ bFound = False
+ nCount% = 0
+ lDate = DateSerial(YearInt%, iMonth, 1)
+ While Not bFound
+ If (iWeekDay = WeekDay(lDate)) Then nCount% = nCount% + 1
+ If (nCount &lt; iCount) Then
+ lDate = lDate + 1
+ Else
+ bFound = True
+ End If
+ Wend
+ GetMonthDate = lDate
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/CalendarMain.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/CalendarMain.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8454163718f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/CalendarMain.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="CalendarMain" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Const _DEBUG = 0
+&apos; CalenderMain
+Public sCurLangLocale as String
+&apos; Dieses Flag dient zur Abfrage ob die individuellen Daten abgespeichert werden sollen.
+Public CalOwnDataChanged%
+Public CalBankholidayName$ (1 To 374)
+Public CalTypeOfBankHoliday% (1 To 374)
+Public Const cHolidayType_None = 0
+Public Const cHolidayType_Full = 1
+Public Const cHolidayType_Half = 2
+Public Const cHolidayType_Own = 4
+Public CalTWIPSPicHeight%, CalTWIPSPicWidth%, CalStartX%, CalStartY%
+Public CalPicWidth%, CalPicHeight%
+Public cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntry$
+Public cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntryTitle$
+Public cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_Back$
+Public cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_OwnData$
+Public cCalLongMonthNames$(12)
+Public cCalShortMonthNames$(12)
+Public sBitmapFilename$
+Public sCalendarTitle$, sMonthTitle$, sWizardTitle$, sError$
+Public cCalStyleWorkday$, cCalStyleWeekend$
+&apos; German only
+&apos; Variablen, die zur Verwaltung der Eingabe der Bundesländer dienen
+Public CalChoosenLand%, MouseClicked%, LandWhenClick%
+Public LastMousePosX, LastMousePosY As Single
+Public oDocument as Object
+Public oSheets as Object
+Public oSheet as Object
+Public DlgBuffer as Object
+Public oStatusLine as Object
+&apos; BL* bedeutet BundesLand*
+Public CONST CalBLBayern = 1
+Public CONST CalBLBadenWuert = 2
+Public CONST CalBLBerlin = 3
+Public CONST CalBLBremen = 4
+Public CONST CalBLBrandenburg = 5
+Public CONST CalBLHamburg = 6
+Public CONST CalBLHessen = 7
+Public CONST CalBLMeckPomm = 8
+Public CONST CalBLNiedersachsen = 9
+Public CONST CalBLNordrheinWest = 10
+Public CONST CalBLRheinlandPfalz = 11
+Public CONST CalBLSaarland = 12
+Public CONST CalBLSachsen = 13
+Public CONST CalBLSachsenAnhalt = 14
+Public CONST CalBLSchlHolstein = 15
+Public CONST CalBLThueringen = 16
+Sub CalAutopilotTable()
+&apos; On Error Goto ErrorHandler
+ Application.LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ &apos; HauptRoutine zur Erstellung des Kalenders
+ Set DlgBuffer = DlgCalendar
+ DlgBuffer.Load()
+ sCurLangLocale = StarDesktop.ISOLocale.Language
+ LoadLanguage(sCurLangLocale)
+ &apos; Da modulübergreifende Variablen unsicher sind,
+ &apos; wird ihre Initialisierung noch einmal explizit
+ &apos; angegeben.
+ CalInitGlobalVariablesDate()
+ CalCalcPictureData()
+ CalChoosenLand% = -2
+ MouseClicked% = False
+ &apos; Die Daten für die eigenen Ereignisdaten werden geladen.
+ CalLoadOwnData()
+ DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.FontName = &quot;Courier&quot;
+ DlgBuffer.cmdDelete.Enabled = False
+ DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(Month(Now()))
+ DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text
+ DlgBuffer.OptYear.SetFocus()
+ DlgBuffer.OptYear.Value = True
+ CalChooseCalendar() &apos; month
+ &apos; Jahr und Monat werden ermittelt
+ DlgBuffer.txtYear.Text = Year(Now())
+ DlgBuffer.txtYear.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtYear.Text
+ DlgBuffer.cmbState.ListIndex = 0
+ DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 1
+ DlgBuffer.Show()
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox(sError$, 16, sWizardTitle$)
+End Sub
+Sub CalChooseCalendar()
+ DlgBuffer.lblYear.Enabled = True
+ DlgBuffer.txtYear.Enabled = True
+ DlgBuffer.spinButton1.Enabled = True
+ DlgBuffer.cmbState.Enabled = True
+ DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Enabled = DlgBuffer.optMonth.Value
+ DlgBuffer.lblMonth.Enabled = DlgBuffer.optMonth.Value
+ DlgBuffer.spinButton3.Enabled = DlgBuffer.optMonth.Value
+End Sub
+Sub CalCmdCancel()
+ If CalOwnDataChanged% Then
+ Call CalSaveOwnData()
+ End If
+ DlgBuffer.Unload()
+End Sub
+Sub CalCmdOk()
+ &apos; cmdOk is called when the Button &apos;Read&apos; is clicked on
+ &apos; It is either given out a month or a year
+ Dim i, iSelYear as Integer
+ Dim SelYear as String
+ DlgBuffer.Hide()
+ If cLANGUAGE_GERMAN = sCurLangLocale Then
+ If MouseClicked% Then
+ CalChoosenLand%=LandWhenClick%
+ Else
+ CalChoosenLand% = 0
+ End If
+ End If
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oSheets = oDocument.sheets
+ If CalOwnDataChanged% Then
+ Call CalSaveOwnData()
+ End If
+ &apos; Unprotect all tables so they can be deleted or modified
+ For i = 0 To oSheets.Count - 1
+ oSheets.GetbyIndex(i).unprotect(&quot;&quot;)
+ Next
+ oSheets.RemovebyName(oSheets.GetbyIndex(0).Name)
+ iSelYear = Val(txtYear.Text)
+ Select Case sCurLangLocale
+ Call CalFindWholeYearHolidays_GERMANY(iSelYear, CalChoosenLand%)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_US(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_FRANCE(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_ITA(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_SPAIN(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_PORT(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_NL(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_SWED(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_DK(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_PL(iSelYear)
+ Call FindWholeYearHolidays_RU(iSelYear)
+ End Select
+ Call CalInsertOwnDataInTables(iSelYear)
+ oStatusline = oDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.GetStatusIndicator
+ If optYear.Value Then
+ oSheets.RemovebyName(oSheets.GetbyIndex(0).Name)
+ oSheet = oSheets.GetbyIndex(0)
+ oSheet.Name = sCalendarTitle$ + &quot; &quot; + txtYear.Text
+ oDocument.AddActionLock
+ Call CalCreateYearTable(iSelYear)
+ ElseIf optMonth.Value Then
+ oSheets.RemovebyName(oSheets.GetbyIndex(1).Name)
+ oSheet = oSheets.GetbyIndex(0)
+ oSheet.Name = sMonthTitle$ + &quot; &quot; + cCalLongMonthNames$(CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(txtMonth.Text))
+ oDocument.AddActionLock
+ Call CalCreateMonthTable(iSelYear, CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(txtMonth.Text))
+ End If
+ oDocument.RemoveActionLock
+ &apos; Protect the remaining sheet
+ oSheet.protect(&quot;&quot;)
+ oStatusLine.End
+ DlgBuffer.Unload()
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/CreateTable.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/CreateTable.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ef472639989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/CreateTable.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="CreateTable" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public Const FirstDayRow = 5 &apos; Row on month sheet for first day of month
+Public Const DateColumn% = 3 &apos; Column on month sheet with days
+Public Const NewYearRow = 4 &apos; Row on year sheet for January 1st
+Public Const NewYearColumn = 2 &apos; Column on year sheet for January 1st
+Sub CalCreateYearTable(ByVal YearInt%)
+&apos; Completes the overview for whole year
+&apos; Needed by StarOffice Calc and StarOffice Schedule
+Dim CalDay%, CalMonth%, Count%, nCount%
+&apos; Only needed by StarOffice Schedule
+Dim oYearCell as object
+Dim iDate
+Dim i, s as Integer
+Dim ColPos, RowPos as Integer
+Dim oNameCell, oDateCell as Object
+Dim iCellValue as Long
+Dim oRangeFebCell, oCellAddress, oFebcell as Object
+Dim oRangeBlank as Object
+Dim sBlankStyle as String
+ On Error Goto ErrorHandling
+ oStatusLine.Start(GetResText(sProgress),140)
+ iDate = DateSerial(Val(DlgBuffer.txtYear.Text),1,1)
+ &apos; Insert year
+ oYearCell = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(&quot;Year&quot;)
+ oYearCell.Value = Val(DlgBuffer.txtYear.Text)
+ &apos; Insert holidays
+ CalMonth% = 1
+ CalDay% = 0
+ s = 10
+ oStatusLine.SetValue(s)
+ For i = 1 To 374
+ CalDay = CalDay+1
+ If CalDay = 32 Then
+ CalDay = 1
+ CalMonth = CalMonth+1
+ s = s + 10
+ oStatusLine.SetValue(s)
+ End If
+ ColPos = NewYearColumn+(2*CalMonth)
+ RowPos = NewYearRow + CalDay
+ FormatCalCells(ColPos,RowPos,i)
+ Next
+ If NOT CalIsLeapYear(Val(txtYear.Text)) Then
+ &apos; Delete 29th February if necessary
+ oRangeFebCell = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(&quot;Feb29&quot;)
+ oCellAddress = oRangeFebCell.RangeAddress
+ oFebCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(oCellAddress.StartColumn,oCellAddress.StartRow)
+ oFebCell.String = &quot;&quot;
+ &apos; Change the CellStyle according to the Range &quot;Blank&quot;
+ oRangeBlank = oSheet.GetCellRangebyName(&quot;Blank&quot;)
+ sBlankStyle = oRangeBlank.CellStyle
+ oRangeFebCell.CellStyle = sBlankStyle
+ End If
+ oStatusLine.SetValue(150)
+ ErrorHandling:
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox sError$, 16, sWizardTitle$
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalCreateMonthTable(ByVal YearInt%, ByVal MonthInt%)
+Dim oMonthCell, oDateCell as Object
+Dim iDate as Date
+Dim oAddress
+Dim i, s as Integer
+Dim StartDay%, TargetMonth%
+&apos; Completes the monthly calendar
+On Error Goto ErrorHandling
+ oStatusLine.Start(GetResText(sProgess),40)
+ &apos; Set month
+ TargetMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(txtMonth.Text)
+ oMonthCell = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(&quot;Month&quot;)
+ iDate = DateSerial(Val(DlgBuffer.txtYear.Text),TargetMonth%,1)
+ oMonthCell.Value = iDate
+ &apos; Inserting holidays
+ StartDay% = (TargetMonth% - 1) * 31 + 1
+ s = 5
+ For i = StartDay% To StartDay%+30
+ oStatusLine.SetValue(s)
+ s = s + 1
+ FormatCalCells(DateColumn+1,FirstDayRow+i-StartDay,i)
+ Next
+ oDateCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(DateColumn,FirstDayRow+i-StartDay - 1)
+ oAddress = oDateCell.RangeAddress
+ Select Case TargetMonth
+ Case 2,4,6,9,11
+ oSheet.RemoveRange(oAddress,
+ If TargetMonth = 2 Then
+ oAddress.StartRow = oAddress.StartRow - 1
+ oAddress.EndRow = oAddress.StartRow
+ oSheet.RemoveRange(oAddress,
+ If Not CalIsLeapYear(Val(txtYear.Text)) Then
+ oAddress.StartRow = oAddress.StartRow - 1
+ oAddress.EndRow = oAddress.StartRow
+ oSheet.RemoveRange(oAddress,
+ End If
+ End If
+ End Select
+ oStatusLine.SetValue(45)
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox sError$, 16, sWizardTitle$
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub FormatCalCells(ColPos,RowPos,i as Integer)
+Dim oNameCell, oDateCell as Object
+Dim iCellValue as Long
+ oDateCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(ColPos-1,RowPos)
+ If oDateCell.Value &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ iCellValue = oDateCell.Value
+ oDateCell.Value = iCellValue
+ If CalBankHolidayName$(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oNameCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(ColPos,RowPos)
+ oNameCell.String = CalBankHolidayName$(i)
+ If CalTypeOfBankHoliday%(i) = cHolidayType_Full Then
+ oDateCell.CellStyle = cCalStyleWeekend$
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/DlgCalendar.xdl b/wizards/source/schedule/DlgCalendar.xdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3874d002615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/DlgCalendar.xdl
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" dlg:id="DlgCalendar" dlg:style-id="0">
+ <dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:style dlg:style-id="0"/>
+ </dlg:styles>
+</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..659f8c02fd2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/DlgControl.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="DlgControl" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Dim CalBitmap As Object
+Sub Main()
+ Call CalAutopilotTable()
+End Sub
+Sub CalSaveTextValues()
+ txtYear.Tag = txtYear.Text
+ txtMonth.Tag = txtMonth.Text
+End Sub
+Sub CalRestoreOldValues()
+ Beep
+ &apos; Start of the Gregorian Calendar
+ If int(Val(txtyear.Text)) &lt; 1583 then
+ txtYear.Text = &quot;1583&quot;
+ Else
+ &apos; last year where the easter Routin works
+ txtYear.Text = &quot;9956&quot;
+ End If
+ txtMonth.Text = txtMonth.Tag
+End Sub
+Sub CalChangeYear()
+ Dim ValNewYear&amp;
+ ValNewYear&amp; = Val(txtYear.Text)
+ If ((1583 &gt; ValNewYear&amp;) Or (9956 &lt; ValNewYear&amp;)) Then
+ Call CalRestoreOldValues()
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalCalcPictureData()
+ Dim bFittingX%, bFittingY%, DlgWidth%, DlgHeight%, nXMove%, nYMove%, Width%, Height%
+ Dim x#, y#
+ Width% = 152
+ Height% = 189
+ BitmapDir = GetBitmapDir()
+ Set CalBitmap = LoadPicture(BitmapDir &amp; GetPathSeparator() &amp; sBitmapFilename$ &apos;(sCurLangLocale))
+ If 1 = GetGUIType() Then
+ DlgHeight% = CInt(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height * GetDialogZoomFactorY(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height))
+ DlgWidth% = CInt(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width * GetDialogZoomFactorX(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width))
+ nXMove% = TwipsPerPixelX() * 3
+ nYMove% = TwipsPerPixelX() * 3
+ Else
+ DlgHeight% = CInt((DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height - TwipsPerPixelY() * 3) * GetDialogZoomFactorY(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Height))
+ DlgWidth% = CInt((DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width - TwipsPerPixelX() * 3) * GetDialogZoomFactorX(DlgBuffer.Preview1.Width))
+ nXMove% = 0
+ nYMove% = 0
+ End If
+ CalTWIPSPicWidth% = TwipsPerPixelX() * Width%
+ CalTWIPSPicHeight% = TwipsPerPixelY() * Height%
+ &apos; Beste Möglichkeit: Bild in Orignalgroesse zentrieren
+ &apos; Alternative : Nach schlchechter passenden Faktor skalieren
+ If (Not ((CalTWIPSPicWidth% &lt;= DlgWidth%) And (CalTWIPSPicHeight% &lt;= DlgHeight%))) Then
+ x# = (CalTWIPSPicWidth% / DlgWidth%)
+ y# = (CalTWIPSPicHeight% / DlgHeight%)
+ If (x# &gt; y#) Then
+ CalTWIPSPicWidth% = CInt(DlgWidth%)
+ CalTWIPSPicHeight% = CInt(CalTWIPSPicHeight% / x#)
+ Else
+ CalTWIPSPicHeight% = CInt(DlgHeight%)
+ CalTWIPSPicWidth% = CInt(CalTWIPSPicWidth% / y#)
+ End If
+ End If
+ CalStartX% = CInt((DlgWidth% / 2) - (CalTWIPSPicWidth% / 2)) - nXMove%
+ CalStartY% = CInt((DlgHeight% / 2) - (CalTWIPSPicHeight% / 2)) - nYMove%
+End Sub
+Sub CalPreviewPaint()
+ Preview1.Cls()
+ Preview1.DrawPicture(CalBitmap, CalStartX%, CalStartY%, CalStartX% + CalTWIPSPicWidth%, CalStartY% + CalTWIPSPicHeight%)
+ Preview1.DrawBox(CalStartX%, CalStartY%, CalStartX% + CalTWIPSPicWidth%, CalStartY% + CalTWIPSPicHeight%)
+End Sub
+Sub CalcmdDeleteSelect()
+ Dim Count%, CountMarked%, MsgBoxResult%, AllSelected%
+ AllSelected = False
+ CountMarked% = 0
+ For Count% = 0 To lbOwnData.ListCount-1
+ If (DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Selected(Count%) = True) Then CountMarked% = CountMarked% + 1
+ Next
+ If (CountMarked% &gt; 0) Then
+ MsgBoxResult% = MsgBox(cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntry$, 4+32, cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntryTitle$)
+ If MsgBoxResult% = 6 Then
+ If Not AllSelected% Then
+ Call CalDeleteAllSelected()
+ Else
+ DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Clear()
+ End If
+ &apos; Flag zum Speichern der neuen Daten.
