diff options
32 files changed, 502 insertions, 2025 deletions
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.results b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.results
index 912c676c8586..041145a9d2ae 100644
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.results
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.results
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ connectivity/source/drivers/evoab2/NResultSetMetaData.hxx:51
class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::sdbc::XResultSetMetaData> connectivity::evoab::OEvoabResultSetMetaData::operator Reference()
const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> & connectivity::firebird::FirebirdDriver::getContext() const
connectivity::firebird::ColumnTypeInfo::ColumnTypeInfo(short,const class rtl::OUString &)
short connectivity::firebird::ColumnTypeInfo::getType() const
short connectivity::firebird::ColumnTypeInfo::getSubType() const
short connectivity::firebird::ColumnTypeInfo::getScale() const
const class rtl::OUString & connectivity::firebird::ColumnTypeInfo::getCharacterSet() const
int main(int,char **)
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ connectivity/source/inc/dbase/dindexnode.hxx:70
_Bool connectivity::dbase::ONDXKey::operator<(const class connectivity::dbase::ONDXKey &) const
class rtl::OUString connectivity::java_sql_Connection::transFormPreparedStatement(const class rtl::OUString &)
_Bool connectivity::OColumn::isReadOnly() const
_Bool connectivity::OColumn::isWritable() const
_Bool connectivity::OColumn::isDefinitelyWritable() const
class connectivity::odbc::ODBCDriver * connectivity::odbc::OConnection::getDriver() const
@@ -42,12 +42,20 @@ connectivity/source/inc/odbc/OPreparedStatement.hxx:73
void connectivity::odbc::OPreparedStatement::setScalarParameter(int,int,unsigned long,const type-parameter-?-?)
void connectivity::odbc::OPreparedStatement::setScalarParameter(int,int,unsigned long,int,const type-parameter-?-?)
_Bool connectivity::OTypeInfo::operator==(const struct connectivity::OTypeInfo &) const
_Bool connectivity::OTypeInfo::operator!=(const struct connectivity::OTypeInfo &) const
+ void dbahsql::FbAlterStmtParser::ensureProperTableLengths() const
+ const class std::__debug::map<class rtl::OUString, class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> >, struct std::less<class rtl::OUString>, class std::allocator<struct std::pair<const class rtl::OUString, class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > > > > & dbahsql::SchemaParser::getPrimaryKeys() const
const type-parameter-?-? & dbaui::(anonymous namespace)::SGI_identity::operator()(const type-parameter-?-? &) const
+ class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<struct std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<int>, class std::__debug::set<int, struct std::less<int>, class std::allocator<int> > > dbaui::FeatureSet::begin() const
+ class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<struct std::_Rb_tree_const_iterator<int>, class std::__debug::set<int, struct std::less<int>, class std::allocator<int> > > dbaui::FeatureSet::end() const
class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const struct dbaui::OIndex *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<struct dbaui::OIndex, class std::allocator<struct dbaui::OIndex> > >, class std::__debug::vector<struct dbaui::OIndex, class std::allocator<struct dbaui::OIndex> > > dbaui::OIndexCollection::begin() const
@@ -108,26 +116,44 @@ include/basegfx/curve/b2dcubicbezier.hxx:52
_Bool basegfx::B2DCubicBezier::operator==(const class basegfx::B2DCubicBezier &) const
_Bool basegfx::B2DCubicBezier::operator!=(const class basegfx::B2DCubicBezier &) const
+ void basegfx::B2DCubicBezier::transform(const class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &)
+ void basegfx::B2DCubicBezier::fround()
+ void basegfx::B2DHomMatrix::translate(const class basegfx::B2DTuple &)
+ void basegfx::B2DHomMatrix::scale(const class basegfx::B2DTuple &)
class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix & basegfx::B2DHomMatrix::operator+=(const class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &)
class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix & basegfx::B2DHomMatrix::operator-=(const class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &)
class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix & basegfx::B2DHomMatrix::operator*=(double)
class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix & basegfx::B2DHomMatrix::operator/=(double)
class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix createRotateAroundCenterKeepAspectRatioStayInsideRange(const class basegfx::B2DRange &,double)
double basegfx::utils::B2DHomMatrixBufferedOnDemandDecompose::getShearX() const
+ void basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::rotate(const class basegfx::B3DTuple &)
+ void basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::translate(const class basegfx::B3DTuple &)
+ void basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::scale(const class basegfx::B3DTuple &)
class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix & basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::operator+=(const class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix &)
class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix & basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::operator-=(const class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix &)
class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix & basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::operator*=(double)
class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix & basegfx::B3DHomMatrix::operator/=(double)
+ double snapToRange(double,double,double)
+ double copySign(double,double)
basegfx::BPixel::BPixel(unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char,unsigned char)
@@ -154,8 +180,16 @@ include/basegfx/range/b1drange.hxx:52
_Bool basegfx::B1DRange::operator==(const class basegfx::B1DRange &) const
+ double basegfx::B1DRange::clamp(double) const
_Bool basegfx::B2DPolyRange::operator!=(const class basegfx::B2DPolyRange &) const
+ class basegfx::B2DTuple basegfx::B2DRange::clamp(const class basegfx::B2DTuple &) const
+ const class basegfx::B2DRange & basegfx::B2DRange::getUnitB2DRange()
+ class basegfx::B2DRange operator*(const class basegfx::B2DHomMatrix &,const class basegfx::B2DRange &)
@@ -174,8 +208,16 @@ include/basegfx/range/b2irange.hxx:62
basegfx::B2IRange::B2IRange(const class basegfx::B2ITuple &)
void basegfx::B2IRange::expand(const class basegfx::B2IRange &)
+ class basegfx::B2ITuple basegfx::B2IRange::clamp(const class basegfx::B2ITuple &) const
_Bool basegfx::B3DRange::operator!=(const class basegfx::B3DRange &) const
+ class basegfx::B3DTuple basegfx::B3DRange::clamp(const class basegfx::B3DTuple &) const
+ const class basegfx::B3DRange & basegfx::B3DRange::getUnitB3DRange()
+ class basegfx::B3DRange operator*(const class basegfx::B3DHomMatrix &,const class basegfx::B3DRange &)
@@ -280,6 +322,8 @@ include/codemaker/global.hxx:60
class FileStream & operator<<(class FileStream &,const class rtl::OStringBuffer *)
class FileStream & operator<<(class FileStream &,const class rtl::OStringBuffer &)
+ comphelper::Automation::AutomationInvokedZone::AutomationInvokedZone()
const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XObjectInputStream> & operator>>(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XObjectInputStream> &,unsigned int &)
@@ -340,14 +384,16 @@ include/comphelper/unwrapargs.hxx:49
void unwrapArgs(const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<class com::sun::star::uno::Any> &,int,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface> &)
const class dbtools::OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator & dbtools::OCharsetMap::CharsetIterator::operator--()
unsigned short connectivity::ORowSetValue::operator unsigned short() const
unsigned char connectivity::ORowSetValue::getUInt8() const
connectivity::sdbcx::OGroup::OGroup(const class rtl::OUString &,_Bool)
+ class rtl::OUString connectivity::OSQLParser::RuleIDToStr(unsigned int)
class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > CrashReporter::getIniFileName()
@@ -364,6 +410,10 @@ include/drawinglayer/primitive3d/baseprimitive3d.hxx:113
_Bool drawinglayer::primitive3d::BasePrimitive3D::operator!=(const class drawinglayer::primitive3d::BasePrimitive3D &) const
_Bool drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx::operator!=(const class drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvx &) const
+ struct o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, struct LanguageTypeTag> Outliner::GetDefaultLanguage() const
+ struct SvxMSDffImportRec * SvxMSDffImportData::front()
@@ -388,6 +438,8 @@ include/o3tl/enumarray.hxx:132
const typename type-parameter-?-?::value_type * o3tl::enumarray_const_iterator::operator->() const
_Bool o3tl::enumarray_const_iterator::operator==(const enumarray_const_iterator<EA> &) const
+ void o3tl::lru_map::clear()
typename enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T>::value, type-parameter-?-?>::type saturating_sub(type-parameter-?-?,type-parameter-?-?)
@@ -438,12 +490,22 @@ include/o3tl/string_view.hxx:850
unsigned long std::hash::operator()(class o3tl::basic_string_view<wchar_t, struct std::char_traits<wchar_t> >)
class rtl::OUString toOUString(class o3tl::basic_string_view<char16_t, struct std::char_traits<char16_t> >)
_Bool o3tl::strong_int::operator>(const strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> &) const
_Bool o3tl::strong_int::operator>=(const strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> &) const
strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> o3tl::strong_int::operator++(int)
+ strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> & o3tl::strong_int::operator--()
+ strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> o3tl::strong_int::operator--(int)
+ strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> & o3tl::strong_int::operator+=(const strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> &)
+ strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> & o3tl::strong_int::operator-=(const strong_int<UNDERLYING_TYPE, PHANTOM_TYPE> &)
+ strong_int<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?> operator-(const strong_int<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?> &,const strong_int<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?> &)
typename typed_flags<type-parameter-?-?>::Wrap operator~(typename typed_flags<type-parameter-?-?>::Wrap)
@@ -476,18 +538,10 @@ include/opencl/openclconfig.hxx:55
_Bool OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcher::operator!=(const struct OpenCLConfig::ImplMatcher &) const
_Bool OpenCLZone::isInInitialTest()
- void SfxModalDialog::CreateOutputItemSet(class SfxItemPool &)
void SvxCharView::connect_focus_in(const class Link<class weld::Widget &, void> &)
- void SvxCharViewControl::SetHasInsert(_Bool)
- void SvxCharViewControl::setClearClickHdl(const class Link<class SvxCharViewControl *, void> &)
- void SvxCharViewControl::setClearAllClickHdl(const class Link<class SvxCharViewControl *, void> &)
- class rtl::OUString SfxMedium::GetConvertImagesFilter()
+ void SvxCharView::connect_focus_out(const class Link<class weld::Widget &, void> &)
_Bool SfxFilter::GetGpgEncryption() const
@@ -496,10 +550,70 @@ include/sfx2/msg.hxx:120
const class std::type_info * SfxType0::Type() const
_Bool sfx2::sidebar::Context::operator==(const class sfx2::sidebar::Context &) const
+ void sfx2::sidebar::Sidebar::TogglePanel(const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::frame::XFrame> &)
+ _Bool isMSCng()
const type-parameter-?-? * SfxItemPool::GetItem2Default(TypedWhichId<type-parameter-?-?>) const
void SfxItemPool::dumpAsXml(struct _xmlTextWriter *) const
+ void svt::ControlDependencyManager::enableOnCheckMark(class CheckBox &,class vcl::Window &,class vcl::Window &)
+ void SvtValueSet::ImplInitSettings(_Bool,_Bool,_Bool)
+ void SvtValueSet::ImplInitScrollBar()
+ _Bool SvtValueSet::ImplScroll(const class Point &)
+ void SvtValueSet::InsertItem(unsigned short,const class Image &)
+ void SvtValueSet::InsertItem(unsigned short,const class Image &,const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned long,_Bool)
+ void SvtValueSet::InsertItem(unsigned short,unsigned long)
+ void SvtValueSet::InsertItem(unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &,unsigned long)
+ void SvtValueSet::RemoveItem(unsigned short)
+ void SvtValueSet::Clear()
+ void SvtValueSet::EnableFullItemMode(_Bool)
+ unsigned short SvtValueSet::GetColCount() const
+ unsigned short SvtValueSet::GetLineCount() const
+ class Size SvtValueSet::GetLargestItemSize()
+ void SvtValueSet::RecalculateItemSizes()
+ unsigned long SvtValueSet::GetSelectItemPos() const
+ _Bool SvtValueSet::IsNoSelection() const
+ void SvtValueSet::SetItemImage(unsigned short,const class Image &)
+ class Image SvtValueSet::GetItemImage(unsigned short) const
+ void SvtValueSet::SetItemColor(unsigned short,const class Color &)
+ void SvtValueSet::SetItemData(unsigned short,void *)
+ void * SvtValueSet::GetItemData(unsigned short) const
+ void SvtValueSet::SetItemText(unsigned short,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ void SvtValueSet::SetColor()
+ void SvtValueSet::SetExtraSpacing(unsigned short)
+ void SvtValueSet::SetFormat()
+ void SvtValueSet::SetSelectHdl(const class Link<class SvtValueSet *, void> &)
+ void SvtValueSet::SetHighlightHdl(const class Link<class SvtValueSet *, void> &)
void svx::ClassificationEditView::SetCharAttributes()
@@ -508,12 +622,44 @@ include/svx/ClassificationField.hxx:47
const class rtl::OUString & svx::ClassificationResult::getDisplayText() const
_Bool svx::ClassificationResult::operator==(const class svx::ClassificationResult &) const
+ void svx::SvxDialControl::SetText(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ _Bool svx::SvxDialControl::HasRotation() const
+ void svx::SvxDialControl::SetNoRotation()
+ void svx::SvxDialControl::SetModifyHdl(const class Link<class svx::SvxDialControl *, void> &)
_Bool operator>(const class svx::frame::Style &,const class svx::frame::Style &)
_Bool svx::frame::StyleVectorCombination::operator<(const class svx::frame::StyleVectorCombination &) const
