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diff --git a/basegfx/source/curve/b2dbeziertools.cxx b/basegfx/source/curve/b2dbeziertools.cxx
index 92008a6158a3..3cf7484169e9 100644
--- a/basegfx/source/curve/b2dbeziertools.cxx
+++ b/basegfx/source/curve/b2dbeziertools.cxx
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: b2dbeziertools.cxx,v $
- * $Revision: 1.11 $
+ * $Revision: 1.12 $
- * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-17 07:58:15 $
+ * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2007-07-18 11:05:04 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@@ -36,534 +36,11 @@
// MARKER( autogen include statement, do not remove
#include "precompiled_basegfx.hxx"
-#include <limits>
-#include <algorithm>
-#define _USE_MATH_DEFINES // needed by Visual C++ for math constants
-#include <math.h> // M_PI definition
#include <basegfx/curve/b2dcubicbezier.hxx>
-#include <basegfx/curve/b2dquadraticbezier.hxx>
-#include <basegfx/polygon/b2dpolygon.hxx>
-#include <basegfx/vector/b2dvector.hxx>
-#include <basegfx/point/b2dpoint.hxx>
-#include <basegfx/numeric/ftools.hxx>
-#include <basegfx/curve/b2dbeziertools.hxx>
- class DistanceErrorFunctor
- {
- public:
- DistanceErrorFunctor( const double& distance ) :
- mfDistance2( distance*distance ),
- mfLastDistanceError2( ::std::numeric_limits<double>::max() )
- {
- }
- bool needsFurtherSubdivision( const double& P1x, const double& P1y,
- const double& P2x, const double& P2y,
- const double& P3x, const double& P3y,
- const double& P4x, const double& P4y,
- const double&, const double& ) // last two values not used here
- {
- // Perform bezier flatness test (lecture notes from R. Schaback,
- // Mathematics of Computer-Aided Design, Uni Goettingen, 2000)
- //
- // ||P(t) - L(t)|| <= max ||b_j - b_0 - j/n(b_n - b_0)||
- // 0<=j<=n
- //
- // What is calculated here is an upper bound to the distance from
- // a line through b_0 and b_3 (P1 and P4 in our notation) and the
- // curve. We can drop 0 and n from the running indices, since the
- // argument of max becomes zero for those cases.
- const double fJ1x( P2x - P1x - 1.0/3.0*(P4x - P1x) );
- const double fJ1y( P2y - P1y - 1.0/3.0*(P4y - P1y) );
- const double fJ2x( P3x - P1x - 2.0/3.0*(P4x - P1x) );
- const double fJ2y( P3y - P1y - 2.0/3.0*(P4y - P1y) );
- const double distanceError2( ::std::max( fJ1x*fJ1x + fJ1y*fJ1y,
- fJ2x*fJ2x + fJ2y*fJ2y) );
- // stop if error measure does not improve anymore. This is a
- // safety guard against floating point inaccuracies.
- // stop if distance from line is guaranteed to be bounded by d
- bool bRet( mfLastDistanceError2 > distanceError2 &&
- distanceError2 >= mfDistance2 );
- mfLastDistanceError2 = distanceError2;
- return bRet;
- }
- private:
- double mfDistance2;
- double mfLastDistanceError2;
- };
- class AngleErrorFunctor
- {
- public:
- AngleErrorFunctor( const double& angleBounds ) :
- // take positive branch, convert from degree to radiant
- mfTanAngle( tan( fabs(angleBounds)/180.0*M_PI ) ),
- mfLastTanAngle( ::std::numeric_limits<double>::max() )
- {
- }
- bool needsFurtherSubdivision( const double P1x, const double P1y,
- const double P2x, const double P2y,
- const double P3x, const double P3y,
- const double P4x, const double P4y,
- const double Pdx, const double Pdy )
- {
- // Test angle differences between two lines (ad
- // and bd), meeting in the t=0.5 division point
- // (d), and the angle from the other ends of those
- // lines (b and a, resp.) to the tangents to the
- // curve at this points:
- //
- // *__________
- // ......*b
- // ...
- // ..
- // .
- // * *d
- // | .
- // | .
- // | .
- // | .
- // |.
- // |.
