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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cpp_bridgetest.cxx b/testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cpp_bridgetest.cxx
index 31e3309156b6..f19043c3617c 100644
--- a/testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cpp_bridgetest.cxx
+++ b/testtools/source/bridgetest/cli/cli_cpp_bridgetest.cxx
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ using namespace uno;
using namespace uno::util;
using namespace unoidl::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace unoidl::com::sun::star::lang;
-//using namespace unoidl::com::sun::star::test::bridge;
using namespace unoidl::test::testtools::bridgetest;
namespace foo
@@ -580,9 +579,6 @@ static bool performSequenceTest(XBridgeTest* xBT)
arObject[0] = new WeakBase(); arObject[1] = new WeakBase();
arObject[1] = new WeakBase();
- //TestEnum arEnum[] = new TestEnum[3];
- //arEnum[0] = TestEnum::ONE; arEnum[1] = TestEnum::TWO;
- //arEnum[2] = TestEnum::CHECK;
Console::WriteLine(new String("cli_cpp_bridgetest: Workaround for C++ compiler bug:"
" using Array of Int32 instead of Array of enums w"));
Int32 arEnum[] = new Int32[3];
@@ -605,21 +601,7 @@ static bool performSequenceTest(XBridgeTest* xBT)
0x123456789abcdef0, 0xfedcba9876543210, 17.0815f, 3.1415926359,
TestEnum::CHECK, Constants::STRING_TEST_CONSTANT, arObject[2],
Any( __typeof(Object), arObject[2] ) );
-// int[][][] arLong3 = new int[][][]{
-// new int[][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9} },
-// new int [][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9}},
-// new int[][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9}}};
-// Console::WriteLine(new String("cli_cpp_bridgetest:
-// int[][] seqSeqRet = xBT2->setDim2(arLong3[0]);
-// bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet, arLong3[0]), "sequence test") && bRet;
-// int[][][] seqSeqRet2 = xBT2->setDim3(arLong3);
-// bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet2, arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
Any seqAnyRet[] = xBT2->setSequenceAny(arAny);
bRet = check( compareData(seqAnyRet, arAny), "sequence test") && bRet;
Boolean seqBoolRet[] = xBT2->setSequenceBool(arBool);
@@ -643,7 +625,6 @@ static bool performSequenceTest(XBridgeTest* xBT)
//types because of workaround. arEnum is Int32[].
Console::WriteLine(new String("cli_cpp_bridgetest: Test omitted because "
"of C++ compiler bug. XBridgeTest2::setSequenceEnum(sequence<TestEnum>)"));
-// bRet = check( compareData(seqEnumRet, arEnum), "sequence test") && bRet;
UInt16 seqUShortRet[] = xBT2->setSequenceUShort(arUShort);
bRet = check( compareData(seqUShortRet, arUShort), "sequence test") && bRet;
UInt32 seqULongRet[] = xBT2->setSequenceULong(arULong);
@@ -658,107 +639,11 @@ static bool performSequenceTest(XBridgeTest* xBT)
bRet = check( compareData(seqStructRet, arStruct), "sequence test") && bRet;
-// Boolean arBoolTemp[] = static_cast<Boolean[]>( arBool->Clone());
-// Char arCharTemp[] = static_cast<Char[]>(arChar->Clone());
-// Byte arByteTemp[] = static_cast<Byte[]>(arByte->Clone());
-// Int16 arShortTemp[] = static_cast<Int16[]>(arShort->Clone());
-// UInt16 arUShortTemp[] = static_cast<UInt16[]>(arUShort->Clone());
-// Int32 arLongTemp[] = static_cast<Int32[]>(arLong->Clone());
-// UInt32 arULongTemp[] = static_cast<UInt32[]>(arULong->Clone());
-// Int64 arHyperTemp[] = static_cast<Int64[]>(arHyper->Clone());
-// UInt64 arUHyperTemp[] = static_cast<UInt64[]>(arUHyper->Clone());
-// Single arFloatTemp[] = static_cast<Single[]>(arFloat->Clone());
-// Double arDoubleTemp[] = static_cast<Double[]>(arDouble->Clone());
-// TestEnum arEnumTemp[] = static_cast<TestEnum[]>(arEnum->Clone());
-// String* arStringTemp[] = static_cast<String*[]>(arString->Clone());
-// Object* arObjectTemp = static_cast<Object*[]>(arObject->Clone());
-// Any arAnyTemp[] = static_cast<Any[]>(arAny->Clone());
-// // make sure this are has the same contents as arLong3[0]
-// int[][] arLong2Temp = new int[][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9} };
