path: root/wizards
diff options
authorJean-Pierre Ledure <>2021-04-06 14:23:53 +0200
committerJean-Pierre Ledure <>2021-04-06 16:26:41 +0200
commit69147d93066d13fc5231254441243ea1e1b5a8b6 (patch)
tree5aa3b726666b34512ce334e5dff9778659f94687 /wizards
parentcb8b6503fb0c42e25faa75e110b05f69f4f62f59 (diff)
ScriptForge - ( Remove hardcoded method synonyms
To make the access to services more close to Python habits and to better attract Basic users to Python, the convention for attributes naming has been defined as: - property names may be ProperCased, camelCased or lowercased - method names may be ProperCased, camelCased or lowercased Their arguments are always lowercased In documentation examples, the camelCased notation will be privileged Synonyms for properties and methods are computed with a generic function: SCriptForge.SetAttributeSynonyms() The generic getter and setter have been reviewed accordingly. Method synonyms are NOT HARDCODED anymore. Change-Id: I528820fe195d6b67e02035e589deee2b61c056ba Reviewed-on: Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <> Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <>
Diffstat (limited to 'wizards')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/ b/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/
index 68446e53fcfc..8daa100d8034 100644
--- a/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/
+++ b/wizards/source/scriptforge/python/
@@ -142,6 +142,10 @@ class ScriptForge(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
# Establish a list of the available services as a dictionary (servicename, serviceclass)
ScriptForge.serviceslist = dict((cls.servicename, cls) for cls in SFServices.__subclasses__())
ScriptForge.servicesdispatcher = None
+ #
+ # All properties and methods of the ScriptForge API are ProperCased
+ # Compute their synonyms as lowercased and camelCased names
+ ScriptForge.SetAttributeSynonyms()
def ConnectToLOProcess(cls, hostname = '', port = 0):
@@ -314,6 +318,47 @@ class ScriptForge(object, metaclass = _Singleton):
return returntuple[cstValue]
+ @staticmethod
+ def SetAttributeSynonyms():
+ """
+ A synonym of an attribute is either the lowercase or the camelCase form of its original ProperCase name.
+ In every subclass of SFServices:
+ 1) Fill the propertysynonyms dictionary with the synonyms of the properties listed in serviceproperties
+ Example:
+ serviceproperties = dict(ConfigFolder = False, InstallFolder = False)
+ propertysynonyms = dict(configfolder = 'ConfigFolder', installfolder = 'InstallFolder',
+ configFolder = 'ConfigFolder', installFolder = 'InstallFolder')
+ 2) Define new method attributes synonyms of the original methods
+ Example:
+ def CopyFile(...):
+ # etc ...
+ copyFile, copyfile = CopyFile, CopyFile
+ """
+ def camelCase(key):
+ return key[0].lower() + key[1:]
+ for cls in SFServices.__subclasses__():
+ # Synonyms of properties
+ if hasattr(cls, 'serviceproperties'):
+ dico = cls.serviceproperties
+ dicosyn = dict(zip(map(str.lower, dico.keys()), dico.keys())) # lower case
+ cc = dict(zip(map(camelCase, dico.keys()), dico.keys())) # camel Case
+ dicosyn.update(cc)
+ setattr(cls, 'propertysynonyms', dicosyn)
+ # Synonyms of methods. A method is a public callable attribute
+ methods = [method for method in dir(cls) if not method.startswith('_')]
+ for method in methods:
+ func = getattr(cls, method)
+ if callable(func):
+ # Assign the synonymes to the original method
+ m = method.lower()
+ if hasattr(cls, m) is False:
+ setattr(cls, m, func)
+ m = camelCase(method)
+ if hasattr(cls, m) is False:
+ setattr(cls, m, func)
+ return True