- // *
- // a
- //
- // The idea of this test is based on the fact that
- // small angle deviations between straight lines
- // go by mostly unnoticed by the human eye. When
- // we stop subdivision according to this test, the
- // resulting line polygon is guaranteed to have
- // angle differences between adjacent lines lower
- // than the given threshold.
- //
- // When using half of the angle bound for the
- // difference to the tangents at a or b, resp.,
- // this procedure guarantees that no angle in the
- // resulting line polygon is larger than the
- // specified angle bound. This is because during
- // subdivision, adjacent curve segments will have
- // collinear tangent vectors, thus, when each
- // side's line segments differs by at most angle/2
- // from that tangent, the summed difference will
- // be at most angle (this was modeled after an
- // idea from Armin Weiss).
- // To stay within the notation above, a equals P1,
- // the other end point of the tangent starting at
- // a is P2, d is Pd, and so forth.
- const ::basegfx::B2DVector vecAD( Pdx - P1x, Pdy - P1y );
- const ::basegfx::B2DVector vecDB( P4x - Pdx, P4y - Pdy );
- const double scalarVecADDB( vecAD.scalar( vecDB ) );
- const double crossVecADDB( vecAD.cross( vecDB ) );
- const ::basegfx::B2DVector vecStartTangent( P2x - P1x, P2y - P1y );
- const ::basegfx::B2DVector vecEndTangent( P4x - P3x, P4y - P3y );
- const double scalarVecStartTangentAD( vecStartTangent.scalar( vecAD ) );
- const double crossVecStartTangentAD( vecStartTangent.cross( vecAD ) );
- const double scalarVecDBEndTangent( vecDB.scalar( vecEndTangent ) );
- const double crossVecDBEndTangent( vecDB.cross( vecEndTangent ) );
- double fCurrAngle( ::std::numeric_limits<double>::max() );
- // are vecAD, vecDB, start and end tangent collinear? If
- // yes, we're already done, and no further subdivision can
- // bring us any closer to a straight line...
- if( ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero( crossVecADDB ) &&
- ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero( crossVecStartTangentAD ) &&
- ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero( crossVecDBEndTangent ) )
- {
- mfLastTanAngle = 0.0;
- return false;
- }
- // anyone has zero denominator? then we're at
- // +infinity, anyway, and should better keep on
- // subdividing
- if( ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero( scalarVecADDB ) ||
- ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero( scalarVecStartTangentAD ) ||
- ::basegfx::fTools::equalZero( scalarVecDBEndTangent ) )
- {
- mfLastTanAngle = fCurrAngle;
- return true;
- }
- // now, sieve out quadrants which have
- // deviating angles of more than 90
- // degrees. By inspection, this is everything
- // with a negative scalar product. If we
- // encounter such a negative scalar product,
- // we can simply keep on subdividing, since at
- // least one angle is then >90 degrees.
- if( ::basegfx::fTools::less( scalarVecADDB, 0.0 ) ||
- ::basegfx::fTools::less( scalarVecStartTangentAD, 0.0 ) ||
- ::basegfx::fTools::less( scalarVecDBEndTangent, 0.0 ) )
- {
- mfLastTanAngle = fCurrAngle; // TODO: Do we need the
- // correct value here?
- return true;
- }
- // take the maximum tangens of angle
- // deviation, to compare against the threshold
- // below
- fCurrAngle = ::std::max( fabs( crossVecADDB / scalarVecADDB ),
- ::std::max( fabs( crossVecStartTangentAD / scalarVecStartTangentAD ),
- fabs( crossVecDBEndTangent / scalarVecDBEndTangent ) ) );
- // stop if error measure does not improve anymore. This is a
- // safety guard against floating point inaccuracies.
- // stop if angle difference is guaranteed to be bounded by mfTanAngle
- bool bRet( mfLastTanAngle > fCurrAngle &&
- fCurrAngle >= mfTanAngle );
- mfLastTanAngle = fCurrAngle;
- return bRet;
- }
- private:
- double mfTanAngle;
- double mfLastTanAngle;
- };
- /* Recursively subdivide cubic bezier curve via deCasteljau.
- @param rPoly
- Polygon to append generated points to
- @param d2
- Maximal squared difference of curve to a straight line
- @param P*
- Exactly four points, interpreted as support and control points of
- a cubic bezier curve.
