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5 files changed, 1 insertions, 1273 deletions
diff --git a/include/svl/filerec.hxx b/include/svl/filerec.hxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 904b2d2e3e04..000000000000
--- a/include/svl/filerec.hxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,647 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at .
- */
-#include <sal/config.h>
-#include <sal/log.hxx>
-#include <svl/svldllapi.h>
-#include <tools/debug.hxx>
-#include <tools/stream.hxx>
-#include <osl/diagnose.h>
-#include <memory>
-#include <vector>
-#define SFX_REC_PRETAG_EXT sal_uInt8(0x00) // Pre-Tag for Extended-Records
-#define SFX_REC_PRETAG_EOR sal_uInt8(0xFF) // Pre-Tag for End-Of-Records
-#define SFX_REC_TYPE_SINGLE sal_uInt8(0x01) // Single-Content-Record
-#define SFX_REC_TYPE_FIXSIZE sal_uInt8(0x02) // Fix-Size-Multi-Content-Record
-#define SFX_REC_TYPE_VARSIZE_RELOC sal_uInt8(0x03) // variable Rec-Size
-#define SFX_REC_TYPE_VARSIZE sal_uInt8(0x04) // old (not movable)
-#define SFX_REC_TYPE_MIXTAGS_RELOC sal_uInt8(0x07) // Mixed Tag Content-Record
-#define SFX_REC_TYPE_MIXTAGS sal_uInt8(0x08) // old (not movable)
-#define SFX_REC_HEADERSIZE_MINI 4 // size of the Mini-Record-Header
-// General file format: documented at class SfxMiniRecordReader below
-/** Writes simple records in a stream
- *
- * An instance of this class can write a simple record into a stream. It identifies itself
- * with a sal_uInt8 and stores its own size. This allows it to be skipped with old versions or
- * readers if they do not know the record type (= tag). No version number will be stored.
- *
- * One can either provide the size or the latter will be automatically calculated based on the
- * difference of Tell() before and after streaming the content.
- *
- * @par File format
- *
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Content-Tag (!= 0)
- * 1* 3-sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec in Bytes
- * SizeOfContent* sal_uInt8 Content
- *
- * @par Example
- * @code
- * {
- * SfxMiniRecordWriter aRecord( pStream, MY_TAG_X );
- * *aRecord << aMember1;
- * *aRecord << aMember2;
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * @note To ensure up- and downwards compatibility, new versions need to include
- * the data of the older ones and are only allowed to add data afterwards.
- * @see SfxMiniRecordReader
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxMiniRecordWriter
- SvStream* _pStream; // <SvStream> with the record
- sal_uInt32 _nStartPos; // starting position of the total record in the stream
- bool _bHeaderOk; /* TRUE, if header already written */
- sal_uInt8 _nPreTag; // 'pre-Tag' to write to header
- inline SfxMiniRecordWriter( SvStream *pStream, sal_uInt8 nTag );
- inline ~SfxMiniRecordWriter();
- sal_uInt32 Close( bool bSeekToEndOfRec = true );
- SfxMiniRecordWriter( const SfxMiniRecordWriter& ) = delete;
- SfxMiniRecordWriter& operator=(const SfxMiniRecordWriter&) = delete;
-/** Reads simple record from a stream
- *
- * An instance of this class allows to read a simple record from a stream that was written by
- * SfxMiniRecordWriter. It is also possible to skip a record, even without knowing its internal
- * format.
- *
- * @par Example
- * @code
- * {
- * SfxMiniRecordReader aRecord( pStream );
- * switch ( aRecord.GetTag() )
- * {
- * case MY_TAG_X:
- * *aRecord >> aMember1;
- * *aRecord >> aMember2;
- * break;
- *
- * ...
- * }
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * @par General file format
- *
- * Each record begins with one byte, the so called 'Pre-Tag'.
- *
- * If this 'Pre-Tag' == 0x00, then the record is a extended record,
- * whose type is further determined by another byte at position 5:
- *
- * 0x01: SfxSingleRecord
- * 0x02: SfxMultiFixRecord
- * 0x03+0x04: SfxMultiVarRecord
- * 0x07+0x08: SfxMultiMixRecord
- * (All other possible record types are reserved.)
- *
- * Normally, if only for performance reasons, the file formats are
- * constructed in such a way, that when loading the record type
- * is predetermined. So the record type serves mainly for checks
- * and for file viewers that do not know the exact file format.
- *
- * For that purpose 'SfxMiniRecordReader' provides a static method
- * 'ScanRecordType()', with which it is possible to find out what
- * Record type can be found in the stream that was passed.
- *
- * A 'Pre-Tag' with value 0xFF is reserved for a terminator.
- * Terminators are used to stop looking for a particular record,
- * i.e. if it was not found until then the search will not be continued.
- *
- * For all other values of the 'Pre-Tag' (so 0x01 to 0xFE) the record
- * is one that is compatible with SW3, called 'SfxMiniRecord' here,
- * and therefore it can be read with an <SfxMiniRecordReader>.
- *
- * If the record starts with 0x44 it could be a Drawing-Engine-Record.