+ CalOwnDataChanged% = True
+ cmdDelete.Enabled = False
+ Call CalClearInputMask()
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalDeleteAllSelected()
+ Dim Count%, LastSelPos%
+ While LastSelPos% &lt;&gt; -1
+ LastSelPos% = -1
+ For Count%=0 To lbOwnData.ListCount()-1
+ If DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Selected(Count%) Then LastSelPos% = Count%
+ Next
+ If LastSelPos% &lt;&gt; - 1 Then
+ DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.RemoveItem(LastSelPos%)
+ End If
+ Wend
+ DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.Refresh()
+End Sub
+Sub CalSaveOwnEventControls()
+ DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventDay.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventDay.Text
+ DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventMonth.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventMonth.Text
+ DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventYear.Tag = DlgBuffer.txtOwnEventYear.Text
+End Sub
+Sub ModIntTextBox (txtYear As Object, ByVal nMax%, ByVal nMin%, ByVal sDefault$, IncFactor as Integer)
+ Dim nActVal&amp;
+ nActVal&amp; = Val(txtYear.Text)
+ If ((0 = nActVal&amp;) Or (nMax% &lt; nActVal&amp;) Or (nMin% &gt; nActVal&amp;)) Then
+ Beep
+ txtYear.Text = sDefault$
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ If IncFactor = 1 Then
+ If nMax% &gt; nActVal&amp; Then
+ txtYear.Text = Trim(Str(nActVal&amp; + 1))
+ Else
+ Beep
+ txtYear.Text = nMax%
+ End if
+ ElseIf IncFactor = -1 Then
+ If nMin% &lt; nActVal&amp; Then
+ txtYear.Text = Trim(Str(nActVal&amp; - 1))
+ Else
+ Beep
+ txtYear.Text = nMin%
+ End if
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinOwnEventDayUp()
+ Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventDay, 31, 1, &quot;1&quot;, 1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinOwnEventDayDown()
+ Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventDay, 31, 1, &quot;1&quot;, -1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinGeneralYearUp()
+ Call ModIntTextBox(txtYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))),1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinGeneralYearDown()
+ Call ModIntTextBox(txtYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))), -1 )
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinOwnEventYearDown()
+ Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))), -1 )
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinOwnEventYearUp()
+ Call ModIntTextBox(txtOwnEventYear, 9956, 1583, Trim(Str(Year(Now()))) , 1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth As Object,IncFactor as Integer)
+ Dim nActVal&amp;
+ nActVal&amp; = Val(txtMonth.Text)
+ If (1 &lt;= nActVal&amp; And 12 &gt;= nActVal) Then
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp;)
+ End If
+ nActVal&amp; = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(txtMonth.Text)
+ If 0 = nActVal&amp; Then
+ Beep
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(1)
+ ElseIf (1 &lt; nActVal&amp;) AND (IncFactor = -1) Then
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp; + IncFactor)
+ ElseIf (12 &gt; nActVal&amp;)AND (IncFactor = 1) Then
+ txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(nActVal&amp; + IncFactor)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinGeneralMonthUp()
+ CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth, 1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinGeneralMonthDown()
+ CalModMonthTextBox(txtMonth,-1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinOwnEventMonthDown()
+ Call CalModMonthTextBox(txtOwnEventMonth, -1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalSpinOwnEventMonthUp()
+ Call CalModMonthTextBox(txtOwnEventMonth, 1)
+End Sub
+Sub CalChkYearEnDisabled()
+ &apos; Falls der RadioButton für einen Jahreskalender angeklickt
+ &apos; worden ist, müssen die Controls für den Monat Disabled
+ &apos; werden, da ihre Werte in einer Jahrestabelle aufgehen.
+ lblEventYear.Enabled = Not lblEventYear.Enabled
+ txtownEventYear.Enabled = Not txtownEventYear.Enabled
+ SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = Not SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled
+ If (txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;) And (lblEventYear.Enabled = True) Then
+ txtOwnEventYear.Text = Trim$(Str$(Year(Now())))
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalMouseMoved(Button as integer, Shift as integer, X as single, Y as single)
+ &apos; Nimmt Mousemoves ueber dem Bitmap entgegen, und wertet sie je nach
+ &apos; Land aus.
+ Select Case sCurLangLocale
+ Case &quot;de&quot; &apos;cLANGUAGE_GERMAN
+ &apos; Ermittelt das Land auf dem sich der MausCursor befindet, und
+ &apos; aktualisiert die Textbox mit der Bundeslandbezeichnung, falls
+ &apos; ein Mausklick stattfandt.
+ Dim Land$
+ If (Button = 1) Or (MouseClicked% = False)Then
+ cmbState.ListIndex = CalGetGermanLandAtMousePos(X, Y, Land$)
+ End If
+ End Select
+ LastMousePosX = X
+ LastMousePosY = Y
+End Sub
+Sub CalChangeGeneralMonth()
+ Dim MonthToCheck$
+ Dim ValMonthToCheck%
+ MonthToCheck$ = DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text
+ ValMonthToCheck% = Val(MonthToCheck$)
+ If (ValMonthToCheck% &gt;= 1) And (ValMonthToCheck% &lt;=12) Then
+ DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = cCalShortMonthNames$(ValMonthToCheck%)
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ If CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(Trim(Left(MonthToCheck$, 3))) = 0 Then
+ Beep
+ DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Tag
+ Else
+ DlgBuffer.txtMonth.Text = Trim(Left(MonthToCheck, 3))
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalChkForChangeInsertAccept
+ &apos; Aktualisiert die Caption des Insert/Accept Buttons
+ If (DataSelectedFromList=True) And (ButtonCaptionIsInsert) Then
+ DlgBuffer.cmdInsert.Caption = cSubChkForChangeInsertAccept_Accpet$
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub CalClearInputMask()
+ &apos; Löscht die Werte der Eingabe Controls für ein
+ &apos; neues Ereignis.
+ chkEventOnce.Value = False
+ lblEventYear.Enabled = False
+ txtownEventYear.Enabled = False
+ SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = False
+ txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ txtEvent.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ txtOwnEventDay.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ txtOwnEventMonth.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ txtEvent.SetFocus()
+End Sub
+Function CalCountSelected%(ByVal listBox as Object, PosSelect%)
+ &apos; Zählt die selekierten Einträge im Control listBox.
+ &apos; PosSelect liefert den Index des selektierten Eintrags
+ &apos; zurück. Dieser Wert ist natürlich nur zu gebrachen,
+ &apos; wenn nur ein Eintrag selektiert ist.
+ Dim Count%, Result%
+ Result% = 0
+ For Count% = 0 To listBox.ListCount-1
+ If ListBox.Selected(Count%) Then
+ Result% = Result% + 1
+ PosSelect% = Count%
+ End If
+ Next
+ CalCountSelected% = Result%
+End Function
+Sub CalmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral()
+ &apos;Ändert den Titel der Dialogbox beim Seitenwechsel und die
+ &apos;Beschriftungen der Knöpfe
+ If DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 1 Then
+ DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 2
+ DlgBuffer.DlgCmdOwnData.Caption = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_Back$
+ Else
+ DlgBuffer.CurrentStep = 1
+ DlgBuffer.DlgCmdOwnData.Caption = cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_OwnData$
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub LoadDialog()
+ DlgBuffer.load
+End Sub
+Sub ShowDialog()
+ DlgBuffer.Show
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/Language.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/Language.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2289db2c17a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/Language.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Language" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos; L a n g u a g e c o n s t a n t s
+&apos; -----------------------------------
+Public Const cLANGUAGE_SYSTEM = &quot;&quot;, cLANGUAGE_CHINESE = &quot;zh&quot;, cLANGUAGE_DANISH = &quot;da&quot;
+Public Const cLANGUAGE_DUTCH = &quot;nl&quot;, cLANGUAGE_ENGLISH = &quot;en&quot;, cLANGUAGE_FINNISH = &quot;fi&quot;
+Public Const cLANGUAGE_FRENCH = &quot;fr&quot;, cLANGUAGE_GERMAN = &quot;de&quot;, cLANGUAGE_GREEK = &quot;el&quot;
+Public Const cLANGUAGE_ITALIAN = &quot;it&quot;, cLANGUAGE_JAPANESE = &quot;ja&quot;, cLANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN = &quot;no&quot;
+Public Const cLANGUAGE_POLISH = &quot;pl&quot;, cLANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE = &quot;pt&quot;, cLANGUAGE_RUSSIAN = &quot;ru&quot;
+Public Const cLANGUAGE_SPANISH = &quot;es&quot;, cLANGUAGE_SWEDISH = &quot;sv&quot;, cLANGUAGE_TURKISH = &quot;tr&quot;
+Public BLNameList(1 To 16) as String
+&apos; R e s o u r c e s t r i n g c o n s t a n t s
+&apos; -------------------------------------------------
+&apos; Dialog labels start at 1000
+Const dlgCalTitle = 1000
+Const dlgCalTitleBack = 1001
+Const dlgCalTitleOwnData = 1002
+Const dlgSchdlTitle = 1003
+Const dlgOK = 1004
+Const dlgCancel = 1005
+Const dlgCalFrameOption = 1006
+Const dlgCalOptionYear = 1007
+Const dlgCalOptionMonth = 1008
+Const dlgSchdlDescription = 1009
+Const dlgSchdlCountry = 1010
+Const dlgTime = 1011
+Const dlgYear = 1012
+Const dlgCalMonth = 1013
+Const dlgSpecificBankholidays = 1014
+Const dlgCalOwnData = 1015
+Const dlgCalInsert = 1016
+Const dlgCalDelete = 1017
+Const dlgCalNewEvent = 1018
+Const dlgCalEvent = 1019
+Const dlgCalEventOnce = 1020
+Const dlgCalEventDay = 1021
+Const dlgCalEventMonth = 1022
+Const dlgCalEventYear = 1023
+&apos; Bitmap file is 1099
+Const dlgBitmapFile = 1099
+&apos; Names of states start at 1100
+Const dlgState = 1100
+&apos; Months start at 1200
+Const dlgMonth = 1200
+&apos; Abreviated months start 1225
+Const dlgShortMonth = 1225
+&apos; Messages start at 1300
+Const msgCalErrorTitle = 1300
+Const msgCalError = 1301
+Const msgCalRemoveTitle = 1302
+Const msgCalRemove = 1303
+&apos; Styles start at 1400
+Const stlWorkday = 1400
+Const stlWeekend = 1401
+&apos; Sheet names start at 1410
+Const nameCalYear = 1410
+Const nameCalMonth = 1411
+&apos; Misc. schedule data starts at 1500
+Const sProgess = 1500
+Sub LoadLanguage%(ByVal LangLocale)
+Dim Dummy$, i, Count%
+ If InitResources(&quot;Calendar-template&quot;, &quot;cal&quot;) Then
+ &apos; C o u n t r y s p p e c i f i c s e t t i n g s
+ &apos; ---------------------------------------------------
+ If LangLocale = cLANGUAGE_GERMAN Then
+ DlgBuffer.lblSpecBankholidays.Visible = True
+ DlgBuffer.cmbState.Visible = True
+ &apos; Load all states
+ BLNameList(1) = &quot;Bayern&quot;
+ BLNameList(2) = &quot;Baden-Württemberg&quot;
+ BLNameList(3) = &quot;Berlin&quot;
+ BLNameList(4) = &quot;Bremen&quot;
+ BLNameList(5) = &quot;Brandenburg&quot;
+ BLNameList(6) = &quot;Hamburg&quot;
+ BLNameList(7) = &quot;Hessen&quot;
+ BLNameList(8) = &quot;Mecklenburg-Vorpommern&quot;
+ BLNameList(9) = &quot;Niedersachsen&quot;
+ BLNameList(10) = &quot;Nordrhein-Westfalen&quot;
+ BLNameList(11) = &quot;Rheinland-Pfalz&quot;
+ BLNameList(12) = &quot;Saarland&quot;
+ BLNameList(13) = &quot;Sachsen&quot;
+ BLNameList(14) = &quot;Sachsen-Anhalt&quot;
+ BLNameList(15) = &quot;Schleswig Holstein&quot;
+ BLNameList(16) = &quot;Thüringen&quot;
+ Dim FirstItem as String
+ FirstItem = GetResText(dlgState)
+ DlgBuffer.cmbState.AddItem(FirstItem)
+ For i = 1 To Ubound(BLNameList())
+ DlgBuffer.cmbState.AddItem(BLNameList(i))
+ Next i
+ Else
+ DlgBuffer.lblSpecBankholidays.Visible = False
+ DlgBuffer.cmbState.Visible = False
+ End If
+ &apos; L o a d r e s o u r c e s t r i n g s
+ &apos; -----------------------------------------
+ &apos; Load dialog captions
+ sWizardTitle$ = GetResText(msgCalErrorTitle)
+ sError$ = GetResText(msgCalError)
+ cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntryTitle$ = GetResText(msgCalRemoveTitle)
+ cCalSubCmdDeleteSelect_DeleteSelEntry$ = GetResText(msgCalRemove)
+ cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_OwnData$ = GetResText(dlgCalTitleOwnData)
+ cCalSubcmdSwitchOwnDataOrGeneral_Back$ = GetResText(dlgCalTitleBack)
+ DlgBuffer.frmTime.Caption = GetResText(dlgTime)
+ DlgBuffer.lblYear.Caption = GetResText(dlgYear)
+ DlgBuffer.DlgCmdCancel.Caption = GetResText(dlgCancel)
+ DlgBuffer.DlgCmdOk.Caption = GetResText(dlgOK)
+ DlgBuffer.lblSpecBankholidays.Caption = GetResText(dlgSpecificBankholidays)
+ &apos; Load bitmap file
+ sBitmapFilename$ = GetResText(dlgBitmapFile)
+ &apos; Load calendar specific strings
+ DlgBuffer.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalTitle)
+ DlgBuffer.frmCalender.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalFrameOption)
+ DlgBuffer.optYear.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalOptionYear)
+ DlgBuffer.optMonth.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalOptionMonth)
+ DlgBuffer.lblMonth.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalMonth)
+ DlgBuffer.DlgCmdOwnData.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalOwnData)
+ DlgBuffer.frmNewEvent.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalNewEvent)
+ DlgBuffer.lblEvent.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalEvent)
+ DlgBuffer.lblEventDay.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalEventDay)
+ DlgBuffer.lblEventMonth.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalEventMonth)
+ DlgBuffer.lblEventYear.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalEventYear)
+ DlgBuffer.chkEventOnce.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalEventOnce)
+ DlgBuffer.cmdInsert.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalInsert)
+ DlgBuffer.cmdDelete.Caption = GetResText(dlgCalDelete)
+ &apos; Load long month names
+ For Count% = 0 To 11
+ cCalLongMonthNames$(Count%+1) = GetResText(dlgMonth+Count%)
+ cCalShortMonthNames$(Count%+1)= Left$(cCalLongMonthNames$(Count%+1), 3)
+ Next
+ &apos; Load sheet names
+ sCalendarTitle$ = GetResText(nameCalYear)
+ sMonthTitle$ = GetResText(nameCalMonth)
+ &apos; Load names of styles
+ cCalStyleWorkday$ = GetResText(stlWorkday)
+ cCalStyleWeekend$ = GetResText(stlWeekend)
+ End If
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba b/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e05a3cd5cd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/schedule/OwnEvents.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="OwnEvents" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Sub Main
+ Call CalAutopilotTable()
+End Sub
+Sub CalSaveOwnData()
+ &apos; Sichert die Daten, die im lbOwnData Control eingegeben wurden.
+ &apos; Die Datei heißt Date.Dat und wird ins Unterverzeichnis Konfiguration
+ &apos; des Office3 Verzeichnis geschrieben.
+ Dim FileName$
+ Dim FileChannel%, Count%
+ FileName$ = GetPathSettings(&quot;Config&quot;, False)+ GetPathSeparator() + &quot;DATE.DAT&quot;
+ &apos; Falls die Datei neu geschrieben wird, muß sie vorher gelöscht werden
+ If Dir$(FileName$) = &quot;DATE.DAT&quot; Then
+ kill(FileName$)
+ End If
+ FileChannel% = FreeFile()
+ Open FileName$ For OUTPUT Access WRITE LOCK WRITE As FileChannel%
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;==========================================================&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;Don&apos;t edit this file,&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;Don&apos;t edit this file!&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;----------------------------------------------------------&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;It is not allowed to edit this file! Don&apos;t edit this file!&quot;
+ Write #FileChannel%, &quot;==========================================================&quot;
+ For Count%=0 To DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.ListCount()-1
+ Write #FileChannel%, DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.List(Count%)
+ Next
+ Close #FileChannel%
+End Sub
+Sub CalLoadOwnData()
+ &apos; Lädt die Daten der persönlichen Ereignisse und
+ &apos; schreibt diese dann in das Control lbOwnData.
+ Dim FileName$, tempStr$
+ Dim FileChannel%, Count%
+ FileName$ = GetPathSettings(&quot;Config&quot;, False)+ GetPathSeparator() + &quot;DATE.DAT&quot;
+ If Dir(FileName$) = &quot;DATE.DAT&quot; Then
+ FileChannel% = FreeFile()
+ Open FileName$ For INPUT Access READ LOCK READ As FileChannel%
+ &apos; Kommentare werden eingelesen
+ For Count% = 1 To 6
+ Line Input #FileChannel%, tempStr$
+ Next
+ &apos; Einfügen nach Reihenfolge sortiert.