- @param old_distance2
- Last squared distance to line for this recursion
- path. Used as an end condition, if it is no longer
- improving.
- @param recursionDepth
- Depth of recursion. Used as a termination criterion, to
- prevent endless looping.
- */
- template < class ErrorFunctor > int ImplAdaptiveSubdivide( ::basegfx::B2DPolygon& rPoly,
- ErrorFunctor rErrorFunctor,
- const double P1x, const double P1y,
- const double P2x, const double P2y,
- const double P3x, const double P3y,
- const double P4x, const double P4y,
- int recursionDepth )
- {
- // Hard limit on recursion depth, empiric number. Note that if
- // for some obscure reason, we're subdividing always, this
- // would lead to 2^maxRecursionDepth points generated
- enum {maxRecursionDepth=30};
- // deCasteljau bezier arc, split at t=0.5
- // Foley/vanDam, p. 508
- // Note that for the pure distance error method, this
- // subdivision could be moved into the if-branch. But
- // since this accounts for saved work only for the
- // very last subdivision step, and we need the
- // subdivided curve for the angle criterium, I think
- // it's justified here.
- const double L1x( P1x ), L1y( P1y );
- const double L2x( (P1x + P2x)*0.5 ), L2y( (P1y + P2y)*0.5 );
- const double Hx ( (P2x + P3x)*0.5 ), Hy ( (P2y + P3y)*0.5 );
- const double L3x( (L2x + Hx)*0.5 ), L3y( (L2y + Hy)*0.5 );
- const double R4x( P4x ), R4y( P4y );
- const double R3x( (P3x + P4x)*0.5 ), R3y( (P3y + P4y)*0.5 );
- const double R2x( (Hx + R3x)*0.5 ), R2y( (Hy + R3y)*0.5 );
- const double R1x( (L3x + R2x)*0.5 ), R1y( (L3y + R2y)*0.5 );
- const double L4x( R1x ), L4y( R1y );
- // stop at recursion level 128. This is a safety guard against
- // floating point inaccuracies.
- if( recursionDepth < maxRecursionDepth &&
- rErrorFunctor.needsFurtherSubdivision( P1x, P1y,
- P2x, P2y,
- P3x, P3y,
- P4x, P4y,
- R1x, R1y ) )
- {
- // subdivide further
- ++recursionDepth;
- int nGeneratedPoints(0);
- nGeneratedPoints += ImplAdaptiveSubdivide(rPoly, rErrorFunctor, L1x, L1y, L2x, L2y, L3x, L3y, L4x, L4y, recursionDepth);
- nGeneratedPoints += ImplAdaptiveSubdivide(rPoly, rErrorFunctor, R1x, R1y, R2x, R2y, R3x, R3y, R4x, R4y, recursionDepth);
- // return number of points generated in this
- // recursion branch
- return nGeneratedPoints;
- }
- else
- {
- // requested resolution reached. Add end points to
- // output iterator. order is preserved, since
- // this is so to say depth first traversal.