- * This is the case if the following 3 bytes spell 'RMD' or 'RVW'
- * (which together with 'D'==0x44 form an abbreviation for 'DRaw-MoDel'
- * or 'DRaw-VieW'). Records of this type cannot be read by the classes
- * represented here, nor interpreted in any way. Only the
- * 'ScanRecordType()' method can recognise it - but further processing
- * is impossible.
- *
- * The 3 bytes in position 2 to 4 normally contain the size of the
- * record without the pre-tag and the size field itself,
- * so the remaining size after the 4 byte header.
- *
- * Structure of the Mini-Records:
- *
- * 1 sal_uInt8 Pre-Tag
- * 3 sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec
- * OffsetToEndOfRec* 1 sal_uInt8 Content
- *
- * For Extended-Records the 4 byte header is followed by an extended header,
- * which contains first the record type, than a version number
- * and a tag, which indicates the kind of content.
- *
- * Structure of the extended record:
- *
- * 1 sal_uInt8 Pre-Tag (==0x00)
- * 3 sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec
- * OffsetToEndOfRec* 1 sal_uInt8 Content
- * 1 sal_uInt8 Record-Type
- * 1 sal_uInt8 Version
- * 2 sal_uInt8 Tag
- * ContentSize* 1 sal_uInt8 Content
- *
- * (ContentSize = OffsetToEndOfRec - 8)
- *
- * @note
- * The reason for the structure of the record is as follows:
- *
- * The SW record type came first, and so had to be kept 1:1.
- * Fortunately some record tags had not been used (like 0x00 and 0xFF).
- * <BR>
- * => 1st byte 0x00 can be used to identify extended records
- * <BR>
- * => 1st byte 0xFF can be used for special purposes.
- *
- * Whatever record type is present, it should be possible to recognise
- * the type, read the header and skip the record without having to
- * seek back or read superfluous data.
- * <BR>
- * => Bytes 2-4 are interpreted as the offset to the end of the record
- * whatever the record, so that the total record size is equal
- * to sizeof(sal_uInt32) + OffsetToEndOfRec
- *
- * The records should be easy to parse and constructed uniformly
- * <BR>
- * => They build on each, for instance the SfxMiniRecord is contained
- * in all others
- *
- * It should be possible to distinguish the record from Drawing Engine
- * ones. These start with 'DRMD' and 'DRVW'.
- * <BR>
- * => Mini-Records with Pre-Tag 'D' can only be up to 4MB in size,
- * to avoid confusion.
- *
- * @par Extensions
- * Plans are to extend the file format in such a way that the high nibble
- * of the record type has special duties. For instance it is planned
- * to mark Record-Contents as 'consisting only of Records'. That way
- * a file viewer could automatically parse these structures without
- * risking encountering data that looks like records, but actually is
- * flat data. Those further extensions are prepared to the extent
- * that in type comparisons the high nibble is not taken into account.
- *
- * @see SfxMiniRecordWriter
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxMiniRecordReader
- SvStream* _pStream; // <SvStream> to read from
- sal_uInt32 _nEofRec; // Position direcly after the record
- bool _bSkipped; // TRUE: the record was skipped explicitly
- sal_uInt8 _nPreTag; // Pre-Tag read from the heather
- // three phase constructor for sub-classes
- SfxMiniRecordReader()
- : _pStream(nullptr)
- , _nEofRec(0)
- , _bSkipped(false)
- , _nPreTag(0)
- {
- }
- void Construct_Impl( SvStream *pStream )
- {
- _pStream = pStream;
- _bSkipped = false;
- }
- inline bool SetHeader_Impl( sal_uInt32 nHeader );
- // mark as invalid and seek back
- void SetInvalid_Impl( sal_uInt32 nRecordStartPos )
- {
- _pStream->Seek( nRecordStartPos );
- }
- SfxMiniRecordReader( SvStream *pStream, sal_uInt8 nTag );
- inline ~SfxMiniRecordReader();
- inline void Skip();
- SfxMiniRecordReader( const SfxMiniRecordReader& ) = delete;
- SfxMiniRecordReader& operator=(const SfxMiniRecordReader&) = delete;
- *
- * With instances of this class a record ban be written to a stream,
- * whose only contents is identified by a sal_uInt16 tag and a
- * sal_uInt8 version number. Also the length of the record is stored
- * so that older versions or readers that do not known the
- * record type (tag) can skip it.
- *
- * The size can be given directly or calculated automatically from
- * the difference between the tell() return values before and
- * after streaming the contents.
- *
- * To allow for forward and backward compatibility, newer versions
- * of the data must always include the older versions completely,
- * it is only allowed to append new data!
- *
- * @par File Format
- *
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Pre-Tag (!= 0)
- * 1* 3-sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec in bytes
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Record-Type (==SFX_REC_TYPE_SINGLE)
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Content-Version
- * 1* sal_uInt16 Content-Tag
- * SizeOfContent* sal_uInt8 Content
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxSingleRecordWriter: public SfxMiniRecordWriter
- SfxSingleRecordWriter( sal_uInt8 nRecordType,
- SvStream *pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nTag, sal_uInt8 nCurVer );
- sal_uInt32 Close();
- *
- * With instances of this class simple records can be read from a stream,
- * that were written with class <SfxSingleRecordWriter>.