+ While (not eof(#FileChannel%))
+ Input #FileChannel%, tempStr$
+ DlgBuffer.lbOwnData.AddItem(tempStr$)
+ Wend
+ Close #FileChannel%
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function CalIsDataCorrect%()
+ &apos; Verifiziert die Eingaben der persönlichen Ereignisseite
+ &apos; und setzt, wenn ein Feld mit unsinnigen, oder fehlerhaften,
+ Dim sEvent$, sEvMonth$, sEvDay$, sEvYear$
+ Dim nEvMonth%
+ sEvent$ = txtEvent.Text
+ sEvMonth$ = txtOwnEventMonth.Text
+ sEvDay$ = txtOwnEventDay.Text
+ sEvYear$ = txtOwnEventYear.Text
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = True
+ If &quot;&quot; = sEvent$ Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtEvent)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If &quot;&quot; = sEvMonth$ Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventMonth)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If &quot;&quot; = sEvDay$ Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventDay)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ nEvMonth% = Val(sEvMonth$)
+ If 0 = nEvMonth% Then
+ nEvMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName%(sEvMonth$)
+ End If
+ If (nEvMonth% &lt; 1) Or (nEvMonth% &gt; 12) Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventMonth)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If chkEventOnce.Value And (sEvYear$ &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;) Then
+ If (Val(sEvYear$) &lt;= 1582) Or (Val(sEvYear$) &gt;= 9957) Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventMonth)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ If (Val (sEvDay$) &lt; 1) Or (Val (sEvDay$) &gt; CalMaxDayInMonth%(Val(sEvYear$), nEvMonth%)) Then
+ CalIsDataCorrect% = SetFocusToControl(txtOwnEventDay)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+End Function
+Function SetFocusToControl(oControl as Object)
+ Beep
+ oControl.SetFocus
+ SetFocusToControl = False
+End Function
+Function CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ &apos; Generiert aus den Eingabedaten der Ereignisseite
+ &apos; ein Datum im Dateserial Format,
+ Dim newDate&amp;, nMonth%
+ nMonth% = Val (txtOwnEventMonth.Text)
+ If 0 = nMonth% Then
+ nMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% (txtOwnEventMonth.Text)
+ End If
+ newDate&amp; = DateSerial(0, nMonth%, Val(txtOwnEventDay.Text))
+ If chkEventOnce.Value Then
+ newDate&amp; = DateSerial(Val(txtOwnEventYear.Text), Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ End If
+ CalCreateDateFromInput&amp; = newDate&amp;
+End Function
+Function CalCreateDateStrOfInput$()
+Dim DateStr$
+Dim nMonth%
+ If Not CalIsDataCorrect%() Then
+ CalCreateDateStrOfInput$ = &quot;&quot;
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ If Val(txtOwnEventDay.Text) &lt; 10 Then
+ DateStr$ = &quot; &quot;
+ End If
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + Trim(txtOwnEventDay.Text) + &quot;. &quot;
+ nMonth% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% (Trim(txtOwnEventMonth.Text))
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + cCalShortMonthNames$ (nMonth%)
+ If chkEventOnce.Value And txtOwnEventYear.Text &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + &quot; &quot; + Trim(txtOwnEventYear.Text)
+ Else
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + &quot; &quot;
+ End If
+ DateStr$ = DateStr$ + &quot; &quot; + Trim(txtEvent.Text)
+ CalCreateDateStrOfInput$ = DateStr$
+End Function
+Function CalGetDateWithoutYear&amp;(byval Pos%)
+ CalGetDateWithoutYear&amp; = DateSerial(0, CalGetMonthOfEvent(Pos%), CalGetDayOfEvent(Pos%))
+End Function
+Function CalExistDateInList%(byval newDate&amp;)
+ Dim Count%, lbActDate&amp;, lbActEvent$, Result%
+ Dim nEvYear%, nEvMonth%, nEvDay%
+ Result% = False
+ For Count%=0 To lbOwnData.ListCount()-1
+ nEvYear% = CalGetYearOfEvent(Count%)
+ nEvMonth% = CalGetMonthOfEvent(Count%)
+ nEvDay% = CalGetDayOfEvent(Count%)
+ lbActDate&amp; = DateSerial(nEvYear%, nEvMonth%, nEvDay%)
+ Result% = (lbactDate&amp; = newDate&amp;)
+ Next
+ CalExistDateInList% = Result%
+End Function
+Sub CalCmdInsertData()
+Dim DateStr$, newDate&amp;, Count%, Inserted%, Found%
+ Inserted% = False
+ DateStr$ = CalCreateDateStrOfInput$()
+ If DateStr$ = &quot;&quot; Then Exit Sub
+ &apos; Es ist noch garnichts vorhanden
+ If Not Inserted% And lbOwnData.ListCount()=0 Then
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ &apos; Doppeltes Datum
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ If ((False = Inserted%) And (True = CalExistDateInList (newDate))) Then
+ &apos; gleiche jahre(auch keine Jahre sind gleiche jahre)-&gt;alt löschen neu rein
+ Count% = 0
+ While (DateSerial(CalGetYearOfEvent(Count%), CalGetMonthOfEvent(Count%), CalGetDayOfEvent(Count%))&lt;&gt;DateSerial(Year(newDate&amp;), Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;)))
+ Count% = Count + 1
+ Wend
+ &apos; beide Jahre gleich (auch: kein datum gesetzt) -&gt; alt löschen neu rein
+ If ((CalGetYearOfEvent(Count%)=0 And Not chkEventOnce.Value) Or (chkEventOnce.Value And Val(txtOwnEventYear.Text)=CalGetYearOfEvent%(Count%))) Then
+ lbOwnData.RemoveItem(Count%)
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Es existiert ein Datum mit Jahreszahl. Es wird dasselbe Datum
+ &apos; ohne Angabe der Jahreszahl angegeben.
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ If Not Inserted% And Not chkEventOnce.Value Then
+ Dim temp&amp;
+ Count% = 0
+ While (Not Found%) And (Count% &lt; lbOwnData.ListCount())
+ temp&amp; = CalGetDateWithoutYear%(Count%)
+ If (temp&amp; = newDate&amp;) Then
+ Found% = True
+ Else
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ If Found% Then
+ If (CalGetYearOfEvent%(Count%)&lt;&gt;0) Then
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Das einzufügende Datum besitzt eine Jahreszahl, es gibt bereits
+ &apos; das Datum in der Liste, jedoch ohne Datum.
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ If Not Inserted% And chkEventOnce.Value Then
+ Found% = False
+ Count% = 0
+ While (Not Found%) And (Count% &lt; lbOwnData.ListCount)
+ If (CalGetDateWithoutYear(Count%) = newDate&amp;) Then
+ Found% = True
+ Else
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ End If
+ Wend
+ If Found% Then
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ End If
+ &apos; Das Datum ist noch nicht vorhanden.
+ newDate&amp; = CalCreateDateFromInput&amp;()
+ newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ &apos; newDate&amp; = Dateserial(0, Month(newDate&amp;), Day(newDate&amp;))
+ If (Inserted%=False And CalExistDateInList(newDate)=False) Then
+ Found% = False
+ Count% = 0
+ While (Count% &lt; lbOwnData.ListCount() And Found% = False)
+ If (newDate&amp; &gt; CalGetDateWithoutYear&amp;(Count%)) Then
+ Count% = Count% + 1
+ Else
+ Found% = True
+ End If
+ Wend
+ lbOwnData.AddItem(DateStr$, Count%)
+ Inserted% = True
+ End If
+ &apos; Flag zum Speichern der neuen Daten.
+ If Inserted% = True Then
+ CalOwnDataChanged% = True
+ End If
+ &apos; Nachdem die Daten übernommen worden sind, werden sie aus
+ &apos; der Eingabe gelöscht
+ Call CalClearInputMask()
+End Sub
+Sub CalUpdateNewEventFrame()
+ Dim bEnable as Boolean
+ Dim Result%, actPos%, Count%
+ Dim sSelData$
+ Result% = CalCountSelected%(DlgBuffer.lbOwnData, actPos%)
+ If Result% = 1 Then
+ &apos; Daten unten anzeigen
+ sSelData$ = lbOwnData.List (actPos%)
+ txtEvent.Text = Trim (Mid$ (sSelData$, 16))
+ txtOwnEventDay.Text = Trim (Left$ (sSelData$, 2))
+ txtOwnEventMonth.Text = Str$ (Mid$ (sSelData$, 5, 3))
+ bEnable = Val (Trim (Mid$ (sSelData$, 10, 4))) &gt; 0
+ If bEnable Then
+ txtOwnEventYear.Text = Trim (Mid$ (sSelData$, 10, 4))
+ Else
+ txtOwnEventYear.Text = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ chkEventOnce.Value = bEnable
+ lblEventYear.Enabled = bEnable
+ txtownEventYear.Enabled = bEnable
+ SpinOwnEventYear.Enabled = bEnable
+ Else
+ Call CalClearInputMask()
+ End If
+ cmdDelete.Enabled = (1 &lt;= Result%)
+End Sub
+Function CalGetYearOfEvent%(byval Pos%)
+ CalGetYearOfEvent% = Val(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(Pos%), 10, 4))
+End Function
+Function CalGetDayOfEvent%(byval Pos%)
+ CalGetDayOfEvent% = Val(Mid$(lbOwnData.List(Pos%), 1, 2))
+End Function
+Function CalGetMonthOfEvent%(byval Pos%)
+ &apos; Liefert den Monat eines Ereignisses aus dem
+ &apos; Control lbOwnData als Zahl.
+ Dim sMonth$
+ sMonth$ = Mid$ (lbOwnData.List(Pos%), 5, 3)
+ CalGetMonthOfEvent% = CalGetIntOfShortMonthName% (sMonth$)
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/template/Autotext.xba b/wizards/source/template/Autotext.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96037115d417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/template/Autotext.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Autotext" script:language="StarBasic">Public UserfieldDataType(14) as String
+Public oDocument as Object
+Public BulletList(7) as Integer
+Sub Main()
+ &apos; Initialization...
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ UserfieldDatatype(0) = &quot;COMPANY&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(1) = &quot;FIRSTNAME&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(2) = &quot;NAME&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(3) = &quot;SHORTCUT&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(4) = &quot;STREET&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(5) = &quot;COUNTRY&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(6) = &quot;ZIP&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(7) = &quot;CITY&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(8) = &quot;TITLE&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(9) = &quot;POSITION&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(10) = &quot;PHONE_PRIVATE&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(11) = &quot;PHONE_COMPANY&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(12) = &quot;FAX&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(13) = &quot;EMAIL&quot;
+ UserfieldDatatype(14) = &quot;STATE&quot;
+ BulletList(0) = 149
+ BulletList(1) = 34
+ BulletList(2) = 65
+ BulletList(3) = 61
+ BulletList(4) = 49
+ BulletList(5) = 47
+ BulletList(6) = 79
+ BulletList(7) = 58
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oStyles = oDocument.Stylefamilies.NumberingStyles
+ &apos; Prepare the Search-Descriptor
+ oSearchDesc = oDocument.createsearchDescriptor()
+ oSearchDesc.SearchRegularExpression = True
+ oSearchDesc.SearchWords = True
+ oSearchDesc.SearchString = &quot;&lt;[^&gt;]+&gt;&quot;
+ oFoundall = oDocument.FindAll(oSearchDesc)
+ &apos;Loop over the foundings
+ For i = 0 To oFoundAll.Count - 1
+ oFound = oFoundAll.GetByIndex(i)
+ sFoundString = oFound.String
+ &apos;Extract the string inside the brackets
+ sFoundContent = FindPartString(sFoundString,&quot;&lt;&quot;,&quot;&gt;&quot;,1)
+ sFoundContent = LTrim(sFoundContent)
+ &apos; Define the Cursor and place it on the founding
+ oCursor = oDocument.Text.CreateTextCursorbyRange(oFound)
+ &apos; Find out, which object is to be created...
+ FieldStringThere = Instr(1,sFoundContent,&quot;Field&quot;)
+ ULStringThere = Instr(1,sFoundContent,&quot;UL&quot;)
+ PHStringThere = Instr(1,sFoundContent,&quot;Placeholder&quot;)
+ If FieldStringThere = 1 Then
+ CreateUserDatafield(oCursor, sFoundContent)
+ ElseIf ULStringThere = 1 Then
+ CreateBullet(oCursor, oStyles)
+ ElseIf PHStringThere = 1 Then
+ CreatePlaceholder(oCursor, sFoundContent)
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+&apos; creates a User - datafield out of a string with the following structure
+&apos; &quot;&lt;field:Company&gt;&quot;
+Sub CreateUserDatafield(oCursor, sFoundContent as String)
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim sTextFieldNotDefined as String
+ oUserfield = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ sFoundList() = ArrayoutofString(sFoundContent,&quot;:&quot;,MaxIndex)
+ UserInfo = UCase(LTrim(sFoundList(1)))
+ UserIndex = IndexinArray(UserInfo, UserfieldDatatype())
+ If UserIndex &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ oUserField.UserDatatype = UserIndex
+ oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oUserField,True)
+ oUserField.IsFixed = True
+ Else
+ If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) Then
+ sTextFieldNotDefined = GetResText(1400)
+ Msgbox(UserInfo &amp;&quot;: &quot; &amp; sTextFieldNotDefined,16, GetProductName())
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Creates a Bullet by setting a soft Formatation on the first unsorted List-Templates with a defined
+&apos; Bullet Id
+Sub CreateBullet(oCursor, oStyles as Object)
+Dim n, m, s as Integer
+ StyleSet = False
+ For s = 0 To Ubound(BulletList())
+ For n = 0 To oStyles.Count - 1
+ ostyle = oStyles.getbyindex(n)
+ oStyleName = oStyle.Name
+ alevel() = ostyle.NumberingRules.getbyindex(0)
+ &apos; The properties of the style are stored in a Name-Value-Array()
+ For m = 0 to Ubound(alevel())
+ &apos; Set the first Numbering template without a bulletID
+ If (aLevel(m).Name = &quot;BulletId&quot;) Then
+ If alevel(m).Value = BulletList(s) Then
+ oCursor.NumberingStyle = oStyle.Name
+ oCursor.SetString(&quot;&quot;)
+ exit Sub
+ End if
+ End If
+ Next m
+ Next n
+ Next s
+ If Not StyleSet Then
+ &apos; The Template with the demanded BulletID is not available, so take the first style in the sequence
+ &apos; that has a defined Bullet ID
+ oCursor.NumberingStyleName = oStyles.GetByIndex(5).Name
+ oCursor.SetString(&quot;&quot;)
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Creates a placeholder out of a string with the following structure:
+Sub CreatePlaceholder(oCursor, sFoundContent as String)
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ oPlaceholder = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ sFoundList() = ArrayoutofString(sFoundContent, &quot;:&quot; &amp; chr(34),MaxIndex)
+ &apos; Delete The Double-quotes
+ oPlaceHolder.Hint = DeleteStr(sFoundList(1),chr(34))
+ oPlaceHolder.placeholder = DeleteStr(sFoundList(2),chr(34))
+ oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oPlaceholder,True)
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/template/Correspondence.xba b/wizards/source/template/Correspondence.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a8883efd03c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/template/Correspondence.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Correspondence" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public msgNoTextmark$, msgError$
+Public sAddressbook$
+Public Table
+Public sCompany$, sFirstName$, sLastName$, sStreet$, sPostalCode$, sCity$, sState$, sInitials$, sPosition$
+Public DialogExited
+Public oDocument, oText, oBookMarks, oBookMark, oBookMarkCursor, oBookText as Object
+Sub Main
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ TemplateDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;TemplateDialog&quot;)
+ DialogModel = TemplateDialog.Model
+ DialogModel.Step = 2
+ DialogModel.Optmerge.State = True
+ If LoadLanguageCorrespondence() Then
+ TemplateDialog.Execute
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function LoadLanguageCorrespondence() as Boolean
+Dim oDBAccess as Object
+Dim oAddressDialog as Object
+Dim oFields as Object
+ If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) Then
+ oDBAccess = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/AddressBook/&quot;)
+ sAddressbook = oDBAccess.DataSourceName
+ If sAddressbook = &quot;&quot; Then
+ oAddressDialog = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oAddressDialog.Execute
+ oDBAccess = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/AddressBook/&quot;)
+ sAddressbook = oDBAccess.DataSourceName
+ If sAddressbook = &quot;&quot; Then
+ LoadLanguageCorrespondence() = False
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ oFields = oDBAccess.GetByName(&quot;Fields&quot;)
+ Table = oDBAccess.GetByName(&quot;Command&quot;)
+ sCompany = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;Company&quot;)
+ sFirstName = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;FirstName&quot;)
+ sLastName = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;LastName&quot;)
+ sStreet = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;Street&quot;)
+ sPostalCode = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;Zip&quot;)
+ sCity = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;City&quot;)
+ sState = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;State&quot;)
+ sInitials = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;Code&quot;)
+ sPosition = GetFieldname(oFields, &quot;Position&quot;)
+ msgNoTextmark$ = GetResText(1303) &amp; Chr(13) &amp; Chr(10) &amp; GetResText(1301)
+ msgError$ = GetResText(1302)
+ DialogModel.Title = GetResText(1303)
+ DialogModel.CmdCancel.Label = GetResText(1102)
+ DialogModel.CmdCorrGoOn.Label = GetResText(1103)
+ DialogModel.OptSingle.Label = GetResText(1303 + 1)
+ DialogModel.Optmerge.Label = GetResText(1303 + 2)
+ LoadLanguageCorrespondence() = True
+ Else
+&apos; Todo: Meldung, was Passiert wenn Datenbank nicht angelegt werden konnte
+ LoadLanguageCorrespondence() = False
+ End If
+End Function
+Function GetFieldName(oFieldKnot as Object, GeneralFieldName as String)
+ If oFieldKnot.HasbyName(GeneralFieldName) Then
+ GetFieldName = oFieldKnot.GetbyName(GeneralFieldName).FieldName
+ Else
+ GetFieldName = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub OK
+Dim ParaBreak
+Dim sDocLang as String
+Dim bMerge as Boolean
+ bMerge = DialogModel.Optmerge.State
+&apos; Todo: das muss wieder rein!