# #####################################################################################################################
# SFServices CLASS (ScriptForge services superclass) ###
@@ -433,11 +478,11 @@ class SFServices(object):
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
- # Get Property from Basic
+ # Get Property from Basic and store it
prop = self.GetProperty(name)
self.__dict__[name] = prop
return prop
- else:
+ else: # Get Property from Basic and do not store it
return self.GetProperty(name)
# Execute the usual attributes getter
return super(SFServices, self).__getattribute__(name)
@@ -449,7 +494,8 @@ class SFServices(object):
Management of __dict__ is automatically done in the final usual object.__setattr__ method
if self.serviceimplementation == 'basic':
- if name in ('serviceproperties', 'localProperties', 'internal_attributes', 'propertysynonyms'):
+ if name in ('serviceproperties', 'localProperties', 'internal_attributes', 'propertysynonyms',
+ 'forceGetProperty'):
elif name[0:2] == '__' or name in self.internal_attributes or name in self.localProperties:
@@ -460,6 +506,7 @@ class SFServices(object):
elif self.serviceproperties[name] is True: # True == Editable
self.SetProperty(name, value)
+ return
raise AttributeError(
"type object '" + self.objecttype + "' has no editable property '" + name + "'")
@@ -472,30 +519,11 @@ class SFServices(object):
return self.serviceimplementation + '/' + self.servicename + '/' + str(self.objectreference) + '/' + \
super(SFServices, self).__repr__()
- @staticmethod
- def _getAttributeSynonyms(dico):
- """
- Returns a dictionary with key = name in lower case and in camelCase, value = real ProperCased name
- Example:
- d = dict(ConfigFolder = False, InstallFolder = False)
- dh = _getHomonyms(d)
- # dh == dict(configfolder = 'ConfigFolder', installfolder = 'InstallFolder',
- configFolder = 'ConfigFolder', installFolder = 'InstallFolder')
- """
- def camelCase(key):
- return key[0].lower() + key[1:]
- lc = dict(zip(map(str.casefold, dico.keys()), dico.keys()))
- cc = dict(zip(map(camelCase, dico.keys()), dico.keys()))
- lc.update(cc)
- return lc
def Dispose(self):
if self.serviceimplementation == 'basic':
if self.objectreference >= len(ScriptForge.servicesmodules): # Do not dispose predefined module objects
self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Dispose')
self.objectreference = -1
- dispose = Dispose
def Execute(self, flags = 0, methodname = '', *args):
if flags == 0:
@@ -515,11 +543,9 @@ class SFServices(object):
else: # There are a few cases (Calc ...) where GetProperty accepts an argument
return self.EXEC(self.objectreference, calltype, propertyname, arg)
return None
- getProperty, getproperty = GetProperty, GetProperty
def Properties(self):
return list(self.serviceproperties)
- properties = Properties
def SetProperty(self, propertyname, value):
@@ -527,7 +553,6 @@ class SFServices(object):
if self.serviceimplementation == 'basic':
return self.EXEC(self.objectreference, self.vbLet, propertyname, value)
- setProperty, setproperty = SetProperty, SetProperty
# #####################################################################################################################
@@ -551,7 +576,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicename = 'ScriptForge.Array'
servicesynonyms = ('array', 'scriptforge.array')
serviceproperties = dict()
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
def ImportFromCSVFile(self, filename, delimiter = ',', dateformat = ''):
@@ -559,7 +583,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
not as any of the datetime objects.