- *
- * It is also possible to skip the record without knowing the internal format.
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxSingleRecordReader: public SfxMiniRecordReader
- sal_uInt16 _nRecordTag; // type of the complete contents
- sal_uInt8 _nRecordType; // Record Type from the header
- // Three phase constructor for derived classes
- SfxSingleRecordReader()
- : _nRecordTag(0)
- , _nRecordType(0)
- {
- }
- bool FindHeader_Impl( sal_uInt16 nTypes, sal_uInt16 nTag );
- *
- * Instances of this class can be used to write a record to a stream,
- * which stores its own length so that it can be skipped by
- * older versions and readers that do not known the record type (tag).
- *
- * It contains multiple contents of the same type (tag) and the same
- * version, which have been identified once and for all in the
- * header of the record. All contents have a length which is
- * known in advance and identical.
- *
- * To be able to guarantee forward and backwards compatibility,
- * newer versions of the that must always completely contain
- * the old version, so it is only allowed to append data!
- * Obviously, only the data of the individual contents are meant,
- * the number of contents is naturally variable, and should be
- * treated as such by the reading application.
- *
- * @par File format
- *
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Pre-Tag (==0)
- * 1* 3-sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec in bytes
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Record-Type (==SFX_REC_TYPE_FIXSIZE)
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Content-Version
- * 1* sal_uInt16 Content-Tag
- * 1* sal_uInt16 NumberOfContents
- * 1* sal_uInt32 SizeOfEachContent
- * NumberOfContents* (
- * SizeOfEachContent sal_uInt8 Content
- * )
- *
- * @par Example
- * @code
- * {
- * SfxMultiFixRecordWriter aRecord( pStream, MY_TAG_X, MY_VERSION );
- * for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < Count(); ++n )
- * {
- * aRecord.NewContent();
- * *aRecord << aMember1[n];
- * *aRecord << aMember2[n];
- * }
- * }
- * @endcode
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxMultiFixRecordWriter: public SfxSingleRecordWriter
- sal_uInt32 _nContentStartPos; /* start position of respective
- content - only with DBG_UTIL
- and for subclasses */
- sal_uInt16 _nContentCount; // number of contents
- SfxMultiFixRecordWriter( sal_uInt8 nRecordType,
- SvStream *pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nTag );
- inline ~SfxMultiFixRecordWriter();
- sal_uInt32 Close();
-/** write record with multiple content items
- *
- * Write a record into a stream that stores its own size. This allows it to be
- * skipped with old versions or readers if they do not know the record type (= tag).
- *
- * It contains multiple content items of the same tag and version, that are both
- * stored in the header of the record. The size of each content will be calculated
- * automatically and stored so that single content items can be skipped without
- * having to read them.
- *
- * @par File Format
- *
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Pre-Tag (==0)
- * 1* 3-sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec in Bytes
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Record-Type (==SFX_FILETYPE_TYPE_VARSIZE)
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Content-Version
- * 1* sal_uInt16 Content-Tag
- * 1* sal_uInt16 NumberOfContents
- * 1* sal_uInt32 OffsetToOfsTable
- * NumberOfContents* (
- * ContentSize* sal_uInt8 Content
- * )
- * NumberOfContents* sal_uInt32 ContentOfs (shifted each <<8)
- *
- * @par Example
- * @code
- * {
- * SfxMultiVarRecordWriter aRecord( pStream, MY_TAG_X, MY_VERSION );
- * for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < Count(); ++n )
- * {
- * aRecord.NewContent();
- * *aRecord << aMember1[n];
- * *aRecord << aMember2[n];
- * }
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * @note To ensure up- and downwards compatibility, new versions need to include
- * the data of the older ones and are only allowed to add data afterwards.
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxMultiVarRecordWriter: public SfxMultiFixRecordWriter
- std::vector<sal_uInt32> _aContentOfs;
- sal_uInt16 _nContentVer; // only for SfxMultiMixRecordWriter
- SfxMultiVarRecordWriter( sal_uInt8 nRecordType,
- SvStream *pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nRecordTag );
- void FlushContent_Impl();
- SfxMultiVarRecordWriter( SvStream *pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nRecordTag );
- virtual ~SfxMultiVarRecordWriter();
- void NewContent();
- sal_uInt32 Close();
-/** write record with multiple content items with identical size
- *
- * Write a record into a stream that stores its own size. This allows it to be
- * skipped with old versions or readers if they do not know the record type (= tag).
- *
- * It contains multiple content items of the same tag and version, that are both
- * stored in the header of the record. All content items have a known identical
- * size.
- *
- * @par File Format
- *
- * 1* sal_uInt8 Pre-Tag (==0)
- * 1* 3-sal_uInt8 OffsetToEndOfRec in Bytes
- * 1* sal_uInt8 record type (==SFX_REC_TYPE_MIXTAGS)
- * 1* sal_uInt8 content version
- * 1* sal_uInt16 record tag
- * 1* sal_uInt16 NumberOfContents
- * 1* sal_uInt32 OffsetToOfsTable
- * NumberOfContents* (
- * 1* sal_uInt16 content tag
- * ContentSize* sal_uInt8 content
- * )
- * NumberOfContents* sal_uInt32 ( ContentOfs << 8 + Version )
- *
- * @note To ensure up- and downwards compatibility, new versions need to include
- * the data of the older ones and are only allowed to add data afterwards.