+ DialogTemplate.EndExecute()
+ DialogExited = TRUE
+ If bMerge Then
+ ParaBreak =
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oBookmarks = oDocument.Bookmarks
+ oText = oDocument.Text
+ If oBookmarks.HasbyName(&quot;Recipient&quot;)Then
+ oBookMark = oDocument.BookMarks.GetbyName(&quot;Recipient&quot;)
+ Else
+ MsgBox msgNoTextmark, 16, msgError
+ Exit Sub
+ End If
+ oBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
+ OBookText = oBookMarkCursor.Text
+ sDocLang = oDocument.CharLocale.Language
+ Select Case sDocLang
+ Case &quot;nl&quot;
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCompany)
+ oBookMarkCursor.Text.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot;T.a.v. &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sFirstName)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sLastName)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sStreet)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sPostalCode)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCity)
+ Case &quot;en&quot;
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCompany)
+ oBookMarkCursor.Text.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sFirstName)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sLastName)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sStreet)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCity)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot;, &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sState)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sPostalCode)
+ Case &quot;sv&quot;
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCompany)
+ oBookMarkCursor.Text.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sFirstName)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sLastName)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sStreet)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sPostalCode)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCity)
+ Case &quot;ru&quot;
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sPosition)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCompany)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sLastName)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sInitials)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sPostalCode)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot;, &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCity)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sStreet)
+ Case Else
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCompany)
+ oBookMarkCursor.Text.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sFirstName)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sLastName)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sStreet)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ oBookText.insertControlCharacter(oBookMarkCursor, ParaBreak, False)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sPostalCode)
+ InsertBookMarkString(&quot; &quot;)
+ InsertDBField(sAddressbook, Table, sCity)
+ End Select
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub InsertDBField(sDBName as String, sTableName as String, sColName as String)
+Dim oFieldMaster, oField as Object
+ If sColname &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oFieldMaster = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oField = oDocument.createInstance(&quot;;)
+ oFieldMaster.DataBaseName = sDBName
+ oFieldMaster.DataBaseName = sDBName
+ oFieldMaster.DataTableName = sTableName
+ oFieldMaster.DataColumnName = sColName
+ oField.AttachTextfieldmaster (oFieldMaster)
+ oBookText.InsertTextContent(oBookMarkCursor, oField, True)
+ oField.Content = &quot;&lt;&quot; &amp; sColName &amp; &quot;&gt;&quot;
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub InsertBookmarkString(sBookmarkString as String)
+ oBookText.InsertString(oBookMarkCursor, sBookmarkString, True)
+ oBookMarkCursor.CollapseToEnd()
+End Sub
+Sub LoadLibrary(sLibname as String)
+Dim oArg(0) as new
+Dim oUrl as new
+Dim oTrans as Object
+Dim oDisp as Object
+ oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+ oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
+ oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/template/DialogStyles.xdl b/wizards/source/template/DialogStyles.xdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..84b22e8027ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/template/DialogStyles.xdl
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" dlg:id="DialogStyles" dlg:left="170" dlg:top="93" dlg:width="120" dlg:height="169">
+ <dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:style dlg:style-id="0"/>
+ </dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:bulletinboard>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdCancel" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="150" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="cmdCancel">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.Samples.RestoreCurrentStyles"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="cmdOk" dlg:left="65" dlg:top="150" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="12" dlg:value="cmdOk">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.Samples.CloseStyleDialog"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:menulist dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="lbStyles" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="5" dlg:width="110" dlg:height="133">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.Samples.SelectStyle"/>
+ </dlg:menulist>
+ </dlg:bulletinboard>
+</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/template/ModuleAgenda.xba b/wizards/source/template/ModuleAgenda.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8291940012f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/template/ModuleAgenda.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ModuleAgenda" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; All variables must be declared before use
+Option Explicit
+&apos; Used for &quot;disabling&quot; the cancel button of the dialog
+Public DialogExited As Boolean
+Dim DlgAgenda_gMyName as String
+&apos;Dim DlgAgenda_gMsgNoCancel$
+Public TemplateDialog as Object
+Public DialogModel as Object
+Public sTrueContent as String
+Public Bookmarkname as String
+Sub Initialize()
+&apos; User sets the type of minutes
+ LoadLibrary( &quot;Tools&quot; )
+ TemplateDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;TemplateDialog&quot;)
+ DialogModel = TemplateDialog.Model
+ DialogModel.Step = 1
+ LoadLanguageAgenda()
+ DialogModel.OptAgenda2.State = TRUE
+ DialogExited = FALSE
+ TemplateDialog.Execute
+End Sub
+Sub LoadLanguageAgenda()
+ If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) Then
+ DlgAgenda_gMyName = GetResText(1200)
+ DialogModel.CmdCancel.Label = GetResText(1102)
+ DialogModel.CmdAgdGoon.Label = GetResText(1103)
+&apos; DlgAgenda_gMsgNoCancel$ = GetResText(1201)
+ DialogModel.FrmAgenda.Label = GetResText(1202)
+ DialogModel.OptAgenda1.Label = GetResText(1203)
+ DialogModel.OptAgenda2.Label = GetResText(1204)
+&apos; DialogModel.OptAgenda1.State = 1
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ModifyTemplate()
+Dim oDocument, oBookmarks, oBookmark, oBookmarkCursor, oTextField as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oBookMarks = oDocument.Bookmarks
+ On Local Error Goto NOBOOKMARK
+&apos; Todo: auch beim Schließen des Dialogs muss was passieren
+ TemplateDialog.EndExecute
+ DialogExited = TRUE
+ oBookmarkCursor = CreateBookmarkCursor(oDocument, BookmarkName)
+ oBookmarkCursor.Text.insertString(oBookmarkCursor,&quot;&quot;,True)
+ &apos; Delete all the Bookmarks except for the one named &quot;NextTopic&quot;
+ For i = oBookmarks.Count-1 To 0 Step -1
+ oBookMark = oBookMarks.GetByIndex(i)
+ If oBookMark.Name &lt;&gt; &quot;NextTopic&quot; Then
+ oBookMark.Dispose()
+ End If
+ Next i
+ oBookMarkCursor = CreateBookmarkCursor(oDocument, &quot;NextTopic&quot;)
+ If Not IsNull(oBookMarkCursor) Then
+ oTextField = oBookMarkCursor.TextField
+&apos; Todo: Was ist mit der Property &apos;TrueContent&apos; geschehen?
+&apos; oTextField.TrueContent = sTrueContent
+ oTextField.Content = sTrueContent
+ End If
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Attention This Sub is also called from the correspondence stuff
+Sub DisposeDocument
+ TemplateDialog.EndExecute
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oDocument.Dispose
+End Sub
+Sub NewTopic
+&apos; Add a new topic to the agenda
+Dim oDocument, oBookmarks, oBookmark, oBookmarkCursor, oTextField as Object
+Dim oBaustein, oAutoText, oAutoGroup as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oBookMarkCursor = CreateBookMarkCursor(oDocument, &quot;NextTopic&quot;)
+ oTextField = oBookMarkCursor.TextField
+ oAutoText = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ If oAutoText.HasbyName(&quot;template&quot;) Then
+ oAutoGroup = oAutoText.GetbyName(&quot;template&quot;)
+ If oAutoGroup.HasbyName(oTextField.Content) Then
+ oBaustein = oAutoGroup.GetbyName(oTextField.Content)
+ oBaustein.ApplyTo(oBookMarkCursor)
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;AutoText &apos;&quot; &amp; oTextField.Content &amp; &quot;&apos; is not existing. Cannot insert additional topic!&quot;)
+ End If
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;AutoGroupField template is not existing. Cannot insert additional topic!&quot;, 16, DlgAgenda_gMyName )
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Add initials, date and time at bottom of agenda, disable and hide command buttons
+Sub FinishAgenda
+Dim BtnAddAgendaTopic As Object
+Dim BtnFinishAgenda As Object
+Dim oUserField, oDateTimeField as Object
+Dim oBookmarkCursor as Object
+Dim oFormats, oLocale as Object
+Dim iDateTimeKey as Integer
+ LoadLibrary( &quot;Tools&quot; )
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oUserField = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ oUserField.UserDatatype =
+ oDateTimeField = oDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ &apos; Assign Standardformat to Datetime-Textfield
+ oFormats = oDocument.Numberformats
+ oLocale = oDocument.CharLocale
+ iDateTimeKey = oFormats.GetStandardFormat(,oLocale)
+ oDateTimeField.NumberFormat = iDateTimeKey
+ oBookmarkCursor = CreateBookmarkCursor(oDocument, &quot;NextTopic&quot;)
+ oBookmarkCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oBookmarkCursor,oUserField,False)
+ oBookmarkCursor.Text.InsertString(oBookmarkCursor,&quot; &quot;,False)
+ oBookmarkCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oBookmarkCursor,oDateTimeField,False)
+ BtnAddAgendaTopic = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnAddAgendaTopic&quot;)
+ BtnFinishAgenda = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnFinishAgenda&quot;)
+ If Not IsNull(BtnAddAgendaTopic) Then BtnAddAgendaTopic.Enabled = FALSE
+ If Not IsNull(BtnFinishAgenda) Then BtnFinishAgenda.Enabled = FALSE
+End Sub
+Function CreateBookMarkCursor(oDocument as Object,sBookmarkName as String)
+ oBookMarks = oDocument.Bookmarks
+ If oBookmarks.HasbyName(sBookmarkName) Then
+ oBookMark = oBookMarks.GetbyName(sBookmarkName)
+ CreateBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
+ Else
+ Msgbox &quot;Bookmark &quot; &amp; sBookmarkName &amp; &quot; is not defined!&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub DeleteButtons
+Dim AgendaFinished As Boolean
+Dim BtnAddAgendaTopic As Object
+Dim BtnFinishAgenda As Object
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ BtnAddAgendaTopic = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnAddAgendaTopic&quot;)
+ BtnFinishAgenda = getControlModel(oDocument, &quot;BtnFinishAgenda&quot;)
+ &apos; If buttons could be accessed: If at least one button is disabled, then agenda is finished
+ AgendaFinished = FALSE
+ If Not IsNull(BtnAddAgendaTopic) Then
+ AgendaFinished = (AgendaFinished Or (BtnAddAgendaTopic.Enabled = FALSE))
+ End If
+ If Not IsNull(BtnFinishAgenda) Then
+ AgendaFinished = (AgendaFinished Or (BtnFinishAgenda.Enabled = FALSE))
+ End If
+ &apos; Delete Buttons, empty rows at end of document &amp; macro bindings if agenda is finished
+ If AgendaFinished Then
+ DisposeControl(oDocument, &quot;BtnAddAgendaTopic&quot;)
+ DisposeControl(oDocument, &quot;BtnFinishAgenda&quot;)
+ oBookmarkCursor = CreateBookMarkCursor(oDocument,&quot;NextTopic&quot;)
+ oBookMarkCursor.GotoEnd(True)
+ oBookmarkCursor.Text.insertString(oBookmarkCursor,&quot;&quot;,True)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnNew&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSave&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSaveAs&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnPrint&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub GetOptionValues(aEvent as Object)
+Dim CurTag as String
+Dim Taglist() as String
+ CurTag = aEvent.Source.Model.Tag
+ Taglist() = ArrayoutOfString(CurTag, &quot;;&quot;)
+ Bookmarkname = TagList(0)
+ sTrueContent = TagList(1)
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/template/Samples.xba b/wizards/source/template/Samples.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d02e2da42018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/template/Samples.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Samples" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Const SAMPLES = 1000
+Const STYLES = 1100
+Const aTempFileName = &quot;Berend_Ilko_Peter_Tom.vor&quot;
+Public Const Twip = 425
+Dim oUcbObject as Object
+Public StylesDir as String
+Public StylesDialog as Object
+Public PathSeparator as String
+Public oFamilies as Object
+Public aOptions(0) as New
+Public sQueryPath as String
+Public NoArgs()as New
+Public aTempURL as String
+Public Files(100) as String
+&apos;Miscellaneous Section starts here
+Function PrepareForEditing(Optional ByVal oDocument)
+&apos;This sub is called when sample documents are loaded (load event).
+&apos;It checks whether the documents is read-only, in which case it
+&apos;offers the user to create a new (writable) document using the original
+&apos;as a template.
+Dim DocPath as String
+Dim MMessage as String
+Dim MTitle as String
+Dim RValue as Integer
+Dim oNewDocument as Object
+Dim mFileProperties(0) as New
+ PrepareForEditing = NULL
+ LoadLibrary( &quot;Tools&quot; )
+ If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) then
+ If IsMissing(oDocument) Then
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ End If
+ If oDocument.IsReadOnly then
+ MMessage = GetResText(SAMPLES)
+ MTitle = GetResText(SAMPLES + 1)
+ RValue = Msgbox(MMessage, (128+48+1), MTitle)
+ If RValue = 1 Then
+ DocPath = oDocument.URL
+ mFileProperties(0).Name = &quot;AsTemplate&quot;
+ mFileProperties(0).Value = True
+ oNewDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(DocPath,&quot;_blank&quot;,0, mFileProperties())
+ PrepareForEditing() = oNewDocument
+&apos; If IsFatOffice() Then
+ &apos; If opened within a FatOffice Environment close doc.
+ &apos; Note: Due to a bug in Web office it is not possible to close the doc there
+ oDocument.Dispose()
+ &apos; End If
+ Else
+ PrepareForEditing() = NULL
+ End If
+ Else
+ PrepareForEditing() = oDocument
+ End If
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos;Calc Style Section starts here
+Sub ShowStyles
+&apos;This sub displays the style selection dialog if the current document is a calc document.
+Dim TemplateDir, ActFileTitle, DisplayDummy as String
+Dim sFilterName(0) as String
+Dim StyleNames() as String
+Dim t as Integer
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;Tools&quot;)
+ If InitResources(&quot;&apos;Template&apos;&quot;, &quot;tpl&quot;) then
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ If oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
+ ToggleWindow(False)
+ oUcbObject = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oFamilies = oDocument.StyleFamilies
+ SaveCurrentStyles(oDocument)
+ StylesDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;DialogStyles&quot;)
+ DialogModel = StylesDialog.Model
+ TemplateDir = GetPathSettings(&quot;Template&quot;, False, 0)
+ StylesDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/styles/&quot;)
+ sQueryPath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/bitmap/&quot;)
+ DialogModel.Title = GetResText(STYLES)
+ DialogModel.cmdCancel.Label = GetResText(STYLES+2)
+ DialogModel.cmdOk.Label = GetResText(STYLES+3)
+ Stylenames() = ReadDirectories(StylesDir, False, False, True,)
+ MaxIndex = Val(StyleNames(0,0))-1
+ Dim cStyles(MaxIndex)
+ For t = 0 to MaxIndex
+ Files(t) = StyleNames(t+1,0)
+ cStyles(t) = StyleNames(t+1,1)
+ Next t
+ On Local Error Resume Next
+ DialogModel.lbStyles.StringItemList() = cStyles()
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ StylesDialog.Execute
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SelectStyle
+&apos;This sub loads the specific styles from a style document and loads them into the
+&apos;current document.
+Dim StylePath as String
+Dim NewStyle as String
+Dim Position as Integer
+ Position = DialogModel.lbStyles.SelectedItems(0)
+ If Position &gt; -1 Then
+ ToggleWindow(False)
+ StylePath = Files(Position)
+ aOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
+ aOptions(0).Value = true
+ oFamilies.loadStylesFromURL(StylePath, aOptions())
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SaveCurrentStyles(oDocument as Object)
+&apos;This sub stores the current document in the user work directory
+ On Error Goto ErrorOcurred
+ aTempURL = GetPathSettings(&quot;Work&quot;, False)
+ aTempURL = aTempURL &amp; &quot;/&quot; &amp; aTempFileName
+ While FileExists(aTempURL)
+ aTempURL=Left(aTempURL,(Len(aTempURL)-4)) &amp; &quot;_1.vor&quot;
+ Wend
+ oDocument.storeToURL(aTempURL, NoArgs())
+ Exit Sub
+ MsgBox(GetResText( STYLES+1 ), 16, GetResText( STYLES ))
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+End Sub
+Sub RestoreCurrentStyles
+&apos;This sub retrieves the styles from the temporarily save document
+ ToggleWindow(False)
+ On Local Error Goto NoFile
+ If FileExists(aTempURL) Then
+ aOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
+ aOptions(0).Value = true
+ oFamilies.LoadStylesFromURL(aTempURL, aOptions())
+ KillTempFile()
+ End If
+ StylesDialog.EndExecute
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;Cannot load Document from &quot; &amp; aTempUrl, 64, GetProductname())
+ End If
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+End Sub
+Sub CloseStyleDialog
+ KillTempFile()
+ DialogExited = True
+ StylesDialog.Endexecute
+End Sub
+&apos; Todo:Diese Prozedur an das Dialog-Schließen Ereignis ranhängen
+Sub KillTempFile()
+ If oUcbObject.Exists(aTempUrl) Then
+ oUcbObject.Kill(aTempUrl)
+ End If
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/template/TemplateDialog.xdl b/wizards/source/template/TemplateDialog.xdl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b7d95a81a087
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/template/TemplateDialog.xdl
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<dlg:window xmlns:dlg="" dlg:id="TemplateDialog" dlg:left="170" dlg:top="93" dlg:width="160" dlg:height="62" dlg:page="1">
+ <dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:style dlg:style-id="0"/>
+ </dlg:styles>
+ <dlg:bulletinboard>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="FrmAgenda" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="5" dlg:width="85" dlg:height="47" dlg:page="1">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="FrmAgenda"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="OptAgenda1" dlg:left="11" dlg:top="16" dlg:width="74" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:tag="TOP2;PT1" dlg:value="OptAgenda1">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.ModuleAgenda.GetOptionValues"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="OptAgenda2" dlg:left="11" dlg:top="33" dlg:width="73" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="1" dlg:tag="TOP1;PT2" dlg:value="OptAgenda2">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="itemStateChanged" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.ModuleAgenda.GetOptionValues"/>
+ </dlg:radio>
+ </dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="CmdCorrGoOn" dlg:left="100" dlg:top="16" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:page="2" dlg:value="CmdCorrGoOn">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.Correspondence.OK"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="OptSingle" dlg:left="11" dlg:top="16" dlg:width="74" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="2" dlg:value="OptSingle"/>
+ <dlg:radio dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="Optmerge" dlg:left="11" dlg:top="33" dlg:width="73" dlg:height="14" dlg:page="2" dlg:value="Optmerge"/>
+ </dlg:radiogroup>
+ <dlg:titledbox dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="FrmCorr" dlg:left="5" dlg:top="5" dlg:width="85" dlg:height="47" dlg:page="2">
+ <dlg:title dlg:value="FrmCorr"/>
+ </dlg:titledbox>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="CmdAgdGoon" dlg:left="100" dlg:top="16" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:page="1" dlg:value="CmdAgdGoOn">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.ModuleAgenda.ModifyTemplate"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ <dlg:button dlg:style-id="0" dlg:id="CmdCancel" dlg:left="100" dlg:top="33" dlg:width="50" dlg:height="13" dlg:value="CmdCancel">
+ <dlg:event dlg:listener-type="" dlg:event-method="actionPerformed" dlg:script-type="StarBasic" dlg:script-code="Template.ModuleAgenda.DisposeDocument"/>
+ </dlg:button>
+ </dlg:bulletinboard>
+</dlg:window> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tools/Listbox.xba b/wizards/source/tools/Listbox.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..af6991888f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/tools/Listbox.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Listbox" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Dim OriginalList()
+Dim oDialogModel as Object
+Sub InitializeListboxProcedures(oModel as Object, SourceListbox as Object)
+ Set oDialogModel = oModel
+ OriginalList()= SourceListbox.StringItemList()
+End Sub
+Sub CopyListboxItems(SourceListbox as Object, TargetListbox As Object)
+Dim NullArray()
+ TargetListbox.StringItemList() = OriginalList()
+ SourceListbox.StringItemList() = NullArray()
+End Sub
+Sub FormMoveSelected(aEvent as Object)
+ Call MoveSelectedListBox(oDialogModel.lstFields, oDialogModel.lstSelFields)
+ Call FormSetMoveRights()
+End Sub
+Sub FormMoveAll()
+ Call CopyListboxItems(oDialogModel.lstFields, oDialogModel.lstSelFields)
+ Call FormSetMoveRights()
+&apos; CmdNext.SetFocus
+End Sub
+Sub FormRemoveSelected()
+ Call MoveOrderedSelectedListbox(oDialogModel.lstFields, oDialogModel.lstSelFields, False)
+ Call FormSetMoveRights()
+End Sub
+Sub FormRemoveAll()
+ Call MoveOrderedSelectedListbox(oDialogModel.lstFields, oDialogModel.lstSelFields, True)
+ Call FormSetMoveRights()
+End Sub
+Sub MoveSelectedListBox(SourceListbox as Object, TargetListbox as Object)
+Dim MaxCurTarget as Integer
+Dim MaxSourceSelected as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim CurIndex
+Dim iOldTargetSelect as Integer
+Dim iOldSourceSelect as Integer
+ MaxCurTarget = Ubound(TargetListbox.StringItemList())
+ MaxSourceSelected = Ubound(SourceListbox.SelectedItems())
+ Dim TargetList(MaxCurTarget+MaxSourceSelected+1)
+ If MaxSourceSelected &gt; -1 Then
+ iOldSourceSelect = SourceListbox.SelectedItems(0)
+ If Ubound(TargetListbox.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1 Then
+ iOldTargetSelect = TargetListbox.SelectedItems(0)
+ Else
+ iOldTargetSelect = -1
+ End If
+ For n = 0 To MaxCurTarget
+ TargetList(n) = TargetListbox.StringItemList(n)
+ Next n
+ For m = 0 To MaxSourceSelected
+ CurIndex = SourceListbox.SelectedItems(m)
+ TargetList(n) = SourceListbox.StringItemList(CurIndex)
+ n = n + 1
+ Next m
+ TargetListBox.StringItemList() = TargetList()
+ SourceListbox.StringItemList() = RemoveSelected (SourceListbox)
+ SetNewSelection(SourceListbox, iOldSourceSelect)
+ SetNewSelection(TargetListbox, iOldTargetSelect)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub MoveOrderedSelectedListbox(lstSource as Object, lstTarget as Object, bMoveAll as Boolean)
+Dim NullArray()
+Dim MaxSelected as Integer
+Dim MaxSourceIndex as Integer
+Dim MaxOriginalIndex as Integer
+Dim MaxNewIndex as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim CurIndex as Integer
+Dim SearchString as String
+Dim SourceList() as String
+Dim iOldTargetSelect as Integer
+Dim iOldSourceSelect as Integer
+ If bMoveAll Then
+ lstSource.StringItemList() = OriginalList()
+ lstTarget.StringItemList() = NullArray()
+ Else
+ MaxOriginalIndex = Ubound(OriginalList())
+ MaxSelected = Ubound(lstTarget.SelectedItems())
+ iOldTargetSelect = lstTarget.SelectedItems(0)
+ If Ubound(lstSource.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1 Then
+ iOldSourceSelect = lstSource.SelectedItems(0)
+ End If
+ Dim SelList(MaxSelected)
+ For n = 0 To MaxSelected
+ CurIndex = lstTarget.SelectedItems(n)
+ SelList(n) = lstTarget.StringItemList(CurIndex)
+ Next n
+ SourceList() = lstSource.StringItemList()
+ MaxSourceIndex = Ubound(lstSource.StringItemList())
+ MaxNewIndex = MaxSelected + MaxSourceIndex + 1
+ Dim NewSourceList(MaxNewIndex)
+ m = 0
+ For n = 0 To MaxOriginalIndex
+ SearchString = OriginalList(n)
+ If IndexinArray(SearchString, SelList()) &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ NewSourceList(m) = SearchString
+ m = m + 1
+ ElseIf IndexinArray(SearchString, SourceList()) &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ NewSourceList(m) = SearchString
+ m = m + 1
+ End If
+ Next n
+ lstSource.StringItemList() = NewSourceList()
+ lstTarget.StringItemList() = RemoveSelected(lstTarget)
+ End If
+&apos; Todo: Hier weitermachen:
+ SetNewSelection(lstSource, iOldSourceSelect)
+ SetNewSelection(lstTarget, iOldTargetSelect)
+End Sub
+Function RemoveSelected(oListbox as Object)
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim MaxSelected as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim CurIndex as Integer
+Dim CurItem as String
+Dim ResultArray()
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(oListbox.StringItemList())
+ MaxSelected = Ubound(oListbox.SelectedItems())
+ Dim LocItemList(MaxIndex)
+ LocItemList() = oListbox.StringItemList()
+ If MaxSelected &gt; -1 Then
+ For n = 0 To MaxSelected
+ CurIndex = oListbox.SelectedItems(n)
+ LocItemList(CurIndex) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next n
+ If MaxIndex &gt; 0 Then
+ ReDim ResultArray(MaxIndex - MaxSelected - 1)
+ m = 0
+ For n = 0 To MaxIndex
+ CurItem = LocItemList(n)
+ If CurItem &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ ResultArray(m) = CurItem
+ m = m + 1
+ End If
+ Next n
+ End If
+ RemoveSelected = ResultArray()
+ Else
+ RemoveSelected = oListbox.StringItemList()
+ End If
+End Function
+Sub SetNewSelection(oListBox as Object, iLastSelection as Integer)
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim SelIndex as Integer
+Dim SelList(0) as Integer
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(oListBox.StringItemList())
+ If MaxIndex &gt; -1 AND iLastSelection &gt; -1 Then
+ If iLastSelection &gt; MaxIndex Then
+ Selindex = MaxIndex
+ Else
+ SelIndex = iLastSelection
+ End If
+ Sellist(0) = SelIndex
+ oListBox.SelectedItems() = SelList()
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleListboxControls(oDialogModel as Object, bDoEnable as Boolean)
+ oDialogModel.lblFields.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.lblSelFields.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.lstTables.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.lstFields.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.lstSelFields.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdRemoveAll.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdRemoveSelected.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdMoveAll.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ oDialogModel.cmdMoveSelected.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ If bDoEnable Then
+ FormSetMoveRights()
+ End If
+End Sub
+&apos; Enable or disable the buttons used for moving the available
+&apos; fields between the two list boxes.