+ void SvxParaPrevWindow::SetSize(class Size)
+ void ParaPrevWindow::SetFirstLineOfst(short)
+ void ParaPrevWindow::SetUpper(unsigned short)
+ void ParaPrevWindow::SetLower(unsigned short)
+ void ParaPrevWindow::SetLineSpace(enum SvxPrevLineSpace)
+ void ParaPrevWindow::SetText(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ class rtl::OUString ParaPrevWindow::GetText() const
_Bool SdrLayer::operator==(const class SdrLayer &) const
+ class SdrModel & SdrObjList::getSdrModelFromSdrObjList() const
+ void ColorValueSet::addEntriesForColorSet(const class std::__debug::set<class Color, struct std::less<class Color>, class std::allocator<class Color> > &,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ class Size ColorValueSet::layoutAllVisible(unsigned int)
+ void SwFrameExample::SetWrap(enum com::sun::star::text::WrapTextMode)
+ void SwFrameExample::SetTransparent(_Bool)
_Bool XPolygon::operator==(const class XPolygon &) const
@@ -530,14 +676,10 @@ include/tools/bigint.hxx:123
_Bool operator!=(const class BigInt &,const class BigInt &)
_Bool operator<=(const class BigInt &,const class BigInt &)
- _Bool Date::IsEmpty() const
_Bool Date::operator>=(const class Date &) const
DateTime::DateTime(const class tools::Time &)
- class DateTime operator+(const class DateTime &,int)
class DateTime operator-(const class DateTime &,int)
@@ -558,16 +700,14 @@ include/tools/fract.hxx:106
class Fraction operator-(const class Fraction &,double)
class Fraction operator/(const class Fraction &,double)
class Pair & Range::toPair()
class Pair & Selection::toPair()
_Bool tools::Polygon::operator!=(const class tools::Polygon &) const
_Bool tools::PolyPolygon::operator!=(const class tools::PolyPolygon &) const
- _Bool tools::SvRef::operator bool() const
_Bool tools::WeakReference::operator==(const type-parameter-?-? *) const
@@ -580,21 +720,25 @@ include/unotest/assertion_traits.hxx:27
class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > CppUnit::assertion_traits::toString(signed char)
class rtl::OUString test::Directories::getPathFromWorkdir(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ _Bool SvtModuleOptions::IsDataBase() const
_Bool AlphaMask::operator==(const class AlphaMask &) const
_Bool AlphaMask::operator!=(const class AlphaMask &) const
_Bool Animation::operator!=(const class Animation &) const
- _Bool BitmapEx::operator!=(const class BitmapEx &) const
CommandMediaData::CommandMediaData(enum MediaCommand)
_Bool CommandMediaData::GetPassThroughToOS() const
_Bool vcl::Cursor::operator!=(const class vcl::Cursor &) const
+ void weld::CustomWidgetController::set_size_request(int,int)
+ void weld::CustomWeld::queue_draw_area(int,int,int,int)
class rtl::OUString Edit::GetPlaceholderText() const
_Bool vcl::EnumContext::operator!=(const class vcl::EnumContext &)
@@ -620,37 +764,37 @@ include/vcl/listctrl.hxx:48
void ListControl::deleteEntry(unsigned int)
void OpenGLContext::UseNoProgram()
+ void OpenGLHelper::renderToFile(long,long,const class rtl::OUString &)
void OpenGLHelper::debugMsgStreamWarn(const class std::basic_ostringstream<char> &)
- vcl::PDFWriter::PDFSignContext::PDFSignContext(class rtl::OStringBuffer &)
_Bool TabitemValue::isBothAligned() const
_Bool TabitemValue::isNotAligned() const
_Bool TabitemValue::isLast() const
- void StyleSettings::SetUseFlatBorders(_Bool)
+ void StyleSettings::SetUseFlatBorders(_Bool)
void StyleSettings::SetUseFlatMenus(_Bool)
void StyleSettings::SetHideDisabledMenuItems(_Bool)
- void StyleSettings::SetTitleHeight(long)
+ void StyleSettings::SetTitleHeight(long)
void StyleSettings::SetFloatTitleHeight(long)
void StyleSettings::SetSpinSize(long)
_Bool HelpSettings::operator!=(const class HelpSettings &) const
_Bool AllSettings::operator!=(const class AllSettings &) const
ApplicationEvent::ApplicationEvent(enum ApplicationEvent::Type,const class std::__debug::vector<class rtl::OUString, class std::allocator<class rtl::OUString> > &)
void Application::AppEvent(const class ApplicationEvent &)
void SystemWindow::SetIdleDebugName(const char *)
_Bool TextRectInfo::operator!=(const class TextRectInfo &) const
@@ -658,101 +802,73 @@ include/vcl/threadex.hxx:99
vcl::solarthread::detail::GenericSolarThreadExecutor::GenericSolarThreadExecutor<type-parameter-?-?, void>(const type-parameter-?-? &)
_Bool TextAttrib::operator!=(const class TextAttrib &) const
TabPageUIObject::TabPageUIObject(const class VclPtr<class TabPage> &)
class std::unique_ptr<class UIObject, struct std::default_delete<class UIObject> > TabPageUIObject::create(class vcl::Window *)
SpinUIObject::SpinUIObject(const class VclPtr<class SpinButton> &)
class std::unique_ptr<class UIObject, struct std::default_delete<class UIObject> > SpinUIObject::create(class vcl::Window *)
_Bool Wallpaper::operator!=(const class Wallpaper &) const
- void weld::Widget::set_visible(_Bool)
- class rtl::OString weld::Widget::get_buildable_name() const
- void weld::Widget::set_grid_left_attach(int)
+ class rtl::OString weld::Widget::get_buildable_name() const
int weld::Widget::get_grid_left_attach() const
- class rtl::OUString weld::Frame::get_label() const
- void weld::Notebook::set_current_page(const class rtl::OString &)
- int weld::Notebook::get_n_pages() const
- class weld::Container * weld::Notebook::get_page(const class rtl::OString &) const
- void weld::Notebook::connect_leave_page(const class Link<const class rtl::OString &, _Bool> &)
- void weld::Notebook::connect_enter_page(const class Link<const class rtl::OString &, void> &)
- class rtl::OUString weld::ComboBoxText::get_id(int) const
- void weld::ComboBoxText::save_value()
- _Bool weld::ComboBoxText::get_value_changed_from_saved() const
+ _Bool weld::Widget::get_hexpand() const
+ void weld::Widget::set_vexpand(_Bool)
+ _Bool weld::Widget::get_vexpand() const
+ void weld::Widget::set_tooltip_text(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ void weld::ScrolledWindow::vadjustment_set_upper(int)
+ class rtl::OUString weld::Notebook::get_tab_label_text(const class rtl::OString &) const
+ struct SystemEnvData weld::Window::get_system_data() const
void weld::TreeView::set_top_entry(int)
- class rtl::OUString weld::TreeView::get(int) const
- void weld::TreeView::select(const class rtl::OUString &)
- void weld::TreeView::remove(const class rtl::OUString &)
- _Bool weld::ToggleButton::get_state_changed_from_saved() const
+ void weld::TreeView::select_all()
void weld::Entry::signal_insert_text(class rtl::OUString &)
- _Bool weld::Entry::get_selection_bounds(int &,int &)
- void weld::SpinButton::set_min(int)
- enum FieldUnit weld::MetricSpinButton::get_unit() const
- void weld::MetricSpinButton::get_increments(int &,int &,enum FieldUnit) const
- _Bool weld::MetricSpinButton::get_sensitive() const
_Bool weld::MetricSpinButton::get_visible() const
- _Bool weld::MetricSpinButton::has_focus() const
- void weld::MetricSpinButton::show()
- void weld::MetricSpinButton::hide()
- void weld::MetricSpinButton::save_value()
- _Bool weld::MetricSpinButton::get_value_changed_from_saved() const
- void weld::MetricSpinButton::set_text(const class rtl::OUString &)
- class rtl::OUString weld::MetricSpinButton::get_text() const
- void weld::MetricSpinButton::set_size_request(int,int)
- class Size weld::MetricSpinButton::get_preferred_size() const
- class Selection weld::TextView::get_selection() const
- void weld::TextView::set_selection(const class Selection &)
+ void weld::MetricSpinButton::set_position(int)
+ _Bool weld::TimeSpinButton::get_sensitive() const
+ _Bool weld::TimeSpinButton::get_visible() const
+ void weld::TimeSpinButton::grab_focus()
+ _Bool weld::TimeSpinButton::has_focus() const
+ void weld::TimeSpinButton::show(_Bool)
+ void weld::TimeSpinButton::hide()
+ void weld::TimeSpinButton::save_value()
+ _Bool weld::TimeSpinButton::get_value_changed_from_saved() const
void weld::DrawingArea::connect_key_release(const class Link<const class KeyEvent &, _Bool> &)
void weld::Menu::set_sensitive(const class rtl::OString &,_Bool)
+ void weld::Menu::set_active(const class rtl::OString &,_Bool)
class weld::Window * weld::Builder::weld_window(const class rtl::OString &,_Bool)
- class weld::Notebook * weld::Builder::weld_notebook(const class rtl::OString &,_Bool)
class rtl::OUString weld::MessageDialogController::get_primary_text() const
const char * ImplDbgCheckWindow(const void *)
class Size vcl::Window::PaintActiveFloatingWindow(class VirtualDevice &) const
void openLokDialog(struct _GtkWidget *,void *)
@@ -772,27 +888,27 @@ sc/inc/address.hxx:651
_Bool ScRange::operator<=(const class ScRange &) const
_Bool ScBigAddress::operator!=(const class ScBigAddress &) const
int sc::ColumnIterator::getType() const
void ScCompressedArray::Resize(unsigned long)
void sc::ExternalDataSource::setUpdateFrequency(double)
void sc::ExternalDataSource::setURL(const class rtl::OUString &)
void sc::ExternalDataSource::setProvider(const class rtl::OUString &)
void ScDPFilteredCache::dump() const
void ScFormulaCell::Dump() const
void sc::FormulaGroupInterpreter::enableOpenCL_UnitTestsOnly()
void sc::FormulaGroupInterpreter::disableOpenCL_UnitTestsOnly()
void sc::FormulaLogger::GroupScope::addRefMessage(const class ScAddress &,const class ScAddress &,unsigned long,const class std::__debug::vector<struct formula::VectorRefArray, class std::allocator<struct formula::VectorRefArray> > &)
ScCaptionPtr::ScCaptionPtr(class SdrCaptionObj *)
@@ -808,47 +924,49 @@ sc/inc/table.hxx:327
_Bool ScTable::IsColRowTabValid(const short,const int,const short) const
class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const class std::unique_ptr<class ScUserListData, struct std::default_delete<class ScUserListData> > *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class ScUserListData, struct std::default_delete<class ScUserListData> >, class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class ScUserListData, struct std::default_delete<class ScUserListData> > > > >, class std::__debug::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class ScUserListData, struct std::default_delete<class ScUserListData> >, class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class ScUserListData, struct std::default_delete<class ScUserListData> > > > > ScUserList::begin() const
class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > print(const class ScAddress &)
void Test::testFormulaHashAndTag()
void Test::testSingleCellCopyColumnLabel()
void Test::testExternalRefUnresolved()
void Test::testCopyPasteSkipEmptyConditionalFormatting()
void Test::testSharedFormulaMoveBlock()
- void Test::testCondFormatUpdateMoveTab()
- void Test::testCondFormatUpdateDeleteTab()
+ void Test::testCondFormatUpdateMoveTab()
- void Test::testCondFormatUpdateInsertTab()
+ void Test::testCondFormatUpdateDeleteTab()
+ void Test::testCondFormatUpdateInsertTab()
void Test::testCondFormatUpdateReference()
void sc::opencl::DynamicKernelMixedArgument::GenNumDeclRef(class std::basic_stringstream<char> &) const
unsigned long sc::opencl::ParallelReductionVectorRef::GetArrayLength() const
unsigned long sc::opencl::ParallelReductionVectorRef::GetWindowSize() const
unsigned long sc::opencl::ParallelReductionVectorRef::GetStartFixed() const
unsigned long sc::opencl::ParallelReductionVectorRef::GetEndFixed() const
type-parameter-?-? * wrapped_iterator::operator->() const
const class svl::SharedString & matop::COp::operator()(char,type-parameter-?-?,double,double,const class svl::SharedString &) const
+ ScOrcusRefResolver::ScOrcusRefResolver(const class ScOrcusGlobalSettings &)
_Bool TokenPool::GrowTripel(unsigned short)
class XclExpStream & XclExpStream::operator<<(float)
class Color XclImpDrawObjBase::GetSolidLineColor(const struct XclObjLineData &) const
_Bool sc::CSVFetchThread::IsRequestedTerminate()
@@ -864,26 +982,44 @@ sc/source/ui/inc/datatableview.hxx:115
void ScDataTableView::getRowRange(int &,int &) const
sc::SortTransformation::SortTransformation(const struct ScSortParam &)
ScImportExport::ScImportExport(class ScDocument *,const class rtl::OUString &)
void ScRandomNumberGeneratorDialog::GenerateNumbers(type-parameter-?-? &,const char *,const class boost::optional<signed char>)
+ long ScViewData::GetLOKDocWidthPixel() const
+ long ScViewData::GetLOKDocHeightPixel() const
_Bool sca::analysis::ScaDate::operator>=(const class sca::analysis::ScaDate &) const
int DifferentialEvolutionAlgorithm::getLastChange()
int ParticleSwarmOptimizationAlgorithm::getLastChange()
void ppt::AnimationImporter::dump(const char *,long)
_Bool SdOpenSoundFileDialog::IsInsertAsLinkSelected()
_Bool SdOptionsContents::operator==(const class SdOptionsContents &) const
_Bool SdXImpressDocument::operator==(const class SdXImpressDocument &) const
+ class rtl::OUString ShutdownIcon::getShortcutName()
+ class ShutdownIcon * ShutdownIcon::createInstance()
+ void ShutdownIcon::terminateDesktop()
+ void ShutdownIcon::FileOpen()
+ void ShutdownIcon::FromTemplate()
+ class rtl::OUString ShutdownIcon::GetUrlDescription(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ void ShutdownIcon::SetVeto(_Bool)
void slideshow::internal::(anonymous namespace)::FromToByActivity::startAnimation()
@@ -924,6 +1060,22 @@ svgio/inc/svgstyleattributes.hxx:345
class svgio::svgreader::SvgNumber svgio::svgreader::SvgStyleAttributes::getStrokeDashOffset() const
enum svgio::svgreader::FontStretch svgio::svgreader::SvgStyleAttributes::getFontStretch() const
+ void SvtValueItemAcc::ParentDestroyed()
+ void SvtValueItemAcc::FireAccessibleEvent(short,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &)
+ double ImpSdrPdfImport::Matrix::b() const
+ double ImpSdrPdfImport::Matrix::d() const
+ double ImpSdrPdfImport::Matrix::e() const
+ double ImpSdrPdfImport::Matrix::f() const
+ class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > ImpSdrPdfImport::Matrix::toString() const
+ _Bool ImpSdrPdfImport::CheckLastLineMerge(const class basegfx::B2DPolygon &)
const char * dbg_out(const void *)
@@ -974,31 +1126,49 @@ sw/inc/dbgoutsw.hxx:107
const char * dbg_out(const struct SwFormToken &)
const char * dbg_out(const class std::__debug::vector<struct SwFormToken, class std::allocator<struct SwFormToken> > &)
+ _Bool SwDBManager::GetTableNames(class ListBox *,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ const class SwIndex & SwContact::GetContentAnchorIndex() const
void SwVectorModifyBase::dumpAsXml(struct _xmlTextWriter *)
void SwFrameFormats::erase(unsigned long)