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxMultiMixRecordWriter: public SfxMultiVarRecordWriter
- inline SfxMultiMixRecordWriter( SvStream *pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nRecordTag );
- void NewContent( sal_uInt16 nTag, sal_uInt8 nVersion );
-/** Read multiple content items of an existing record
- *
- * Instances of this class allow to read multiple content items of a record
- * that was written with
- * - SfxMultiFixRecordWriter
- * - SfxMultiVarRecordWriter
- * - SfxMultiMixRecordWriter
- *
- * It is possible to skip single content or the whole record without knowing
- * its internal format.
- *
- * @par Example
- * @code
- * {
- * SfxMultiRecordReader aRecord( pStream );
- * for ( sal_uInt16 nRecNo = 0; aRecord.GetContent(); ++nRecNo )
- * {
- * switch ( aRecord.GetTag() )
- * {
- * case MY_TAG_X:
- * X *pObj = new X;
- * *aRecord >> pObj.>aMember1;
- * if ( aRecord.HasVersion(2) )
- * *aRecord >> pObj->aMember2;
- * Append( pObj );
- * break;
- *
- * ...
- * }
- * }
- * }
- * @endcode
- */
-class SVL_DLLPUBLIC SfxMultiRecordReader: public SfxSingleRecordReader
- sal_uInt32 _nStartPos; // start position of this record
- std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt32[]>
- _pContentOfs; // offsets of the start positions
- sal_uInt32 _nContentSize; // size of each record or table position
- sal_uInt16 _nContentCount; // number of content items
- sal_uInt16 _nContentNo; /* the index of the current content
- contains the next content's index
- for GetContent() */
- sal_uInt16 _nContentTag; // tag of the current content
- sal_uInt8 _nContentVer; // version of the current content
- bool ReadHeader_Impl();
- SfxMultiRecordReader( SvStream *pStream, sal_uInt16 nTag );
- ~SfxMultiRecordReader();
- bool GetContent();
- inline sal_uInt16 GetContentTag();
- inline sal_uInt8 GetContentVersion() const;
-/** create a mini record
- *
- * The content size is calculated automatically after streaming.
- *
- * @param pStream the stream that will contain the record
- * @param nTag a record tag between 0x01 and 0xFE
- */
-inline SfxMiniRecordWriter::SfxMiniRecordWriter( SvStream* pStream, sal_uInt8 nTag )
-: _pStream( pStream ),
- _nStartPos( pStream->Tell() ),
- _bHeaderOk(false),
- _nPreTag( nTag )
- DBG_ASSERT( _nPreTag != 0xFF, "invalid Tag" );
- SAL_INFO("svl", "SfxFileRec: writing record to " << pStream->Tell());
- pStream->SeekRel( + SFX_REC_HEADERSIZE_MINI );
-/** The destructor closes the record automatically if not done earlier */
-inline SfxMiniRecordWriter::~SfxMiniRecordWriter()
- // the header was not written, yet, or needs to be checked
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- Close();
-/** The dtor moves the stream automatically to the position directly behind the record */
-inline SfxMiniRecordReader::~SfxMiniRecordReader()
- if ( !_bSkipped )
- Skip();
-/** position the stream directly behind the record's end */
-inline void SfxMiniRecordReader::Skip()
- _pStream->Seek(_nEofRec);
- _bSkipped = true;
-/// @see SfxMiniRecordWriter::Close()
-inline sal_uInt32 SfxSingleRecordWriter::Close()
- sal_uInt32 nRet = 0;
- // was the header already written?
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- {
- // write base class header
- sal_uInt32 nEndPos = SfxMiniRecordWriter::Close( false/*bSeekToEndOfRec*/ );
- // seek the end of the own header if needed or stay behind the record
- nRet = nEndPos;
- }
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
- else
- // check base class header
- SfxMiniRecordWriter::Close( false/*bSeekToEndOfRec*/ );
- return nRet;
-/** The destructor closes the record automatically if not done earlier */
-inline SfxMultiFixRecordWriter::~SfxMultiFixRecordWriter()
- // the header was not written, yet, or needs to be checked
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- Close();
- * Creates a SfxMultiMixRecord in the given stream with a separate tags and
- * versions of its content parts. The sizes of each part are calculated
- * automatically.
- *
- * @param pStream target stream in which the record will be created
- * @param nRecordTag tag for the total record
- */
-inline SfxMultiMixRecordWriter::SfxMultiMixRecordWriter( SvStream* pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nRecordTag )
-: SfxMultiVarRecordWriter( SFX_REC_TYPE_MIXTAGS, pStream, nRecordTag )
-/** @returns the tag of the last opened content
- * @see SfxMultiRecordReder::GetContent()
- */
-inline sal_uInt16 SfxMultiRecordReader::GetContentTag()
- return _nContentTag;
-/** @returns the version of the last opened content
- * @see SfxMultiRecordReder::GetContent()
- */
-inline sal_uInt8 SfxMultiRecordReader::GetContentVersion() const
- return _nContentVer;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/svl/ b/svl/
index 411def14df13..2e623a3b02ad 100644
--- a/svl/
+++ b/svl/
@@ -122,7 +122,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,svl,\
svl/source/config/languageoptions \
svl/source/crypto/cryptosign \
svl/source/filepicker/pickerhistory \
- svl/source/filerec/filerec \
svl/source/items/aeitem \
svl/source/items/cenumitm \
svl/source/items/cintitem \
diff --git a/svl/source/filerec/filerec.cxx b/svl/source/filerec/filerec.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 56549abd6580..000000000000
--- a/svl/source/filerec/filerec.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
- *
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at
- *
- * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
- * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
- * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
- * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- * the License at .
