path: root/xmlhelp/source
diff options
authorAndreas Bille <>2001-05-23 13:15:56 +0000
committerAndreas Bille <>2001-05-23 13:15:56 +0000
commit7275b3e3ed5ba0c0e6c92ac852dbcf16d43e5246 (patch)
treebaa1f24fa30e77a221d29f4fb3d4e215058a9dce /xmlhelp/source
parent49e88dccc4b6a84f5f53a9ec86aff73dc850cf92 (diff)
Now able to transform
Diffstat (limited to 'xmlhelp/source')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/urlparameter.cxx b/xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/urlparameter.cxx
index 698b44df48e3..351d4c389781 100644
--- a/xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/urlparameter.cxx
+++ b/xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/urlparameter.cxx
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: urlparameter.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * last change: $Author: abi $ $Date: 2001-05-22 14:57:11 $
+ * last change: $Author: abi $ $Date: 2001-05-23 14:15:56 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@@ -62,9 +62,18 @@
#ifndef SablotHIncl
#include <sablot.h>
+#ifndef ShandlerHIncl
+#include <shandler.h>
#include <vos/diagnose.hxx>
+#ifndef _RTL_MEMORY_H_
+#include <rtl/memory.h>
+#ifndef _OSL_FILE_HXX_
+#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/weak.hxx>
@@ -95,9 +104,15 @@
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/OpenCommandArgument2.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/OpenMode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandProcessor.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandEnvironment.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContentIdentifier.hpp>
@@ -420,23 +435,26 @@ class InputStreamTransformer
- InputStreamTransformer( const Reference< XInputStream >& xUntransformed );
+ InputStreamTransformer( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSMgr,
+ const rtl::OUString& aUri );
virtual Any SAL_CALL queryInterface( const Type& rType ) throw( RuntimeException );
virtual void SAL_CALL acquire( void ) throw( RuntimeException );
virtual void SAL_CALL release( void ) throw( RuntimeException );
+ virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL readBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData,sal_Int32 nBytesToRead )
+ throw( NotConnectedException,
+ BufferSizeExceededException,
+ IOException,
+ RuntimeException);
- virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL readBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData,sal_Int32 nBytesToRead ) throw( NotConnectedException,
- BufferSizeExceededException,
- IOException,
- RuntimeException);
- virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL readSomeBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData,sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead ) throw( NotConnectedException,
- BufferSizeExceededException,
- IOException,
- RuntimeException);
+ virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL readSomeBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData,sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead )
+ throw( NotConnectedException,
+ BufferSizeExceededException,
+ IOException,
+ RuntimeException);
virtual void SAL_CALL skipBytes( sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip ) throw( NotConnectedException,
@@ -459,11 +477,16 @@ public:
virtual sal_Int64 SAL_CALL getLength( void ) throw( IOException,RuntimeException );
+ void addToBuffer( const char* buffer,int len );
- Reference< XInputStream > m_xInputStream;
- Reference< XSeekable > m_xSeekable;
+ int len,pos;
+ char *buffer;
+ Reference< XInputStream > m_xInputStream;
+ Reference< XSeekable > m_xSeekable;
@@ -475,11 +498,6 @@ void URLParameter::open( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSMgr,
const Reference< XCommandEnvironment >& Environment,
const Reference< XActiveDataSink >& xDataSink )
- rtl::OUString service = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" );
- Reference< XContentProvider > provider( rxSMgr->createInstance( service ),UNO_QUERY );
- Reference< XContentIdentifierFactory > factory( provider,UNO_QUERY );