struct std::pair<class boost::multi_index::detail::bidir_node_iterator<struct boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node<struct boost::multi_index::detail::null_augment_policy, struct boost::multi_index::detail::index_node_base<class SwFrameFormat *, class std::allocator<class SwFrameFormat *> > > >, class boost::multi_index::detail::bidir_node_iterator<struct boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node<struct boost::multi_index::detail::null_augment_policy, struct boost::multi_index::detail::index_node_base<class SwFrameFormat *, class std::allocator<class SwFrameFormat *> > > > > SwFrameFormats::rangeFind(class SwFrameFormat *const &) const
class boost::multi_index::detail::bidir_node_iterator<struct boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node<struct boost::multi_index::detail::null_augment_policy, struct boost::multi_index::detail::index_node_base<class SwFrameFormat *, class std::allocator<class SwFrameFormat *> > > > SwFrameFormats::rangeEnd() const
class boost::multi_index::detail::rnd_node_iterator<struct boost::multi_index::detail::random_access_index_node<struct boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node<struct boost::multi_index::detail::null_augment_policy, struct boost::multi_index::detail::index_node_base<class SwFrameFormat *, class std::allocator<class SwFrameFormat *> > > > > SwFrameFormats::rangeProject(const class boost::multi_index::detail::bidir_node_iterator<struct boost::multi_index::detail::ordered_index_node<struct boost::multi_index::detail::null_augment_policy, struct boost::multi_index::detail::index_node_base<class SwFrameFormat *, class std::allocator<class SwFrameFormat *> > > > &)
class SwFrameFormat *const & SwFrameFormats::front() const
class SwFrameFormat *const & SwFrameFormats::back() const
+ class SwExtTextInput * SwExtTextInput::GetPrev()
+ const class SwExtTextInput * SwExtTextInput::GetPrev() const
_Bool IDocumentLinksAdministration::GetData(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,class com::sun::star::uno::Any &) const
_Bool IDocumentLinksAdministration::SetData(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Any &)
_Bool sw::mark::IMark::operator<(const class sw::mark::IMark &) const
+ _Bool sw::mark::IMark::operator==(const class sw::mark::IMark &) const
+ _Bool SwGrfNode::IsGraphicArrived() const
+ enum SwNode::Merge SwNode::GetRedlineMergeFlag() const
+ const class IDocumentStylePoolAccess & SwNode::getIDocumentStylePoolAccess() const
+ const class IDocumentDrawModelAccess & SwNode::getIDocumentDrawModelAccess() const
void SwPageDescs::erase(class SwPageDesc *const &)
class SwPageDesc *const & SwPageDescs::front() const
class SwPageDesc *const & SwPageDescs::back() const
void SwRDFHelper::cloneStatements(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::frame::XModel> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::frame::XModel> &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::rdf::XResource> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::rdf::XResource> &)
@@ -1008,42 +1178,100 @@ sw/inc/rdfhelper.hxx:80
void SwRDFHelper::updateTextNodeStatement(const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,class SwTextNode &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &)
const class SvxNoHyphenItem & SwAttrSet::GetNoHyphenHere(_Bool) const
+ class SwCursor * SwCursor::GetPrev()
+ const class SwCursor * SwCursor::GetPrev() const
+ class SwTableCursor * SwTableCursor::GetNext()
+ const class SwTableCursor * SwTableCursor::GetNext() const
+ class SwTableCursor * SwTableCursor::GetPrev()
+ const class SwTableCursor * SwTableCursor::GetPrev() const
class SwRect & SwRect::operator-=(const class Point &)
class SvStream & WriteSwRect(class SvStream &,const class SwRect &)
- void SwRect::SetBottomAndHeight(int,int)
+ void SwRect::SetBottomAndHeight(long,long)
void SwRect::SetLowerLeftCorner(const class Point &)
- _Bool SwRect::OverStepTop(int) const
+ _Bool SwRect::OverStepTop(long) const
+ class SwShellTableCursor * SwShellTableCursor::GetNext()
+ const class SwShellTableCursor * SwShellTableCursor::GetNext() const
+ class SwShellTableCursor * SwShellTableCursor::GetPrev()
+ const class SwShellTableCursor * SwShellTableCursor::GetPrev() const
class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet> SwModelTestBase::getParagraphAnchoredObject(const int,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::text::XTextRange> &) const
int main()
void SwFrame::dumpTopMostAsXml(struct _xmlTextWriter *) const
class Size SwRectFnSet::GetSize(const class SwRect &) const
- int SwRectFnSet::LeftDist(const class SwRect &,int) const
- int SwRectFnSet::RightDist(const class SwRect &,int) const
- int SwRectFnSet::XInc(int,int) const
+ long SwRectFnSet::LeftDist(const class SwRect &,long) const
+ long SwRectFnSet::RightDist(const class SwRect &,long) const
+ long SwRectFnSet::XInc(long,long) const
_Bool ZSortFly::operator==(const class ZSortFly &) const
_Bool SwLinePortion::IsTabRightPortion() const
DbgRect::DbgRect(class OutputDevice *,const class tools::Rectangle &,const _Bool,class Color)
- _Bool RTLDrawingsHack(long &,short,short,int,int,int)
+ void NumberingPreview::SetNumRule(const class SwNumRule *)
+ void NumberingPreview::SetPageWidth(long)
+ void NumberingPreview::SetOutlineNames(const class rtl::OUString *)
+ void NumberingPreview::SetPositionMode()
+ void NumberingPreview::SetLevel(unsigned short)
+ void PercentField::SaveValue()
+ const class rtl::OUString & PercentField::GetSavedValue() const
+ class rtl::OUString PercentField::GetText() const
+ void PercentField::SetMetricFieldMax(long)
+ void PercentField::SetLast(long)
+ void SwPercentField::set_accessible_name(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ void SwPercentField::set_text(const class rtl::OUString &)
+ class rtl::OUString SwPercentField::get_text() const
+ int SwPercentField::GetMetrixFieldMin() const
+ void SwPercentField::set_value(int)
+ void SwPercentField::SetUserValue(int,enum FieldUnit)
+ void SwPercentField::SetBaseValue(int,enum FieldUnit)
+ _Bool SwPercentField::IsValueModified()
+ int SwPercentField::normalize(int) const
+ void SwPercentField::LockAutoCalculation(_Bool)
_Bool SwContent::operator==(const class SwContent &) const
@@ -1062,10 +1290,20 @@ ucb/source/ucp/webdav-neon/NeonUri.hxx:65
_Bool webdav_ucp::NeonUri::operator!=(const class webdav_ucp::NeonUri &) const
void BitmapWriteAccess::SetFillColor()
+ void LogicalFontInstance::SetAverageWidthFactor(double)
+ double LogicalFontInstance::GetAverageWidthFactor() const
+ void LogicalFontInstance::ReleaseHbFont()
_Bool FontSelectPatternAttributes::operator!=(const class FontSelectPatternAttributes &) const
- MessageDialog::MessageDialog(class vcl::Window *,const class rtl::OString &,const class rtl::OUString &)
+ void SvpSalGraphics::drawBitmap(const struct SalTwoRect &,struct BitmapBuffer *)
+ _Bool GraphicID::operator==(const class GraphicID &) const
+ _Bool GraphicID::IsEmpty() const
void vcl::BufferObject::unbind()
@@ -1090,9 +1328,9 @@ vcl/inc/openglgdiimpl.hxx:141
void OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::DrawMask(class OpenGLTexture &,class Color,const struct SalTwoRect &)
void OpenGLSalGraphicsImpl::DeferredTextDraw(const class OpenGLTexture &,const class Color,const struct SalTwoRect &)
int PhysicalFontFace::GetWidth() const
void PhysicalFontFace::SetBitmapSize(int,int)
const class rtl::OUString & PhysicalFontFamily::GetAliasNames() const
@@ -1110,15 +1348,17 @@ vcl/inc/saltimer.hxx:91
_Bool VersionedEvent::ExistsValidEvent() const
_Bool VersionedEvent::IsValidEventVersion(const int) const
const char * ImplSchedulerData::GetDebugName() const
+ unsigned long SVMConverter::ImplWriteActions(class SvStream &,const class GDIMetaFile &,class VirtualDevice &,_Bool &,class Color &,class std::stack<class Color *, class std::__debug::deque<class Color *, class std::allocator<class Color *> > > &,unsigned short &)
void GlyphCache::ClearFontOptions()
void GtkSalDisplay::RefreshMenusUnity()
void GtkDropTarget::fire_dragExit(const struct com::sun::star::datatransfer::dnd::DropTargetEvent &)
void X11SalData::initNWF()
@@ -1127,10 +1367,10 @@ vcl/inc/unx/saldisp.hxx:364
enum SalFrameStyleFlags X11SalFrame::GetStyle() const
- class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<class TETextPortion *const *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class TETextPortion *, class std::allocator<class TETextPortion *> > >, class std::__debug::vector<class TETextPortion *, class std::allocator<class TETextPortion *> > > TETextPortionList::begin() const
+ class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> > *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> >, class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> > > > >, class std::__debug::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> >, class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> > > > > TETextPortionList::begin() const
- class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<class TETextPortion *const *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class TETextPortion *, class std::allocator<class TETextPortion *> > >, class std::__debug::vector<class TETextPortion *, class std::allocator<class TETextPortion *> > > TETextPortionList::end() const
+ class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> > *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> >, class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> > > > >, class std::__debug::vector<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> >, class std::allocator<class std::unique_ptr<class TETextPortion, struct std::default_delete<class TETextPortion> > > > > TETextPortionList::end() const
class rtl::OUString FilterConfigCache::GetImportFormatMediaType(unsigned short)
unsigned short TranslateChar12(unsigned short)
@@ -1142,17 +1382,23 @@ vcl/source/fontsubset/xlat.hxx:34
unsigned short TranslateChar15(unsigned short)
unsigned short TranslateChar16(unsigned short)
- void vcl::PDFWriterImpl::setAutoAdvanceTime(unsigned int,int)
void YYWarning(const char *)
void YYWarning()
class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty> *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty>, class std::allocator<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty> > > >, class std::__debug::vector<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty>, class std::allocator<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty> > > > writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLPropertySet::begin() const
class __gnu_debug::_Safe_iterator<class __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty> *, class std::__cxx1998::vector<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty>, class std::allocator<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty> > > >, class std::__debug::vector<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty>, class std::allocator<class std::shared_ptr<class writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLProperty> > > > writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLPropertySet::end() const
class std::basic_string<char, struct std::char_traits<char>, class std::allocator<char> > writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLPropertySet::toString()
+ ONSSInitializer::ONSSInitializer(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XComponentContext> &)
+ struct PK11SymKeyStr * SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getSymKey(unsigned int)
+ struct SECKEYPublicKeyStr * SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getPubKey(unsigned int)
+ struct SECKEYPrivateKeyStr * SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getPriKey(unsigned int)
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.unused-returns.results b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.unused-returns.results
index 966924bcef06..1e62f795cc9f 100644
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.unused-returns.results
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.unused-returns.results
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ connectivity/source/inc/java/lang/Object.hxx:117
int connectivity::java_lang_Object::callIntMethodWithIntArg_ThrowRuntime(const char *,struct _jmethodID *&,int) const
short connectivity::odbc::OConnection::Construct(const class rtl::OUString &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> &)
_Bool connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base::lockIfNecessary(const class rtl::OUString &)
_Bool Sane::CheckConsistency(const char *,_Bool)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ extensions/source/scanner/sanedlg.hxx:90
_Bool SaneDlg::LoadState()
_Bool SaneDlg::SetAdjustedNumericalValue(const char *,double,int)
_Bool swf::FlashExporter::exportAll(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::lang::XComponent> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream> &,const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::task::XStatusIndicator> &)
const class rtl::OUString & LanguageTagImpl::getBcp47() const
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ include/oox/dump/oledumper.hxx:326
unsigned int oox::dump::AxPropertyObjectBase::dumpColorProperty(unsigned int)
char16_t oox::dump::AxPropertyObjectBase::dumpUnicodeProperty()
class oox::drawingml::ShapeExport & oox::drawingml::ShapeExport::WriteShape(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XShape> &)
class oox::drawingml::ShapeExport & oox::drawingml::ShapeExport::WriteTextBox(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface> &,int)
class oox::BinaryOutputStream & oox::BinaryOutputStream::WriteInt16(short)
@@ -170,10 +170,16 @@ include/svl/macitem.hxx:92
class SvStream & SvxMacroTableDtor::Write(class SvStream &) const
class SvStream & SfxPoolItem::Store(class SvStream &,unsigned short) const
_Bool SvxShowCharSet::GetFontCharMap(class tools::SvRef<class FontCharMap> &) const
+ class Point RectCtl::SetActualRPWithoutInvalidate(enum RectPoint)
class svx::frame::Style & svx::frame::Style::MirrorSelf()
+ _Bool SdrGrafObj::ImpUpdateGraphicLink(_Bool) const
+ class Size ColorValueSet::layoutToGivenHeight(unsigned int,unsigned int)
class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface> apitest::XNamedRange::init()
@@ -188,13 +194,19 @@ include/tools/color.hxx:151
class SvStream & Color::Read(class SvStream &)