+Sub FormSetMoveRights()
+Dim bIsFieldSelected as Boolean
+Dim bSelectSelected as Boolean
+Dim FieldCount as Integer
+Dim SelectCount as Integer
+ bIsFieldSelected = Ubound(oDialogModel.lstFields.SelectedItems()) &lt;&gt; -1
+ FieldCount = Ubound(oDialogModel.lstFields.StringItemList()) + 1
+ bSelectSelected = Ubound(oDialogModel.lstSelFields.SelectedItems()) &gt; -1
+ SelectCount = Ubound(oDialogModel.lstSelFields.StringItemList()) + 1
+ oDialogModel.cmdRemoveAll.Enabled = SelectCount&gt;=1
+ oDialogModel.cmdRemoveSelected.Enabled = bSelectSelected
+ oDialogModel.cmdMoveAll.Enabled = FieldCount &gt;=1
+ oDialogModel.cmdMoveSelected.Enabled = bIsFieldSelected
+ oDialogModel.cmdGoOn.Enabled = SelectCount&gt;=1
+End Sub
+Function AddSingleItemToListbox(ByVal oListbox as Object, ListItem as String, Optional iSelIndex) as Object
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(oListbox.StringItemList())
+Dim LocList(MaxIndex + 1)
+&apos; Todo: This goes faster with the Redim LocList(MaxIndex + 1) Preserve function
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ LocList(i) = oListbox.StringItemList(i)
+ Next i
+ LocList(MaxIndex + 1) = ListItem
+ oListbox.StringItemList() = LocList()
+ If Not IsMissing(iSelIndex) Then
+ SelectListboxItem(oListbox, iSelIndex)
+ End If
+ AddSingleItemToListbox() = oListbox
+End Function
+Sub EmptyListbox(oListbox as Object)
+Dim NullList() as String
+ oListbox.StringItemList() = NullList()
+End Sub
+Sub SelectListboxItem(oListbox as Object, iSelIndex as Integer)
+Dim LocSelList(0) as Integer
+ LocSelList(0) = iSelIndex
+ oListbox.SelectedItems() = LocSelList()
+End Sub
+Function GetSelectedListboxItems(oListbox as Object)
+Dim SelList() as String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim CurIndex as Integer
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(oListbox.SelectedItems())
+ CurIndex = oListbox.SelectedItems(i)
+ SelList(i) = oListbox.StringItemList(CurIndex)
+ Next i
+ GetSelectedListboxItems() = SelList()
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba b/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..037d45c5a7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/tools/Misc.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Misc" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
+Const SBSHARE = 0
+Const SBUSER = 1
+Dim Taskindex as Integer
+Dim oResSrv as Object
+&apos; Connects to a registered Database
+Function ConnecttoDatabase(DBName as String, UserID as String, Password as String )
+Dim oDBContext as Object
+Dim oDBSource as Object
+ oDBContext = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ If oDBContext.HasbyName(DBName) Then
+ oDBSource = oDBContext.GetByName(DBName)
+ ConnectToDatabase = oDBSource.GetConnection(UserID, Password)
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;DataSource &quot; &amp; DBName &amp; &quot; is not registered&quot; , 16, GetProductname)
+ ConnectToDatabase() = NULL
+ End If
+End Function
+Function GetStarOfficeLocale() as New
+Dim aLocLocale As New
+Dim sLocale as String
+Dim sLocaleList()
+Dim oMasterKey
+ oMasterKey = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.UserProfile/International/&quot;)
+ sLocale = oMasterKey.getByName(&quot;Locale&quot;)
+ sLocaleList() = ArrayoutofString(sLocale, &quot;-&quot;)
+ aLocLocale.Language = sLocaleList(0)
+ aLocLocale.Country = sLocaleList(1)
+ GetStarOfficeLocale() = aLocLocale
+End Function
+Function GetRegistryKeyContent(sKeyName as string)
+Dim oConfigProvider as Object
+Dim aNodePath(0) as new
+ oConfigProvider = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ aNodePath(0).Name = &quot;nodepath&quot;
+ aNodePath(0).Value = sKeyName
+ GetRegistryKeyContent = oConfigProvider.createInstanceWithArguments(&quot;;, aNodePath())
+End Function
+Function GetProductname() as String
+Dim oProdNameAccess as Object
+Dim sVersion as String
+Dim sProdName as String
+ oProdNameAccess = GetRegistryKeyContent(&quot;org.openoffice.Setup/Product&quot;)
+ sProdName = oProdNameAccess.getByName(&quot;Name&quot;)
+ sVersion = oProdNameAccess.getByName(&quot;Version&quot;)
+ GetProductName = sProdName &amp; &quot;.&quot; &amp; sVersion
+End Function
+&apos; Opens a Document, checks beforehand, wether it has to be loaded
+&apos; or wether it is already on the desktop
+Function OpenDocument(DocPath as String, Args())
+Dim oComponents as Object
+Dim oComponent as Object
+ &apos; Search if one of the active Components ist the one that you search for
+ oComponents = StarDesktop.Components.CreateEnumeration
+ While oComponents.HasmoreElements
+ oComponent = oComponents.NextElement
+ If hasUnoInterfaces(oComponent,&quot;;) then
+ If UCase(oComponent.URL) = UCase(DocPath) then
+ OpenDocument() = oComponent
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ OpenDocument() = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(DocPath,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,Args())
+End Function
+Function TaskonDesktop(DocPath as String) as Boolean
+Dim oComponents as Object
+Dim oComponent as Object
+ &apos; Search if one of the active Components ist the one that you search for
+ oComponents = StarDesktop.Components.CreateEnumeration
+ While oComponents.HasmoreElements
+ oComponent = oComponents.NextElement
+ If hasUnoInterfaces(oComponent,&quot;;) then
+ If UCase(oComponent.URL) = UCase(DocPath) then
+ TaskonDesktop = True
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ Wend
+ TaskonDesktop = False
+End Function
+&apos; Retrieves a FileName out of a StarOffice-Document
+Function RetrieveFileName(LocDoc as Object)
+Dim LocURL as String
+Dim LocURLArray() as String
+Dim MaxArrIndex as integer
+ LocURL = LocDoc.Url
+ LocURLArray() = ArrayoutofString(LocURL,&quot;/&quot;,MaxArrIndex)
+ RetrieveFileName = LocURLArray(MaxArrIndex)
+End Function
+&apos; clears up a Listbox and refills it with the delivered Array &apos;ValList()&apos;
+Sub FillUpCombo(LocListbox as Object, ValList() as String)
+Dim i as integer
+Dim a as Integer
+ LocListbox.Clear
+ &apos; Trage die ??bersetzungsrelevanten Verzeichnisnamen in die Listbox ein
+ a = 0
+ For i = 0 to Ubound(ValList())
+ If ValList(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ LocListbox.List(a) = ValList(i)
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ Next
+End Sub
+Sub WritedbgInfo(LocObject as Object)
+Dim locUrl as String
+Dim oLocDocument as Object
+Dim oLocText as Object
+Dim oLocCursor as Object
+Dim NoArgs()
+Dim sObjectStrings(2) as String
+Dim sProperties() as String
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+ sObjectStrings(0) = LocObject.dbg_Properties
+ sObjectStrings(1) = LocObject.dbg_Methods
+ sObjectStrings(2) = LocObject.dbg_SupportedInterfaces
+ LocUrl = &quot;private:factory/swriter&quot;
+ oLocDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(LocUrl,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,NoArgs)
+ oLocText = oLocDocument.text
+ oLocCursor = oLocText.createTextCursor()
+ oLocCursor.gotoStart(False)
+ If Vartype(LocObject) = 9 then &apos; an Object Variable
+ For n = 0 To 2
+ sProperties() = ArrayoutofString(sObjectStrings(n),&quot;;&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ For m = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oLocText.insertString(oLocCursor,sProperties(m),False)
+ oLocText.insertControlCharacter(oLocCursor,,False)
+ Next m
+ Next n
+ Elseif Vartype(LocObject) = 8 Then &apos; a String Variable
+ oLocText.insertString(oLocCursor,LocObject,False)
+ ElseIf Vartype(LocObject) = 1 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;Variable is Null!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub WriteDbgString(LocString as string)
+Dim oLocDesktop as object
+Dim LocUrl as String
+Dim oLocDocument as Object
+Dim oLocCursor as Object
+Dim oLocText as Object
+ LocUrl = &quot;private:factory/swriter&quot;
+ oLocDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(LocUrl,&quot;_blank&quot;,0,NoArgs)
+ oLocText = oLocDocument.text
+ oLocCursor = oLocText.createTextCursor()
+ oLocCursor.gotoStart(False)
+ oLocText.insertString(oLocCursor,LocString,False)
+End Sub
+Sub printdbgInfo(LocObject)
+ If Vartype(LocObject) = 9 then
+ Msgbox LocObject.dbg_properties
+ Msgbox LocObject.dbg_methods
+ Msgbox LocObject.dbg_supportedinterfaces
+ Elseif Vartype(LocObject) = 8 Then &apos; a String Variable
+ Msgbox LocObject
+ ElseIf Vartype(LocObject) = 0 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;Variable is Null!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;Type of Variable: &quot; &amp; Typename(LocObject), 48, GetProductName())
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ShowArray(LocArray())
+Dim i as integer
+Dim msgstring
+ msgstring = &quot;&quot;
+ For i = Lbound(LocArray()) to Ubound(LocArray())
+ msgstring = msgstring + LocArray(i) + chr(13)
+ Next
+ Msgbox msgstring
+End Sub
+&apos; Gets a special configured PathSetting
+Function GetPathSettings(sPathType as String, Optional bshowall as Boolean, Optional ListIndex as integer) as String
+Dim oSettings, oPathSettings as Object
+Dim sPath as String
+Dim PathList() as String
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ oSettings = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oPathSettings = oSettings.getByName(&quot;PathSettings&quot;)
+ If Not IsMissing(bShowall) Then
+ If bShowAll Then
+ ShowPropertyValues(oPathSettings)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ sPath = oPathSettings.GetPropertyValue(sPathType)
+ If Not IsMissing(ListIndex) Then
+ &apos; Share and User-Directory
+ If Instr(1,sPath,&quot;;&quot;) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ PathList = ArrayoutofString(sPath,&quot;;&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ If ListIndex &lt;= MaxIndex Then
+ sPath = PathList(ListIndex)
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;Cannot analyze the String &quot; &amp; sPath , 16, GetProductName())
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ If Instr(1, sPath, &quot;;&quot;) = 0 Then
+ GetPathSettings = ConvertToUrl(sPath)
+ Else
+ GetPathSettings = sPath
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos; Gets the fully qualified path to a subdirectory of the
+&apos; Template Directory, e. g. with the parameter &quot;wizard/bitmap&quot;
+&apos; The parameter must be passed over in Url-scription
+&apos; The return-Value is in Urlscription
+Function GetOfficeSubPath(sOfficePath as String, ByVal sSubDir as String)
+Dim oUcb as Object
+Dim sOfficeString as String
+Dim sOfficeList() as String
+Dim sOfficeDir as String
+Dim sBigDir as String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ sOfficeString = GetPathSettings(sOfficePath)
+ If Right(sSubDir,1) &lt;&gt; &quot;/&quot; Then
+ sSubDir = sSubDir &amp; &quot;/&quot;
+ End If
+ sOfficeList() = ArrayoutofString(sOfficeString,&quot;;&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ sOfficeDir = ConvertToUrl(sOfficeList(i))
+ If Right(sOfficeDir,1) &lt;&gt; &quot;/&quot; Then
+ sOfficeDir = sOfficeDir &amp; &quot;/&quot;
+ End If
+ sBigDir = sOfficeDir &amp; sSubDir
+ If oUcb.Exists(sBigDir) Then
+ GetOfficeSubPath() = sBigDir
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ GetOfficeSubPath = &quot;&quot;
+End Function
+Sub ShowPropertyValues(oLocObject as Object)
+Dim PropName as String
+Dim sValues as String
+ sValues = &quot;&quot;
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(oLocObject.PropertySetInfo.Properties)
+ Propname = oLocObject.PropertySetInfo.Properties(i).Name
+ sValues = sValues &amp; PropName &amp; &quot; = &quot; &amp; oLocObject.GetPropertyValue(PropName) &amp; chr(13)
+ Next i
+ Msgbox(sValues , 64, GetProductName())
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox(&quot;Sorry, No PropertySetInfo attached to the object&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+End Sub
+Sub ShowNameValuePair(Pair())
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim ShowString as String
+ ShowString = &quot;&quot;
+ On Local Error Resume Next
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(Pair())
+ ShowString = ShowString &amp; Pair(i).Name &amp; &quot; = &quot;
+ ShowString = ShowString &amp; Pair(i).Value &amp; chr(13)
+ Next i
+ Msgbox ShowString
+End Sub
+&apos; Retrieves all the Elements of aSequence of an object, with the
+&apos; possibility to define a filter(sfilter &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;)
+Sub ShowElementNames(oLocElements() as Object, Optional sFiltername as String)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim NameString as String
+ NameString = &quot;&quot;
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(oLocElements())
+ If Not IsMissIng(sFilterName) Then
+ If Instr(1, oLocElements(i), sFilterName) Then
+ NameString = NameString &amp; oLocElements(i) &amp; chr(13)
+ End If
+ Else
+ NameString = NameString &amp; oLocElements(i) &amp; chr(13)
+ End If
+ Next i
+ Msgbox(NameString, 64, GetProductName())
+End Sub
+&apos; Retrieves all the supported servicenames of an object, with the
+&apos; possibility to define a filter(sfilter &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;)
+Sub ShowSupportedServiceNames(oLocObject as Object, Optional sFilterName as String)
+ On Local Error Goto NOSERVICENAMES
+ If IsMissing(sFilterName) Then
+ ShowElementNames(oLocobject.SupportedServiceNames())
+ Else
+ ShowElementNames(oLocobject.SupportedServiceNames(), sFilterName)
+ End If
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox(&quot;Sorry, No &apos;SupportedServiceNames&apos; - Property attached to the object&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+End Sub
+&apos; Retrieves all the available Servicenames of an object, with the
+&apos; possibility to define a filter(sfilter &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot;)
+Sub ShowAvailableServiceNames(oLocObject as Object, Optional sFilterName as String)
+ On Local Error Goto NOSERVICENAMES
+ If IsMissing(sFilterName) Then
+ ShowElementNames(oLocobject.AvailableServiceNames)
+ Else
+ ShowElementNames(oLocobject.AvailableServiceNames, sFilterName)
+ End If
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox(&quot;Sorry, No &apos;AvailableServiceNames&apos; - Property attached to the object&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+End Sub
+Sub ShowCommands(oLocObject as Object)
+ On Local Error Goto NOCOMMANDS
+ ShowElementNames(oLocObject.QueryCommands)
+ Exit Sub
+ Msgbox(&quot;Sorry, No &apos;QueryCommands&apos; - Property attached to the object&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+End Sub
+Function InitResources(Description, ShortDescription as String) as boolean
+ On Error Goto ErrorOcurred
+ oResSrv = createUnoService( &quot;; )
+ If (IsNull(oResSrv)) then
+ InitResources = FALSE
+ MsgBox( Description &amp; &quot;: No resource loader found&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ Else
+ InitResources = TRUE
+ oResSrv.FileName = ShortDescription
+ End If
+ Exit Function
+ Dim nSolarVer
+ InitResources = FALSE
+ nSolarVer = GetSolarVersion()
+ MsgBox(&quot;Resource file missing (&quot; &amp; ShortDescription &amp; trim(str(nSolarVer)) + &quot;*.res)&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ Resume CLERROR
+End Function
+Function GetResText( nID as integer ) As string
+ On Error Goto ErrorOcurred
+ If Not IsNull(oResSrv) Then
+ &apos; eigentlich sollte hier stehen
+ GetResText = oResSrv.getString( nID )
+ Else
+ GetResText = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ Exit Function
+ GetResText = &quot;&quot;
+ MsgBox(&quot;Resource with ID =&quot; + str( nID ) + &quot; not found!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ Resume CLERROR
+End Function
+Function CutPathView(sDocUrl as String, PathLen as Integer)
+Dim sViewPath as String
+ sViewPath = ConvertfromURL(sDocURL)
+ iViewPathLen = Len(sViewPath)
+ If iViewPathLen &gt; 60 Then
+ sViewPath = &quot;...&quot; &amp; Right(sViewPath,58)
+ End If
+ CutPathView = sViewPath
+End Function
+&apos; Deletes the content of all cells that are softformatted according
+&apos; to the &apos;InputStyleName&apos;
+Sub DeleteInputCells(oSheet as Object, InputStyleName as String)
+Dim oRanges as Object
+Dim oRange as Object
+ oRanges = oSheet.CellFormatRanges.createEnumeration
+ While oRanges.hasMoreElements
+ oRange = oRanges.NextElement
+ If Instr(1,oRange.CellStyle, InputStyleName) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Call ReplaceRangeValues(oRange, &quot;&quot;)
+ End If
+ Wend
+End Sub
+&apos; Inserts a certain String to all cells of a Range that ist passed over
+&apos; either as an object or as the RangeName
+Sub ChangeValueofRange(oSheet as Object, Range, ReplaceValue, Optional StyleName as String)
+Dim oCellRange as Object
+ If Vartype(Range) = 8 Then
+ &apos; Get the Range out of the Rangename
+ oCellRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(Range)
+ Else
+ &apos; The range is passed over as an object
+ Set oCellRange = Range
+ End If
+ If IsMissing(StyleName) Then
+ ReplaceRangeValues(oCellRange, ReplaceValue)
+ Else
+ If Instr(1,oCellRange.CellStyle,StyleName) Then
+ ReplaceRangeValues(oCellRange, ReplaceValue)
+ End If
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ReplaceRangeValues(oRange as Object, ReplaceValue)
+Dim oRangeAddress as Object
+Dim ColCount as Integer
+Dim RowCount as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+ oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
+ ColCount = oRangeAddress.EndColumn - oRangeAddress.StartColumn
+ RowCount = oRangeAddress.EndRow - oRangeAddress.StartRow
+ Dim FillArray(RowCount) as Variant
+ Dim sLine(ColCount) as Variant
+ For i = 0 To ColCount
+ sLine(i) = ReplaceValue
+ Next i
+ For i = 0 To RowCount
+ FillArray(i) = sLine()
+ Next i
+ oRange.DataArray = FillArray()
+End Sub
+&apos; Returns the Value of the first cell of a Range
+Function GetValueofCellbyName(oSheet as Object, sCellName as String)
+Dim oCell as Object
+ oCell = GetCellByName(oSheet, sCellName)
+ GetValueofCellbyName = oCell.Value
+End Function
+Function DuplicateRow(oSheet as Object, RangeName as String)
+Dim oRange as Object
+Dim oCell as Object
+Dim oCellAddress as New