rtl::OUString url = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" );
rtl::OUString jar =
Databases::getInstallPathAsURL() +
@@ -495,34 +513,22 @@ void URLParameter::open( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSMgr,
url += ( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/" ) + get_path() );
- Reference< XContentIdentifier > xIdentifier = factory->createContentIdentifier( url );
- Reference< XContent > xContent = provider->queryContent( xIdentifier );
- Reference< XCommandProcessor > processor( xContent,UNO_QUERY );
if( isRoot() )
- printf( "isRoot" );
// getPicture( HelpDatabases.getCssSheet(),m_xOutputStream);
else if( isPicture() )
- printf( "isPicture" );
// getPicture( m_xParameter.getInputFromJarFile(),m_xOutputStream );
else if( isActive() )
{ // This is a Helptext
- printf( "isActive" );
// m_xOutputStream.setBigBuffer( m_xParameter.getByteArrayText() );
- processor->execute( command,
- CommandId,
- Environment );
// Now plug in a new XInputStream
- xDataSink->setInputStream( new InputStreamTransformer( xDataSink->getInputStream() ) );
+ xDataSink->setInputStream( new InputStreamTransformer( rxSMgr,url ) );
@@ -687,30 +693,95 @@ bool URLParameter::query()
// InutStreamTransformerImpl //
+int schemehandlergetall( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ const char *scheme,
+ const char *rest,
+ char **buffer,
+ int *byteCount);
+int schemehandlerfreememory( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ char *buffer );
+int schemehandleropen( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ const char *scheme,
+ const char *rest,
+ int *handle );
+int schemehandlerget( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ int handle,
+ char *buffer,
+ int *byteCount );
+int schemehandlerput( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ int handle,
+ const char *buffer,
+ int *byteCount );
+int schemehandlerclose( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ int handle );
+struct UserData {
+ InputStreamTransformer* m_pTransformer;
+ Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > m_xSMgr;
-InputStreamTransformer::InputStreamTransformer( const Reference< XInputStream >& xInputStream )
- : m_xInputStream( xInputStream ),
- m_xSeekable( xInputStream,UNO_QUERY )
+InputStreamTransformer::InputStreamTransformer( const Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& rxSMgr,
+ const rtl::OUString& aURL )
+ : len( 0 ),
+ pos( 0 ),
+ buffer( new char[0] )
+ SchemeHandler schemeHandler;
+ schemeHandler.getAll = schemehandlergetall;
+ schemeHandler.freeMemory = schemehandlerfreememory;
+ = schemehandleropen;
+ schemeHandler.get = schemehandlerget;
+ schemeHandler.put = schemehandlerput;
+ schemeHandler.close = schemehandlerclose;
+ UserData userData;
+ userData.m_xSMgr = rxSMgr;
+ userData.m_pTransformer = this;
+ SablotHandle p;
+ SablotCreateProcessor(&p);
+ SablotRegHandler( p,HLR_SCHEME,&schemeHandler,(void*)(&userData) );
+ rtl::OString aString = rtl::OString( aURL.getStr(),aURL.getLength(),RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 );
+ char* inputStr = new char[ 1+aString.getLength() ];
+ inputStr[ aString.getLength() ] = 0;
+ rtl_copyMemory( (void*)(inputStr),(void*)(aString.getStr()),sal_uInt32( aString.getLength() ) );
+ SablotRunProcessor( p,
+ "file://e:/src632b/help/main_transform.xsl",
+ inputStr,
+ "",
+ 0,
+ 0 );
+ char* my_buf;
+ SablotGetResultArg( p,"arg:/somename",&my_buf );
+ SablotDestroyProcessor( p );
+ delete[] inputStr;
+ delete[] buffer;
Any SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::queryInterface( const Type& rType ) throw( RuntimeException )
- Any aRet;
- if( )
- aRet = ::cppu::queryInterface( rType,
+ Any aRet = ::cppu::queryInterface( rType,
SAL_STATIC_CAST( XInputStream*,this ),
SAL_STATIC_CAST( XSeekable*,this ) );
- else
- aRet = ::cppu::queryInterface( rType,
- SAL_STATIC_CAST( XInputStream*,this ) );
return aRet.hasValue() ? aRet : OWeakObject::queryInterface( rType );
@@ -736,9 +807,20 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::readBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aDat