class SvStream & Color::Write(class SvStream &) const
+ _Bool Config::ImplUpdateConfig() const
_Bool StringRangeEnumerator::insertRange(int,int,_Bool)
+ _Bool Bitmap::Dither(enum BmpDitherFlags)
+ _Bool BitmapEx::Rotate(long,const class Color &)
class tools::SvRef<class FontCharMap> FontCharMap::GetDefaultMap(_Bool)
class SvStream & GDIMetaFile::Read(class SvStream &)
class ErrCode GraphicFilter::ExportGraphic(const class Graphic &,const class INetURLObject &,unsigned short,const class com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<struct com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> *)
_Bool GraphicNativeTransform::rotateBitmapOnly(unsigned short)
@@ -204,16 +216,22 @@ include/vcl/texteng.hxx:285
_Bool TextEngine::Read(class SvStream &,const class TextSelection *)
_Bool TextView::SetCursorAtPoint(const class Point &)
- _Bool ToolBox::ChangeHighlightUpDn(_Bool,_Bool)
+ _Bool ToolBox::ChangeHighlightUpDn(_Bool)
_Bool weld::ComboBoxText::get_entry_selection_bounds(int &,int &)
+ _Bool weld::Entry::get_selection_bounds(int &,int &)
+ _Bool weld::TextView::get_selection_bounds(int &,int &)
class LwpSvStream & LwpSvStream::ReadUInt8(unsigned char &)
class LwpSvStream & LwpSvStream::ReadUInt16(unsigned short &)
class LwpSvStream & LwpSvStream::ReadUInt32(unsigned int &)
+ short rptui::ODateTimeDialog::execute()
_Bool ScOrcusFilters::importODS_Styles(class ScDocument &,class rtl::OUString &) const
@@ -256,25 +274,25 @@ sc/source/ui/vba/vbaformat.hxx:145
class com::sun::star::uno::Any ScVbaFormat::getMergeCells()
class com::sun::star::uno::Any ScVbaFormat::getReadingOrder()
class oox::drawingml::ShapeExport & oox::core::PowerPointShapeExport::WritePageShape(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::drawing::XShape> &,enum PageType,_Bool)
class ErrCode sd::OutlineViewShell::ReadRtf(class SvStream &)
int sd::IBluetoothSocket::write(const void *,unsigned int)
short (anonymous namespace)::LicenseDialog::execute()
short (anonymous namespace)::SafeModeQueryDialog::execute()
class SwSbxValue & SwSbxValue::MakeDouble()
_Bool SwDoc::ReplaceNumRule(const struct SwPosition &,const class rtl::OUString &,const class rtl::OUString &)
_Bool SwDoc::SplitTable(const struct SwPosition &,enum SplitTable_HeadlineOption,_Bool)
_Bool SwEditShell::GetPaMParAttr(class SwPaM *,class SfxItemSet &) const
const class GraphicAttr * SwEditShell::GetGraphicAttr(class GraphicAttr &) const
_Bool IDocumentUndoRedo::Repeat(class sw::RepeatContext &,const unsigned short)
@@ -284,6 +302,8 @@ sw/inc/tblafmt.hxx:343
_Bool SwTableAutoFormatTable::Load(class SvStream &)
_Bool SwLayoutCache::CompareLayout(const class SwDoc &) const
+ _Bool SwScriptInfo::GetBoundsOfHiddenRange(int,int &,int &) const
_Bool Tcg::ImportCustomToolBar(class SfxObjectShell &)
@@ -306,15 +326,15 @@ vcl/inc/opengl/texture.hxx:112
_Bool OpenGLTexture::CopyData(int,int,int,int,const unsigned char *)
_Bool SalFrame::SetPluginParent(struct SystemParentData *)
_Bool SalGraphics::BlendBitmap(const struct SalTwoRect &,const class SalBitmap &,const class OutputDevice *)
int GtkSalDisplay::CaptureMouse(class SalFrame *)
_Bool SalDisplay::Dispatch(union _XEvent *)
- _Bool vcl::PDFWriterImpl::setCurrentStructureElement(int)
- _Bool vcl::PDFWriterImpl::setStructureAttribute(enum vcl::PDFWriter::StructAttribute,enum vcl::PDFWriter::StructAttributeValue)
+ _Bool vcl::PDFWriterImpl::setCurrentStructureElement(int)
+ _Bool vcl::PDFWriterImpl::setStructureAttribute(enum vcl::PDFWriter::StructAttribute,enum vcl::PDFWriter::StructAttributeValue)
_Bool vcl::PDFWriterImpl::setStructureAttributeNumerical(enum vcl::PDFWriter::StructAttribute,int)
diff --git a/editeng/source/outliner/outlin2.cxx b/editeng/source/outliner/outlin2.cxx
index e4b151f4a9f7..bff245863eea 100644
--- a/editeng/source/outliner/outlin2.cxx
+++ b/editeng/source/outliner/outlin2.cxx
@@ -358,11 +358,6 @@ void Outliner::SetDefaultLanguage( LanguageType eLang )
pEditEngine->SetDefaultLanguage( eLang );
-LanguageType Outliner::GetDefaultLanguage() const
- return pEditEngine->GetDefaultLanguage();
void Outliner::CompleteOnlineSpelling()
diff --git a/include/editeng/outliner.hxx b/include/editeng/outliner.hxx
index 3c0126f3b31b..03743cd362ee 100644
--- a/include/editeng/outliner.hxx
+++ b/include/editeng/outliner.hxx
@@ -910,7 +910,6 @@ public:
// Deprecated
void SetDefaultLanguage( LanguageType eLang );
- LanguageType GetDefaultLanguage() const;
void CompleteOnlineSpelling();
diff --git a/include/sfx2/sidebar/Sidebar.hxx b/include/sfx2/sidebar/Sidebar.hxx
index c9feb77a54b6..b2808dd28b3d 100644
--- a/include/sfx2/sidebar/Sidebar.hxx
+++ b/include/sfx2/sidebar/Sidebar.hxx
@@ -41,16 +41,6 @@ public:
const OUString& rsPanelId,
const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame>& rxFrame, bool bFocus = false);
- /** Switch to the deck that contains the specified panel and toggle
- the visibility of the panel (expanded and scrolled into the
- visible area when visible)
- Note that most of the work is done asynchronously and that
- this function probably returns before the requested panel is visible.
- */
- static void TogglePanel (
- const OUString& rsPanelId,
- const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame>& rxFrame);
static bool IsPanelVisible(
const OUString& rsPanelId,
const css::uno::Reference<css::frame::XFrame>& rxFrame);
diff --git a/include/svtools/valueset.hxx b/include/svtools/valueset.hxx
index 9d831bdeaafe..bbf6648dfae1 100644
--- a/include/svtools/valueset.hxx
+++ b/include/svtools/valueset.hxx
@@ -453,16 +453,12 @@ private:
friend class SvtValueSetAcc;
friend class SvtValueItemAcc;
- SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInitSettings( bool bFont, bool bForeground, bool bBackground );
- SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplInitScrollBar();
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDeleteItems();
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplFormatItem(vcl::RenderContext const & rRenderContext, SvtValueSetItem* pItem, tools::Rectangle aRect);
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDrawItemText(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const OUString& rStr);
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDrawSelect(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, sal_uInt16 nItemId, const bool bFocus, const bool bDrawSel);
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDrawSelect(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
SVT_DLLPRIVATE void ImplDraw(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext);
- SVT_DLLPRIVATE bool ImplScroll( const Point& rPos );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE size_t ImplGetItem( const Point& rPoint ) const;
SVT_DLLPRIVATE SvtValueSetItem* ImplGetItem( size_t nPos );
SVT_DLLPRIVATE SvtValueSetItem* ImplGetFirstItem();
@@ -501,102 +497,52 @@ public:
void SetStyle(WinBits nStyle) { mnStyle = nStyle; }
WinBits GetStyle() const { return mnStyle; }
- /// Insert @rImage item.
- void InsertItem(sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage);
- /// Insert @rImage item with @rStr as either a legend or tooltip depending on @bShowLegend.
- void InsertItem(sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage,
- const OUString& rStr, size_t nPos = VALUESET_APPEND, bool bShowLegend = false);
/// Insert an @rColor item with @rStr tooltip.
void InsertItem(sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Color& rColor,
const OUString& rStr);
- /// Insert an User Drawn item.
- void InsertItem(sal_uInt16 nItemId, size_t nPos = VALUESET_APPEND);
- /// Insert an User Drawn item with @rStr tooltip.
- void InsertItem(sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rStr, size_t nPos);
- void RemoveItem(sal_uInt16 nItemId);
- void Clear();
size_t GetItemCount() const;
size_t GetItemPos( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const;
sal_uInt16 GetItemId( size_t nPos ) const;
sal_uInt16 GetItemId( const Point& rPos ) const;
tools::Rectangle GetItemRect( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const;
- void EnableFullItemMode( bool bFullMode );
void SetColCount( sal_uInt16 nNewCols = 1 );
- sal_uInt16 GetColCount() const
- {
- return mnUserCols;
- }
void SetLineCount( sal_uInt16 nNewLines = 0 );
- sal_uInt16 GetLineCount() const
- {
- return mnUserVisLines;
- }
void SetItemWidth( long nItemWidth );
void SetItemHeight( long nLineHeight );
- Size GetLargestItemSize();
- void RecalculateItemSizes();
void SelectItem( sal_uInt16 nItemId );
sal_uInt16 GetSelectedItemId() const
return mnSelItemId;
- size_t GetSelectItemPos() const
- {
- return GetItemPos( mnSelItemId );
- }
bool IsItemSelected( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
return !mbNoSelection && (nItemId == mnSelItemId);
void SetNoSelection();
- bool IsNoSelection() const
- {
- return mbNoSelection;
- }
- void SetItemImage( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Image& rImage );
- Image GetItemImage( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const;
- void SetItemColor( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const Color& rColor );
Color GetItemColor( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const;
- void SetItemData( sal_uInt16 nItemId, void* pData );
- void* GetItemData( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const;
- void SetItemText( sal_uInt16 nItemId, const OUString& rStr );
OUString GetItemText( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const;
void SetColor( const Color& rColor );
- void SetColor()
- {
- }
bool IsColor() const
return maColor.GetTransparency() == 0;
- void SetExtraSpacing( sal_uInt16 nNewSpacing );
void Format(vcl::RenderContext const & rRenderContext);
- void SetFormat();
Size CalcWindowSizePixel(const Size& rItemSize,
sal_uInt16 nCalcCols = 0,
sal_uInt16 nCalcLines = 0) const;
Size CalcItemSizePixel(const Size& rSize) const;
- void SetSelectHdl(const Link<SvtValueSet*,void>& rLink)
- {
- maSelectHdl = rLink;
- }
void SetDoubleClickHdl(const Link<SvtValueSet*,void>& rLink)
maDoubleClickHdl = rLink;
- void SetHighlightHdl(const Link<SvtValueSet*,void>& rLink);
bool GetEdgeBlending() const
return mbEdgeBlending;
diff --git a/include/svx/SvxColorValueSet.hxx b/include/svx/SvxColorValueSet.hxx
index 32026c351814..e08de01f6cb2 100644
--- a/include/svx/SvxColorValueSet.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/SvxColorValueSet.hxx
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ public:
virtual void Resize() override;
void addEntriesForXColorList(const XColorList& rXColorList, sal_uInt32 nStartIndex = 1);
- void addEntriesForColorSet(const std::set<Color>& rColorSet, const OUString& rNamePrefix);
- Size layoutAllVisible(sal_uInt32 nEntryCount);
Size layoutToGivenHeight(sal_uInt32 nHeight, sal_uInt32 nEntryCount);
diff --git a/include/svx/dialcontrol.hxx b/include/svx/dialcontrol.hxx
index 19744fce1488..6a8d3fa5bf7b 100644
--- a/include/svx/dialcontrol.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/dialcontrol.hxx
@@ -178,12 +178,6 @@ public:
virtual void Resize() override;
const OUString& GetText() const { return m_aText; }
- void SetText(const OUString& rText) { m_aText = rText; }
- /** Returns true, if the control is not in "don't care" state. */
- bool HasRotation() const;
- /** Sets the control to "don't care" state. */
- void SetNoRotation();
/** Returns the current rotation angle in 1/100 degrees. */
sal_Int32 GetRotation() const;
@@ -198,9 +192,6 @@ public:
void SetLinkedField(weld::SpinButton* pField, sal_Int32 nDecimalPlaces = 0);
- /** The passed handler is called whenever the rotation value changes. */
- void SetModifyHdl( const Link<SvxDialControl*,void>& rLink );
/** Save value for later comparison */
void SaveValue();
diff --git a/include/svx/paraprev.hxx b/include/svx/paraprev.hxx
index 59c07e5eacfd..8b2628578733 100644
--- a/include/svx/paraprev.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/paraprev.hxx
@@ -102,10 +102,6 @@ public:
aText = rStr;
- void SetSize( Size aNew )
- {
- aSize = aNew;
- }
OUString GetText() const override
return aText;
@@ -140,10 +136,6 @@ class SVX_DLLPUBLIC ParaPrevWindow final : public weld::CustomWidgetController
- void SetFirstLineOfst( short nNew )
- {
- nFirstLineOfst = nNew;
- }
void SetLeftMargin( long nNew )
nLeftMargin = nNew;
@@ -152,14 +144,6 @@ public:
nRightMargin = nNew;
- void SetUpper( sal_uInt16 nNew )
- {
- nUpper = nNew;
- }
- void SetLower( sal_uInt16 nNew )
- {
- nLower = nNew;
- }
void SetAdjust( SvxAdjust eNew )
eAdjust = eNew;
@@ -168,22 +152,10 @@ public:
eLastLine = eNew;
- void SetLineSpace( SvxPrevLineSpace eNew )
- {
- eLine = eNew;
- }
- void SetText( const OUString& rStr )
- {
- aText = rStr;
- }
void SetSize( Size aNew )
aSize = aNew;
- OUString GetText() const
- {
- return aText;
- }
diff --git a/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx b/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx
index c2fbd5cdc198..6145636ab3a1 100644
--- a/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx
+++ b/include/svx/swframeexample.hxx
@@ -135,15 +135,12 @@ public:
virtual void SetDrawingArea(weld::DrawingArea* pDrawingArea) override;
- void SetWrap(css::text::WrapTextMode nW) { nWrap = nW; }
void SetHAlign(short nH) { nHAlign = nH; }
void SetHoriRel(short nR) { nHRel = nR; }
void SetVAlign(short nV) { nVAlign = nV; }
void SetVertRel(short nR) { nVRel = nR; }
- void SetTransparent(bool bT) { bTrans = bT; }
void SetAnchor(RndStdIds nA) { nAnchor = nA; }
void SetRelPos(const Point& rP);
diff --git a/sfx2/source/sidebar/Sidebar.cxx b/sfx2/source/sidebar/Sidebar.cxx
index 7abf8ace8db8..06420d437702 100644
--- a/sfx2/source/sidebar/Sidebar.cxx
+++ b/sfx2/source/sidebar/Sidebar.cxx
@@ -50,28 +50,6 @@ void Sidebar::ShowPanel (
-void Sidebar::TogglePanel (
- const OUString& rsPanelId,
- const css::uno::Reference<frame::XFrame>& rxFrame)
- SidebarController* pController = SidebarController::GetSidebarControllerForFrame(rxFrame);
- if (!pController)
- return;
- std::shared_ptr<PanelDescriptor> xPanelDescriptor = pController->GetResourceManager()->GetPanelDescriptor(rsPanelId);
- if (!xPanelDescriptor)
- return;
- // This should be a lot more sophisticated:
- // - Make the deck switching asynchronous
- // - Make sure to use a context that really shows the panel
- // All that is not necessary for the current use cases so lets
- // keep it simple for the time being.