+Dim oRangeAddress as New
+ oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(RangeName)
+ oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
+ oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(oRangeAddress.StartColumn,oRangeAddress.StartRow)
+ oCellAddress = oCell.CellAddress
+ oSheet.Rows.InsertByIndex(oCellAddress.Row,1)
+ oRangeAddress = oRange.RangeAddress
+ oSheet.CopyRange(oCellAddress, oRangeAddress)
+ DuplicateRow = oRangeAddress.StartRow-1
+End Function
+&apos; Returns the String of the first cell of a Range
+Function GetStringofCellbyName(oSheet as Object, sCellName as String)
+Dim oCell as Object
+ oCell = GetCellByName(oSheet, sCellName)
+ GetStringofCellbyName = oCell.String
+End Function
+&apos; Returns a named Cell
+Function GetCellByName(oSheet as Object, sCellName as String) as Object
+Dim oCellRange as Object
+Dim oCellAddress as Object
+ oCellRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(sCellName)
+ oCellAddress = oCellRange.RangeAddress
+ GetCellByName = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(oCellAddress.StartColumn,oCellAddress.StartRow)
+End Function
+&apos; Changes the numeric Value of a cell by transmitting the String of the numeric Value
+Sub ChangeCellValue(oCell as Object, ValueString as String)
+Dim CellValue
+ oCell.Formula = &quot;=Value(&quot; &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &amp; ValueString &amp; &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot; &amp; &quot;)&quot;
+ CellValue = oCell.Value
+ oCell.Formula = &quot;&quot;
+ oCell.Value = CellValue
+End Sub
+Function GetDocumentType(oDocument)
+ If oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;scalc&quot;
+ ElseIf oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;swriter&quot;
+ ElseIf oDocument.SupportsService(&quot;;) Then
+ GetDocumentType() = &quot;sdraw&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+Function GetNumberFormatType(oDocFormats, oFormatObject as Object) as Integer
+Dim ThisFormatKey as Long
+Dim oObjectFormat as Object
+ On Local Error Goto NOFORMAT
+ ThisFormatKey = oFormatObject.NumberFormat
+ oObjectFormat = oDocFormats.GetByKey(ThisFormatKey)
+ GetNumberFormatType = oObjectFormat.Type
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ Msgbox(&quot;Numberformat of Object is not available!&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ GetNumberFormatType = 0
+ End If
+ On Local Error Goto 0
+End Function
+Sub ProtectSheets(Optional oSheets as Object)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oDocSheets as Object
+ If IsMissing(oSheets) Then
+ oDocSheets = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.Controller.Model.Sheets
+ Else
+ Set oDocSheets = oSheets
+ End If
+ For i = 0 To oDocSheets.Count-1
+ oDocSheets(i).Protect(&quot;&quot;)
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub UnprotectSheets(Optional oSheets as Object)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oDocSheets as Object
+ If IsMissing(oSheets) Then
+ oDocSheets = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.Controller.Model.Sheets
+ Else
+ Set oDocSheets = oSheets
+ End If
+ For i = 0 To oDocSheets.Count-1
+ oDocSheets(i).Unprotect(&quot;&quot;)
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Function GetRowIndex(oSheet as Object, RowName as String)
+Dim oRange as Object
+ oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(RowName)
+ GetRowIndex = oRange.RangeAddress.StartRow
+End Function
+Function GetColumnIndex(oSheet as Object, ColName as String)
+Dim oRange as Object
+ oRange = oSheet.GetCellRangeByName(ColName)
+ GetColumnIndex = oRange.RangeAddress.StartColumn
+End Function
+Function CopySheetbyName(oSheets as Object, OldName as String, NewName as String, DestPos as Integer) as Object
+Dim oSheet as Object
+Dim Count as Integer
+Dim BasicSheetName as String
+ BasicSheetName = NewName
+ &apos; Copy the last table. Assumption: The last table is the template
+ On Local Error Goto RENAMESHEET
+ oSheets.CopybyName(OldName, NewName, DestPos)
+ oSheet = oSheets(DestPos)
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ &apos; Test if renaming failed
+ Count = 2
+ Do While oSheet.Name &lt;&gt; NewName
+ NewName = BasicSheetName &amp; &quot;_&quot; &amp; Count
+ oSheet.Name = NewName
+ Count = Count + 1
+ Loop
+ Resume CL_ERROR
+ End If
+ CopySheetbyName = oSheet
+End Function
+&apos; Dis-or enables a Window and adjusts the mousepointer accordingly
+Sub ToggleWindow(bDoEnable as Boolean)
+Dim oWindow as Object
+Dim oWindowPointer as Object
+ oWindow = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.ComponentWindow
+ oWindow.Enable = bDoEnable
+ oWindowPointer = CreateUnoService(&quot;;)
+ If bDoEnable Then
+ oWindowPointer.SetType(
+ Else
+ oWindowPointer.SetType(
+ End If
+ oWindow.SetPointer(oWindowPointer)
+End Sub
+Function CheckNewSheetname(oSheets as Object, Sheetname as String)
+Dim SpecialSignsList(32) as String
+Dim i as Integer
+ SpecialSignsList(0) = &quot;-&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(1) = &quot;.&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(2) = &quot;!&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(3) = &quot;?&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(4) = &quot;/&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(5) = &quot;\&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(6) = &quot;,&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(7) = &quot;;&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(8) = &quot;&apos;&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(9) = &quot;(&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(10) = &quot;)&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(11) = &quot;{&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(12) = &quot;}&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(13) = &quot;[&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(14) = &quot;]&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(15) = &quot;:&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(16) = &quot;&quot;&quot;&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(17) = &quot;$&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(18) = &quot;&amp;&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(19) = &quot;%&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(20) = &quot;=&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(21) = &quot;*&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(22) = &quot;?§&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(23) = &quot;@&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(24) = &quot;&lt;&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(25) = &quot;&gt;&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(26) = &quot;#&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(27) = &quot;+&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(28) = &quot;~&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(29) = &quot;|&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(30) = &quot;??&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(31) = &quot;^&quot;
+ SpecialSignsList(32) = &quot;?°&quot;
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(SpecialSignsList())
+ SheetName = ReplaceString(Sheetname, &quot;_&quot;, SpecialSignsList(i)
+ Next i
+ CheckNewSheetname = SheetName
+End Function
+Function GetSheetIndex(oSheets, sName) as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+ For i = 0 To oSheets.Count-1
+ If oSheets(i).Name = sName Then
+ GetSheetIndex = i
+ exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ GetSheetIndex = -1
+End Function
+Function GetLastUsedRow(oSheet as Object) as Integer
+Dim oCell As Object
+Dim oCursor As Object
+Dim aAddress As Variant
+ oCell = oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(0, 0)
+ oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oCell)
+ oCursor.GotoEndOfUsedArea(True)
+ aAddress = oCursor.RangeAddress
+ GetLastUsedRow = aAddress.EndRow
+End Function
+&apos; Note To set a one lined frame you have to set the inner width to 0
+&apos; In the API all Units that refer to pt-Heights are &quot;1/100mm&quot;
+&apos; The convert factor from 1pt to 1/100 mm is approximately 35
+Function ModifyBorderLineWidth(ByVal oStyleBorder, iInnerLineWidth as Integer, iOuterLineWidth as Integer)
+Dim aBorder as New
+ aBorder = oStyleBorder
+ aBorder.InnerLineWidth = iInnerLineWidth
+ aBorder.OuterLineWidth = iOuterLineWidth
+ ModifyBorderLineWidth = aBorder
+End Function
+Sub AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument as Object, EventName as String, SubPath as String)
+Dim PropValue(1) as new
+ PropValue(0).Name = &quot;EventType&quot;
+ PropValue(0).Value = &quot;StarBasic&quot;
+ PropValue(1).Name = &quot;Script&quot;
+ PropValue(1).Value = &quot;macro:///&quot; &amp; SubPath
+ oDocument.Events.ReplaceByName(EventName, PropValue())
+End Sub
+Function ModifyPropertyValue(oContent() as Object, TargetProperties() as New )
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim bDoReplace as Boolean
+ MaxIndex = Ubound(oContent())
+ bDoReplace = False
+ Dim oNewBuffer(MaxIndex) as New
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ oNewBuffer(i).Name = oContent(i).Name
+ a = GetPropertyValueIndex(oContent(i).Name, TargetProperties())
+ If a &lt;&gt; -1 Then
+ If Vartype(TargetProperties(a).Value) &lt;&gt; 9 Then
+ If TargetProperties(a).Value &lt;&gt; oContent(i).Value Then
+ oNewBuffer(i).Value = TargetProperties(a).Value
+ bDoReplace = True
+ Else
+ oNewBuffer(i).Value = oContent(i).Value
+ End If
+ Else
+ If Not equalUnoObjects(TargetProperties(a).Value, oContent(i).Value) Then
+ oNewBuffer(i).Value = TargetProperties(a).Value
+ bDoReplace = True
+ Else
+ oNewBuffer(i).Value = oContent(i).Value
+ End If
+ End If
+ Else
+ oNewBuffer(i).Value = oContent(i).Value
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If bDoReplace Then
+ oContent() = oNewBuffer()
+ End If
+ ModifyPropertyValue() = bDoReplace
+End Function
+Function GetPropertyValueIndex(SearchName as String, TargetProperties() as New )
+Dim i as Integer
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(TargetProperties())
+ If Searchname = TargetProperties(i).Name Then
+ GetPropertyValueIndex = i
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ GetPropertyValueIndex() = -1
+End Function
+Sub DispatchSlot(SlotID as Integer)
+Dim oArg() as new
+Dim oUrl as new
+Dim oTrans as Object
+Dim oDisp as Object
+&apos; oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+&apos; oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:&quot; &amp; CStr(SlotID)
+ oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tools/ModuleControls.xba b/wizards/source/tools/ModuleControls.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad0ad04dfeea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/tools/ModuleControls.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="ModuleControls" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+&apos; Accepts the name of a control and returns the respective control model as object
+&apos; The Container can either be a whole document or a specific sheet of a Calc-Document
+&apos; &apos;CName&apos; is the name of the Control
+Function getControlModel(oContainer as Object, CName as String)
+Dim aForm, oForms as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+ oForms = oContainer.Drawpage.GetForms
+ For i = 0 To oForms.Count-1
+ aForm = oForms.GetbyIndex(i)
+ If aForm.HasByName(CName) Then
+ GetControlModel = aForm.GetbyName(CName)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ Msgbox(&quot;No Control with the name &apos;&quot; &amp; CName &amp; &quot;&apos; found&quot; , 16, GetProductName())
+End Function
+&apos; Gets the Shape of a Control( e. g. to reset the size or Position of the control
+&apos; Parameters:
+&apos; The &apos;oContainer&apos; is the Document or a specific sheet of a Calc - Document
+&apos; &apos;CName&apos; is the Name of the Control
+Function GetControlShape(oContainer as Object,CName as String)
+Dim i as integer
+Dim aShape as Object
+ For i = 0 to oContainer.DrawPage.Count-1
+ aShape = oContainer.DrawPage(i)
+ If HasUnoInterfaces(aShape, &quot;;) then
+ If ashape.Control.Name = CName then
+ GetControlShape = aShape
+ exit Function
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next
+End Function
+&apos; Returns the View of a Control
+&apos; Parameters:
+&apos; The &apos;oContainer&apos; is the Document or a specific sheet of a Calc - Document
+&apos; The &apos;oController&apos; is always directly attached to the Document
+&apos; &apos;CName&apos; is the Name of the Control
+Function getControlView(oContainer , oController as Object, CName as String) as Object
+Dim aForm, oForms, oControlModel as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+ oForms = oContainer.DrawPage.Forms
+ For i = 0 To oForms.Count-1
+ aForm = oforms.GetbyIndex(i)
+ If aForm.HasByName(CName) Then
+ oControlModel = aForm.GetbyName(CName)
+ GetControlView = oController.GetControl(oControlModel)
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ Msgbox(&quot;No Control with the name &apos;&quot; &amp; CName &amp; &quot;&apos; found&quot; , 16, GetProductName())
+End Function
+&apos; Parameters:
+&apos; The &apos;oContainer&apos; is the Document or a specific sheet of a Calc - Document
+&apos; &apos;CName&apos; is the Name of the Control
+Function DisposeControl(oContainer as Object, CName as String) as Boolean
+Dim aControl as Object
+ aControl = GetControlModel(oContainer,CName)
+ If not IsNull(aControl) Then
+ aControl.Dispose()
+ DisposeControl = True
+ Else
+ DisposeControl = False
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos; Returns a sequence of a group of controls like option buttons or checkboxes
+&apos; The &apos;oContainer&apos; is the Document or a specific sheet of a Calc - Document
+&apos; &apos;sGroupName&apos; is the Name of the Controlgroup
+Function GetControlGroupModel(oContainer as Object, sGroupName as String )
+Dim aForm, oForms As Object
+Dim aControlModel() As Object
+Dim i as integer
+ oForms = oContainer.DrawPage.Forms
+ For i = 0 To oForms.Count-1
+ aForm = oForms(i)
+ If aForm.HasbyName(sGroupName) Then
+ aForm.GetGroupbyName(sGroupName,aControlModel)
+ GetControlGroupModel = aControlModel
+ Exit Function
+ End If
+ Next i
+ Msgbox(&quot;No Controlgroup with the name &apos;&quot; &amp; sGroupName &amp; &quot;&apos; found&quot; , 16, GetProductName())
+End Function
+&apos; Returns the Referencevalue of a group of e.g. option buttons or check boxes
+&apos; &apos;oControlGroup&apos; is a sequence of the Control objects
+Function GetRefValue(oControlGroup() as Object)
+Dim i as Integer
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(oControlGroup())
+&apos; oControlGroup(i).DefaultState = oControlGroup(i).State
+ If oControlGroup(i).State Then
+ GetRefValue = oControlGroup(i).RefValue
+ exit Function
+ End If
+ Next
+ Msgbox(&quot;No Control selected!&quot;,16, GetProductName())
+End Function
+Function GetRefValueOfControlGroup(oContainer as Object, GroupName as String)
+Dim oOptGroup() as Object
+Dim iRef as Integer
+ oOptGroup() = GetControlGroupModel(oContainer, GroupName)
+ iRef = GetRefValue(oOptGroup())
+ GetRefValueofControlGroup = iRef
+End Function
+Function GetOptionGroupValue(oContainer as Object, OptGroupName as String) as Boolean
+Dim oRulesOptions() as Object
+ oRulesOptions() = GetControlGroupModel(oContainer, OptGroupName)
+ GetOptionGroupValue = oRulesOptions(0).State
+End Function
+Function WriteOptValueToCell(oSheet as Object, OptGroupName as String, iCol as Integer, iRow as Integer) as Boolean
+Dim bOptValue as Boolean
+Dim oCell as Object
+ bOptValue = GetOptionGroupValue(oSheet, OptGroupName)
+ oCell = oSheet.GetCellByPosition(iCol, iRow)
+ oCell.SetValue(ABS(CInt(bOptValue)))
+ WriteOptValueToCell() = bOptValue
+End Function
+Function LoadDialog(Libname as String, DialogName as String)
+Dim oLib as Object
+Dim oDialog as Object
+ dialogs.loadLibrary(Libname)
+ oLib = dialogs.GetByName(Libname)
+ oDialog = CreateUnoDialog(oLib, DialogName)
+ LoadDialog() = oDialog
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/tools/Strings.xba b/wizards/source/tools/Strings.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dc46957781be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/tools/Strings.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Strings" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Public sProductname as String
+&apos; Deletes out of a String &apos;BigString&apos; all possible PartStrings, that are summed up
+&apos; in the Array &apos;ElimArray&apos;
+Function ElimChar(ByVal BigString as String, ElimArray() as String)
+Dim i% ,n%
+ For i = 0 to Ubound(ElimArray)
+ BigString = DeleteStr(BigString,ElimArray(i)
+ Next
+ ElimChar = BigString
+End Function
+&apos; Deletes out of a String &apos;BigString&apos; a possible Partstring &apos;CompString&apos;
+Function DeleteStr(ByVal BigString,CompString as String) as String
+Dim i%, CompLen%, BigLen%
+ CompLen = Len(CompString)
+ i = 1
+ While i &lt;&gt; 0
+ i = Instr(i, BigString,CompString)
+ If i &lt;&gt; 0 then
+ BigLen = Len(BigString)
+ BigString = Mid(BigString,1,i-1) + Mid(BigString,i+CompLen,BigLen-i+1-CompLen)
+ End If
+ Wend
+ DeleteStr = BigString
+End Function
+&apos; Finds a PartString, that is framed by the Strings &apos;Prestring&apos; and &apos;PostString&apos;
+Function FindPartString(BigString, PreString, PostString as String, SearchPos as Integer) as String
+Dim StartPos%, EndPos%
+Dim BigLen%,PreLen%,PostLen%
+ StartPos = Instr(SearchPos,BigString,PreString)
+ If StartPos &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ PreLen = Len(PreString)
+ EndPos = Instr(StartPos + PreLen,BigString,PostString)
+ If EndPos &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ BigLen = Len(BigString)
+ PostLen = Len(PostString)
+ FindPartString = Mid(BigString,StartPos + PreLen, EndPos - (StartPos + PreLen))
+ &apos; Da diese Funktion daf?r programmiert wurde, in einer Schleife abgearbeitet zu werden
+ &apos; muss die initiale Suchposition hinter die Position des gefundenen Teilstrings gesetzt werden.