- return m_xInputStream->readBytes( aData,nBytesToRead );
+ int curr,available = len-pos;
+ if( nBytesToRead <= available )
+ curr = nBytesToRead;
+ else
+ curr = available;
+ if( 0 <= curr && aData.getLength() < curr )
+ aData.realloc( curr );
+ for( int k = 0; k < curr; ++k )
+ aData[k] = buffer[pos++];
+ return curr > 0 ? curr : 0;
sal_Int32 SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::readSomeBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >& aData,sal_Int32 nMaxBytesToRead )
@@ -747,7 +829,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::readSomeBytes( Sequence< sal_Int8 >&
- return m_xInputStream->readSomeBytes( aData,nMaxBytesToRead );
+ return readBytes( aData,nMaxBytesToRead );
@@ -757,7 +839,7 @@ void SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::skipBytes( sal_Int32 nBytesToSkip ) throw(
RuntimeException )
- m_xInputStream->skipBytes( nBytesToSkip );
+ while( nBytesToSkip-- ) ++pos;
@@ -766,7 +848,7 @@ sal_Int32 SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::available( void ) throw( NotConnected
RuntimeException )
- return m_xInputStream->available();
+ return len-pos > 0 ? len - pos : 0 ;
@@ -775,7 +857,6 @@ void SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::closeInput( void ) throw( NotConnectedExce
RuntimeException )
- m_xInputStream->closeInput();
@@ -784,8 +865,13 @@ void SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::seek( sal_Int64 location ) throw( IllegalA
RuntimeException )
- if( )
- m_xSeekable->seek( location );
+ if( location < 0 )
+ throw IllegalArgumentException();
+ else
+ pos = location;
+ if( pos > len )
+ pos = len;
@@ -793,14 +879,261 @@ void SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::seek( sal_Int64 location ) throw( IllegalA
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::getPosition( void ) throw( IOException,
RuntimeException )
- if( )
- return m_xSeekable->getPosition();
+ return sal_Int64( pos );
sal_Int64 SAL_CALL InputStreamTransformer::getLength( void ) throw( IOException,RuntimeException )
- if( )
- return m_xSeekable->getLength();
+ return len;
+void InputStreamTransformer::addToBuffer( const char* buffer_,int len_ )
+ char* tmp = buffer;
+ buffer = new char[ len+len_ ];
+ rtl_copyMemory( (void*)(buffer),(void*)(tmp),sal_uInt32( len ) );
+ rtl_copyMemory( (void*)(buffer+len),(void*)(buffer_),sal_uInt32( len_ ) );
+ len += len_;
+class XActiveDataSinkImpl
+ : public OWeakObject,
+ public XActiveDataSink
+ virtual Any SAL_CALL queryInterface( const Type& rType ) throw( RuntimeException )
+ {
+ Any aRet = ::cppu::queryInterface( rType,
+ SAL_STATIC_CAST( XActiveDataSink*,this ) );
+ return aRet.hasValue() ? aRet : OWeakObject::queryInterface( rType );
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL acquire( void ) throw( RuntimeException )
+ {
+ OWeakObject::acquire();
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL release( void ) throw( RuntimeException )
+ {
+ OWeakObject::release();
+ }
+ virtual void SAL_CALL setInputStream( const Reference< XInputStream >& xInputStream )
+ {
+ m_xInputStream = xInputStream;
+ }
+ virtual Reference< XInputStream > SAL_CALL getInputStream()
+ {
+ return m_xInputStream;
+ }
+ Reference< XInputStream > m_xInputStream;
+#include <string.h>
+/* getAll: open the URI and return the whole string
+ scheme = URI scheme (e.g. "http")
+ rest = the rest of the URI (without colon)
+ the document is returned in a handler-allocated buffer
+ byteCount holds the byte count on return
+ return *buffer = NULL if not processed
+int schemehandlergetall( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ const char *scheme,
+ const char *rest,
+ char **buffer,
+ int *byteCount )
+ rtl::OUString url( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" ) );
+ if( strcmp( scheme,"" ) == 0 )
+ {
+ url += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "//" );
+ URLParameter urlpar( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( scheme ) +
+ rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( ":" ) +
+ rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( rest ) );
+ rtl::OUString jar =