- pController->OpenThenToggleDeck(xPanelDescriptor->msDeckId);
bool Sidebar::IsPanelVisible(
const OUString& rsPanelId,
const css::uno::Reference<frame::XFrame>& rxFrame)
diff --git a/svtools/source/control/valueacc.cxx b/svtools/source/control/valueacc.cxx
index 093fd4d2de92..73826ddfbc96 100644
--- a/svtools/source/control/valueacc.cxx
+++ b/svtools/source/control/valueacc.cxx
@@ -1072,32 +1072,6 @@ SvtValueItemAcc::~SvtValueItemAcc()
-void SvtValueItemAcc::FireAccessibleEvent( short nEventId, const uno::Any& rOldValue, const uno::Any& rNewValue )
- if( !nEventId )
- return;
- ::std::vector< uno::Reference< accessibility::XAccessibleEventListener > > aTmpListeners( mxEventListeners );
- accessibility::AccessibleEventObject aEvtObject;
- aEvtObject.EventId = nEventId;
- aEvtObject.Source = static_cast<uno::XWeak*>(this);
- aEvtObject.NewValue = rNewValue;
- aEvtObject.OldValue = rOldValue;
- for (auto const& tmpListener : aTmpListeners)
- {
- tmpListener->notifyEvent( aEvtObject );
- }
-void SvtValueItemAcc::ParentDestroyed()
- const ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( maMutex );
- mpParent = nullptr;
class theSvtValueItemAccUnoTunnelId : public rtl::Static< UnoTunnelIdInit, theSvtValueItemAccUnoTunnelId > {};
diff --git a/svtools/source/control/valueimp.hxx b/svtools/source/control/valueimp.hxx
index 66c59fa6f24b..cc45bcd27475 100644
--- a/svtools/source/control/valueimp.hxx
+++ b/svtools/source/control/valueimp.hxx
@@ -410,10 +410,6 @@ public:
SvtValueItemAcc(SvtValueSetItem* pParent, bool bIsTransientChildrenDisabled);
virtual ~SvtValueItemAcc() override;
- void ParentDestroyed();
- void FireAccessibleEvent( short nEventId, const css::uno::Any& rOldValue, const css::uno::Any& rNewValue );
static SvtValueItemAcc* getImplementation( const css::uno::Reference< css::uno::XInterface >& rxData ) throw();
diff --git a/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx b/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx
index a71349721ef7..c51a032e58f1 100644
--- a/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx
+++ b/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx
@@ -2698,11 +2698,6 @@ tools::Rectangle SvtValueSet::GetItemRect( sal_uInt16 nItemId ) const
return tools::Rectangle();
-void SvtValueSet::EnableFullItemMode( bool bFullMode )
- mbFullMode = bFullMode;
tools::Rectangle SvtValueSet::ImplGetItemRect( size_t nPos ) const
const size_t nVisibleBegin = static_cast<size_t>(mnFirstLine)*mnCols;
@@ -2723,11 +2718,6 @@ tools::Rectangle SvtValueSet::ImplGetItemRect( size_t nPos ) const
return tools::Rectangle( Point(x, y), Size(mnItemWidth, mnItemHeight) );
-void SvtValueSet::SetFormat()
- mbFormat = true;
void SvtValueSet::ImplDraw(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext)
if (mbFormat)
@@ -3462,39 +3452,6 @@ void SvtValueSet::ImplDrawItemText(vcl::RenderContext& rRenderContext, const OUS
rRenderContext.DrawText(Point((aWinSize.Width() - nTxtWidth) / 2, nTxtOffset + (NAME_OFFSET / 2)), rText);
-bool SvtValueSet::ImplScroll(const Point& rPos)
- if (!mbScroll || !maItemListRect.IsInside(rPos))
- return false;
- const long nScrollOffset = (mnItemHeight <= 16) ? SCROLL_OFFSET / 2 : SCROLL_OFFSET;
- bool bScroll = false;
- if (rPos.Y() <= maItemListRect.Top() + nScrollOffset)
- {
- if (mnFirstLine > 0)
- {
- --mnFirstLine;
- bScroll = true;
- }
- }
- else if (rPos.Y() >= maItemListRect.Bottom() - nScrollOffset)
- {
- if (mnFirstLine < static_cast<sal_uInt16>(mnLines - mnVisLines))
- {
- ++mnFirstLine;
- bScroll = true;
- }
- }
- if (!bScroll)
- return false;
- mbFormat = true;
- Invalidate();
- return true;
void SvtValueSet::StyleUpdated()
mbFormat = true;
diff --git a/svx/source/dialog/dialcontrol.cxx b/svx/source/dialog/dialcontrol.cxx
index bdde7054c593..ce55a72d73a0 100644
--- a/svx/source/dialog/dialcontrol.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/dialog/dialcontrol.cxx
@@ -621,22 +621,6 @@ void SvxDialControl::LoseFocus()
-bool SvxDialControl::HasRotation() const
- return !mpImpl->mbNoRot;
-void SvxDialControl::SetNoRotation()
- if( !mpImpl->mbNoRot )
- {
- mpImpl->mbNoRot = true;
- InvalidateControl();
- if( mpImpl->mpLinkField )
- mpImpl->mpLinkField->set_text("");
- }
sal_Int32 SvxDialControl::GetRotation() const
return mpImpl->mnAngle;
@@ -689,11 +673,6 @@ bool SvxDialControl::IsValueModified()
return mpImpl->mnInitialAngle != mpImpl->mnAngle;
-void SvxDialControl::SetModifyHdl( const Link<SvxDialControl*,void>& rLink )
- mpImpl->maModifyHdl = rLink;
void SvxDialControl::Init( const Size& rWinSize, const vcl::Font& rWinFont )
mpImpl->Init( rWinSize, rWinFont );
diff --git a/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.cxx b/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.cxx
index 0b6d70ff26a8..800095294a4b 100644
--- a/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.cxx
+++ b/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.cxx
@@ -707,78 +707,6 @@ void ImpSdrPdfImport::InsertObj(SdrObject* pObj, bool bScale)
-bool ImpSdrPdfImport::CheckLastLineMerge(const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rSrcPoly)
- // #i102706# Do not merge closed polygons
- if (rSrcPoly.isClosed())
- {
- return false;
- }
- // #i73407# reformulation to use new B2DPolygon classes
- if (mbLastObjWasLine && (maOldLineColor == mpVD->GetLineColor()) && rSrcPoly.count())
- {
- SdrObject* pTmpObj = maTmpList.size() ? maTmpList[maTmpList.size() - 1] : nullptr;
- SdrPathObj* pLastPoly = dynamic_cast<SdrPathObj*>(pTmpObj);
- if (pLastPoly)
- {
- if (1 == pLastPoly->GetPathPoly().count())
- {
- bool bOk(false);
- basegfx::B2DPolygon aDstPoly(pLastPoly->GetPathPoly().getB2DPolygon(0));
- // #i102706# Do not merge closed polygons
- if (aDstPoly.isClosed())
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (aDstPoly.count())
- {
- const sal_uInt32 nMaxDstPnt(aDstPoly.count() - 1);
- const sal_uInt32 nMaxSrcPnt(rSrcPoly.count() - 1);
- if (aDstPoly.getB2DPoint(nMaxDstPnt) == rSrcPoly.getB2DPoint(0))
- {
- aDstPoly.append(rSrcPoly, 1, rSrcPoly.count() - 1);
- bOk = true;
- }
- else if (aDstPoly.getB2DPoint(0) == rSrcPoly.getB2DPoint(nMaxSrcPnt))
- {
- basegfx::B2DPolygon aNew(rSrcPoly);
- aNew.append(aDstPoly, 1, aDstPoly.count() - 1);
- aDstPoly = aNew;
- bOk = true;
- }
- else if (aDstPoly.getB2DPoint(0) == rSrcPoly.getB2DPoint(0))
- {
- aDstPoly.flip();
- aDstPoly.append(rSrcPoly, 1, rSrcPoly.count() - 1);
- bOk = true;
- }
- else if (aDstPoly.getB2DPoint(nMaxDstPnt) == rSrcPoly.getB2DPoint(nMaxSrcPnt))
- {
- basegfx::B2DPolygon aNew(rSrcPoly);
- aNew.flip();
- aDstPoly.append(aNew, 1, aNew.count() - 1);
- bOk = true;
- }
- }
- if (bOk)
- {
- pLastPoly->NbcSetPathPoly(basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aDstPoly));
- }
- return bOk;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
bool ImpSdrPdfImport::CheckLastPolyLineAndFillMerge(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon)
// #i73407# reformulation to use new B2DPolygon classes
diff --git a/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.hxx b/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.hxx
index 4110a92e260a..9b9e81e69dad 100644
--- a/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.hxx
+++ b/svx/source/svdraw/svdpdf.hxx
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@ class ImpSdrPdfImport final
void MapScaling();
// #i73407# reformulation to use new B2DPolygon classes
- bool CheckLastLineMerge(const basegfx::B2DPolygon& rSrcPoly);
bool CheckLastPolyLineAndFillMerge(const basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon);
void DoObjects(SvdProgressInfo* pProgrInfo, sal_uInt32* pActionsToReport, int nPageIndex);
diff --git a/sw/inc/dbmgr.hxx b/sw/inc/dbmgr.hxx
index 03e8c2f7ecc9..fda615a62b17 100644
--- a/sw/inc/dbmgr.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/dbmgr.hxx
@@ -312,7 +312,6 @@ public:
void SetInitDBFields(bool b) { bInitDBFields = b; }
/// Fill listbox with all table names of a database.
- bool GetTableNames(ListBox* pListBox, const OUString& rDBName );
bool GetTableNames(weld::ComboBoxText& rBox, const OUString& rDBName);
/// Fill listbox with all column names of a database table.