- rPoly.append( ::basegfx::B2DPoint( P1x, P1y ) );
- // return number of points generated in this
- // recursion branch
- return 1;
- }
- }
-namespace basegfx
-// TODO: For bezier length calculations, use Jens Gravesens algorithm (e.g. Graphic Gems V, p. 199)
-#if 0
- /* Approximate given cubic bezier curve by quadratic bezier segments */
- void ImplQuadBezierApprox( B2DPolygon& rPoly,
- BitStream& rBits,
- Point& rLastPoint,
- const double d2,
- const double P1x, const double P1y,
- const double P2x, const double P2y,
- const double P3x, const double P3y,
- const double P4x, const double P4y )
- {
- // Check for degenerate case, where the given cubic bezier curve
- // is already quadratic: P4 == 3P3 - 3P2 + P1
- if( P4x == 3.0*P3x - 3.0*P2x + P1x &&
- P4y == 3.0*P3y - 3.0*P2y + P1y )
- {
- Impl_addQuadBezier( rBits, rLastPoint,
- 3.0/2.0*P2x - 1.0/2.0*P1x, 3.0/2.0*P2y - 1.0/2.0*P1y,
- P4x, P4y);
- }
- else
- {
- // Create quadratic segment for given cubic:
- // Start and end point must coincide, determine quadratic control
- // point in such a way that it lies on the intersection of the
- // tangents at start and end point, resp. Thus, both cubic and
- // quadratic curve segments will match in 0th and 1st derivative
- // at the start and end points
- // Intersection of P2P1 and P4P3
- // (P2y-P4y)(P3x-P4x)-(P2x-P4x)(P3y-P4y)
- // lambda = -------------------------------------
- // (P1x-P2x)(P3y-P4y)-(P1y-P2y)(P3x-P4x)
- //
- // Intersection point IP is now
- // IP = P2 + lambda(P1-P2)
- //
- const double nominator( (P2y-P4y)*(P3x-P4x) - (P2x-P4x)*(P3y-P4y) );
- const double denominator( (P1x-P2x)*(P3y-P4y) - (P1y-P2y)*(P3x-P4x) );
- const double lambda( nominator / denominator );
- const double IPx( P2x + lambda*( P1x - P2x) );
- const double IPy( P2y + lambda*( P1y - P2y) );
- // Introduce some alias names: quadratic start point is P1, end
- // point is P4, control point is IP
- const double QP1x( P1x );
- const double QP1y( P1y );
- const double QP2x( IPx );
- const double QP2y( IPy );
- const double QP3x( P4x );
- const double QP3y( P4y );
- // Adapted bezier flatness test (lecture notes from R. Schaback,
- // Mathematics of Computer-Aided Design, Uni Goettingen, 2000)
- //
- // ||C(t) - Q(t)|| <= max ||c_j - q_j||
- // 0<=j<=n
- //
- // In this case, we don't need the distance from the cubic bezier
- // to a straight line, but to a quadratic bezier. The c_j's are
- // the cubic bezier's bernstein coefficients, the q_j's the
- // quadratic bezier's. We have the c_j's given, the q_j's can be
- // calculated from QPi like this (sorry, mixed index notation, we
- // use [1,n], formulas use [0,n-1]):
- //
- // q_0 = QP1 = P1
- // q_1 = 1/3 QP1 + 2/3 QP2
- // q_2 = 2/3 QP2 + 1/3 QP3
- // q_3 = QP3 = P4
- //
- // We can drop case 0 and 3, since there the curves coincide
- // (distance is zero)
- // calculate argument of max for j=1 and j=2
- const double fJ1x( P2x - 1.0/3.0*QP1x - 2.0/3.0*QP2x );
- const double fJ1y( P2y - 1.0/3.0*QP1y - 2.0/3.0*QP2y );
- const double fJ2x( P3x - 2.0/3.0*QP2x - 1.0/3.0*QP3x );
- const double fJ2y( P3y - 2.0/3.0*QP2y - 1.0/3.0*QP3y );
- // stop if distance from cubic curve is guaranteed to be bounded by d
- // Should denominator be 0: then P1P2 and P3P4 are parallel (P1P2^T R[90,P3P4] = 0.0),
- // meaning that either we have a straight line or an inflexion point (see else block below)
- if( 0.0 != denominator &&
- ::std::max( fJ1x*fJ1x + fJ1y*fJ1y,
- fJ2x*fJ2x + fJ2y*fJ2y) < d2 )
- {
- // requested resolution reached.
- // Add end points to output file.
- // order is preserved, since this is so to say depth first traversal.
- Impl_addQuadBezier( rBits, rLastPoint,
- QP2x, QP2y,
- QP3x, QP3y);
- }
- else
- {
- // Maybe subdivide further
- // This is for robustness reasons, since the line intersection
- // method below gets instable if the curve gets closer to a
- // straight line. If the given cubic bezier does not deviate by
- // more than d/4 from a straight line, either:
- // - take the line (that's what we do here)
- // - express the line by a quadratic bezier
- // Perform bezier flatness test (lecture notes from R. Schaback,
- // Mathematics of Computer-Aided Design, Uni Goettingen, 2000)
- //
- // ||P(t) - L(t)|| <= max ||b_j - b_0 - j/n(b_n - b_0)||
- // 0<=j<=n
- //
- // What is calculated here is an upper bound to the distance from
- // a line through b_0 and b_3 (P1 and P4 in our notation) and the
- // curve. We can drop 0 and n from the running indices, since the
- // argument of max becomes zero for those cases.