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayRet, 'ImportFromCSVFile', filename, delimiter, dateformat)
- importFromCSVFile, importfromcsvfile = ImportFromCSVFile, ImportFromCSVFile
# #########################################################################
# SF_Basic CLASS
@@ -588,22 +611,18 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def ConvertFromUrl(self, url):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyConvertFromUrl', url)
- convertFromUrl, convertfromurl = ConvertFromUrl, ConvertFromUrl
def ConvertToUrl(self, systempath):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyConvertToUrl', systempath)
- convertToUrl, converttourl = ConvertToUrl, ConvertToUrl
def CreateUnoService(self, servicename):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyCreateUnoService', servicename)
- createUnoService, createunoservice = CreateUnoService, CreateUnoService
def DateAdd(self, interval, number, date):
if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
date = date.isoformat()
dateadd = self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDateAdd', interval, number, date)
return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(dateadd)
- dateAdd, dateadd = DateAdd, DateAdd
def DateDiff(self, interval, date1, date2, firstdayofweek = 1, firstweekofyear = 1):
if isinstance(date1, datetime.datetime):
@@ -611,26 +630,22 @@ class SFScriptForge:
if isinstance(date2, datetime.datetime):
date2 = date2.isoformat()
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDateDiff', interval, date1, date2, firstdayofweek, firstweekofyear)
- dateDiff, datediff = DateDiff, DateDiff
def DatePart(self, interval, date, firstdayofweek = 1, firstweekofyear = 1):
if isinstance(date, datetime.datetime):
date = date.isoformat()
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDatePart', interval, date, firstdayofweek, firstweekofyear)
- datePart, datepart = DatePart, DatePart
def DateValue(self, string):
if isinstance(string, datetime.datetime):
string = string.isoformat()
datevalue = self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyDateValue', string)
return datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(datevalue)
- dateValue, datevalue = DateValue, DateValue
def Format(self, expression, format = ''):
if isinstance(expression, datetime.datetime):
expression = expression.isoformat()
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyFormat', expression, format)
- format = Format
def GetDefaultContext():
@@ -639,11 +654,9 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def GetGuiType(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyGetGuiType')
- getGuiType, getguitype = GetGuiType, GetGuiType
def GetSystemTicks(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyGetSystemTicks')
- getSystemTicks, getsystemticks = GetSystemTicks, GetSystemTicks
def GetPathSeparator():
@@ -663,11 +676,9 @@ class SFScriptForge:
if xpostwips < 0 or ypostwips < 0:
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyInputBox', prompt, title, default)
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyInputBox', prompt, title, default, xpostwips, ypostwips)
- inputBox, inputbox = InputBox, InputBox
def MsgBox(self, prompt, buttons = 0, title = ''):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(self.module + '.PyMsgBox', prompt, buttons, title)
- msgBox, msgbox = MsgBox, MsgBox
def Now():
@@ -692,7 +703,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def Xray(self, unoobject = None):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC('XrayTool._main.xray', unoobject)
- xray = Xray
# #########################################################################
# SF_Dictionary CLASS
@@ -782,7 +792,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
pv.Value = item
return result
- convertToPropertyValues, converttopropertyvalues = ConvertToPropertyValues, ConvertToPropertyValues
def ImportFromPropertyValues(self, propertyvalues, overwrite = False):
@@ -808,7 +817,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
result.append((key, item))
return True
- importFromPropertyValues, importfrompropertyvalues = ImportFromPropertyValues, ImportFromPropertyValues
# #########################################################################
# SF_Exception CLASS
@@ -829,20 +837,16 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicename = 'ScriptForge.Exception'
servicesynonyms = ('exception', 'scriptforge.exception')
serviceproperties = dict()
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
def Console(self, modal = True):
# Modal is always True in Python: Basic execution lasts only the time to display the box
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Console', True)
- console = Console
def ConsoleClear(self, keep = 0):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ConsoleClear', keep)
