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2 files changed, 41 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sal/inc/rtl/ustring.hxx b/sal/inc/rtl/ustring.hxx
index 37e455a75c51..017b04343909 100644
--- a/sal/inc/rtl/ustring.hxx
+++ b/sal/inc/rtl/ustring.hxx
@@ -944,6 +944,46 @@ public:
+ Check whether this string ends with a given string, ignoring the case of
+ ASCII letters.
+ Character values between 65 and 90 (ASCII A-Z) are interpreted as
+ values between 97 and 122 (ASCII a-z).
+ This function can't be used for language specific comparison.
+ @param str the object (substring) to be compared.
+ @return true if this string ends with str, ignoring the case of ASCII
+ letters ("A"--"Z" and "a"--"z"); otherwise, false is returned
+ @since 3.6
+ */
+ sal_Bool endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( const OUString & str ) const SAL_THROW(())
+ {
+ return str.getLength() <= getLength()
+ && matchIgnoreAsciiCase(str, getLength() - str.getLength());
+ }
+ /**
+ @overload
+ This function accepts an ASCII string literal as its argument.
+ @since 3.6
+ */
+ template< int N >
+ sal_Bool endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( const char (&literal)[ N ] ) const SAL_THROW(())
+ {
+ return N - 1 <= pData->length
+ && (rtl_ustr_ascii_compareIgnoreAsciiCase_WithLengths(
+ pData->buffer + pData->length - ( N - 1 ),
+ N - 1, literal, N - 1)
+ == 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ * It is an error to call this overload. Strings cannot directly use non-const char[].
+ * @internal
+ */
+ template< int N >
+ sal_Bool endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( char (&literal)[ N ] ) const SAL_THROW(());
+ /**
Check whether this string ends with a given ASCII string, ignoring the
case of ASCII letters.
diff --git a/sal/qa/rtl/strings/test_oustring_stringliterals.cxx b/sal/qa/rtl/strings/test_oustring_stringliterals.cxx
index d35596c34111..59e130071484 100644
--- a/sal/qa/rtl/strings/test_oustring_stringliterals.cxx
+++ b/sal/qa/rtl/strings/test_oustring_stringliterals.cxx
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ void test::oustring::StringLiterals::checkUsage()
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FooBaRfoo.matchIgnoreAsciiCase( "bAr", 3 ));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FooBaR.matchIgnoreAsciiCase( "fOo" ));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( foobar.endsWith( "bar" ));
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT( FooBaR.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( "bar" ));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( foo == "foo" );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( "foo" == foo );
CPPUNIT_ASSERT( foo != "bar" );