- const double fJ1x( P2x - P1x - 1.0/3.0*(P4x - P1x) );
- const double fJ1y( P2y - P1y - 1.0/3.0*(P4y - P1y) );
- const double fJ2x( P3x - P1x - 2.0/3.0*(P4x - P1x) );
- const double fJ2y( P3y - P1y - 2.0/3.0*(P4y - P1y) );
- // stop if distance from line is guaranteed to be bounded by d/4
- if( ::std::max( fJ1x*fJ1x + fJ1y*fJ1y,
- fJ2x*fJ2x + fJ2y*fJ2y) < d2/16.0 )
- {
- // do not subdivide further, add straight line instead
- Impl_addStraightLine( rBits, rLastPoint, P4x, P4y);
- }
- else
- {
- // deCasteljau bezier arc, split at t=0.5
- // Foley/vanDam, p. 508
- const double L1x( P1x ), L1y( P1y );
- const double L2x( (P1x + P2x)*0.5 ), L2y( (P1y + P2y)*0.5 );
- const double Hx ( (P2x + P3x)*0.5 ), Hy ( (P2y + P3y)*0.5 );
- const double L3x( (L2x + Hx)*0.5 ), L3y( (L2y + Hy)*0.5 );
- const double R4x( P4x ), R4y( P4y );
- const double R3x( (P3x + P4x)*0.5 ), R3y( (P3y + P4y)*0.5 );
- const double R2x( (Hx + R3x)*0.5 ), R2y( (Hy + R3y)*0.5 );
- const double R1x( (L3x + R2x)*0.5 ), R1y( (L3y + R2y)*0.5 );
- const double L4x( R1x ), L4y( R1y );
- // subdivide further
- Impl_quadBezierApprox(rBits, rLastPoint, d2, L1x, L1y, L2x, L2y, L3x, L3y, L4x, L4y);
- Impl_quadBezierApprox(rBits, rLastPoint, d2, R1x, R1y, R2x, R2y, R3x, R3y, R4x, R4y);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sal_Int32 adaptiveSubdivideByDistance( B2DPolygon& rPoly,
- const B2DCubicBezier& rCurve,
- double distanceBounds,
- bool bAddEndPoint )
- {
- const B2DPoint start( rCurve.getStartPoint() );
- const B2DPoint control1( rCurve.getControlPointA() );
- const B2DPoint control2( rCurve.getControlPointB() );
- const B2DPoint end( rCurve.getEndPoint() );
- sal_Int32 nPoints( ImplAdaptiveSubdivide( rPoly,
- DistanceErrorFunctor( distanceBounds ),
- start.getX(), start.getY(),
- control1.getX(), control1.getY(),
- control2.getX(), control2.getY(),
- end.getX(), end.getY(),
- 0 ) );
- // finish polygon
- if ( bAddEndPoint )
- {
- rPoly.append( end );
- nPoints++;
- }
- return nPoints;
- }
- sal_Int32 adaptiveSubdivideByAngle( B2DPolygon& rPoly,
- const B2DCubicBezier& rCurve,
- double angleBounds,
- bool bAddEndPoint )
- {
- const B2DPoint start( rCurve.getStartPoint() );
- const B2DPoint control1( rCurve.getControlPointA() );
- const B2DPoint control2( rCurve.getControlPointB() );
- const B2DPoint end( rCurve.getEndPoint() );
- sal_Int32 nPoints( ImplAdaptiveSubdivide( rPoly,
- AngleErrorFunctor( angleBounds ),
- start.getX(), start.getY(),
- control1.getX(), control1.getY(),
- control2.getX(), control2.getY(),
- end.getX(), end.getY(),
- 0 ) );
- // finish polygon
- if ( bAddEndPoint )
- {
- rPoly.append( end );
- nPoints++;
- }
- return nPoints;
- }
- sal_Int32 adaptiveSubdivideByDistance( B2DPolygon& /*rPoly*/,
- const B2DQuadraticBezier& /*rCurve*/,
- double /*distanceBounds*/,
- bool /*bAddEndPoint*/ )
- {
- // TODO
- return 0;
- }
+// necessary stuff moved to B2DCubicBezier
+// eof