- consoleClear, consoleclear = ConsoleClear, ConsoleClear
def ConsoleToFile(self, filename):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ConsoleToFile', filename)
- consoleToFile, consoletofile = ConsoleToFile, ConsoleToFile
def DebugDisplay(self, *args):
# Arguments are concatenated in a single string similar to what the Python print() function would produce
@@ -850,13 +854,11 @@ class SFScriptForge:
param = '\n'.join(list(map(lambda a: a.strip("'") if isinstance(a, str) else repr(a), args)))
bas = CreateScriptService('ScriptForge.Basic')
return bas.MsgBox(param, bas.MB_OK + bas.MB_ICONINFORMATION, 'DebugDisplay')
- debugDisplay, debugdisplay = DebugDisplay, DebugDisplay
def DebugPrint(self, *args):
# Arguments are concatenated in a single string similar to what the Python print() function would produce
param = '\t'.join(list(map(repr, args))).expandtabs(tabsize = 4)
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'DebugPrint', param)
- debugPrint, debugprint = DebugPrint, DebugPrint
def RaiseFatal(self, errorcode, *args):
@@ -881,7 +883,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
serviceproperties = dict(FileNaming = True, ConfigFolder = False, ExtensionsFolder = False, HomeFolder = False,
InstallFolder = False, TemplatesFolder = False, TemporaryFolder = False,
UserTemplatesFolder = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Force for each property to get its value from Basic - due to FileNaming updatability
forceGetProperty = True
# Open TextStream constants
@@ -919,7 +920,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def FileExists(self, filename):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'FileExists', filename)
- fileexists, fileExists = FileExists, FileExists
def Files(self, foldername, filter = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Files', foldername, filter)
@@ -999,19 +999,16 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicename = 'ScriptForge.L10N'
servicesynonyms = ()
serviceproperties = dict(Folder = False, Languages = False, Locale = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
def AddText(self, context = '', msgid = '', comment = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'AddText', context, msgid, comment)
- addText, addtext = AddText, AddText
def ExportToPOTFile(self, filename, header = '', encoding= 'UTF-8'):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ExportToPOTFile', filename, header, encoding)
- exportToPOTFile, exporttopotfile = ExportToPOTFile, ExportToPOTFile
def GetText(self, msgid, *args):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'GetText', msgid, *args)
- _, gettext, getText = GetText, GetText, GetText
+ _ = GetText
# #########################################################################
# SF_Platform CLASS
@@ -1034,59 +1031,48 @@ class SFScriptForge:
serviceproperties = dict(Architecture = False, ComputerName = False, CPUCount = False, CurrentUser = False,
Locale = False, Machine = False, OfficeVersion = False, OSName = False,
OSPlatform = False, OSRelease = False, OSVersion = False, Processor = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Python helper functions
py = ScriptForge.pythonhelpermodule + '$' + '_SF_Platform'
def Architecture(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'Architecture')
- architecture = Architecture
def ComputerName(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'ComputerName')
- computerName, computername = ComputerName, ComputerName
def CPUCount(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'CPUCount')
- cpuCount, cpucount = CPUCount, CPUCount
def CurrentUser(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'CurrentUser')
- currentUser, currentuser = CurrentUser, CurrentUser
def Machine(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'Machine')
- machine = Machine
def OSName(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'OSName')
- osName, osname = OSName, OSName
def OSPlatform(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'OSPlatform')
- osPlatform, osplatform = OSPlatform, OSPlatform
def OSRelease(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'OSRelease')
- osRelease, osrelease = OSRelease, OSRelease
def OSVersion(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'OSVersion')
- osVersion, osversion = OSVersion, OSVersion
def Processor(self):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(, 'Processor')
- processor = Processor
# #########################################################################
# SF_Session CLASS
@@ -1102,7 +1088,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicename = 'ScriptForge.Session'
servicesynonyms = ('session', 'scriptforge.session')
serviceproperties = dict()
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Class constants Where to find an invoked library ?