-// // make sure this are has the same contents as arLong3
-// int[][][] arLong3Temp = new int[][][]{
-// new int[][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9} },
-// new int [][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9}},
-// new int[][]{new int[]{1,2,3},new int[]{4,5,6}, new int[]{7,8,9}}};
Console::WriteLine(new String("cli_cpp_bridgetest: no test of "
"XBridgeTest2::setSequencesInOut and XBridgeTest2.setSequencesOut "
"because jagged arrays are not supported by C++ compiler"));
-// xBT2->setSequencesInOut(& arBoolTemp, & arCharTemp, & arByteTemp,
-// & arShortTemp, & arUShortTemp, & arLongTemp,
-// & arULongTemp,& arHyperTemp, & arUHyperTemp,
-// & arFloatTemp,& arDoubleTemp, & arEnumTemp,
-// & arStringTemp, & arObjectTemp,
-// & arAnyTemp, & arLong2Temp, & arLong3Temp);
-// bRet = check(
-// compareData(arBoolTemp, arBool) &&
-// compareData(arCharTemp , arChar) &&
-// compareData(arByteTemp , arByte) &&
-// compareData(arShortTemp , arShort) &&
-// compareData(arUShortTemp , arUShort) &&
-// compareData(arLongTemp , arLong) &&
-// compareData(arULongTemp , arULong) &&
-// compareData(arHyperTemp , arHyper) &&
-// compareData(arUHyperTemp , arUHyper) &&
-// compareData(arFloatTemp , arFloat) &&
-// compareData(arDoubleTemp , arDouble) &&
-// compareData(arEnumTemp , arEnum) &&
-// compareData(arStringTemp , arString) &&
-// compareData(arObjectTemp , arObject) &&
-// compareData(arAnyTemp , arAny) &&
-// compareData(arLong2Temp , arLong3[0]) &&
-// compareData(arLong3Temp , arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
- //Boolean arBoolOut[];
- //Char arCharOut[];
- //Byte arByteOut[];
- //Int16 arShortOut[];
- //UInt16 arUShortOut[];
- //Int32 arLongOut[];
- //UInt32 arULongOut[];
- //Int64 arHyperOut[];
- //UInt64 arUHyperOut[];
- //Single arFloatOut[];
- //Double arDoubleOut[];
- //TestEnum arEnumOut[];
- //String* arStringOut[];
- //Object* arObjectOut[];
- //Any arAnyOut[];
-// int[][] arLong2Out;
-// int[][][] arLong3Out;
-// xBT2->setSequencesOut(out arBoolOut, out arCharOut, out arByteOut,
-// out arShortOut, out arUShortOut, out arLongOut,
-// out arULongOut, out arHyperOut, out arUHyperOut,
-// out arFloatOut, out arDoubleOut, out arEnumOut,
-// out arStringOut, out arObjectOut, out arAnyOut,
-// out arLong2Out, out arLong3Out);
-// bRet = check(
-// compareData(arBoolOut, arBool) &&
-// compareData(arCharOut, arChar) &&
-// compareData(arByteOut, arByte) &&
-// compareData(arShortOut, arShort) &&
-// compareData(arUShortOut, arUShort) &&
-// compareData(arLongOut, arLong) &&
-// compareData(arULongOut, arULong) &&
-// compareData(arHyperOut, arHyper) &&
-// compareData(arUHyperOut, arUHyper) &&
-// compareData(arFloatOut, arFloat) &&
-// compareData(arDoubleOut, arDouble) &&
-// compareData(arEnumOut, arEnum) &&
-// compareData(arStringOut, arString) &&
-// compareData(arObjectOut, arObject) &&
-// compareData(arAnyOut, arAny) &&
-// compareData(arLong2Out, arLong3[0]) &&
-// compareData(arLong3Out, arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
- //test with empty sequences
- // int[][] _arLong2 = new int[0][];
-// int[][] seqSeqRet = xBT2->setDim2(_arLong2);
-// bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet, _arLong2), "sequence test") && bRet;
-// int[][][] _arLong3 = new int[0][][];
-// int[][][] seqSeqRet2 = xBT2->setDim3(_arLong3);
-// bRet = check( compareData(seqSeqRet2, _arLong3), "sequence test") && bRet;
Any _arAny[] = new Any[0];
Any seqAnyRet[] = xBT2->setSequenceAny(_arAny);
bRet = check( compareData(seqAnyRet, _arAny), "sequence test") && bRet;
@@ -788,8 +673,6 @@ static bool performSequenceTest(XBridgeTest* xBT)
bRet = check( compareData(seqDoubleRet, _arDouble), "sequence test") && bRet;
TestEnum _arEnum[] = new TestEnum[0];
-// compiler bug: _arEnum has type System.Enum and not TestEnum
-// bRet = check( compareData(seqEnumRet, _arEnum), "sequence test") && bRet;
UInt16 _arUShort[] = new UInt16[0];
UInt16 seqUShortRet[] = xBT2->setSequenceUShort(_arUShort);
bRet = check( compareData(seqUShortRet, _arUShort), "sequence test") && bRet;