+ Databases::getInstallPathAsURL() +
+ urlpar.get_language() +
+ rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/" ) +
+ urlpar.get_module() +
+ rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( ".jar" );
+ url+= rtl::Uri::encode( jar,
+ rtl_UriCharClassUricNoSlash,
+ rtl_UriEncodeIgnoreEscapes,
+ url += ( rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "/" ) + urlpar.get_path() );
+ }
+ else if( strcmp( scheme,"" ) == 0 )
+ url += rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( rest );
+ else
+ {
+ *buffer = 0;
+ *byteCount = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ UserData *uData = reinterpret_cast< UserData* >( userData );
+ rtl::OUString service = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "" );
+ Reference< XContentProvider > provider( uData->m_xSMgr->createInstance( service ),UNO_QUERY );
+ Reference< XContentIdentifierFactory > factory( provider,UNO_QUERY );
+ Reference< XContentIdentifier > xIdentifier = factory->createContentIdentifier( url );
+ Reference< XContent > xContent = provider->queryContent( xIdentifier );
+ Reference< XCommandProcessor > processor( xContent,UNO_QUERY );
+ OpenCommandArgument2 argument;
+ argument.Mode = OpenMode::ALL;
+ Reference< XActiveDataSink > xActiveDataSink( new XActiveDataSinkImpl() );
+ argument.Sink = xActiveDataSink;
+ argument.Priority = 0;
+ Command command;
+ command.Name = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "open" );
+ command.Handle = -1;
+ command.Argument <<= argument;
+ sal_Int32 commandId = processor->createCommandIdentifier();
+ try
+ {
+ processor->execute( command,
+ commandId,
+ Reference< XCommandEnvironment >( 0 ) );
+ }
+ catch( const CommandAbortedException& e )
+ {
+ printf( "catched exception" );
+ }
+ Reference< XInputStream > xInputStream = xActiveDataSink->getInputStream();
+ if( )
+ {
+ Reference< XSeekable > xSeekable( xInputStream,UNO_QUERY );
+ sal_Int32 size = 0;
+ if( )
+ size = sal_Int32( xSeekable->getLength() );
+ *buffer = new char[ 1+size ];
+ (*buffer)[ size ] = 0;
+ Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq;
+ xInputStream->readBytes( aSeq,size );
+ rtl_copyMemory( (void*)(*buffer),(void*)(aSeq.getConstArray()),sal_uInt32(size) );
+ *byteCount = size;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *buffer = 0;
+ *byteCount = 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* freeMemory: free the buffer allocated by getAll
+ */
+const char *bla = "Hello";
+int internalPosition = 0;
+int schemehandlerfreememory( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ char *buffer )
+ delete[] buffer;
+ return 0;
+/* open: open the URI and return a handle
+ scheme = URI scheme (e.g. "http")
+ rest = the rest of the URI (without colon)
+ the resulting handle is returned in '*handle'
+int schemehandleropen( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ const char *scheme,
+ const char *rest,
+ int *handle )
+ *handle = 0;
+ return 0;
+/* get: retrieve data from the URI
+ handle = the handle assigned on open
+ buffer = pointer to the data
+ *byteCount = number of bytes to read
+ (the number actually read is returned here)
+int schemehandlerget( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ int handle,
+ char *buffer,
+ int *byteCount )
+ int pos( 0 );
+ if( handle == 0 )
+ {
+ while( pos < *byteCount && internalPosition < 5 )
+ {
+ buffer[pos] = bla[ internalPosition ];
+ ++pos;
+ ++internalPosition;
+ }
+ }
+ *byteCount = pos;
+ return 0;
+/* put: save data to the URI (if possible)
+ handle = the handle assigned on open
+ buffer = pointer to the data
+ *byteCount = number of bytes to write
+ (the number actually written is returned here)
+int schemehandlerput( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ int handle,
+ const char *buffer,
+ int *byteCount )
+ UserData *uData = reinterpret_cast< UserData* >( userData );
+ uData->m_pTransformer->addToBuffer( buffer,*byteCount );
+ return 0;
+/* close: close the URI with the given handle
+ handle = the handle assigned on open
+int schemehandlerclose( void *userData,
+ SablotHandle processor_,
+ int handle )
+ return 0;