diff --git a/sw/inc/dcontact.hxx b/sw/inc/dcontact.hxx
index 470132a0ee44..a25c1ac9e54c 100644
--- a/sw/inc/dcontact.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/dcontact.hxx
@@ -156,8 +156,6 @@ public:
return *(GetAnchorFormat().GetContentAnchor());
- const SwIndex& GetContentAnchorIndex() const;
/** get data collection of anchored objects, handled by with contact */
virtual void GetAnchoredObjs( std::vector<SwAnchoredObject*>& _roAnchoredObjs ) const = 0;
diff --git a/sw/inc/ndgrf.hxx b/sw/inc/ndgrf.hxx
index 6e294ca5814c..48b27079b58b 100644
--- a/sw/inc/ndgrf.hxx
+++ b/sw/inc/ndgrf.hxx
@@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ public:
bChgTwipSize = b;
- bool IsGraphicArrived() const { return bGraphicArrived; }
void SetGraphicArrived( bool b ) { bGraphicArrived = b; }
bool IsFrameInPaint() const { return bFrameInPaint; }
diff --git a/sw/source/core/draw/dcontact.cxx b/sw/source/core/draw/dcontact.cxx
index 637c7b46e43b..41cd1ebef26f 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/draw/dcontact.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/draw/dcontact.cxx
@@ -347,14 +347,6 @@ void SwContact::MoveObjToLayer( const bool _bToVisible,
-// some virtual helper methods for information
-// about the object (Writer fly frame resp. drawing object)
-const SwIndex& SwContact::GetContentAnchorIndex() const
- return GetContentAnchor().nContent;
/// get minimum order number of anchored objects handled by with contact
sal_uInt32 SwContact::GetMinOrdNum() const
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
index c1ea6ec85357..2aa434b40819 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/dbui/dbmgr.cxx
@@ -706,54 +706,6 @@ void SwDBManager::ImportDBEntry(SwWrtShell* pSh)
-// fill Listbox with tablelist
-bool SwDBManager::GetTableNames(ListBox* pListBox, const OUString& rDBName)
- bool bRet = false;
- OUString sOldTableName(pListBox->GetSelectedEntry());
- pListBox->Clear();
- SwDSParam* pParam = FindDSConnection(rDBName, false);
- uno::Reference< sdbc::XConnection> xConnection;
- if(pParam && pParam->
- xConnection = pParam->xConnection;
- else
- {
- if ( !rDBName.isEmpty() )
- xConnection = RegisterConnection( rDBName );
- }
- if(
- {
- uno::Reference<sdbcx::XTablesSupplier> xTSupplier(xConnection, uno::UNO_QUERY);
- if(
- {
- uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xTables = xTSupplier->getTables();
- uno::Sequence<OUString> aTables = xTables->getElementNames();
- const OUString* pTables = aTables.getConstArray();
- for(long i = 0; i < aTables.getLength(); i++)
- {
- const sal_Int32 nEntry = pListBox->InsertEntry(pTables[i]);
- pListBox->SetEntryData(nEntry, nullptr);
- }
- }
- uno::Reference<sdb::XQueriesSupplier> xQSupplier(xConnection, uno::UNO_QUERY);
- if(
- {
- uno::Reference<container::XNameAccess> xQueries = xQSupplier->getQueries();
- uno::Sequence<OUString> aQueries = xQueries->getElementNames();
- const OUString* pQueries = aQueries.getConstArray();
- for(long i = 0; i < aQueries.getLength(); i++)
- {
- const sal_Int32 nEntry = pListBox->InsertEntry(pQueries[i]);
- pListBox->SetEntryData(nEntry, reinterpret_cast<void*>(1));
- }
- }
- if (!sOldTableName.isEmpty())
- pListBox->SelectEntry(sOldTableName);
- bRet = true;
- }
- return bRet;
bool SwDBManager::GetTableNames(weld::ComboBoxText& rBox, const OUString& rDBName)
bool bRet = false;
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/inc/numprevw.hxx b/sw/source/uibase/inc/numprevw.hxx
index 44aa3ccc5e34..ca18922226d9 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/inc/numprevw.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/inc/numprevw.hxx
@@ -47,17 +47,6 @@ class NumberingPreview : public vcl::Window
virtual ~NumberingPreview() override;
- void SetNumRule(const SwNumRule* pNum)
- {pActNum = pNum; Invalidate();};
- void SetPageWidth(long nPgWidth)
- {nPageWidth = nPgWidth;}
- void SetOutlineNames(const OUString* pNames)
- {pOutlineNames = pNames;}
- void SetPositionMode()
- { bPosition = true;}
- void SetLevel(sal_uInt16 nSet) {nActLevel = nSet;}
class SwNumberingPreview : public weld::CustomWidgetController
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx b/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx
index dc7436500e64..4e3e0c3f8a2e 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/inc/prcntfld.hxx
@@ -59,17 +59,11 @@ public:
bool HasFocus() const { return m_pField->HasFocus(); }
void SetAccessibleName(const OUString& rName) { m_pField->SetAccessibleName(rName); }
void SetText(const OUString& rStr) { m_pField->SetText(rStr); }
- void SaveValue() { m_pField->SaveValue(); }
void ClearModifyFlag() { m_pField->ClearModifyFlag(); }
- OUString const & GetSavedValue() const { return m_pField->GetSavedValue(); }
- OUString GetText() const { return m_pField->GetText(); }
void SetMetricFieldMin(sal_Int64 nNewMin) { m_pField->SetMin(nNewMin); }
- void SetMetricFieldMax(sal_Int64 nNewMax) { m_pField->SetMax(nNewMax); }
void SetValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue) { m_pField->SetValue(nNewValue, FUNIT_NONE); }
- void SetLast(sal_Int64 nNewLast) { m_pField->SetLast(nNewLast); }
void SetPrcntValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit = FUNIT_NONE);
void SetUserValue(sal_Int64 nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit);
@@ -128,35 +122,21 @@ public:
void SetMetric(FieldUnit eUnit) { ::SetFieldUnit(*m_pField, eUnit); }
void set_sensitive(bool bEnable) { m_pField->set_sensitive(bEnable); }
bool has_focus() const { return m_pField->has_focus(); }
- void set_accessible_name(const OUString& rName) { m_pField->set_accessible_name(rName); }
- void set_text(const OUString& rStr) { m_pField->set_text(rStr); }
void save_value() { m_pField->save_value(); }
bool get_value_changed_from_saved() const { return m_pField->get_value_changed_from_saved(); }
- OUString get_text() const { return m_pField->get_text(); }
void SetMetricFieldMin(int nNewMin) { m_pField->set_min(nNewMin, FUNIT_NONE); }
void SetMetricFieldMax(int nNewMax) { m_pField->set_max(nNewMax, FUNIT_NONE); }
- int GetMetrixFieldMin() const { int nMin, nMax; m_pField->get_range(nMin, nMax, FUNIT_NONE); return nMin; }
- void set_value(int nNewValue) { m_pField->set_value(nNewValue, FUNIT_NONE); }
void SetPrcntValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit = FUNIT_NONE);
- void SetUserValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit);
- void SetBaseValue(int nNewValue, FieldUnit eInUnit);
int get_value(FieldUnit eOutUnit = FUNIT_NONE);
- bool IsValueModified();
void set_min(int nNewMin, FieldUnit eInUnit);
void set_max(int nNewMax, FieldUnit eInUnit);
int NormalizePercent(int nValue);
int DenormalizePercent(int nValue);
- int normalize(int nValue) const { return m_pField->normalize(nValue); }
void SetRefValue(int nValue);
int GetRealValue(FieldUnit eOutUnit);
@@ -164,7 +144,6 @@ public:
void ShowPercent(bool bPercent);
- void LockAutoCalculation(bool bLock) {bLockAutoCalculation = bLock;}
diff --git a/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx b/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx
index a67898c43789..5ded25dcd4d2 100644
--- a/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/uibase/utlui/prcntfld.cxx
@@ -434,14 +434,6 @@ int SwPercentField::DenormalizePercent(int nValue)
return nValue;
-bool SwPercentField::IsValueModified()
- if (m_pField->get_unit() == FUNIT_PERCENT)
- return true;
- else
- return m_pField->get_value_changed_from_saved();
int SwPercentField::ImpPower10(sal_uInt16 n)
int nValue = 1;
diff --git a/vcl/headless/svpgdi.cxx b/vcl/headless/svpgdi.cxx
index 4b5050420e7a..649d5850350f 100644
--- a/vcl/headless/svpgdi.cxx
+++ b/vcl/headless/svpgdi.cxx
@@ -1224,12 +1224,6 @@ void SvpSalGraphics::drawBitmap(const SalTwoRect& rTR, const SalBitmap& rSourceB
copySource(rTR, source);
-void SvpSalGraphics::drawBitmap(const SalTwoRect& rTR, BitmapBuffer* pBuffer)
- cairo_surface_t* source = createCairoSurface( pBuffer );
- copySource(rTR, source);
void SvpSalGraphics::drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect& rTR,
const SalBitmap& rSourceBitmap,
const SalBitmap& rTransparentBitmap )
diff --git a/vcl/inc/headless/svpgdi.hxx b/vcl/inc/headless/svpgdi.hxx
index c77e5dae4612..ab5762a5409c 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/headless/svpgdi.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/headless/svpgdi.hxx
@@ -224,8 +224,6 @@ public:
SalGraphics* pSrcGraphics ) override;
virtual void drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect& rPosAry,
const SalBitmap& rSalBitmap ) override;
- void drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect& rPosAry,
- BitmapBuffer* pBuffer );
virtual void drawBitmap( const SalTwoRect& rPosAry,
const SalBitmap& rSalBitmap,
const SalBitmap& rTransparentBitmap ) override;
diff --git a/vcl/inc/impgraph.hxx b/vcl/inc/impgraph.hxx
index 93fc09c7b1e5..3d63d1ed04d8 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/impgraph.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/impgraph.hxx
@@ -60,11 +60,6 @@ public:
rID.mnID3 == mnID3 && rID.mnID4 == mnID4;
- bool IsEmpty() const
- {
- return 0 == mnID4;
- }
OString getIDString() const;
diff --git a/vcl/inc/svmconverter.hxx b/vcl/inc/svmconverter.hxx
index a1d066b7a02b..1ab17424dd65 100644
--- a/vcl/inc/svmconverter.hxx
+++ b/vcl/inc/svmconverter.hxx
@@ -79,10 +79,6 @@ class VCL_PLUGIN_PUBLIC SVMConverter
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE sal_uLong ImplWriteActions( SvStream& rOStm, GDIMetaFile const & rMtf,
- VirtualDevice& rSaveVDev, bool& rRop_0_1,
- Color& rLineCol, ::std::stack<Color*>& rLineColStack,
- rtl_TextEncoding& rActualCharSet );
SVMConverter( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf );
diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/svmconverter.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/svmconverter.cxx
index 039fd2d252ea..4ec0d5df17d7 100644
--- a/vcl/source/gdi/svmconverter.cxx
+++ b/vcl/source/gdi/svmconverter.cxx
@@ -47,12 +47,6 @@ void ImplReadRect( SvStream& rIStm, tools::Rectangle& rRect )
rRect = tools::Rectangle( aTL, aBR );
-void ImplWriteRect( SvStream& rOStm, const tools::Rectangle& rRect )
- WritePair( rOStm, rRect.TopLeft() );
- WritePair( rOStm, rRect.BottomRight() );
bool ImplReadPoly(SvStream& rIStm, tools::Polygon& rPoly)
sal_Int32 nSize32(0);
@@ -96,35 +90,6 @@ bool ImplReadPolyPoly(SvStream& rIStm, tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly)
return bSuccess && rIStm.good();
-void ImplWritePolyPolyAction( SvStream& rOStm, const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly )
- const sal_uInt16 nPoly = rPolyPoly.Count();
- sal_uInt16 nPoints = 0;
- sal_uInt16 n;
- for( n = 0; n < nPoly; n++ )
- nPoints = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(nPoints + rPolyPoly[ n ].GetSize());
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 8 + ( nPoly << 2 ) + ( nPoints << 3 ) );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nPoly );
- for( n = 0; n < nPoly; n++ )
- {
- // #i102224# Here the possible curved nature of Polygon was
- // ignored (for all those years). Adapted to at least write
- // a polygon representing the curve as good as possible
- tools::Polygon aSimplePoly;
- rPolyPoly[n].AdaptiveSubdivide(aSimplePoly);
- const sal_uInt16 nSize(aSimplePoly.GetSize());
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nSize );
- for( sal_uInt16 j = 0; j < nSize; j++ )
- WritePair( rOStm, aSimplePoly[ j ] );
- }
void ImplReadColor( SvStream& rIStm, Color& rColor )
sal_Int16 nVal(0);
@@ -134,20 +99,6 @@ void ImplReadColor( SvStream& rIStm, Color& rColor )
rIStm.ReadInt16( nVal ); rColor.SetBlue( sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt8>(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nVal) >> 8) );
-void ImplWriteColor( SvStream& rOStm, const Color& rColor )
- sal_Int16 nVal;
- nVal = ( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rColor.GetRed()) << 8 ) | rColor.GetRed();
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nVal );
- nVal = ( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rColor.GetGreen()) << 8 ) | rColor.GetGreen();
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nVal );
- nVal = ( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rColor.GetBlue()) << 8 ) | rColor.GetBlue();
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nVal );
bool ImplReadMapMode(SvStream& rIStm, MapMode& rMapMode)
sal_Int16 nUnit(0);
@@ -176,140 +127,6 @@ bool ImplReadMapMode(SvStream& rIStm, MapMode& rMapMode)
return true;
-void ImplWriteMapMode( SvStream& rOStm, const MapMode& rMapMode )
- rOStm.WriteInt16( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rMapMode.GetMapUnit()) );
- WritePair( rOStm, rMapMode.GetOrigin() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rMapMode.GetScaleX().GetNumerator() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rMapMode.GetScaleX().GetDenominator() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rMapMode.GetScaleY().GetNumerator() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rMapMode.GetScaleY().GetDenominator() );
-void ImplWritePushAction( SvStream& rOStm )
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_PUSH_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 4 );
-void ImplWritePopAction( SvStream& rOStm )
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_POP_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 4 );
-void ImplWriteLineColor( SvStream& rOStm, const Color& rColor, sal_Int16 nStyle, sal_Int32 nWidth = 0 )
- if( rColor.GetTransparency() > 127 )
- nStyle = 0;
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_PEN_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 16 );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rColor );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nWidth );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nStyle );
-void ImplWriteFillColor( SvStream& rOStm, const Color& rColor, sal_Int16 nStyle )
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 20 );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rColor );
- if( rColor.GetTransparency() > 127 )
- nStyle = 0;
- if( nStyle > 1 )
- {
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, COL_WHITE );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nStyle );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nStyle );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( 0 );
- }
-void ImplWriteFont( SvStream& rOStm, const vcl::Font& rFont,
- rtl_TextEncoding& rActualCharSet )
- char aName[33];
- short nWeight;
- OString aByteName(OUStringToOString(rFont.GetFamilyName(),
- rOStm.GetStreamCharSet()));
- strncpy( aName, aByteName.getStr(), 32 );
- aName[32] = 0;
- switch ( rFont.GetWeight() )
- {
- nWeight = 1;
- break;
- nWeight = 2;
- break;
- nWeight = 3;
- break;
- default:
- nWeight = 0;
- break;
- }
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_FONT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 78 );
- rActualCharSet = GetStoreCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rFont.GetColor() );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rFont.GetFillColor() );
- rOStm.WriteBytes( aName, 32 );
- WritePair( rOStm, rFont.GetFontSize() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( 0 ); // no character orientation anymore
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rFont.GetOrientation() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rActualCharSet );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rFont.GetFamilyType() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rFont.GetPitch() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rFont.GetAlignment() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nWeight );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rFont.GetUnderline() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rFont.GetStrikeout() );
- rOStm.WriteBool( rFont.GetItalic() != ITALIC_NONE );
- rOStm.WriteBool( rFont.IsOutline() );
- rOStm.WriteBool( rFont.IsShadow() );
- rOStm.WriteBool( rFont.IsTransparent() );
- if ( rActualCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW )
- rActualCharSet = osl_getThreadTextEncoding();
-void ImplWriteRasterOpAction( SvStream& rOStm, sal_Int16 nRasterOp )
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_RASTEROP_ACTION ).WriteInt32( 6 ).WriteInt16( nRasterOp );
-bool ImplWriteUnicodeComment( SvStream& rOStm, const OUString& rString )
- sal_Int32 nStringLen = rString.getLength();
- if ( nStringLen )
- {
- sal_uInt32 nSize = ( nStringLen << 1 ) + 4;
- rOStm.WriteUInt16( GDI_UNICODE_COMMENT ).WriteUInt32( nSize );
- write_uInt16s_FromOUString(rOStm, rString);
- }
- return nStringLen != 0;
void ImplReadUnicodeComment( sal_uInt32 nStrmPos, SvStream& rIStm, OUString& rString )
sal_uInt32 nOld = rIStm.Tell();
@@ -344,86 +161,6 @@ void ImplSkipActions(SvStream& rIStm, sal_uLong nSkipCount)
-bool ImplWriteExtendedPolyPolygonAction(SvStream& rOStm, const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPolygon)