+ SearchPos = EndPos + PostLen
+ Else
+ Msgbox(&quot;No final tag for &apos;&quot; &amp; PreString &amp; &quot;&apos; existing&quot;, 16, GetProductName())
+ FindPartString = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ Else
+ FindPartString = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos; Deletes the String &apos;SmallString&apos; out of the String &apos;BigString&apos;
+&apos; in case SmallString&apos;s Position in BigString is right at the end
+Function RTrimStr(ByVal BigString, SmallString as String) as String
+Dim SmallLen%
+Dim BigLen%
+ SmallLen = Len(SmallString)
+ BigLen = Len(BigString)
+ If Mid(BigString,BigLen + 1 - SmallLen, SmallLen) = SmallString Then
+ RTrimStr = Mid(BigString,1,BigLen - SmallLen)
+ Else
+ RTrimStr = BigString
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos; Deletes the Char &apos;CompChar&apos; out of the String &apos;BigString&apos;
+&apos; in case CompChar&apos;s Position in BigString is right at the beginning
+Function LTRimChar(ByVal BigString as String,CompChar as String) as String
+Dim BigLen as integer
+ BigLen = Len(BigString)
+ If BigLen &gt; 1 Then
+ If Left(BigString,1) = CompChar then
+ BigString = Mid(BigString,2,BigLen-1)
+ End If
+ ElseIf BigLen = 1 Then
+ BigString = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+ LTrimChar = BigString
+End Function
+&apos; Retrieves an Array out of a String.
+&apos; The fields of the Array are separated by the parameter &apos;Separator&apos;, that is contained
+&apos; in the Array
+&apos; The Array MaxLocindex delivers the highest Index of this Array
+Function ArrayOutOfString(BigString, Separator as String, Optional MaxIndex as integer)
+Dim i%, OldPos%, Pos%, SepLen%, BigLen%
+Dim LocList(200) as string
+ OldPos = 1
+ i = -1
+ SepLen = Len(Separator)
+ BigLen = Len(BigString)
+ Do
+ Pos = Instr(OldPos,BigString,Separator)
+ i = i + 1
+ If Pos = 0 Then
+ LocList(i) = Mid(BigString,OldPos,BigLen - OldPos + 1 )
+ Else
+ LocList(i) = Mid(BigString,OldPos,Pos-OldPos )
+ OldPos = Pos + SepLen
+ End If
+ Loop until Pos = 0
+ If Vartype(Maxindex) &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MaxIndex = i
+ End If
+ ArrayoutofString = LocList()
+End Function
+&apos; Deletes all fieldvalues in one-dimensional Array
+Sub ClearArray(BigArray)
+Dim i as integer
+ For i = Lbound(BigArray()) to Ubound(BigArray())
+ BigArray(i) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next
+End Sub
+&apos; Deletes all fieldvalues in a multidimensional Array
+Sub ClearMultiDimArray(BigArray,DimCount as integer)
+Dim n%, m%
+ For n = Lbound(BigArray(),1) to Ubound(BigArray(),1)
+ For m = 0 to Dimcount - 1
+ BigArray(n,m) = &quot;&quot;
+ Next m
+ Next n
+End Sub
+&apos; Checks if a Field (LocField) is already defined in an Array
+&apos; Returns &apos;True&apos; or &apos;False&apos;
+Function FieldinArray(LocArray(), MaxIndex as integer, LocField as String) As Boolean
+Dim i as integer
+ For i = Lbound(LocArray()) to MaxIndex
+ If Ucase(LocArray(i)) = Ucase(LocField) Then
+ FieldInArray = True
+ Exit Function
+ End if
+ Next
+ FieldInArray = False
+End Function
+&apos; Checks if a Field (LocField) is already defined in an Array
+&apos; Returns &apos;True&apos; or &apos;False&apos;
+Function FieldinList(LocField, BigList()) As Boolean
+Dim i as integer
+ For i = Lbound(BigList()) to Ubound(BigList())
+ If LocField = BigList(i) Then
+ FieldInList = True
+ Exit Function
+ End if
+ Next
+ FieldInList = False
+End Function
+&apos; Retrieves the Index of the delivered String &apos;SearchString&apos; in
+&apos; the Array LocList()&apos;
+Function IndexinArray(SearchString as String, LocList()) as Integer
+Dim i as integer
+ For i = Lbound(LocList(),1) to Ubound(LocList(),1)
+ If Ucase(LocList(i,0)) = Ucase(SearchString) Then
+ IndexinArray = i
+ Exit Function
+ End if
+ Next
+ IndexinArray = -1
+End Function
+Sub MultiArrayInListbox(oDialog as Object, ListboxName as String, ValList(), iDim as Integer)
+Dim oListbox as Object
+Dim i as integer
+Dim a as Integer
+ a = 0
+ oListbox = oDialog.GetControl(ListboxName)
+ oListbox.RemoveItems(0, oListbox.GetItemCount)
+ For i = 0 to Ubound(ValList(), 1)
+ If ValList(i) &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ oListbox.AddItem(ValList(i, iDim-1), a)
+ a = a + 1
+ End If
+ Next
+End Sub
+&apos; Replaces the string &quot;OldReplace&quot; through the String &quot;NewReplace&quot; in the String
+&apos; &apos;BigString&apos;
+Function ReplaceString(ByVal Bigstring, NewReplace, OldReplace as String) as String
+Dim i%, OldReplLen%, BigLen%
+ If NewReplace &lt;&gt; OldReplace Then
+ OldReplLen = Len(OldReplace)
+ i = 1
+ Do
+ Biglen = Len(BigString)
+ i = Instr(i,BigString,OldReplace)
+ If i &lt;&gt; 0 then
+ BigString = Mid(BigString,1,i-1) &amp; NewReplace &amp; Mid(BigString,i + OldReplLen,BigLen - i + 1 - OldReplLen
+ i = i + Len(NewReplace)
+ End If
+ Loop until i = 0
+ End If
+ ReplaceString = BigString
+End Function
+&apos; Converts an &quot;ordinary&quot; path to a &quot;URL-Path&quot;
+Function ConverttoURL(ByVal BigString as String) as String
+Dim Separator as String
+ If sProductname = &quot;&quot; Then
+ sProductname = GetProductname()
+ End If
+ If BigString &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ If Instr(1,sProductname,&quot;Sun Webtop&quot;) = 0 Then
+ Separator = GetPathSeparator()
+ &apos; Is the delivered Path already a URL
+ If Instr(1,UCase(BigString),&quot;FILE:///&quot;) = 0 Then
+ BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,&quot;/&quot;,Separator)
+ BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,&quot;|&quot;,&quot;:&quot;)
+ BigString = &quot;file:///&quot; &amp; BigString
+ End If
+ End If
+ ConvertToURL = BigString
+ Else
+ ConvertToUrl = &quot;&quot;
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos; Converts an &quot;URL-Path&quot; to an ordinary &quot;Path&quot;
+Function ConvertfromURL(ByVal BigString as String) as String
+Dim Separator as String
+ Separator = GetPathSeparator()
+ If Left(Ucase(BigString),8)= &quot;FILE:///&quot; Then
+ BigString = Mid(BigString, 9, Len(BigString)-8)
+ BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,Separator,&quot;/&quot;)
+ BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,&quot;:&quot;,&quot;|&quot;)
+ ConvertFromUrl = BigString
+ End If
+End Function
+&apos; Retrieves the second value for a next to &apos;SearchString&apos; in
+&apos; a two-dimensional string-Array
+Function FindSecondValue(SearchString as String, TwoDimList() as String ) as String
+Dim i as Integer
+ For i = 0 To Ubound(TwoDimList,1)
+ If Ucase(SearchString) = Ucase(TwoDimList(i,0)) Then
+ FindSecondValue = TwoDimList(i,1)
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+End Function
+&apos; raises a base to a certain power
+Function Power(Basis as Double, Exponent as Double) as Double
+ Power = Exp(Exponent*Log(Basis))
+End Function
+&apos; rounds a Real to a given Number of Decimals
+Function Round(BaseValue as Double, Decimals as Integer) as Double
+Dim Multiplicator as Long
+Dim DblValue#, RoundValue#
+ Multiplicator = Power(10,Decimals)
+ RoundValue = Int(BaseValue * Multiplicator)
+ Round = RoundValue/Multiplicator
+End Function
+&apos;Retrieves the mere filename out of a whole path
+Function FileNameoutofPath(ByVal Path as String, Separator as String) as String
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim SepList() as String
+ SepList() = ArrayoutofString(Path,&quot;/&quot;,i)
+ FileNameoutofPath = SepList(i)
+End Function
+Function GetFileNameExtension(ByVal FileName as String)
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim SepList() as String
+ SepList() = ArrayoutofString(FileName,&quot;.&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ GetFileNameExtension = SepList(MaxIndex)
+End Function
+Function GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ByVal FileName as String, Optional Separator as String)
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim SepList() as String
+ If not IsMissing(Separator) Then
+ FileName = FileNameoutofPath(FileName, Separator)
+ End If
+ SepList() = ArrayoutofString(FileName,&quot;.&quot;, MaxIndex)
+ GetFileNameWithoutExtension = RTrimStr(FileName, &quot;.&quot; &amp; SepList(MaxIndex)
+End Function
+Function DirectorynameoutofPath(sPath as String, Separator as String) as String
+Dim LocFileName as String
+ LocFileName = FileNameoutofPath(sPath, Separator)
+ DirectoryNameoutofPath = DeleteStr(sPath, Separator &amp; LocFileName)
+End Function
+Function CountCharsinString(BigString, LocChar as String, ByVal StartPos as Integer) as Integer
+Dim LocCount%, LocPos%
+ LocCount = 0
+ Do
+ LocPos = Instr(StartPos,BigString,LocChar)
+ If LocPos &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ LocCount = LocCount + 1
+ StartPos = LocPos+1
+ End If
+ Loop until LocPos = 0
+ CountCharsInString = LocCount
+End Function
+Function BubbleSortList(ByVal SortList())
+Dim s as Integer
+Dim t as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim DisplayDummy as String
+ i = Val(SortList(0,0))
+ For s = 1 to i - 1
+ For t = 0 to i-s
+ If SortList(t,0) &gt; SortList(t+1, 0) Then
+ DisplayDummy = SortList(t,0)
+ SortList(t,0) = SortList(t+1,0)
+ SortList(t+1,0) = DisplayDummy
+ DisplayDummy = SortList(t,1)
+ SortList(t,1) = SortList(t+1,1)
+ SortList(t+1,1) = DisplayDummy
+ End If
+ Next t
+ Next s
+ BubbleSortList = SortList()
+End Function
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba b/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5009db1aba31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/webwizard/HtmlAutoPilotBasic.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="HtmlAutoPilotBasic" script:language="StarBasic">&apos; Variables must be declared
+Option Explicit
+&apos; Maximum number of content templates, style templates and bullets
+Const MaxLayouts = 50
+Const MaxStyles = 100
+Const MaxBullets = 10
+Public NumberOfLayouts%, NumberOfStyles%
+&apos; Filled with title, previous, next, home, top, bullet, background, file name
+Public Style(8, MaxStyles) as String
+&apos; Filled with title, file name
+Public Layout$(2, MaxLayouts%)
+Public TextureDir$, BulletDir$, GraphicsDir$, GalleryDir$, PhotosDir$
+Public CurrentBullet$, CurrentPrev$, CurrentNext$, CurrentHome$, CurrentTop$
+Public FileStr as String
+Public WebWiz_gWizardName$, WebWiz_gErrContentNotFound$, WebWiz_gErrStyleNotFound$
+Public WebWiz_gErrMainTemplateError$, WebWiz_gErrWhileReloading$
+Public WebWiz_gErrWhileLoadStyles$, WebWiz_gErrMsg$, WebWiz_gErrMainDocumentError$
+Public ProgressBar as Object
+Public ProgressValue As Long
+Public oBaseDocument as Object
+Public oViewCursor as Object
+Public oViewSettings as Object
+Public NoArgs as New
+Public oCursor as Object
+Public oBookmarks as Object
+Public oBookMark as Object
+Public oUcb as Object
+Public MainDialog as Object
+Public DialogModel as Object
+Sub Main
+&apos;On Local Error Goto GlobalErrorHandler
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ oUcb = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ oBaseDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(&quot;private:factory/swriter/web&quot;, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, NoArgs())
+ oViewSettings = oBaseDocument.CurrentController.ViewSettings
+ oViewCursor = oBaseDocument.GetCurrentController.ViewCursor
+ ProgressBar = oBaseDocument.GetCurrentController.GetFrame.CreateStatusIndicator
+ ProgressBar.Start(&quot;&quot;, 100)
+ SetProgressValue(2)
+ oBaseDocument.LockControllers
+ oViewSettings.ShowTableBoundaries = False
+ oViewSettings.ShowTextBoundaries = False
+ MainDialog = LoadDialog(&quot;WebWizard&quot;,&quot;WebWzrd&quot;)
+ DialogModel = MainDialog.Model
+ LoadLanguage
+ SetProgressValue(10)
+ GetPaths()
+ NumberofLayouts = FillupWebListbox(oUcb, &quot;/cnt&quot;, MainDialog, &quot;lbTemplate&quot;, Layout$())
+ SetProgressValue(30)
+ GetCurIndex(DialogModel.lbTemplate, Layout(),NumberofLayouts,2)
+ oCursor = oBasedocument.Text.CreateTextCursor
+ oCursor.InsertDocumentfromURL(FileStr, NoArgs())
+ SetProgressValue(40)
+ DialogModel.optTiled.State = 1
+ NumberofStyles = FillupWebListbox(oUcb, &quot;/stl&quot;, MainDialog, &quot;lbStyles&quot;, Style())
+ SetProgressValue(50)
+ LoadWebPageStyles(oBaseDocument)
+ SetProgressValue(98)
+ SetProgressValue(0)
+ oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers
+ MainDialog.Execute
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox (WebWiz_gErrMsg$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ CancelHTMLWizard()
+ End If
+End Sub
+Function SetProgressValue(iValue as Integer)
+ If iValue = 0 Then
+ ProgressBar.End
+ End If
+ ProgressValue = iValue
+ ProgressBar.Value = iValue
+End Function
+Sub ReloadCurrentDocument()
+Dim CurInd as Integer
+&apos;On Local Error Goto ErrorOcurred
+&apos; Todo:Check if the pointer is really disabled, when set to Hourglass
+ ToggleWindow(False)
+ oBaseDocument.LockControllers
+ &apos; Get selected list entry and corresponding file name
+ CurInd = GetCurIndex(DialogModel.lbTemplate, Layout$(), NumberofLayouts%, 2)
+ oCursor = oBaseDocument.Text.CreateTextCursor
+ oCursor.GotoStart(False)
+ oCursor.GotoEnd(True)
+ oCursor.InsertDocumentfromURL(FileStr, NoArgs())
+ SetBulletAndGraphics
+ CheckControls(oBaseDocument.DrawPage)
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox(WebWiz_gErrWhileReloading$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ End If
+ oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers
+ oViewCursor.GotoStart(False)
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+End Sub
+Sub LoadWebPageStyles()
+Dim CurIndex as Integer
+ ToggleWindow(False)
+ oBaseDocument.LockControllers
+ CurIndex = GetCurIndex(DialogModel.lbStyles, Style(), NumberofStyles%,8)
+ LoadNewStyles(oBaseDocument, DialogModel, CurIndex, FileStr, Style(), TextureDir)
+ CurrentBullet$ = BulletDir + Style(6, CurIndex)
+ CurrentPrev$ = GraphicsDir + Style(2, CurIndex)
+ CurrentNext$ = GraphicsDir + Style(3, CurIndex)
+ CurrentHome$ = GraphicsDir + Style(4, CurIndex)
+ CurrentTop$ = GraphicsDir + Style(5, CurIndex)
+ With oBaseDocument.DocumentInfo
+ .GetUserFieldValue(0) = ExtractGraphicNames(CurIndex,2)
+ .GetUserFieldValue(1) = ExtractGraphicNames(CurIndex, 4)
+ .GetUserFieldValue(2) = Style(6, CurIndex) &apos; Bullet
+ .GetUserFieldValue(3) = Style(7, CurIndex) &apos; Background
+ End With
+ SetBulletAndGraphics()
+ CheckControls(oBaseDocument.DrawPage)
+ oViewCursor.GotoStart(False)
+ oBaseDocument.UnlockControllers
+ ToggleWindow(True)
+End Sub
+Function ExtractGraphicNames(CurIndex as Integer, i as Integer) as String
+Dim FieldValue as String
+ FieldValue = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Style(i,CurIndex))
+ FieldValue = FieldValue &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Style(i+1,CurIndex))
+ ExtractGraphicNames = FieldValue
+End Function
+Function GetCurIndex(oListbox as Object, sList() as String, MaxIndex as Integer, FileIndex as Integer)
+Dim i, n as Integer
+Dim SelValue as String
+ &apos; Get selected list entry
+ n = oListbox.SelectedItems(0)
+ SelValue = oListbox.StringItemList(n)
+ &apos; Find field index for chosen list entry
+ For i = 0 To MaxIndex
+ If sList(1, i) = SelValue Then
+ FileStr = sList(FileIndex, i)
+ Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ GetCurIndex = i
+End Function
+Sub SetBulletAndGraphics
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Prev&quot;, CurrentPrev)
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Next&quot;, CurrentNext)
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Home&quot;, CurrentHome)
+ SetGraphic(&quot;Top&quot;, CurrentTop)
+ SetBulletGraphics(CurrentBullet)
+ SetGraphicsToOriginalSize()
+End Sub
+Sub SetGraphicsToOriginalSize()
+Dim oGraphics as Object
+Dim oGraphic as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim aActSize as New
+ oGraphics = oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects
+ For i = 0 To oGraphics.Count-1
+ oGraphic = oGraphics.GetByIndex(i)
+ aActSize = oGraphic.ActualSize
+ If aActSize.Height &gt; 0 And aActSize.Width &gt; 0 Then
+ oGraphic.SetSize(aActSize)
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub EndDialog()
+ If DialogModel.chkSaveasTemplate.State = 1 Then
+ &apos; Generating template? Set events later!