- */
-#include <sal/config.h>
-#include <sal/log.hxx>
-#include <svl/filerec.hxx>
-#include <osl/endian.h>
-/* The following macros extract parts from a sal_uInt32 value.
- These sal_uInt32 values are written out instead of the individual
- values to reduce the number of calls.
-#define SFX_REC_PRE(n) ( ((n) & 0x000000FF) )
-#define SFX_REC_OFS(n) ( ((n) & 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8 )
-#define SFX_REC_TYP(n) ( ((n) & 0x000000FF) )
-#define SFX_REC_TAG(n) ( ((n) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16 )
-#define SFX_REC_CONTENT_VER(n) ( ((n) & 0x000000FF) )
-#define SFX_REC_CONTENT_OFS(n) ( ((n) & 0xFFFFFF00) >> 8 )
-/* The following macros combine parts to a sal_uInt32 value.
- This sal_uInt32 value is written instead of the individual values
- to reduce the number of calls.
-static void lclWriteMiniHeader(SvStream *p, sal_uInt32 nPreTag, sal_uInt32 nStartPos, sal_uInt32 nEndPos)
- (*p).WriteUInt32( nPreTag |
- sal_uInt32(nEndPos-nStartPos-SFX_REC_HEADERSIZE_MINI) << 8 );
-static void lclWriteHeader(SvStream *p, sal_uInt32 nRecType, sal_uInt32 nContentTag, sal_uInt32 nContentVer)
- (*p).WriteUInt32( nRecType |
- ( nContentVer << 8 ) |
- ( nContentTag << 16 ) );
-#define SFX_REC_CONTENT_HEADER(nContentVer,n1StStartPos,nCurStartPos) \
- ( sal_uInt32(nContentVer) | \
- sal_uInt32( nCurStartPos - n1StStartPos ) << 8 )
-/** Close the record; write the header
- *
- * @param bSeekToEndOfRec
- * if true (default) the stream is positioned at the end of the record;
- * if false the stream at the start of the content (so after the header).
- *
- * This method closes the record. The main function is to write the header.
- * If the header was written already this method is a no-op.
- *
- * @return sal_uInt32 != 0: Position im the stream immediately after the record.
- * If 'bSeekToEndOfRecord==sal_True' this will be equal to the current stream position.
- * == 0: The header was already written.
- */
-sal_uInt32 SfxMiniRecordWriter::Close(bool bSeekToEndOfRec)
- // The header wasn't written yet?
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- {
- // Write header at the start of the record
- sal_uInt32 nEndPos = _pStream->Tell();
- _pStream->Seek( _nStartPos );
- lclWriteMiniHeader(_pStream, _nPreTag, _nStartPos, nEndPos );
- // seek to the end of the record or stay where we are
- if ( bSeekToEndOfRec )
- _pStream->Seek( nEndPos );
- // the header has been written NOW
- _bHeaderOk = true;
- return nEndPos;
- }
- // Record was closed already
- return 0;
- Internal method for belatedly processing a header read externally.
- If the header corresponds to an End-Of-Record tag, an error
- code is set on the stream and sal_False is returned.
- But the stream will not be reset to the record start in case of an error.
-bool SfxMiniRecordReader::SetHeader_Impl( sal_uInt32 nHeader )
- bool bRet = true;
- // determine record end and PreTag from the header
- _nEofRec = _pStream->Tell() + SFX_REC_OFS(nHeader);
- _nPreTag = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt8 >(SFX_REC_PRE(nHeader));
- // Error in case of End of Record tag
- if ( _nPreTag == SFX_REC_PRETAG_EOR )
- {
- _pStream->SetError( ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT );
- bRet = true;
- }
- return bRet;
- *
- * @param pstream
- * an \a SvStream, which has an \a SfxMiniRecord at the current position
- * @param nTag
- * Pre-Tag of the wanted record
- *
- * This constructor interprets a 'pStream' from the current position
- * as a continuous sequence of records that should be parsable by
- * this group of classes. The first record that is an <SfxMiniRecord>
- * (possibly an extended-Record> that has the PreTag 'nTag' will be opened
- * and represented by this instance.
- *
- * If the end of stream is reached or a record with tag
- * SFX_REC_PRETAG_EOR is seen before a record with the wanted 'nTag'
- * tag is found, the created instance is invalid ('IsValid() ==
- * sal_False'). The ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT error code will be set on
- * the stream,and the current position will be unchanged.
- *
- * If (the wanted tag) 'nTag==SFX_FILEREC_PRETAG_EOR' no attempt is
- * made to read a record, but 'IsValid()' is set to sal_False immediately.