SCRIPTISEMBEDDED = 'document' # in the document
@@ -1122,7 +1107,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
args = (scope,) + (script,) + args
# ExecuteBasicScript method has a ParamArray parameter in Basic
return self.SIMPLEEXEC('@SF_Session.ExecuteBasicScript', args)
- executeBasicScript, executebasicscript = ExecuteBasicScript, ExecuteBasicScript
def ExecuteCalcFunction(self, calcfunction, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
@@ -1132,48 +1116,37 @@ class SFScriptForge:
args = (calcfunction,) + args
# ExecuteCalcFunction method has a ParamArray parameter in Basic
return self.SIMPLEEXEC('@SF_Session.ExecuteCalcFunction', args)
- executeCalcFunction, executecalcfunction = ExecuteCalcFunction, ExecuteCalcFunction
def ExecutePythonScript(self, scope = '', script = '', *args):
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(scope + ':' + script, *args)
- executePythonScript, executepythonscript = ExecutePythonScript, ExecutePythonScript
def HasUnoMethod(self, unoobject, methodname):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'HasUnoMethod', unoobject, methodname)
- hasUnoMethod, hasunomethod = HasUnoMethod, HasUnoMethod
def HasUnoProperty(self, unoobject, propertyname):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'HasUnoProperty', unoobject, propertyname)
- hasUnoProperty, hasunoproperty = HasUnoProperty, HasUnoProperty
def OpenURLInBrowser(self, url):
py = ScriptForge.pythonhelpermodule + '$' + '_SF_Session__OpenURLInBrowser'
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(py, url)
- openURLInBrowser, openurlinbrowser = OpenURLInBrowser, OpenURLInBrowser
def RunApplication(self, command, parameters):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'RunApplication', command, parameters)
- runApplication, runapplication = RunApplication, RunApplication
def SendMail(self, recipient, cc = '', bcc = '', subject = '', body = '', filenames = '', editmessage = True):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SendMail', recipient, cc, bcc, subject, body, filenames, editmessage)
- sendMail, sendmail = SendMail, SendMail
def UnoObjectType(self, unoobject):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'UnoObjectType', unoobject)
- unoObjectType, unoobjecttype = UnoObjectType, UnoObjectType
def UnoMethods(self, unoobject):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'UnoMethods', unoobject)
- unoMethods, unomethods = UnoMethods, UnoMethods
def UnoProperties(self, unoobject):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'UnoProperties', unoobject)
- unoProperties, unoproperties = UnoProperties, UnoProperties
def WebService(self, uri):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'WebService', uri)
- webService, webservice = WebService, WebService
# #########################################################################
# SF_String CLASS
@@ -1189,52 +1162,40 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicename = 'ScriptForge.String'
servicesynonyms = ('string', 'scriptforge.string')
serviceproperties = dict()
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
def HashStr(self, inputstr, algorithm):
py = ScriptForge.pythonhelpermodule + '$' + '_SF_String__HashStr'
return self.SIMPLEEXEC(py, inputstr, algorithm.lower())
- hashStr, hashstr = HashStr, HashStr
def IsADate(self, inputstr, dateformat = 'YYYY-MM-DD'):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsADate', inputstr, dateformat)
- isADate, isadate = IsADate, IsADate
def IsEmail(self, inputstr):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsEmail', inputstr)
- isEmail, isemail = IsEmail, IsEmail
def IsFileName(self, inputstr, osname = ScriptForge.cstSymEmpty):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsFileName', inputstr, osname)
- isFileName, isfilename = IsFileName, IsFileName
def IsIBAN(self, inputstr):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsIBAN', inputstr)
- isIBAN, isiban = IsIBAN, IsIBAN
def IsIPv4(self, inputstr):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsIPv4', inputstr)
- isIPv4, isipv4 = IsIPv4, IsIPv4
def IsLike(self, inputstr, pattern, casesensitive = False):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsLike', inputstr, pattern, casesensitive)
- isLike, islike = IsLike, IsLike
def IsSheetName(self, inputstr):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsSheetName', inputstr)
- isSheetName, issheetname = IsSheetName, IsSheetName
def IsUrl(self, inputstr):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'IsUrl', inputstr)
- isUrl, isurl = IsUrl, IsUrl
def SplitNotQuoted(self, inputstr, delimiter = ' ', occurrences = 0, quotechar = '"'):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SplitNotQuoted', inputstr, delimiter, occurrences, quotechar)
- splitNotQuoted, splitnotquoted = SplitNotQuoted, SplitNotQuoted
def Wrap(self, inputstr, width = 70, tabsize = 8):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Wrap', inputstr, width, tabsize)
- wrap = Wrap