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnNew&quot;, &quot;WebWizard.HtmlAutoPilotBasic.SetEvent()&quot;)
+ &apos; Call the Store template dialog
+ DispatchSlot(5538)
+ Else
+ SetEvent
+ End If
+ MainDialog.EndExecute()
+ MainDialog.Dispose()
+End Sub
+Sub CancelHTMLWizard()
+ MainDialog.EndExecute()
+ MainDialog.Dispose()
+ oBaseDocument.Dispose()
+End Sub
+Sub SetEvent()
+Dim oDocument as Object
+&apos; This sub links the events OnSaveDone and OnSaveAsDone to the procedure
+&apos; CopyGraphics. It is invoked when a document is created, either directly
+&apos; from the AutoPilot or from a template. It is not possible to set these
+&apos; links for the template created by the AutoPilot because then it is not
+&apos; possible to modify the template.
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ oDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSaveDone&quot;, &quot;WebWizard.HtmlAutoPilotBasic.CopyGraphics()&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oDocument,&quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;, &quot;WebWizard.HtmlAutoPilotBasic.CopyGraphics()&quot;)
+End Sub
+Sub CopyGraphics
+&apos; This sub copies all the graphics used in the document to the same directory the
+&apos; document has been copied into and changes the graphics links in the document.
+Dim oGraphicObjects, oGraphic as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim GraphicFilePath as String
+Dim SavePath$
+Dim GraphicFileName as String
+ LoadLibrary(&quot;tools&quot;)
+ GetPaths()
+ oBaseDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ Msgbox oBaseDocument.Url
+ SavePath = oBaseDocument.Url
+ oGraphicObjects = oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects
+ For i = 0 to oGraphicObjects.Count-1
+ oGraphic = oGraphicObjects.GetbyIndex(i)
+ GraphicFilePath = oGraphic.GraphicURL
+ GraphicFileName = FileNameoutofPath(GraphicFilePath)
+ FileCopy GraphicFilePath, Savepath &amp; GraphicFileName
+ oGraphic.GraphicURL = Savepath &amp; GraphicFileName
+ Next i
+ GraphicFileName = FileNameoutofPath(CurrentBullet)
+ FileCopy BulletDir &amp; GraphicFileName, SavePath &amp; GraphicFileName
+ SetBulletGraphics(GraphicFileName)
+&apos; &apos; Copy background graphic
+&apos; If ActiveWindow.Page.GrfFilename&lt;&gt;&quot;&quot; Then
+&apos; &apos; Set new background graphic
+&apos; ActiveWindow.Page.GrfFilename = SavePath$+GraphicFileName$
+&apos; ActiveWindow.Page.GrfPosition = 11
+&apos; End If
+ With oBaseDocument.DocumentInfo
+ .GetUserFieldValue(0) = &quot;&quot;
+ .GetUserFieldValue(1) = &quot;&quot;
+ .GetUserFieldValue(2) = &quot;&quot;
+ .GetUserFieldValue(3) = &quot;&quot;
+ End With
+&apos; &apos; Reset events
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnSaveDone&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnSaveAsDone&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ AttachBasicMacroToEvent(oBaseDocument,&quot;OnCreate&quot;, &quot;&quot;)
+ oBaseDocument.Store
+End Sub
+Function FillupWebListbox(oUcb as Object, sFileFilter as String, oDialog as Object, ListboxName as String, List() as String)
+Dim oDocInfo as Object
+Dim oListboxControl as Object
+Dim Description as String
+Dim sField as String
+Dim sFieldList() as String
+Dim bItemFound as Boolean
+Dim MaxIndex as Integer
+Dim DirContent() as String
+Dim FileName as String
+Dim TemplatePath as String
+Dim FilterLen as Integer
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim m as Integer
+Dim n as Integer
+Dim s as Integer
+Dim a as Integer
+Dim SelList(0) as Integer
+Dim LocMaxIndex as Integer
+ oListboxControl = oDialog.GetControl(ListboxName)
+ oDocInfo = createUnoService(&quot;;)
+ FilterLen = Len(sFileFilter)
+ bItemFound = False
+ TemplatePath = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Template&quot;, &quot;wizard/web/&quot;)
+ DirContent() = oUcb.GetFolderContents(TemplatePath,True)
+ LocMaxIndex = Ubound(DirContent())
+ a = 0
+ For i = 0 To LocMaxIndex
+ FileName = DirContent(i)
+ If Instr(1,Filename, sFileFilter) Then
+ bItemFound = True
+ Description = RetrieveDocTitle(oDocInfo, FileName)
+ oListboxControl.AddItem(Description,a)
+ a = a + 1
+ List(1,i) = Description
+ If sFileFilter = &quot;/cnt&quot; Then
+ List(2,i) = Filename
+ Else
+ m = 2
+ For n = 0 To 3
+ sField = oDocInfo.GetUserFieldValue(n)
+ sFieldList() = ArrayoutofString(sField, &quot; &quot;, MaxIndex)
+ For s = 0 To MaxIndex
+ If m &lt; 6 Then
+ List(m,i) = sFieldList(s) &amp; &quot;.gif&quot;
+ Else
+ List(m,i) = sFieldList(s)
+ End If
+ m = m + 1
+ Next s
+ Next n
+ List(8,i) = FileName
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next i
+ &apos; No content template? Error message, close new empty document, stop execution
+ If Not bItemfound Then
+ MsgBox(WebWiz_gErrContentNotFound$ , 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ oBaseDocument.Dispose()
+ Stop
+ End If
+ SelList(0) = 0
+ oListboxControl.Model.SelectedItems() = SelList()
+ FillupWebListbox = i
+End Function
+Sub SetGraphic(sWhich, sGraphicText as String)
+Dim oLocCursor as Object
+Dim oGraphic as Object
+Dim bGetGraphic as Boolean
+ oBookmarks = oBaseDocument.BookMarks
+ If oBookmarks.HasbyName(sWhich)Then
+ oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyName(sWhich)
+ oLocCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
+ oGraphic = oBaseDocument.CreateInstance(&quot;;)
+ oLocCursor.GoRight(3,True)
+ oGraphic.AnchorType = 1
+ oGraphic.GraphicURL = ConverttoURL(sGraphicText)
+ oLocCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oLocCursor, oGraphic, True)
+ oGraphic.Name = sWhich
+ ElseIf oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects.HasbyName(sWhich) Then
+ oGraphic = oBaseDocument.GraphicObjects.GetByName(sWhich)
+ oGraphic.GraphicUrl = sGraphicText
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ChangeBulletURL(sBulletUrl as String, oBookMarkCursor as Object)
+Dim n, m as Integer
+Dim oLevel()
+Dim oRules
+Dim bDoReplace as Boolean
+Dim oSize as New
+Dim oNumberingBuffer(0) as New
+Dim oNewBuffer(1) as New
+ oRules = oBookMarkCursor.NumberingRules
+ If Vartype(oRules()) = 9 Then
+ oNumberingBuffer(0).Name = &quot;NumberingType&quot;
+ oNumberingBuffer(0).Value =
+ For n = 0 To oRules.Count - 1
+ oLevel() = oRules.GetByIndex(n)
+ bDoReplace = ModifyPropertyValue(oLevel(), oNumberingBuffer())
+ If bDoReplace Then
+ oRules.ReplaceByIndex(n, oNumberingBuffer())
+ End If
+ Next n
+ oBookmarkCursor.NumberingRules = oRules
+ oNewBuffer(0).Name = &quot;GraphicURL&quot;
+ oNewBuffer(0).Value = sBulletUrl
+ oNewBuffer(1).Name = &quot;GraphicSize&quot;
+ oSize.Height = 300
+ oSize.Width = 300
+ oNewBuffer(1).Value = oSize
+ For n = 0 To oRules.Count - 1
+ oLevel() = oRules.GetByIndex(0)
+ bDoReplace = ModifyPropertyValue(oLevel(), oNewBuffer())
+ If bDoReplace Then
+ oRules.ReplaceByIndex(n, oNewBuffer())
+ End If
+ Next n
+ oBookmarkCursor.NumberingRules = oRules
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub SetBulletGraphics(sBulletUrl as String)
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oBookMarkCursor as Object
+ oBookmarks = oBaseDocument.BookMarks
+ For i = 0 To oBookmarks.Count - 1
+ oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyIndex(i)
+ oBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
+ If oBookMarkCursor.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;NumberingRules&quot;) Then
+ ChangeBulletURL(sBulletUrl, oBookMarkCursor)
+ End If
+ Next i
+End Sub
+Sub CheckControls(oDrawPage as Object)
+Dim aForm as Object
+Dim m,n as integer
+Dim lColor as Long
+Dim oControl as Object
+ lColor = oBaseDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;ParagraphStyles&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Standard&quot;).CharColor
+ &apos;SearchFor all possible Controls
+ For n = 0 to oDrawPage.Forms.Count - 1
+ aForm = oDrawPage.Forms(n)
+ For m = 0 to aForm.Count-1
+ oControl = aForm.GetbyIndex(m)
+ oControl.TextColor = lColor
+ Next
+ Next
+End Sub
+REM ***** BASIC *****
+Sub LoadNewStyles(oDocument as Object, oDialogModel as Object, CurIndex as Integer, SourceFile as String, Styles() as String, TextureDir as String)
+Dim BackGroundURL as String
+Dim oBackGraph as Object
+Dim i, BackColor as Long
+Dim oFamilies as Object, oFamily as Object, oStyle as Object
+Dim StylesOptions(0) as New
+ If SourceFile &lt;&gt; &quot;&quot; Then
+ StylesOptions(0).Name = &quot;OverwriteStyles&quot;
+ StylesOptions(0).Value = true
+ oDocument.StyleFamilies.LoadStylesFromURL(SourceFile, StylesOptions())
+ End If
+ &apos; Read array fields for background, bullet &amp; graphics
+ BackgroundURL = Styles(7, CurIndex)
+ If Left(BackgroundURL, 1) &lt;&gt; &quot;#&quot; Then
+ BackgroundURL = TextureDir + BackgroundURL
+ ToggleOptionButtons(oDialogModel, 1)
+ Else
+ BackColor = clng(&quot;&amp;H&quot; &amp; Right(BackgroundURL, Len(BackgroundURL)-1))
+ ToggleOptionButtons(oDialogModel, 0)
+ End If
+ oFamilies = oDocument.StyleFamilies
+ oFamily = oFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
+&apos; oStyle = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetByName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;).GetByName(&quot;Standard&quot;)
+ For i = 0 To oFamily.Count - 1
+ If oFamily.GetByIndex(i).IsInUse Then
+ oStyle = oFamily.GetbyIndex(i)
+ If oStyle.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;BackGraphicURL&quot;) Then
+ If Left(BackgroundURL, 1) = &quot;#&quot; Then
+ oStyle.BackGraphicURL = &quot;&quot;
+ oStyle.BackColor = BackColor
+ oStyle.BackTransparent = False
+ Else
+ oStyle.BackGraphicUrl = BackGroundURL
+ SetTileBackgroundorNot(oDialogModel, oStyle)
+ End If
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next i
+ If Err &lt;&gt; 0 Then
+ MsgBox(WebWiz_gErrWhileLoadStyles$, 16, WebWiz_gWizardName$)
+ CancelHTMLWizard()
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub ToggleOptionButtons(DialogModel as Object, bDoEnable as Integer)
+ DialogModel.optTiled.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ DialogModel.optArea.Enabled = bDoEnable
+ DialogModel.frmBackground.Enabled = bDoEnable
+End Sub
+Sub SetBackGraphicStyle(oEvent as Object)
+Dim oFamilies as Object
+Dim oFamily as Object
+Dim i as Integer
+Dim oStyle as Object
+Dim oOptModel as Object
+Dim iBackgroundValue as Integer
+Dim oLocDocument as Object
+ ooptModel = oEvent.Source.Model
+ iBackgroundValue = Val(ooptModel.Tag)
+ oLocDocument = StarDesktop.ActiveFrame.Controller.Model
+ oLocDocument.LockControllers
+ oFamilies = oLocDocument.StyleFamilies
+ oFamily = oFamilies.GetbyName(&quot;PageStyles&quot;)
+ For i = 0 To oFamily.Count - 1
+ If oFamily.GetByIndex(i).IsInUse Then
+ oStyle = oFamily.GetbyIndex(i)
+ If oStyle.PropertySetInfo.HasPropertybyName(&quot;BackGraphicURL&quot;) Then
+ oStyle.BackGraphicLocation = iBackgroundValue
+ End If
+ End If
+ Next i
+ oLocDocument.UnlockControllers
+End Sub
+Sub SetTileBackgroundorNot(DialogModel as Object, oStyle as Object)
+ If DialogModel.optTiled.State = 1 Then
+ oStyle.BackGraphicLocation =
+ Else
+ oStyle.BackGraphicLocation =
+ End If
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wizards/source/webwizard/Language.xba b/wizards/source/webwizard/Language.xba
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b215a6f4e4a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wizards/source/webwizard/Language.xba
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<script:module xmlns:script="" script:name="Language" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
+Sub LoadLanguage()
+ If InitResources(&quot;WebWizard&quot;,&quot;wwz&quot;) Then
+ DialogModel.Title = GetResText(1001)
+ DialogModel.cbCancel.Label = GetResText(1002)
+ DialogModel.cbGoOn.Label = GetResText(1003)
+&apos; WebWiz_0_FrameControl = GetResText(1012)
+ DialogModel.lblTemplate.Label = GetResText(1004)
+ DialogModel.lblStyle.Label = GetResText(1005)
+ DialogModel.frmBackground.Label = GetResText(1006)
+ DialogModel.optTiled.Label = GetRestext(1007)
+ DialogModel.optArea.Label = GetResText(1008)
+&apos; DialogModel.OptEditDocument.Label = GetResText(1009)
+ DialogModel.chkSaveasTemplate.Label = GetResText(1010)
+ WebWiz_gErrContentNotFound = GetResText(1101)
+ WebWiz_gErrStyleNotFound = GetResText(1102)
+ WebWiz_gErrMainTemplateError = GetResText(1103)
+ WebWiz_gErrWhileReloading = GetResText(1104)
+ WebWiz_gErrWhileLoadStyles = GetResText(1105)
+ WebWiz_gErrMainDocumentError = GetResText(1106)
+ WebWiz_gErrMsg = GetResText(1107)
+ End If
+End Sub
+Sub LoadLibrary(sLibname as String)
+Dim oArg(0) as new
+Dim oUrl as new
+Dim oTrans as Object
+Dim oDisp as Object
+ oArg(0).Name = &quot;LibraryName&quot;
+ oArg(0).Value = sLibname
+ oTrans = createUNOService(&quot;;)
+ oUrl.Complete = &quot;slot:6517&quot;
+ oTrans.parsestrict(oUrl)
+ oDisp = StarDesktop.currentFrame.queryDispatch(oUrl, &quot;_self&quot;, 0)
+ oDisp.dispatch(oUrl, oArg())
+End Sub
+Sub GetPaths
+ TextureDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Gallery&quot;, &quot;www-back/&quot;)
+ GraphicsDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Gallery&quot;, &quot;www-graf/&quot;)
+ BulletDir = GetOfficeSubPath(&quot;Gallery&quot;, &quot;bullets/&quot;)
+ PhotosDir = GetPathSettings(&quot;Gallery&quot;, False, 1)
+End Sub
+</script:module> \ No newline at end of file