- * This gives the possibility to include backward compatible SfxMiniRecords
- * without 'new' or 'delete'. See <SfxItemSet::Load()>.
- *
- * Suggested usage:
- *
- * This constructor allows for adding new record types in a backward
- * compatible way by writing out a record with a new tag followed
- * by one with an old tag. In that case previous versions of the program
- * that do not recognise the new tag will skip the new record
- * automatically. This does cause a slight run time inefficiency,
- * compared just starting reading, but if the first record
- * is the wanted one the difference is just a comparison of 2 bytes.
- */
-SfxMiniRecordReader::SfxMiniRecordReader(SvStream* pStream, sal_uInt8 nTag)
- : _pStream(pStream)
- , _nEofRec(0)
- , _bSkipped(nTag == SFX_REC_PRETAG_EOR)
- // ignore if we are looking for SFX_REC_PRETAG_EOR
- if ( _bSkipped )
- {
- _nPreTag = nTag;
- return;
- }
- // remember StartPos to be able to seek back in case of error
- sal_uInt32 nStartPos = pStream->Tell();
- // look for the matching record
- while(true)
- {
- // read header
- SAL_INFO("svl", "SfxFileRec: searching record at " << pStream->Tell());
- sal_uInt32 nHeader;
- pStream->ReadUInt32( nHeader );
- // let the base class extract the header data
- SetHeader_Impl( nHeader );
- // handle error, if any
- if ( pStream->IsEof() )
- else if ( _nPreTag == SFX_REC_PRETAG_EOR )
- pStream->SetError( ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT );
- else
- {
- // stop the loop if the right tag is found
- if ( _nPreTag == nTag )
- break;
- // or else skip the record and continue
- pStream->Seek( _nEofRec );
- continue;
- }
- // seek back in case of error
- pStream->Seek( nStartPos );
- break;
- }
- *
- * @param nRecordType for sub classes
- * @param pStream stream to write the record to
- * @param nContentTag record type
- * @param nContentVer record version
- *
- * internal constructor for sub classes
- */
-SfxSingleRecordWriter::SfxSingleRecordWriter(sal_uInt8 nRecordType,
- SvStream* pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nContentTag,
- sal_uInt8 nContentVer)
-: SfxMiniRecordWriter( pStream, SFX_REC_PRETAG_EXT )
- // write extend header after the SfxMiniRec
- lclWriteHeader(pStream, nRecordType, nContentTag, nContentVer);
- *
- * @param nTypes arithmetic OR of allowed record types
- * @param nTag record tag to find
- *
- * Internal method for reading the header of the first record
- * that has the tag 'nTag', for which then the type should be
- * one of the types in 'nTypes'.
- *
- * If such a record is not found an error code is set, the stream
- * position is seek-ed back and sal_False is returned.
- */
-bool SfxSingleRecordReader::FindHeader_Impl(sal_uInt16 nTypes, sal_uInt16 nTag)
- // remember StartPos to be able to seek back in case of error
- sal_uInt32 nStartPos = _pStream->Tell();
- // look for the right record
- while ( !_pStream->IsEof() )
- {
- // read header
- sal_uInt32 nHeader;
- SAL_INFO("svl", "SfxFileRec: searching record at " << _pStream->Tell());
- _pStream->ReadUInt32( nHeader );
- if ( !SetHeader_Impl( nHeader ) )
- // EOR => abort loop
- break;
- // found extended record?
- if ( _nPreTag == SFX_REC_PRETAG_EXT )
- {
- // read extended header
- _pStream->ReadUInt32( nHeader );
- _nRecordTag = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt16 >(SFX_REC_TAG(nHeader));
- // found right record?
- if ( _nRecordTag == nTag )
- {
- // record type matches as well?
- _nRecordType = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt8 >(
- SFX_REC_TYP(nHeader));
- if ( nTypes & _nRecordType )
- // ==> found it
- return true;
- // error => abort loop
- break;
- }
- }
- // else skip
- if ( !_pStream->IsEof() )
- _pStream->Seek( _nEofRec );
- }
- // set error and seek back
- _pStream->SetError( ERRCODE_IO_WRONGFORMAT );
- _pStream->Seek( nStartPos );
- return false;
- *
- * @param nRecordType sub class record type
- * @param pStream Stream to write the record to
- * @param nContentTag Content type
- *
- * Internal method for sub classes
- */
-SfxMultiFixRecordWriter::SfxMultiFixRecordWriter(sal_uInt8 nRecordType,
- SvStream* pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nContentTag)
- : SfxSingleRecordWriter( nRecordType, pStream, nContentTag, 0 )
- , _nContentStartPos(0)
- , _nContentCount(0)
- // space for own header
- pStream->SeekRel( + SFX_REC_HEADERSIZE_MULTI );
- * @see SfxMiniRecordWriter
- */
-sal_uInt32 SfxMultiFixRecordWriter::Close()
- // Header not written yet?