# #########################################################################
# SF_TextStream CLASS
@@ -1250,7 +1211,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicesynonyms = ()
serviceproperties = dict(AtEndOfStream = False, Encoding = False, FileName = False, IOMode = False,
Line = False, NewLine = True)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
def AtEndOfStream(self):
@@ -1264,27 +1224,21 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def CloseFile(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'CloseFile')
- closeFile, closefile = CloseFile, CloseFile
def ReadAll(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ReadAll')
- readAll, readall = ReadAll, ReadAll
def ReadLine(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ReadLine')
- readLine, readline = ReadLine, ReadLine
def SkipLine(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SkipLine')
- skipLine, skipline = SkipLine, SkipLine
def WriteBlankLines(self, lines):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'WriteBlankLines', lines)
- writeBlankLines, writeblanklines = WriteBlankLines, WriteBlankLines
def WriteLine(self, line):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'WriteLine', line)
- writeLine, writeline = WriteLine, WriteLine
# #########################################################################
# SF_Timer CLASS
@@ -1299,7 +1253,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicesynonyms = ()
serviceproperties = dict(Duration = False, IsStarted = False, IsSuspended = False,
SuspendDuration = False, TotalDuration = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Force for each property to get its value from Basic
forceGetProperty = True
@@ -1308,19 +1261,15 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def Restart(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Restart')
- restart = Restart
def Start(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Start')
- start = Start
def Suspend(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Suspend')
- suspend = Suspend
def Terminate(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Terminate')
- terminate = Terminate
# #########################################################################
@@ -1340,7 +1289,6 @@ class SFScriptForge:
servicename = 'ScriptForge.UI'
servicesynonyms = ('ui', 'scriptforge.ui')
serviceproperties = dict(ActiveWindow = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Class constants
@@ -1350,59 +1298,46 @@ class SFScriptForge:
def ActiveWindow(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ActiveWindow')
- activeWindow, activewindow = ActiveWindow, ActiveWindow
def Activate(self, windowname = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Activate', windowname)
- activate = Activate
def CreateBaseDocument(self, filename, embeddeddatabase = 'HSQLDB', registrationname = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'CreateBaseDocument', filename, embeddeddatabase, registrationname)
- createBaseDocument, createbasedocument = CreateBaseDocument, CreateBaseDocument
def CreateDocument(self, documenttype = '', templatefile = '', hidden = False):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'CreateDocument', documenttype, templatefile, hidden)
- createDocument, createdocument = CreateDocument, CreateDocument
def Documents(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Documents')
- documents = Documents
def GetDocument(self, windowname = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'GetDocument', windowname)
- getDocument, getdocument = GetDocument, GetDocument
def Maximize(self, windowname = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Maximize', windowname)
- maximize = Maximize
def Minimize(self, windowname = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Minimize', windowname)
- minimize = Minimize
def OpenBaseDocument(self, filename = '', registrationname = '', macroexecution = MACROEXECNORMAL):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'OpenBaseDocument', filename, registrationname, macroexecution)
- openBaseDocument, openbasedocument = OpenBaseDocument, OpenBaseDocument
def OpenDocument(self, filename, password = '', readonly = False, hidden = False,
macroexecution = MACROEXECNORMAL, filtername = '', filteroptions = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'OpenDocument', filename, password, readonly, hidden,
macroexecution, filtername, filteroptions)
- openDocument, opendocument = OpenDocument, OpenDocument
def Resize(self, left = -1, top = -1, width = -1, height = -1):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Resize', left, top, width, height)
- resize = Resize
def SetStatusbar(self, text = '', percentage = -1):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SetStatusbar', text, percentage)
- setStatusbar, setstatusbar = SetStatusbar, SetStatusbar
# ShowProgressBar - not supported in Python
def WindowExists(self, windowname):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'WindowExists', windowname)
- windowExists, windowexists = WindowExists, WindowExists
