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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/sbx/sbxscan.cxx b/basic/source/sbx/sbxscan.cxx
index b6b68d6b0e6c..4d5bfdb5ce61 100644
--- a/basic/source/sbx/sbxscan.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/sbx/sbxscan.cxx
@@ -494,97 +494,6 @@ bool ImpConvStringExt( OUString& rSrc, SbxDataType eTargetType )
// the return value is the number of characters used
// from the format
-#ifdef _old_format_code_
-// leave the code provisionally to copy the previous implementation
-static sal_uInt16 printfmtnum( double nNum, OUString& rRes, const OUString& rWFmt )
- const String& rFmt = rWFmt;
- char cFill = ' '; // filling characters
- char cPre = 0; // start character ( maybe "$" )
- short nExpDig= 0; // number of exponent positions
- short nPrec = 0; // number of positions after decimal point
- short nWidth = 0; // number range completely
- short nLen; // length of converted number
- bool bPoint = false; // true: with 1000 separators
- bool bTrail = false; // true, if following minus
- bool bSign = false; // true: always with leading sign
- bool bNeg = false; // true: number is negative
- char cBuf [1024]; // number buffer
- char * p;
- const char* pFmt = rFmt;
- rRes.Erase();
- // catch $$ and **, is simply output as character
- if( *pFmt == '$' )
- if( *++pFmt != '$' ) rRes += '$';
- if( *pFmt == '*' )
- if( *++pFmt != '*' ) rRes += '*';
- switch( *pFmt++ )
- {
- case 0:
- break;
- case '+':
- bSign = true; nWidth++; break;
- case '*':
- nWidth++; cFill = '*';
- if( *pFmt == '$' ) nWidth++, pFmt++, cPre = '$';
- break;
- case '$':
- nWidth++; cPre = '$'; break;
- case '#':
- case '.':
- case ',':
- pFmt--; break;
- }
- // pre point
- for( ;; )
- {
- while( *pFmt == '#' ) pFmt++, nWidth++;
- // 1000 separators?
- if( *pFmt == ',' )
- {
- nWidth++; pFmt++; bPoint = true;
- } else break;
- }
- // after point
- if( *pFmt == '.' )
- {
- while( *++pFmt == '#' ) nPrec++;
- nWidth += nPrec + 1;
- }
- // exponent
- while( *pFmt == '^' )
- pFmt++, nExpDig++, nWidth++;
- // following minus
- if( !bSign && *pFmt == '-' )
- pFmt++, bTrail = true;
- // convert number
- if( nPrec > 15 ) nPrec = 15;
- if( nNum < 0.0 ) nNum = -nNum, bNeg = true;
- p = cBuf;
- if( bSign ) *p++ = bNeg ? '-' : '+';
- myftoa( nNum, p, nPrec, nExpDig, bPoint, false );
- nLen = strlen( cBuf );
- // overflow?
- if( cPre ) nLen++;
- if( nLen > nWidth ) rRes += '%';
- else {
- nWidth -= nLen;
- while( nWidth-- ) rRes += (sal_Unicode)cFill;
- if( cPre ) rRes += (sal_Unicode)cPre;
- }
- rRes += (sal_Unicode*)&(cBuf[0]);
- if( bTrail )
- rRes += bNeg ? '-' : ' ';
- return (sal_uInt16) ( pFmt - (const char*) rFmt );
-#endif //_old_format_code_
static sal_uInt16 printfmtstr( const OUString& rStr, OUString& rRes, const OUString& rFmt )
OUStringBuffer aTemp;