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- {
- // remember position after header, to be able to seek back to it
- sal_uInt32 nEndPos = SfxSingleRecordWriter::Close();
- // write extended header after SfxSingleRecord
- _pStream->WriteUInt16( _nContentCount );
- _pStream->WriteUInt32( 0 );
- // seek to end of record or stay after the header
- _pStream->Seek(nEndPos);
- return nEndPos;
- }
- // Record was closed already
- return 0;
- *
- * @param nRecordType Record type of the sub class
- * @param pStream stream to write the record to
- * @param nRecordTag record base type
- * @param nRecordVer record base version
- *
- * Internal constructor for sub classes
- */
-SfxMultiVarRecordWriter::SfxMultiVarRecordWriter(sal_uInt8 nRecordType,
- SvStream* pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nRecordTag)
-: SfxMultiFixRecordWriter( nRecordType, pStream, nRecordTag ),
- _nContentVer( 0 )
- *
- * @param pStream, stream to write the record to
- * @param nRecordTag record base type
- * @param nRecordVer record base version
- *
- * Starts an SfxMultiVarRecord in \a pStream, for which the size
- * of the content does not have to be known or identical;
- * after streaming a record its size will be calculated.
- *
- * Note:
- *
- * This method is not inline since too much code was generated
- * for initializing the <SvULong> members.
- */
-SfxMultiVarRecordWriter::SfxMultiVarRecordWriter(SvStream* pStream,
- sal_uInt16 nRecordTag)
-: SfxMultiFixRecordWriter( SFX_REC_TYPE_VARSIZE, pStream, nRecordTag ),
- _nContentVer( 0 )
- *
- * The destructor of class <SfxMultiVarRecordWriter> closes the
- * record automatically, in case <SfxMultiVarRecordWriter::Close()>
- * has not been called explicitly yet.
- */
- // close if the header has not been written yet
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- Close();
- *
- * Internal method for finishing individual content
- */
-void SfxMultiVarRecordWriter::FlushContent_Impl()
- // record the version and position offset of the current content;
- // the position offset is relative to the start position of the
- // first content.
- assert(_aContentOfs.size() == static_cast<size_t>(_nContentCount)-1);
- _aContentOfs.resize(_nContentCount-1);
- _aContentOfs.push_back(
- SFX_REC_CONTENT_HEADER(_nContentVer,_nStartPos,_nContentStartPos));
- * @see SfxMultiFixRecordWriter
- */
-void SfxMultiVarRecordWriter::NewContent()
- // written Content already?
- if ( _nContentCount )
- FlushContent_Impl();
- // start new Content
- _nContentStartPos = _pStream->Tell();
- ++_nContentCount;
- * @see SfxMiniRecordWriter
- */
-sal_uInt32 SfxMultiVarRecordWriter::Close()
- // Header not written yet?
- if ( !_bHeaderOk )
- {
- // finish content if needed
- if ( _nContentCount )
- FlushContent_Impl();
- // write out content offset table
- sal_uInt32 nContentOfsPos = _pStream->Tell();
- //! (loop without braces)
- for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < _nContentCount; ++n )
- _pStream->WriteUInt32( _aContentOfs[n] );
- // skip SfxMultiFixRecordWriter::Close()!
- sal_uInt32 nEndPos = SfxSingleRecordWriter::Close();
- // write own header
- _pStream->WriteUInt16( _nContentCount );
- if ( SFX_REC_TYPE_VARSIZE_RELOC == _nPreTag ||
- _pStream->WriteUInt32( static_cast<sal_uInt32>(nContentOfsPos - ( _pStream->Tell() + sizeof(sal_uInt32) )) );
- else
- _pStream->WriteUInt32( nContentOfsPos );
- // seek to the end of the record or stay where we are
- _pStream->Seek(nEndPos);
- return nEndPos;
- }
- // Record was closed already
- return 0;
- *
- * @param nContentTag tag for this content type
- * @param nContentVer content version
- *
- * With this method new Content is added to a record and
- * its tag and version are recorded. This method must be called
- * to start each content, including the first record.
- */
-void SfxMultiMixRecordWriter::NewContent(sal_uInt16 nContentTag, sal_uInt8 nContentVer)
- // Finish the previous record if necessary
- if ( _nContentCount )
- FlushContent_Impl();
- // Write the content tag, and record the version and starting position
- _nContentStartPos = _pStream->Tell();
- ++_nContentCount;
- _pStream->WriteUInt16( nContentTag );
- _nContentVer = nContentVer;
- *
- * Internal method for reading an SfxMultiRecord-Headers, after
- * the base class has been initialized and its header has been read.
- * If an error occurs an error code is set on the stream, but
- * the stream position will not be seek-ed back in that case.
- */
-bool SfxMultiRecordReader::ReadHeader_Impl()
- // read own header
- _pStream->ReadUInt16( _nContentCount );
- _pStream->ReadUInt32( _nContentSize ); // Fix: each on its own, Var|Mix: table position
- // do we still need to read a table with Content offsets?