- const sal_uInt16 nPolygonCount(rPolyPolygon.Count());
- if(nPolygonCount)
- {
- sal_uInt32 nAllPolygonCount(0);
- sal_uInt32 nAllPointCount(0);
- sal_uInt32 nAllFlagCount(0);
- sal_uInt16 a(0);
- for(a = 0; a < nPolygonCount; a++)
- {
- const tools::Polygon& rCandidate = rPolyPolygon.GetObject(a);
- const sal_uInt16 nPointCount(rCandidate.GetSize());
- if(nPointCount)
- {
- nAllPolygonCount++;
- nAllPointCount += nPointCount;
- if(rCandidate.HasFlags())
- {
- nAllFlagCount += nPointCount;
- }
- }
- }
- if(nAllFlagCount)
- {
- const sal_Int32 nActionSize(
- 4 + // Action size
- 2 + // PolygonCount
- (nAllPolygonCount * 2) + // Points per polygon
- (nAllPointCount << 3) + // Points themselves
- nAllPolygonCount + // Bool if (when poly has points) it has flags, too
- nAllFlagCount); // Flags themselves
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nActionSize );
- rOStm.WriteUInt16( nAllPolygonCount );
- for(a = 0; a < nPolygonCount; a++)
- {
- const tools::Polygon& rCandidate = rPolyPolygon.GetObject(a);
- const sal_uInt16 nPointCount(rCandidate.GetSize());
- if(nPointCount)
- {
- rOStm.WriteUInt16( nPointCount );
- for(sal_uInt16 b(0); b < nPointCount; b++)
- {
- WritePair( rOStm, rCandidate[b] );
- }
- if(rCandidate.HasFlags())
- {
- rOStm.WriteBool( true );
- for(sal_uInt16 c(0); c < nPointCount; c++)
- {
- rOStm.WriteUChar( static_cast<sal_uInt8>(rCandidate.GetFlags(c)) );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- rOStm.WriteBool( false );
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
void ImplReadExtendedPolyPolygonAction(SvStream& rIStm, tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly)
@@ -1476,1059 +1213,4 @@ void SVMConverter::ImplConvertFromSVM1( SvStream& rIStm, GDIMetaFile& rMtf )
rIStm.SetEndian( nOldFormat );
-sal_uLong SVMConverter::ImplWriteActions( SvStream& rOStm, GDIMetaFile const & rMtf,
- VirtualDevice& rSaveVDev, bool& rRop_0_1,
- Color& rLineCol, ::std::stack< Color* >& rLineColStack,
- rtl_TextEncoding& rActualCharSet )
- sal_uLong nCount = 0;
- for( size_t i = 0, nActionCount = rMtf.GetActionSize(); i < nActionCount; i++ )
- {
- const MetaAction* pAction = rMtf.GetAction( i );
- switch( pAction->GetType() )
- {
- case MetaActionType::PIXEL:
- {
- const MetaPixelAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaPixelAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_PIXEL_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 18 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, pAct->GetColor() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::POINT:
- {
- const MetaPointAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaPointAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_POINT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 12 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::LINE:
- {
- const MetaLineAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaLineAction*>(pAction);
- const LineInfo& rInfo = pAct->GetLineInfo();
- const bool bFatLine(!rInfo.IsDefault() && (LineStyle::NONE != rInfo.GetStyle()));
- const bool bLineJoin(bFatLine && basegfx::B2DLineJoin::Round != rInfo.GetLineJoin());
- const bool bLineCap(bFatLine && css::drawing::LineCap_BUTT != rInfo.GetLineCap());
- const bool bLineDashDot(LineStyle::Dash == rInfo.GetStyle());
- if( bFatLine )
- {
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rLineCol, 1, rInfo.GetWidth() );
- if(bLineJoin)
- {
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_LINEJOIN_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 6 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rInfo.GetLineJoin()) );
- }
- if(bLineCap)
- {
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_LINECAP_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 6 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rInfo.GetLineCap()) );
- }
- }
- if(bLineDashDot)
- {
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 4 + 16 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rInfo.GetDashCount() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rInfo.GetDashLen() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rInfo.GetDotCount() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rInfo.GetDotLen() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rInfo.GetDistance() );
- }
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_LINE_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 20 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetStartPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetEndPoint() );
- nCount++;
- if( bFatLine )
- {
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- nCount += 3;
- if(bLineJoin)
- {
- nCount += 1;
- }
- if(bLineCap)
- {
- nCount += 1;
- }
- }
- if(bLineDashDot)
- {
- nCount += 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::RECT:
- {
- const MetaRectAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaRectAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_RECT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 28 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::ROUNDRECT:
- {
- const MetaRoundRectAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaRoundRectAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_RECT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 28 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetHorzRound() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetVertRound() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::ELLIPSE:
- {
- const MetaEllipseAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaEllipseAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_ELLIPSE_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 20 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::ARC:
- {
- const MetaArcAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaArcAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_ARC_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 36 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetStartPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetEndPoint() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::PIE:
- {
- const MetaPieAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaPieAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_PIE_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 36 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetStartPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetEndPoint() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::CHORD:
- {
- const MetaChordAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaChordAction*>(pAction);
- tools::Polygon aChordPoly( pAct->GetRect(), pAct->GetStartPoint(),
- pAct->GetEndPoint(), PolyStyle::Chord );
- const sal_uInt16 nPoints = aChordPoly.GetSize();
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_POLYGON_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 8 + ( nPoints << 3 ) );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nPoints );
- for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ )
- WritePair( rOStm, aChordPoly[ n ] );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::POLYLINE:
- {
- // #i102224#
- const MetaPolyLineAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaPolyLineAction*>(pAction);
- // #i102224# Here the possible curved nature of Polygon was
- // ignored (for all those years). Adapted to at least write
- // a polygon representing the curve as good as possible
- tools::Polygon aSimplePoly;
- pAct->GetPolygon().AdaptiveSubdivide(aSimplePoly);
- const LineInfo& rInfo = pAct->GetLineInfo();
- const sal_uInt16 nPoints(aSimplePoly.GetSize());
- const bool bFatLine(!rInfo.IsDefault() && (LineStyle::NONE != rInfo.GetStyle()));
- const bool bLineJoin(bFatLine && basegfx::B2DLineJoin::Round != rInfo.GetLineJoin());
- const bool bLineCap(bFatLine && css::drawing::LineCap_BUTT != rInfo.GetLineCap());
- const bool bLineDashDot(LineStyle::Dash == rInfo.GetStyle());
- if( bFatLine )
- {
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rLineCol, 1, rInfo.GetWidth() );
- if(bLineJoin)
- {
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_LINEJOIN_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 6 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rInfo.GetLineJoin()) );
- }
- if(bLineCap)
- {
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_LINECAP_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 6 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rInfo.GetLineCap()) );
- }
- }
- if(bLineDashDot)
- {
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 4 + 16 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rInfo.GetDashCount() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rInfo.GetDashLen() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rInfo.GetDotCount() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rInfo.GetDotLen() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( rInfo.GetDistance() );
- }
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_POLYLINE_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 8 + ( nPoints << 3 ) );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nPoints );
- for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ )
- {
- WritePair( rOStm, aSimplePoly[ n ] );
- }
- nCount++;
- const tools::PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon(pAct->GetPolygon());
- if(ImplWriteExtendedPolyPolygonAction(rOStm, aPolyPolygon))
- {
- nCount++;
- }
- if( bFatLine )
- {
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- nCount += 3;
- if(bLineJoin)
- {
- nCount += 1;
- }
- if(bLineCap)
- {
- nCount += 1;
- }
- }
- if(bLineDashDot)
- {
- nCount += 1;
- }
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::POLYGON:
- {
- const MetaPolygonAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaPolygonAction*>(pAction);
- // #i102224# Here the possible curved nature of Polygon was
- // ignored (for all those years). Adapted to at least write
- // a polygon representing the curve as good as possible
- tools::Polygon aSimplePoly;
- pAct->GetPolygon().AdaptiveSubdivide(aSimplePoly);
- const sal_uInt16 nPoints(aSimplePoly.GetSize());
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_POLYGON_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 8 + ( nPoints << 3 ) );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nPoints );
- for( sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < nPoints; n++ )
- WritePair( rOStm, aSimplePoly[ n ] );
- nCount++;
- const tools::PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon(pAct->GetPolygon());
- if(ImplWriteExtendedPolyPolygonAction(rOStm, aPolyPolygon))
- {
- nCount++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::POLYPOLYGON:
- {
- const MetaPolyPolygonAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaPolyPolygonAction*>(pAction);
- ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, pAct->GetPolyPolygon() );
- nCount++;
- if(ImplWriteExtendedPolyPolygonAction(rOStm, pAct->GetPolyPolygon()))
- {
- nCount++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXT:
- {
- const MetaTextAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaTextAction*>(pAction);
- OUString aUniText( pAct->GetText() );
- OString aText(OUStringToOString(aUniText, rActualCharSet));
- const sal_Int32 nStrLen = aText.getLength();
- if ( ImplWriteUnicodeComment( rOStm, aUniText ) )
- nCount++;
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_TEXT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 24 + ( nStrLen + 1 ) );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetIndex() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetLen() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nStrLen );
- rOStm.WriteBytes( aText.getStr(), nStrLen + 1 );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXTARRAY:
- {
- const MetaTextArrayAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaTextArrayAction*>(pAction);
- OString aText(OUStringToOString(pAct->GetText(), rActualCharSet));
- OUString aUniText = pAct->GetText().copy(
- pAct->GetIndex(),
- std::min<sal_Int32>(pAct->GetText().getLength() - pAct->GetIndex(), pAct->GetLen()) );
- sal_Int32 nAryLen;
- sal_Int32 nLen = pAct->GetLen();
- const sal_Int32 nTextLen = aText.getLength();
- long* pDXArray = pAct->GetDXArray();
- if ( ImplWriteUnicodeComment( rOStm, aUniText ) )
- nCount++;
- if( ( nLen + pAct->GetIndex() ) > nTextLen )
- {
- if( pAct->GetIndex() <= nTextLen )
- nLen = nTextLen - pAct->GetIndex();
- else
- nLen = 0;
- }
- if( !pDXArray || !nLen )
- nAryLen = 0;
- else
- nAryLen = nLen; // #105987# Write out all of DX array
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 28 + ( nLen + 1 ) + ( nAryLen * 4 ) );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nLen );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nLen );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nAryLen );
- rOStm.WriteBytes( aText.getStr()+pAct->GetIndex(), nLen + 1 );
- for (sal_Int32 n = 0; n < nAryLen; ++n)
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pDXArray[ n ] );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::STRETCHTEXT:
- {
- const MetaStretchTextAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaStretchTextAction*>(pAction);
- OUString aUniText( pAct->GetText() );
- OString aText(OUStringToOString(aUniText, rActualCharSet));
- const sal_Int32 nStrLen = aText.getLength();
- if ( ImplWriteUnicodeComment( rOStm, aUniText ) )
- nCount++;
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 28 + ( nStrLen + 1 ) );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetIndex() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetLen() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nStrLen );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetWidth() );
- rOStm.WriteBytes( aText.getStr(), nStrLen + 1 );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::BMP:
- {
- const MetaBmpAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaBmpAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_BITMAP_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 12 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- WriteDIB(pAct->GetBitmap(), rOStm, false, true);
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::BMPSCALE:
- {
- const MetaBmpScaleAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaBmpScaleAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 20 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetSize() );
- WriteDIB(pAct->GetBitmap(), rOStm, false, true);
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::BMPSCALEPART:
- {
- const MetaBmpScalePartAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaBmpScalePartAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 36 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetDestPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetDestSize() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetSrcPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetSrcSize() );
- WriteDIB(pAct->GetBitmap(), rOStm, false, true);
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::BMPEX:
- {
- const MetaBmpExAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaBmpExAction*>(pAction);
- const BitmapEx aBmp( pAct->GetBitmapEx() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_BITMAP_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 12 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- WriteDIB(aBmp, rOStm, false);
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALE:
- {
- const MetaBmpExScaleAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScaleAction*>(pAction);
- const BitmapEx aBmp( pAct->GetBitmapEx() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 20 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetSize() );
- WriteDIB(aBmp, rOStm, false);
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::BMPEXSCALEPART:
- {
- const MetaBmpExScalePartAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaBmpExScalePartAction*>(pAction);
- const BitmapEx aBmp( pAct->GetBitmapEx() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 36 );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetDestPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetDestSize() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetSrcPoint() );
- WritePair( rOStm, pAct->GetSrcSize() );
- WriteDIB(aBmp, rOStm, false);
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::GRADIENT:
- {
- const MetaGradientAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaGradientAction*>(pAction);
- const Gradient& rGrad = pAct->GetGradient();
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_GRADIENT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 46 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( static_cast<sal_Int16>(rGrad.GetStyle()) );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rGrad.GetStartColor() );