# #####################################################################################################################
@@ -1434,42 +1369,33 @@ class SFDocuments:
IsDraw = False, IsImpress = False, IsMath = False, IsWriter = False,
Keywords = True, Readonly = False, Subject = True, Title = True,
XComponent = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Force for each property to get its value from Basic - due to intense interactivity with user
forceGetProperty = True
def XComponent(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbGet + self.flgUno, 'XComponent')
- xComponent, xcomponent = XComponent, XComponent
def Activate(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Activate')
- activate = Activate
def CloseDocument(self, saveask = True):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'CloseDocument', saveask)
- closeDocument, closedocument = CloseDocument, CloseDocument
def Forms(self, form = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayRet, 'Forms', form)
- forms = Forms
def RunCommand(self, command):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'RunCommand', command)
- runCommand, runcommand = RunCommand, RunCommand
def Save(self):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Save')
- save = Save
def SaveAs(self, filename, overwrite = False, password = '', filtername = '', filteroptions = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SaveAs', filename, overwrite, password, filtername, filteroptions)
- saveAs, saveas = SaveAs, SaveAs
def SaveCopyAs(self, filename, overwrite = False, password = '', filtername = '', filteroptions = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SaveCopyAs', filename, overwrite, password, filtername, filteroptions)
- saveCopyAs, savecopyas = SaveCopyAs, SaveCopyAs
# #########################################################################
@@ -1487,7 +1413,6 @@ class SFDocuments:
serviceproperties = dict(DocumentType = False, IsBase = False, IsCalc = False,
IsDraw = False, IsImpress = False, IsMath = False, IsWriter = False,
XComponent = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# #########################################################################
@@ -1507,179 +1432,139 @@ class SFDocuments:
IsDraw = False, IsImpress = False, IsMath = False, IsWriter = False,
Keywords = True, Readonly = False, Subject = True, Title = True,
XComponent = False)
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# Force for each property to get its value from Basic - due to intense interactivity with user
forceGetProperty = True
# Next functions are implemented in Basic as read-only properties with 1 argument
def Height(self, rangename):
return self.GetProperty('Height', rangename)
- height = Height
def LastCell(self, sheetname):
return self.GetProperty('LastCell', sheetname)
- lastCell, lastcell = LastCell, LastCell
def LastColumn(self, sheetname):
return self.GetProperty('LastColumn', sheetname)
- lastColumn, lastcolumn = LastColumn, LastColumn
def LastRow(self, sheetname):
return self.GetProperty('LastRow', sheetname)
- lastRow, lastrow = LastRow, LastRow
def Range(self, rangename):
return self.GetProperty('Range', rangename)
- range = Range
def Sheet(self, sheetname):
return self.GetProperty('Sheet', sheetname)
- sheet = Sheet
def Width(self, rangename):
return self.GetProperty('Width', rangename)
- width = Width
def XCellRange(self, rangename):
return self.Execute(self.vbGet + self.flgUno, 'XCellRange', rangename)
- xCellRange, xcellrange = XCellRange, XCellRange
def XSpreadsheet(self, sheetname):
return self.Execute(self.vbGet + self.flgUno, 'XSpreadsheet', sheetname)
- xSpreadsheet, xspreadsheet = XSpreadsheet, XSpreadsheet
# Usual methods
def Activate(self, sheetname = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Activate', sheetname)
- activate = Activate
def ClearAll(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ClearAll', range)
- clearAll, clearall = ClearAll, ClearAll
def ClearFormats(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ClearFormats', range)
- clearFormats, clearformats = ClearFormats, ClearFormats
def ClearValues(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ClearValues', range)
- clearValues, clearvalues = ClearValues, ClearValues
def CopySheet(self, sheetname, newname, beforesheet = 32768):
sheet = (sheetname.objectreference if isinstance(sheetname, SFDocuments.SF_CalcReference) else sheetname)
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgObject, 'CopySheet', sheet, newname, beforesheet)
- copySheet, copysheet = CopySheet, CopySheet
def CopySheetFromFile(self, filename, sheetname, newname, beforesheet = 32768):
sheet = (sheetname.objectreference if isinstance(sheetname, SFDocuments.SF_CalcReference) else sheetname)
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgObject, 'CopySheetFromFile',
filename, sheet, newname, beforesheet)
- copySheetFromFile, copysheetfromfile = CopySheetFromFile, CopySheetFromFile
def CopyToCell(self, sourcerange, destinationcell):