- if ( _nRecordType != SFX_REC_TYPE_FIXSIZE )
- {
- // read table from the stream
- sal_uInt32 nContentPos = _pStream->Tell();
- if ( _nRecordType == SFX_REC_TYPE_VARSIZE_RELOC ||
- _pStream->SeekRel( + _nContentSize );
- else
- _pStream->Seek( _nContentSize );
- const size_t nMaxRecords = _pStream->remainingSize() / sizeof(sal_uInt32);
- if (_nContentCount > nMaxRecords)
- {
- SAL_WARN("svl", "Parsing error: " << nMaxRecords << " max possible entries, but " <<
- _nContentCount << " claimed, truncating");
- _nContentCount = nMaxRecords;
- }
- _pContentOfs.reset( new sal_uInt32[_nContentCount]{} );
- #if defined(OSL_LITENDIAN)
- _pStream->ReadBytes( _pContentOfs.get(), sizeof(sal_uInt32)*_nContentCount );
- #else
- // (loop without braces)
- for ( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < _nContentCount; ++n )
- _pStream->ReadUInt32( _pContentOfs[n] );
- #endif
- _pStream->Seek( nContentPos );
- }
- // It was possible to read the error if no error is set on the stream
- return !_pStream->GetError();
-SfxMultiRecordReader::SfxMultiRecordReader( SvStream *pStream, sal_uInt16 nTag )
- : _pContentOfs(nullptr)
- , _nContentSize(0)
- , _nContentCount(0)
- , _nContentNo(0)
- , _nContentTag( 0 )
- , _nContentVer( 0 )
- // remember position in the stream to be able seek back in case of error
- _nStartPos = pStream->Tell();
- // look for matching record and initialize base class
- SfxSingleRecordReader::Construct_Impl( pStream );
- if ( SfxSingleRecordReader::FindHeader_Impl( SFX_REC_TYPE_FIXSIZE |
- nTag ) )
- {
- // also read own header
- if ( !ReadHeader_Impl() )
- // not readable => mark as invalid and reset stream position
- SetInvalid_Impl( _nStartPos);
- }
- *
- * Positions the stream at the start of the next Content, or
- * for the first call at the start of the first Content in the record,
- * and reads its header if necessary.
- *
- * @return sal_False if there is no further Content according to
- * the record header. Even if sal_True is returned an error can
- * be set on the stream, for instance if the record finished prematurely
- * in a broken file.
- */
-bool SfxMultiRecordReader::GetContent()
- // more Content available?
- if ( _nContentNo < _nContentCount )
- {
- // position the stream at the start of the Content
- sal_uInt32 nOffset = _nRecordType == SFX_REC_TYPE_FIXSIZE
- ? _nContentNo * _nContentSize
- : SFX_REC_CONTENT_OFS(_pContentOfs[_nContentNo]);
- sal_uInt32 nNewPos = _nStartPos + nOffset;
- DBG_ASSERT( nNewPos >= _pStream->Tell(), "SfxMultiRecordReader::GetContent() - New position before current, to much data red!" );
- // #99366#: correct stream pos in every case;
- // the if clause was added by MT a long time ago,
- // maybe to 'repair' other corrupt documents; but this
- // gives errors when writing with 5.1 and reading with current
- // versions, so we decided to remove the if clause (KA-05/17/2002)
- // if ( nNewPos > _pStream->Tell() )
- _pStream->Seek( nNewPos );
- // Read Content Header if available
- if ( _nRecordType == SFX_REC_TYPE_MIXTAGS ||
- {
- _nContentVer = sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt8 >(
- SFX_REC_CONTENT_VER(_pContentOfs[_nContentNo]));
- _pStream->ReadUInt16( _nContentTag );
- }
- // Increment ContentNo
- ++_nContentNo;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/svl/source/inc/poolio.hxx b/svl/source/inc/poolio.hxx
index 373a45b51f74..22189d6923fc 100644
--- a/svl/source/inc/poolio.hxx
+++ b/svl/source/inc/poolio.hxx
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
+#include <tools/stream.hxx>
class SfxPoolItem;
class SfxItemPoolUser;
diff --git a/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx b/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx
index 63a14fbdca2d..ff490ed1a535 100644
--- a/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx
+++ b/svl/source/items/poolio.cxx
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
#include <tools/solar.h>
#include <svl/itempool.hxx>
#include <svl/SfxBroadcaster.hxx>
-#include <svl/filerec.hxx>
#include "poolio.hxx"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
@@ -119,35 +118,6 @@ sal_uInt32 SfxItemPool::GetSurrogate(const SfxPoolItem *pItem) const
- * This method converts WhichIds from a file format to the version of the
- * current pool.
- * If the file format is older, the conversion tables (set by the pool developer
- * using SetVersion()) are used. If the file format is newer the conversion tables
- * loaded from the file format are used. In this case, not every WhichId can be
- * mapped in which case we return 0.
- *
- * The calculation is only defined for WhichIds supported by the corresponding
- * file version, which is guarded by an assertion.
- *
- * Precondition: Pool must be loaded
- * Postcondition: Unchanged
- * Runtime: linear(Count of the secondary pools) +
- * linear(Difference of the old and newer version)
- *
- * @see SfxItemPool::IsLoadingVersionCurrent() const
- * @see SfxItemPool::GetVersion() const
- */
-sal_uInt16 SfxItemPool::GetNewWhich
- sal_uInt16 nFileWhich // The WhichId loaded from the stream
-) const
- // Return original (nDiff==0) or mapped (nDiff!=0) Id
- return nFileWhich;
OUString readByteString(SvStream& rStream)
return rStream.ReadUniOrByteString(rStream.GetStreamCharSet());