- ImplWriteColor( rOStm, rGrad.GetEndColor() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rGrad.GetAngle() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rGrad.GetBorder() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rGrad.GetOfsX() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rGrad.GetOfsY() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rGrad.GetStartIntensity() );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( rGrad.GetEndIntensity() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::GRADIENTEX:
- {
- const MetaGradientExAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaGradientExAction*>(pAction);
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write RefPoint comment
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write data
- WritePolyPolygon( rOStm, pA->GetPolyPolygon() );
- WriteGradient( rOStm, pA->GetGradient() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 ); // number of actions that follow this comment
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::WALLPAPER:
- {
- const MetaWallpaperAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaWallpaperAction*>(pAction);
- const Color& rColor = pAct->GetWallpaper().GetColor();
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rColor, 1 );
- ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, rColor, 1 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_RECT_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 28 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 );
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- nCount += 5;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::CLIPREGION:
- {
- const MetaClipRegionAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaClipRegionAction*>(pAction);
- const vcl::Region& rRegion = pAct->GetRegion();
- tools::Rectangle aClipRect;
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 24 );
- if( pAct->IsClipping() )
- {
- aClipRect = rRegion.GetBoundRect();
- rOStm.WriteInt16( 1 );
- }
- else
- rOStm.WriteInt16( 0 );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( 0 );
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, aClipRect );
- if( pAct->IsClipping() )
- ImplWriteRect( rOStm, aClipRect );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- {
- const MetaISectRectClipRegionAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaISectRectClipRegionAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 20 );
- WriteRectangle( rOStm, pAct->GetRect() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::MOVECLIPREGION:
- {
- const MetaMoveClipRegionAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaMoveClipRegionAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 12 );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetHorzMove() );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pAct->GetVertMove() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::LINECOLOR:
- {
- const MetaLineColorAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaLineColorAction*>(pAction);
- ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, rLineCol = pAct->GetColor(), pAct->IsSetting() ? 1 : 0 );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::FILLCOLOR:
- {
- const MetaFillColorAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaFillColorAction*>(pAction);
- ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, pAct->GetColor(), pAct->IsSetting() ? 1 : 0 );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::FONT:
- {
- rSaveVDev.SetFont( static_cast<const MetaFontAction*>(pAction)->GetFont() );
- ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXTCOLOR:
- {
- vcl::Font aSaveFont( rSaveVDev.GetFont() );
- aSaveFont.SetColor( static_cast<const MetaTextColorAction*>(pAction)->GetColor() );
- rSaveVDev.SetFont( aSaveFont );
- ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXTFILLCOLOR:
- {
- const MetaTextFillColorAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaTextFillColorAction*>(pAction);
- vcl::Font aSaveFont( rSaveVDev.GetFont() );
- if( pAct->IsSetting() )
- aSaveFont.SetFillColor( pAct->GetColor() );
- else
- aSaveFont.SetFillColor( COL_TRANSPARENT );
- rSaveVDev.SetFont( aSaveFont );
- ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXTALIGN:
- {
- vcl::Font aSaveFont( rSaveVDev.GetFont() );
- aSaveFont.SetAlignment( static_cast<const MetaTextAlignAction*>(pAction)->GetTextAlign() );
- rSaveVDev.SetFont( aSaveFont );
- ImplWriteFont( rOStm, rSaveVDev.GetFont(), rActualCharSet );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::MAPMODE:
- {
- const MetaMapModeAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaMapModeAction*>(pAction);
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_MAPMODE_ACTION );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 30 );
- ImplWriteMapMode( rOStm, pAct->GetMapMode() );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::PUSH:
- {
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- rLineColStack.push( new Color( rLineCol ) );
- rSaveVDev.Push();
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::POP:
- {
- Color* pCol;
- if (rLineColStack.empty())
- pCol = nullptr;
- else
- {
- pCol =;
- rLineColStack.pop();
- }
- if( pCol )
- {
- rLineCol = *pCol;
- delete pCol;
- }
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- rSaveVDev.Pop();
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::RASTEROP:
- {
- const MetaRasterOpAction* pAct = static_cast<const MetaRasterOpAction*>(pAction);
- if( ( pAct->GetRasterOp() != RasterOp::N0 ) && ( pAct->GetRasterOp() != RasterOp::N1 ) )
- {
- sal_Int16 nRasterOp;
- // If RasterOp::N0/1 was set earlier, restore old state
- // via a Pop first
- if( rRop_0_1 )
- {
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- rSaveVDev.Pop();
- rRop_0_1 = false;
- nCount++;
- }
- switch( pAct->GetRasterOp() )
- {
- case RasterOp::OverPaint : nRasterOp = 0; break;
- case RasterOp::Xor : nRasterOp = 4; break;
- case RasterOp::Invert: nRasterOp = 1; break;
- default: nRasterOp = 0; break;
- }
- ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, nRasterOp );
- nCount++;
- }
- else
- {
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- rSaveVDev.Push();
- if( pAct->GetRasterOp() == RasterOp::N0 )
- {
- ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK, 1 );
- ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK, 1 );
- }
- else
- {
- ImplWriteLineColor( rOStm, COL_WHITE, 1 );
- ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, COL_WHITE, 1 );
- }
- ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 0 );
- rRop_0_1 = true;
- nCount += 4;
- }
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::Transparent:
- {
- const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly = static_cast<const MetaTransparentAction*>(pAction)->GetPolyPolygon();
- const sal_Int16 nTrans = static_cast<const MetaTransparentAction*>(pAction)->GetTransparence();
- const sal_Int16 nBrushStyle = ( nTrans < 38 ) ? 8 : ( nTrans < 63 ) ? 9 : 10;
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write transparence comment
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write comment data
- WritePolyPolygon( rOStm, rPolyPoly );
- rOStm.WriteInt16( nTrans );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 15 ); // number of actions that follow this comment
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- {
- // write actions for transparence
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- {
- ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 4 );
- ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly );
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- {
- ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 2 );
- ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, COL_BLACK, nBrushStyle );
- ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly );
- }
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- ImplWriteRasterOpAction( rOStm, 4 );
- ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly );
- }
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- ImplWritePushAction( rOStm );
- {
- ImplWriteFillColor( rOStm, Color(), 0 );
- ImplWritePolyPolyAction( rOStm, rPolyPoly );
- }
- ImplWritePopAction( rOStm );
- nCount += 15;
- }
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::FLOATTRANSPARENT:
- {
- const MetaFloatTransparentAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaFloatTransparentAction*>(pAction);
- const GDIMetaFile& rTransMtf = pA->GetGDIMetaFile();
- const Point& rPos = pA->GetPoint();
- const Size& rSize = pA->GetSize();
- const Gradient& rGradient = pA->GetGradient();
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write RefPoint comment
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write comment data
- WriteGDIMetaFile( rOStm, rTransMtf );
- WritePair( rOStm, rPos );
- WritePair( rOStm, rSize );
- WriteGradient( rOStm, rGradient );
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos + 4 );
- rOStm.Seek( ( nOldPos = nNewPos ) + 4 );
- {
- // write actions for float transparence
- sal_uLong nAddCount;
- GDIMetaFile aMtf( rTransMtf );
- const Size aSrcSize( rTransMtf.GetPrefSize() );
- Point aSrcPt( rTransMtf.GetPrefMapMode().GetOrigin() );
- const double fScaleX = aSrcSize.Width() ? static_cast<double>(rSize.Width()) / aSrcSize.Width() : 1.0;
- const double fScaleY = aSrcSize.Height() ? static_cast<double>(rSize.Height()) / aSrcSize.Height() : 1.0;
- long nMoveX, nMoveY;
- if( fScaleX != 1.0 || fScaleY != 1.0 )
- {
- aMtf.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY );
- aSrcPt.setX( FRound( aSrcPt.X() * fScaleX ) );
- aSrcPt.setY( FRound( aSrcPt.Y() * fScaleY ) );
- }
- nMoveX = rPos.X() - aSrcPt.X();
- nMoveY = rPos.Y() - aSrcPt.Y();
- if( nMoveX || nMoveY )
- aMtf.Move( nMoveX, nMoveY );
- nAddCount = ImplWriteActions( rOStm, aMtf, rSaveVDev, rRop_0_1, rLineCol, rLineColStack, rActualCharSet );
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nAddCount );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount += nAddCount;
- }
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::HATCH:
- {
- const MetaHatchAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaHatchAction*>(pAction);
- const tools::PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly = pA->GetPolyPolygon();
- const Hatch& rHatch = pA->GetHatch();
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos, nAddCount;
- // write hatch comment
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_HATCH_COMMENT );
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write comment data
- WritePolyPolygon( rOStm, rPolyPoly );
- WriteHatch( rOStm, rHatch );
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos + 4 );
- rOStm.Seek( ( nOldPos = nNewPos ) + 4 );
- {
- // write actions for hatch
- ScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > aVDev;
- GDIMetaFile aTmpMtf;
- aVDev->AddHatchActions( rPolyPoly, rHatch, aTmpMtf );
- nAddCount = ImplWriteActions( rOStm, aTmpMtf, rSaveVDev, rRop_0_1, rLineCol, rLineColStack, rActualCharSet );
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nAddCount );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount += nAddCount;
- }
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::REFPOINT:
- {
- const MetaRefPointAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaRefPointAction*>(pAction);
- const Point& rRefPoint = pA->GetRefPoint();
- const bool bSet = pA->IsSetting();
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write RefPoint comment
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write data
- WritePair( rOStm, rRefPoint );
- rOStm.WriteBool( bSet );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 ); // number of actions that follow this comment
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXTLINECOLOR:
- {
- const MetaTextLineColorAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaTextLineColorAction*>(pAction);
- const Color& rColor = pA->GetColor();
- const bool bSet = pA->IsSetting();
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write RefPoint comment
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write data
- WriteColor( rOStm, rColor );
- rOStm.WriteBool( bSet );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 ); // number of actions that follow this comment
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::TEXTLINE:
- {
- const MetaTextLineAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaTextLineAction*>(pAction);
- const Point& rStartPt = pA->GetStartPoint();
- const sal_Int32 nWidth = static_cast<sal_Int32>(pA->GetWidth());
- const FontStrikeout eStrikeout = pA->GetStrikeout();
- const FontLineStyle eUnderline = pA->GetUnderline();
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write RefPoint comment
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write data
- WritePair( rOStm, rStartPt );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nWidth ).WriteUInt32( eStrikeout ).WriteUInt32( eUnderline );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 ); // number of actions that follow this comment
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- case MetaActionType::EPS:
- break;
- case MetaActionType::COMMENT:
- {
- const MetaCommentAction* pA = static_cast<const MetaCommentAction*>(pAction);
- const sal_uInt32 nDataSize = pA->GetDataSize();
- sal_uLong nOldPos, nNewPos;
- // write RefPoint comment
- rOStm.WriteInt16( GDI_COMMENT_COMMENT );
- // we'll write the ActionSize later
- nOldPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.SeekRel( 4 );
- // write data
- write_uInt16_lenPrefixed_uInt8s_FromOString(rOStm, pA->GetComment());
- rOStm.WriteInt32( pA->GetValue() ).WriteUInt32( nDataSize );
- if( nDataSize )
- rOStm.WriteBytes( pA->GetData(), nDataSize );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( 0 ); // number of actions that follow this comment
- // calculate and write ActionSize of comment
- nNewPos = rOStm.Tell();
- rOStm.Seek( nOldPos );
- rOStm.WriteInt32( nNewPos - nOldPos );
- rOStm.Seek( nNewPos );
- nCount++;
- }
- break;
- default:
- SAL_WARN( "vcl", "Missing implementation for Action#: " << static_cast<sal_Int32>(pAction->GetType()) );
- break;
- }
- }
- return nCount;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.cxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.cxx
index ff39add86116..0be004a60a3d 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.cxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.cxx
@@ -227,48 +227,6 @@ void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::adoptSymKey( PK11SymKey* aSymKey ) {
-PK11SymKey* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getSymKey( unsigned int position ) {
- PK11SymKey* symkey ;
- std::list< PK11SymKey* >::iterator keyIt ;
- unsigned int pos ;
- symkey = nullptr ;
- for( pos = 0, keyIt = m_tSymKeyList.begin() ; pos < position && keyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() ; pos ++ , ++keyIt ) ;
- if( pos == position && keyIt != m_tSymKeyList.end() )
- symkey = *keyIt ;
- return symkey ;
-SECKEYPublicKey* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getPubKey( unsigned int position ) {
- SECKEYPublicKey* pubkey ;
- std::list< SECKEYPublicKey* >::iterator keyIt ;
- unsigned int pos ;
- pubkey = nullptr ;
- for( pos = 0, keyIt = m_tPubKeyList.begin() ; pos < position && keyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() ; pos ++ , ++keyIt ) ;
- if( pos == position && keyIt != m_tPubKeyList.end() )
- pubkey = *keyIt ;
- return pubkey ;
-SECKEYPrivateKey* SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::getPriKey( unsigned int position ) {
- SECKEYPrivateKey* prikey ;
- std::list< SECKEYPrivateKey* >::iterator keyIt ;
- unsigned int pos ;
- prikey = nullptr ;
- for( pos = 0, keyIt = m_tPriKeyList.begin() ; pos < position && keyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() ; pos ++ , ++keyIt ) ;
- if( pos == position && keyIt != m_tPriKeyList.end() )
- prikey = *keyIt ;
- return prikey ;
void SecurityEnvironment_NssImpl::updateSlots()
//In case new tokens are present then we can obtain the corresponding slot
diff --git a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.hxx b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.hxx
index 88f6a0762125..4f5c924a3a03 100644
--- a/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.hxx
+++ b/xmlsecurity/source/xmlsec/nss/securityenvironment_nssimpl.hxx
@@ -102,17 +102,6 @@ private:
/// @throws css::uno::Exception
/// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException
void adoptSymKey( PK11SymKey* aSymKey ) ;
- /// @throws css::uno::Exception
- /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException
- PK11SymKey* getSymKey( unsigned int position ) ;
- /// @throws css::uno::Exception
- /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException
- SECKEYPublicKey* getPubKey( unsigned int position ) ;
- /// @throws css::uno::Exception
- /// @throws css::uno::RuntimeException
- SECKEYPrivateKey* getPriKey( unsigned int position ) ;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > > SAL_CALL getPersonalCertificates() override ;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::uno::Reference< css::security::XCertificate > > SAL_CALL getAllCertificates() override