range = (sourcerange.objectreference if isinstance(sourcerange, SFDocuments.SF_CalcReference)
else sourcerange)
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgObject, 'CopyToCell', range, destinationcell)
- copyToCell, copytocell = CopyToCell, CopyToCell
def CopyToRange(self, sourcerange, destinationrange):
range = (sourcerange.objectreference if isinstance(sourcerange, SFDocuments.SF_CalcReference)
else sourcerange)
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgObject, 'CopyToRange', range, destinationrange)
- copyToRange, copytorange = CopyToRange, CopyToRange
def DAvg(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'DAvg', range)
- dAvg, davg = DAvg, DAvg
def DCount(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'DCount', range)
- dCount, dcount = DCount, DCount
def DMax(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'DMax', range)
- dMax, dmax = DMax, DMax
def DMin(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'DMin', range)
- dMin, dmin = DMin, DMin
def DSum(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'DSum', range)
- dSum, dsum = DSum, DSum
def Forms(self, sheetname, form = ''):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayRet, 'Forms', sheetname, form)
- forms = Forms
def GetColumnName(self, columnnumber):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'GetColumnName', columnnumber)
- getColumnName, getcolumnname = GetColumnName, GetColumnName
def GetFormula(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayRet, 'GetFormula', range)
- getFormula, getformula = GetFormula, GetFormula
def GetValue(self, range):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayRet, 'GetValue', range)
- getValue, getvalue = GetValue, GetValue
def ImportFromCSVFile(self, filename, destinationcell, filteroptions = ScriptForge.cstSymEmpty):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ImportFromCSVFile', filename, destinationcell, filteroptions)
- importFromCSVFile, importfromcsvfile = ImportFromCSVFile, ImportFromCSVFile
def ImportFromDatabase(self, filename = '', registrationname = '', destinationcell = '', sqlcommand = '',
directsql = False):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'ImportFromDatabase', filename, registrationname,
destinationcell, sqlcommand, directsql)
- importFromDatabase, importfromdatabase = ImportFromDatabase, ImportFromDatabase
def InsertSheet(self, sheetname, beforesheet = 32768):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'InsertSheet', sheetname, beforesheet)
- insertSheet, insertsheet = InsertSheet, InsertSheet
def MoveRange(self, source, destination):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'MoveRange', source, destination)
- moveRange, moverange = MoveRange, MoveRange
def MoveSheet(self, sheetname, beforesheet = 32768):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'MoveSheet', sheetname, beforesheet)
- moveSheet, movesheet = MoveSheet, MoveSheet
def Offset(self, range, rows = 0, columns = 0, height = ScriptForge.cstSymEmpty,
width = ScriptForge.cstSymEmpty):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'Offset', range, rows, columns, height, width)
- offset = Offset
def RemoveSheet(self, sheetname):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'RemoveSheet', sheetname)
- removeSheet, removesheet = RemoveSheet, RemoveSheet
def RenameSheet(self, sheetname, newname):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'RenameSheet', sheetname, newname)
- renameSheet, renamesheet = RenameSheet, RenameSheet
def SetArray(self, targetcell, value):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayArg, 'SetArray', targetcell, value)
- setArray, setarray = SetArray, SetArray
def SetCellStyle(self, targetrange, style):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SetCellStyle', targetrange, style)
- setCellStyle, setcellstyle = SetCellStyle, SetCellStyle
def SetFormula(self, targetrange, formula):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayArg, 'SetFormula', targetrange, formula)
- setFormula, setformula = SetFormula, SetFormula
def SetValue(self, targetrange, value):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod + self.flgArrayArg, 'SetValue', targetrange, value)
- setValue, setvalue = SetValue, SetValue
def SortRange(self, range, sortkeys, sortorder = 'ASC', destinationcell = ScriptForge.cstSymEmpty,
containsheader = False, casesensitive = False, sortcolumns = False):
return self.Execute(self.vbMethod, 'SortRange', range, sortkeys, sortorder, destinationcell,
containsheader, casesensitive, sortcolumns)
- sortRange, sortrange = SortRange, SortRange
# #########################################################################
# SF_CalcReference CLASS
@@ -1694,7 +1579,6 @@ class SFDocuments:
servicename = 'SFDocuments.CalcReference'
servicesynonyms = ()
serviceproperties = dict()
- propertysynonyms = SFServices._getAttributeSynonyms(serviceproperties)
# ##############################################False##################################################################